Hon. J. Michael Wachs See Rating Details
Circuit Judge
Circuit Court
Anne Arundel County
5th Circuit
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Attorney Average Rating:   4.4 - 23 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   1.0 - 85 rating(s)
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* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. J. Michael Wachs



Comment #: MD9514
So, the coward is "resigning ?" More like he has become aware that nobody wants him on the bench because of his vile actions over the last several years! He is a joke to the court. He's about as relevant as the moron presiding over President Trump's case. Such a disgrace to we the people to suffer under these power hungry demons.
I'll give Wachs credit for at least taking a hint and leaving. Please, slither away, Wachs, and never torture us again with your mere presence. Slither away into oblivion!


Comment #: MD9503
Judge Wachs awarded joint custody to a Naval Officer who had committed military financial fraud, serious domestic violence against his spouse with a plea deal for domestic violence and a civilian and military protective order. Judge Wachs has a tender aged child flying across country every 15 days. This entire court case and ruling was insane. I pray God intervenes.


Comment #: MD9372
Despite the passage of time and Wachs' best efforts, I have prevailed over him. [Redacted ] to try and destroy my relationship with my child. But, he failed because he is a failure who resorts to hideous acts and refuses to understand the concept of playing fair. The good news is, my child loves me, in fact, I'm surrounded by many people who love me.
Again, I conquered despite you, Jeffrey Michael Wachs. I beat you! I am truthful and embody good values that I am passing on to my child.You know, I know and God knows what you tried, and failed to do!LOSER!


Comment #: MD9293
Rating:Not Rated
Political Piggy to the core. I wonder if he's flattered George Harrison wrote a song about him!

Court Staff

Comment #: MD9137
Rating:Not Rated
Was told something many years ago that unfortunately still holds true today. Wachs is nothing but a coward who hides behind the robe and in the courthouse. He’ll never miss an opportunity to demean a woman or bully the same. What’s truly mind boggling is how SWM would tolerate such actions.


Comment #: MD9131
Actually, PIG sums him up pretty accurately!


Comment #: MD9075
Rating:Not Rated
Legacy to the bench can be summed up in two words. Misogynist. Manipulator. Quite possibly the worst person to serve on the circuit bench.


Comment #: MD8985
Is Stacy Rice the latest he's giving tongue jobs to?


Comment #: MD8896
I am unable to comprehend someone like Wachs. He uses his position to go out of his way to hurt people. There is something so harsh and inhumane about him. He really needs therapy. More importantly, he needs to be off the bench so he is unable to hurt people anymore.


Comment #: MD8894
Rating:Not Rated
Wachs thinks he can assault staff at the Ram's Head and get away with it with a private apology at Stacy Rice's office. The powerful protect their own. Or at least they used to. Those days are over. Resign or get kicked off by Judicial Disabilities and get a real job.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD8882
He is very unfair to criminal defendants. He might have cared about fair trials once upon a time, but in the last few years, seems to have decided ahead of time that they are all guilty.


Comment #: MD8880
This prick has no business sitting in judgement of anyone else. He is among the most vile of men in history. Wachs has continuously shown " cruel and callous disregard for the sanctity of human life" on numerous occasions. 1) He has deprived several children of loving and decent parents. 2) He cheated on his wife with another hypocrite in the courthouse. 3) He aborted a baby 4) He lies incessantly 5) He truly believes women and girls are not equal to men.

How dare he expect anyone to take his " judgements" seriously??? He is nothing but a sinful disgrace to humanity and we can all just hope and pray he slithers away real soon.


Comment #: MD8615
The woman hater has been very low key lately, good. Hopefully, the day is coming when he's off the bench entirely, alone, miserable, and full of guilt and shame for all the wrongs he has done!

Court Staff

Comment #: MD8539
I'm sure Wachs is hoping Derek Chauvin is found " not guilty." If he were the judge on this case, he would have dismissed it by now!


Comment #: MD8471
He gave full custody of a child to a rapist!


Comment #: MD8470
Wachs has no regard for the lives of women and children, not even his own kids, at least not his daughter.
The fact that his daughter chose to teach like her mother, is a clear testament to which of her parents she has respect for.
Some day when Wachs is on his death bed, he's going to regret all the choices he made. He lost Laurie and his daughter, probably the two best things that ever happened to him. He's really no different than Chris Watts, whom I'm sure he has the utmost respect for!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD8457
Rating:Not Rated
Will forever be known for his abysmal professional and personal history concerning women’s issues. Surprisingly in the #MeToo era this court jester still hangs on. Even this Boomer must realize it’s time to go.


Comment #: MD8423
Wow, you'd think the circuit court would have kicked his ass off the bench by now! Nobody, litigants, attorneys, or fellow judges, can take the judgement of a woman hating adulterer seriously! He has no morals and his " decisions" demonstrate that! What a joke!


Comment #: MD8380
Oh, I hope I never see Wachs again and I seriously doubt he'll be in the Kingdom. Evil won't be welcomed there!


Comment #: MD8377
I hope Wachs is pleased with himself. He's still alive and well while a great person and excellent attorney, Bill Davis,died from a horrible disease. It's so unfair that it's always the least deserving who enjoy good health. RIP, Mr. Davis, see you in the kingdom!


Comment #: MD8344
Now you wouldn't really expect anything better from Wachs, would you? Clearly, he violates the constitutional rights of everyone whose case he presides over. He is a complete bigot.Women, Jews, people of color, lower income men, the unborn are all " unworthy" of legal protection in the eyes of this sadist bully. He smirks when his decisions bring a litigant into obvious despair. Much like the Nazi's grinning as they violated others! He is unfit not only as a judge, but he lacks any semblance of human empathy, sympathy, character! But hey, its good to see him bringing His own destruvtion. Good always conquers evil. God will hold him accountable for all that he's done. Too many people have been hurt by this monster!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD8342
Rating:Not Rated
Not surprised to see the recent article about him trying to separate a defendant from his legal counsel during a trial. Way to sh!t on The Constitution, you cowardly scum of the earth!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD8331
Wachs is morally challenged. Undoubtedly his wife left him due to his current and long running affair with, you guessed it, another judge. This time, SWM. In this sequel Uncle Fester has a chubby sidekick. How can we expect thoughtful, intelligent rulings from people in obvious crisis.


Comment #: MD8310
The incompetence of Wachs has finally been noted. Not that it will make much of a difference because he still has his fat ass parked on the bench. The fact that he has his baby sister write letters to the editor slamming them for outing his ridiculous rulings speaks to just what an immature failure he is. Come on circuit court, hasn't he embarrassed you enough?


Comment #: MD8305
Wachs should be disgusted with himself! He hurts everyone he comes in contact with. Nobody cares about him and nobody likes him!


Comment #: MD8287
Yet again Wachs has proven what a mental case he is. Instead of being satisfied with 4 1/2 years of probation for a non violent first time offense, he wants to stretch it to the end. This says a lot more about his loser self than it does me. His efforts to " get " me will fail because he is an utter failure. His kids can't stand him, his co workers mock him behind his back, his beautiful wife walked out on him, etc... As for me, he's right. I shouldn't make any career changes because I'm an excellent teacher. The world of academia needs me too much!


Comment #: MD8272
I bet anyone 10.00 Wachs votes for Sleepy Joe and the ho! We all kmow he leans communist!


Comment #: MD8236
" No man comes to me unless the Father draws him." Messiah spoke these words! Clearly, there is nothing worthy in Wachs as we all know he is the opposite of good and holy. Therefore, he is essentially rejected by God. If he chooses to repent, that's a different story. As of now, despite Ho's failures, Wachs is as arrogant as ever. He mocked Hebrews in open court for keeping Shabbat and the Holy Days! It's a matter of public record. Anyone can hear him ignorantly saying, " What's the Feast of Unleavened Bread?" Another truth Wachs can't handle, he himself is actually a Jew! He forgets that everyone now living is from Noah's line. For all he knows, he could be descended from the house of David...


Comment #: MD8234
I was recently reminded about the many times my ex husband violated the "judges order" by with holding my child from me when I was " legally" supposed to have him. Wachs just smiled and refused to hold him accountable! Somebody who clearly broke the law was given full custody of my child. I'm glad people are protesting this preposterous system that does nothing but perpetuate injustice and sorrow! If cops no longer exist, attorneys and judges will also be obsolete. Under this current system, people like Wachs not only determine who can be allowed to break the law, but who will be rewarded for breaking the law!
The good news, the chickens have come home to roost.
[Redacted by Ed.]


Comment #: MD8213
Amos 5:7, " You twist justice making it a bitter pill for the oppressed."


Comment #: MD8190
Today, in memory of the millions of Jews, poles and " political prisoners" Wach's ancestors murdered.

Job asked, " If a man dies, will he live again?" because of the sacrifice of Yeshua, the answer is yes! Ultimately, the evil Germans accomplished nothing! Thy Kingdom Come, Great,Father Yah!


Comment #: MD8186
MD8177, watch " the trials of Gabriel Fernandez. " That gives a serious look into how corrupt DCF and the courts are!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD8182
Rating:Not Rated
I wish Laurie Bruce well. I'll bet the new guy is giving it to her better than jeffy wachs ever did. He just looks inadequate.


Comment #: MD8181
Oh, also, Laurie is quite pretty. It is certainly possible that she caught another man's eye.


Comment #: MD8180
A friend of mine, an investigator here in Florida, is looking into what happened in that marriage. I have no doubts though, that ultimately Laurie left him. Wachs enjoys his " family man" image too much.
I also find it despicable that he is trying to get money from Laurie's teaching pension. It just shows what a weak " man" he really is that he needs to leech off a woman. A woman who serves a real purpose in the world, unlike him! I tried to warn him when he attacked us that God is a God of karma. He didn't listen and now his life is ruined because he tried to ruin ours! I feel bad, but he did it to himself!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD8179
Rating:Not Rated
Maybe Laurie got smart and found herself a real man on the side, and that's why Jeffy is the plaintiff? Or, maybe Jeffy is jealous of his colleague and trying to find himself a Cal Ripken?

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD8178
Rating:Not Rated
Sure enough, Laurie Wachs is once again Laurie Bruce. Although, he's the plaintiff and it looks like he's trying to get money from her teacher's pension and state benefits. The $150k that cowardly bitch of a man rips off from tax payers isn't enough?

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD8177
Rating:Not Rated
Funny, I was just finished Waco on Netflix, then started The Innocence Files. Lots of real life insights on how various government organizations operate behind the curtain. If his wife really is leaving, I hope she takes him for all he's worth. I wish I could challenge wachs to a boxing exhibition, with all proceeds going to child abuse prevention, since that POS can't do his job.


Comment #: MD8176
Wow, I wonder how it feels to be Jeffrey M.Wachs. His wife of over 30 years, who should have been what he treasured most in this world,finally left him. He's an utter failure as a judge because he refuses to do what is right even when in his heart he knows what he should do, he doesn't. This causes needless suffering for so many good people. Despite his best efforts, I still stand tall, proud and happy because the reality is, his power is fleeting. My child loves me and so does our Creator. God gives free will, but He also cautions us how to use it. When we don't heed His words, statutes and laws, the results are disasterous! On the other hand, when God sees us trying, His rewards are endless! Wachs can only sting for a moment and then he's just a bad memory. I'm guilty of letting him have too much power over my emotions. I hated him for so long and now I just see him as a tragic case. I pray for him and hope he will receive humility and strength to beg Laurie Bruce(such a huge diss that she didn't even want his name!) for forgiveness that he was such a bad husband. I also pray for his children, who probably love him so much and just can't reach him.
It must be hard to be Wachs. My life is good and his isn't.


Comment #: MD8161
Immoral coward! He just can't stand having the truth about him aired.wachs is an evil man who does the complete opposite of what is right.
If a child is in an abusive situation, he leaves him there despite a loving father fighting for custody.
If a child is with a dirty, neglectful father, he denies the teacher, nurse mother custody!
Yet, he'll have this truth taken down! He could just admit his errors and work to fix them. But, he'd rather make children suffer! What does this tell you about his character?


Comment #: MD8142
He is horrific! I too have wondered how he has stayed on the bench. The problem is, The People's Republic of Maryland is a blue, socialist state that has given all control to the government. We the People need to remind Wachs that he works for us! He truly is a horrible excuse for a human being!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD8108
Would judicial disabilities please listen to his sessions? The worst and meanest most spiteful judge aside from Patrice Lewis PGCO on the bench


Comment #: MD8026
MD 8022- Are you kidding? FYI, this unsexy, horrid man indirectly almost killed me, abused my child and managed to have my cat " euthanized." He is most unworthy of anyone's affection. I'm guessing you're either Mrs. Wachs, or Judge North.


Comment #: MD8022
I think about your face
And how I fall into your eyes
The outline that I trace
Around the one that I call mine....

Wachs is so damn sexy!


Comment #: MD8010
This lousy excuse for a Judge actually said in open court that my mother is " not significant in my sons life." What a stupid comment. Knowing my son wouldn't exist without me, and certainly not without my mother!
This comment alone stands as a testament to how lowly he thinks of women in general.
Interestingly though, it's ok. From the looks of his own 2 loser children, he'll never have grandchildren at all! His seed will die with him and he will truly be insignificant to any child's life.
Btw, my son loves his grandparents! Karma, gotta love it!


Comment #: MD7985
How this swirly turd ever made it on the bench is beyond me. He is arrogant, rude, crude and his intelligence is unremarkable at best. He is typical quid pro quo material. It doesn't take a genius to figure out Pamela North got him on the bench because they were having an adulterous affair. Oh yes, add morally bankrupt to his many character flaws!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD7902
Is the most insulting judge on the bench. Speaks to attorneys like they are trash. Implies everyone is lying to him. Hypocritical. Spiteful. Seeks revenge. Contact personal attacks to whoever is on his shit list. Gossips about other judges and lawyers. Looks down on everyone. Most arrogant and inept judge on the bench. Judicial disabilities should listen to his sessions.


Comment #: MD7890
Does anyone else think Wachs looks like Cory Booker? The same wide, crazy eyes, the same sleek bald head? Oh, and the same crazy Democrap socialist ideas? They're both so gross!


Comment #: MD7857
No doubt, Wachs believes he should be applauded for actually following the law and holding a pedophile ( fancy word for baby rapist) accountable.
However, while he may have done the right thing in this case, it's a first for him. Wachs is famous for violating his oath to uphold the law and properly administer justice when it comes to divorce and custody issues.
Clearly, Wachs believes married women are property and therefore can be sexually assaulted. The lives of women are meaningless and he judges accordingly. He is a pig, plain and simple and he needs to be off the bench.
I find it interesting that neither of his children want to follow in his footsteps. I guess he was as good a father as he is judge, scary!


Comment #: MD7700
In light of what's going on in Massachusetts, with a sitting judge breaking the law by obstructing justice, I think Wachs should be indicted for all his crimes in Maryland. Or, hopefully he'll let down his giard and start blatantly assisting the illegals he insists should be in this country! I guess it's just a matter of time before this left wing, democrap gets busted!


Comment #: MD7529
Wach's is a coward who even now refuses to own his many misdeeds. A total disgrace to the bench, as well as the notion of justice. He will be disbarred and soon!


Comment #: MD7052
I felt Judge Wachs was aware of the coarse details of the case. He was polite and calm and a kind gesture made a stressful event a little less so.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD7049
Wachs J is a JOKE. He allowed the Plaintiff debt collector to go through trial without sharing the documents that were being filed in the case with the other party. When the Defendant's attorney objected, the Plaintiff explained that he offered to give the Defendant's attorney the documents outside the courtroom before the trial. Wachs J accepted that as OK. He also placed the burden of proof on the Defendant contrary to established law. The Defendant filed a Motion to have him recused and he, Wachs J ruled on it himself!!!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD6889
Rating:Not Rated
My ex wife read aloud emails in which we discussed her being drunk and pointing a rifle at me while I held our 4 month old baby. Several months later, to cover her tail, she falsified a police report claiming I pointed a gun at her. She also read aloud emails in which she admitted falsifying that police report. She admitted to writing all emails. Wachs chastised me, claiming for trying to discredit her, then granted her sole custody, and ordered me to supervised visitations. My ex wife has been arrested for assault, had numerous run-ins with CPS, and has accused at least 4 different men of assaulting her. This is not an exaggeration. If I'm lying, then I believe I'm guilty of libel.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD6846
Rating:Not Rated
Colluded with Asst State's Attorney Anastasia Prigge to give sole custody to a serial false accuser who has now had a total of 4 men charged with assault. Instead of following the common denominator, Wachs finds it "concerning" that I tried to discredit her. Wachs doesn't find it concerning that my defenseless child has had fingerprint-shaped bruises, a scar on his head from being shoved face-first into a table, or patches of hair missing. Instead, Wachs finds it concerning that I mentioned them and considers it my way of "trying to get even." If I'm lying, then I'm at the very least guilty of libel.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD6720
I was very surprised to see all of these negative comments. I have had both trials and pretrial matters with him. Sometimes I won. Sometimes I lost. But I always found him to be fair, open-minded and thoughtful. He always seemed to me to be genuinely concerned about the controversy and the people involved in the process. He has assisted in settling many cases I believed would never settle. But, in a settlement conference he talks and listens and often can bring people together. I think he is a fabulous judge, one of the best in Anne Arundel County.


Comment #: MD6589
It's sad that a judge would allow the abuse of children. One has to wonder, how he would feel if it was his child...


Comment #: MD6569
Spineless, lying, colluding. Ignores perjury, and child abuse. Claims that I only documented my child's broken arm, cuts near eyes, stitches from being shoved face-first into a table, and 10 fingerprint-shaped bruises to get even. The custody evaluator even wrote that his mother's excuse for the injury - that he fell on rocks at daycare - didn't match the injuries. Wachs finds it "concerning" that I called my child's mother a serial false accuser and child abuser. However, after our trial she had her 4th target arrested for domestic violence and.my child visited with patches of hair missing. Anne Arundel CPS is as inept and worthless as Wachs. They're all gutless white trash thugs.


Comment #: MD6541
MD6315- Wachs' courtroom stinks because his evil is starting to permeate through his flesh and infiltrate the air. Also, you don't have to get close, he's a 50 mile radius skunk!

Court Staff

Comment #: MD6449
Neil Gorsuch , Supreme Court nominee, referred to the US Constitution as his boss. It's a shame this loser, Wachs, who obviously got his law license from a cracker jack box, doesn't realize who his boss is. Wachs is a disgrace and embarrassment to the legal profession. He needs to be disbarred and kicked off the bench.


Comment #: MD6346
NOT MY JUDGE! This moron should never have been assigned to the bench. He is rude, arrogant, incompetent, and a liar. He completely ignores facts. What a loser! Vote his ass out!


Comment #: MD6315
Having witnessed this judge in action, I can say he is quite stuck on himself and makes dumb side comments. And His courtroom smells like feet!


Comment #: MD6266
Rating:Not Rated
Why is this so called judge unable to accept constructive criticism?
Maybe if he actually kept his honor while doing his job there wouldn't be so many negative comments for him to have removed from this board!


Comment #: MD6243
Of course! Those of us who have appeared before Wachs know very well that he is indeed fair to whichever attorney he happens to be friends with. He has no regard for the law, justice, or the rights of other human beings. He is self-centered and disgraceful. An embarrassment to his profession!
Interesting side note: When he gets especially nasty, one of his relatives dies..... hmmmm.....kind of like Pharoah, his evil bounces right back on him!


Comment #: MD6118
Judge Wachs will make his rulings based upon the evidence presented, and will not be swayed by litigants seeking pity. If you claim abuse you better have more proof than a phony ACP card. He is very fair.


Comment #: MD6041
Another theme in MD, bad lawyers. I've come to the conclusion that MD must be the easiest state to pass the bar. I have horrible experience s with lawyers too. Their happy to take your money, but they don't think they actually have to work for it. That must be why they all aspire to be judges someday. Wachs just sits his fat ass on the bench and collects from the taxpayers while doing no actual work, not even considering what's best for children and society. His track record demonstrates this. He's really nothing but a welfare case!


Comment #: MD6035
Wachs can't handle being called to account. The reason he tries to make others appear to not be credible is so he can cover his misdeeds by shining the light on someone else. Only when he is brought before a higher court will he answer for all the bad things he's done.


Comment #: MD6031
To try to make us look retaliatory, the opposing atty asked my son if he liked his atty for his criminal trial, my son said no. The atty twisted his words to make it look like he was mad he was not acquitted of all charges. That's not the case at all. This guy was Pais a ton of money, but did very little. He got info mixed up, my son had to guide him, I did a lot of his leg work, he told me the trial date was pushed out because the SAO was having trouble getting police reports. I went to the police dept. on my lunch time and was in and out in 20 min., so why can't the SAO get them. The ineptness is overwhelming. My son's father called his atty one night to discuss his case, the atty said, i'm spending time with my wife tonight and hung up on him, so, yes, we have every right to be upset with him for taking our money, accepting the case, and doing minimal work. We pay the salaries of these jokers. Wachs probably believes Jodi Arias is innocent. My son would have been Travis Alexander had he stayed with his wife.


Comment #: MD6003
All I can say is the DOJ stepped in in Baltimore City, so there's hope.


Comment #: MD5971
That should read defendant, not dependent in my last post. Also, the DOJ nailed Baltimore City for wrong doing...there is hope. Everything we have said is documented, that proves we are telling the truth.


Comment #: MD5968
Speaking of Prigge, it's interesting to read a statement of hers on case search where she was a dependent. I quote "The plaintiff has failed to state a claim against in addition I am an assistant State'so attorney." In other words, I am above the law. That's not what she meant, you say? How does it feel to have your truth twisted so it comes lies? Why does one person who allegedly was so badly beaten take 30 seconds to 1 minute to answer a question? She knows the truth in our case. This courthouse is run by CYA.


Comment #: MD5952
Yes, Wachs is "dynamite!" He is explosive, destructive and dangerous! He has caused immense damage in the lives of
Several parents and their children by creating alienation. Why? Because Wachs doesn't honor his oath to uphold the law equally for all litigants. His " rulings" are based on which attorney he is " friends" with. No parent should ever experience the agony of losing custody of their child unless the parent is; abusive, neglectful, or is on drugs, promiscuous, leading a lifestyle that puts the child in danger.
Yet, Wachs has no problem inflicting injustice on several parents and their children. Wachs is a mockery of the law and what a true judge should be. Yes, indeed, he is " dynamite" that has caused great harm in my and my child's life!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD5867
I am astounded by all of the negative comments. I think that he is dynamite -- even when I lost.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD5864
Rating:Not Rated
Wow, whomever wrote that last one, the same thing happened to my two daughters- he said he didnt care that they ran away from the father's house when the father abandoned them when ny daughter was sick on meds - to go out partying and drinking all night!! Wach wanted my daughters to keep living with the neglectful alchoholic!!


Comment #: MD5826
A monster who delights in trying to ruin the lives of others! I sat in his courtroom and can honestly say I've never seen such unprofessional, illegal conduct. An incredible display of arrogance. Wachs represents everything that's wrong in AA County.


Comment #: MD5748
Another one that needs to be trained on domestic violence and classic abusers. What a horrid excuse for someone who is to uphold the law! This "judge" is unliked by many, for good reasons!


Comment #: MD5593
Pathetic excuse for a "judge." He sucks ....

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD5434
Rating:Not Rated
From the patterns of condescension, and the misrepresentation of logic, I thought maybe it was an official statement from the Spokesperson for the Anne Arundel County family law system. Seems like someone else that O'Malley would've appointed.

I predicted O'Malley would make a fool of himself by showcasing his delusions of grandeur in the national spotlight. The joke's on me. He had the support of a whopping 3% of Marylanders, and that 1 guy from Iowa. If more people knew of his track record for appointing judges - looking your way, Jeffy - even those little numbers would plummet.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD5341
Judge Wachs is complicated. He has skill and intelligence but appears to be motivated by politics rather than cases. At his best he is a very good Judge, at his worst, he can be as bad as it gets. Generally, very state oriented. Not someone I truly trust.


Comment #: MD5214
To the grandparents who are being deprived of their grandchild due to Wachs' decision, you may have options for civil action. My parents are looking into it.
Of course, Wachs is on the record as saying my parents are" not significant in Seth's life."
Clearly a blatant, vile thing to say about someone's grandparents. I'm sure Seth will have something to say to Wachs about that someday.
Anyway, you weren't a main party (mother, father) so you may have legal ground. Go through your transcripts again.

Who knows, maybe a class action grandparents suit against Wachs could be in the future!


Comment #: MD5211
Wow, already truthful Comments are removed. What is his problem? Is he really that frightened people will find out about him? Is he decent enough to be embarrassed about his gross miscarriages of justice? Is he trying to censor taxpaying citizens of this country? Or, maybe he really is just plain old nuts!
Nobody can fight truth! It always comes out, it will in this case too!
Wachs will be exposed!


Comment #: MD5171
Rating:Not Rated
Just a thought. assuming the facts provided here are correct, by recusing himself from case, he's shielded himself somewhat. When proceeding forward, do so intelligently, factually, and review relevant law language involving this matter. Remember, committing judicial error is not sanctionable conduct under the quidelines set forth by the commission. Even so, there is another judge in this county who committed clear judicial errors, made aware of those errors by more than one counsel, then willfully proceeded forward committing same and additional errors without reprimand regardless of judicial codes of conduct.

Worth mentioning as even when irrefutable evidence submitted regarding this (sanctionable) conduct is mysteriously interpreted otherwise, it provides further clarity highlighting irresponsible conduct involving a self policing industry. Good luck on a just outcome.


Comment #: MD5156
17th century Salem called. They want Wachs to go work for them.


Comment #: MD5131
Arrogant, lazy and spiteful! Makes false reports when you appeal his "decisions" or report him to the judicial misconduct board! What a sorry excuse for a "legal expert!"


Comment #: MD5109
I'll let the one star rating speak for itself!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD5002
Without a doubt one of the laziest, most disorganized, inept people sitting on the bench. Awful "judge" and awful person!He really doesn't belong in a position making crucial decisions.


Comment #: MD4983
Wachs stripped me of all parental rights claiming a diagnosis of depression (brought on by years of abuse and control) somehow made me "unfit." Not only was this a total violation of mine and my child's civil rights, but according to all doctors I've consulted with, it's "ridiculous!"
Since his decision of 5/7, I've seen my son 3 times. I'm supposed to have 1 phone call a day, but my ex husband males sure he distracts him so very little communication takes place. Really what Wachs did was give more control to a controlling monster, while allowing him to actually use my child as a pawn. [Redacted by Ed.]


Comment #: MD4976
Rating:Not Rated
MD4966, I definitely agree his rulings are due to the attys, not the law. If our family had not lived through what he's done to us, I would find it hard to believe these posts. Dirty police, slimy attys and bad judges. He took blatant hearsay evidence at our trial. He listened to a woman read emails saying how violent she is, she lied to police and STILL ruled in her favor. We listen to a seven year old tell us his older half sister went to live with her dad because mommy wouldn't stop hitting her, he has had numerous injuries while solely in his mother's custody. Go ahead and ask why we do nothing. We did and we're told we were retaliating. So, Wachs, when something really bad happens to this child, sit there and scratch your head wondering why. The judicial system is a joke.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD4966
I wouldn't say he's " soft on crime," certainly not in all crime anyway. However, I will agree that his decisions do appear to be based on the attorney, not on laws of evidence.


Comment #: MD4962
Rating:Not Rated
An advocate for parental alienation. We have not seen our grandson in almost 6 months. My daughter has not seen her own child in over 1 month. This is the doing of Wachs. He, for no legal reason took my daughters son completely out of her custody. Despite her many witnesses calling her a good mother and even her husband and his 2 witnesses, his parents, attacking her character and NOT her parenting, Wachs nonetheless has attempted to deprive an innocent child of half his family! [Redacted]

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: MD4958
Having tried clear cut matters before Wachs regarding spousal abuse and seeing how he argues for the other side as if indeed their attorney, I couldn't agree more. He has actually become 100% pro-man and gives the impression women have no value and hence, no rights. It wouldn't break the hearts of most attorney's in this jurisdiction if he were no longer sitting on the bench. It's impossible to see him as judicial, or even take him seriously!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD4955
Rating:Not Rated
Wachs' courtroom is such a circus, such a blatant display of fraud, that my accuser, when questioned as to why she never reported an attempted rape until our custody trial, claimed that Asst State's Attorney Anastasia Prigge told her to keep her testimony concise. My accuser's lawyer, who knowingly made false allegations also, quickly chimed in to contradict his own client's story and say that any acts that may have occurred were consensual. Meanwhile, none of the acts described ever occurred, consensual or otherwise, which is why they were never previously mentioned. Opposing counsel was concerned that his client was taking her false allegations too far. It's all on transcripts. I have the CDs. Rather than do his job and acknowledge the obvious perjury taking place, Wachs ridiculed me for "trying to discredit" my accuser. What's the alternative?


Comment #: MD4901
Rating:Not Rated
An inquiry from a curious viewer. Are the cases recently discussed available for public viewing elsewhere online?

A complete background of information would be helpful in understanding the totality of cases.


Comment #: MD4884
Rating:Not Rated
Relevant voices silenced raises suspicious and curious minds abound. Just a shared thought from informed peaceable viewers.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD4626
Rating:Not Rated
At least I use facts instead of going angry, illiterate rants like calling other judge's kids retarded. Keep your filth on your Mont Co posts, you ignorant piece of ghetto trash.


Comment #: MD4527
It's a very sad thing that a message board like this has to exist. That the knowledge that judges who are supposed to be the epitome of justice and integrity have allowed themselves to fall in such disgrace, is so rampant. Even sadder, though, is "court staff." [Redacted by Ed.] As if she admires the power to play with people's lives. Social worker's are supposed to have compassion and seek to help people, not see what they can do to harass them and make their problems even worse. And, what about the children? These innocent children who love, want and NEED both their parents in their lives? [Redacted by Ed.] Now, people exercising their freedoms to post are harassed by someone who must think much too highly of themself? I appeal to you, court staff, you please get some help! You, along, with your sidekick Wachs have hurt countless people and created insurmountable damage in the lives of several men, women and children!
As for me, I'll continue to post what's necessary on here and fight for my child! Tomorrow, I'll be calling the board of social work examiners to see how my complaint against the " custody evaluator" is coming along [Redacted by Ed.].


Comment #: MD4518
Rating:Not Rated
Granted sole custody to a woman who got so drunk that she pointed a gun at her 4 month old baby. How thoughtful and capable of him. Recently, my son told me that his older half sister went to live with her dad because "mommy wouldn't stop hitting her." This was witnessed by a sheriff's deputy. I can't think of a bigger coward than someone whose job it is to protect children, yet they make a conscious decision not to.


Comment #: MD4509
This rating is left in 100% good faith, is non threatening, and all claims are verifiable. I been falsely accused of attempted murder, attempted rape, domestic violence, child abuse, animal abuse, and more. These allegations were made by someone who falsely accused her second of three husbands of domestic violence and child molestation in order to gain a custody advantage. All expert witnesses in my case - two sheriff's deputies, a custody evaluator, a social worker from the YWCA, and a court appointed forensic psychiatrist - put their reputations on the line, in spite of these allegations, and recommended that I have unsupervised visitation with my son. Jeff Michael Wachs, however, found it "concerning" that I tried to discredit my accuser. She even read email confessions in court in which she boasted about how crazy and vindictive she is and how she will say and do anything to get even. She also admitted, in the same emails to attacking me, but blamed it on the alcohol. In this same email we discussed her attackung me and POINTING A GUN at me as I held our then 4 month old son. She read aloud emails in which she confessed to falsifying police reports against me in the past. The thoughtful and capable judge decided that I saved those emails to get even. While in the mother's sole custody, by age 3 my son had had a broken arm from being chased and shoved into a door, a permanent scar on his forehead from stitches he received after being shoved face-first into a table, and fingerprint-shaped bruises. A social worker and sheriff's deputies suggested that I document my son's condition during visits. Jeff Michael Wachs, however, also found it "concerning" that I check my son for signs of abuse. A sheriff's deputy was hushed on the witness stand, on the grounds of hearsay, for trying to explain how my son told us his mom slaps him and pulls his hair. Shortly after my last hearing with Wachs, my son showed up for a visit with patches of hair missing. This is what happens when you play games with peoples lives and the safety of their children. These are just a few details of my story. They can be verified through court transcripts, photos, and witnesses. These details and more are included in my open letter, regarding the rewarding of false allegations and the ignoring of textbook signs of child abuse, that I'm wrapping up. I also mentioned in my letter that I anticipate retaliation, most likely in the form of more false allegations, for speaking up with my story. The tone used by the "court staff" in the comments only reaffirms that expectation. Anyone delusional enough to suggest that the system is infallible doesn't deserve to work for the system. If I am fabricating any of this, then I am at least guilty of libel. Let's open an investigation and see who has something to hide.

Court Staff

Comment #: MD4385
Rating:Not Rated
I have worked with Judge Wachs for several years. He is a capable and thoughtful judge. That fact is clearly demonstrated by his decision to deny custody to the – clearly disturbed – parent who has posted 50 offensive diatribes on this site in the last 3 months. Please seek help before you hurt someone.


Comment #: MD4326
And yet again truthful comments about Wachs that he finds offensivwe are taken down. The solution to stopping people from writing those comments is for him to follow the law and fix his past errors in judgement. Of course, he's not humble enough for that!


Comment #: MD4306
Once again, we had our three hour, supervised visit where my grandson said he wanted to spend ten thousand, million hours with Daddy and spend the night. Very sad that the court insists on listening to outside interference to make decisions. Allegations were made that Mr son whispered threats against the family to my grandson, my grandson DENIED it to a court appointed social worker, Wachs referenced it in his decision. I listened to the CD'S again yesterday to be sure I am not being unfair against Wachs. I am not! The opposing atty tried to twist everything we said, tried to put words in our mouths, sickening. One person who testified, stammered and stuttered for answers as he tried to play both sides. I was shown something that I had written on Facebook two years prior on a site for advocates of false allegations. I wrote "That runs rampant in Annapolis, Md.". The opposing atty asked what that meant. Show me the rest of the thread....I could have been saying boating, dogs walking. He tried very hard to make us look vindictive, even asked one of the sheriff's deputies if we were vindictive...his answer, NO. He asked my son if he was happy with the atty for his criminal trial, his reply was no. If he had all of the facts, like once when my son's father called this atty to ask a question, he told him he was spending time with his wife and hung up on him. He was very unprepared for the trial, and got some facts wrong. Let's get facts before we make half assed statements.


Comment #: MD4287
Rating:Not Rated
What was stated in an earlier comment is further evidence in the operation of this jurisdiction. In that, admissions of guilt could not be more evident, placed on record and clear cut, yet specific judges will blatantly disregard this information without any legal reasoning or basis. Harris is also guilty of this with evidence of a litigant perjuring herself on record during cross yet ignored. For this reason, litigants who continuously bring forth merit less action and are repeatedly guilty of wrongdoing, continue their quest of abhorrent behaviors with this Family Court's blessing. Sadly, this only empowers destructive litigants such as the one described below to not withhold their behavior, even in open court proceedings, and via discovery, and perjurious testimony because from past proceedings, they are aware that repercussions from this conduct goes unpunished. There are many attorneys frustrated with entering this circuit court involving clear cut cases, as it renders useless if the wrong judge presides. A judge who refuses to obtain all fact finding and apply law as required that is........

Standard mode of operation in Anne Arundel County.


Comment #: MD4286
Rating:Not Rated
"Judge Wachs of the Anne Arundel County Circuit Court speaks on tough laws used as scare tactics......" The above is the title of a youtube video you might find interesting for your viewing pleasure.


Comment #: MD4280
The sad thing is, the first divorce atty we used told us how fair Wachs is. The ex-wife was on the verge of being escorted out of the courtroom for her antics. This same atty cried when my son's father and I were with her saying she was not only concerned for my son, but his father and me as well as this woman is so vindictive, she will be after all of us for not siding with her. The second atty said after the first day of testimony, there is no way Wachs will not give unsupervised visits after the crap she spewed in there today. So, the moral of this story is, get a sleazy atty and lie your butt off. Forget that, I have to live with myself, and I have a conscience.


Comment #: MD4279
Wachs has gotten away with abusing his power for so long, he's not used to people standing up to him. I believe his days on the bench are numbered. Truth always comes out!


Comment #: MD4278
I just watched an episode of Judge Mathis where a woman kept items her boyfriend left in their house when he left. He tried to got the items back, she wouldn't give them to him. She testified she didn't have them....SWORN testimony. The guy had recorded a conversation between the two of them where she says she has all of his things. She had a counter suit. Hers was thrown out for perjury. The plaintiff won because of his taped conversation. In out case, the ex-wife read emails where she admits to making false police reports, pointing a gun at my son while he held my grandson, not once did she deny writing the emails....not once. My son has supervised visits, she has full custody. Perhaps we should have the Honorable Judge Mathis give a course on law to Sachs.


Comment #: MD4268
Yeah, I know. I was trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. You are 100% correct. " a little leaven leavens the whole lump!"


Comment #: MD4267
On the contrary, Alzheimer's is not suggestive here. These are willful and deliberate actions without impairment by specific judges in this jurisdiction. Legal errors in addition to judicial misconduct occur often. Again, not all judges conduct themselves in this manner. Only takes a few to poison the fruit basket.


Comment #: MD4263
Wachs also has a history of refusing to revise his denial of summary judgment decisions regardless of evidence brought forth declaring opposing party directly mislead and intentionally withheld information from Wachs. A formal motion requesting Wachs to revise his denial based on newly discovered evidence was ignored and never ruled. Evidence presented to him in a letter as well confirming misrepresentation, bad faith, and misconduct by the adverse party. This factual matter brought to his attention twice served as a basis to revise his decision. Evidence that was critical and warranted his reconsideration of his decision. He had the opportunity to review, revise and reconsider and alter based on the evidence and exhibits provided him in a formal motion and letter. Wachs himself even confirmed for the record that no dispute of material facts were present yet he still ruled in favor of the adverse party. In the same breath he also injected his personal bias / opinion regarding contractual language. Oddly, he willfully chose to not revise or rule on this motion to revise. The motion sat for months before it was dismissed without applicable legal reasoning. It goes without saying that matters of law are seemingly rejected.


Comment #: MD4258
As far as deleting the negative responses, he can delete from here all he wants, that doesn't delete in grave injustices he created. We, as tax payers, pay him. I hope he remembers that on payday. I have have an employee who doesn't do the job, he/she is fired. Such a sad state, the system screws up and tries to make us look like the bad guys.


Comment #: MD4204
It's interesting how when someone leaves a truthful statement about Mr.Wachs, he has it taken off this message board. Further evidence that the truth is an enemy to Wachs!


Comment #: MD4199
Time and time again Mr. Wachs makes clear he's NOT interested in getting to the truth. That would actually take time and effort and he's far too lazy for that.
Also, it's quite clear from his previous actions that he sides with whatever attorney he is friends with, or simply "likes better." Wachs is truly a mockery to the justice system and a truly indecent "human being."


Comment #: MD4184
Interesting. It would appear that Judge Paul F. Harris Jr. and Wachs are one in the same regarding absolute disregard for fact finding, Constitutional law and required review of evidence presented. Especially in family law cases. The parallels are highly suspect. Then again, the strong theme of this conduct is not a new discovery. Rather, an embedded stain in our jurisdiction.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD4167
I went into the courtroom to testify for someone else thinking that this would be a fair judge and therefore a fair trial. What a complete disappointment.


Comment #: MD4166
We were very disappointed that this judge determines his decision on hearsay, after hearsay, after hearsay. (and this is from his "expert" witnesses") What was most disappointing was that he did not seem to be able to discern what was the truth.


Comment #: MD4165
He did the same thing in my case.He ignored testimony of my eyewitnesses, but allowed his "witnesses/parents to repeat a ton of hearsay.
The first thing your son should do is file a motion to have Wachs recused from the case. And he needs to keep filing to get that biased pos away so he may have a real chance of getting his child back.


Comment #: MD4157
Md4156- I know what you mean! This "judge," as he calls himself has no business in family law. He apparently doesn't understand the concept of " family" and how very crucial it is for children to have all the love and support they can possibly get from ALL of their family member's from both sides. Wachs us truly a Wach job with no regard for the rights of Marylanders!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD4136
It's sickening that rather than take that child's injuries seriously, he chastises you for reporting it! You know, I also had the experience of him refusing to look me in the eye. For just a second, as he was reading his nonsense decision, our eyes met. I tried to hold his gaze, but he looked away quickly and wouldn't even glance in my direction again! Not only is he fully aware what he's doing is wrong, he's a total coward. Hardly anyone's definition of an " honorable judge."


Comment #: MD4133
Rating:Not Rated
Again, keenly unfamiliar with your case and background. Regardless, Wachs is not singular in the circuit court regarding ethical misconduct, legal errors and improper rulings bridged with clear violations of constitutional law. There is another sitting among him far worse. Trust me, the frustrations regarding these issues within the Fraternity / Brethren are just as angering. Imagine educating and immersing yourself in the area of law, only to raise before judges who refuse to honor the law and violate its spirit consistently. Regardless of a clear cut case for any client in this jurisdiction, it always depends on the judge, not the law. To reiterate, the media may be of some use but it may also be worthy your time in contacting the Commission On Judicial Disabilities as well as the FBI.

Caution: Remember, there is a significant difference between legal errors and misconduct, so organize and compose your information wisely and factually.

My sympathy for what you are enduring. Lastly, and one thing to understand here is that common sense is no longer common in this jurisdiction. The days of housing a complete panel of honorable judges in Annapolis Maryland are a thing of the past and very much missed. A tragedy in many respects which has sunk into a morass of corruption in family law. Good luck with all future endeavors regarding your case. I wish you the very best for a just outcome.


Comment #: MD4130
Rating:Not Rated
Understood and respected.


Comment #: MD4128
Rating:Not Rated
MD4127- Curious, are you able to disclose who opposing counsel is in your case? Though unfamiliar with your case and without a factual background, have you considered media sources? If so, have your facts in order and case background prepared for presentation. Unfortunately, Wachs has always maintained a steadfast gender favoritism for female litigants in alimony and child support cases regardless of clear evidence against confirming malice. In past, we considered him a good draw. In present day, that consideration is no longer valid due to deficient ethics.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD4123
No, it's not about retaliation. I had no problems with Mr. Wachs until he, for no justifiable reason, took my baby away.
Everyone is accountable for the bad decisions they make in life. This holds true for judges who contrary to what they think are under the same laws as the rest of us!


Comment #: MD3937
Rating:Not Rated
re: post ND 3905, I have posted corrections twice only to have them removed. My sentence should read the child IS huRyan worse, not I'd hurt worse. I am doing a screen shot showing this correction for when it's once again deleted.


Comment #: MD3930
Rating:Not Rated
Unfortunate that a previous posting was removed as it's cogent content regarding this judge's extraordinary favoritism for female litigants stands accurate. Final judgements in many cases will confirm this to be a solid fact.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: MD3291
I was a witness at a custody hearing and am appalled by what took place. The plaintiff is a serial false accuser. This was her THIRD marriage, and she made the same accusations against husband #2. It's in the court records. She accused husband #2 of sexually abusing her young daughters, the older one now lives with him. My son simply wanted a divorce, she didn't. I have an email where she states my son wanted her to lie and say they were separated for a year so they could get a quicker divorce. She said the only way she would divorce him is to get FULL custody. During the criminal trial, my son was ridiculed by the prosecutor because he kept saying he was afraid of the welfare of his son. She said if you were so concerned, why didn't you do something about it? His answer, I did, and look where it got me. Our attorney was sure this custody case would go our way since the stories the plaintiff told were so outrageous. She even commented that if she ever doubted my son, her doubts were gone, she knew the plaintiff was lying. It took almost a month for a decision to be made. When it was given, my son felt like someone punched him in the stomach. We were made out to be conniving and vindictive. I am sure if someone made up stories about Wachs, caused him to lose everything he worked hard for and alienated his children, he would want that wrong righted. Go to case search, look up husband #2, clean record before her...many abuse charges while with her...none. My son's record, the same. This little boy loves his daddy. It is sickening to hear him week in and week out say he wishes he could spend 100 million hrs. with daddy. So, thank you, for your decision and enabling a serial false accuser. We have the CD's from the trial and case search docs. to back up what we say.


Comment #: MD3121
After the mother in a custody case read aloud emails in which she confessed to falsifying police reports about domestic violence, apologized for physically attacking the husband while drunk, and pointing a gun at the husband while he held their 4 month old baby, Michael Wachs granted sole custody to the mother and ordered supervised visits for the father. This is no exaggeration. It is verifiable through court transcripts, thank goodness!


Comment #: MD2108
Rating:Not Rated
Thank God for judges like Judge Wachs. It is wonderful to have a judge who is not hell-bent on having the woman win total custody and have the man shut out of an innocent child's life. There are women out there who cry domestic violence just to get total control of a situation. Thank God Judge Wachs recognizes that. There are other judges out there who recognize it, too, but they are too afraid to stand up for what is right, and just chastise the man and go on with life, which is very, very sad.


Comment #: MD1562
The only judge in the area with enough of a spine to recognize false allegations. Other judges are too blind and gutless to see the truth or do anything about it.


Comment #: MD1497
What a kind, understanding judge who LISTENS and PAYS ATTENTION to what he hears. He replaced the Honorable Judge anck who, in my opinion helped put a family member on the right track by believing in him/her. It is great to have a judge who understands the value of a father in a child's life, who understands that the child is not always better off with the mother. Thank you and God bless you for being who you are.


Comment #: MD1381
Outstanding judge, unlike some of the others that we are paying for. He is fair, non-biased, and honestly believes a father should be part of a child's life, not just a source for child support. He can see through the drama of the parent and the uncaring towards her children.


Comment #: MD1374
A breath of fresh air in a corrupt and biased system - so far.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD1341
Excellent demeanor. Cares about the litigants and children involved in the cases. Is careful and thoughtful.


Comment #: MD1159
This judge is wonderful. A no-nonsense type who could finally see through the drama of the plaintiff. He seems to see the value of a father n a child's life and did something about it. I wish others would follow his lead and not be biased, especially seeing the way one of the parents behaved in his courtroom. Thank you Judge Wachs.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD1140
Pretty straight forward judge and refuses to get side tracked.

He'll here each side out fully. Ask appropriate questions. Determines his ruling and explains it to the parties.

Not much drama on his part.

Do not expect him to rule on any motions that are not scheduled to be heard. He won't hear them.

Very business/judicial like.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD331
I have tried family matters before Judge Wachs and he is excellent at cutting through the nonsense and getting to the heart of the case. He definitely has a bias towards the wife and a paternalistic attitude that women must be provided for, as far as alimony and child support are considered. Having said that, he renders some of the most appropriate custody decisions I have seen in terms of being fair to both parents. He is a pleasure to try a case before. Very relaxed demeanor, good with child witnesses, focused on how to best conclude the case, very patient with litigants and witnesses alike, extremely conscious of the importance of the decisions that he is asked to make as far as custody matters are concerned.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD326
Very fair and even handed. Respectful to litigants and counsel. Works hard to get cases settled but does not pre-judge the case. Understands and applies the rules of evidence.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: MD320
Felt favoritism toward opposing counsel in conduct of trial and in outcome.