Hon. Jeffrey Moskowitz See Rating Details
District Court
Cumberland County
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Attorney Average Rating:   3.3 - 4 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   2.0 - 7 rating(s)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Jeffrey Moskowitz



Comment #: ME65
The Honorable Jeffrey Moskowitz has the integrity to show no partiality. He is also completely honorable in his decisions in the court room.


Comment #: ME64
If you’re a Mother who experiences Domestic Abuse, you better get a criminal defense lawyer when dealing with this Judge.


Comment #: ME63
This judges performance during a hearing in York District Court was absolutely disgusting. He listen to 5 peoples blatent lies, he allowed them to confer with each other when they were not supposed to. He allowed outbursts from members of the Audience not even involved. He sat on his butt and could see people messing up and reading scripts and all the testimony matched because he would not send others out of the courtroom and then would not allow the defendant to speak at all and found in favor of a bunch of people who blatently lied under oath on the stand. He has no place on the bench. He is a LOSER!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: ME60
Mr. Moskowitz is known for his blatant violations of client rights, poor comprehension of the law, and deficient value judgement among lawyers in Maine. A judge who not only lacks empathy but shows little understanding of the law and applicable standards is not only dangerous to our legal system, but an embarrassment to our professional trade.


Comment #: ME58
From my personal observations I have the following opinion and assessment of Judge Jeffrey Moscowitz: He is a disgrace to the court system and reflects poorly on what the state of Maine should consider fair and impartial justice. To me, and perhaps hundreds of others, he is clearly a misogynist and, from his treatment of women, it appears he delights in tormenting abused women who have the audacity to report the abuse of themselves and their children by their male partners. He ignores CLEAR and compelling evidence as well as the testimony of professionals in the law enforcement, medical and mental health community. He berates, belittles and further abuses women who come before him seeking help for themselves and their children. He repeatedly ignores pleas on behalf of these kids and often puts them back into the hands of their abusers…emotional, physical and even SEXUAL abusers. He has repeatedly denied mothers joint custody or visitation and has even viciously accused these women of actually being the abusers and turns the tables by ruling that the fathers of being the poor victims of a ‘vindictive woman’. These children are left at the (lack of) mercy of their abuser with no actual oversight by the family court system. And it is apparent Judge Moskowitz exerts his judicial influence on other judges in the York County courts who uphold his faulty, illogical and often shocking findings and then he signs off on their judgements. Make no mistake, many see that Jeffrey Moscowitz is as abusive of women and children as any perpetrator who has appeared before him in your family courts. Women have been stripped of their rights, their livelihoods, their homes and, in at least one (of many) desperate situations, a woman’s life due to suicide. I believe it is only a matter of time before a child dies because of his judgements. It appears that State of Maine has a two fold problem. First, the family court system leaves judges to decide whatever they feel like based only on their own bias and their like or dislike of the person whose entire life hangs in the balance. Second, and most pertinent to this situation, is how Judge Moscowitz exercises this latitude to the EXTREME to destroy good mothers who only want to protect their children. Given all of this he has has NO right to be a judge and for the State of Maine to allow him to continue his reign of terror makes the state of Maine complicit in the injustice and the violations of civil rights he imposes. I am surprised the state of Maine has not yet faced Civil Rights Violations, but it is clear that would be most appropriate because of this judge. He needs to be removed and every one of his cases involving abused mothers and children MUST be reviewed. The lives and the well being of your most vulnerable citizens are depending on it. Do the right thing. Stop enabling him. Do not renew Judge Moskowitz’s appointment. Thank you.


Comment #: ME56
Sitting in on a hearing he was presiding was terrible! The most evil man out to get people!!!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: ME55

How does one rate a man who has done irreparable harm to families, people’s reputations and lives? The honorable Jeffrey Moskowitz (or dishonorable as we know him to be) is an utter black stain on the state of Maine. It’s a tragedy that this man was ever appointed to the bench and a complete travesty he continues to adjudicate in a courtroom. Judge Moskowitz lacks impartiality and has a reckless regard for the law, making judgements in favor of pedophiles, rapists, and abusers. There is something dystopian and perverse about the way Moskowitz proceeds with his rulings; something straight out of a Stephen King novel. If I had not experienced this first hand, I may have never believed how belligerently and deliberately a person’s rights could be violated. While some would argue that Moskowitz is just another imbecile public servant who has made some careless “mistakes,” it is clear that he brandishes his gavel as a scourge, a tool intended to inflict pain and suffering on others. Where is the Judicial Oversight Committee and why have they failed to remove this monster? Do they lack any actionable power, have the turned a blind eye to the corruption, or are they complicit in the destruction of our legal system? One thing is certain- Jeffrey Moskowitz needs to be impeached immediately and we must remove anyone in office standing as his support.


Comment #: ME51
I have not dealt personally with Judge Morowitz but I have heard the testimony of families who have, and the verdict is he is simply one of the worst judges, and probably humans, in Maine. He has sentence very young children to lives of chronic abuse with convicted rapists. He condemns innocent mother to leave the state. He seems to act like a king, rather than a judge, ignoring due process and laws. it is a travesty to the State of Maine that this man has power over anyone.


Comment #: ME50
So many things I could say would be more appropriate for a novel. None of them are good! He is a horrid Judge! He visibly takes pleasure in shutting people down and not allowing Constitutional rights. I survived a marriage to a narcissist to then have a Judge who could safely be described as an ego on “roids”, and worse, he has so many supporters and constituents who say, “there will always be a side in a divorce who didn’t get what they wanted” and laugh it off.
But honestly, with so many people saying the same thing… is it something we should really be overlooking? Judges are supposed to be above reproach!!! It’s clear that his friends all cover for his abhorrent behavior. The Senini (sp?) case is the only one where he had to “take a step back” and even then he overlooked 5 major crimes a lawyer had committed. Who then turned around and violated the Order before the week was out, and what happened to him??! A slap on the wrist. Must be nice to have Moskowitz on your side! Sad for the rest of us when his veins pop and he gets angry and red faced (as most judges don’t but he seems to get away with it), you know, when he literally says, “your waiting my time” and you are simply just trying to defend your position from your ex. Great to know justice is fair (sarcasm) in his court.
As far as I can tell there’s nothing honorable about him. And other well known attorneys who have heard about his antics have all assured me he wasn’t supposed to do what he did. Maine will be a better place when he no longer holds a seat!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: ME48
Easily the WORST judge in the state of Maine

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: ME46
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Moskoswitz involved in a kangaroo trial with conflict of interest Atty Ainsworth, Atty Levine, atty Wendy Starkey Moulten August 24,2015 because I used my first Amendment of our Constitution to report the corruption going on in the legal system in Maine. Dispicable