Hon. Don McSpadden (Independence)
I won the case, but still filed a complaint. He was rude, overbearing, consistently interrupting, tried to order a clause that is against state and federal law. Should be removed from the bench and disbarred.
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10/4/2024 7:38:36 PM
Hon. Don McSpadden (Independence)
He is the devil!! So sad that he ruins lives. He should be disbarred. Should have been long long ago. It’s a shame not many counseling want to go before him which means our state lets him bully humans. He bully’s lawyers, police, court staff etc. The people in his judicial district have the right to have a non biased judge that is fair and has a heart. He is ruthless!! I pray for him. I pray for the people in this district. If you aren’t his friend he hates you. He tells attorney he hates certain human a go before him. Pitiful pitiful he is.
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8/20/2024 11:38:43 AM
Hon. Susan Weaver (Faulkner)
[Redacted by Ed.] This judge doesn't believe in the Constitution or care to know how the American law system works. Her Kangaroo court is what should be expected by anyone who dares enter. She holds ex parte hearings with her favored attorney and makes decisions before any evidence is examined. Judge Susan Weaver practices the color of the law from the bench and has deemed herself fit to determine if a litigant is physically, mentally, or emotionally not capable of having custody of their children. This is all done without a professional diagnosis from licensed medical professionals. There is no impartiality in this courtroom and [Redacted by Ed.] Judge Susan Weaver isn't for children's rights either as she campaigned and pretends to be an advocate for the children. She has gone so far as to take away parental rights from a good parent and give them to the abusive parent. The parent admitted to beating the children, being an alcoholic, and partaking in drug usage. The other party had evidence to back up this claim and it was ignored by Judge Susan Weaver. This judge went too far as to ridicule the good parent with the other attorney and said that the parent didn't deserve their children. Now, these children are with an abuser who brainwashes them against the other parent, won't let them see their other parent, and uses the court system for further abuse and control of the other parent. The children are being sold to the parent with the most money, which should be illegal and categorized under human trafficking. The best interest of the children is a joke and the children in this case have to live with the heartbreak of losing their primary caretaker, who was there for them 24/7, until deemed unfit to be a parent by Judge Susan Weaver. This court is unconstitutional and taking away children from a good parent to give sole custody to an abuser is ludicrous. Plus establishing that the other parent has supervised visitation without just cause further allows the abuser to control the other parent. Judge Susan Weaver is a dangerous court actor and should have never been placed in a position of power.
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6/2/2024 11:33:51 AM
Hon. Marcia Hearnsberger (Garland)
Confirmed: angry, nasty, tyrant, [Redacted by Ed.] 3x in her court, yelled and threatened me every time. Her accomplice,Judas janie evans, was allowed to record and make false claims. [Redacted by Ed.] Appeal wasn’t worth the time or money. Filed complaints with JDDC, FBI, Attorney General of Arkansas. [Redacted by Ed.] Don’t let her run for congress or any political position.
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5/26/2024 11:56:05 AM
Hon. Barbara Elmore (Lonoke)
Biased and clearly prejudiced judge with a confirmation bias. Will ignore the facts and only listen to what she wants to hear. A clear mockery of the impartiality that a judge is supposed to possess. Almost seems to rule on a political spectrum.
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4/11/2024 12:01:53 PM
Hon. Ashley Parker (Lonoke)
Only thing that matters is money. Whoever has the money money wins the child.
Criminal Defense Lawyer
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3/8/2024 7:12:30 PM
Hon. Ashley Parker (Lonoke)
Gave custody of a child to the father, despite the father having a 10 year protection order against him on child's sibling, because mom didn't have an attorney. "If you can't afford an attorney, you can't afford your child." Father also sexually assaulted mom, which is how the child came to be. The judge did not care. It was all about money to him.
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3/8/2024 7:10:52 PM
Hon. Ashley Parker (Lonoke)
This judge gave the abuser the child based on lies from the child’s father who is the abuser this h judge did not care about the truth or the facts choose to ignore everything factual and sided with the father who lied and continues to abuse the child and the mother using his new found single parenting against the mom he shouldn’t have custody he punch the grandmother in her face killed baby’s mom cat and this judge gave him full sole custody and the mom got supervised every other weekend visitation which he also uses to abuse baby mother it’s really Patric what this judge has done to this baby he is bias towards men and does give them custody even if their the abusers he should be barred from family court especially custody cases
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10/16/2023 1:51:31 PM
Hon. Ashley Parker (Lonoke)
Truly cares about the best interest of the child.
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10/7/2023 3:01:38 AM
Hon. John Putman (Boone)
Definitely pro prosecution. Paid attorneys won't file anything as they don't want to "upset" the judge. In his court you are GUILTY and no way to prove otherwise, ever. Wouldn't matter if you had absolute proof.
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5/3/2023 8:05:47 PM