Hon. Barbara B. Crabb See Rating Details
District Judge See Comments
Average Rating:8.0 - 36 rating(s)
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*Ability to Handle Complex Litigation:    (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
*Punctuality:    (1=Chronic`y Late,10=Always on Time)
*Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation:    (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
*Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation:   (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Flexibility In Scheduling   (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases, Pre-Trial:   (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Civil Settlement Discussions:   (1=Least Involved,10=Most Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases, Trial:    (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases, Sentencing:    (1=Most Lenient,10=Most Harsh)
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What others have said about Hon. Barbara B. Crabb



Comment #: 34360
Rating:Not Rated
This simple minded girl not only telegraphs her decision in a civil case before the presentation of any evidence but she does it openly and without any apparent embarrassment in showing her prejudice. She is incompetent, arrogant and unprofessional. I only saw one federal judge in 41 years of law practice who was more incompetent and that was the notorious Willis Ritter in the District of Utah.
My judgement of Barbara has little to do with her competence as a jurist but is mostly based on her nasty, arrogant and rude treatment of litigants who appear in her court. She is a nasty, rude pig.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 28848
I understand she is old and near the end. I hope that no one eulogizes her as anything other than what she was--a political, bitter person that somehow ended up on the bench. She lacks temperament and intellect and combines this with an obvious anger. Her record speaks for itself and demonstrates a level of frustration that just seeps from her conduct and decisions.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 18448
One of the best I've appeared before. Smart and decisive.


Comment #: 11649
Just received a letter from the Honorable Newt Gingrich concerning this issue. He states that the National Day of Prayer does not violate the First Amendment prohibition against the government establishment of religion. It, in fact, exercises the right to practice religion. It does not establish an official state religion nor require anyone to pray.
As Americans, a commitment to religious freedom is the very cornerstone of our liberty
Personally I'm sick of solitary liberal judges distorting and re-interpreting the Constitution, like this, that affects the entire nation, for their own legislative purposes and recognition!


Comment #: 10230
Wow! Excellent writing of the opinion supporting your judgment. Your logic was impeccable, and the language clear and concise. More importantly, the right answer. One more step in the right direction of reversing encroachment of religion into government. Each legal precendent helps rebuild the wall between church and state that our founding fathers intended, and that we so sorely need. Thank you your Honor.


Comment #: 10162
The tyranny of the majority does not affect you, and so you are a hero in my book. Thank you for such a clear, uncorrupted judgment on the unconstitutionality of the National Day of Prayer. The arguments against your ruling prove its accuracy.


Comment #: 10159
Rating:Not Rated
Have we forgotten that our founding Fathers acknowledged God numerous times. One of which is "we are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights...". The National day of Prayer is NOT an establishment of religion it is an acknowledgement of it. No one is forced to participate. It is not a law. We SHOULD acknowledge God because He is the reason for our becoming such a prosperous nation.

Court Staff

Comment #: 10122
Rating:Not Rated
I would expect atheists, anti-religionists, social-democrats, collectivists, tyrants, statists, and centrists to applaud this Opinion, whether it were based on Constitutions, laws, or precedent or not, to praise the courage of all who do likewise and to condemn the cowardice and mean-spiritedness of all who oppose it.

I would expect denominational adherents, moralists, non-conformists, religious freedom advocates, pluralists, federalists, and republicans (small 'r') to oppose it, whether or not the Opinion were based on Constitutions, laws, or precedent, and to praise the courage and honesty of those who oppose her Opinion, and to condemn the chicanery and malice of those who do as Judge Crabb.

And my expectations have been met to a T.

Now I hear Obama is asking her to reconsider her opinion. Which she may do as, so I've heard, she is being considered for a Supreme Court decision. Thank God there is no conflict of interest in any of this. :)

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 10113
66 pages of well-reasoned discussion of a difficult topic. I am a corporate lawyer and it took me 2 1/2 hours to carefully read and comprehend the opinion. Anyone who claims Judge Crabb needs to re-read the Constitution, etc. mus be written by a non-lawyer. The comments on this board show little comprehension of law and a lot of visceral reaction belying religious motivation. Ridiculous.

Judge Crabb, I hope you don't bother to read these comments, but to the extent you do, thank you for taking the time to work out the issues presented in this case. Reading your Opinion was a pleasure, and the people who confuse your Opinion with your opinions have no real basis to criticize the job you've done.


Comment #: 10110
Rating:Not Rated
The constitution says "congress shall make no law". The president designating National Prayer Day has nothing to do with congress and is not a law. So Judge Grabb is full of beans.


Comment #: 10109
Rating:Not Rated
The national day of prayer gives people the right to pray and this nation to take a unified stand. It also gives all US citizens the right not to pray if they so desire. Please leave the day of prayer alone. Its not about the government controlling religion and prayer its about civil rights for all citizens, religious or not!!!


Comment #: 10105
How many of those critical of her Day of Prayer decision have actually read all 66 pages of her decision? It would add to their credibilty; otherwise, dismiss the troglodytes.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: 10104
Rating:Not Rated
will she have the guts to make the same call about Black History Month? how about Gay Pride day OCt 11

they both discriminate based on either race or sexual orientation

but I bet she doesnt have the guts to make THOSE calls


Comment #: 10101
Justice Crabb: thanks for taking a stand against religious thugs who would seek to cram their way of life down the rest of our throats using public resources.

To the other posters on this board: I'm amused to think of a distinguished federal justice taking lessons on the constitution from zealots who write in all caps. Thanks for the laughs.


Comment #: 10097
Judge Barbara Crabb’s recent ruling concerning the unconstitutionality of the National Day of Prayer shows just how delusional and out of touch with reality she really is. Judge Crabb's ruling that atheists and agnostics could file a suit because they were “injured by being made to feel like outsiders on the National Day of Prayer” is absurd and supports my belief that this woman suffers from some type of mental disability or disorder, which should disqualify her from serving any longer as a U.S. District Judge on the bench of one of our nation’s highest courts. If she is permitted, she will next be outlawing Christmas on the same basis --because they, the atheists and agnostics feel like “outsiders.” Give me a break!

Judge Crabb is not only out of touch with our nation’s history, but out of touch with reality. I believe that Judge Crabb is in all probability a secret atheist or agnostic who is simply putting forth her own personal beliefs and agenda, which she just happens to share with the 15,000 atheist and agnostic men and women (i.e. Freedom from Religion) who filed this lawsuit.

As a Christian, I too have suffered “psychological harm” from Judge Crabb's recent ruling, therefore I plan to file on behalf of Heaven and earth and all of the Christians who dwell therein a judicial complaint against Justice Crabb on the basis that she having lost touch with reality is mentally unable to serve on one of our nation’s highest courts. Secondly, I will be filing a complaint against her on the basis that she, Judge Crabb, through her actions have caused me, and other Christians like me who love and accept the reality of the One true God and Savior Jesus Christ, great emotional harm. If the atheists/agnostics can sue the government on the basis of some self perceived "psychological harm and injury”, than so should we Christians be allowed to file a judicial complaint against this Judge and have it taken seriously.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: 10094
Rating:Not Rated
I just wanted to say I appreciate you standing up for those of us who do not pray or believe in God.
Thank you!


Comment #: 10092
Rating:Not Rated
This country was founded on religious principles as we all know.
Those of us who pray daily do not need a national day of prayer but a daily day of prayer.No one can stop you from praying and when your prayer is answered,dont forget to thank God for it.


Comment #: 10089
This is exactly what we get when liberals start stuffing the courts with their choices for judgeships. At 70+ years of age, you would think she might have gained some sense by now. Re-read the US Constitution and it's Amendments again, lady. You obviously have forgotten some of the pertitnent parts since you were in grade school.


Comment #: 10081
One Word: Constitution!! God help us all!


Comment #: 10070
It is not now, nor will it ever be the role of a judge to “stand up against the majority and fight for what you believe in.” A judge’s only duty is to rule on the constitutionality of an issue before them.

Additionally, the National Day of Prayer has nothing to with either a “federal ban on religion” or “the endorsement of religion”. It is rather, a simple acknowledgement as Samuel Adams said on September 6, 1774 on the second day of the Continental Congress in proposing the session be opened with prayer, in spite of the various Christian sects represented:

“Christian men, who come together for solemn deliberation in the hour of their extremity, to say there was so wide a difference in their religious belief that they could not, as one man, bow the knee in prayer to the Almighty, whose advice and assistance they hope to obtain.”

American history is rife with examples of the founder’s approval, even encouragement of prayer in the public discourse and square. To argue otherwise is to deny both the founder’s intent and the reality of our history.


Comment #: 10069
For those posting praise here for this judge; you all seem to miss the most basic of facts.

A. She is an activist whose rulings are clearly intended to "make new law".

B. She has either no understanding of the Constitution or she deliberately ignores it.

Either way, despite her courtroom demeanor, failure to uphold the US Constitution makes her patently incompetent by any measure.


Comment #: 10063
Pathetically PC. When it comes to being recognized as a competent judge, she "hasn't got a prayer."


Comment #: 10058
Thank you for standing up against the majority and fighting for what you believe in. I am glad to see that you reside in the state of Wisconsin as well as UW-Madison alumni. Please keep fighting for the complete separation of church and state. This is not a fight for a federal ban on religion such as China but fight against our great nation endorsing religion.


Comment #: 10056
Rating:Not Rated
The National prayer day isn't a violation of the first amendment. This event neither creates nor endorses a national religion. Christians, Jews, Muslims all pray and or meditate. I'm sure scientologists and atheists meditate. Buddhists meditate. How would this endorse/create a religion? This is no different than saying "one nation under God" or having a President say God Bless America. This is outrageous.


Comment #: 10052
Rating:Not Rated
Will she next rule that our national day of Thanksgiving is unconstitutional? George Washington decreed that it is: "A Day of Publick Thanksgiving and Prayer."


Comment #: 10046
Rating:Not Rated
i read about her ruling on national prayer day. and it absolutely disgusts me that some of the most sacred members of our society have become so perverse and have lost sight of the fact that they must lead, legislate govern or what have you with out concern for self preservation or popularity. god is part of our heritage and like the ga state flag, changing the picture doesnt really change the picture or the history.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: 10045
Rating:Not Rated
I read all the post about this judge and she may be fair, even handed and courteous, blah blah blah, but she really needs to read the posts about her on this site. NOT everyone is impressed with her decision on National Prayer Day. There are a lot more of us out here that WANT a national Prayer Day than she may realize. WAKE up, Politicians.


Comment #: 9863
Rating:Not Rated
I think Judge Crabb should retire her heart is not in it at all if she even has one.She sees prison as the only option.She doesnt care about helping people at all.


Comment #: 8793
I sat in and watched a case in which Judge Crabb was overseeing. I found her extremely unjust. She didn't even pay attention when the Defense Attorney was speaking. I feel she should stick to retirement, as she obviously wants nothing more than to claim every defendant guilty and be done with it! It is her job to listen to BOTH sides, and make a just decision. I feel she is biast and far too pro-prosecution.


Comment #: 8312
Rating:Not Rated
I find her difficult to go before. She fell asleep and was startled at being awakened. She struggles with a lot of business law cases and is inept at complex business concepts. Try to get your case heard elsewhere if it's busineess case law issues.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 5308
Very pleasant, thoughtful judge. A pleasure to practice in her courtroom. That said, she is much like fellow Western District Judge John Shabaz when it comes to moving cases along. However, she has much better common sense when it comes to the recognition of practical problems in litigation (for instance, she will not require you to fly in for a hearing at which she is simply going to say "granted." I have had several rulings go against me, but I have always thought I got a fair shake, which is all I ask.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 5193
Judge Crabb is courteous and pleasant to all who appear before her, but beneath that pleasant demeanor is the heart of a government-oriented judge who will put her thumb on the scale whenever possible to insure a win for the government. A slightly harsh sentencer, but by comparison with the only other judge in the Western District, she seems reasonable. I would suggest that you stipulate to the magistrate if you can.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: 2872
ALTHOUGH courteouis to defense counsel, she will make evrey effort at trial to assist the prosecution. If you have a sentencing, she is the better of the two judges, although she has never given above 30% off for a 5K1.1 letter. Typically, all she give for cooperation is 15%. Tough break.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 2204
Judge Crabb has an excellent demeanor. She is fair, evenhanded, and courteous to lawyers, jurors and court staff alike. She has a sharp mind that places her near the top of federal jurists in intellect, at any level.