Hon. Carmen McLean See Rating Details

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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Carmen McLean



Comment #: DC657
Judge McLean submitted an "Order of Judge" into the records sometime after her ruling that was so egregious it was obviously not expected to be reviewed by the plaintiffs. I pointed out in detail where the judge interjected her personal opinions as facts, fabricated false testimony never presented by either party and basically narrated a false defense to "justify" her ruling. We filed a complaint detailing the fictitious facts to the District of Columbia Commission on Judicial Disabilities and Tenure, where it was reviewed and a statement was made by the Chairperson Hon. Colleen Kollar-Kotelly, "Upon review, the Commission noted that your complaint raises extensive concerns regarding the substance of Judge McLean’s legal and factual rulings." However, their ruling was, "... the Commission has dismissed your complaint in part for lack of jurisdiction and in part for lack of merit". However, the commission did recommend that Judge McLean immediately remove her incriminating "Order of Judge" document from the court records.
I recently saw a piece on the news reported the extreme shortage of judges and how this is causing failures in the DC judicial system to be overlooked to the detriment of many good-willed litigants expecting justice.


Comment #: DC654
Update to a previous rating (DC648). When decision was posted there was no explanation or Order of Judge to accompany the decision. We had no idea as to her decision making process. It wasn't until much later revisiting that an Order of Judge had been inserted. Judge McLean, in her Order of Judge, changed facts of documented testimony, hypothesized explanations to fit her decision and even cited false facts that are contrary to the submitted evidence. Judge McLean has shown a gross disregard for justice and extreme bias and unfair partiality exemplified by the obvious lengths that she went to justify her ruling. She should not be on the bench.


Comment #: DC648
In a two day probate trial Judge McLean's demeanor seemed as though she had better things to do. The court assigned her to this case halfway in so she had no background. No comment on the case at her introduction and during the two days of the case she did not comment, question, or utter a single concern even when she was given patently false testimony and contradicting testimony. She seemed to have not even read the case evidence prior nor did she care and then waited over a month to give a ruling as though a timer went off reminding her of a deadline. She was total opposite of the original judge who actually cared about doing the right thing for the family. Judge McLean did not appear to have the legal knowledge or experience of the judge that she was switched in for. Poor temperament, lack of empathy for the family, along with her uncaring and almost bias attitude contributed to a decision that gave an 86 year old with Alzheimer's the consideration of a piece of property and unnecessarily destroyed a family.


Comment #: DC643
Awful. Responsible for having me evicted from my mom's home in a probate proceeding. I am/was the sole heir to my mom's estate in Case No. 2021 ADM 000986