Hon. Charles M. Feeney, III See Rating Details
Associate Judge
Circuit Court
Woodford County
Eleventh Judicial Circuit
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Non-Attorney Average Rating:   2.0 - 16 rating(s)
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What others have said about Hon. Charles M. Feeney, III



Comment #: IL4485
Rating:Not Rated
Guy is horrible as a judge. Doesn’t deserve to be called honorable. Minger needs to go too. Contact the ARDC with complaints on Minger the judicial review board on feeney. File complaints folks. #stopwoodfordcountycorruption it’s my goal to see both of them gone I won’t stop until they are gone


Comment #: IL4483
It is extremely sad that this person is still holding his position as a judge. This person is dangerous and openly bias. I have kept my mouth shut out of fear of retaliation until I was done with the system but I will speak up now even if it helps one single person to not go through what my self and others have.

I would like to encourage everyone who has and is having problems with this sorry excuse of a person to please write a grievance with the “Illinois Judicial Inquiry Board“. This is not the place to get it done, as you can see after years of complaints this little weirdo is still ruining lives and tearing family’s apart.

Possibly to get attention I think we should start a petition to have this “person” removed. And really, Gregory Minger needs to go as well. There is no room for thugs/conmen in suits in the court room.

Be careful and always record interactions with the police in this county. You will be railroaded if they have the chance.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL4406
Rating:Not Rated
Disgusted with the system ...that after all of these terrible reviews of [Redacted by Ed.] still nothing has been done still...[Redacted by Ed.] doing the same thing over and over victimising our citizens...plain to see and it's currently happening to my friend PLEASE HELP US NOW

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL4340
Rating:Not Rated
They told my grandma order to get guardianship of he lives in and Pekin Illinois that she had to file in the county I lived in shouldn't go to the same over in warford county for my wife when she lived here in Peoria county with me and my wife's name is Jori Bowers you guys hire a judge Feeney he should say she has a file in the county she lived in but apparently he granted over there in Woodford county and he has he knows he's in the wrong for that so how do someone like that needs to be the investigated for real crime but he's also the judge for my daughter's case and he knows her my wife's family too well that is a confidential in a case that he's not even supposed to be handling even if he's friends with the grandparents or not and he was taking pregnant from my wife's aunt just like the state attorney was to


Comment #: IL4334
Charles demonstrates what someone in his position shouldn’t be !! Yet no one does anything about it. FILE COMPLAINTS FOLKS !! Multiple complaints will get heard.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL4278
He is a terrible judge and has no idea how parenting works… I bet his kids hate him if he has any


Comment #: IL4277
Rating:Not Rated
This judge is super biased and goes agains parent plans to make up his own plan…pushes his own religious beliefs and biased opinions on his decisions… Im going to be submitting multiple complaints to the board and have made dozens of calls to file other complaints… I truly hope this guy is held accountable for being a Pos

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL4119
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Feeney and Greg Minger serve a
great injustice to the Legal System in Woodford County. These situations need to be presented to the Illinois Courts Commission for their practices to be investigated.


Comment #: IL4082
Judge allowed witness testimony during the sentence hearing, preplanned it with G Minger. Defense attorney sits there and doesn't object, he is part of the corruption in Woodford County.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: IL4059
I was extremely impressed with his fairness, thoughtfulness and final judgement. He was able to see through the nonsense in the situation. (Even though my case was dismissed).


Comment #: IL4057
Literally put me in the same room as my abuser when I asked for an order or protection because him and his dad showed up at the same time. 90% sure that the dad is friends with the cops who showed up and said they couldn’t do anything about it. Told me to go get an order of protection, and I believe they turned around and told them I was going to go get one. They filed EACH filed one against me.
I’m no longer a resident of the state and neither is the abuser but his father is. They had my kids (with my abuser) locked in their house. I tried to get them and told them I was coming and they nearly ran me over trying to run away with my child. The judge dismissed all orders of protection after forcing us to face each other. I had to listen to my abuser and his dad lie and he refused to hear statements from an actual outside witness. He is degrading, rude, and narcissistic. He has an ego for days and left my (our) children in the hands of my abuser and father. I currently at their will to get my kids back with no court order. The judge blatantly said I had no reason to think that they were trying to run off and kidnap my child, but on his order of protection against me he requested custody (as a grandparent which is not possible). On top of that, there have been previous statements made about my abuser moving in with his parents again and taking the kids. He didn’t even ask and said as part of his ruling that I had no reason to believe it. Then he turned around and asked the lying father if he had reason to be afraid of me. (I have never done anything to him). Said it was a closer call because he said he was scared I was going to go back (with no vehicle in state) and try to hurt him in his sleep. Literally the most biased and disgusting thing I’ve ever seen. Not to mention my abuser’s order got thrown out for jurisdictional issues. Judge didn’t even read what he wrote and he started telling me I have anger management issues, need help, need counseling .. all before even getting to my order of protection against the dad and I had no order against my abuser because I knew he didn’t have jurisdiction. I had no rebuttal and he wanted me to sit there and take all the lies when all I wanted was to protect myself and my children. This is how people end up dead. Disgusting.

He kicked my mother out because I was looking at her upset with all the lies and he said I was “witness prepping.” When he literally refused to let me have her as a witness. Then my abuser’s dad was literally looking at my abuser for the rest of the “story” they made up about what happened and he did nothing.


Comment #: IL4049
Well, Judge Feeney, if I’m unable to use my perscription meds for my debilitating mental disability, I suppose I should just get out on disability and sit at home right? Because that’s better than me using my medication and continuing to work and get better and treat my disorder right? Your moral beliefs do not matter. This is a medication. Proven to help treat PTSD. You obviously are not up to date on studies, as you’d at there and lied in the court room stating there are no scientific studies that show medical marijuana treats PTSD, or anything for that matter. You sat there and lied in the court room, “your honor”. You can not sit there and tell someone without a drug problem that they have one. You can not lie. The whole reason I’m even involved in this is due to a battery case where someone hit themselves and no charges were pressed, but due to you all being broke you picked up the case and chose to press charges just because I stated I had touched that person at one point of the night. Not the incident that caused them to be hurt or what they reported to police. No one looked into the case or clearly no one read the police reports, or the eye whiteness statements. I just got free of an abusive relationship and then you guys did this to me and it feels like I’m right back in one with the way judge Feeney speaks to people. He triggered my PTSD in court lying to my face and making false statements ABOUT ME TO ME. this man should be disbarred. He takes it easy on criminals with multiple felonies and gives them second chances but takes people like me with no record and puts them through hell. I’m disappointed in our justice system. Watch this be brought up in court.


Comment #: IL4021
Judge Feeney should be disbarred. He is rude, arrogant, disrespectful and lashes out in anger. Not interested in hearing any kind of response. Portrays a true sense of entitlement and not interested at all in humanity. Does not have the ability to see things for what they are. Judge Feeney and Greg Minger do not portray the ability to see how unjust and corrupt the Justice System is. There are officers on the City of Eureka Police Dept that are a disgrace to their position and a complaint and charges will be filed. The incompetent system that society relies on to protect and serve is terribly broken and corrupt and society is working on rectifying this. You will see some of these people in court themselves and hopefully in prison. Their positions have allowed their egos and sense of entitlement get the best of them. You want to hold people to standards that you are incompetent of. This a reality that will no longer be tolerated.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: IL4003
This judge is a disgrace to family law. He is prejudicial in the court room and his actions from the bench are tyrannical. A total disregard for the best interest for the children combined with leniency towards the "mother" while holding the father to different standard. Using questionable/incorrect tables to calculate child support. Unwilling to listen. He let an irresponsible mother who does not see her children escape being financially responsible for the children she produced and not being held accountable for being an absentee parent. He should be investigated for siding with the woman regardless of facts, not reviewing all case matters, being prejudicial, not calculating child support correctly, refusing to adapt or acknowledge protocol outside of Woodford County, and having a total disregard for the best interest of the children involved in said family cases. I am appalled at the actions witnessed by this "Judge".


Comment #: IL3831
He is a good guy, trying to keep bad guys off the street. But he sometimes comes in with an opinion, and he overlooks the obvious. Either that, or he penalized me for something I was not even charged with. I still think for the most part he is a good guy.


Comment #: IL3673
Everyone here seems to have a higher opinion of "Judge" Feeney.
In my opinion he is a lying, cheating, theif that is a disgrace to the Marine Corp, the judicial system, and to the country. Isn't a Marine supposed to protect Americans? He is nothing more than a coward that hide's behind his bench.
He needs to and probably will be turned into the Judicial Misconduct Board before long. With this judge, State's Attorney Greg Minger, and Public Defender Jason Netzley acting the way they had, personal they should all be indicted for fraud and tried under the RICO act. I honestly feel the corruption between them is strong enough to warrant RICO.
I have all my documents so for me, tearing the current judicial system down really isn't an issue.
I have to thank the brave individuals who posted on this site. Your voice is speaking for many individuals.
Thank you.


Comment #: IL3414
From my experience and others I have spoke with, judge Feeney is a bad guy. It is very sad and disappointing that our judicial system is failing to this extent, by letting this man sit anywhere but in the defendant seat in any court room. He is very biased and unfair. He has/had a daughter with a drug addict ion and now lashes out at anyone with a problem , jail before rehabilitation. This man is sick. I am positive that the person leaving a good review is also biased as I have witnessed this time, and time again. He has no regards for younger defendants who need rehabilitation and help, he is rude ,arrgoant , disrespectful, doesn't uphold the law, and is obviously only a Judge because of the small town mentality of everyone being afraid of him. He is anything but honorable as he has/ will lash his anger out at you for close to nothing , including I believe to be just the look on a defendants face. I truly believe he should be disbarred.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: IL3236
Superior judge

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: IL2808
Should not be on the bench

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: IL2800
This is the most biased judge I have ever encountered. In a divorce proceeding he favors the woman at the detriment of the children involved. He accepts all testimony from the woman but does not allow The male to speak or defend himself. He has no right to sit on the bench and should be disbarred.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL2316
I agree with the majority of comments, this guy should not be a judge. Seems to only care about his own agenda, not the law.
Is disrespectful to jurors and anyone else in the courtroom. Does not allow anyone to say anything except pros. Should be disbarred. Hope his career is soon over.


Comment #: IL1675
He should not be a judge. He is extremely biased against any parent not residing in Illinois. He refused to allow me to present any FACT based evidence in my case. But allowed the other case to go off topic, contradict them self, my side wasn't allowed to give a closing argument either. I wasn't allowed to defend myself against the unfounded allegations by the other parent even though I had evidence showing the other parent was lying about theses allegations. Judge Feeney refused to allow me submit any of this evidence.

He is extremely biased. I have been unable to get any kind of fair hearing in this state. He has no business being a judge.


Comment #: IL1669
Rating:Not Rated
This "judge" is a former prosecutor who almost always sides with the prosecution unless putting on a non biased "show" for a Jury. He typically sides with the female in divorce cases. He has been known to deny defendants rights granted under the Illinois Constitution. He Reluctantly grants rights to witnesses under the U.S. Constitution and only after being threatened by another lawyer with reporting him to the Illinois Bar Association if he did not.

Refused to let a high risk pregnant woman to leave for her doctor appointment because she was a "hostile witness" for the state when this fact was brought to his attention by both the ASA and defense he held his hand over his microphone and said "I Don't Care."

This is one of many Incidents that have been know to happen in Charles Feeney's courtroom.


Comment #: IL1563
Rating:Not Rated
This guy should not be a judge at all and it's interesting i posted on here before and that post got removed.. AWFUL judge out of control and thinks of himself like a god. I'm sorry little buddy but you aren't god!


Comment #: IL1430
Rating:Not Rated
I Whole wholeheartedly believe this man needs to be disbarred

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL977
Just a great experience! I'm very grateful to this judge for being the true definition of "just"! He has a great ability to judge character and trustworthiness. Awesome experience!


Comment #: IL976
Judge Feeney is the best family court judge ever! He saw right through my ex and made things as right as he could given years of abuse (physical, financial, emotional, verbal). He saw his foolish spending and refusal to get a job and was extremely fair. He actually gave him less than what we were offering him! He saw that giving him nearly anything would be a gross miscarriage of justice. What a great judge! He even scolded him (although it made no impression - when talking about it afterward, he said f**k that judge, he's an idiot! (I say, wow, what a nerve when you know you are being videotaped!) The judge saw right through his attempts at manipulation and saw him for the user that he is. Just and fair and listened and even asked questions as well as thoroughly reviewed the evidence. He also made sure to actually pull out the book of the state code to read each item that he was supposed to by law consider and ticked them off as he went. In case of appeal, that's gold! Way to go to look out for the injured spouse who suffered for years!


Comment #: IL928
In my experience this judge was grossly disrespectful and unprofessional. I have heard others complain of his discriminatory behavior towards women, and I can attest to that. I had to motion for a new judge, as it was my right to do so. There is only one other judge at this courthouse. I got no relief from the asinine rulings, but at least I didn't have to deal with the rude comments and nasty looks. Judge Huschen is really just as awful, but he is a little smarter in that he can control his temper and present the appearance of professionalism.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: IL842
This judge is rude, arrogant, offers unwarranted criticism, is disrespectful and is downright wrong on the law.


Comment #: IL841
Rating:Not Rated
This judge is arrogant and quite rude. He ignores the law, and delivers rulings based on his personal agenda or attitude. He doesn't listen, and he is not interested in fairness, humanity or respect for others. He cuts off people when they speak and has a very poor courtroom attitude. I was before this judge no less than three times, and each time he consistently demonstrated a glaring lack of respect for women, especially those that are strong, articulate and intelligent. One should not expect to be babied or coddled in a courtroom, and the judge should be firm. This judge has let his power go to his head. He speaks with great disrespect and a tone of anger and irritation when it is not warranted. Why bite off people's heads and be so ruthless? Just to make yourself feel "taller" perhaps? He just looks like an angry little man with a penchant for acting like a jerk for his own gratification, and has no interest in considering a fair and equitable ruling. Rule how you will -- that is your job -- but is it really necessary to act like a jerk while delivering a ruling? Save the drama, dude -- it's childish and unprofessional. My life was not in the balance, and I had no major money at stake. Hence, this review does not come from a case of "sour grapes" on my part. Best wishes from Woodford County!


Comment #: IL811
As an observer in the courtroom, I was shocked at the egregious bias displayed by this judge. Before the proceedings began, it was obvious that he had made up his mind on how he was going to rule. It is quite evident that this judge is very practiced at this type of rude and unjust behavior, as he appears to know how to make his transcripts sound neutral so as to defend himself against review. He verbally attacked the defendants repeatedly for no reason, so they appeared to be disruptive when they were simply sitting quietly in their chairs. The American justice system is by no means perfect. However, we expect and deserve an impartial professional to preside in a fair and honorable manner. I did not see that at all.


Comment #: IL809
He was fair. I do believe I misread his frustration, but I understand why. When indecisive people such as myself, acting on my emotions rather than on common sense, appear in court, frustration is due. He is honest and I respect him in his position of working for this nation where the law, being honored, gives honor to God.


Comment #: IL645
Very short tempered. I will vote against his retention if given the chance and will encourage others to do the same. He forgets that he is working for the people, not his self esteem. The way you treat people in the courtroom shouldn't take the place of viagra.

Based off of my encounter, I feel a lot of my fellow citizens are having bad days at the Courthouse. George Washington would vomit if he saw the way that court is run.


Comment #: IL576
A little weak at reading the character of the witnesses and determining who is truthful and who is lying.
Fair in some aspects of ruling but does display a significant bias that interferes with his ability to look at the facts.
Is annoyed if an attorney tries to correct him or display more knowledge of the law than he has. He is easily threatened by those who are smarter or more methodical than he is. He is a short tempered man with a sense of entitlement likely due to his family upbringing. He likely feels somewhat guilty of his life of privilege and sides for those who did not have the upbringing he experienced.