Hon. Marcia S. Krieger See Rating Details
District Judge See Comments
Average Rating:3.2 - 42 rating(s)
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*Temperament:   (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
*Scholarship:   (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
*Industriousness:   (1=Not at all industrious,10=Highly industrious)
*Ability to Handle Complex Litigation:    (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
*Punctuality:    (1=Chronic`y Late,10=Always on Time)
*Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation:    (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
*Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation:   (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Flexibility In Scheduling   (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases, Pre-Trial:   (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Civil Settlement Discussions:   (1=Least Involved,10=Most Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases, Trial:    (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases, Sentencing:    (1=Most Lenient,10=Most Harsh)
Typical Discount Off Guidelines for Cooperators:    (1=10%,10=100%)
  Items marked with (*) are averaged into the displayed overall rating

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What others have said about Hon. Marcia S. Krieger


Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: 32652
A fine judge

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: 32647
Lousy. Temperamental.


Comment #: 29345
A disaster hiding under a robe. Does not understand the facts and makes up her own, shows no respect to either side...then fails to uphold the juries awards. Very sad, you will find no justice in her court

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 27331
Every negative comment on this board is well deserved. She has absolutely no business on the bench. I went into her courtroom expecting fairness and was completely disappointed, her only concern is reminding you that she’s the smartest one in the room. She is ill tempered and abuses her power to create roadblocks for parties she does not like (usually plaintiffs).

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: 23391
Takes after Bush..sorry I voted for the moron. Converted me into democrat. Incompetent

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 23390
Judge Krieger is a disgrace. She is arrogant, ill-tempered, condescending, and superficial. Despite her belief that she is the smartest one in the courtroom (a view that only she holds), she is a weak thinker and scholar. She is motivated by conservative, defendant bias and she takes forever to rule. The federal bench is poorer for her sitting on it.

Court Staff

Comment #: 22021


Comment #: 21873
This liberal activist judge ruled in favor of CO magazine limits because citizens don't NEED more rounds in their guns. Apparently the Bill of RIGHTS has turned into a "Bill of Needs". These rights are recognized by government; they are not privileges. The second amendment shall not be infringed!


Comment #: 19488
She openly hates pro se and will do anything under handedly to get rid of them. Her lapdog Magistrate Judge Watanabe makes sure she never gets any pro se cases regardless if they deserve to be heard or not.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 19364
So slow to rule that she holds up cases in other districts. A Republican.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 18665
She's a great Republican judge who puts stupid Plaintiffs attorneys (which is all Plaintiffs' attorneys) in their place by granting every Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment filed. Together with Judge Brimer and Blackburn, these three judges do a great job of keeping Plaintiffs from getting a jury trial. She recognizes that the 7th Amendment is dumb, and we should get rid of it. All Plaintiffs just want to manipulate the jury into giving out millions in "emotional distress"


Comment #: 12968
It is beyond me why this judge would rule that an inmate at Supermax in Florence can take the US Government to trial over his SAMs. A non US citizen convicted of terrorist acts should not have 1st amendment rights. This trial will cost Colorado tax payers monies that could be better spent on citizens needs. She should be removed from her duties.


Comment #: 12762
Ms.Krieger not only doesn't know what she is doing, but perhaps she does, she is on the bench to keep the judge's benefits growing at the expense of innocent lives. She is rude, and very unethical. What's worse is that she is being protected by others of her kind. Justice will never be justice until Krieger and others like her are gone.


Comment #: 12759
Rating:Not Rated
Precious Article III is a compliment! This jurist openly displays the Article IV protocol as well as a gold trimmed flag under the executive branch. Far from a true judicial officer. Why sugar coat the facts, we all know there is a problem in the Ivory Tower. Yup ! Some body needed to step up and be specific here !


Comment #: 11772
One of the worst her profession has to offer. She is arrogant, condescending, placing herself in a position of superiority to all who appear in front of her. She is slow to rule on cases, letting those convicted in her court to languish in prison. When presented with exculpatory evidence, she sits on it without ruling. She encourages abuse of power by the federal prosecutors appearing in front of her as well as making overly broad interpretations of existing law as long as it favors the prosecution. One has to wonder how many innocent people are in prison because of her.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 11642
I agree with these negative ccomments. Arrogant, stupid, rude. Completely un- disinguished in her schooling and professional career before her annointment, It's scary that she, and others, have a lifetime appointment.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: 11498
Rating:Not Rated
Either she has an agenda or is totally confused. The worst part is she doesn't eve comprehend what the issues are yet displays an arrogant superior veneer that conveys an attitude that you don't know what is going on.Nurse Ratchett indeed.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 11261
She is an idiot who thinks she's a genius, a deadly combination. I had an oral argument in front of her that focused entirely on something that was so clearly not an issue that neither opposing counsel nor I had any idea how to answer her moronic questions, and then she decided the case on an issue for which oral argument would have been very valuable. The "others" who liked her must have been paid . . .

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 10241
We must, regrettably, echo the negative comments of the vast majority of those lodged already. It is remarkable how similar our completely disparate experience was, to those stated below. This judge belongs nowhere near a federal or state bench.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 10160
A prime example of right wing judicial bias, laziness and arbitrariness. If you are a civil plaintiff, count on getting screwed regardless of the merits. If you are a corporate defendant, rest easy.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 9560
An incompetent whose sharp Right Wing prejudices elevated her to the bench. Her hostility and bias against civil plaintiffs can hardly be disguised. Her utter contempt for injured people and favoritism toward corporate defendants can't be masked. She converted what once was a sanctuary -- the federal courts -- for disadvantaged into a death trap for their claims. She bends her rules to favor the defense while harming plaintiffs. While she does not raise her courtroom voice, the soft Nurse Ratchet tone only masks her sharp edges as she manipulates procedures, the law and her own Byzantine processes to streamline her docket by artifice in dismissing cases that then require years of scrutiny by the Tenth Circuit.
How sad the Denver Bench has degenerated from the loftier perches of her predecessors into the depths of an sad excuse like her disgracing the bench.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 9388
Worst Federal Judge I have ever had the displeasure of appearing before and I have appeared before Federal Judges in 30 different states. For my fellow lawyers in Colorado you have my sympathy.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 9373
She is easily the worst judge in this district. She runs her courtroom and dispenses "justice" as paradigmatic examples of exalting form over substance. Someone this inflexible and anal retentive should absolutely not be on the bench. It's a crying shame one of our precious few Article III slots in this jurisdiction is occupied by someone with such a small-minded and cramped view of the law and the world.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: 9173
By far, the worst judge in this district. She combines incredible arrogance with a complete lack of knowledge. She also waits until a few days before trial to rule on dispositive motions, which means we have to waste our time and the client's money preparing for trials that may not ever occur.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 9128
This is one of the most unpleasant jurists that I have ever had the misfortune to practice in front of, in several years of practice in many jurisdictions. She is not unintelligent, but seems to be so consumed with making herself appear to "see what others do not" (particularly the attorneys appearing in front of her) that she makes non-sensical rulings and sees things in the rules of civil procedure and the law that are not there. Many attorneys who have had experience with her groan at the mention of her name. She requires strict adherence to the rules, and to her unusual interpretation of the rules, even in situations in which this makes no sense and greatly and needlessly burdens litigants and their counsel. She takes many months to issue rulings on dispositive motions but yet refuses to grant stays of discovery once qualified immunity has been asserted even though parties are entitled to such stays under clearly established law. Instead, she will grant "partial" stays and set deadlines for discovery, dispositive motions and Final Pre-Trial Conferences while dispositive motions in which qualified immunity have been asserted languish for months. She holds the litigants' feet to the fire to work up a case completely -- at great effort and expense -- while motions to dismiss that have an excellent chance of being granted sit untouched. Before Final Pre-Trial Conferences she instructs counsel to check the schedules of their clients and all important witnesses so that this may be taken into account in trial settings, but then pays no regard to any scheduling conflicts that parties may have, for no apparent reason. She regularly sets conferences at which both counsel and their clients must appear in person on the day before or after major national holidays and refuses to re-schedule no matter the hardship to counsel or litigants. In sum, she is frequently disdainful and contemptous of those appearing before her, and hit or miss in her legal rulings.


Comment #: 8873
In all my years in courtrooms, this judge is in the top 2. Excellent jurist and explains her opinions with great detail.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 8396
You'd expect a judge to know and be able to apply basic law like the Rooker-Feldman doctrine and Ex parte McCardle, but Judge Krieger fails even this elemental test of competence.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 8390
She does not like to rule on issues before the trial. Kept asking me, "what is this, mother may I?" So without a ruling (after many attempts to get clarification and boundaries), I asked the witness a question and she freaked out! It was a very unusual way of trying a case.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 6883
I wish all of the other judges were as organized, as respectful of the parties and as interested in a fair outcome as she is.


Comment #: 6754
Her ruling on the obscenity known as 'free speech zones' falls into the category of fascist abuse. There is nothing honorable about this judge. Free speech sidewalk jails are inherently undemocratic and fascist.


Comment #: 6616
Rating:Not Rated
Thank you U.S. District Judge, Marcia S. Krieger, for ruling in effect, that the Constitution and Bill of Rights are trumped by the need for governmental security interests. Your ruling that approves the putting of the protesters at the Democratic National Convention in a fenced cage at a remote distance from the Convention and that protest groups have ample alternative means of expression, is like is like attempting to “put a cap on a volcano.” Your ruling is right in line with the political policy of our present national government’s disregard for the Constitution and Bill of Rights as a means of waging war against terrorism. I guess any one who protests the national policy of unending war has to be treated as a potential terrorist and their civil rights suspended.


Comment #: 6615
An idiot who does not understand the law or her place as a jurist.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 5542
The two "others" that gave this judge high scores must be related to her. This is the worst judge, state or federal, that I have ever had the displeasure of appearing before. She is hostile, uninformed and driven primarily by an insatiable desire to belittle others to make herself appear smart. I pity those that have to practice in front of her on a regular basis. Be prepared for lectures on form and procedures over substance in your case and know that you will spend your time briefing the most basic issues of evidence and law throughout the trial as this judge attempts to get her brain around the basics of law.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 5419
How did this person become a U.S. District Court judge? Who is reviewing these people for general competency? Judge Krieger is a government administrator bureaucrat, and that is being charitable. You must comply with one of her myriad procedures, forms, deadlines, etc. or suffer stupid consequences that sometimes affect legal rights. She is mostly disgusted with trial lawyers and claims. She does not like to make decisions. Unlike most of the other judges that arguably are smart and don't need to impress parties and lawyers, Judge Krieger must institute procedures and dumb requirements so that she call pull the strings of all courtroom participants like marionettes. Perhaps all of this comes from her bankruptcy background, but she really has no idea what being a judge really means.


Comment #: 4931
Having practiced in four different federal jurisdictions in three states, I must say that this is the worst jurist I have appeared before in all respects. This judge demonstrates the lowest intellect and has no grasp of criminal issues and law; has the worst temperament; is the most unreasonable; and has an irrational desire to hold form over substance. The entire criminal bar hates appearing before her. It was a shame she did not get the appointment to the 10th Circuit.


Comment #: 4514
This judge is even-handed, well educated, and is overall an excellent jurist whose knowledge of the law knows no superior. The complaints issued regarding this judge are typically from sub-par attorneys/litagators that find their ego defeated when they leave the courtroom. Individuals that leave her courtroom feeling cheated or that the outcome of their case was unjust should know that if this is the case, it is only due to their own incompetence.


Comment #: 4500
I find Judge Krieger to be an extremely fair, even-handed, and rational jurist whose knowledge of the law and procedure far exceeds the scope of most attorneys--perhaps the fact that she is so often light-years ahead of council has been mistaken for arrogance. Moreover, her respect for, and committment to, the legal system and trial process is unfailing. Expect a strict judge with very high standards for council--we are, after all, professionals.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: 4404
Judge Krieger is smart, capable, and hardworking. But she unfailingly approaches every single problem with the mindset that she is vastly more intelligent than the attorneys. Her arrogance is nothing short of breathtaking. It is not only irritating, it affects the quality of her rulings and the justice dispensed in her court because she just won't listen to the attorneys, sometimes even when the opposing sides are in agreement. She has all the ability to be a good judge; but she is desperately in need of a healthy dose of humility.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: 4290
Krieger is indeed arrogant, incorrectly thinking she knows everything and is the smartest person in the room. Not respectful of jury verdicts. One of several Colorado judges who believe they walk above the water.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: 2059
This judge suffers from the belief that she is smarter than everyone else. She, therefore, always must find a solution different than what the parties suggest. She is quite arrogant and smug but still manages to get it right most of the time.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: 1691
Smart, fair, responsive. Disinclined to grant summary judgment.