Hon. Robert C. Longstreth See Rating Details
Superior Court
San Diego County
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Attorney Average Rating:   3.5 - 19 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   3.0 - 14 rating(s)
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* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

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* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
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What others have said about Hon. Robert C. Longstreth


Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA56111
He is absolutely terrible. He can not undestand and he does not have patience to undestand the concepts of different evidence. When he feels that you have the point he cuts you off. He protects the powfull from the troubles. He does not stand for working class. He is a shame. He puts me down as a working women, immigrant, and a Russian over a 52 years of age and a Plaintiff in Pro Per.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA55983
Longstreth is an embarrassment to the SD Superior Courts. Even post judgement, the judge underhandedly tried to diminish defendant’s award. He is unabashedly hostile to plaintiffs suing insurance companies, even to the point of cross examining witnesses, in efforts to maliciously insert false liabilities upon prevailing plaintiffs.

Longstreth does not conceal his animus for demographics outside of the homogenous socioeconomic class that look like him! The jury, post judgement, declared him a bully, and were shocked at the protective orders he granted the corporate parasites that deployed the deny, delay depose antics in the PI claims!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA55054
Rating:Not Rated
This judge gets passed around from one department to another. The court never gets rid of bad judges making a reasonable person question if there is actually any justice in the judicial system when rotten judges such as Lonstreth are allowed to practice judicial misconduct. https://www.scribd.com/document/442867838/Formal-Judicial-Complaint-Against-Judge-Robert-Longstreth

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA55053
There is not a more incompetent Jurist in San Diego. This Bozo is not a Judge, but a legislator, arbitrarily creating his own laws as he goes. I am truly surprised that more of his findings aren't overturned, but lack of capital appear to be the only reason why. This over the hill Bozo needs to reture ASAP!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA53299
Inept, prejudiced, rude, indifferent, below average intelligence, pretty much the "uh oh" i got Longstreth ever time I have a case before him.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA48893
As a long-time resident of San Diego, we were shocked and appalled at the biased, unprofessional, and disruptive behavior of Judge Longstreth during our trial. What we expected should have been a fairly simple small claims appeal case turned into a living nightmare. From the start, Judge Longstreth was unclear about how the trial would be run in his courtroom including the acceptance of exhibits and then proceeded to be rude and yelled at our lawyer when she tried to ask clarifying questions about his protocol for exhibits vs that of a standard trial. During the testimony, on multiple occasions, Judge Longstreth rudely interrupted my testimony response and went on a 2–3-minute rant, deviating from the subject and resulting in my loss of concentration and train of thought.
During our trial with Judge Longstreth presiding, it appeared he had made up his mind within just a few minutes of the trial before even hearing all of the testimony and any cross-examination just by his behavior alone.
How do you go from a winning judgment case to now it not even being considered a case ripe for trial, that is a very far stretch and change in direction. Should there be this extreme behavior and decision between two judges who were presented with the same evidence from both the Plaintiffs and Defendants just a mere 60 days apart?
During investigation after the court proceedings with Judge Longsteth, we discovered he has a history and similar pattern of behavior and complaints of prejudice and being in favor of white privileged males.


Comment #: CA48624
Rating:Not Rated
Rating:Not Rated
This is not a TIK TOK FORUM with TIK TOK mentality

^^You should know, because you have Tick Tok mentality, "Criminal defense Attorney", I've never posted on that Forum-Tick Tok, but, thanks for the suggestion, I can do posts, on fools like you and your chumps, who are just like you.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA48623
Rating:Not Rated
This is not a TIK TOK FORUM with TIK TOK mentality


Comment #: CA48622
Rating:Not Rated
448617 Criminal Defense Attorney
===> Yes, Let's do the math..."multiply $40,000 times 10 equals $400.00 ..."??? huh? WRONG -- [$40,000. x 10= $400,000.00] not $400. and Poetic Justice, fool. You should not have insulted the other poster.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA48618
Rating:Not Rated
48612 -What is wrong with you? He was awarded one million for the injury and not for his TIK Tock posts and it was a comparison of what other victims should receive, plus more, depending on injuries and damages; and was not referring this judge, who I said was smart to allegedly have a "short list of friends", as opposed to some LASC family judges, who use friends and drag them into their nepotism, lawlessness and abusive courtroom and trial, backroom tactics and abuse, grave damages against the attorney's/attorneys' opponent.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA48617
Rating:Not Rated
let's do the math, the bill will increase the top amount of awarded damages $250,000 starting January 2023 by $40,000 each year for 10 years top. So multiply $40,000 times 10 equals $400.00 Then add $250,000 to the $400,000 equals $650,000 S0 ten years from today the most a litigant can get in California is $650,000 Then on the first of January each year it is increased by 2% So let's do the math and see how many years over the 10 years will it take to reach the amount of the TOP damages to ONE MILLION dollars.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA48614
Rating:Not Rated
Comments critical of Judge Robert Longstreth on not based on TIK TOK short clips on TIK TOK are not credible and not based-on FACTS as I said the law is the law and in California there is a limit in damages that can be recovered. Yes, judges like Longstreth can give an award of ZILLIONS OF DOLLARS but this does not mean that the moving party with recover this amount. An appellate court will bounce the damages of ZILLIONS of dollars right back and those judges are admonished.
On the other hand, as I said back alley deals with members of the secluded club are made all the time and these basically schemes generate big payouts for these clandestine judges and lawyers who are in the club. So, the comment can really apply to the person adding insults after insults because this is what happens in the courtroom of Judge Robert Longstreth. Judge Longstreth waits until all scheduled lawyers and cases are dismissed and then lays out the insults and verbal abuses, The comment below is a prime example of the abuse that goes on inside his courtroom. This is the language that Judge Longstreth uses including the repeated threat of sanction and degradation of the litigant before him,


Comment #: CA48613
Rating:Not Rated
48606-The attorney who wrote post, "simple for better use of words misguided", and also abusive and threatened by those who have different opinions.

AB35 affects MIRCA and non-economic damages. The Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act of 1975 (MICRA), prohibited an attorney from contracting for or collecting a contingency fee for representing any person seeking damages, in connection with an action for injury, or damage against a health care provider based upon alleged professional negligence in excess of specified limits. AB35 recasts those provisions and bases the amount of contingency fee that may be contracted for, upon whether recovery is pursuant to settlement agreement and release of all claims, executed before a civil complaint, or demand for arbitration is filed, or pursuant to settlement, arbitration, or judgment, after a civil complaint, or demand for arbitration is filed, as specified. The bill added and revised definitions for these purposes.
Existing law provides that in any action against a health care provider, based upon professional negligence, the injured plaintiff, is entitled to recover noneconomic losses, to compensate for pain, suffering, inconvenience, physical impairment, disfigurement, and other nonpecuniary damage. Existing law limits the amount of damages for noneconomic losses, in an action for injury against a health care provider based on professional negligence, to $250,000.
AB35 removes the $250,000 limit on noneconomic damages and expands the recast provisions to include an action for injury against a health care institution, as defined in the bill. The bill increases the applicable limitation, based upon whether the action for injury involved wrongful death. The poster did not pay attention to details in the bill and likely did not pay attention in law school, or in the courtroom.


Comment #: CA48611
Rating:Not Rated
Assembly Bill No. 35

An act to amend Section 6146 of the Business and Professions Code, to amend Section 3333.2 of the Civil Code, to amend Section 667.7 of the Code of Civil Procedure, and to add Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 104340) to Part 2 of Division 103 of the Health and Safety Code, relating to civil damages.

[ Approved by Governor May 23, 2022. Filed with Secretary of State May 23, 2022. ]

AB 35, Reyes. Civil damages: medical malpractice.
Existing law, referred to as the Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act of 1975 (MICRA), prohibits an attorney from contracting for or collecting a contingency fee for representing any person seeking damages in connection with an action for injury or damage against a health care provider based upon alleged professional negligence in excess of specified limits.
Existing law provides that in any action against a health care provider based upon professional negligence, the injured plaintiff is entitled to recover noneconomic losses to compensate for pain, suffering, inconvenience, physical impairment, disfigurement, and other nonpecuniary damage. Existing law limits the amount of damages for noneconomic losses in an action for injury against a health care provider based on professional negligence to $250,000.
This bill would remove the $250,000 limit on noneconomic damages and expand the recast provisions to include an action for injury against a health care institution, as defined. The bill would increase the applicable limitation based upon whether the action for injury involved wrongful death. The bill would specify that these limitations would increase by $40,000 each January 1st for 10 years and beginning on January 1, 2034, the applicable limitations on noneconomic damages for personal injury and for wrongful death would be adjusted for inflation on January 1st of each year by 2%.
Existing law specifies that in any action for injury or damages against a provider of health care services, a superior court shall, at the request of either party, enter a judgment ordering that money damages or its equivalent for future damages of the judgment creditor be paid in whole or in part by periodic payments rather than by a lump-sum payment if the award equals or exceeds $50,000.
This bill would increase the minimum amount of the judgment required to request periodic payments to $250,000.


Comment #: CA48610
Rating:Not Rated
TikTok Chemical Peel Burn Man Awarded $1 Million In [damages] … Neyo White, the TikToker who says an infamous chemical peel led to severe burns, is now feeling like a million bucks ... 'cause he just scored a huge payday in court. According to new [legal] docs ..."


Comment #: CA48609
Rating:Not Rated
48606-Seems like a simple and inadequate beta attorney, very ignorant , with poor reading comprehension and goes out of way to insult another poster, who obviously got under this poster's skin. LMAO-what a weak, simple minded, thin-skinned creeper and now even seem even more, just like that LASC family court attorney troll.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA48606
THREE COMMENTS that deserve a response about this judge his name is Robert Longstreth and the person writing this multiple times is simple for better use of words misguided. As settlement of $1,000,000.00 you can add a zillion zeros to that and welcome to the California courts. Caps per damages were $250,000 TOPS and a case filed after February 2023 NOW CAPS at $350,000 under AB35. This means that this is the most you can get apparently the burn victim should have receive much, much less than $250,000 I am sure this will and should come back on an appeal. No insurance company is going to LEGALLY pay more than required.
Having said this, you basically by ignorance are agreeing with all the negative comments against judge Robert Lonstreth. He is incompetent at best, arrogant, narcissist, insidious, self-serving and gloats about making litigants life miserable. His rulings and conduct are outside of the law and he is allowed to do so because he and the attorneys that love this evil judge are members of the Inns of the Inns of the Court in North County it is the Fiorenzo V., Lopardo Chapter 303 and in San Diego it’s called
The Honorable J. Clifford Wallace Inn of Court / Louis M. Welsh Inn. More than 20,000 members in state, federal and administrative law judges are members of this SELECTIVE CLUB. What it means is basically this the cases are decided by the club and members of the club get big winnings it’s a payoff. The judges and attorney that are all corrupt members of this club, they are not good judges or attorneys they have sold their soul to the devil and their payout is $$$$$$ in litigation wins regardless of the claims at bar. The courts are corrupt just like members of congress with their lobbyists they all get rich and the PEOPLE get the middle finger.
Most attorneys and many judges are not part of this scam bag club and are working dogs for the tiny wins they make. So, when you see a big win that is against the legal bar of awards you know that these player judges and attorneys are in the club and we aren’t in it.


Comment #: CA48604
Rating:Not Rated
@48601Neyo White, the Georgia citizen that went for a chemical peel on face and was burned, was awarded $1,000,000.00 and initially sought $10,000; as yes, no opinion of this SD judge, but does seem smarter than some very abusive LA family judges and their LASC family court judge and attorney cronies; where victims suffer severe injury and damages, as abusers' are protected, when they pay connected abusive attorneys and victims damages should be in the millions, according to the opinion of many and there also needs to be serious accountability. If this judge keeps his circle small, he is wiser and smarter than most; and it is weird that this "disgruntled attorney and/or jealous judge colleague" 48587- is obsessed with how many friends they think this judge has. How would they even know and why even care? Creepy.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA48587
Zero friends in the legal community give testimony to his brashness and arrogance. He is self serving, egotistical and incompetent. It's time for another demotion. Hw also gets on here and gives himself perfect scores because he just can't handle rejection or criticism.


Comment #: CA48541
Condesending, rude, unprofessional. Has hands over face in annoyance when people are talking which is very distracting and unprofessional. Completely disreguarded 5 mediators reports warning about fathers severe lack of parenting skills, and safety concerns. Condesnding,mocking and belittling to those on the stand. To the point that a fair and just trial was never going to happen, his mind was already made up.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA47426
Rating:Not Rated
He is arrogant, he is a pseudo intellectual, simple concepts seem to evade him while he is dreaming of whatever enters his mind, He is aloof and he is not respected for Lawyers have appeared before him. He is ostracized and is not respected by other Jurists. The popular consensus is that he should retire. He is not as sharp, or as witty, or as intelligent as his massive ego makes him out to be.


Comment #: CA47376
Rating:Not Rated
I agree with the comment CA47371 I filed a complaint against Robert Longstreth with the California Judiciary. This judge has too many complaints and the reason why he gets passed from one civil to family to probate to traffic courts back to civil. It's like passing the trash from one department to the next. The system has a way to protect dirty judges.


Comment #: CA47371
What is most pathetic is that because Bobbie can't and won't accept criticism, he got on this site and gave himself all 10s. He is immature, self serving, incompetent and not worthy of being a Judge. Bobbie needs to be removed immediately! On top of his incompetence, he lacks the physical and mental ability to do trials lasting more than one day.


Comment #: CA46530
He splayed out like a starfish in his chair much of the time and had his head buried in his hands at others. He is not credible, he is not competent and he needs to be removed. He does not have the stamina to hear a case that lasts more than 1 day. He had 8 errors in his judgement: mathematical, double counting, misrepresenting testimony, siting testimony incorrectly, etc. He lacks competency and he lacks intelligence. His ego is huge, but his legal chops don't come anywhere close to supporting his ego.


Comment #: CA41671
I learned Longstreth donated to the judge overseeing my case in San Francisco hoping to influence favor to the defendant in my defamation case I later won $25k. Back in 2010 Longstreth asked me to dismiss my other defamation case in San Diego which was the right thing to do based on a quash motion filed, however he made a sadistic assessment that “there are consequences for going after the wrong man” indicating he wanted me heavily punished. A famous horror film special effects person had the quash filed who had used another’s email to troll me when I was starting a singing career. I was quite shocked to be informed Longstreth was trolling the judge in San Francisco with donations to his election just prior to hearing my case. Longstreth is highly political.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA41042
Rating:Not Rated
Civil Litigation - Govt.- Sure sounds like Longstreth is rating himself. Bottom line he makes up laws and rules that do no exist. He makes deals outside the courtroom with other parties. If he does not like you he calls you last when everyone else has left the courtroom. There are really good judges out there that do not get credit for the good work they do and actually do read and apply the law. Longstreth is simply a really bad immoral judge.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA41041
Rating:Not Rated
I disagree with Litigant he is very errogant and bypassed the law. He would not be passed from civil to family to probate to traffic back to civil if all the complaints against him were not legitimate and fact based. This judge has too many complaints and like with everything in goverment they cannot seam to get rid of the trash.


Comment #: CA41029
He's fair if you leave your ego at the door. Don't pretend to be the smartest person in the room. You're not. If you play tricks, he'll play tricks. He's an appointee... so what do you expect? I understand the criticism he gets, here, it's not entirely unfounded, but he will be fair with you if you aren't playing games. Focus on equity arguments, with only light smattering of case law.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: CA40648
This judge gets a lot of bad ratings but they are unwarranted. He is impatient (equally with both sides) but only because he is exceptionally smart and ten steps ahead of the attorneys in his courtroom. Don't let the comments below scare you. Know your case, know the law and you are in exceptionally good hands. By far, one of the smartest judges on the bench.


Comment #: CA40637
How does anyone get a word in edgewise on this guy? Interrupt much? He could just as easily hold a trial without anyone else present, since he does all the talking, arguing, and questioning. My attorney couldn't even finish the first sentence of his closing argument before Longstreth butted in and took him off topic.


Comment #: CA38944
Abysmal, Condescending, Arrogant, self-serving, incompetent, lack of credibility. He is not fit to be a judge and he is not fit to practice law in the state of CA. He is a zero star at best. He is the worst "legal professional" that I have ever met.


Comment #: CA32763
If I could give ZERO STARS I WOULD. I have an ongoing case, REACH OUT AS OUR WEBSITE IS ALMOST COMPLETE AGAINST THIS JUDGE AND THIS COURTHOUSE IN GENERAL. I will share the most intimate details of my case on a PUBLIC DOMAIN I will announce it shortly on my facebook. This judge is also politically slanted and his wife has unapropriate photos and posts on her facebook. This judge is completely demented and mentally unfit to be anywhere near the judicial world. I don't know what this Supreme Court is even thinking by allowing this type of behavior from a judge. Especially from a judge. Never think that a judge cannot be held accountable, THEY CAN, they have an even greater responsibility to your case. MOre than the attys. Make no mistake, that black robe will be removed. To the people who have suffered from a Judgement from this judge that went against the law, REACH OUT IMMEDIATELY ! You have recourse. #classaction

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA32762
I wish I could give him a 0 he is awful, there has to be term limits on these bad judges. Maybe complaints should be heard because he sure has a lot of them. The complaints should be posted for everyone to see. This judge is a perfect example of how bankrupt of judicial system is.


Comment #: CA31986
Rating:Not Rated
Leave your comments or reach out to me directly regarding this abusive judge. This judge has a low rating for a reason. I was told he [Redacted by Ed.] and has been moved down the ladder in this court room. Many attorneys in this area know how bad of a judge he is. BOSTWICK IS GOOD, KALETY IS EXCELLENT. LONGSTRETH SHOULD RECEIVE A ZERO RATING, HE IGNORES EVIDENCE PLAIN AND SIMPLE, IF THIS COURT IGNORES THE PEOPLE ON THE ABUSES OF THIS PARTICULAR JUDGE, THIS ENTIRE COURT WILL SUFFER BECAUSE OF THIS JUDGE.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA30414
Classic high IQ, low EQ.
Smart, diligent. Cares a lot about measurables like average case time, not being reversed on appeal. Gets things mostly right on the law.

Abrasive, arrogant and aloof in Court. Low EQ probably garners disfavor with superiors preventing high quality appointments.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA29735
Longstreth is an arrogant, obnoxious know-it-all who is needlessly rude to those who have the misfortune to appear before him. He doesn't care about the evidence or this history of the case--his rulings are based on his schizophrenic personal biases, not the FACTS AT HAND. He was appointed to the bench in 2008--12 YEARS AGO--and he's STILL ruling in the probate and family law courts?!?! Probate, family law, small claims, etc. are where the new judges are placed so they can get some experience. There is a reason Longstreth hasn't been moved up to the "Big Boy" courtrooms...it's because he's terrible.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA28799
My civil lawsuit appeal was unexpectedly transferred to Longstreth's court at the last minute. Before the hearing even began, he accused me of "Going for a second bite at the apple" and decided I was just being greedy because I didn't get enough money the first time. That wasn't the case at all: I was there to correct a legal error the first judge had made. I'd sued my former apartment building manager and they filed a frivolous counter-suit for back rent. The first judge awarded them back-rent even though they building owner had FIRED them long before we went to trial. If anyone was entitled to back rent, it was the building owner, not the property management company he'd fired; they were no longer his representatives and lacked authority to sue on his behalf. I showed Judge Longstreth the civil code that reads "All law suits must be filed in the name of the party in interest." The building owner is the party in interest, not the FIRED property manager, yet the building owner wasn't named in their lawsuit. I pointed out to the judge I'd already paid back rent to the owner and if the property managers still worked there, they would know that...he IGNORED me and the law and awarded them EVEN MORE money than they asked for to "teach me a lesson" about going for a second bite of the apple.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA28789
This judge is arrogant beyond words. He ignored evidence of abuse and seemed so entirely annoyed with the family law cases.
This review is long overdue as now he is transferred. He should be voted out, he was challenged by the family law community hundreds of times. A real disgrace.


Comment #: CA22879
Rating:Not Rated
This judge needs to be removed, he is unethical, never reads briefs, hates case law, short temper, short attention span, never prepared, has many conflict of interests, has been bounced from Civil, Family and now Probate. Good judges don't get flipped like pancakes. Too many complaints, to every Judicial Committee found on the state against this judge. The state does not review complaints of this judge and as a result many families are left devastated. All these positive comments are fake. If he was a good judge and knowledgeable he would not be passed around like a cheap prostitute around court department.


Comment #: CA22775
Rating:Not Rated
A very unethical judge who does not read briefings, does not follow law, has a short fuse and has been flipped from one department to the next, its like the trash keeps getting passed......


Comment #: CA17281
Rating:Not Rated
Complete & utter disastrous Judge in Probate. He needs to be De-Robed And we are in the process of starting a movement to have him removed he’s causing great damage to the elder community- - I agree with one of the comments, huge ego , thinks he’s the boss and yells at the counselors- Here’s a tip, hire an Atty who is aggressive ALPHA MALE - He deflates like a marshmallow amazing to watch. If you’re reading this Robert Longstreth “Your days are numbered”


Comment #: CA17134
Judge Longstreth is a good judge and person. I am sure he always makes the right decision.


Comment #: CA14642
This judge had a 2 week trail and in 4 days without even hearing the evidence he called it to end. He refused to allow us to call certain witnesses to testify regarding the girls safety. He gives dad 50%. Teen girls who have never lived with dad mostly because dad wasn't protecting them in his house. Our daughter has now been raped by the person he refused to put on the stand the same person who had admitted to touching this same child years ago and was ordered into therpy but did continue because dad never followed court orders. This judge looked the other way he didn't listen to the evidence and failed to protect our children. He's moody ,disrespectful and doesn't deserve this position.


Comment #: CA13935
This so called judge gave custody of my children to their mother who was in prison (with no release pending) after being arrested for cocaine smuggling. He is either crazy or was bribed. reading some of the other comments I see he hasn't changed. He is a dishonor to the bench, California, the U.S. and to humanity

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA13398
Very respectful of all participants in all cases I witnessed. Seems fair and interested in cases. Always late to start though.


Comment #: CA13116
If I could give him zero I would. Real smart ass, sarcastic, knows little or nothing about law. got some serious problem with inflated ego. Probably was placed there by special interests to do the bidding for them and is probably well compensated. Real piece of work, very sad that this is the best California politicians can appoint.


Comment #: CA13093
Rating:Not Rated
If I could give a 0 rating to this judge I would he is a total sociopath.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA12785
It appears that this judge is serious about bringing real law and order to the San Diego Probate Courts. For this undertaking, my contingent gives him a standing ovation.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA12615
Respectful of both the law and the litigants. Excellent Judge.


Comment #: CA12492
This judge is awful and rude often interrupting the counselors when they are speaking or thumbing through other things at his bench paying no mind to the speaker. He has no regard for the safety or welfare of children or what is in their best interest. I witnessed this in several cases prior to ours being presented. He has no business ruling on any matter that involves the welfare or best interest of any child. If you see his name come up on your case, ask for a different judge immediately.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA11397
Judge Longstreth is exceedingly smart, to the point, insightful and unafraid to make important rulings. It means that he can handle cases efficiently, since he does not put off to another day what he can decide and resolve today. He is a SUPERB judge.


Comment #: CA8122
Rating:Not Rated
This is the first time I have ever rated a Judge or any professional like an Hon. Judge. This Judge mediated a case that involve me as a tenant with a bad landlord. Although I did not walk out without paying about $4,000, Judge Longstreth is sensible, fair and looks at both sides with open eyes. He is a top notch professional and even though I did not walk out a winner I walked out of his courtroom with great respect for this outstanding Judge.
Judge Longstreth is honest, fair and looks at parties with an open mind.
You can trust his decisions!


Comment #: CA6795
He is a terrible human being and has no regard for actual rights of parents. He is a terrible judge. If you see his name come up on your case when you file, ask for a new judge immediately!!!!


Comment #: CA6782
Judge Longstreth has been a blessing. Frankly, he's probably the SMARTEST judge we've worked with, does a lot of preparation behind the scenes, keeps track of facts like no other, sees through smokescreens, and is not afraid to make tough decisions. He has a challenging job that I don't envy; having to listen to days of testimony was exhausting for me as a litigant and I don't know how he does it, but he's sharp as a tack, pays attention (even when you don't think he is), and doesn't get distracted. He's a gem and you have nothing to worry about if you tell the truth, have a good track record of acting in your kids' best interest, and listen to his instructions. You and your family are in good hands with Judge Longstreth!