Hon. Adrienne E Marshack See Rating Details
Superior Court
Orange County
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Attorney Average Rating:   5.5 - 2 rating(s)
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What others have said about Hon. Adrienne E Marshack



Comment #: CA54425
A man in the mafia on the FBIs most wanted list who was raided by the police for being an accessory to murder, illegal firearms and kilos of cocaine found where the daughter was living was
Sentenced to 12 years in prison and had more rights to talk with his child every week then a father with no criminal record or even a speeding ticket has less rights then what this Marshack will give to fathers.
What is the moral of the story?
Kill others, do drugs, have illegal activities Ave go to jail if you want a relationship with your child. But if you don't do that.. you will be alienated until the child is 18 and forced to pay Title IV-D child support.


Comment #: CA53581
This judge gives mercy to child abusing parental alienators. She is like an ostrich that sticks her head in the sand. She won't risk to do the right thing.


Comment #: CA53571
After over a year of fighting in family court. This judge will refuse all and any visitation. This judge supports taking children away from 1 of the biological parents and rewarding the most narcissistic
& blood thirsty parent with 100 % custody. Deadliest new judge in California.


Comment #: CA52739
This is the Family Court script & Adrienne E Marshack playbook:

1. Scare the victim/parent to agree to an order resulting in alienation;
2. If the victim is not scared, use any pretense to isolate the child, and then sabotage any positive resolution until the child is alienated.

These family court judges are all the same. Next.


Comment #: CA52640
I got a phone call today from child support that I'm over $40k in debt, that my license is being revoked and that of I'm pulled over by police I'll be going to prison. I would like to thank judge Marshack for playing a big part in forcing children away from parents, festering families and forcing dads to pay child support or go to prison. And also will be sent to prison if a dad is within 100 yards of their child. Marshack is easily one of the cruelest and most evil tyrannical judges I've ever witnessed in my life.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA52282
Rating:Not Rated
I have a case infront of Judge Adrienne Marshack currently, I have an honest and solid case on my end but was worried due to all of the negative comments. I have seen in regards to this judge. I have had a completely opposite experience from the others below, I found her to be full of wisdom, extremely fair and pleasant. I shopped through many lawyers and the attorney I decided to hire was fond of this judge for the same reasons listed above that I observed myself in her ruling.


Comment #: CA52219
What's the difference between a kidnapper and an orange county, California family court judges like Adrienne?
At least when you pay money to a kidnapper, you get to see your child again. But not so with these family court judges, like Adrienne. They look for any excuse to take your child away and still make you pay lots of money. So they can have a retirement fund off the kidnapping of our children.
That's the difference. A kidnapper is Evil. But the family court judges is the most evil incarnate you will ever face in your life.


Comment #: CA52106
My case is being moved to Tennessee. The mom according to law should have given 45 days notice to the courts or to me that she was moving to Tennessee. She never did. I am pro se going against a good lawyer. I get eaten alive and have no chance of winning. Even if I state family court law.. it has no power when I say it. If the mother of our son who has a lawyer says it.. I will be sentenced to go to jail or forced to do a 52 week battery treatment program for the exact same offense. There's no mercy for me a father. I brought up the law verbatim what that law states. But the judge Marshack dismissed it and let's her do anything she wants. All the judges in OC care about is money, so the judges can live off our CHILD SUPPORT TITLE IV-D in retirement. If she wanted to kill me. I know the mom cities have me whacked and everyone would mourn no more child support money coming in. That's it. She would get away with it in the California family court. OJ Simpson got away with murder in California. My ex would get away with murder. I got in trouble just for posting on social media that her brotherr had me on a HIT list, where the only time police contacted me was to say that I was on a HIT list.. it was even on the LA times and KTLA News and I got in trouble and was forced to do a 52 week battery treatment program. I've never been to jail or have 1 single police record. I'm in the 52 week battery treatment program.. and these fathers who have been in jail and have police reports on them.. only have to do 26 weeks. 52 is considered to extreme & reserved only for the worst offenders. Basically I spoke up that because I have a penis, I am being treated like Osama Bin Laden. The other really messed up part is that I am forced to pay for my son's day care fees in orange county California. My son had not even lived in orange county California since the pandemic I found out. I asked the judge and if I could modify to take this away and she mumbled something and in the end she would not do it. They are all crooks in family court. They steal your children away and force you to pay child support and pay day care fees and pay child interest fees and I get a pay check for $261 not to mention I have to pay therapist fees, the battery treatment fees, where I am moderated by feminist woke moderators who are lesbians married for a decade to another lesbian and they absolutely hate men who have a penis. I'll never see my son under Marshack. It's impossible.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA52072
A rotten apple.


Comment #: CA50224
This judge 100% does not represent the best interstate of the child. A lawyer paid by the state declared 4 times in the court that the child cares for the father. Not 1 time. Not just 2 times. 3 times stayed that the CHILD cared about his father. What did the judge do with this new evidence? Absolutely nothing. This judge is Doors but care about anything but money and keeping fathers away from their childish and even goes agadir the best interest of the child. This family judge therefore I rate as a 1star judge.


Comment #: CA49703
Run away from this judge.
She will never let you have care, custody or control of your child in any capacity if you are a father.
A lawyer spoke of Judge Shawshank or Marshack, as being a rotten apple.


Comment #: CA49218
Entering this Orange County family courtroom of Marshak is being in a horror movie: the victim/father doesn’t know what type of sadistic trap is set age the torture he will go through just to be a dad. The OC family court will make threats of jail and hand out restraining orders like Halloween candy.

The tyranny of the regime is on full display in Family Courts.
This is why juries, press, and public are not welcome in Marshaks court room.

Vast majority of fathers will never alienate the children from their mother after separation.

With mothers, it’s the exact opposite.

This is why Marshak will never allow fathers any real visitation or custody.


Comment #: CA49144
The WORST judge in California.


Comment #: CA48910
Expect to go to family court 50 times with family court judge Marshack. This judge will make sure you go to a WOKE feminist brainwashing treatment program moderated by lesbians before you ever get to be in your child's life again. True story.


Comment #: CA48391
Trying to convince Family Court Judge Marshak that fathers are important is like trying to explain to Julius Streicher that Jews are human beings. Inconceivable.
Orange County family courts judges like Marshak hate your guts, and want 1 parent gone, so that they may accumulate wealth and power by keeping children from having 50/50 equal time with both parents for a long as possible. She will demonize and destroy 1 parent to keep the federal money flowing thru title IV-D.


Comment #: CA47706
` As a father, I was hoping to spend time with our son during the summer. But Marshack wont let that happen. The only thing she will allow to happen is for me to pay child support. If you're a father. Stay away from this judge. Unless you want to spend all your time and hard earned money trying to get equal time and rights with your children.


Comment #: CA47638
Today is mothers day.
I'm a father who has appeared before
Hon. Adrienne E Marshack about 4 to 6 times and have 0% custody. It's 2023 and California has no legislation for 50/50 equality for children to have the right to be with both parents equally.
Fathers are deprived in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury.
The Willingness of fathers to risk it all by going public is a good indicator of telling the truth.
No juries, no cameras, no evidentiary hearings before taking the kids away, no appeals on temp orders lasting years - but if you vent on Facebook and speak out of your children being taken, that is the #1 crime in family court.
Marshack does not want you to submit papers.
She wants you to submit yourself.
If you are your own lawyer in Family Court, it’s less likely that you’ll sell your client out to stay friends with this judge.
Once you have the courage to face reality and admit that Family Courts’ real objective is to destroy the children, things will start making sense.
After years of my child being taken away.. when the judge allows fathers the right to simply be able to hug their dad is the real child support.


Comment #: CA47514
This is the most feminist and woke judge in the state of California that you will ever come across. She eats fathers for breakfast in family court and will deny any and all visits to dads. If you are a single mom. Expect to get 100% custody and to receive 100% child support for the rest of your life.


Comment #: CA47447
I spent a lot of money on a lawyer today, money that I don't have and lost at court today.
I just want a relationship with my child. What will I not do, say or give to be a in my child's life. I would give up everything. This judge just does continuations and won't let me see or talk to my little child. After having family court today I have the most terrible and worst headache of my life. All I want is to be a parent. This is my only dream in life. But this judge has erased me. I have never been so sad in my life to have my only child ripped out of my life by these family judge and lawyers.


Comment #: CA47441
Rating:Not Rated
Well, she seems extremely smart. I have seen her be really patient, let litigants speak & remained calm when an attorney was sharp.
Concerning is that she repeated lies by a scam artist corrupt attorney, made orders based on those lies & now I have to file thousands of pages because she allowed a crook attorney to commit fraud. I caught him lying to her and massive fraud. I hope she cares.. TBD. I appreciate a young judge. It’s cool that she has kids. Awful corrupt attorneys are a huge problem and she has to deal with those creeps daily. I will update as I go. She’s given some awful orders, but only because she was lied to… let’s see if she holds the fraudsters accountable.


Comment #: CA47421
[Redacted by Ed.]
All about parental alienation.
I have no criminal record or police report.
It was said in court that I do not use physical violence.
The only evidence used against me, to bash me as the most deadly terrorist of a father as some Osama Bin Laden, was my use of a deadly weapon.
What deadly weapon was used against me in court? Was it a flame thrower? A grenade? A gun? A Ninja throwing star? A plastic kitchen knife?
None of the above.
The only evidence used against me in court was 20 pieces of toilet paper (counted in court) with Bible verses and poetry written on them.
As a result of this insidious crime I would be sentenced to a life time restraining-order to be 100 yards away from my son. How dare I give my son toilet paper.
Lawyers paid $500/ hour can make this look like the greatest crime in the world worthy of being 100 yards from my son or go to prison for 1 year or go to jail.
Furthermore, the judge hired a lawyer for my son who gave advice on the what the child's best interests were.
Meanwhile this lawyer never talked one time to his boss, (my child to ask what his wishes are!) The lawyer just sprouted his opinions based on making him the most money as possible. That tax payers will have to doll out to the laziest lawyer in the world who makes 10,000 for 1 phone call and zoom conference.
[Redacted by Ed.]
Run away from this judge. You will find no justice. For 4 years I've been fighting for 1 phone call for 5 seconds to tell our son that I love him and judge Marshack for almost 1 year has totally denied me any custody or time or even 1 phone call to say I love you.
Furthermore, she gets the facts mixed up.
Half a decade ago when I was allowed to see our son, the mom came to the park and said, "get behind me, Satan." And picked up our son and left.
5 years later, this judge now accuses me of calling the mom Satan.
You can't get any more backwards then this.
All I want is to be a father and to tell my son for 5 seconds, "Dear son, I love you." But this judge Marshack denies even that simple thing for me to do. I taste this judge negative 10 stars because the only thing she cares about is money, power and destroying fathers


Comment #: CA47179
Marshack is just another woke feminist judge who is all about the title IV-D money. How many fathers and mothers has she given 50/50 custody to? 0% that I've seen. She is a judge who claims to have children yet refuses thus far to give equality to parents. She is all about letting fathers and mothers slowly be tortured and utterly destroyed by keeping the children away from 1 parent, allowing 1 side to have all their money taken by child support, child day care fees and child interest fees. If there is 1 judge in orange county who enjoys the torture of child abuse in parental alienation, it is judge Marshack, who disguises this by saying this is for the best interest of the child.. which always when uttered by a family judge means money, power and control.
If she wants to be a good family judge.. it's easy. Give 50/50 every time in a 1 and done deal, instead of letting family court draw out in half a dozen court cases that will end up lasting for months and years of parental alienation.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: CA47062
Judge Marshack is so smart, caring, compassionate, organized, and knowledgeable about the law, anyone would be very fortunate to have her as their judge.