Hon. Jeannice W. Appenteng (N.D.Ill.)
She is too quick to decide on an issue without really hearing both sides out, and once she does, she takes a hard line, even if that's detrimental to both parties, and without good reason.
Civil Litigation - Govt. - (7/26/2024 6:58:48 AM)
Hon. Gerald J. Pappert (E.D.Pa.)
arrogant; nasty demeanor; lacks ingellect and is only there given political influences
Civil Litigation - Govt. - (7/22/2024 8:01:02 PM)
Hon. Tonianne J. Bongiovanni (D.N.J.)
This Mag Judge SHOULD be a Judge. Great temperament, set the right tone for her courtroom, great awareness of what lawyers and parties are doing and dealing with. Again, she should be made a Judge. I have appeared in many district courts around the country. She stands out as especially capable
Civil Litigation - Private - (7/20/2024 8:35:55 PM)
Hon. B. Lynn Winmill (D.Idaho)
Colludes to dismiss Pro-Se public corruption torte claims in violation of discretion and law.
Other - (7/19/2024 12:08:04 AM)
Hon. Renee M. Bumb (D.N.J.)
Judge Bumb Dismissed Case 24-cv-7266-RMB-MJS sua sponte against the District Court for discrimination against pro se litigants. We then found out that Bumb is married to a NJ Superior Court judge in Vicinage 15 where the lawsuits against other Vic 15 judges were filed. Also Bumb speaks up for NJ Judges at swearing in ceremonies. Complete appearance of bias.
Civil Litigation - Private - (7/15/2024 6:40:32 PM)
Hon. Frank P. Geraci, Jr. (W.D.N.Y.)
This judge takes forever to issue decisions. By way of example, he took almost three years to issue a decision on a summary judgment motion, and in the interim, would not suspend discovery. Each party spent a LOT of money in the discovery process...and then he granted Summary Judgment. Simply incredible. Even simple procedural motions (e.g., default) take forever. I have not addressed the quality of his decisions, because it almost doesn't matter in light of the incredible delays. (The other judges in the same district do not demonstrate this time lag.) If you are a defendant, this is your judge!
Criminal Defense Lawyer - (7/12/2024 8:42:41 AM)
Hon. Sarah Netburn (S.D.N.Y.)
Terrible temperament for a judge. Extremely heavy handed and abuses power to try to force one side into agreements/settlements based on the side she likes. It's one thing to voice an opinion. It's another thing to threaten litigants based on her power as a judge in order to force a result. [Redacted by Ed.]
Civil Litigation - Private - (7/11/2024 7:34:27 PM)
Hon. James M. Wicks (E.D.N.Y.)
Honorable.M.James Wicks is one of the most professional kindest, trustworthy, fair judges that are on any bench throughout the country. He makes you feel like are a real person not just client. He makes the experience very personable and validates all concerns. He treats people with the utmost cordiality .When you are in court Judge Wicks will put your mind at ease and you’re guaranteed to be treated with nothing but respect and fairness. He is not just a great judge he’s a great kind human being . He made a nerve racking experience feel like we were visiting a friend . Judge Wicks is passionate about the law . God bless him and his family . Always Andrea and Ken
Civil Litigation - Private - (7/10/2024 11:13:05 PM)
Hon. Kent A. Jordan (C.C.A)
I had an appeal before a panel lead by Judge Jordan after the district court in my case wrote an opinion that overtly ignored binding precedent in order to make a decision in favor of a corporate party retraining several attorneys from a big law firm. Rather than simply reverse what was an obviously wrong decision, Judge Jordan's panel took it upon itself to misrepresent the lower court's opinion, saying it was about an issue that was never argued at any point in the case, and then affirmed in favor of the corporate party. It seems like the Third Circuit is an amazing forum if you are a corporate party who is bankrolling multiple attorneys salaries, but for everyone else it is a circus of mental gymnastics. These judges are not fooling anyone except themselves.
Criminal Defense Lawyer - (7/10/2024 9:07:22 AM)
Hon. Susan Hightower (W.D.Tex.)
I thought I reviewed this woman already— Let’s try it again. [redacted by Ed.] 1:23-CV-00337-RP-SH. She is an intelligent woman yet ruled that a court clerk does not violate civil rights when they refused to schedule hearings and a court reporter that witheld hearings isn’t a civil rights violation. She’s not a good person. She’s not a trustworthy judge.
Litigant - (7/8/2024 7:07:44 PM)