Hon. Lois Bloom See Rating Details
Magistrate Judge See Comments
Average Rating:5.1 - 35 rating(s)
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*Temperament:   (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
*Scholarship:   (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
*Industriousness:   (1=Not at all industrious,10=Highly industrious)
*Ability to Handle Complex Litigation:    (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
*Punctuality:    (1=Chronic`y Late,10=Always on Time)
*Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation:    (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
*Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation:   (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Flexibility In Scheduling   (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases, Pre-Trial:   (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Civil Settlement Discussions:   (1=Least Involved,10=Most Involved)
  Items marked with (*) are averaged into the displayed overall rating

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What others have said about Hon. Lois Bloom


Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 34391
Rating:Not Rated
Today I had my first conference with Judge Bloom. I am involved in FDCPA litigation with a debt collector attorney sharing profits with one of the largest debt collector law firms in NYC mostly operating at Kings County Civil Court which has been under DA’s scrutiny couple of years prior with one of their judges Gerald Garson JAILED for BRIBERY, collusion and fraud.
I was “lucky” to have his wife Robin Garson (also accused of bribery but never convicted) on my case. I am not going to go into semantics, but I was told to my face by this attorney that they had judges in their pockets; things that have been happening there and to me (and I was pregnant) was a textbook violation of FDCPA.

I came to Federal Court knowing that I will get a fair treatment. Today I was told by Judge Bloom that I should go back there while Civil Court does not handle FDCPA claims (only Supreme Court and Federal Court do). I think she maybe overwhelmed by pro se cases so I didn’t take it personally.

What got me personally was the encouragement of the opposing pro se debt collector attorney to take action especially on the pregnancy/disability question I raised in federal court.

This debt collector attorney objected to a 4 week continuance as my doctor was trying to avoid a miscarriage and I was placed on bed rest. The continuance was requested on an attorney fees hearing which is in no way an emergency trial. The judge denied the continuance and marked me non compliant and in “default.”

When similar thing happened in Florida, it caused a fury amongst legal community and a new law Fla. R. Jud. Admin. 2.570 came out as a result of this.

“Paul T Reid objecting to a continuance requested by opposing counsel, who said she needed time off for her pregnancy. She asked for eight weeks……Now he is answering for it..”

Paul Reid’s was suspended from his law firm Shook Hardy and then disciplined. Thanks to the wisdom of Palm Beach Circuit Judge Cymonie Rowe,pregnant attorney received her continuance.

In my case, Judge Bloom did not find it , at the very least, morally repulsive.


Comment #: 32805
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Bloom is one of the most caring, open and honest people I know. She treats everyone with the utmost respect and a great listener. I know some people have left very negative comments about her, but that has not been my experience in working with her and knowing her for many years.


Comment #: 32421
Rating:Not Rated
When I knew the honerable Lois Bloom, she was witty, intelligent, and a lot of fun. Anyone who disagrees has smegma on their faces. Hey there old friend.


Comment #: 30974
Rating:Not Rated
The comment # 30329 about judge Bloom must be a joke.


Comment #: 30329
Judge Bloom served as a magistrate Judge in my civil case. Throughout the course of my case, initially, as a pro se litigant, as well as thereafter, when I had legal representation she demonstrated an exceptional ability to not, solely, maintain an unprejudiced demeanor but to also remain, fully focused and engaged in the core matters of the case. Honorable Bloom did so while she ensured to keep the law as her solid foundation, at all times. In addition her negotiation skills are as masterful and as sophisticated as they are just and supported by the word of the law. I shall, forever, hold a warm spot in my heart for remarkable Judge Bloom whose conduct allowed my journey to conclude with immense respect to the judicial system as well as an important factor in my own healing and self growth!!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: 27559
Grossly biased, rude, fails to review the law and record, lacks appropriate judicial demeanor, why is this person on the bench?

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: 24839
Rating:Not Rated
One of the most openly biased judges I have ever encountered in 20 years of civil litigation. Doesn't seem to know the law, but doesn't let that stop her.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 24748
Rating:Not Rated
How can I count the ways? She is obviously a very unhappy person. She is as nasty as they come.I wonder where she parks her broom when she arrives at the courthouse. No wonder a person who behaves like this never made it to appointed a real judge. Karma is a beautiful thing.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 24645
I was surprised by Judge Bloom's temperament--and not in a good way. I've never seen a judge yell at an attorney like that, including accusations of professional misconduct. To be fair, she seemed to mean well and wanted one party to do what she believed was the right thing. But many judges are able to do that while treating attorneys with some respect.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: 24114
Rating:Not Rated
This is some kind of dysfunctional creature sitting on the bench. When I appear in front of Judges'like this I always ask myself WHY? Meaning, why is a contentious, nasty, vindictive incompetent person like this given the power and opportunity to affect and change peoples' lives? There just has to be some oversight these people who make their way onto the bench.


Comment #: 23371
Judge Bloom falsely imprisoned me in the Courtroom # 11A South on Feb. 4, 2015 to punish me for complaining about unprofessional and deceptive methods that Christopher Gegwich uses to hurt cases of his opponents. Gegwich was an opposing attorney while I represent myself as a pro se party.Evidently, the Judge and the attorney are in specific relationship, different than professional.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 23192
My initial impression of Magistrate Bloom was someone who rushes to judgment based upon her initial, cursory analysis of the case. However, thereafter, she demonstrated a discernible ability to move opposing counsel toward settlement firmly but in an evenhanded manner.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 23067
Recently concluding a case by settlement with Judge Bloom. I found her to be courteous, even handed, hard working, flexible in scheduling matters and always on time. She was helpful in finding creative ways to reach settlement

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 22009
I had a conference with Judge Bloom the other day. My case is against Loretta Lynch and the US Marshals. My opinion is that Judge Bloom's experience working in the Pro Se office in SDNY has given her an empathy to Pro Se litigants. She was kind, courteous and yes, voiced her opinion about the case, but also allowed me to speak "in my own words" about the merit's of the case. She allowed for a little debate and did not come across as God as some others. Now, she also gave me somber news about the probability of my case succeeding past dismissal, but is going to allow the process to proceed. I had to submit an amended complaint which she allowed and then made sure her assistant called down to the Clerks office to have my summons and complaint ready for me. It was very cordial of her. She admonished the AUSA not to play any games. Now, I have been around enough to know that Judges like to yell at the Government sometimes to kind of show a "faux" fair and impartial process, but that systemic and not only attributable exclusively to Judge Bloom. When it came to holding accountable Government agencies and employees, she said it is improbably and the law "protects" them, and said the probability is less than 2%, and "it is what it is" which I couldn't believe. But as far as procedures, for my case, I have no issues with Judge Bloom and you could do far worse as a pro Se litigant. The case is 14--cv-1047 EDNY if anyone wants to take a look.


Comment #: 21291
I appeared before Judge Bloom as a pro se litigant claiming a civil rights violation against the NYC police. Judge Bloom took the time to explain the process and the law as it related to my claim. She helped me through a tense first appearance in the Federal Court. I felt safe and comfortable in her courtroom. I was able to settle the matter favorably immediately after the preliminary conference. Overall, it was a good experience.


Comment #: 21258
To the person who posted comment #21089: you must be talking about another Judge Lois Bloom.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: 21089
Judge Bloom is industrious. She aims to be fair to all sides, and always gives the underdog a fair shake.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 12575
If ever there was a magistrate less suited or qualified to serve on any bench, this one is it. Irascible, unpredictable and nasty in temperament and injudicious in discovery rulings. She also pre-judges cases, stating at an initial status conference that the defendants had no chance for summary judgment (in a pro se employment case) and has no compunctions about expressing her uninformed opinions.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 12030
Erratic judicial temperment. Lack of understanding of the nuances of civil litigation. Insecure. Condescending. Rambles.


Comment #: 11389
Judge Bloom fiercely discourages pro se litigants with disdain for their cases even when civil rights violations are blatant. This is extremely unfair when you consider most pro se litigants are not sure of how to proceed or even whether to go forward or not.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 10286
Judge Bloom is a credit to the federal judiciary. She has a unique legal background which translates to her even-handedness on the bench. If anything, she goes out of her way to give pro se litigants a fair shot and their day in court. She rightfully expects litigants and attorneys to be forthright and work in good faith to resolve their differences before seeking judicial intervention. Her opinions cut right to the legal and factual issues without unnecessary surplusage.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 10006
Lacks the temperament to be a Judge. Compensates for insecurity with nastiness. Rigid mindset and wooden and inflexible interpretation of precedent. Rambles needlessly often going in circles. Seems to have a defense bias in civil cases as well.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 9638
Magistrate Judge Bloom lacks the qualifications to be a Magistrate Judge. She is not very bright, lacks real world experience, and has unimpressive credentials. She attempts to compensate for these deficiencies by being nasty and by bullying litigants. Once she forms an opinion, she does not listen to, or maybe fails to understand, opposing arguments. She should only handle pro se litigation, which is what she was hired for in the first place.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 9562
Rating:Not Rated
This magistrate is extremely prejudicial to pro se litigates. She gave the defendants two opportunities to file for summary judgment but denied the plaintiff the right to cross move for summary judgment. She is 1000% against pro se litigates and should be removed from the bench ASAP


Comment #: 9561
Rating:Not Rated
Judge is an dum dum. Does not give detailed orders, one time took six months to issue an order for plaintiff to get discovery then denied the plaintiff the right to have a deposition after he received the discovery from the defendant stating time to do so elapsed. Talks from both sides of her mouth. Have a case pending over 7 years sitting on her desk. Plaintiff is terminally ill and she is holding off on the file in hopes of the plaintiff dying so she will not have to work and render a decision. Lazy and incompetent.


Comment #: 9341
very proud and happy to see you protecting clients rights.....your old friend beth


Comment #: 8864
Rating:Not Rated
Lois Bloom should not be re-elected. I've never before seen such partial treatment towards defendants. This woman gave bail to several fugitives who were recently captured abroad. One of these fugitives was given bond on the basis of the income of a family member w/ a minimum wage job. Then she stated how bad she felt for the family who hasn't seen him since HE fled the country. This is a matter of course for Bloom.


Comment #: 8638
Rating:Not Rated
This posting is is in response to comment #7244. I am no fan of Lois Bloom. No question she is harsh to pro se Plaintiffs. But that poster had already been reviewed by the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit as to his claims, and [the Second Circuit] affirmed Judge Bloom on that matter. 436 F.3d 102.


Comment #: 8375
Judge Lois Bloom is impressive in her interpretation of the law and in her appraisal of the family/community supports that enable people to uphold and strengthen those laws.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: 7244
Magistrate Bloom cannot interpret the law under the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 16 USC Section 1451 and implementing Regulations 15 CFR Part 923.

She is very biased towards Pro Se litigants and favors dismissal of their cases -- see cv-03-0040 and cv-03-1295. I can give additional information that would provide for her to not be renewed as magistrate in 2010.


Comment #: 6681
Unusually harsh attitude for a judge who works so often with pro-se litigants. I also got the impression that she wasn't familiar enough with my case.


Comment #: 4024
As a pro se plaintiff who appeared before her, it was unbelievable just how biased she appeared towards the defense. She did not even try to appear even-handed and expressly told me that I have no case and that she would grant summary judgment for the defendants if I didn't agree to a what was almost a nuisance value settlement (even though discovery had not yet begun and defendants never even moved to dismiss). It's a shame that she is the one who handles all the pro se cases for the Court.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: 3095
Judge Bloom is one of the best judges to appear before so long as you are prepared and reasonable. She doesn't suffer fools gladly but treats everyone with respect, especially pro se litigants, and moves your cases along even where you have failed. She is extremely organized and punctual and respects your time as an attorney. Just be prepared and you'll be fine.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 2058
very insulting

engages in questioning that makes the proponent into a fool only to be corrected and set straight


Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: 2028
She seems willing to grant bail even where the government is on a mission to detain your client. If your cient has contacts to the community and not too bad a records, you should take the chance and argue for a better deal than the government is offering re bail.