Hon. Gregory E. Ahern, Jr. See Rating Details
Associate Judge
Circuit Court
Cook County
Cook Judicial Circuit
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Attorney Average Rating:   1.0 - 3 rating(s)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Gregory E. Ahern, Jr.


Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: IL4622
See Marissa Girard v. Rossana P. Fernandez et al., Civil Action No. 1:25-cv-00136, N. Dist. Illinois.

Judge Ahern is comparable to Jessica Arong O'Brien, who was convicted under a federal indictment for mortgage fraud.

This clown lives in $3.5 million house in Winnetka, has four kids approaching college age on a civil servant salary.

He is reputed, under the lawsuit, to have entered a deal with Chicago Outfit
leader John M. D'Arco Esq of Beermann LLP to accept $25,000 per month to render favorable decisions for D'Arco's clients in his courtroom.

On top of everything else, it is alleged he cheated on his wife Lisa Nolan Ahern for years with Domestic Relations Judge Lori Rosen, who he worked with for years in the State's Attorneys Office.


Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: IL4621
See Marissa Girard v. Rossana P. Fernandez et al., Civil Action No. 1:25-cv-00136, N. Dist. Illinois.

Judge Ahern is comparable to Jessica Arong O'Brien, who was convicted under a federal indictment for mortgage fraud.

This clown lives in $3.5 million house in Winnetka, has four kids approaching college age on a civil servant salary.

He is reputed, under the lawsuit, to have entered a deal with Chicago Outfit
leader John M. D'Arco Esq of Beermann LLP to accept $25,000 per month to render favorable decisions for D'Arco's clients in his courtroom.

On top of everything else, it is alleged he cheated on his wife Lisa Nolan Ahern for years with Domestic Relations Judge Lori Rosen, who he worked with for years in the State's Attorneys Office.


Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: IL4620
See Marissa Girard v. Rossana P. Fernandez et al., Civil Action No. 1:25-cv-00136, N. Dist. Illinois.

Judge Ahern is comparable to Jessica Arong O'Brien, who was convicted under a federal indictment for mortgage fraud.

This clown lives in $3.5 million house in Winnetka, has four kids approaching college age on a civil servant salary.

He is reputed, under the lawsuit, to have entered a deal with Chicago Outfit
leader John M. D'Arco Esq of Beermann LLP to accept $25,000 per month to render favorable decisions for D'Arco's clients in his courtroom.

On top of everything else, it is alleged he cheated on his wife Lisa Nolan Ahern for years with Domestic Relations Judge Lori Rosen, who he worked with for years in the State's Attorneys Office.


Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL4265
Rating:Not Rated
I had an soj to remove judge ahern beforehand he said he was not going to allow it to be and he'd be back on the case ruling against me the judge we were in front of did not substitute ahern two days later judge aherned recused himself from this case I have not seen my son in 7 months my son's mother is dropping him out of high school at the age of 15 right now because she can't get them out to school can't get him to do his homework they've destroyed my relationship with my son and have destroyed my son's future and his life


Comment #: IL4249
Rating:Not Rated
Judge ahern has continuously violated my rights he is right now guilty of parental alienation I have not seen my son in 5 months he has conspired against me with the guardian ad litem and the respondents lawyer he has given legal advice to the respondents lawyer judge aherns should not be on the bench he should have judicial immunity removed to open the floodgates for lawsuits


Comment #: IL4159
Rating:Not Rated
Like the previous person Loza has recused herself from my case because she refused to do her job now I have judge ahern's. Today in court he refused to get a court reporter into the zoom meeting kicked me out of court because he was talking over me continuously and muting me. Then he had a 10-minute long sidebar with the opposing attorney brought me back into court and told me I needed to surrender myself so he could hold me in contempt of court this guy's ill-mannered should not be on the Judges Bench


Comment #: IL3621
Judge Gregory Emmett Ahern, Jr. violated Illinois and federal laws on me, depriving me of my civil rights, in a family law case. After an IL judge before him (Lopez) violated my civil rights, I appealed to the Illinois Appellate Court and filed a Petition For Leave To Appeal in the Illinois Supreme Court. My case was administratively transferred to Judge Ahern and he immediately suppressed a petition I filed about Judge Lopez violating my civil rights and violating IL prohibitive law with mandatory criminal contempt of court penalty and federal prohibitive law also. Then Judge Ahern went on to violate those prohibitive laws too and other civil rights of mine. Since the reviewing courts in Illinois failed to enforce my civil rights, I filed a violation of civil rights Complaint in the U.S. District Court (ILND) against Ahern, Lopez, an Illinois attorney, and my ex-wife. I accused them of violating my civil rights under Constitution Amendments XIV, XIII, and VIII and also prohibitive federal and Illinois laws. The District Court Judge claimed not to have Jurisdiction, even though jurisdiction is conferred by Congress, and claimed absolute judicial immunity shields these 2 judges who I claim intentionally violated laws and committed crimes. So I appealed to the U.S. Court of Appeals (7th). They also protected the Illinois Judges and Affirmed the District Court opinion that it lacked jurisdiction and judges are immune. So I filed a Petition For Writ of Certiorari in the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). SCOTUS Justices played with me for a while, letting me think they were going to take my case, which brought serious challenges to absolute judicial immunity. They even allowed me to file as a paid case after denying me in forma pauperis status (enjoyed in the 7th Circuit). Then in January of 2020, they protected the IL judges and absolute judicial immunity by denying my Petition. Absolute judicial immunity should have been forfeited for the 2 IL judges, especially since the violated a prohibition of Congress and an IL law with mandatory criminal contempt of court penalty. And they committed criminal deprivations of my civil rights (according to FBI declaration, even though they refused to investigate and cause prosecution. SCOTUS even ignored a relevant precedential 3rd Circuit opinion that came out while my Petition was pending (supplemental brief was filed in SCOTUS). This opinion reiterated that the District Court had a virtually unflagging duty to exercise jurisdiction. But SCOTUS, and all the other federal courts, denied my right to a federal forum. So now that all hopes of remedy and justice are gone, I have called for the impeachment of 13 federal judges (by writing Congress) on the grounds of misbehavior, high crimes, and misdemeanors, for aiding and abetting criminals.

Gregory Emmett Ahern, Jr. is a terrible judge.


Comment #: IL3361
Hon. Ahern, Jr. is an outstanding and understanding judge. We all shared an emotional moment working through a tough but amicable divorce hearing. I saw so much compassion and he made a lasting impression I will always remember. Great human and great judge.