Hon. William Brotherton (Maricopa)
We just had a case before him with serious domestic violence against the child, with pictures and testimony. He didn't get it. His improper decisions are going to have serious consequences on these young children who are being victimized by adults (including their own parents). This isn't the first time he's ruled against children who have been victimized.
Hon. Raymond Lee (Maricopa)
I don't feel that Judge Lee fully executes his office. It became very clear to me in his ruling that he did very little "homework" on the case when he formulated his opinion. It felt as if he was taking a nap on the bench. His lack of credible evaluation was disgraceful. It almost (and I only say almost because I hope as a judge he isn't that deceitful) appeared as if he had simply cut and pasted his verdict together.
Hon. Jose Padilla (Maricopa)
He has a well trained, organized and experienced staff (they are his crowning jewel). He needs more experience on the family law bench, but overall he is learning, adapting and attempting his hardest, hopefully with time on the bench and the continued assistance of his experienced staff he will continue to improve.
Hon. Carey Hyatt (Maricopa)
This judge obviously lacks knowledge in her department, which in this case is family law. She is unable to distiguish the parties involved. She mixes up names and/or forgets them. She is unable to control her temper and has little regard for professionalism.
Hon. Daniel Martin (Maricopa)
He has a great staff who are an asset to his job performance on the bench. His rulings are well thought out and he's doing a great job on the family law bench. Considering how new the assignment is for him, his staff has been a tremendous asset in helping him make a smooth transition.
Hon. Carey Hyatt (Maricopa)
Her judicial conduct and lack of etiquette and not even reviewing and acknowledging the facts brought before her in the pleadings is disgraceful. While on the family law bench she was in over her head and not willing to learn or grow in her position. She needs some internal guidance from the other judges, she is out of control.
Hon. John Ditsworth (Maricopa)
He is a great Judge and we miss his presence on the Family Court bench. He pays attention to the facts and really does a great job in upholding the law. His staff is well knowledged, helpful and a great asset to him.
Hon. Sam Myers (Maricopa)
Did not understand the issues presented. Ruled without argument in a complex case. Appeared to have done nothing to educate himself regarding new case law; I'm not even sure that he read the cases cited.
Hon. C. Steven McMurry (Maricopa)
He told the parties at the end of the trial that they would have his decision within two weeks. It has now been eight weeks and still no decision. Bad judge.
Hon. Brian R. Hauser (Maricopa)
His judicial performance on the bench and his disparaging remarks to counsel while on the bench are irreprehensible and not worthy of a his position. He needs a course in judicial manners.