Hon. Charmaine H Buehner See Rating Details
Superior Court
Ventura County
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What others have said about Hon. Charmaine H Buehner



Comment #: CA53864
This judge has completely devastated our family, and turned my son's life into a spiral. This judge is biased against mother's and pro dad. Also likes to use her own "Court Appointed Professionals" if the parties can not afford the fees.She yells at you, and belittles you in front of everyone in the courtroom. It's intimidating enough to have to fight over false allegations from a spiteful ex husband, but to not be allowed to speak and just have your child taken from your home when he knows nothing else. Automatically believing the other parent's lies even with CPS and Mediator's recommendations were pro mom. She even appointed a minor's counsel but wouldn't allow us other options. Not only did she grant supervised visitation for my ex husband's attorney, she didn't even allow the option for it to be family or a person that we did not have to pay. Also allowed his attorney clearly lie about me having convictions . She had her mind made up about me before I walked into that courtroom. Clearly not considering the best interest of my son. He misses me everyday, and has never been without me, but this judge put up so many obstacles I couldn't afford. It's very discouraging and devastating. She needs to have more training and some type of empathy towards families that want to be together and encourage reunification instead of making it almost financially impossible to see my son.


Comment #: CA53070
Rating:Not Rated
VCSC has updated the website to reflect the reassignment.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA53059
Rating:Not Rated
The new judge in courtroom 33 won't be much better. Minimal family law background.. mainly insurance.. face palm.

Dana k. Caugill

I suggest anyone who has this new judge, ask for a reassignment

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA53058
Rating:Not Rated
Either she has stepped down, been removed from the bench or been reassigned to a different court room. As a new judge has been assigned to courtroom 33. The superior court has not updated their judicial courtroom appointments web page yet to reflect the change that occurred February 26th.


Comment #: CA53044
Rating:Not Rated
I heard she was no longer on the bench.
Does anyone know anything about this?


Comment #: CA52165
Rating:Not Rated
1. She appears stubborn and unwilling to hear all the facts before making a decision.
2. She appears to ignore a motions for judicial review when presented by an attorney.
3. She appears to lack a sufficient knowledge of evidentiary law.
4. She often misquotes and mischaracterizes or completely ignores evidence in her decisions.
5. She twists the law, such as La Musga, to fit her decisions instead of the facts presented.
6. She appears to have a bias against persons who do not share her particular views on religion.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA49380
Rating:Not Rated
She is a very bad judge. In my case, I discovered that she had never read my file and did not know what I was asking for. She hired a lawyer for my son and did not ask me if I would bear the costs. She rejected my request to travel with my son to spend the Christmas holiday in one of the European countries and Canada. It's against women. I asked my ex-husband to pay for my son's braces. In court, he said he asked the orthodontist about the price of braces three years ago and he said 3,300. She made me pay more than my ex-husband, even though I am an employee and my ex-husband is rich. Is there orthodontics for 3300 today? She is very stupid and uninformed. I want help. I don't want her to be the judge in the upcoming sessions. She made my son miserable and he cannot travel because of her. I sent a message to the court saying I wanted to change the judge, but no one answered me. Whoever knows how to change this judge, please email me at: amalm68@yahoo.com


Comment #: CA47094
Judge Buehner is a danger to the safety of children and abuse survivors. She is biased against mothers who represent themselves, lazy, relying on the recommendations of attorneys which creates an unfair advantage for those who can afford representation. The judge gave an abuser who could afford representation the children full time with a biased and vague visitation order which enabled the abuser to taunt and abuse the mother who could not afford representation. Please use your resources to shine the light on this biased, lazy and thoughtless judge so many families are being destroyed and need help.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA46796
Rating:Not Rated
The best way is to continue the public pressure and community building that other victims of the court have been pursuing. All of these judges are psychopathic and hold secrets. Many people have exposed them. Tell your story loudly and often to overcome the editor’s censorship. If there’s anything that I or other activists can do to help tell your story, let me know.


Comment #: CA46786
My daughter cries every day because of what this careless judge has done to her family. Her children were taken away from her because of Judge Buehner's bias towards people who represent themselves. The custody agreement that took my grandchildren from her was sloppy and vague giving the narcistic and cruel father all of the power which he taunts her with every day. How is someone so thoughtless and lazy allowed to have so much power over people lives and families. What can be done to stop her??


Comment #: CA46635
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Buehner is a disgrace to the bench. She is biased and angry and always has a tentative judgement before even hearing a trial. She refuses to allow due process in her courtroom and has destroyed countless families with her disturbing decisions. She does not care about children or families, only enjoys the feeling of hurting others. She should not be a judge, especially in family law. She has no prior experience in family law, then appointed a judge. The system is severely flawed and our children are suffering because of judges like this.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA46588
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Protective Mother,

Self representation is hard because the legal system has so many loopholes and gotchas that only attorneys experienced in the routine gamesmanship of court can anticipate beforehand. It may be worth it to talk to an attorney before going to court next time.

I recommend [redacted], who is well respected by judges in Ventura and is known for strong ethics. He’s a family law attorney and he’s very responsive.

Judges are also often biased against self representing people because they prefer the good old boys, “pay to play” system that enables them to get away with as much as they do. It may be a good idea to have Brandon help out, even if just for one hearing. It may change the judge’s bias if that is the case.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

"When presented in full brilliance, the brightest light casts the longest shadows. The Truth Will Be Radiant."

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA46587
Rating:Not Rated
Self representation is hard because the legal system has so many loopholes and gotchas that only attorneys experienced in the routine gamesmanship of court can anticipate beforehand. It may be worth it to talk to an attorney before going to court next time.

I recommend Bryan Clifton, who is well respected by judges in Ventura and is known for strong ethics. He’s a family law attorney and he’s very responsive. http://bryancliftonlaw.com/

Judges are also often biased against self representing people because they prefer the good old boys, “pay to play” system that enables them to get away with as much as they do. It may be a good idea to have Brandon help out, even if just for one hearing. It may change the judge’s bias if that is the case.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

"When presented in full brilliance, the brightest light casts the longest shadows. The Truth Will Be Radiant."


Comment #: CA46567
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Buehner has devastated our family with her careless and cruel rulings, she reprimanded a mother who was representing herself after she fled her situation when she was sexually assaulted by the father of her children Judge Buehner told this young woman that she didn't try hard enough to make it work with her abuser. The woman I speak of is a family member who has been tormented by her abuser who was able to gain custody because he could afford legal representation and she could not. The carelessness of this judge is disgusting. I found pics of her with her 3 smiling children on line, the hypocrisy of this woman is astonishing. She is a disgrace to mothers and women

Court Staff

Comment #: CA46562
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Victim (#3 this week!!!),

You’re not alone. I’ve received emails from two other moms about judge Buehner in just the past few days. It’s clear to me she is either being careless or malicious, and I’ve mostly been contacted by women in the years that I’ve been doing this activism on all Ventura family law judges (with the exception of a few attorneys who are male and a couple male litigants). If she were being fair to both genders I would expect an even number of men reaching out—but that’s not the case. I see the trauma that women are facing, first being abused by their perpetrators, then revictimized in court.

Speaking out hurts these judges, especially when it causes attorneys to file 170.6 petitions against them for bias. I’ve also seen biased judges recuse themselves after litigants post about them on YouTube or on the robing room website.

If you do decide to post, I encourage you to do it anonymously. These judges have retaliated against litigants in the past, such as one judge (Baio) who referred a litigant to the district attorney for prosecution after she posted her story to YouTube.

Another technique you may try is to describe the abuse publicly in great detail. The truth has a way of being obvious, especially when you present facts in detail that never change, and are always told consistently time and time again. Although the judges may ignore this in the courtroom due to bias or corruption, people pay attention in the court of public opinion.

I wish you the best and let me know if I can help in any way.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

“When presented in full brilliance, the brightest light casts the longest shadows. The Truth SHALL Be Radiant.”

Court Staff

Comment #: CA46551
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Protective Mother,

I think choosing when to fight and when to hold back can make a difference. You can reframe it by saying, “without giving up any of my rights, I’m willing to compromise for the sake of my kids.” The system is unfair and for some reason Ventura is hostile to abuse survivors. I strongly believe the judges in Ventura are abusers themselves by the way they act. Disarm them with agreeableness!

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA46550
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Victim,

It has been an ongoing pattern in Ventura of corrupt judges ruling against protective mothers. Fathers never reach out to me, and there’s no justifiable reason for the gender discrepancy in people who ask me for help. Judge Buehner might be ruling against you because of bias toward your abuse allegations. It wouldn’t surprise me, and I’ve seen it before. This is definitely a modern day women’s rights issue.

In the past, I’ve seen the judges shamed to the point where some have recused themselves. All of these judges have skeletons in their closet like all abusers do. I’ve seen litigants do this using YouTube accounts or by posting their stories, to the robing room website, which is used by almost all attorneys in the county. However, if you do choose to speak out, your ex could use it in court and it will almost certainly bias any judge in Ventura County (my advice is to remain anonymous).

Others have spoken out such as a single mom in Judge Biao’s court who was referred to the DA for prosecution after posting her story to YouTube. The DA office declined to prosecute because there was no crime committed. This is one example of many of the corruption in Ventura’s courts.

I wish you the best and feel free to contact me anytime.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

"When presented in full brilliance, the brightest light casts the longest shadows. The Truth Will Be Radiant."


Comment #: CA46547
Impatient. Incompetent and useless judge. She hates her job. She definitely should quit. Too lazy to change orders. Too lazy to read documents. Horrible judge. The worst.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA46482
Rating:Not Rated
RE: CA46480

Dear Parent,

You’re absolutely right about corruption in the Ventura Family Law department. The system is pay to play and if you don’t have a favored, insider attorney, it’s game over for your kids. These courts favor the more powerful party over the vulnerable, unprivileged single mothers who can’t afford to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars prosecuting their cases. The courts side with abusers because it’s the easy way out. Victims don’t fight back, but actual abusers could lash out at the court and its officers. Better to play it safe and take the cash from insider attorneys. For one case in point, I’m aware of an attorney (initials M. H.) who attempted to solicit a $30,000 retainer for a garden variety restraining order case. That amount of money is way more than what’s required to bring a case forward.

The system can’t be reformed. It must be totally dismantled and replaced.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA46480
Rating:Not Rated
~Thus far my comments are not positive as with the remainder of Ventura Country Family Court judges. I don't believe anyone in VFC have the education and expertise to be deciding what's in the best interests of the child. NOT ONE. Including Laurie Peters, minor's counsel.


Comment #: CA40009
She has been in the family law courtroom for over a year now, but nothing has changed. Today I watched her impatience and lack of understanding of the intricacies of family court ruin so many families. Drastic rulings were made without both parties present, and without hearing both sides of the story. And that didn’t even include my own case. By the time it was my turn, she only seemed more frustrated and irritated. She actually cut me off during my testimony saying “I’m going to go ahead and stop you right there. Here’s my ruling.” She ruled against me again and did not allow due process or allow me to finish my testimony. What can be done to hold her accountable for her actions?


Comment #: CA38389
She has done it again. Judge Buehner took a son away from his mother (me) with NO evidence, only fake sob stories from my ex and his wife. She would not even allow our son’s therapist to testify because she said “heard enough to make a ruling”. How is that lawful? She is impatient and seems irritated the moment you enter her courtroom. She even allowed my ex to add on topics to the calendar for her to make rulings on on the spot, even though none of the matters he mentioned were before the courts at that time. I did not have any evidence or rebuttals prepared because it was not part of the RFO. ALL rulings were made AGAINST me, again with ZERO evidence. She allows hearsay and conjecture in her courtroom. Not one physical piece of evidence was shown by my ex that would align with Judge Buehner’s ruling. In fact, the physical evidence that I provided should have made her rule in the opposite direction. With people like Judge Buehner on the bench, no one stands a fair and equal or lawful opportunity in the court system. She is naive to domestic violence issues, and handed my son into the hands of our narcissistic abuser. She has to be stopped! How can we stop her from ruining more lives, and how can we get her rulings overturned.


Comment #: CA37141
Rating:Not Rated
see my comments on Judge Jo Ann Johnson


Comment #: CA35763
Incredibly biased. Slapped me with so much child support I cannot afford my mortgage payments and only allowed daytime visits with him. The entire reason I went to court was because my ex took my child to California from another state under false pretenses. Yet she gives full custody to the woman who abandoned our child with me for nearly 6 months to do nothing. Zero stars and I’m taking up a case with DCSS against her.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA35232
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Litigant,

Trouble with Judge Buehner has been reported to us previously. We would be interested in hearing any misconduct you may have witnessed by this judge. Email what you know to RadiantTruth@pm.me.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA35231
She is brand new and has never practiced any form of family law which is clear in how she runs her courtroom. She is unprofessional, inexperienced, and impatient. She relies on the professionals in the room, which is biased and unfair when only one side is represented and the other is in pro per. She does not follow the law, refuses to hear both sides of the story and will not look at the evidence. She should be no where near the family law courtroom making decisions that effect children and families. She needs to be removed from family law immediately before she ruins more lives.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA34590
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Ms. Vanarelli,

Including your full name in a post on TRR is only inviting trouble. I wouldn't recommend continuing to list your name in posts in the future. Always practice good OPSEC.

Very Truly,

Ventura County's Radiant Truth

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA34569
Rating:Not Rated
I just don't understand how someone with virtually no courtroom experience can be appointed a judge. -Christina Vanarelli


Comment #: CA34212
Rating:Not Rated
Be it known unto all courts, judges, litigants, and attorneys, unto whom this work be known: That We, through the grace of Radiant Truth Ventura, and our lord Anonymous, have seen the truth which contain this record, which is the record of all CJP private admonishments, victim statements, and also of judicial corruption, who came from the tower of The Internet from which hath been spoken. Book of Anonymous 1:2

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA34211
New judge. Mean, impatient and condescending. Truly awful.


Comment #: CA34208
Rating:Not Rated
Would be better suited for criminal law than family law. She does not understand the equitable nature of family law, and is inpatient with the process.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA33908
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Buehner,

We are watching. Expect us.