Hon. James L. Waltz See Rating Details
Superior Court
Orange County
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Attorney Average Rating:   5.7 - 18 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   2.0 - 31 rating(s)
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* Temperament (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
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* Industriousness (1=Not at all industrious,10=Highly industrious)
* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

Civil Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Involvement in Settlement Discussions (1=Not at all Involved,10=Very Involved)
General Inclination (1=Pro-defendant, 10=Pro-plaintiff)

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What others have said about Hon. James L. Waltz



Comment #: CA55749
Terrible biased Judge. Lazy lazy Guy who does not read anything. Told me he could not be fair to me in open court!!



Comment #: CA54125
Very strange behavior from this confused old man… I’ve watched him rant for over an hour about the importance of men and the rudeness of women, and I’ve watched him ignore all evidence that doesn’t align with his preconceived biases. I have no idea why he’s still allowed to preside over the fate of children, and frankly I’m concerned for the state of our court system given what I’ve seen from this senile narcissist. If he happens to read this, sorry for the rude comments, please consider never showing up for work again!


Comment #: CA53849
He does hate women. He doesn’t understand domestic violence. He doesn’t understand abuse. He is on the same level as an abusive partner. If you get him, please RUN. He will take your children away if you are a mother. He will attack you on the witness stand and put your children into the hands of their abuser.


Comment #: CA42697
Rating:Not Rated
If you are a woman, this man will destroy your kids for fun, enjoy watching/putting kids with there abusive father. Judge is very amused by seeing kids in danger and getting hurt. He gets off on kids in danger! Beware Beware beware he loves to ruin life’s for fun people are going to be killed with the orders he makes up. Orange County CA get your act together this court is sickening most dangerous place for children.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA39988
I represented a mother in Judge Waltz's courtroom and was happy with his evenhanded approach. If you come to court with proof of what you are alleging, you will be heard. If you try to BS the court, you will be called out.


Comment #: CA36873
If I could give Judge James Waltz a 0, I would give him a negative 0. I filed my divorce case back in 2010 and I have seen a lot in the past 11 1/2 years, but this Judge must be the worst Judge I have ever come across. I totally agree with all the other Women who say that he is PRO-MALE. Another sad thing I have to admit is that in Orange County, it DOES NOT MATTER IF YOU TELL THE TRUTH. It only matters WHO CAN TWIST THE ALL TO THEIR ADVANTAGE AND IT IS NOT ABOUT THE TRUTH. MY EX-HUSBAND HAS BEEN LYING ABOUT HIS INCOME SINCE 2010 AND NO JUDGE OR COURT HAS EVER SANCTIONED HIM. UNBELIEVABLE....HE CAN ACTUALLY GET AWAY WITH WHATEVER LIES HE SAYS. I AM DISGUSTED WITH THE JUSTICE SYSTEM WE APARENTLY HAVE. IT IS ALL A BIG FAT JOKE AND LIE. IF THIS JUDGE IS ASSIGNED TO YOU AND YOU ARE A WOMEN, REQUEST A CHANGE ASAP.


Comment #: CA36038
i got this judge assigned and i want to change him i know i am able to change my judge once but i'm not sure how to get the process started does any one know a number i can call or a lead?


Comment #: CA35363
I have been with this judge for 8 years now for child custody orders. I am not surprised by all the comments on how he hates women. I know California is progressive but instead of seeing who is taking care of the child and trying to co-parent he focuses on gender. My child's father has shown a lack of interest in anything related to taking care of his child but since he pays a lawyer and shows up to the hearings he gets a standing ovation. I do believe he does this to keep the child support cost down not because he actually wants to be in his child's life. I have had countless issues and orders passed with no repercussions. I have been lectured and called things that I am not. He does not read all the information provided and does not make sound decisions. I have provided proof and records of any serious issues which are disregarded by the other parties counter argument (lies) with no proof. I am being forced to deal with it and my child is paying the high price of Judge Waltz biased decisions.


Comment #: CA33500
Rating:Not Rated
Very biased. Disparages women. Does not remember things that he says from day before. I believe he should retire do to his mental capacity.
Highly temperamental. Due to the zoom calls he could not finish for days. He kept getting mad and call for another day. Unfair Judge !!!


Comment #: CA33447
[Redacted by Ed.] I noticed here are most women complaining but I'm a man. My wife played the system and started lying and she got no punishment for her behavior, even though everyone noticed it. The judge didn't have the balls to change his mind and go against her lawyer The whole court system is corrupted and twisted for the lawyer's benefit. I will get what I want and what I deserve from this divorce because the law is on my side. Judge Waltz thinks he knows everything but outside the courtroom, he is just a simple puppet. I wonder what his wife has to say about such an abusive person as he is with men and women. He yells at court, he loses his patience constantly, he is impulsive and aggressive and has a huge God complex. He should be sent to an anger program or something like that. It's Time to retire James. Hope you have someone to take you to a retirement home because no one stands you anymore!


Comment #: CA31810
This Judge is just as abusive as my ex-husband is!Waltz favors certain attorneys and the men asking for the custody.This Judge looked like he was sleeping during our trial allowing the other parties attorney to ask me questions that made no sense then demanding repetitively that I answer although I did not understand the question which made no sense at all to begin with. Waltz in the end gave custody of our child to the abuser. [Redacrted by Ed.] Be aware and concerned.


Comment #: CA31610
Rating:Not Rated
"Judge Waltz", is a self aggandizing, narcissist that will stop at nothing until all the women that comes into his court go away.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA31402
Let's just say this... I was in his courtroom for 5 years (10 yrs total with various other judges) with a narcissistic ex husband whose sole purpose was to destroy me. As a woman, I learned very quickly to keep my mouth shut in Waltz's court. He let my ex husband speak ad nauseam and the moment I would try to reply he would become very agitated.

After having my ex file motions 30+ times, Waltz had the nerve to turn to me and repeat what my ex had just said by saying, "Yes, at some point you need to get over this," clearly having no insight into the fact that it was my ex, not me, that kept bringing us back to court. If your ex is a narcissist and knows how to manipulate people, get prepared for a rough road ahead. The callous words spoken by Judge Waltz are burned in my brain and after 10 years in the family court system, I realize there is no real justice there. It's the judges' pre-conceived ideas, favorite attorneys, and God-complex attitudes that determine your outcome.

Judge Waltz read me the riot act telling me not to keep my kids from seeing their dad (which I had never done). And now, after being a stay-at-home mom for 10 years, both of my kids (now 16/17) live with their mentally abusive father who has alienated me and I barely get to see them. I make $80k compared to my ex's $160k, and I have to pay him $1,500/month in child support. I am struggling to survive and he just bought a new boat.

I say a prayer for all the women in mentally abusive relationships that now have to stand before this verbally abusive judge. He will make you lose faith in our justice system.


Comment #: CA31388
I was before Judge Waltz in a hearing at the end of last year. He was very harsh with me. Another litigant stopped me out in the hallway and recommended that I contact his attorney a Mr. Robert Fazard. He told that he was well liked by Judge Waltz and would be able to help me. I thought nothing of this until I was approached again in late June. This man stopped by my business and "highly recommended" that I contact his attorney. He suggested to me that while I might pay Mr. Fazard a lot of money he could almost guarantee that I would get good results in front of Judge Waltz. It almost seemed as if I was being threatened. My wife and I have substantial assets and this seems highly irregular. It seems like the judge and attorney are shaking me down. Has anyone else had a similar experience?


Comment #: CA30889
This "Honorable" judge has the decency of a tick. He has let my husband get away with close to murdering me. He is a disgrace to his profession. My husband is living a life of luxury whilst I am homeless.


Comment #: CA30888
This "Honorable" judge has the decency of a tick. He has let my husband get away with close to murdering me. His is a disgrace to his profession. My husband is living a life of luxury whilst I am homeless.


Comment #: CA29984
Couldn't be worse. Head the advice of former comments. I read them prior to my trial and was told to not be too afraid, even as a woman, a mother. I should have taken it seriously, like my gut told me. If you are a mom and don't necessarily have physical abuse to be able to prove on the father, then you will get screwed in this man's court. He thinks he is God. He preaches from his pulpit. His blasphemous words, unwarranted, will haunt me as a paper trail for a very long time, and my children will be the ones to suffer from his ignorance and impatience. Read the reports. Take them seriously. More times than not, mothers, take it seriously. Change your judge. He's the opposite to expecting justice for your children. Please change your judge if you can, especially if you are going up against a narcissist or a mental abuser in his court.


Comment #: CA24449
I witnessed a judge have a senior moment today in court. Not kidding! Not only was he struggling to find words but he forgot the reason we were in court, reverted our case from the set trial date that were were there for and approached it as a review followed by exacting the same instructions given 3 months prior and extending our case out (again for trial) until March 18th!
So not only (by his own admission) doc he not read our case “I’ve glances at the cci report and car file” but he also then failed to implement the repercussions that he had initially (in the prior continuance) state’s would be applied and enforced.
So now, thanks to this laps in clarity and poor judgement by Judge Waltz we are now pushed out till March and a little girl has to be continuously abused and neglected thanks to the court system and a judge who is very well past his prime.
Both myself and the little girls moth are beside ourselves on the outcome today and can’t imagine how he can be allowed to continue to reside over cases in such a manor.


Comment #: CA22890
Earlier this year, I witnessed Judge Waltz invite an expert witness back in to his chambers after a hearing. Apparently he has a close relationship with the witness. After the break they both came out laughing and the expert witness was called back to the stand. The attorney did not go back into his chambers during the break. This seemed highly inappropriate and made me really question how ethical this judge is.


Comment #: CA14917
Judge Waltz is a lot smarter than most think, he can read through B.S. and has the children’s best interest in hand. My ex-wife tried to take my kids away from me in court, she provided false statements and mislead the court. The Judge spoke to the two of us and did the right thing. The state of California advocates Joint Legal and Joint Physical custudy, as does James Waltz and most other states in America. What is in the best interest of the children is for the children to have equal time with both parents, and for both parents to work together in carying for their children. Set aside differences, egos, anger, and focus on the children. This is good co-parenting. My ex-wife had a different goal, she wanted my to have less than 8 hours a visitation a week. The judge was not happy, and reasonably so. Why? Because that is 1) my ex-wife is a liar 2) her intent is out of anger 3) she does not have our children’s best interest in mind 4) she is selfish, greedy, and vindictive. None of these sit will with a highly intelegent and compassionate judge such as judge Waltz. Nor should they ever with any judge. Shame on any parent who tried to steel children away from another parent. And thank God we have Judge Waltz to see through it and do the right thing.


Comment #: CA14778
This judge is a disgrace to the justice system. He doesn't bother to read why you are there & he doesn't allow you to explain why you are there (Change Order).
He went against the Order made by other two judges. I will file a complaint with the Judiciary Committee next week.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA14345
This judge can talk tough, but i think appropriately. He moves the trial and keeps asking attorneys to tell him something he needs to know, not just what they want him to hear.


Comment #: CA12781
Pro Father. Against mothers! Places children in harms way. judge should be recalled from bench. Shame on him. look at track record and or comments on website


Comment #: CA12535
I am appalled that he has been reassigned to family court. This judge is pro father and completely against mother's with no regard as to the best interests of children. He has a proven record of placing children in dangerous situations, destroying relationships between children & mother's, and even fans the flames of discord between already high conflict parents. Please remove this judge from the bench before more families and children are damaged!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA11905
Well,after 7 years I don't see, talk to or hear from my son. He destroyed our amazingly fun relationship my son and I had with one decision "Reunification" said "I want you with your son ASAP" Then said but while we do this quick reunification I need you to not have ANY? Contact with your son.
I was excited I thought a couple months and we will be together again.
That was 4 years ago.
No contact.
Still in (absolute waste of time) reunification ($150/session) and my son now thinks I abandoned him as we used to be together every week. My son lost his dad who loves him SO much!
All because of "Reunification "No Contact" order.
I used to think he was a great judge.
Have been 100% disappointed and so sad he stopped my relationship with my son.
If you hear "reunification"
Don't ever agree!!


Comment #: CA11874
Rating:Not Rated
Where do I begin. He is hot and cold and you never know which one will show up. Sometimes he is nice and other times he is downright mean. Not sure if it is his age or if that is the way he has always been. God complex no doubt. He takes what minors counsel says as face value and does NO any due diligence on his own...a very weak judge who does not enforce his own orders. What is the point of making an order if you are not going to enforce those orders? There is so much I could say, but the bottom line is run from this judge if you get the chance.


Comment #: CA11690
I filed for full legal and physical custody of my daughter. It should have been a simple case since my last custody order 5 years ago gave my ex 40% physical custody, but he skipped out on her and his other kids 4 1/2 years ago, and we haven't heard from him since. I got his old friend to serve him personally since no one would tell me where he was, and I really just wanted an order that reflected the reality of our situation.
Judge Waltz was irritated from previous cases in the day, had me wait until after lunch, and then proceeded to look irritated at me once I showed up again to have my request heard. My ex never showed, and Judge Waltz proceeded to tell me that I had no significant "change in circumstances" to warrant me getting full custody. I asked him to consider that her father is gone, we currently have joint legal custody, my husband just joined the military and I would like to not have to find him when I want to move, or get a passport, or other things like that. He told me, word for word, "If you were petitioning to terminate his rights, there are grounds for that and I would grant it, but there are no grounds for me to give you full custody." THAT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE! You will terminate his rights totally but you won't give me full custody?! I, and all of his clerks, had to pick our jaws up off of the floor. I just wanted to be able to live with my husband on base without having to find the man who abandoned my daughter. Time to try again and request a different judge.


Comment #: CA11140
The positive comments on here are have got to be phony. Don't be fooled. This judge is ruining lives. He seems to be repulsed by even the sound of a woman's voice. Does not read or know about the cases before him. Does not seem to care. Has a God-complex. Seems irritated to even have to be listening to his cases. Preferential to men. Should be investigated.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA10413
Pro-male. It seems to me he's a sexist. I've only observed cases in this courtroom where he was against mothers. This judge favors men over women it appears. He is impatient. The judge reviewing commission should take a look at the bulk of his cases and see if he favors males and/or threatens females.


Comment #: CA10166
This judge refused to look at the facts, police reports, and prior rulings in my case, (as our new judge) He made us pay for a child custody investigation, and the he refused to look at it and ordered 100% against what the court recommended. He is a joke. He seems very biased. He ignored facts and prior criminal records and judged on his instant opinion of character, and got it very wrong...

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA10159
Judge Waltz is a smart, insightful and caring judicial officer. He is also a no-nonsense judge which means that if you are ill prepared, try to hide the truth, or are a liar he will see through you and will rule accordingly. Therefore litigants will either love him or hate him, period.


Comment #: CA8984
Wise,cautious and will eventually see through lies and manipulation. He actually cares. Be patient and just trust him.
He is a man of honor, morals, and justice.
I wish I could do more for him, he's truly an amazing judge.


Comment #: CA8971
This judge is a joke. I had a case against a young woman. This judge acted like a man who had never seen a woman and kept saying "I like you", over and over again. Of course you can imagine the result. What a joke. How can California have this kind of low quality judge for so long.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA8915
Paper this judge unless you are a bad parent and want more time. Not child centric.


Comment #: CA8653
Rating:Not Rated
When a judge disregards hard evidence in favor of a fabricated lie by the opposing attorney, I find it extremely suspect.
When obvious lie after lie is stated by this same attorney, I find it appalling that he is called a respected officer of the court by the judge and it makes me wonder if there is collusion between Judge Waltz and certain attorneys.


Comment #: CA8393
Rating:Not Rated
Baffling, disrespectful, unfair. He refused to hear a case he had personally advised me to file. The result has been extreme complications for my adult disabled daughter and has put me in a position of either medicating her into a zombie or placing her in an out of state institution where she will be the target of every sort of abuse imaginable.


Comment #: CA8372
How is this monster still legally allowed to hear any cases? He is determined to do the absolute worst thing possible and where innocent children like mine are just collateral damage. Straight violated my rights, admitted on record that he's upholding his ruling based on perjury committed by the abusive father, refused to acknowlege my filings and said he really doesn't care what any other court ordered reports or investigations recommend cause he calls the shots. He thinks he is God and this has got to stop.


Comment #: CA8082
Judge Waltz awarding my ex 80% custody WITHOUT a COC-solely based on opposing counsel ‘telling’ the judge I refuse to take my son to school, when in fact I took him to school round-trip 4 days a week for 10 years, not once being tardy. I was classroom mom for 2 years AND volunteered several hours a day several days a week, and chaperoned 5 field trips per years for 6 years- until I started working for the school district as a Substitute. I was in pro per and Waltz would not let me speak at all, although I did my best to speak over him as he dismissed me and told my ex that my son would sleep at his house every school night, and that he also deserved every other weekend, leaving me with only every other weekend, and freezing my child support payments until finalization. I cashed out both my 401k and IRA to hire an atty. I retained an attorney last minute just before the hearing. My attorney pleaded for at least a 2-week continuance if not longer so he could familiarize with my case. Waltz said "NO, and I hope you realize you are getting on a speeding train". We did not finish that day. When we returned to finish my attorney was ill. Waltz was more than happy to reschedule my hearing—4 MONTHS OUT! First he couldn’t wait to get started, then he pushes us out 4 months —that means my son and I pulled apart for 15 months until the new hearing date.


Comment #: CA8059
Although there have been many procedural irregularities performed by Judge Waltz during my case, I believe this is an important one. On *****, 2014, my ex filed an exparte. When I arrived in court I was handed the paper work to read along with a blank form to respond. Within MINUTES I was called back into the court room without my having filled out these forms in order to be heard at least on paper. I pleaded to have more time to process this information and write my rebuttal but was told I had to go in NOW. Once I was before Judge Waltz he was dismissive as I tried to speak and I was ignored as he attended to whatever it was he was doing. I can only presume he was wrapping up the case based only on my exes word, being that he had no information from me. The result was that Judge Waltz eliminated 85% of my child support (there is no alimony) and reduced my visitation to 20%, WITHOUT having heard both sides. I was not represented by an attorney at this time. More than a year later I am still trying to rectify the fallout of Judge Waltz's lack of ethics. My son at 15 is begging to be with me. I have had to close out my retirement funds and take a loan to retain an attorney.


Comment #: CA8058
This judge has made inappropriate comments that are one sided in a divorce proceeding. He favors an attorney we are led to believe to be a personal friend. I thought judges were not allowed to be biased??
He clearly is biased and has demonstrated that. In this divorce proceeding he has managed to not have the victim's side heard for over 1.5 years. The victim suffered domestic violence from the other party, one incident which was life threatening. The victim also was victimized with the ex wife using his license and clinic to abuse and sell illegal drugs! The DEA was close to indicting her! However, still the ex got away with all crimes. The victim also is elderly. The judge made several statements which are now documented by many, what his decision will be against the victim before the hearing. The victim will continue to be victimized even at this judges hands. The ex wife, who should be in prison, she is thrilled with the judges decision's so far as her manipulation of good people, drugs, crimes, etc. prevails.
Unbiased? I have a completely different view of the court system now. It needs to change where the judge is not a biased entity. All people of bad intentions do and will get caught.


Comment #: CA7306
Rating:Not Rated
If Mr. Waltz followed through on the discipline he can sound rightfully tough on, he would be a balanced judge. Empty consequences for parents who purposely delay the process for their gain.
If he was a man of his word he would be a great compassionate judge.


Comment #: CA7241
Extremely focused on children. Judge Waltz is the judge you want when the facts are aligned in your favor. He is extremely fair, unbiased and concerned about justice and what is right. He doesn't tolerate lawyers who try to obfuscate the truth.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA7179
I have handled many family law matters in front of Judge Waltz including several trials and he is one of favorites. I find him to be thoughtful and fair to both sides. He will not tolerate non or underemployment by either party but particularly wife/mom whom may expect to remain a "stay at home" mom after separation and divorce. This won't happen ladies which may explain many of the negative comments about him below. He is very respectful and workable with counsel and will strive to make sure that the lawyers do not get financially screwed by their own clients just because the clients want to fight it out in court. He hates domestic violence especially if kids are present in the home when it occurs so beware if you or your client have done or are accused of DV. Regarding custody matters, he does not believe that every other weekend and mid-week dinner visit is "frequent and continuing contact" and will therefore strive to grant the non-custodial parent more parenting time if feasible. All in all very good judge, just be ready and be prepared and be concise.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA6579
Judge Waltz is a good family law bench officer. He's not in to hearing minutia so hit your main points without any dramatic flair and you are likely to receive a very fair ruling. He is child-centric and his rulings defer to what he views to be in the best interest of the child. He does not tolerate stay-at-home parents very well and hates prima donnas.


Comment #: CA5613
Hates Women. Gave 50% custody to a man with a known record of many arrest records. Made me pay my ex husband 80k even though I could barely make rent..I worked two jobs, he told me to get a third, or work more overtime. Now my daughters want nothing to do with their father and I still have two years to pay on a loan from my retirement...I am not sure how this man sleeps!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA5562
Watched Judge waltz on several occasions demean & humiliate mother's in his courtroom whether they were working full-time & receiving no child support or on welfare. HATES women, hands over rights to "father's" just for emitting sperm.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA5084
I've tried several matter before Judge Waltz and was impressed by his sense of fairness and his willingness to listen. He is one of the better judges I have been in front of in Orange County.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA4856
He is one of the worst judges ever. He is not trustworthy. He is very unpredictable. He seems to pre-judge most cases by the appearance, wealth, or religious preferences of the litigants. He exhibits anger and rage towards litigants. He is pompous and insecure. Avoid him at all cost.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA4809
This judge is definitely among the most corrupt judges in the OC. Everyone knows that he wound up in Criminal Court because he got thrown off the Family Court bench. (He doesn't belong on the Criminal Court bench either.) He's making $185,000 per year to harm the innocent and protect the guilty. It's time for his retirement.


Comment #: CA4751
He is biased. He does not truly seek out the truth, but forms opinions before hearing the evidence. My children have suffered greatly as a result of this man's poor judgement.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA4446
I had a few cases with this Judge at Lamoreaux Courthouse. He is extremely flexible and easy to deal with, and will accommodate counsel at every turn if it helps get the case resolved. I have seen him stay in his courtroom for lunch to hash out issues with counsel in order to get problems solved. He is not the judge described below.


Comment #: CA4424
This judge held a "mock trial" on October 2, 2013 in courtroom H-6 at approximately 2:00pm. This trial is still in recess, according to Judge James Waltz, yet if you simply pull up the case summary, it tells a very different story. The case number is NBR35828 This judge is in dishonor...big time.


Comment #: CA4311
Rating:Not Rated
Threatening, abusive and obnoxious are the best three words to describe this judge. Judge Waltz is just rude and obnoxious to parties in his courtroom. I would not trust this man with my dog. He appears to be very biased against people, and often speaks in a very demeaning and insulting tone to people who are testifying in his courtroom.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA4255
One of the most crooked judges in Orange County in recent history. He is very biased against women who have been abused and individuals he perceives as being very successful and wealthy. Numerous judicial performance complaints and investigations into this judge. A man of very low integrity and not worthy of being called a judge.