Hon. Emily Peacock See Rating Details

Circuit Court
Hillsborough County
13th Circuit
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Emily Peacock



Comment #: FL9868
I would like to preface this, there is some hope for victims [Redacted by Ed.] This"judge" straight up lies in its court room and helps organized crime ruin you. I would avoid using Tampa attorneys if you can, she inadvertently clued me in on an organized crime racket in Tampa, this includes [Redacted by Ed.] and I am sure many more.


Comment #: FL9038
Rating:Not Rated
Honorable Judge
Upon my return from Florida to California I had the unfortunate circumstances of trying to be set up for a stolen truck they claim that the truck was stolen out of Arizona but I was on the Greyhound bus the whole time even though I had never sat in the truck at Tulare County Deputy Ibarra told me he knows I stole this truck don't lie to him
Unfortunately your name comes up associated with Ibarra Sabrina Boston and we also know that Jesse Harper was somebody else that was involved out of Sanger also I noticed that somebody was doing a really great switcheroo with the teacher that was married to the underage student that they're trying to make look like a Hawaiian guy the Mary Kay girl.. it was very interesting from them to be able to pull that shot from Vegas and switched names around and get an innocent guy busted and let another guy make out with all the money and this all originated in Reno and came all the way to Dinuba California I was wondering if you happen to be related to Jane Peacock on Floral Avenue ? Please sign the petition to stop Lisa Hickman from stealing from the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Department with her notary stamp her notary stamp has committed more robberies than any firearm in the Tampa Bay area..... so do the rest of us get to steal with Joseph Boutin Boudreaux ? Some of us are feeling a little left out like refugees thank you


Comment #: FL8523
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Peacock it has come to some of our attention that you may have some family over here in the Dinuba California area.. I don't know if you know the Williams Poston Curnett Larry Miller or Tulare County Deputy Ibarra ... please keep an eye out for the midnight Court sessions where they allow somebody else come in there and pretend they were the victim by changing names like they do for the Gilbert Foundation and the Burnett Law Firm they did this to me before when I was poisoned out at Harding & Leggett in Orange Cove ..
They got to file a lot of fraudulent lawsuits .. please keep an eye out for the Smith Sanders Hagopian williams Lisa Hickman @ Grissenger family


Comment #: FL8377
Judge Emily Peacock was reported to the FL Supreme Court Compliance Committee for laws, rights, & Judicial canon violations after she levied a decision within a 16 minute hearing without the Party knowing the Probable Causes beforehand, with a single statement made by unknown substitute Attorney Representation, no opportunity to provide any defense, supporting evidence on either litigants' arguments, refused to clarify her determinations and traumatized the Children & Victim without an investigation or interview having taken place, as stated in the official Police records.

Dishonorable Judge Peacock & Kimberly Hernandez-Vance are merely Political Figureheads, both guilty to Parties to the latest Pinellas/Hillsborough County's Child Deaths & Victimizations that will continue to occur just as it had been identified previously by the Tampa Bay Times Reporters in 2016 and since.

Children will continue to suffer egregiously until these Judge's are finally held accountable for their Color of Law & Human Rights violations.

I place the blame of Child deaths soloely on such Judge's who customize the court records to cover the crimes committed upon the excessive rates of removal in these counties.

Attorney's litigating for Appeals and/or Lawsuits advise of their sense of exhaustion & its futility after decades of witnessing these truths.

Federal Court Participant Trauma training programs have yet to address these matters, nor do the Family Courts follow the Federal Manadates to abide such.

Judge NcNeil was a Criminal Court Judge written up for DV Batter in the TBT.

This reputations and Judicial misconduct is well documented, reputations established, & never penialized or held accountable in any way.

Rights & Laws are not privileges for the criminals only, yet they appear to be the only individuals who are "Innocent until Proven Guilty," everyone else is "Guilty" by accusation and hearsay, Guilty or Not, especially if Rights & Laws were, in fact, violated wantonly.

This Reality will be made so every time, without fail.


Comment #: FL8369
Rating:Not Rated
This judge get to lie and steal the Greg Hudson AKA Myron Hofer Williams family manly all child molesters if you look on my Facebook they even take advantage of people with disabilities such as Down syndrome by switching names and then trying to give other people a reputation you really should quit doing favors for Sanders Shaffer Wiggins Higgins human trafficking real estate family.... if you had any idea how much money and damages you cost me doing favors for people you would understand I really appreciate Kevin grissinger sending texting me a virus on my phone it was a Snowman I've sent you multiple emails and receive no response so this is what I get to do when you allow somebody to file a fictitious restraining orders on somebody else's behalf that's illegal. Why don't you take a look at my Facebook because it's dedicated to throwing all these piece of s*** under the bus the lawsuit is going to continue because I was actually threatened with a firearm by another person presenting FBI credentials is Cheryl Smith from Dinuba Visalia Courthouse over there with Rodney Huffman please quit allowing her and her family to do this kind of stuff she even denies her son's a cop over there that falsely arrested me thanks Holly

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: FL3816
I wish all Peacocks would disappear from Hillsborough.


Comment #: FL1986
Rating:Not Rated
This judge was prejudicial against us from the time we first walked into her courtroom, consistently refusing to even speak to my husband. She has denied both admissible testimony and evidence in hearings, violated the law and both state and federal constitutions in her rulings, and contradicted her own statements in ruling different ways on similar issues (depending on whether it was something we wanted or not). She kept continuing our trial beyond limits prescribed by law and in her ruling ignored the law and an abundance of case law. She showed clear age discrimination in her written decision and included a description of my physical appearance as partial grounds for her "findings" in our case. She also used the fact that I declined diversion against me, referred to my exercising my 4th amendment right as "abusive" and used my history of having been molested as a child as a basis for determining that I was unable to protect any of my children from PROSPECTIVE sexual abuse (none was alleged). This judge should be removed from the bench for misconduct.