Hon. Coleen O'Donnell-Smith (Maricopa)
Other - (3/27/2025 11:53:30 PM)
Hon. Dan Slayton (Coconino)
Slayton continues on in the grand tradition of bizarre behavior in Coconino County. He was instrumental in bringing commissioner Theodore Campagnolo onto the court. Campagnolo resigned from the Maricopa County Superior Court in disgrace after his close ties/activities with this convicted sex criminal/law school dean (where campagnolo was alumni director) were made public. Rumors abound about this deviant alliance, and surely Slayton must have known. Truth is definitely stranger than fiction.... https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/02/02/former-smu-dean-arrested-on-prostitution-charge/22780281/
Civil Litigation - Private - (3/27/2025 12:01:29 AM)
Hon. Coleen O'Donnell-Smith (Maricopa)
I have had this judge for 1 1/2 years and she has yet to rule in my favor. She sides with my ex-husband every time with no documentation on his testimony. I filed paperwork stating he hadn’t paid spousal support in 5 months. All of which she ignored. She has a bias and I have been stuck in the court system with her as a judge. She berated me on a zoom call at this time I did not have an attorney. My ex-spouse has had an Attorney the entire year and half but claims he has no money to pay spousal support. She doesn’t care about anything I had to say or any of my documentation. She is absolutely a Father Attorney which doesn’t help a single mother or the children. She is a bias judge. Wasting the courts time by not holding my ex accountable for non payment. You wonder why the court system is so backed up. She is the worst.
Other - (3/22/2025 10:36:51 PM)
Hon. Julie Mata (Maricopa)
A disgraceful person to ever be in any authority role over other people’s lives. Judge Mata abuses her power and doesn’t look at the situation or what is being presented by both sides she is very quick to not only judge but make it very obvious that her decision was made from the start. Just terrible!
Litigant - (3/18/2025 9:54:03 PM)
Hon. Julie Mata (Maricopa)
[Redacted by Ed.] She rules from the bench and refuses to look at evidence. Suing her in federal court. If you get julie mata... immediately change judge
Criminal Defense Lawyer - (3/18/2025 3:04:27 PM)
Hon. Lisa Wahlin (Maricopa)
Judge Wahlin demonstrated a commitment to fairness and impartiality in my custody case. Despite numerous unsubstantiated allegations made against me, she remained focused on the facts and evidence presented. She carefully evaluated all exhibits and testimony, ensuring that decisions were based on truth rather than unproven claims. Her ability to see through false accusations allowed my son to remain in my care, where he is safe and well-supported. Judge Wahlin was thorough in her questioning and diligent in uncovering the full context of the situation. While she upheld my parental rights, she also ensured that my son's mother maintained a meaningful relationship with him, granting visitation despite her relocation to another state. I deeply appreciate her fairness and dedication to making decisions in the best interest of the child. In a system where many fathers face unjust challenges due to baseless claims, Judge Wahlin’s commitment to evidence-based rulings is commendable.
Other - (3/15/2025 3:01:42 PM)
Hon. Suzanne Nicholls (Maricopa)
This Judge is a monster and has destroyed many families. She tore mine apart and left my Granddaughter to live in danger for the last 7 years. This judge did not listen to anything we had to say and sided with the father that is a bum and doesn’t take care of the child. Shes dirty and doesn’t have a lot to eat. Lives in horrible conditions but no one listened. The judge should have ordered the home to be checked if suitable for a child and safe before placing a child there. They should have checked if the father works and can feed and take care of this child. Home is filthy- and child was placed there blindly. No one cares. We are still fighting 7 years later but it’s hard to undo what this horrible judge did.
Criminal Defense Lawyer - (3/14/2025 12:29:10 PM)
Hon. Bradley Astrowsky (Maricopa)
Unprofessional, he tends to separate families more than help them solve issues. If you’re African American “you have no case” He does not go by facts simply bias. Bullshit of a judge !!
Court Staff - (3/13/2025 4:55:02 PM)
Hon. Michael Valenzuela (Maricopa)
Judge Valenzuela seems to enjoy drawing out family litigation as long as possible with no regard to how it effects the child. With 2 years to handle the case it was mishandled, lazy, offered little to no help in a high conflict situation. To top it off the final orders handed down directly ignore state law. Even with the evidence in front of him this Judge is likely to err on the side of making the courts money. Even at the expense of the children.
Other - (3/5/2025 2:31:45 PM)
Hon. Lisa Wahlin (Maricopa)
Judge Wahlin has NO business being a family court judge. She makes her decisions based purely on bias. Per my experience and reviews I have read, it is evident she is biased against mother's, who have done nothing to lose their child(ren). She completely disregards supporting evidence that implicates fathers who have been historically uninvolved in their child's life, had/have substance abuse issues, and criminal charges, yet she still rules in favor of the father. She misplaces the child's best interest with a vast majority of her cases, like she did in mine. Forcing me to pay my ex's attorney fees and child support, siding with his every word (he lied under oath) and labeled me as unreasonable for trying to relocate with my son, as the primary custodial parent. She denied the relocation based on what the father wanted and not facts/evidence. She continually neglects her judicial duty to act fair and impartial. It is time to remove this judge from the bench before she causes irreparable harm to a child through her assanine decision making.
Criminal Defense Lawyer - (3/3/2025 8:57:51 PM)