Hon. Leonardo Castro See Rating Details
Ramsey County
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Comment #: MN114
Rating:Not Rated
Was the Judge in a bogus criminal case against me. We had a motions hearing which I should have won but he and the prosecutor was laughing when they said we just swore out an Affidavit saying you perjured yourself in my court and we are charging you with a felony and we are the witnesses. Then he ruled against me on my motion. Later the head prosecutor dismissed the case "in the interest of justice"

1) I did not testify so I could not have perjured anything.
2) The Judge obviously ignored the law about having a conflict. He cannot be a witness then rule on that persons case even though its a different case.
3) In sentencing he made it clear of intended racism by saying 'we don't have enough White, pause of a couple of seconds, collar criminals in jail.
4) He had no idea that just because I look white I'm not all white but of mixed race, including being Hispanic SMH
Both he and the Prosecutor Hatch should be disciplined and I should be awarded my costs and damages for the absolute BS court proceedings they staged.

I was sentenced to 27 months for not paying 14,000 in sales taxes on a business the department of revenue gave a letter stating I could not get information on this company because I was not an owner, officer or responsible party.

I got out because once he made these charges and it was obvious he was not in a favorable light he reportedly sent a letter to the Captain to make sure I didn't leave under my own power. This was read to me so I never saw it.

The Captain had me removed and set me free. The next business day I demanded my incarceration records and voila, I was never there. All records deleted.

I went to report both the Judge and the Prosecutor and was told if I did, retaliation would be likely and was advised against it, or face the consequences.