Hon. Diana M Tennis See Rating Details

Circuit Court
Osceola County
9th Circuit
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Attorney Average Rating:   1.4 - 7 rating(s)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Diana M Tennis



Comment #: FL9928
After my experience with Judge Tennis I searched her name up as I remembered seeing her on criminal show to watch it again confused how an ex defense attorney is now a judge and don’t bother to look at the facts of a case. She just makes decisions on a case based on her own emotions at the moment and not the facts of the case. I haven’t been able to find that show that she is on as of this moment but once I saw all these comments and they are my exact experience with Judge Tennis. How is she a judge?!?!? 2027 can’t get year an faster. She needs to not be reelcted as a judge.


Comment #: FL9918
I literally watched this woman refuse to approve an injunction to protect a child from their molester and there was an active case against the monster in Kissimmee. Did I mention the lead detective on the case was there to testify as to the evidence? It truly was unbelievable. Diana Tennis somehow managed to get herself into a Judge's robe but she is far from qualified as she is ill-tempered and more focused on elevating herself within the judicial system rather than what the facts are and- MOST importantly- what the best interest is for children. In her mind, even if EVIDENCE is presented showing the facts plain as day, the woman will completely dismiss or ignore them depending on what SHE thinks is "right". In addition to the high opinion of herself, she is seemingly more concerned with spatting out haughty phrases than judging with a sound mind. I don't know how she keeps getting voted in but people really need to start doing their research on judges' track records. Sadly, they all seem so quick to vote yes or no as to whether a county judge shall retain their seat instead of doing a quick Google search and actually take a look at the character of who they're voting for. In closing, Diana Tennis is one if the snidest, heartless people I've ever encountered in my life and she seems to thrive inwardly when others are under emotional distress. Compassion is NOT in her vocabulary nor is it an emotion I can ever envision her embodying even in the slightest. HORRIBLE family court judge. For the record, I have no current cases being overseen by this individual but I have witnessed her in action during a "mass" injunction setting and was also briefly assigned to a time-sharing case I had with my ex back in 2016 and let me tell you, she is an absolute SNAKE!


Comment #: FL9899
Despite overwhelming evidence, testimony, and an active Injunction for Protection from Domestic Violence covering both me and our children, Judge Tennis disregarded the proven allegations and awarded custody to their violent and abusive father for an entire year. She ignored a standing Injunction for Domestic Violence and forced our children into his care.

Throughout that year, multiple emergency hearings and motions were filed due to 911 calls and repeated police visits to his home. Yet, every motion was denied without even a hearing. It wasn’t until an undeniable incident of violence against our boys occurred that Judge Tennis was compelled to act. Only then did she grant me primary custody and limit their father to supervised visitation.

The damage, however, was already done. Our children have spent years in therapy, grappling with the trauma they endured at the hands of their father. He should never have been awarded custody in the first place.

Judge Tennis's bias against women in abusive situations makes her unfit to preside over cases involving dissolution of marriage, custody, or domestic violence. Her refusal to acknowledge the truth, even when it was glaringly evident, cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars and inflicted immeasurable harm on my family.

I urge you to reassign Judge Tennis to a position outside of domestic relations. Women and children deserve a justice system that protects them, not one that fails them.


Comment #: FL9814
Rating:Not Rated
Her comments upon starting a case: I already know how I'm going to rule on this case, but go ahead and present your evidence. She has bias and disregard to facts.


Comment #: FL9790
Rating:Not Rated
Has her head so far up her rear end that she can not see physical proof in front of her. Even the other parties attorney was surprised when he won the case. She does the complete opposite of what’s in the best interest of children. If you have her as a judge please please get another one. I wish I would have seen this page before. If anyone has anything the ball rolling on complaints or with a need station I have transcripts that show pure disregard for the truth. Email is jayh231@yahoo.com

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: FL9670
I was never server my Court Documents. My little girl was just taken from school. No explanation. My Case was closed while my daughter was in her father's custody. Judge Tennis ignored the Molestation charges filed against this man several years before handing him full custody of a baby girl that can't tell what he is doing to her.
This women needs ro be ripped from her robe and seat.
She might falsely hand out The Death Penalty.


Comment #: FL9665
`Judge Tennis, does not deserve this title whatsoever. She does not follow the law and already formed her own opinion before facts are presented to her. It's her way or highway. She is not qualified to be a judge. Diana Tennis is extremely unprofessional and she remove from the court room permanently.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: FL9467
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Tennis is the worst judge to ever let on the bench in Family court.SHE IS COMPLETELY BIAS towards women.She denies all my motions and even has me paying all type of Child support & fees even though I have our child .She doesn’t want to listen to me whatsoever.The Father hasn’t sone anything for our daughter in 3 years but yet she wants him to live off my income.This is so wrong and she needs to be removed.I have contacted hire people about this bias judge!


Comment #: FL9365
This is the worst judge that I've ever had to deal with. she has let down my children, and she has allowed the mother of the children against whom there had been a restraining order to do whatever she liked and have every motion granted because the mother lied and cried. The mother committed 28 confirmed acts of perjury, and out of frustration, I filed a motion for perjury, which was denied, along with every other motion I filed.


Comment #: FL9261
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Tennis is unprofessional, and clearly has issues surrounding her own childhood specifically against mothers. Men in her court room can bold face lie to her and she will approve the information to be used as evidence even though there is no basis or physical proof, even when their is proof it is a lie. She is abusive toward women and intentionally digs at women until they give up because she has no interest in hearing them or taking their concerns seriously. Her behavior is furthermore expressed in her legal documents that are filed with the court as her unprofessional attitude is in black and white print. She also does not follow due process even when attorneys are present because she simply has no time to read or provide a fair hearing, trial etc. Men win cases left and right whether they are wrong or right while good and loving mothers have their children ripped from their arms and it seems Tennis enjoys this. She is a lose cannon and should be removed permanently from any court room as a judge or otherwise.


Comment #: FL9029


Comment #: FL9020
Judge Tennis is by far the worst person i have endured in my life. I stand side by side hundreds of families this woman has destroyed. Judge Tennis should be in Jail. [Redacted by Ed.] she continues to ruin family after family. She gives violent abusive parents access to children with an array of domestic violence evidence. She uses curse words in the court room. She doesnt listen, makes up her own rules and signs orders without any knowledge of the plaintiff in the case. She couldnt care less what her decisions do to peoples lives and he destruction that follows. Judge Tennis had no opponent during election and won by default [Redacted by Ed.]. She destroyed my life and many others and we have all sent complaints to the commissioner board in Tallahassee and are going public via the local news and media to get this position abuser out of destroying more lives. [Redacted by Ed.]

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: FL9017
If you get this judge please get a Stenographer!!!! She’s a monster and will ruin your whole life!! She makes up her own laws. She will ruin your relationship with your children! She doesn’t go by the laws she makes them up as she goes.
The only way you could possibly get her in trouble is if you get a Stenographer at the beginning of the case. Otherwise you’re screwed with whatever outcome and you can’t do anything about it. lawyer or no Lawyer we still got screwed.


Comment #: FL8982
Rating:Not Rated
She should be in prison herself. I agree with another person below, she is one of the most despicable human beings on earth, what's amazing is that she would just laugh about that, because she's so narcissistic. She didn't care if my children and I were hurt physically, or mentally. She said, before the court session even started, that the only reason why she didn't dismiss this case immediately was because the nice court helper "begged" her to take it. He had to "beg" her. I need to find that man to tell him that he's an angel. Someone mentioned that Tennis was even worse to her when she was crying. I would never give her the satisfaction of that. Maybe she has a deep seated anger against her mother. I would have killed my ex and gone to prison, before letting him have them. I had to sign away half the pension I was supposed to get and now I'm disabled and can't work. My son is supporting me. My son said every night he wondered if I would be alive in the morning. Then who would protected them? Luckily, my ex didn't want them, he just didn't want to pay for them or me. It was obviously not correct for his financial support, but she made it very clear that she didn't care if my children and I were beaten to death. She would have laughed and had a drink to celebrate the death of another weak woman. The fact that my ex was a retired Correctional Officer and Marine, meant that all Sheriff calls were a joke to what is supposed to be the people protecting us. "Help Now" should be called "Help Never". Tennis was never elected. No way. Even on YouTube she admits to writing fraudulent checks. [redacted by Ed.] Let's get her thrown out, my email is ksun04@gmail.com. We could get a class action suit against her too.


Comment #: FL8911
Rating:Not Rated
Unfair and bias towards women. Judge Tennis made a very large financial error in calculating my retroactive child support. When I brought it to her attention she admitted to doing so orally but on paper made no changes. She also does not take into account that I have two kids from a prior marriage that I need to get to and pick up from school everyday and requests that I take my youngest daughter to and from school all the way out in Tavares. She is poor when it comes to understanding equal sides. Do everything in your power to stay away from Judge Tennis. She should be removed from being a judge


Comment #: FL8859
Diana M Tennisis quite possibly the worst human being I have ever encountered. She proceeded over a "trial"... a full day trial. Yet the hearing consisted of her acting as an attorney from the bench, working hand in hand to fill out an equitable distribution worksheet.

Judge Tennis has been shown clear cut proof of fraud, both before and after the trial. She feels she is above the law and has no remorse for her countless victims at this point. She acts as if people are beneath her.

She violates judicial canon on a daily basis, and nothing is or will ever be done about it. She is a disgrace.


Comment #: FL8703
She is a very biased judge. [Redacted by Ed.] there is no way a judge could logically come up with that ruling based on the facts. The final judgement was full of assumptions about things that weren't even indicated at the hearing! It was obviously typed up in a hurry and had a lot of typos. Judge Tennis is unprofessional on every level.


Comment #: FL8570
Judge had her ruling prepared prior to the hearing, talked over all parties and even used the words "flush my docket" in a family court hearing with verified abuse. Flush her docket, she did. In a pre-election interview she used those same words. She needs to be removed from family court immediately.


Comment #: FL8563
Judge Tennis had her ruling typed and ready prior to the hearing. She "heard" both parties and within a few short minutes submitted her ruling which was already typed, filled with errors and mistakes. She did not allow for even time or penalize the other party for taking up 9 minutes of a 30-minute hearing. Her ruling was biased and not in alignment with the order of Florida law.


Comment #: FL8559
My overall earring is poor and, even worse, biased against women with proven domestic violence claims. I spent a few years in front of Judge Tennis’ for my dissolution of marriage which occurred after an order for a one year domestic violence injunction which was upheld by the appellate court. This injunction included our kids due to the violence against not only me but our children too. In front of Judge Tennis, from the beginning I felt like she started litigating for their father which was weird since she was the Judge. I’m happy to share transcripts of this providing proof. At the first hearing, Judge Tennis was the first to mention in court a term “alienation” which we had never heard of. I have found since that this term alienation is biased towards women who have actual proven abuse and court upheld injunctions. It is often used as a tactic for mens rights attorneys. I am not sure if her bias against me as a female who was abused caused her to be biased towards me, but her rulings were unprofessional and she often demeaned me telling me especially when I was crying. Because Judge Tennis swept aside the proven abuse of me and our children, our children were forced into custody with their Father for a year who was violent and abusive. After multiple hearings and emergency motions due to 911 calls and numerous police visits to his house, of which all motions were denied without a hearing, in one final act where their father’s violence against our boys was something she couldn’t ignore, Judge Tennis finally gave me majorly custody and put their father on supervised visitation. Our kids have spent years in therapy to cope with the violence that occurred against them at their hands of their father. Sadly, their father should never have gotten custody. Judge Tennis bias towards women in abusive situations makes her unfit for the stand and to judge on any dissolution of marriage, custody or domestic violence cases. I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars for her just to see the truth when the truth was right in front of her. Please move her to another position outside of domestic relations so Justice can happen for women and children.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: FL8534
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Diana M Tennis should not call herself a judge! She doesn’t know the meaning of true justice! A judge that does not follow the Florida law should not be a judge. She is horrible she has shown to be bias and discrimination in my case that is currently active and I will make this public! I have already began to file complaints against her and I have call the news! I will fight for my rights as a parent! I will take this higher up if need be! As I have already started sending emails so that this judge can be dealt with!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL8501
Horrible judge! She’s a disaster judge. No competency. All she can do is intimidation, and abuse of power with no regards to procedures. She’s pretty good on insulting lawyers and litigants. I thing she didn’t expect that one day she could become a judge as she seems to have come from too low. Hopefully they will investigate on her decisions to get proof of her chaos, because not all everybody can pay a lawyer to appeal her unlawful rulings.


Comment #: FL8500
Rating:Not Rated
I don’t understand how come that woman becomes a judge as far occupying a bench is a very prestigious and high class position that people owe respect. That so-called “judge” doesn’t know anything about procedures when it comes to dealing with civil matters. She basically acts like a super power dictator ruling all types of craps that come on her mind. She has no respect for anyone, no class! She’s unprofessional! She might be deported to be judge where there’s dictatorship country like Russia or Cuba! She’s a racist! Having that person as a judge in Orange County is a chaotic nightmare.


Comment #: FL8187
I reiterate the other opinions. Diana Tennis decides the case before it comes to trial based upon assumptions, shows blatant bias towards her chosen party, insults the opposition, and instructs her chosen party how to go forward instilling fear into the other client as they know they will never get a fair hearing. She is often found in Appellate cases where she makes rulings determining what she wants in a case without either party asking for that outcome! Brash,intimidating,biased courtroom behavior for a Judge.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: FL8148
Horrible and completely biased toward women, especially when she is friends with them!!! She should have recused herself from the case but instead made the defendant’s life miserable for 6 years and essentially destroyed his reputation and cared with falsehoods and outright lies!!!!


Comment #: FL8147
The judgements, lack of basic knowledge of family law, and absolute abhorrent disrespect for due process was abundantly clear in a recent divorce case! Judge (and I use that term loosely) clearly either knew or was influenced by the plaintiff (female) and sided with her in nearly every objection to ANY type of issue the defendant raised. Clear case of favoritism and bias!!!!!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL7965
Judge Tennis has taken over the championship belt of worst trial judge in the Ninth Circuit now that Alan Apte has been removed by voters. The way she handles family law cases is by pre-judging a case by what is in the court file and then bludgeoning the other side with ill tempered sua sponte orders. Her court orders are written "stream of consciousness" and routinely include ALL CAPS, short-hand, colloquialisms, and are poorly written. She has very little regard for attorneys' or litigants' schedules and will bury litigants and their attorneys with burdensome, often unnecessary, pretrial requirements. She completely lacks the temperament required of a judge and is a disgrace to the Central Florida legal community. She should be investigated by local newspapers and removed at the next opportunity.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: FL7815
Judge Tennis, if she deserves the title, already formed her own opinion before facts are presented to her. It's her way or highway. She is not qualified to be a judge.


Comment #: FL5932
Judge Tennis is obviously biased against men, makes erroneous judgements without hearing the facts/ truth, makes mistakes and uses whims and assumptions to rule. In my and many other's opinions is emotionally unqualified to sit on the bench.