Hon. Bentrish Satarzadeh See Rating Details
Superior Court
Alameda County
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* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
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General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Bentrish Satarzadeh



Comment #: CA55589
Commissionaire (not a judge) Benetrish Satarzadeh acts horrifically and nefariously in both criminal and civil cases that I have experienced with her and takes no pause to hurt children to destroy or "Erase Families" (ref. Popular YouTube video)

Her modus operandi is very apparently and evident:
- Cause as much confusion in the case and hate between parties by her egregious, imbalanced, unchecked, repetitive, evidently UNLAWFUL actions of: badgering, harassing, baiting, and "attempted entrapment" (ref. Caselaw against the DEA and the "Doctrine of the Poisonous Tree" - regarding evidence collected via entrapment is not admissible"), onto one or both parties to avail themselves to further admonishment, punishment onto litigants and their children, and formal causes of action by the County Judiciary and Sheriff Dept. in efforts to i) "unnecessarily prolong cases" and have as many hearings as possible and ii) "ring up" litigants on new and more actions against them to further her own career as a "Case maker / Profit generator" (via increased taxes and inflating judiciary budgets), that support and pay her salary and benefits.

Specifically, to date Commissioner (not a judge) Benetrish Satarzadeh has, in fact, perpetrated the following, including but not limited to:
- Mocked litigants and attorneys with her acutely disfigured and contorted facial expressions and highly condescending remarks.
- Falsey i) cites the law on numerous occasions (she knows there are no cameras in the courtrooms) -- and more importantly -- ii) unlawfully uses false citations to make UNLAWFUL court orders against litigants and does VIOLATE THEIR RIGHTS.
- Did VIOLATE THE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS - FIRST ADMENDMENT of a parent litigant in the middle of giving testmoney live on the record in the courtroom, whereby the litgant was c9mplimenting the co-parent and offering more shared parenting time - that was clearly against the agenda of Commissionaire Benetrish Satarzadeh.
- UNLAWFULLY did VIOLATE THE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS - FIRST ADMENDMENT -- and -- make false legal citstions against a kitigant when that litigant spoke on the record making a standard objection" to the Commisionair about her violations of constitutional rights of the co-parent a moment ago in court.
- UNLAWFULLY did cause court transcripts to be changed (!!!)
- Frequently VIOLATES the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS of children and litigants in regards to numerous causes of actions cited in current FEDERAL CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT by attorney "T. Matthew Phillips, esq. BAR# 165833", whom is currently suing the CA Judiciary for numerous Family Court Judge's VIOLATING fundamental rights (i.e. Constitutional Rights) by her causing "dispossession of", including but not limited to: "Actual Parenting Time", "Private Familial Speech", "Private Familial Association", "Severance of Parent-Child Relationship", "Constructive Termination" (no actual parenting time to 'fit parents'), "Arbitrary Discretion" against children and litigants based on no evidence nor findings of fact, VIOLATES the "SCOUTUS Decisions" US Supreme Court Decision @ 1972 whereby the court did rule that judges have no authority to grant "no actual parenting time" to parents unless deemed "unfit", ignores required judicial due diligence of "Strict Scrutiny Analysis" to create the "least restrictive parenting time possible", misinterpreted and abuses the "Best Interests v. Constitution" in making custodial decisions as a bases for her nefarious, unlawful, and destructive actions against children and parents that has in fact created a HUMANITARIAN CRISIS, and therefore greatly contributes to the general state of very poor affairs and actions commonly referred to in the handle, "The Swap" and, "The dungeon" which is the commonly trending vehicular to describe poorly acting "Family Court" bad actors starting with Judges.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA53797
Horrible, nefarious, rotten to the core, a very dark soul. Beware. Get your peremptory challenges ready. Apparently has no compunction placing young children with abusers. Hard to imagine a worse judge than this.