Hon. Eric A. Aarseth (Anchorage)
Agree with everyone else. This judge was horribly biased. He took all my ex husbands statements as fact, ignoring documentation to the contrary. Stated I was skewing the facts and directly denied medical statements and reports. Did not recuse himself after my ex and family repeatedly reported speaking to him directly. He is terribly biased and even at one point ordered my abusive ex visit my baby in my private home where I was the only adult. Then told my lawyer I was faking when I had a panic attack and my lawyer tried to reason with him.
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7/22/2024 12:48:25 PM
Hon. Kari Kristiansen (Palmer)
I think Kari Kristiansen is not fit to be a judge based on her repeated rulings heavily in favor of men, blatant favoritism towards certain attorneys, and all over the place evidentiary rulings.
Civil Litigation - Private
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9/27/2023 1:45:36 AM
Hon. Eric A. Aarseth (Anchorage)
This judge was unfair throughout my entire case. He failed to hold my husband to the same rules he set for me concerning finances as well as custody of our child. I filed a motion for change of judge, which he denied, stating that it would be unfair to the father. After years of battling in court to get custody of our daughter, who I had been taking care of and she lived with me, the judge ordered the father NOT pay child support. I ended up finally getting assigned a different judge after all of the custody disputes were over. The new judge said he didn’t know how that order was made because it wasn’t legal. Child support has to be calculated and ordered in a custody case. He couldn’t make it retro so my ex got her PFD’s, taxes and child support from me for years. This man has no right being in a position of power, especially with families.
Civil Litigation - Private
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11/5/2022 12:45:53 AM
Hon. Judson Adams (Valdez Cordova)
This judge is relatively new to Valdez 2018. He was still learning when I met him but made excellent use of his resources to learn new things. He wasnt afraid of saying 'I don't know, let me get back to you'. He did not play into the small town politics and always attempted make decisions fair and applicable to the situation at hand. He seemed to have a genuine concern for his cases and the people who went before him. He had an excellent temperament and made people feel comfortable in his presence. I hope he manages to keep his integrity in a world (and profession) where power plays or good ol boy networks can often become a distraction from actual justice.
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10/25/2022 6:55:16 AM
Hon. Catherine M. Easter (Anchorage)
Judge Catherine Easter is extremely unprofessional and completely bias towards men's and thier rights as parents. She allows the female parties unrestricted time to present their case while the men are rushed and oftentimes silenced. She does not respect or recognizes the Publix constitutional rights as well as follow Alaska state law. I feel in demand that Catherine Easter the disbarred from her position as a superior court judge and arrested for crimes against humanity. Not only for the allegations stated above but also for the tyrannical and manipulative way she uses her authority to take good Fathers who are often times more financially mentally spiritually scholastically then the mother's in her case loads. Often times judge Easter will take professional recommendations from the mothers in a custody battle without any tangible proof of allegations made. Often ordering the male parties to extreme measures in order to just have a couple of hours with their children. If you have judge Easter pray you are not a male View Detail Send e-mail to this poster 6/23/2022 11
Criminal Defense Lawyer
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6/23/2022 11:26:01 PM
Hon. Jason Gist (Kenai Peninsula Borough)
Jason Gist is Erratic and resentful to the individuals he has previously handled cases for. The dishonesty and twist on case stats and previous handlings is corrupt and blinding to those around him. His [Redacted by Ed.] and god complex wreak from his personal vendetta twords specific individuals he has tried in the past so much that he reappeats the twisted lies 3-4 times to draw his audience twords conviction.
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11/15/2021 8:26:28 AM
Hon. Kari Kristiansen (Palmer)
She should not be a court judge and his put over 16 families children in physical harm. some have been sexually abused. some are 9 and trying to kill thereself, a few where locked in a closet and fed in a closet this kid is 5. when given the evidence this judge still thinks the abusive parent is in the right. and blames the other parent when the kids where not in that parents custody. Judge Kari Kristansen should not be on the court panel or a judge.
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5/16/2021 6:55:22 PM
Hon. Jennifer Stuart Henderson (Anchorage)
Always orders dvpo if plaintiff is female, then sides with female in all custody matters.
Civil Litigation - Private
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4/10/2021 1:38:41 PM
Hon. Jennifer Stuart Henderson (Anchorage)
Her desire for a Supreme Court nomination has made her bias against a single party reach crisis levels. She refuses to recuse because it may tarnish her record even when documented cause for recusal is submitted.
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4/10/2021 1:35:24 PM
Hon. Andrew Guidi (Anchorage)
Very disturbing behavior. Does not adhere to law, manipulates cases, openly biased, makes derogatory comments to litigants and disparaging insults on and off record. Does not know anything about the cases in his load and is not organized. Has private conversations with opposing counsel to include assisting with how to proceed with the case encouraging criminal behavior.
Court Staff
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4/6/2021 7:40:05 PM