Hon. Andrew P. Gordon See Rating Details
District Judge See Comments
Average Rating:7.7 - 4 rating(s)
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*Temperament:   (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
*Scholarship:   (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
*Industriousness:   (1=Not at all industrious,10=Highly industrious)
*Ability to Handle Complex Litigation:    (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
*Punctuality:    (1=Chronic`y Late,10=Always on Time)
*Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation:    (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
*Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation:   (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Flexibility In Scheduling   (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases, Pre-Trial:   (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Civil Settlement Discussions:   (1=Least Involved,10=Most Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases, Trial:    (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases, Sentencing:    (1=Most Lenient,10=Most Harsh)
Typical Discount Off Guidelines for Cooperators:    (1=10%,10=100%)
  Items marked with (*) are averaged into the displayed overall rating

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What others have said about Hon. Andrew P. Gordon


Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: 32726
Very personable. Will give you a fair trial and will allow you to try YOUR case. He is prepared and even if he overrules your objection or denies your motion, it's tough not to like him.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: 26629
I represented a defendant whose case was pending before Judge Gordon for five years (due to extensive cooperation). The court gave us a wide berth in adjourning the matter to the government's and defendant's best interests. Adjournments were freely granted for cause. At sentencing, Judge Gordon had done his homework and knew the Guidelines' issues stone cold. He had done his research and correctly ruled against me on at least one, and probably both, sentencing enhancements. Client cooperated for extended period in multiple district and government recommended 6 months custody/House arrest after moving for substantial downward variance (I hate that term; it imbues the sentencing guideline range with an aura of correctness in derogation of 3553(a)). Judge Gordon, quite correctly (in my opinion) imposed a non-custodial sentence given the passage of time, extensive cooperation, defendant's military service and slim prospect of recidivism. Throughout the extended sentencing, Judge Gordon was cordial, professional, prepared and gave the parties all the time in the world to present their cases. A very decent and thoughtful fellow who considered everything presented in a very deliberate fashion. He a good draw for either party. I worried when we drew him at the outset of the case and he was a new judicial appointee. My concerns were allayed at sentencing. I think the government could author this identical comment.