Hon. Linda Babb See Rating Details

Circuit Court
Pasco County
6th Circuit
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Attorney Average Rating:   3.1 - 9 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   2.0 - 14 rating(s)
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* Temperament (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Scholarship (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Industriousness (1=Not at all industrious,10=Highly industrious)
* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

Civil Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Involvement in Settlement Discussions (1=Not at all Involved,10=Very Involved)
General Inclination (1=Pro-defendant, 10=Pro-plaintiff)

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What others have said about Hon. Linda Babb


Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: FL9909
I had a case before Judge Babb 20 years ago. The case drug out for 15 months. It looked as though the case would be lost but the defendant committed perjury. Judge Babb was right on top of the details of the case. The case was complicated and required alot of reading to stay on top. Judge Babb performed as well or better than other district Judges in Pasco County. I would gladly appear again in her court. I now practice in Washington DC.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: FL9622
Rating:Not Rated
I have an injunction placed on me from an ex girlfriend who lives in central Florida now. I jumped through every hoop that they told me to. Julia Pulaski the clerk was pretty much advising me exactly what I need to do to open the case back up. When I first got served the papers I was given four days until the court date that was an option so I had to go through the whole portal system they have. I ended up just overnighting paperwork after finding a notary at 11 o’clock at night because I had to have the paperwork there by the next morning. The case was reopened. I got reserved again for a new court date and hearing. I listened to three different cases for over two hours, and these are teenagers bickering about this and that basically teenage stuff. We get called upon. And it’s almost as if she had her mind made up already. There was no hearing she didn’t give me the time of day and just wrote denied the clerk ms. Pulaski Knew she had done wrong by advising me. they then had a moment to look at each other and that was it. Corrupt? I drove seven hours and spent a month preparing for a hearing that lasted 60 seconds. Lidacris bias Linda Babb.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: FL9399
Very bias. She ruined my life by letting a cop beat my kids and me. And his girlfriend tried to kill us and got away with it but I have been patient; it will come out now. Right Judge Babb.


Comment #: FL9091
Rating:Not Rated
Unacceptable. She rubbed and played with her dog the whole time while my ex-husband admitted to hitting me. He was a deputy that worked for her husband. My ex-husband had raped me in the military. His new girlfriend tried to kill me and our kids. Judge Babb is not professional. She is biased. She has ruined and destroyed my children. She needs to lose her license. I am a registered nurse and she treated me like scum and that it was ok for a deputy to hit his wife and children.
I will start a petition against her with the facts. She doesn't deserve her robe.


Comment #: FL8588
If there was a 0 rating I would have chosen it. I was a defendant in a recent injunction hearing. The judge kept asking the plaintiff for exact dates and times in which she said is the law but the girl could not give dates and times. The judge also looked up my witnesses criminal background and ask him an open ended question and then called him a liar when it was said that the question was misunderstood and then she made comments like he was a felon and he had been in prison and at that time she awarded the injunction on that and not the facts of the case. She then preceded to call me a fool and I didn't appreciate the name calling from a judge that doesn't even know me personally. Something was said from the plaintiff that I had Marchman acted her boyfriend which was my Ex and we had been in a relationship for 12 years. The judge made the statement that I can't change him and I said Ma'am I don't want him to die of a drug overdose and the judge states "well you have no control over that now do you." What right did she have to express her opinion on that and would she have felt the same if it was her loved one. She was rude and my opinion unprofessional speaking of things that had nothing to do with the case. She did not look up the plaintiff's extensive criminal record and make it public in the courtroom but she did it to my witness. If she was doing this to prove credibility then it should have been done to everyone. I was treated like shit for no reason while I am a law abiding citizen and she sides with an actual drug dealer.


Comment #: FL8173
Linda Babb should not even be called a "Judge" and should be removed immediately and her cases need to be redone by a competent, fair judge that holds the US Consitution, Statutes, and Ethics for that position. Linda Babb either doesn't know the United States Laws, Statutes and Ethics she is required to abide by to be in her position or just considers herself above the law and refuses to abide by them. Linda Babb is the worst and most unfair judge I have ever had the unpleasure to be victim to. She allowed the biased Assistant State Attorney Dawn Hubert to make her decisions at trials regarding the visitation of children, who are in group homes which means big money for them to keep them there, she allows children to live with their parents she isn't targeting at the moment even if they have never completed one hair follicle drug screen but makes the targeted parent do 3 (which even when passed along with 3-4 drug urine screens a week that's still not enough). Linda Babb was made aware of group home and foster cares abuse and neglect towards a child and did nothing about it and the parents the children were given to that are current and former drug users, causing physical and mental abuse towards the children, she ignored as well. If she has it out for you the only way you're going to have a fighting chance is to have a paid attorney. Once you have a paid attorney she is the nicest person you could ever meet, but if you don't have a paid attorney be prepared to lose your children. The attorneys they give you when you are considered indigent do nothing to help your case because they work for her.


Comment #: FL8172
If you would like to take action and report this so-called Judge "Linda Babb", call the Judicial C. Commission # for Judges at 850-488-1581. I got this number to report her specifically. Let's get her out of the office. She is extremely biased and not fit to make decisions as a Judge as we all know she is extremely underqualified and acts extremely bipolar. And for Dawn Hubert, the assistant state attorney call Fl Commission and Ethics # at 850-488-7864


Comment #: FL8012
Judge Babb makes horrible decisions when restraining order are involved. She allows people to stalk harass and use their car as a weapon and would not grant a restraining order. My opinion she is a horrible person for justice and the court system.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL7934
In my last comment, I forgot to click on the correct case I was involved in, which was civil litigation, not criminal lawyer. I am not a lawyer, but this site defaults to criminal lawyer, at least it does on my end.


Comment #: FL7932
The bad comments regarding this judge is true. She is bias, mean and hateful and will side with her friends, family and other connections she is personally associated with, rather than see that justice is served for those who have been wrongfully abused. She will not recuse herself when she is personally involved with the parties.

To those other bad comments,please contact me at 863-521-5884 as we have the same interest regarding this horrible judge and I would like to discuss this with you.

Roberta Cutting


Comment #: FL7930
Will discriminate against the disable and use it against you in the litigation process. Refuses to allow Due Process in Civil Matters by denying relevant evidence to be submitted as such.


Comment #: FL7876
Rating:Not Rated
Why is she even still on the bench? This woman is an absolute lunatic. TV station should send in an undercover "watcher" to see what we are all saying. The 10 star ratings I suspect are from "employees" or someone who is close to her. She is a nasty piece of work. Her mouth does no credit to the Judicial system, She really needs mental healthcare. she is bias, insulting, arrogant and Rude. Their is NO professionalism about her. Why do the Pasco county not care what this woman is doing in a alleged court of justice? We should ALL file complaints with the JQC. She belongs outside sweeping the roadside. Absolute nut case!


Comment #: FL7872
Judge is the worst judge and needs to be relieved of her duties. She is very biased on her decisions and doesn't listen and comprehend the FACTS in the case. She belittles litigants and degrades people testifying on the stand. She makes judgements based on false accusations and not on fact. She doesn't rule by the law accurately. She definitely favors lawyers over pro se litigants. She allowed testimony of the plaintiff giving her opinion and giving testimony of a 3rd party that wasn't there. When the roles were reversed, Judge Babb struck the respondents comments that were given involving this third party person. She has a very red neck demeanor and has no business being on the bench. She is very mean and hateful and talks down to individuals making rude and ignorant comments to make them look like a fool.


Comment #: FL7464
Horrible woman, actually had the audacity to a laughed at me when saying something in court. Unprofessional, arrogant and ignorant abou the issue before her. Her bias was very clear, and she turned it into a circus. She should go back to being a state attorney, a least she cared about people then. She was the DA in a DV case against my EX. Never did I think that 18 years later she would become my ABUSER. The "good ole boy" club is clearly now her priority. An absolute disgrace to Pasco legal system. I Pray she will be removed from the bench, the woman is cold as Ice and mean as a junk yard dog! And has no problem Ignoring FL statutes and Laws.


Comment #: FL7346
She needs to listen and comprehend. Judge cuts people off as their speaking and demonstrates a lack of patience and consideration for not only the people, but also her to her own staff, embarrassing them all together. She portrays herself above the law, and shows little concern for others situations. Ego and prideful! She’s a disgrace to all.


Comment #: FL6558
Refused to actually listen and follow statutes, and made a disabled person homeless. The dream of homeownership is gone with income cut more than half due to someone elses negligence and lack of insurance. Disability in this state, and this judge are a disgrace.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL6119
In recent litigation she made 3 reversible errors. Referred to plaintiff as a creatine. Brought bagels for defense, because he was jewish. Inept

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL5732
as unprofessional as they come ! case 2015 ca 004097 she asked the plaintiff "Bastian do you have a nick name " yes seabass, they she said , 'we have a bastian in our home we call him Bast"
really ??? ?like who gives a shit . !!! then she said WITH MIC ON, 'we will party like its 1999 " and cackled like a hen laying an egg. The only ones on her that "like" her are attys , she favors over pro per litigants. a real numbskull

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL5649
this women is a crazed individual , in dire need of long term counseling. Her hands flailing in the air, her fake red hair , her mouth repeating herself , not listening basically 'went crazy " a very poor actor and , failed attempt to copy judge judy who has brains and knowledge . This woman insulting did not hear the case but made off color remarks . She thinks she can bash litigants , a probate judge bashing the dead person?? AND thinks that family members should not sue each other ???? Of course these incompetant take care of each other . The people at the court have no clue , stupid employees who arent going to say anything. BAISED UNPROFESSIONAL in need of medication, (a lawyer told me very common for her ) to act like a wild woman , unreality tv poor acting , raises questions of mental stablity !!!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: FL5413
A fair and experienced no nonsense jurist, who possesses excellent innate ability to oversee and understand complex legal matters, in all areas of law, and an excellent trial judge from beginning to end. Unafraid to uphold the constitution and provide that due process standards be adhered to. One of the finest Trial Court Judge of all Judges within the Sixth Circuit Court within Pasco County, Florida.


Comment #: FL4874
This Judge is both fair and impartial in all matters presented in her court. Judge Babb is a thorough
Jurist who upholds the constitutional application of the law irrespective of which side of any legal issue may fall on, and her legal research is impeccable and thorough, and legal reasoning skills are fair and equitable. A honorable and experienced hard working Judge and a credit to her profession!


Comment #: FL4573
Horrible judge! She is very discriminatory and prejudicial and should be booted right off the bench.


Comment #: FL3709
Judge Linda H. Babb is NOT a fair judge and is completely bias, prejudicial and discriminatory. I know first hand as she leans on one side only and doesn't even care that she appears that way. Babb is a lousy judge who has no business on the bench.


Comment #: FL3708
A fair and no nonsense Judge who upholds the law regardless of where the chips may fall! A fair minded judge who seems to believe in what she does and applies the law in an equitable manner and will not favor one side over the other as many other judges are often prone to do! A brave hearted Christian who apparently believes in doing the right thing after all is considered in a legal matter! A top notch experienced legal mind!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: FL3674
Linda H. Babb is a dishonorable judge who has no business overseeing cases when she does not remain neutral, but is very unfair and bias in her decisions.


Comment #: FL3673
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Linda H. Babb is a terrible judge who is not fair and impartial, but a judge who is bias, prejudicial and discriminatory. She sides with the ones she favors and does not let justice prevail even when evidence is staring her in the face. She does not adhere to the laws and steers away from the laws if she can help the other side that she favors. Judge Linda H. Babb is a disgrace to the judicial system and undermines its integrity by her bias conduct that she has shown on
many occasions.


Comment #: FL3232
This is an excellent judge who knows the law, and applies the law evenly and fairly to both sides in all matters brought before her court. She is a very wise and somber jurist, who is not blinded by the awesome weight and power of the state or otherwise powerful opponents in a legal matter. You will not find a more intelligent and fair-minded judge in Pasco County!