Hon. Michelle Williams Court See Rating Details
Superior Court
Los Angeles County
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Attorney Average Rating:   4.2 - 16 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   1.0 - 7 rating(s)
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* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
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General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Michelle Williams Court



Comment #: CA54315
Rating:Not Rated
Have never seen a worse judge. She is not even a judge; she is a person placed in a judge position without proper qualifications and without the ability to judge. So many factual errors in her orders. Absurdly ridiculous how many errors this woman makes. Her orders show zero research and are less competent than a first-year law student drafting her first legal document in her first law course. Avoid this debacle of a "judge" that causes litigants and attorneys to cringe at her monumental errors. She is a stain on the Los Angeles County courts.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA52977
Rating:Not Rated
This woman is a complete disaster! She refuses to recuse herself despite a timely filed 170.6 motion. Even her clerk gets the minute orders wrong. Inept judge, uses fallacy and ambiguity in writing court orders. She makes false accusations, constantly violates code of civil procedures and court rules, a complete embarrassment to our legal system.


Comment #: CA52652
I have witnessed a lot of judges on family law! My
Michelle Williams is a joke!! She is reckless, arrogant, clearly you can see she has mage up her mind before the hearing even begins! She is a loose cannon , with absolute discriminatory behavior! Nothing she does is kosher! She is clearly there for the power trip and collecting a pay check! This is not a judge that you can see takes their time, asks reasonable questions to deliberate fairly and in accordance with a statute! I’m shocked she has not been disbarred yet! It’s a shame to hire a judge that doesn’t belong in that position! A lot of innocent lives can be ruined, as the saying “innocent until proven guilty “ can go down
the toilet! Wake up our government, do your due diligence!!!!


Comment #: CA52621
Rating:Not Rated
As one poster put it on another judge, that this judge is known for being thorough and ethical; to balance out the negative comments, I think that Judge Williams-Court is known to one of the better LASC judges; she is known for her ethics, known to be fair, reads the papers; unlike certain LA family judges, and some abusive, nepotism nasty, conflicted, LASC family judges, from CCW to Mosk; while Judge Court-Willimas is NOT known for backroom dealings and influences.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA52329
An absolute disgrace to the Bench and needs to be removed! The worst possible judge ever and ruins people's faith in the judicial system; much of what she says is complete babble, and blatent disregard to the law.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA49350
Rating:Not Rated
As a judge in Dept. 1 of Stanley Musk Courthouse, she is shockingly incompetent. She made an order in which she stated I had filed a malicious prosecution case, which I had, but in the same order she then twice called it a legal malpractice case. I have never filed any legal malpractice case ever. Total incompetence -- ignorant, sloppy, erroneous orders. A "judge" that makes ridiculously false statements in her orders. Then her clerk, instead of telling the "judge" that her own order has multiple errors, claims I must file to have the "judge" correct her own errors, and it may take 90 days -- for her to do a nunc pro tunc of her own errors in her own order. Obvious a diversity pick as she is totally lacking in the most basic judicial skills such as making orders without repeated and obvious errors. It is her order, signed by her, with a multiplicity of false statements. Epitome of judicial incompetence. Run away from this ridiculously erroneous "judge." Be warned, a 170 motion is warranted.


Comment #: CA40434
One of the worst judges i have ever witnessed!! Has no business practicing what she does> She is arrogant, reckless, impulsive and never looks at facts but goes off opinion of whom she favors.
I can't believe with all the horrific postings she is still allowed to be ruling and ruining lives of those who rightfully should have been ruled on the other end!!!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA38732
Read Williams v. City of Pasadena, where Judge Williams Court was overturned, to get a taste for why the opinions here run so negatively about her legal scholarship. Made a clear error in a dangerous condition case. She recently ruled against me on a law and motion matter w/o citing to any legal authority and she scoffed when I asked what the LEGAL basis for the court's ruling was. At this point, I'd say paper this judge if you get her, especially if you're a plaintiff.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA37435
Pompous, Arrogant, Judge who does not rule by the law instead by her personal opinion should not be a judge does not know squat about the rule of law needs to be removed from the bench

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA34138
It is quite interesting to see comments that are either 9 or 10 out of 10, or a 1 out of 10. In my firm's experiences with Judge Michelle Williams Court, none of the flattering comments have been evident in any case I or my associates have had in front of Judge Williams Court.

Judge Michelle Williams Court is not fair, not ethical, biased and does not follow the law.

Some of the posters here claim that all negative comments against Judge Michelle Williams Court are because they are litigants and Judge Williams Court gave them unfavorable rulings. This is not the case with my firm's multiple experiences.

Not only does Judge Williams Court NOT follow the law, much like one of the posters here where he/she complained but also had a favorable outcome, even when our side has been victorious, Judge Williams Court still didn't apply the correct standard or law.

I have found that Judge Williams Court does not completely read the paperwork and makes her determination either beforehand without listening to oral argument, or bases her determinations on how well she likes the litigants.

Additionally, as a few posters here have indicated, Judge Williams Court frequently takes outright proven lies by the other side into evidence and does not even give you an opportunity to object to same.

In 19 years, I have not been in front of a less professional, less ethical, less prepared Judge than Judge Williams Court.

Judge Williams Court should not be a Judge.


Comment #: CA28763
Rating:Not Rated
She just got thrown out of a case for being biased towards the defendants all while she’s winning elections! If people knew what kind of judge she was they wouldn’t vote for her. What kind of a judge gets thrown out If her own court room?

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA27873
I echo the comments about a lack of understanding of legal concepts, as well as laziness. Her rulings make clear she does not review the papers, as she seriously incorrectly characterizes their content. She is loathe to make decisions, and an attorney should 170.6 her upon assignment as she holds no regard for evidence or law.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA27057
As a 20 year trial lawyer, stay away from this Judge. This Judge rules without regard to statutes or case authority. I won my case, and even I knew I should have lost. I would only go in front of this Judge because I was successful fooling this Judge. But I would warn everyone else that you won't get "the law" in this Judge's court. This Judge disregards case authority in your papers and rules on whatever Judge's whim may be for the day. STEER CLEAR. Another note: google the spouse of this judge, who attacks all manner of law enforcement/public entities.


Comment #: CA26994
Rating:Not Rated
Att Michelle Williams you seem like a very good person working hard
But you could have done Adoption foster care .leave them someplace safe .what about their rights a human being a child a person .it's a child not a choice a baby doesn't ruin your life .a social worker can help Lutheran social services Apple pregnancy Catholic charities .if Woman'Don't want to be a mom they can give them to somebody else to have not murder of a human being a precious gift from God Planned Parenthood reproductive Rights pro choice government people will never never keep abortion legal pro life people will never never never stop fighting until abortion ends .Care net

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA16534
Finally, a competent and fair judge in L.A. Our case went through a number of very biased and unethical judges before being transferred to Judge Williams. She is smart, pleasant and unbiased. She was well-prepared for our class cert hearing and understood complex litigation.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA14750
Seemed to be fair and impartial.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA12916
Best Judge in Los Angeles BY FAR!!!!


Comment #: CA12779
Rating:Not Rated
This Judge was the worst. She Never let the plaintiffs speak. She had her mind made up prior to the trial. She is not in favor of hardworking people. She is for broke ass do nothings who use others for their own personal gain.


Comment #: CA12777
Judge Williams ignored the tangible evidence provided in discovery and based her decision on the defendants comments which happen to be unsupported and at times an outright lie. What appeared to be a no brainer has now turned into an appeal.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA12705
She is not qualified to hold the position. For the good of the legal community, she should not be permitted to run unopposed next election.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA11788
This judge needs a refresher course in basic civil procedure. She denied a slam dunk summary judgment motion, claiming all the opposing party needs to do is negate one insignificant fact in the moving party's statement of undisputed facts to prevail, even if the fact does not go to the merits of the case, contrary to the language of the statute and case law.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA11737
This judge does not follow the law. She completely ignored the cases cited by the defendant and did not even cite any cases that supported her decision (because none exist). She simply ruled the way she wanted. She should be avoided.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA11665
Lazy and doesn't seem to understand legal concepts. Afraid to make a decision.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA8673
It's a pity a lot the comments here are not by respected lawyers in the profession, but rather litigants unhappy with their rulings or low rung attorneys. Judge Williams Court is sharp and gives everyone their fair say. She also issues detailed tentative rulings, which is very helpful and can save time for parties.


Comment #: CA8360
She was lazy and although I'm sure she is competent, she did NOT do her job. She did not read the evidence and awarded more time to the abusive father, handing over a young girl to have more time with him. When the father was supposed to submit hard copies of his tax returns, he instead presented them off of his laptop and she allowed it. She did have her mind made up before she got to the bench. And clearly did not read the file and allowed perjury.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA7269
This Judge clearly has no experience as a litigator. It did not appear that she had made any effort to ascertain the law (which was clear and indisputable). It is unclear as to how she made her decision, however it was made prior to taking the bench. Her order was reversed on appeal but not without causing irreparable injury to the party.


Comment #: CA6681
It's a shame that new judges get assigned to family law. She has no knowledge. No understanding of evidence. Facts have no meaning.
She is one of the least capable I have ever seen. She has the job and it's sad for all parties she is here to stay. Use 170.6 the second you see or hear your name on the case. The worst and seems lazy to boot. No background for this job. She is the sign of a political favor.


Comment #: CA5683
Rating:Not Rated
Was horrible could not make a rational decesion if her life depended on it ! Have to agree with one of the other person who commented about how she already has made a decision before hearing the argument very dangerous to have a judge like that. Could ruin someone's life be making a quick decision without really digesting both parties she really should be disbarred and I'm not the only one who agrees

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA5667
seems nice but has her mind made up before enters the court room. presenting facts or witnesses won't change her mind. very stange judge.
excellent manners. WELL, thats all she got.


Comment #: CA5661
Horrendous, I was a witness to a train wreck. It was like she closed her eyes and flipped a coin and whatever it landed on that would be it. She basically took any innocent person and sentenced them to prision. Two other attorneys who were in the room the day of the hearing who we just happen to run into by luck ould not agree as well what a disaster her ruling was. All the facts were there and the proof was in the pudding. The least she could have done is give an extension to get whatever paperwork was missing to make a clear and reasonable decision not on some impulsive behavior. I have nothing to lose since i was not personally involved but i have been a witnes to the actions of what has been going on for the past 2 years seeing his ex steal from our home we even have video footage of it and she did nothing about that either. All i can say it was a travisty what happened and again two other lawyers can back me on that. She said be disbarred for her recklessness and neglagence it was a day i'll never forget.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA5499
Patient. Listens. Considers all arguments. Thoughtful rulings.