Hon. Heidi G. Winslow (Fairfield)
She deserves no stars. What a disgrace and disservice she did to my child. She took no time to look into any best interest factors. She believed all the lies my ex said without proof. She could give a #%^* that I breastfeed my infant. She is biased and appeared to make a decision the first second she saw me in the court room. She snorted and made faces at me. I will be filing a complaint. This is so sad. There is no safety for our children in the Danbury family court system. My child will suffer because of this arrogant and misinformed “judge”. She obviously never too a class in child development. Thank god she is retiring.
Other - (3/3/2025 1:07:09 PM)
Hon. Julia L. Aurigemma (Middlesex)
A moron!!!. Sat through a recent trial, This guy is a true idiot, and living proof of the need for third term abortions'. He permitted a lay person, financial clerk in a local hospital, to testify as a medical expert witness even though he had no medical training. [redacted by Ed.]! The entire Connecticut judicial system is corrupt to the core.[redacted by Ed.]
Civil Litigation - Private - (2/7/2025 3:33:39 PM)
Hon. Heidi G. Winslow (Fairfield)
If you’re a woman in her courtroom you’re basically screwed!! She favors men and men only! Read below all the comments, she is biased and sexist! This judge doesn’t care about the children, very sad and disgusting to have someone like this determine the fate and future of your children. We will be filing a complaint and thank you to the others who have spoken up!
Other - (10/26/2024 12:26:17 PM)
Hon. Heidi G. Winslow (Fairfield)
I am the parent of a litigant and Judge Winslow is an exceptionally smart judge who follows the law. I am in awe of her intuitiveness and intelligence. She decided on my sons custody case in May of 2023 and gave him sole legal custody of his son and that decision was definitely in the best interest of my Grandson. God Bless Judge Winslow.
Other - (10/1/2024 11:57:55 AM)
Hon. Edward S. Domnarski (Middlesex)
He permits lay witness to testify as an expert. Should be removed from the bench, disbarred, and remanded to jail for the rest of his life.
Civil Litigation - Private - (8/23/2024 2:04:24 PM)
Hon. Maureen M. Keegan (New Haven)
The Hon. Maureen M. Keegan actions in the court was very disturbing. She was ranting and raving. Pulling her hair, standing up yelling recess, sitting down again, more hair pulling and yelling. Showing no respect for the court room or the defendant, or herself for that matter. I thought that is no one seeing and hearing what I am witnessing? Why aren't her coworkers saying something, and why are they letting this go on. This person needs help, she can not control herself. She showed no respect, or control for herself, the defendant, or the Bench. She needs help for her mental state of mind and should not be judging other people.
Other - (7/25/2024 12:13:22 PM)
Hon. Susan Quinn Cobb (Tolland)
This is a very heavy handed judge who plays favorites with the lawyers. Watch out.
Criminal Defense Lawyer - (7/10/2024 11:54:39 PM)
Hon. José A. Suarez (Hartford)
terrible judge
Civil Litigation - Private - (7/10/2024 11:50:15 PM)
Hon. Gerard I. Adelman (Fairfield)
No empathy, bias. Certainly an establishment puppet. Having said that. Compared to Klatt hes a win. He did right by my child for the most part.
Litigant - (7/1/2024 5:13:18 PM)
Hon. Robin L. Wilson (New Haven)
Watching the public livestream, she seems miserable, i feel bad for those whose job it is to have to interact with her
Civil Litigation - Private - (6/24/2024 10:01:49 PM)