Hon. Daniel Alexander See Rating Details
Superior Court
Los Angeles County
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Daniel Alexander



Comment #: CA54639
I have had the misfortune of appearing before Judge Alexander on numerous occasions. He is universally capricious and nonsensical in his rulings such that he functions more like an agent of chaos than anything else. His bizarre rulings are equally prejudicial to every side, and demonstrate no rhyme or reason, bias, or universal application of law. In the office we joke he has two clerks behind the bench; one with a brain and one without.

Judge Alexander is a former appellate specialist who fancies himself a justice, but even when dealing with complex legal issues he invariably drops the ball. On dispositive motions I have seen him make adverse rulings against both sides that cite to no facts or authority to support his preconceived rulings, and on other matters he has gone above and beyond to justify his preconceived ruling even when unsupported by fact or law. He also has absolutely no trial experience which, unsurprisingly, means that he is essentially ignorant of basic discovery practice and the rules of evidence. Instead of familiarizing himself with the bread and butter of his appointment, he instead seems to look down on trial-level disputes with disdain and behaves as though they aren't worth his time.

Judge Alexander also holds unprofessional grudges and will take it out on you in subsequent hearings. Beware how hard you advocate for your client because he will make your life hell after the fact, even across different cases/clients.

Finally, don't expect any written rulings to come down the pipe in any sort of timely fashion. I've seen Judge Alexander take three months to rule on a motion to compel following oral argument. Sadly, this was not a one off, as he regularly takes in excess of a month to issue copy-pasted recitations of law from the judge's benchbook alongside a limp review of the facts.

170.6 him like your life depends on it, regardless of whether you're plaintiff or defendant. I'd rather be stuck with an asleep-at-the-wheel PI hub judge.