Hon. Benjamin T. Reyes II See Rating Details
Superior Court
Contra Costa County
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* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
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* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
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What others have said about Hon. Benjamin T. Reyes II



Comment #: CA54550
judge Reyes is extremely biased and unprofessional. He has caused me and my children undue harm, and did not honor their best interests. He ordered that our children be raised by an abusive parent, and cut the protective parent completely out. He threatened to put the children into the foster care system as if that was a goal. His soft voice and meek demeanor is manipulative when you hear his verdict. He's scary!!!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA54393
Rating:Not Rated
This judge and other judges need to be trained that when a party in family court accuse the other parent and family if the person have no evidence. The judge should shut the person down when parent come to family court with false allegations of abuse, and stating that family members are causing harm to the kids . The judge is support to address issues especially if the parent is lying because what happens the false allegations filter down to Civil Courts . Judges today are sitting on the bench to collect a check making decisions about a family that they clearly can care less as long as they collect they pay check. Judges sit on the bench people lie in their declarations and nothing is done . If a person says that one parent is causing hard to a child if it true take child to doctors but a lot of mother lie so the father cannot see children. Family Court is a broken system it is all about money the parent think that has the kids it the court and child support helps but in reality the courts , child support do not give a care about the children. Everything we do in life in our jobs , for our children the decision we will be judged . I sent this judge a letter because parent stated I came to this judge court and attack her in front of judge and staff inside the court . But the parent was on a zoom when she stated this took place on a court with the judge and other parent. The court do not want to address so I will send a letter to the Justice Department and FBI the parent stated this under oath . This is untrue what parent would come to court and attack a person in front of judge when they could be arrested. The judge should address this issue.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA54392
Rating:Not Rated
This judge and other judges need to be trained that when a party in family court accuse the other parent and family if the person have no evidence. The judge should shut the person down when parent come to family court with false allegations of abuse, and stating that family members are causing harm to the kids . The judge is support to address issues especially if the parent is lying because what happens the false allegations filter down to Civil Courts . Judges today are sitting on the bench to collect a check making decisions about a family that they clearly can care less as long as they collect they pay check. Judges sit on the bench people lie in their declarations and nothing is done . If a person says that one parent is causing hard to a child if it true take child to doctors but a lot of mother lie so the father cannot see children. Family Court is a broken system it is all about money the parent think that has the kids it the court and child support helps but in reality the courts , child support do not give a care about the children. Everything we do in life in our jobs , for our children the decision we will be judged . I sent this judge a letter because parent stated I came to this judge court and attack her in front of judge and staff inside the court . But the parent was on a zoom when she stated this took place on a court with the judge and other parent. The court do not want to address so I will send a letter to the Justice Department and FBI the parent stated this under oath . This is untrue what parent would come to court and attack a person in front of judge when they could be arrested. The judge should address this issue.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA54391
Rating:Not Rated
This judge and other judges need to be trained that when a party in family court accuse the other parent and family if the person have no evidence. The judge should shut the person down when parent come to family court with false allegations of abuse, and stating that family members are causing harm to the kids . The judge is support to address issues especially if the parent is lying because what happens the false allegations filter down to Civil Courts . Judges today are sitting on the bench to collect a check making decisions about a family that they clearly can care less as long as they collect they pay check. Judges sit on the bench people lie in their declarations and nothing is done . If a person says that one parent is causing hard to a child if it true take child to doctors but a lot of mother lie so the father cannot see children. Family Court is a broken system it is all about money the parent think that has the kids it the court and child support helps but in reality the courts , child support do not give a care about the children. Everything we do in life in our jobs , for our children the decision we will be judged . I sent this judge a letter because parent stated I came to this judge court and attack her in front of judge and staff inside the court . But the parent was on a zoom when she stated this took place on a court with the judge and other parent. The court do not want to address so I will send a letter to the Justice Department and FBI the parent stated this under oath . This is untrue what parent would come to court and attack a person in front of judge when they could be arrested. The judge should address this issue.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA54390
Rating:Not Rated
This judge and other judges need to be trained that when a party in family court accuse the other parent and family if the person have no evidence. The judge should shut the person down when parent come to family court with false allegations of abuse, and stating that family members are causing harm to the kids . The judge is support to address issues especially if the parent is lying because what happens the false allegations filter down to Civil Courts . Judges today are sitting on the bench to collect a check making decisions about a family that they clearly can care less as long as they collect they pay check. Judges sit on the bench people lie in their declarations and nothing is done . If a person says that one parent is causing hard to a child if it true take child to doctors but a lot of mother lie so the father cannot see children. Family Court is a broken system it is all about money the parent think that has the kids it the court and child support helps but in reality the courts , child support do not give a care about the children. Everything we do in life in our jobs , for our children the decision we will be judged . I sent this judge a letter because parent stated I came to this judge court and attack her in front of judge and staff inside the court . But the parent was on a zoom when she stated this took place on a court with the judge and other parent. The court do not want to address so I will send a letter to the Justice Department and FBI the parent stated this under oath . This is untrue what parent would come to court and attack a person in front of judge when they could be arrested. The judge should address this issue.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA54389
Rating:Not Rated
This judge and other judges need to be trained that when a party in family court accuse the other parent and family if the person have no evidence. The judge should shut the person down when parent come to family court with false allegations of abuse, and stating that family members are causing harm to the kids . The judge is support to address issues especially if the parent is lying because what happens the false allegations filter down to Civil Courts . Judges today are sitting on the bench to collect a check making decisions about a family that they clearly can care less as long as they collect they pay check. Judges sit on the bench people lie in their declarations and nothing is done . If a person says that one parent is causing hard to a child if it true take child to doctors but a lot of mother lie so the father cannot see children. Family Court is a broken system it is all about money the parent think that has the kids it the court and child support helps but in reality the courts , child support do not give a care about the children. Everything we do in life in our jobs , for our children the decision we will be judged . I sent this judge a letter because parent stated I came to this judge court and attack her in front of judge and staff inside the court . But the parent was on a zoom when she stated this took place on a court with the judge and other parent. The court do not want to address so I will send a letter to the Justice Department and FBI the parent stated this under oath . This is untrue what parent would come to court and attack a person in front of judge when they could be arrested. The judge should address this issue.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA54388
Rating:Not Rated
This judge and other judges need to be trained that when a party in family court accuse the other parent and family if the person have no evidence. The judge should shut the person down when parent come to family court with false allegations of abuse, and stating that family members are causing harm to the kids . The judge is support to address issues especially if the parent is lying because what happens the false allegations filter down to Civil Courts . Judges today are sitting on the bench to collect a check making decisions about a family that they clearly can care less as long as they collect they pay check. Judges sit on the bench people lie in their declarations and nothing is done . If a person says that one parent is causing hard to a child if it true take child to doctors but a lot of mother lie so the father cannot see children. Family Court is a broken system it is all about money the parent think that has the kids it the court and child support helps but in reality the courts , child support do not give a care about the children. Everything we do in life in our jobs , for our children the decision we will be judged . I sent this judge a letter because parent stated I came to this judge court and attack her in front of judge and staff inside the court . But the parent was on a zoom when she stated this took place on a court with the judge and other parent. The court do not want to address so I will send a letter to the Justice Department and FBI the parent stated this under oath . This is untrue what parent would come to court and attack a person in front of judge when they could be arrested. The judge should address this issue.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA54387
Rating:Not Rated
This judge and other judges need to be trained that when a party in family court accuse the other parent and family if the person have no evidence. The judge should shut the person down when parent come to family court with false allegations of abuse, and stating that family members are causing harm to the kids . The judge is support to address issues especially if the parent is lying because what happens the false allegations filter down to Civil Courts . Judges today are sitting on the bench to collect a check making decisions about a family that they clearly can care less as long as they collect they pay check. Judges sit on the bench people lie in their declarations and nothing is done . If a person says that one parent is causing hard to a child if it true take child to doctors but a lot of mother lie so the father cannot see children. Family Court is a broken system it is all about money the parent think that has the kids it the court and child support helps but in reality the courts , child support do not give a care about the children. Everything we do in life in our jobs , for our children the decision we will be judged . I sent this judge a letter because parent stated I came to this judge court and attack her in front of judge and staff inside the court . But the parent was on a zoom when she stated this took place on a court with the judge and other parent. The court do not want to address so I will send a letter to the Justice Department and FBI the parent stated this under oath . This is untrue what parent would come to court and attack a person in front of judge when they could be arrested. The judge should address this issue.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA54386
Rating:Not Rated
This judge and other judges need to be trained that when a party in family court accuse the other parent and family if the person have no evidence. The judge should shut the person down when parent come to family court with false allegations of abuse, and stating that family members are causing harm to the kids . The judge is support to address issues especially if the parent is lying because what happens the false allegations filter down to Civil Courts . Judges today are sitting on the bench to collect a check making decisions about a family that they clearly can care less as long as they collect they pay check. Judges sit on the bench people lie in their declarations and nothing is done . If a person says that one parent is causing hard to a child if it true take child to doctors but a lot of mother lie so the father cannot see children. Family Court is a broken system it is all about money the parent think that has the kids it the court and child support helps but in reality the courts , child support do not give a care about the children. Everything we do in life in our jobs , for our children the decision we will be judged . I sent this judge a letter because parent stated I came to this judge court and attack her in front of judge and staff inside the court . But the parent was on a zoom when she stated this took place on a court with the judge and other parent. The court do not want to address so I will send a letter to the Justice Department and FBI the parent stated this under oath . This is untrue what parent would come to court and attack a person in front of judge when they could be arrested. The judge should address this issue.


Comment #: CA53756
Rating:Not Rated
Looking to do interviews, please reach out via email if your interested in being interviewed.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA53755
Rating:Not Rated
Looking to do interviews with anyone interested. Please reach out with your email address.


Comment #: CA53448
I am an Melanated that had full faith in my ability to represent what’s best for my child and myself even with BTR biased judgements and candor in the courtroom. I had custody of my daughter for eight years and constantly being harassed by mother with Cps, allegations of abuse, stalking and mental and emotional abuse of my daughter and myself. I have detailed my position in trail with BTR but he refused to hear my witnesses and allowed the plaintiffs (Bay Area legal aide) to usurp all of the time by playing games and using two lawyers to present information that wasn’t there. My eight year old daughter was talked into falsified testimony at Kaiser, Cps investigation was unfounded and Btr wrote an order that was confounding and confusing to police that refused to enforce it due to its lack of specific guidelines. BTR could have fixed his mistakes and I’m sure was privy of the gaping holes in his orders. When we first started all these procedures BTR stated that his relative goes to school with my daughter and it is a private school or which BTR has financed. I insist that he recuse himself because of his implicit biases. I was also give a DVRO and BIP with there being any evidence or a way to counter the hearsay that caused these allegations. I was never charged, convicted, arrested or anything else. CPS said that nothing happened. BTR IS PREJUDICED, Biased and Racist. [Redacted by Ed.]


Comment #: CA53060
Extremely biased. Prejudges motions against designated losers. Dues not follow due process. Speaks softly, politely and gives the outward appearance of being even-handed but will fuck you when he issues orders. Recuse.


Comment #: CA48125
Rating:Not Rated
I was in court yesterday June 1,2023 and observed Judge Reyes refuse to report allegations of sexual abuse of a child. The judge then ordered the sherriff's to retrieve the child and return her to the person who the child says in molesting her and watching her while she showers. The judge said children should not be believed when they report abuse and ordered the child to be returned to her alleged abuser. Judges are required to report allegations of child abuse and Reyes did not. Instead he ordered the child to be returned without even a medical evaluation to determine if the allegations were true. I've been worried about that little girl ever since court yesterday and reyes should be removed from the bench over this.


Comment #: CA38340
Rating:Not Rated

really weird placement, of all of the CAPS-usually very crappy, angry, sleazy attorneys, do this to deflect and so their lies and falsities stand out.


Comment #: CA38339
Ben Reyes SEEMS to be a good judge on the surface, being soft spoken and patient while on the bench BUT... when it comes to actually preparing himself to make a ruling for a hearing, he showed up to the bench on an EMERGENCY order hearing 5 MONTHS AFTER THE FILING, unprepared, brought counsel into chambers, stated he HAD NOT READ ANYTHING about the matter and kicked the EMERGENCY matter down the road ANOTHER COUPLE MONTHS to give him time to make a ruling. Well here’s a surprise... Judge Reyes covered for his crony counterpart Joni Hiromoto who is a total family wrecking ball that has/ had NO business ruling from the bench in the “best interests of of the child” standard. Ben Reyes is complicit in the retaliatory vendetta, abuse of discretion, abuse of authority and contempt of the laws and regulations governing the family court, as perpetrated by Joni Hiromoto.
I am perplexed that Ben Reyes will not read the case information to comprehend the gravity of abuses in this case to make HIS OWN determination of the facts to realize the grossly overreaching statement of decision written by the previous judge in the case. This decision was based on an INCOMPLETE status report that was ORDERED to be completed by the previous judge, who then used the INCOMPLETE report to UNLAWFULLY and IMMEDIATELY sever the parent’s physical and legal rights to the children without reason given on record and without due process, while COMPLETELY ignoring the court ordered Professional information that was PURPOSELY EXCLUDED from the initial status report that undeniably contradicted the judge’s personal vendetta to remove the parent from the children’s lives. Ben Reyes in my opinion does not care about TRUE justice or initiating the effort to understand what is actually in “the best interests of the child” while keeping the status quo approach of cronyism,following their footsteps in order protect and uphold the gross judicial misconduct of his peers and he should be ashamed!