Hon. Tamara E. Hall See Rating Details
Superior Court
Los Angeles County
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Attorney Average Rating:   3.2 - 11 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   3.0 - 17 rating(s)
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What others have said about Hon. Tamara E. Hall



Comment #: CA55727
Judge Tamara Hall does not recognize international treaties. [Redacted by Ed.] If you are assigned to her - 170.6 her. [Redacted by Ed.] She knows that not only will no one hold her accountable, and the appellate courts will just rubber-stamp her decisions, regardless of how disastrous the outcome.

My previous comment was taken down. I hope this one stays up, because people need to know that unless their case is predetermined in their favor, they are in for a world of hurt and disbelief as soon as they walk in to her court room.

If you already know what I'm talking about, please file complaints to the Office of Civil Rights in California and DC, and report her to the Commission on Judicial Performance.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA55694
Judge Hall handled a very simple matter against an airline where there was a slam dunk defense based on an international treaty and ignored the treaty's limitations period entirely in rendering her decision. The decision will easily be reversed when litigated above but her failure/refusal to address the simplest of legal defenses is one of the most disappointing displays I have seen in my career. I cannot imagine a worse failure to even attempt to apply/understand the law.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA53068
I defended an unlawful detainer case in a matter before this judge. She took over for the prior judge and heard my summary judgment motion. The motion was complex but she was even tempered and without bias and beyond reproach. She made the right call and granted the motion. After 35 years ofmpractice I find the quality of judges is decreasing. Good to appear before one who knows her stuff! My highest marks.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA52927
My very recent experience with Judge Hall convinced me she is a good bench officer


Comment #: CA45305
Judge Tamara Hall kidnapped my son from Canada in 2015 when she issued orders outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United States.
She needs to be removed from the bench and held accountable for her crimes against children and their families. The woman is truly psychopathic. She has absolutely no regard for the law and believes she literally has authority to issue orders outside the country.. there isn’t a judge on the planet permitted to steal a child from a foreign country..

I’m not talking about sending a child to another.. no no I’m talking about acting in complete absence of all authority to not only kidnap a child from a foreign country, but also strip a mother of all her rights of custody and access indefinitely and violate the laws of a foreign county. Not mention usurp authority from the courts that obviously have jurisdiction over their territory and residents who live there.

Please reach out to me via email if you would like to work together get this woman off the bench and bring her to justice.

Thank you.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA45302
Stunning lack of decorum, respect, courtesy, and judiciousness. She handled a multistate jurisdictional issue with unwarranted and shocking disrespect toward the judge in another state who was attempting a UCCJEA conference. Her disrespectful commentary and insults to the judge were without basis, cause, or reason. The jurisdictional conference was not an adversarial one between the judges, so her disregard of the UCCJEA and her demeanor toward the other judge was an amazing display of her ego an incompetence.


Comment #: CA38176
Rating:Not Rated
One of the LADL attorneys that worked on a friend's case said that everyone - including County Counsel, Minor's counsel and attorneys for parents all think Judge Hall is a psychopath.. She is now at Edelman's court and completely out off control, abusing her power left and right. [Redactedf by Ed.] That's comment form the "Bailiff" - bet that was Judge Hall or a relative who posted that fake comment. In my own personal case with Judge Hall.. one of the Bailiffs walked out of the courtroom, found me in the hallway and said.. just so you know.. that was completely illegal. I know of other court staff who told a process server that Judge Hall is downright scary. When the process server tried to serve Judge Hall in court after she was subpoenaed by a pro per litigant, the court staff told the process server that they would take the documents and bring them to the judges attention through the court administrative office because they were concerned that Judge Hall would lash out at this process server and put her in jail.. [redacted by Ed.]
If you are aware of misconduct and crimes committed by this judge please don't hesitate to call the FBI and report her.. the more victims come forward, the more pressure on the FBI to indict her and put her in prison for the rest of her life.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA38173
I have worked as a bailiff for Judge Tamara Hall at Kenyon Juvenile Justice Center and Compton Court. I’ve always observed her to be very professional on the bench and be considerate of all sides fairly.

It was a true pleasure working for her and I would be happy to do work for her again.’


Comment #: CA37147
Rating:Not Rated
*** To all women who have been abused by violent males, to also be abused in the court process, by some very rogue, conflicted, corrupted, LA family judges and the abuser's lawyer, who should all be investigated held accountable to those they victimized...And thoughts to Gabby Petito, and all female victims of violent males and some very abusive LA family judges and the abusive attorneys, who run to these judicial monsters, for illegal help and harm.


Comment #: CA37145
Rating:Not Rated
Comment #: CA37144

My ex and his abusive lawyer, violated a Civil Subpoena Duces Tecum, for production discovery materials-no hearing required, properly served by a certified server, while they later continually lied, about a 'hearing' that was never even required-even though I reminded them-exactly what the subpoena stated (while my ex's lawyer- is a liar, poor lawyer, is not bright and has poor reading comprehension).... his abusive lawyer failed and refused to Meet and Confer in violation CRC (SEC 5.98)...repeatedly lied, while filing a myriad material falsities, including lying about fees lawyer had been paid--to later contradict -he was paid very well at 500.00/hr -made tens of thousands, from my abusive ex. and I was denied attorney fees-paid by my ex.--while he also broke terms of the judgement...did not keep me on life insurance , etc. and the judgement clearly stated -he would pay my lawyer fees-if he broke terms....there is so much more (tip of the iceberg)...and it is a creepy, lying lawyer, with judge connections, who are colleagues of Hall, who put her in this position...

--And, what kind of person and family lawyer, claims to respect judges, but runs to judge connections and to judges for whom lawyer is in a relationship--for unlawful help, to tilt cases...who does this? This LASC creep lawyer, has shown no respect for the judiciary, rule of law, the constitutional rights of opponent, or for the judges he ran to and dragged in...while Hall and certain colleagues are just as culpable, for the harm they caused and for protecting a very abusive male, his abusive. shady, lying, lawyer, and colleagues who worked in common purpose.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA37137
Rating:Not Rated
I'm so glad I signed up for notifications for these comments! My names Marieke Vekemans Randoy and I am the co-founder of the Family Court Anti-corruption coalition.. We now have over 1300 members across the USA. Judge Tamara Hall is on our Watch List. Dozens of victims are coming forward and telling us about their nightmare experiences with this judge. Our court corruption Taskforce is gathering evidence on Judge Tamara Hall and submitting it to the FBI. If you are one of her victims please don't hesitate to contact: www.familycourtanticorruptioncoalition.com


Comment #: CA37136
Wow. Judge Tamara Hall is out of control!!!
She belongs in federal prison! Insiders at Edelman's courthouse where she now presides over juvenile dependency cases say that EVERYBODY is shocked by her crazy rulings! County Counsel, Minor's counsel and court appointed counsel for the parents all agree that Judge Hall is completely and utterly vicious! Everyone knows that Judge Zeke Zeidler is the worst - he's the judge with the brother who just got indicted for child porn, and bestiality - yah.. horrifying.. but Judge Hall is actually even more terrifying. I just watched a mother have her rights to her children terminated after a 4 year ordeal when the department never even filed a petition in her case!!! This Judge has destroyed countless lives and shows no signs of stopping. I've seen it happen with my own eyes and I have contacted the FBI to investigate. If anyone reads this post and happens to be an attorney, court staff, court reporter, bailiff etc, when you see Judge Hall violate the law, please call the FBI to report and file a complaint with the CJP. The complaints are piling up, but we need everyone to file these complaints so she becomes a priority to federal authorities.


Comment #: CA35774
If you or your client is a victim of Judge Tamara Hall please join our coalition and demand justice.
We have over 800 members across the USA and Canada, and it’s Co-Founder is a victim of the dishonorable Judge Tamara Hall. We have 7 attorneys and 4 paralegals and a legal secretary and two politicians supporting us.
Filing complaints on our own gets us nowhere. We need to file these complaints as a group and follow up as a group. Www.familycourtanticorruptioncoalitIon.com


Comment #: CA32839
Rating:Not Rated
170.6 this Judge, a complete idiot, does not follow the law, will terminate parental rights at ex parte hearings, plays favorites, if your pro per you will lose before you open your mouth. This one needs to disbarred and reported to the CJP.


Comment #: CA32408
Rating:Not Rated
If Judge Tamara Hall violated your civil rights and abused her authority or acted in complete absence of authority under color of law, please contact us at:


Comment #: CA31664
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Hall is a nightmare from hell.. if you get her as a judge 170.6 her immediately.. you do not want this judge.. she does not follow the law.

No joke. She is incompetent at best and appears to be downright psychopathic. The abuse of power she engages in is absolutely terrifying. After kidnapping a child from Canada under color of law and depriving so many parents of their rights without any kind of due process and without any cause, she was removed from family court and sent to criminal misdemeanors.. where she is wreaking havoc over other people’s lives.

Any attorney dealing with her should sit in her courtroom for a couple days just to observe how insane she really is. This is no joke.

Victims are constantly filing complaints desperately trying to have her investigated and removed from the bench. She won’t make it another term after this one ends.

Whatever you do, steer clear of Judge Hall as if your Clients life depends on it, because it does.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA31650
Rating:Not Rated
She is horrible, totally sides with one with the fancy attorneys, does not care about the law.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA31612
This Judge did not take the time to follow the Law, instead in a Family Court Hearing she states " I don't have time for this" . She should remember Taxpayers are paying her Salary and she should take her job seriously in EACH matter, Dealing with each Child is IMPORTANT and not passed up and set aside.


Comment #: CA31541
Rating:Not Rated

If you scroll down to the bottom of the main page you can sign up for the next Zoom introduction meeting on August 23, at 3pm.

Let’s get organized.


Comment #: CA31477
Rating:Not Rated
[Redacted by Editor]

If you are a victim of Judge Tamara Hall, Judge Maren E. Nelson and or Judge Lawrence P. Riff don’t hesitate to file criminal complaints with the FBI and Commission on Judicial Performance.

For more information on my story and to contact me, please go to www.hunterslaw.org


Comment #: CA31474
Rating:Not Rated
We must hold Tamara Hall and her colleagues, in the LA county family courts, to a much higher standard, than we have been witnessing; while demanding that this institution, become honest and open; while protecting the civil liberties and the lives, of the private citizens, whom they serve; instead of sacrificing the common good, to special interests and unchecked, conflicts of interest.

We must file complaints, asking appropriate oversite, government agencies, to investigate and hold those who violate the rules, accountable; while bringing [Redacted by Ed.] abuses of power and/or influence, into the light. If government agencies, fail to do their jobs, we must also hold them accountable and compel them to enforce the law, to ensure transparency and accountability, to those who have abused their positions, the system and have abused, vulnerable litigants', while violating their civil liberties.

There must be a significant reduction, of the influence of money and abused power, in the LA county family courts. We must demand, that it this institution, is ethical and wrongdoers, held accountable.

We must continue to memorialize and highlight, the abuses plaguing the LA county family courts [Redacted] while demanding that these public servants, work for the benefit of the people, not powerful interests; and in accordance, with the principles, established in the U.S. Constitution,the rule of law. and Judicial Canons.


Comment #: CA31398
Rating:Not Rated

"...Judge Tamara Hall, gave strong appearances of impropriety, bias and favoritism, towards my ex. and his high end, obnoxious, creepy, connected, attorney, her obvious favored side; in what strongly appeared to be pre-determined rulings. She also blatantly, ignored the law, facts, substantial evidence, and the merits of the case; beside the fact that my ex. and his lawyer, are pathological liars and no better, than common criminals.

Judge Hall, also gave the appearance, that she knew very little about family law, knew very little, about the case at hand, along with absolute cluelessness, about the facts and evidence, in front of her. None of this seemed to matter, since she had already, strongly appeared, to have made up her mind, before we even entered the courtroom.

Judge Hall ,astonishingly, by her very obvious demeanor, seemed beguiled by my ex's high end, creepy, sleazy, attorney; and even seemed to be asking him for advice, after I had attempted to argue my case, facts, evidence the law and merits.

Although Judge Hall, had already improperly seemed, to be helping my ex. and his attorney, they still repeatedly lied, repeatedly violated court rules and quite easily, seemed to pull the wool over her eyes- throughout the case; while my ex's nincompoop lawyer, acted like he was the smartest one in the room, but failed to realize, it did it did not take much of of a brain, to cheat and spew all of the "poop" and lies, that came out of his mouth.

Judge Hall appeared, as if she was blissfully unaware, that even though she appeared to be improperly helping the opposing side, she was still 'being played' and that my ex. and his sleazy lawyer, seemed to have 'normalized' this type of sleazy, criminal conduct. It didn't take any gray matter, or any legal skills, for them to cheat, lie and act like common criminals; they just had to manipulate Tamara Hall, manipulate and run her courtroom, manipulate the record, the law, ethics, the process and the proper administration of justice.

They're all so slimy; my ex's married lawyer, is so full of hubris, so full of himself; this creeper and liar, was also fawning , over an young female attorney ---(yuck---'as if') --this creepy, clod -'only wishes'. Thank goodness, not all females, are as easily manipulated, as Tamara Hall appeared to be, by my ex's creepy, lying lawyer, as well as all of the lies by my ex. and his lawyer, in their filings, violations of the law, procedures, court rules and discovery.

Arguably, judges such as Tamara Hall, pose a danger to society and to the public; most often vulnerable females and their children..."

^ Tamara Hall really is easily fooled and swayed, by cheating, trickster lawyers, manipulative, abusive males (beside the manipulative, lying male lawyers) and does appear awestruck, simply because an attorney is connected and/or from a high end firm (usually not mutually exclusive). They are worse than bank robbers and common criminals--because they not only violate the law, steal, cheat, they violate civil liberties and their oaths. Bank robbers and common criminals, never took an oath.


Comment #: CA24559
Judge Hall set me up, as a father, for failure to comply with court orders by issuing conflicting orders (mother must obtain written permission from father for any events she plans on the father's custody time), but gave the mother tie-breaking authority on schooling issues. Father did not attend child counseling sessions scheduled on his custody time and re-hired a math tutor the mother fired until the mother could hire another math tutor, the math being taught at his house on his custody time. The father was later held in violation of court orders for not attending counseling sessions and re-hiring a math tutor, which was in the child's best interests. Hall also overlooked the mother's movement of assets during the divorce and theft of hundreds of thousands of dollars of family money and put the father through a 5-day hearing he couldn't afford, which prompted the father to offer to give 100% custody of their child to the mother to halt the legal expenses, which Judge Hall called "abandoning his family." Judge Hall held the father accountable for not attending classes on how to tutor his son, when that wasn't his responsibility till Judge Hall gave 50-50 custody.


Comment #: CA24068
Rating:Not Rated
Terrible has no business being a judge, these types of problem people is why the courts have lost public respect and trust


Comment #: CA11851
I can only comment on my encounter with Judge Hall and without a doubt she has been fair as can be expected. I was in court and several other cases were held before my case and it appeared that she was a rational, pragmatic and compassionate in her oversight of the cases that came before her. We need about 1,000 more like her. Thanks for the platform, John Bullock


Comment #: CA10899
Judge Hall plays no games in her courtroom. She sees through all the lawyer/ client BS and is direct when expressing her view. She does not tolerate incompetence on either side and calls it like it is. Judge Hall is fair and equitable.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA10854
Judge Hall does not belong on the family law bench. She makes terrible decisions and is easily swayed. She does not know the law and does not care about children or women at all. She is seriously the worst judge I have ever appeared before. I could see her as an administrative or civil litigation where children's lives are not in her hands.


Comment #: CA10298
This Judge makes rulings without reading ALL the information provided to her. She turns children over to drug addicts, she makes decisions without considering the wealfare of children and even changes orders from other judges. She is incompetent and should be removed from the bench


Comment #: CA10287
T.Hall (can not even call her Judge) is an embarrassment as a public official. We depend on our judges to be wise and prudent with their decisions. T.Hall is neither. Her rash decision placed children with a meth addict father, then when another judge gave the mother sole custody T.Hall made her and the children move out of the house- leaving them literally homeless. She also ordered the mother to sign a $350k loan against the home that were trying to sell. All so the father would have money. Neither one of them had jobs to even pay it back. LUDICROUS! Is it even constitutional to force someone into a loan and incur debt they don't want and can't afford? Not to mention that she is trying to divorce and end contracts with him. Please get this terrible power-hungry egomaniac off the bench so she is no longer able to ruin anyone else's lives.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA10023
Judge Hall Did not allow me to defend a false Ex Parte written and submitted by ex wife [redacted]. She signed in her chambers. I went as far as to take a Polygraph Test to dispute it. I asked Hall to recuse herself under 170.6 she refused. However, a year and a half later, Hall recused herself under the same law, 170.6. My physical and legal custody of my children had been take away from me and I was forced to have monitored visits, etc. When it was proven that my ex wife lied, no recourse of action was implemented towards my ex wife.


Comment #: CA8770
Rating:Not Rated
Awful judge.
Rules like she got her degree online and watches judge shows to learn how to run her incompetent courtroom.
She was asking the clerk what she should do on one case, too many legal words thrown at her.
Zero knowledge of the law.
Those poor children.


Comment #: CA8227
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Tamara Hall is incompetent beyond imagination. She is the only Judge that when I prevailed in my case, issued a order to pay attorney's fee to the other side that lost the motion. And I had to file an appeal on that ruling.


Comment #: CA7568
She was reassigned from juvenile court in 2014. On her fourth day on the bench in family court in February 2014 she sanctioned me $16,000 for my wealthy ex-husband's attorney fees, related to his contempt trial two months prior. There were no violations on my part upon which to issue this sanction. My ex-husband's attorney did not have the proper paperwork filed to even request this
"sanction." It was a mere verbal interjection on his part, with no time to spare for rebuttal because of the lunch break for the court! I do not have the ability to pay.Tamara Hall is a mere puppet to the high-powered law firms who will support her for reelection, and perhaps are gifting to her in other ways. The same holds true for many of the other court officers. All this so that the wealthy clients of these high-powered law firms will continue to get the rulings in their favor. I have made exhaustive efforts for over a year, and sent specific letters and transcripts to the Commission on Judicial Performance to review and they simply turn a blind eye and a deaf ear. There is no justice in Los Angeles Superior Court.


Comment #: CA7538
there are litereally no words to describe this BAD EXCUSE ofr a judge, if this is what Judges are all about, then im am literealllly Speechless, SHe literally sat and had a pity Party with my daughters deadbead DRUG addict father, who was homeless and completely abusive, very horrible individual with a neverendeing criminal record, Judge Tamara Hall actually gave him 3 weekends with my precious daughter nad wed evenings, SHe truly scares me, My 12 year old daughter has actually no desire to be with her father, since she has witnessed his awfulness for herentire life, Its as though the more awful a father is, the more this SCARRY judge wants the Helpless child to be subjected to them, SHE literally puts these children in harms way
How she ever became a judge , I have no idea , BUt SHE MUST BE STOPPED, SHE IS EVIL PERSONOFIED


Comment #: CA7315
The "Dishonorable" Tamara Hall disregarded the fact that my ex-husband has violated our court order REPEATEDLY over the past 11 years, has been mentally and physically abusive, had his driver's license revoked in March for lack of child support payments and yet revoked my legal right to my child's educational decisions yesterday 7/16/15. She is weak and clearly doesn't read her paperwork or look at the evidence with clarity and common sense. She metaphorically pat a dead beat dad on the back. Shameful.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA6798
This judge appears to have a problem with men. Her attitude in the court room is not far from ones attitude in the street. She does not have an establish method of getting to the truth. It may be that she does not care about the truth as her personal feelings seems to be centered in her decision process and not the facts of the case.


Comment #: CA6758
This judge does not have a clue about being a judge or any family law statutes.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA6327
Tamara E. Hall is clearly and completely sexist, and favors mothers in her courtroom. Fathers have no rights or benefit of the doubt with this judge. It's more of the same old story here in California where mothers receive undeserved custody rights, and ridiculous sums of child support/alimony payments that financial ruin fathers. Tamara E. Hall is much more suited to be a prison guard so she can punish those who deserve it. Not families and children!


Comment #: CA6253
This judge is a danger to families and children. Please file a complaint at http://cjp.ca.gov if you were unfortunate enough to have this woman as your family law judge. Don't let her get away with it!!!


Comment #: CA6071
Fair and equitable. Has justice and the law at the forefront of her decisions.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA5678
Quite possibly the worst judge I've been before in my short 5-year career. She embarrassed herself, her courtroom and quite frankly the entire family law bar - with her lack of knowledge or interest in family law precedent and procedure.


Comment #: CA5461
Tamara E. Hall has no business in Family Law. While some people try to become a judge to help people, Tamara E. Hall has made it clear to me that some people become a judge to hurt people. Before my case I heard several cases. A couple of her rulings were downright scary due to the obvious danger she placed litigants and their children in. This judge seems to award litigants who have been violent toward the other parent. It seems as though she either doesn't care about the safety and we'll being of children at best. Honestly I think it is quite possible that she wants children to be harmed. Tamara E. Hall is going to cause death and bodily harm, either some one's or several people's depending on how long she is able to remain a family court judge. If you think you have a reason to complain, please go to the California Commission on Judicial Perfourmance website and download the complaint form: http://cjp.ca.gov/complaint_process.htm. We all have to speak up and protect ourselves, our children and future litigants. We will succeed only if everyone who can complain, does complain. They can't ignore all of us but they will ignore some of us. Don't let Tamara E. Hall remain in a position to harm anyone else. She is grossly incompetent, at best.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA5437
An embarrassment to herself and the legal system. Avoid at all costs unless you want to watch someone mishandle a case and mismanage a courtroom.