Hon. Nancy J. Katz See Rating Details
Associate Judge
Circuit Court
Cook County
Cook Judicial Circuit
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Attorney Average Rating:   4.8 - 5 rating(s)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Nancy J. Katz



Comment #: IL3248
Judge Nancy Katz was the judge for my divorce case in 2015-2017, which involved domestic violence, as well as, severe child abuse (Shaken Baby Syndrome) and non-payments of child support or fees relating to my child. I am a female and I was unfairly prejudiced by this judge.

Each time I would go to court, I would leave feeling as though there is no justice for both myself and my child. I would come to court pro se and fully prepared with documents needed, as well as, any evidence needed. Since my ex would never show up to court, the court dates would repeatedly get pushed out another month, for almost an entire year without any repercussions to my child's father. This judge then had the nerve to ask me how I'm able to come to court each month.. "Don't you work?" she said.

I do not agree that an abusive and alcoholic father that cancels visits with his child, a father that has abused his child's mother on multiple occasions and is severely controlling, a father that has a child that is extremely distressed each time he sees him, a father that does not pay child support/expenses and fails to show in court is a good candidate for mediation and should be involved in his child's life. An Order of Protection was denied by this judge after my child told the doctor at the hospital he was abused during his visit, and I was told by this judge that I should not make up lies and that I need mental help! I could not believe the lack of understanding/care this judge had for my child. As a mother, I did everything I was required to do to protect my child, but I was told otherwise. What would you do if your child describes how they are in physical pain from the abuse of the other parent??

Eventually, my ex-husband was able to leave the state without having to pay a penny and without any follow up regarding the abuse my child endured or the child support or daycare arrears. Fast forward two years later, my child's father now has over $30,000 in arrears and he is not in jail.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: IL2301
One of the absolute worst (among a lot of bad) family court judges. Absolute biases against one side or another (not necessary for the woman ... but she picks sides and then takes sides). Only enforces orders to benefit the side she's chosen - the other side can do no wrong. Acts like she knows what she's doing, but actually is quite limited in her intellect.

And you better not be anything other than a feminist if you have any hope of doing well in front of her. Katz's gay activist attitude shines through brightly on the bench. Unless you fit her prototypical litigant and lawyer, take the substitution of judge.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL2010
Rating:Not Rated
she is awesome .jan 10 2017 day to remmember ...she was fair .

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: IL1862
Currently involved in a contested child custody case in front of Nancy Katz. She appointed a guardian ad litem for the child who, after now spent more than 20 months in that Courtroom, appears to be one of the Judge's favorites but only in cases where there are substantial financial resources. The Judge has on numerous occasions during this case ignored the rules of evidence, my client's due process, the local Court rules et al, entering Orders which favor the guardian ad litem she appointed without regard to the guardian's legal, moral and ethical responsibilities towards the child or under Sec. 506 of the IMDMA.


Comment #: IL1630
This Judges courtroom is a circus litterly, It has 2 different acts one with the court reporter in the room where they mimic and portray they follow the Illinois supreme court rules and domestic relations rules, in front of the court reporter its a act like follow you rights, even then they still manipulate and bend the rules in favor of the female litigant and her attorneys. ,Its real dog a pony show with 2 acts ( When a court reporter is there and when there is no Court reporter) and 2 different rules and set of standards. when the burden of proof shifts to the Pro Se Litigant where he is asked to prove a positive. (Like visitation weekly). For example the judge will ask you to look for court orders for visitation or other facts when the court order had the female litigants attorneys letter head on it, The female litigant attorneys lie threw there teeth, Where the notes of such orders are right in the judges Laptop she uses, the POS Child rep is useless and just covers the child abuse and neglects that happened to your child to keep from going on record in front of the court. Even if the ex wife's boyfriend is a endangerment to the child or your then Pre-Teen daughter was getting sexually abuse during out of state visits the child rep is an enabler who enables it to continue to happen. They will push for a unlawful continuance of an order of protection to keep the abuse from coming to the surface. They will ignore red flags and red herrings of the child withdrawing socially from her only cousins, grandparents, uncles and aunts, god father and childhood friends.
Then when the court reporter is not in the room, its a real free for all, ex wife's attorneys screaming at you getting in your face, child rep doing them same, spitting on you there are so close yelling. , The judge letting it happen not having them follow basic litigation rules, double standards triple standards. had a different set of rules and standards where the blandly don't follow the Illinois supreme court rules, Local Domestic relations rules of 13.2 they will violate your rights, the minor, child's rights (Who is 2-3 years younger emotionally then her actually age because of her Mom's brainwashing and mental illness is being hard wired into the child), they will even violate your civil rights and the child's also, who does not even need to be present. Just the child Rep who is just another attorney for the wife to had abuse with deceptive practices and parlor ticks. If you have a pre-teen child that you love with all your heart, get out of this courtroom. If you ever have the ex wife playing games, manufacturing conflict, then she gets an order of protection against you to bi pass the parenting agreement. Then you hear something like therapeutic visitation get a SOJ right away and a special deputy of the court to look after your child best interest.


Comment #: IL1617
Rating:Not Rated
I agree with the posters who suggest gender bias in favor of women. J. Katz shows a proclivity for, without prompting or urging from the female litigants, either rejecting or brushing aside the positions of male litigants in her courtroom. Consider another judge if you are male.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL1577
Rating:Not Rated

There are many cases like this in Cook County were developmentally disabled children are abused, mentally, emotionally, sexually, but because of gender biases and gay liberal activist instead of children getting protected by the courts they get harmed by the courts by placing them in bad situations were Mom is shacking up with New Boyfriend and Mom gets an order of protection against the Father who has visitation rights via parenting agreement. to keep the abuse secret or coming to the surface. Many judges and Child reps grant an order of protection then Therapeutic Visitation to protect the Mother and control the child in a Social Worker Setting, The child is terrified to talk about it for fear of getting the Mom in trouble. Mom bi passes the parenting agreement to do what she wants under the shield of the OP and also the mother sends the child out of state for visits with lesbians on moms side of the family were the child gets sexually abused or on petafile modeling retreats out of state. It takes an investigation by Cobb County GA police to find just cause for a warrant and arrest. There is no way Cook County activist court would have gone after her because of polices of her Gender, Status Que and political fallout from perusing criminal charges against her.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL1542
Rating:Not Rated
Children get raped of family resources in this courtroom. Abused, alienated from fathers side of family. Also probably raped for real and you got a judge like this giving out order of protections to keep abuse and crimes from coming out. There are 2 rules in this courtroom. Woman and her attorneys VS the Men.(Does not matter if your Respondent or Petitioner) Woman use her courtroom to bully and victimize men by bogus order of protections then once they get those use the children to abuse you. Always with some manufactured fear they create themselves. Any illusion of following the law is just that, they will violate your rights, bully you, not follow the domestic relations rules, supreme court rules and violate your civil rights. Lawyers and law firms sneak in hap hazard emergency motions, don't even follow notice requirements that are required, you mention that, you also mention other procedural right violations, she will still accept it for the Attorneys. But a Pro Se litigant forget it, double standards, triple standards, blatantly obvious disregard for the Law and the creditability of the court. You can see it in the Sheriffs face and attitude the discuss that some of them have with working in her courtroom.


Comment #: IL1541
She tried at every point to be fair and to follow the law. She took copious notes and worked hard to understand the divorce case which malingered for a long time due to the OA's interest in making a show out of it. Sitting in court and waiting, I heard her address a number of cases, often pro se. Everything has to go according to the system, the laws. Justice is a moving target. At least this judge aims for it.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL1532
Rating:Not Rated
In this court room woman play the system get Bogus Orders of Protection!
Sheriff Dart been targeting Backpages he should be checking into and talking to his own deputies in some of these courtrooms like this one were child reps are Facilitates Human Trafficking of Minors and placed in a case there to cover up neglect and abuse all in favor of protecting the mother and her new boyfriend and the expense of the child's relationship with everyone else in the family.
Yes it is being done were Minor Children are being abused and the use of orders of protections are used to keep the abuse from coming out!! The trafficking of minors and innocence of children and there relationships with fathers and other close family members are being sold by the lawyers who act as proxy for the abusers by letting it happen.


Comment #: IL1524
Rating:Not Rated
This Judges courtroom is a circus litterly, It has 2 different acts one with the court reporter in the room where they mimic and portray they follow the Illinois supreme court rules and domestic relations rules, in front of the court reporter its a act like follow you rights, even then they still manipulate and bend the rules in favor of the female litigant and her attorneys. ,Its real dog a pony show with 2 acts ( When a court reporter is there and when there is no Court reporter) and 2 different rules and set of standards. when the burden of proof shifts to the Pro Se Litigant where he is asked to prove a positive. (Like visitation weekly). For example the judge will ask you to look for court orders for visitation or other facts when the court order had the female litigants attorneys letter head on it, The female litigant attorneys lie threw there teeth, Where the notes of such orders are right in the judges Laptop she uses, the POS Child rep is useless and just covers the child abuse and neglects that happened to your child to keep from going on record in front of the court. Even if the ex wife's boyfriend is a endangerment to the child or your then Pre-Teen daughter was getting sexually abuse during out of state visits the child rep is an enabler who enables it to continue to happen. They will push for a unlawful continuance of an order of protection to keep the abuse from coming to the surface. They will ignore red flags and red herrings of the child withdrawing socially from her only cousins, grandparents, uncles and aunts, god father and childhood friends.
Then when the court reporter is not in the room, its a real free for all, ex wife's attorneys screaming at you getting in your face, child rep doing them same, spitting on you there are so close yelling. , The judge letting it happen not having them follow basic litigation rules, double standards triple standards. had a different set of rules and standards where the blandly don't follow the Illinois supreme court rules, Local Domestic relations rules of 13.2 they will violate your rights, the minor, child's rights (Who is 2-3 years younger emotionally then her actually age because of her Mom's brainwashing and mental illness is being hard wired into the child), they will even violate your civil rights and the child's also, who does not even need to be present. Just the child Rep who is just another attorney for the wife to had abuse with deceptive practices and parlor ticks. If you have a pre-teen child that you love with all your heart, get out of this courtroom. If you ever have the ex wife playing games, manufacturing conflict, then she gets an order of protection against you to bi pass the parenting agreement. Then you hear something like therapeutic visitation get a SOJ right away and a special deputy of the court to look after your child best interest.


Comment #: IL1508
Rating:Not Rated
One of the worst Judges to have if you have a crazy ex-wife that uses your kid to abuse you. This judge NEVER held a woman in contempt NEVER. She has child representatives coach the female litigant to use deceptive practices and lie to get an order of protection to Bi Pass the parenting agreement and also to cover Child Abuse, Neglect and child sex abuse when my child was out of state when she was 12 yo. The judge does not think its not normal for the child to speak to the father side of the family, grandfather or only cousins. This judge is big on using order of protections to hide abuse, crimes, other issues from coming from the surface in her Therapeutic Visitation model they use. If you ever hear a child rep use that term NEVER AGREE TO IT, Run and get a SOJ right away. Actually never agree to anything in front of this judge such as a agreed order, they will play a shell game as to why the court order has not been followed, that's usually some BS order of protection excuse.


Comment #: IL1414
how is there no one to oeversee the enforcement of the law, if it's not applied by judges? This woman should be barred for life. I understand why people lose all faith in the justice system. Under Judge Katz, there may as well be no laws. she makes her own.


Comment #: IL1325
Rating:Not Rated
WORST JUDGE EVER!! No ability to act within the law whatsoever. Gender biased and remarkably ignorant on every level. Illinois is being served a great injustice under her.


Comment #: IL1004
Rating:Not Rated
BIASED in divorce situation is an understatement- ignoring an obvious fraud perpetrated by ex as well as emotional damages to my child, in favor of saving face?

Any attorneys interested in taking a whack at my case and potential damages, contact media at


Comment #: IL768
Judge Nancy Katz is so obviously gender biased against male litigants that I was initially shocked by this display. I began to expect it after a couple of appearances before her. She tries her best to side with female litigants. For example, my ex-wife indicated that she had not worked for the majority of our 13-year marriage. I handed the ex-wife's resume that she had made to Judge Katz, and Judge Katz brushed it off by saying that I had "probably" perjured myself, too. The resume showed that she had always worked in professional capacities, consistently. I knew Judge Katz's mindset at that point, and her bias remained consistent throughout my case.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: IL636
Judge Katz is biased, favoring women in divorce cases. She does not follow the law when a women is in contempt, ever. JUDGE KATZ HAS NEVER HELD A WOMAN IN CONTEMPT OF COURT! She instead punishes the former husband by ordering him to pay the ex-wife's legal fees! And even awards the one in contempt more maintenance! How's that for fair?

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL206
Judge Katz is the best judge in the divorce division. She is very bright and practical. She keeps up on the law. She is even-handed to both sides. She is organized and thoughtful. She has great insight.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: IL185
Judge Katz appears to be biased in divorce situations. It seems that she favors women over men. She needs to be more open-minded with regard to the father's rights, not just the mother's rights.