Hon. James E. Towery See Rating Details
Superior Court
Santa Clara County
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* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. James E. Towery


Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA55710
Rating:Not Rated
I went through legal abuse myself. After reading some of the complaints here, I did some of my own research. There seems to be a complaint against one of the attorneys that are listed here and involved with James Towery.

Here it is: https://pdfhost.io/v/jM.L2FJRQ_Petition_for_Review_State_Bar_decision

The State Bar really should have intervened. The lawyer should not still be in "good standing", as listed here:



Lawyers like this should never be trusted to act in the interests of children.

Judge Towery should be ashamed.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA55698
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Towery has recently retired.

Valerie Houghton has recently moved to Round Rock, Texas (Williamson County).

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA54316
Rating:Not Rated
This is a must read article if you get Judge Towery on your case:


Judge Towery gave sole custody of a child to man who was at the time in jail for beating the boy. See what he did to him: https://archive.ph/IjXvM

The man was not even the biological father or father listed on the birth certificate.

Now the man has taken the child out of state. The mother has no ability to see or speak to the child and has to struggle paying a large sum in child support every month.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA54309
Rating:Not Rated
The serial child abuse that comes from cases presided over by this judge is clear.

Judge Towery is not fit to make any decisions for children.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA54308
Rating:Not Rated
It is disheartening to read many of the stories that come out of this department.

There is also one involving a 3 year old who was murdered. Mom begged and begged Judge Towery to do something to protect her. She told him that she was afraid that father would kill the young girl, but Judge Towery just didn't care.




Comment #: CA49283
This man blatantly ignored the fact that I've already been awarded in the state of California and the Superior Court with full soul legal and physical custody of all four of my children. But because of his ego I guess I cannot see my children I was told by him that I should wait until the kids get older before I try to build a relationship with them again. Now mind you mean I want full sole legal and physical custody of all four of my children through the honorable judge Gloria Canon of Kern county in October 2019. It is now about to be October 2023 and I still don't have my kids. The judge can never tell me why he could not or would not abide by my actionable order instead he ate it the kid's dad. This judge blatantly ignored the fact that my kids dad was lying in court and falsifying legal documents as well as false accusations. Because at the end of the day I had all of my proof paperwork and everything and the kids that could not provide proof of anything other than a lie and because of that he decided oh I didn't deserve my kids. I have not seen my children or had a relationship with my children because of their father and this judge for The last 5 years I've been finding a long time. For the thing the children's father accuse me of he has no police records no police reports no witnesses nothing while me on the other hand I have paperwork I have a actual paper trail that was just clearly ignored. What is this court system if you can't trust it we supposed to be able to have faith in our judicial system but because of Judges like him judge James E Towery and his actions is unacceptable. You are supposed to be a public figure a positive public figure yet you're corrupted your tainted you're too old to even understand what's going on in modern day. You're way too incompetent to be on the bench you're so incompetent you don't realize it and you don't care. Something needs to be done I've been inside of a courtroom 11 times since I won full sole legal and physical custody of all four of my children that's not right. Because he clearly showed me that there was no way possible he was going to honor my actionable order even though I was sitting there honoring the rules of perjury I was complying with everything I was asked to comply with I even complied with the visitation schedule that I was given even though I already have full sole legal and physical custody well not physical custody because their father refuses to give me back my children. And the judge just did not care about the fact that I hadn't seen my children I hadn't talked to my kids I hadn't given them a hug I've missed birthdays I miss graduations he just didn't care about the way I felt or the way that my kids felt the only thing he cared about was listening to this man and his lies. It's a shame I hate the fact that I'm still in this situation going through this same matter that I've already won. again I want full sole legal and physical custody of all four of my children with a 3130 order attached to it and I still don't have my kids because of this judge.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA47775
Rating:Not Rated
Silicon Valley Judge Towery Retires Amid Disclosure Scandal


Comment #: CA46978
This Judge let me ex litigate and litigate and ask for continuance after continuance on a case that he let drag out. It was more abuse against me from my abuser who was alienating me from our kids and abusing them and myself. My ex tried dragging me back on a case we stipulated without prejudice. 6 months after the fact my ex wanted me to pay for fees on the stipulated case but it was past the sates to try to collect legally. He still allowed my ex to continue to make up BS and demanded a trial which cost me $140,000. Luckily I make good money becaue the attornies, my ex and this judge didnt care if I lived in the gutter.This Judge lets your abuser abuse you as long as he wants. Do not trust San Jose Family courts!!!!!!!


Comment #: CA46325
Even handed and not rushing to judgment. Careful regarding due process as it should be.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA41092
Rating:Not Rated
“There is an irresistible impulse for a small group to take advantage of the plight of people in crisis,” he said.



Comment #: CA39302
Rating:Not Rated
There are have been numerous complaints about this particular judges. I have spoken to some of the people who have reported them to the CJP. No action, whether private or public, has been taken, as far as I am aware.

I urge anyone to also make legitimate complaints to state legislators and others. There is a a public list that you can retrieve here:


Mark Stone is the Chair for the Committee on Judiciary. I have addressed complaints to him, while copying everyone else on the list.

Maybe if more voices are heard, there can be change in the way cases are heard before this judge.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA38372
Absolutely outrageous this man is still a member of the bar, never mind on the bench. Utterly disregards the law and arbitrarily rules on matters with the most convoluted, twisted "logic" I've ever experienced in practice. In my case he refused to rule on a court order until trial leaving respondent without any money to pay for expert witnesses. This was nearly a 30k shortfall and forced responder into an unfavorable settlement. Entirely uncalled for and outrageous.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA38095
Rating:Not Rated
I will leave it at this.

I will never be quiet. I will continue continue making noise until the last one turns 18.


Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA38093
Rating:Not Rated
This is has been a complete deprivation of due process from the beginning. There are no limits to what this judge does.

It is like commentator # CA35170 stated. He puts more value to a piece of paper that makes him look innocent, than he does the well-being of other people.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA38090
Rating:Not Rated
A psychological report was entered into the record without an evaluation. I have no way to ever protect my kids again.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA36096
Rating:Not Rated
If I have to wait until November 2022 to protect my kids, then that's what I will do.


Comment #: CA35186
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Father,

Direct Action is the way. You will not find what you are looking for with the court. You must take your children’s lives and well-being into your own hands if you are going to protect them!

Court Staff

Comment #: CA35170
Rating:Not Rated
The benefit the judge makes is that he doesn’t have to admit he was wrong.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA35166
Rating:Not Rated
What are you going to do about it? Don’t you feel totally, utterly powerless?


Comment #: CA35164
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Parent,

Direct Action is the way. We must take back our power from a corrupt judicial system that only cares about its image and doesn’t give a rip about justice. How can they blame us for becoming radicalized?


Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA35061
Rating:Not Rated
The trial date on calendar has now magically changed from May 24th to July 6th.

Again, no new minute orders filed. It is like the May scheduling never existed.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA35049
Rating:Not Rated
The district attorney would sooner investigate you than do anything to protect a child against a judge’s wishes. They cower in fear to these judges who control their livelihood. The common person means nothing to them.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA35045
Rating:Not Rated
You guys need to get on same page.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA35043
Rating:Not Rated
I will keep my fingers crossed.

I think enough people know at this point. The District Attorney will never let it happen. It would be insane if he did.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA35042
Rating:Not Rated
Your case needs a signal boost if the judge is going to take you seriously. Holding a judge accountable the Anon way can be a force multiplier.

Very Truly,

Anonymous Operation Ventura

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA35041
Rating:Not Rated
I am sorry for holding a mirror. It is in my nature to describe how a person behaves. It was my understanding that doing so would resolve misconduct and restore due process.

Had I known what it would turn into, I would have proceeded differently.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA35040
Rating:Not Rated
I don't care about holding him accountable. It has nothing to do with him. He continue to be a judge for as long as he wants, as far as I am concerned.

All I ask for is the ability to protect my children.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA35037
Rating:Not Rated
There needs to be an alternate form of justice to punish judges who misbehave. We must provide mutual aid to hold these judges accountable in our own way, independent of any legal process that can be abused to prevent justice from being served!

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA35035
Rating:Not Rated
It's all about what's in the record. If it has a record that indicates that you are mentally incompetent, then that means that he did nothing wrong.

If you cannot convince your son to go to the police, or no screening is ordered, then the children were never abysed.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA35027
Rating:Not Rated
If he has nothing to hide, why not prove me wrong by ordering an emergency screening?

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA35025
Rating:Not Rated
The behavior of people is governed by consequences. Sometime there money to be made that can be used to buy food and other basic living necessities.

To find the function of a behavior one must look at patterns of behavior across different contexts. This is called a 'functional analysis'.

For instance if the same behavior occurs twice, the outcomes are listed for each context. When there is a common denominator, said outcome is then referred to as the reinforcer controlling that particular behavior.

In the first case there was money to divide and my son was molested. There are also strong indications that my other kids have been sexually abused.l, but no emergency screening has been ordered.

In the second case there is NO money to divide. The custodial father who has no biological relation to the child had a history of drugging and rape, but I am being stopped from asserting parental rights against the mother's wishes.

Why is the common denominator in outcomes that a child is put a risk for being sexually abused?

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA35022
Rating:Not Rated
They want to control everything: health, communications, sexual activity of children, income, and housing.

The perfect place to be a sadist is in a courtroom.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA35016
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Parent,

The FBI is not going to do anything. They are going to take your report so that you’re placated for a few months until everything blows over. If you want real justice, you have to get it yourself. I previously mentioned that you should publish evidence of the sexual abuse publicly, such as posting medical records to the internet. This action would force the investigator to act.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA35015
Rating:Not Rated
I've done the research.

The proper complaint has been filed with the FBI.

I hope there is no insinuation of anything else.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA35012
Rating:Not Rated
DJ is the San Jose Police detective who is investigating all of the assaults. Some of what is being done could be construed as obstruction of justice.

There are are several witnesses, including two doctors, as well as Poison Control.

I am hopeful that a resolution can be reached in which my children can be protected.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA34945
Rating:Not Rated
Instead of shifting the blame, why not accept the criticism and learn?

You could be served well if you started caring about the people affected by your decision making.

People will appreciate it. And you would be less likely to find yourself in a similar position.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA34653
Rating:Not Rated
The crimes are being documented, brother. And the guilty will answer for

But how did they get Capone?

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA34643
Rating:Not Rated
It sounds like there is a pattern of minute records and court transcripts being manipulated in this department.

Contact the Court Reporter Board:

See also http://exposecorruptcourts.blogspot.com/2008/02/confessions-of-court-reporter-part-i.html?m=1

This is a blight on the judiciary and sign of a kangaroo court.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA34573
Rating:Not Rated
The worst they can say is no, and then nothing was lost anyway.... except perhaps their opportunity to do an evaluation on you. Stay strong.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA34558
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Parent,

I wouldn’t be afraid of the psychological evaluation, but insist on you choosing and hiring the forensic psychologist, and insist that they pay for it 100%. Psychologists are not impartial and are biased on the side who hires them - not the truth. Use that wisdom to your advantage! You have the leverage here. Insist that the TRO be dropped in exchange for any concession!

Court Staff

Comment #: CA34497
Rating:Not Rated
What are you being offered $200,000 for? Is the other side demanding that amount in attorney fees?

Court Staff

Comment #: CA34493
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Parent,

The court can change hearing dates, but they must provide notice. The fact that you’re homeless makes giving notice difficult since you can’t receive mail. It is for that reason that notice must be given by person service. You can challenge any hearing that didn’t provide notice.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA34487
Rating:Not Rated
Now the minute order are being messed with. I had a court date in March, then it mysteriously changed to April 12th. Now it is set for May.

No one asked for a continuation. No new orders were filed.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA34413
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Parent,

There are ways to get around a TRO. Hypothetically, one could use a different, anonymous means of communication such as Reddit or another public forum. They would have to subpoena that forum for the IP address, then subpoena the internet provider for the logs to prove who it was. If one used ProtonVPN, they would have no way to identify that person by IP address.

It is sad that the law is so abusive that resistance becomes necessary.


Comment #: CA34367
Rating:Not Rated
There is a complaint of about alterations of court transcripts in this department. Please contact the Court Reporters Board with similar complaints. https://www.courtreportersboard.ca.gov/

Alteration of court records is an egregious attack on the integrity of our judicial symptom.

Also see

Court Staff

Comment #: CA34299
Rating:Not Rated
What do hackers have to do with it? Anons are white hat only. We attack to defend those who cannot defend themselves.

Don’t lump us with sex traffickers lol. And when has Anonymous ever been violent? You should research what we stand for. We are on your side!

Court Staff

Comment #: CA34287
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Towery is not going to care what is posted to this website until you take back your power in a way that forces him to. You need to take back your power by going outside the bounds of what society expects. Start a protest, post videos to YouTube, mail his neighbors, park outside his home with a message/posterboard placed on your windshield. You need to expand your toolkit to get results imo

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA34276
Rating:Not Rated
It's cold blooded and evil to separate children from parents if you can't state a reason for doing so.

I wish that there was a way to explain it so that Judge Towery could understand.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA34225
Rating:Not Rated
There was a time when certain people couldn't drink from water fountains.

Why shouldn't people who sexually abuse children be given access to those children?

Maybe we are depriving people of their civil rights when put them on the list that prohibits them from spending time at playgrounds and schools.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA34187
Rating:Not Rated
Valerie says that I must make amends by complying with her demand for an evaluation.

She had every right to sex traffic my son because of her stature, so I should not have complained.

She is righting her own right by doing it twice.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA33689
Rating:Not Rated
Unfortunately, the child support laws are so oppressive you would need to renounce your US citizenship to escape them. They don’t care you are homeless. Disgusting and so immoral.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA33680
Rating:Not Rated
Does your son want to live with you now? He’s 18 and a fully emancipated free man. He could defy the court if he chooses to have unsupervised visits. Yes, technically that would be a violation of the TRO, but it happens all the time. Technically you’re supposed to turn him away.

The good news is your son has 10 years to report under the statute of limitations as a minor victim. When he’s ready he can call the police to start the process.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA33675
Rating:Not Rated
I hate to pry publicly here, but how was the rape communicated to you if you only have supervised contact?

Also, was your child taken to a doctor for the rape? If so, medical records are kept for 7 years and you may still be able to get them.

About "destroying" the judge: I understand your sentiment, but realize that the other side wants to utterly destroy you. Instead of compromising and co-parenting, the other side sought to use the courts to alienate you from your child and devastate you financially. The courts will do everything they can to stop you from succeeding.

Unfortunately, the court sees evidence that the man holding custody raped and drugged someone in the past as "ancient history." Although in the court of public opinion we all know your child should not be with such a person, the court doesn't care. This is the root of injustice--the discrepancy between how the court thinks versus a reasonable person's common sense.

I wish you the best of luck. Hopefully your son will be able to fight back against the sexual abuse on his own. It usually takes about 2 years for a victim to come forward. When that time comes, you will have another opportunity to free your son from this monster.

Very Truly,

Ventura County's Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA33672
Rating:Not Rated
I know what you mean. However, the way to overcome the court's gaslighting is to memorialize irrefutable evidence of judicial misconduct. You will have to make yourself impossible to ignore. The best way to do that is to publicly pled for help showing evidence of rape. Every rape is a violent crime, and that leaves medical evidence weeks to months afterward such as bruising. You should be able to use those medical records to utterly destroy this judge. I can help you if that evidence is available.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA33661
Rating:Not Rated
What you're experiencing in court is simple corruption. The judge has made a determination based on bias or influence and will not listen to any reason, even when presented evidence of sexual assault of a minor. It's sad how they treat litigants with valid grievances that they don't want to hear. Fines and sanctions come first, then they will assign the "vexatious" label. It's a cycle they totally control.

These judges can't see that evenhandedness is needed for there to be true justice. The perpetrator needs to stop their behavior and the victim needs to be restored. However, these judges feel the victim should just stop complaining instead. It's cruel and vindictive.

The only way I can see to break the cycle is to work outside of it. Attack the judges where it hurts them most. Organize and share information. At the very least you will be able to warn others that they should 170.6 this judge and remove them from their case.

Very Truly,

Ventura County's Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA33652
Rating:Not Rated
Anonymous helps survivors of sexual abuse to identify publicly those responsible for the abuse and the judges who perpetrate continued responsibility for the abuse.

If you have verifiable evidence of the molestation such as medical records, Anonymous can help. We respect the victim’s privacy and will only reveal the minimum information needed to prove the validity of the abuse, redacting all PII. Let me know if I can assist.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA33651
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Litigant,

I hear you. The court has a way of crazy making. They believe their word is like God, and anyone challenging them deserve to be fined and sanctioned. Your judge will not listen because of pure ego. We all want pure justice, but the courts often deny justice and mercilessly go after the victim for the insolence of complaining. It is a problem.

I learned long ago that pure justice doesn’t happen in certain courtrooms. It is in these cases that alternate justice should be considered.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA33466
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Parent,

I want to help you. Please email me and we can discuss strategy to expose any misconduct by this judge. RadiantTruth@pm.me.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA33362
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Litigant,

Regarding child support, the only real way to end abusive payments is to leave the county and gain citizenship elsewhere. Once you renounce your US citizenship, you are no longer bound by US law. You can renounce without dual citizenship, but that would make you stateless. Look into it.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA33360
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Litigant,

I empathize with what you’re going through. What you’ve experienced is legal abuse, where the perpetrator is treated as the victim, and the real victim is treated as the perpetrator. Diane Feinstein once wrote to me that in court, “victims fear that their voices will not be heard.” This is exactly the case with your judge refusing to reconsider a bad decision despite clear evidence of active child sexual assault.

It is sickening how these judges can find ways to justify any bad decision or misconduct. I applaud your dedication to your children and your ability to keep up the fight. It may be hard to imagine, but most families in your situation eventually give up on their kids out of frustration since the court will put up an insurmountable barrier to justice once a bad decision has been made. It’s more about preserving the appearance of a perfect court than doing what is right for families and victims.

Please do not give up the fight. Your kids will remember and appreciate your efforts years down the road when they can finally break free of this ordeal on their own. I believe there will be opportunities for justice later in your case.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA33205
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Other,

I am a working professional so my time is limited, but I do wish to update my website to create a vibrant community. Would an open forum like a bulletin board be what you’re requesting?

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA33196
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Parent,

Unfortunately, the court doesn’t work that way. Judges and the public will throw you and your son under the bus rather than admit to systemic problems that permit the victimization of your son to continue. Judges and the integrity of the system are always first, your perpetrator second, and you last. Judges would rather gaslight the victim than admit making a mistake.

I recommend that you continue speaking loudly, but with finesse. Be succinct in your message and consistent. You will not win using rules of court. They wrote the rules and can change them at will. It is far more effective to concentrate on the impact to your son and the daily torture this judge is putting you both through.

Let this judge know that enough is enough and you will be silent no more! Get a video recorded statement from your son and publish it. Publish his medical records. Show the physical injuries this monster did. And do it very publicly. Mail it to the judge’s neighbors, mail it to the media. That’s what I would do. Remember that you can never change someone’s mind, but you can make it very uncomfortable for this judge to continue.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA33194
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Parent,

I apologize for referring to your daughter by mistake. I meant your son.

I am also pleased to see that TRR did not censor my post. It is important information for the public to see.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA33193
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Parent,

I hear your pleas for help and I know how frustrating court can be. Diane Feinstein once wrote to me that in court “victims fear that their voices will not be heard.” It is disgusting behavior by the judge in your case that he ignores your plea to save your daughter from active molestation and sexual assault.

As a survivor myself, I want you to know there are people who do believe you and support your efforts to save your child. You are your child’s best and only advocate. This is a lonely trail you walk, and the court *will* try to stop you from succeeding. The court often dishes out punishment to the victim many multiples of what they punish the perpetrator for simply the insolence of complaining.

Keep your spirits high. Expect the court to drain your resources and leave you penniless. However, every cent spent is worth it to your daughter.

Karma will be your justice in the end. Remember, the spots on the leapard never change, and he *will* victimize again. Eventually he will get caught.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA32563
Rating:Not Rated
If you can file motions on your own accord for supervised visitation with my adult son, then you can file a motion for an emergency screening for my other children.

I have already provided you substantial information about my son getting molested, as well as about the indications that my other kids are also being sexually abused.


(I have emailed you this same request)

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA32542
Rating:Not Rated
He file HIS OWN MOTION prevent you from telling your ADULT son to report child molestation to the police.

But he WON'T file his own motion for an emergency screening when there are indications that molestation is also occurring to said child's siblings.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA32541
Rating:Not Rated
It is obvious to me that this judge works together with the attorneys. My attorney told me that if I ever fired her, judge towery would be mad. After I fired her, all of my hearings were vacated without my consent.

There is nothing that you can do. The agency responsible for discipline will do nothing, even if misconduct leads to child molestation.

He runs for office unopposed.

There is no incentive for Judge Towery to do the right thing. He doesn't even have shame when you call him out for giving your daughter to a rapist.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA32527
Rating:Not Rated
Instead of an emergency screening to protect my kids, I need to have mental health screening.

Meanwhile my daughter is under the custody of a rapist and my ex-wife is volunteering to work with other children.

Judge Towery can do anything that he wants.

All he has to do is say that you are crazy.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA32525
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Towery is like a god. He is infallible.

He is allowed to create whatever reality suits HIS interests, even if keeping the status quo means that your children get raped.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA32524
Rating:Not Rated
I didn't do anything to deserve 10 years of restraining orders.

I just wanted to take my things and leave my ex-wife. After I notified her, I went to put some clothing into a a duffel bag. She walked in and quickly closed the door behind her, then started crying and screaming while blocking the doorway. That put me into a panic and I asked her to let pass. She kept crying and screaming, so I tried pushing my way through. At that point she put the phone to her face (and without even looking to dial) and told the police that she had been assaulted. As she was talking she was STILL BLOCKING THE DOORWAY. When she got off the phone, she finally let me pass. I was in a panic and left the house. This was a big mistake. I should have stayed and given a statement. About an hour later my ex-wife texted me that the police wanted to arrest me. There were not even any injuries documented.

I then went to the police station to turn myself in. I told them what happened. They followed up with my ex-wife and she admitted to blocking the doorway and screaming.

After terms of a restraining order were read from a phone and granted, I appealed the order. I also subpoenaed the police report.

Judge Towery said, "I know that you don't think that it is fair, but you agreed."

After the divorce was finalized, Gina Zamora, who was then his clerk, sent me a letter stating Judge Towery's intent to send the police report back to the police.

I called Ms Zamora and objected because that report was mentioned in my motions and should have remained part of the record. Ms. Zamora did not send back the report.

Two weeks later Ms. Jackson, his new clerk, called me and said that she would send the report back, against my objections. I asked why Ms. Zamora had not called instead. Ms. Jackson said that she was "promoted."

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA32508
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Towery hears about 10 percent of all custody cases in Santa Clara County.

He presides over CPS cases and other child abuse issues.

How can anyone trust anything that he does?

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA32430
Rating:Not Rated
There is a covid 19 debate on whether wearing a mask helps the rest of society as a whole.

But I don’t know a single person that would argue that Megan’s Law doesn’t stem child molestation.

Judge Towery has devised Jim’s Law.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA32394
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Towery is so important that his rulings can supersede human decency. It is his right to get kids raped. He doesn't even try to hide it.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA32392
Rating:Not Rated
Ms. Houghton continues to insist.

How many children are getting molested because of what goes on in YOUR courtroom?

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA32329
Rating:Not Rated
Although it happened to me twice, I am not the only one.

Here is a case where a non-biological father was given custody of a young boy. The man who was given custody was physically abusing the mother and wasn't even taking care of the child. His brother became the primary caregiver.

Allegedly this all occurred during a hearing that took place at MIDNIGHT.


Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA32283
Rating:Not Rated
He is obviously a sick man, spreading his mental illness onto the community.

My kids not only suffer, but now have the potential to be sex offenders themselves because of Judge Towery's blatant abuse of power.

I wonder how many children are there in total.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA32280
Rating:Not Rated
I have been begging Judge Towery to leave my kids alone. I've gone to court, written emails, and complained. Nothing works. When I bring up what is happening to my kids, it makes everyone else cringe. But when it comes to Judge Towery, it falls on deaf ears.

If it's that he sees nothing wrong with child rape, then he should recuse himself from hearing such matters.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA32233
Rating:Not Rated
Valerie Houghton is not only an attorney, but also a therapist. Although Ms. Houghton is a mandated reporter, she didn't even bother filing a motion that would have prevented my son from the continued abuse.

Refusing to pay cash demands to an attorney should never be the basis for
a custody order.

This law was broken when sole custody was granted to the person responsible for having my son molested.

Penal Code Section 236.1

(c) A person who causes, induces, or persuades, or attempts to cause, induce, or persuade, a person who is a minor at the time of commission of the offense to engage in a commercial sex act, with the intent to effect or maintain a violation of Section 266, 266h, 266i, 266j, 267, 311.1, 311.2, 311.3, 311.4, 311.5, 311.6, or 518 is guilty of human trafficking.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA32215
Rating:Not Rated
There was an Oklahoma City police officer who was sentenced to 263 years for sexually assaulting six women while on duty. (Daniel Holtzclaw)

The main reason that the judge handed such a stiff sentence was because the police officer abused the women under the guise of his authority.

Although you didn't abuse my children yourself, you still abused your authority by violating my right to Due Process. That led to the continuation of my son being molested, as well as putting my other children into harms way.

Are you not held to a higher standard of conduct because of your judicial office?

Doesn't your conduct negatively affect the public's perception of our courts?

Doesn't your conduct also reflect on fellow judges?


Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA32206
Rating:Not Rated
In your position you are frequently required to rule on matters related to domestic violence, restraining orders, and custody.

How do you look litigants in the eye and keep a straight face when you make those types of rulings?

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA32184
Rating:Not Rated
Does it bother you at all that my daughter is under the custody of a man that has previously raped a teen aged female? What do you foresee will end up happening to my daughter?

Have you lost any sleep about my ex-wife letting an older man molest my 13 year-old son? He is now suicidal from that ordeal.

What criteria do you use to determine what is in the best interests of a child?

Is child rape not an important factor when ruling on custody?

Why did you not recuse yourself from my case after I brought it to your attention that you previously employed Valerie Houghton (my former attorney) at your law firm?

Was it a coincidence that you vacated all of my hearings after I fired Valerie Houghton?

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA32162
Rating:Not Rated
Although I don't know whether or not my three other kids have been abused, I should be able to tell my son to go to the police without the Court's interference.

I should also be permitted to stipulate to the paternity of my daughter that is in the custody of a documented rapist.

We don't live in Afghanistan.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA32069
Rating:Not Rated
I uselessly tried to reason with Valerie Houghton. Although Valerie believes that not letting me have custody benefits both her and Judge Towery, I don't want a rapist to have custody of my daughter.

Ms. Houghton laughs at the idea, saying "She'll have fun."

Anything goes in this courtroom.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA32064
Rating:Not Rated
Valerie Houghton told me to only pay her is cash and to not tell anyone about her. She said that if I ever fired her or Ms. Amini that you would be angry.

Why did you vacate all of my hearing after the substitution of attorney was filed?

Why did you extend the TRO preventing contact with my kids after vacating the trial?

Why did you permanently renew the restraining order when you can't even give me a reason why I have one in the first place?

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA32052
Rating:Not Rated
It was stated in the restraining order that was read from a phone that "brief and peaceful contact" with my kids was permitted if "mother agreed".

Not one time did he ask about how my kids were doing, even when he knew that I was cut out of their lives.

But after the stipulation for the gold coins, he asked if the coins were "Krugerrands," or the like.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA32032
Rating:Not Rated
Ms. Houghton allegedly misappropriated 10 million dollars.


She must have been still been struggling to put food on the table if she let my son get molested for $80K in trust.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA32029
Rating:Not Rated
You are nobody in his courtroom.

He didn't care about any of the issues in my case.

There was no reason for a restraining order. My ex-wife's attorney read something from a phone. I didn't understand that it was a three year restraining order. There wasn't even a trial scheduled for domestic violence. I never had an opportunity to sign a stipulation, or even see one.

I asked for a reconsideration. I told a him that at they point I hadn't seen my kids in 5 months.

He said, "I know you think that it wasn't fair, but you agreed."

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA31971
Rating:Not Rated
A week and a half after I told my son to go to the police to report that he had been molested, you filed an order on YOUR OWN ACCORD (and without a hearing) that permitted only supervised visitation with my adult son (11/13/2019).

The thing that perplexes me the most is that there is a large number of people who are 'supposed' to care and know exactly what is happening. Some of those people have actually helped derail my efforts, while the majority avoid any involvement.

I never thought that facilitation of child rape would be allowed to be perpetuated by a judge.

I never thought that one person could be more important than the well-being of my kids.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA31647
Rating:Not Rated
It is well accepted and legislated that our society frowns on child rape.

You collect a tax payer funded salary, yet you ignore what our society mandates as immoral.

How can you, as a sitting judge, tell two parents that a documented rapist should have parental rights to their daughter?

We were about to sign a stipulation regarding paternity, but we were rushed into the courtroom, where we were subsequently denied.

Don't people have a fundamental right to settle their own business and stipulate to paternity?

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA31630
Rating:Not Rated
I haven't seen 3 of my kids in over six years. The relationships are likely over.

I asked you at the hearing for the reconsideration of the restraining order renewal to tell me why I couldn't contact my kids.

I asked you to tell me what I did to the Petitioner or any of my kids.

You spent several minutes on the computer and could not provide an answer of ANY kind.

Shouldn't you have at least been able to tell me WHY I have restraining orders?

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA31550
Rating:Not Rated
I waited 3.5 years to see my kids. I never said a single word after all the misconduct.

I asked for a recusal. SO WHAT?

Your ego is so fragile that you needed to get me back?

You are giving her a lifetime of misery for going to court and saying the TRUTH.

You are so full of yourself to take it out on an innocent child and to damage my health.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA31548
Rating:Not Rated
God forbid should you say anything about what was done to you. They will find out if you have more children, and destroy them too.

No one will care, even the people who are 'supposed' to.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA31525
Rating:Not Rated
You have completely destroyed my quality of life.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA31524
Rating:Not Rated
You would think that going to the police would scare off a person.

You would think that sending letters to the top brass at the district attorney's office would cause you to stop.

If anyone has a case in department 77, and are asked to not fire an attorney, please consider what is written on this board.

Above all, NEVER file a complaint, never tell anyone.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA30710
Rating:Not Rated
Would you have given up if that was your daughter?

Is not giving up a good reason to take away someone's health?

Do you have a soul?

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA30699
Rating:Not Rated
Before we were sent into the courtroom for the paternity hearing, the mediator wrote that mother agreed to my motion in the memo to the court.

The court acknowledged the memo by referring to the defect and waiver of service.

You might as well said, "Jeff, have fun!"

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA30696
Rating:Not Rated
What did my youngest daughter ever do to you?

What did any of my other kids ever do to you?

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA30629
Rating:Not Rated
There seems to be some confusion.
Just for clarrification:

By using the word "defend", I meant acting a in legal fashion.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA30618
Rating:Not Rated
I just got threatened again.

Damned if you do, damned if you dont.

I've kept silent for months. I have tried to limit your liability.

It hasn't achieved anything.

You are set on getting my daughter raped.

I am not going to give up.

I am never going to get an attorney.

I would like to ask you again to please leave me alone and to spare daughter.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA30614
Rating:Not Rated
I, Ben Zimmerman, am the poster of the messages below.

I can confirm that by email at zimmermanben@yahoo.com

Accusing Judge Towery, Valerie Houghton, and Carlos Gonzalez of attempted murder and sex trafficking is a serious matter.

Ms. Houghton has recently sued a psychologist for falsely stating that she misappropriated $10,000.

If any of the people who I am accusing would like to defend themselves, please do so.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA30587
Rating:Not Rated
I dropped the state bar complaint and filed a voluntary dismissal on 2018 after the acute poisoning.

Before the Oct. 30th hearing of last year to establish paternity, I took down the district court complaint from the internet and promised to keep quiet.

But none of that was good enough for you.

You are entitled to destroy my body.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA30582
Rating:Not Rated
To take away my health to achieve this is the most disgusting part.

Taking away my due process wasn't enough.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA30569
Rating:Not Rated
People would be surprised to find out how many local officials have intimate details.

Judge towery is the Teflon Don.

He and his agents can threaten, harass, kill, and sex traffick children without repercussion.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA30568
Rating:Not Rated
I get threatened on a daily basis. I get by mr. Gonzalez's thugs that I will be "shot" , "put in the ground", "beaten with a baseball bat" among many other things.

He has threatened to kill my daughter.

He has threatened to kill my other children.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA30536
Rating:Not Rated
I had strong reason to believe that my ex-wife was also involved in sexually abusing my other children. I expressed this to the Court.

My son initially confirmed the abuse that he endured during the separation.

I told him to go to the police. About a week later, without a hearing a motion, you filed an order that I must have supervised visitation (November 13, 2019) with my then 18 year old son.

The only interests that matter are your own.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA30523
Rating:Not Rated
Here are the cases:

Zimmerman v Zimmerman superior court

Zimmerman v towery district court

Zimmerman v Munoz CP case superior court

The people v zimmerman superior court

I cant make this up if I tried. Anyone can see the record.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA30522
Rating:Not Rated
He is going to do the same to my daughter as he did to the mother.

You are a terrible man.

I hope that you get removed from your office.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA30521
Rating:Not Rated
There is no ambiguity this time. I submitted to the court a 4 page handwritten letter from the mother to the rapist. The letter contains details of rape and abuse.

It wasn't enough what you did to my
other kids.

You have to destroy all of my children.

Here is my previous review of your behavior involving my other kids:


Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA30520
Rating:Not Rated
We were about to stipulate on the issue of paternity. She knows the danger posed to the child, but before we could sign something we were rushed into the courtroom where I was subsequently denied.

It was our right to make an agreement.

It was none of your business.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA30511
Rating:Not Rated
My heartrate drops below 60 when I walk. Most if the time walking it won't go above 65.

I have been blacking out and am constantly out of breath.

I don't deserve to die for telling the truth.

I don't deserve to die because I did not "obey" your demand to give up on my daughter.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA30450
Rating:Not Rated
I discovered last Feb. That I was being poisoned.

I immediately went to the district attorney's office and spoke with an investigator. In an attempt to de-escalate the situation, I asked that immunity be given to Ms. HOUGHTON for any of the allegations that I previously reported.

The poisonings only started to become more acute at that point.

I have been poisoned so much of the poison that I no longer recognize my own face. Other people have made similar comments about the difference in my appearance.

I can no longer remain quiet.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA30441
Rating:Not Rated
Everyone needs to know that you are a murderer.

I won't stop emailing.

I won't stop posting.


Comment #: CA30436
Rating:Not Rated
Dear crisis poster,
Let me clarify...the judges and attorneys don't read these postings. Rather, the ones who read this are fellow litigants. So please stop your unending emails to judges and attorneys because you are wasting your time and hurting those who use the board for good purposes.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA30428
Rating:Not Rated
How many years did you take from me?

How am I supposed to be there for my kids?

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA30427
Rating:Not Rated
I can't empty my bowels.

My urinary output is significantly decreased.

My heart does not beat right.

I have lost facial and body hair.

I have lost muscle.

I wish you would have just shot me or beat me up like Mr. Gonzalez had threatened.

At least I could have recovered.

What you did is despicable and disgusting. You are supposed to be an enforcer of law.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA30423
Rating:Not Rated
You guys are the ones who did that during my divorce.

All I did was complain and sue for a recusal.

Does that mean that I deserve to get poisoned?

Does that mean that my daughter deserves to get raped?

Where do you draw the line?

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA30422
Rating:Not Rated
I told Ms. Houghton while she represented me that my ex wife let my 13 year old son be molested by an older man. She mostly ignored me.

A couple of weeks later at the subsequent hearing my ex wife (without notice) not only disclosed that she was in possession of $130,000 of gold coins, but also agreed to divide said gold.

She was trying to take away the kids and all the money. Why would she disclose the hidden asset?

It was after that hearing that I fired Ms. Houghton and she went on to represent my ex wife without disclosure to me.

If Ms. HOUGHTON knew, so did judge Towery.

He subsequently ordered that I not contact my children for three years without a hearing or stipulation.

After he renewed said order I asked him to tell me why I couldn't speak to my children. He couldn't give me a reason of ANY kind.

Now he is trying to wash his hands by taking away a fifth child and giving a documented rapist parental rights.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA30421
Rating:Not Rated
For comment CA30418

Judge Towery, Valerie Houghton, and Carlos Gonzalez are killers, extortionists, and sex traffickers of children.

You guys are the only ones losing credibility by behaving in the same manner for a second time.


Comment #: CA30418
Rating:Not Rated
Dear recent poster (CA30411, 30370, 30369, 30360, 30359, 30358),

We hear your pain and feel for you. However, this board is not Facebook.

Please make only one post of reasoned criticism.

Why? This board about this judge is rapidly losing any credibility and reach because you seem to have 1) lied about being a criminal defense attorney, and 2) are having an emotional breakdown. New and old readers won't come here when there is are pages of crying before we come to practical help. Don't ruin this board for the rest of us who need it.

For emotional support, please see other avenues: a licensed therapist, a DV clinic, and relevant Facebook groups.

It would also be wise to see your GP to get your physical health on the mend so that it can help your mental health.

By getting appropriate emotional support, you will be able to better help your child. It's like what the flight attends taught us, put your air mask on first before your child.

I'm cheering for you and your child to get your respective situations turned around. Best wishes.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA30411
Rating:Not Rated
I went to the district attorney's office and asked to be part of Cal WRAP.

The officer on duty declined. He told me to go to the police after I already told him were unable to assist.

You destroy the whole system.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA30370
Rating:Not Rated
Everything is yours

The money

The kids

The kidneys

The liver


The heart

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA30369
Rating:Not Rated
I told my son to go to the police to report that he had been molested.

A week later I am ordered to have supervised visitation with him.

No one even motioned the court.

Why can't you just take reposinsibilty?

Don't you care about children?

Why does my daughter need to pay for your sins?

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA30360
Rating:Not Rated
You are a terrible person to take away my health.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA30359
Rating:Not Rated
Since last week my heart beats at least 15 times less per minute.

What did I do to deserve that?

Why can't you take responsibility for your own behavior?

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA30358
Rating:Not Rated
I should be able to participate in court proceedings without fearing for my life, without harrassment, and without being stalked.

I don't understand why it is so hard to understand that I cannot let my daughter be raped.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA30315
Rating:Not Rated
Valerie Houghton harasses, threatens, blackmails, and extorts to maximize her profits and interests. She will work to cut you out of your children's lives without a second thought. She could care less if your children are sexually molested, raped, or otherwise abused.

Ms. Houghton works with a private investigator named Carlos Gonzalez. Mr. Gonzalez has a gang of street thugs who have been hacking me, stalking me, threatening me, and POISONING me.

I've been forced to quit 3 jobs in four months.

I have also lost urine function, bowel function, and now my heart beats less than my normal resting rate when I am engaged in physical activity.

Ms. Houghton is not only an attorney and therapist, but also a Registered Nurse who used to specialize in medical malpractice.

Poison control says that it is likely that arsenic is one of the toxins used, but I cannot get my doctor to confirm.

Ms. Houghton is demanding that I give up on my youngest daughter and let a rapist have parental rights. She also threatens to continue poisoning me if I don't tell the Court that I am mentally incompetent in order to wash her hands of what she did to four of my other kids. (please see previous review)

Ms. Houghton is DANGEROUS person. I CANNOT recommend her services. Anyone who deals with her should be extremely careful.

I can understand if this review sounds crazy. Just remember that it is commonly stated that when a person does something crazy to someone, the victim is usually never believed.


Comment #: CA30028
No positive value to the people, court or society yet.


Comment #: CA29301
Former CEO of Hoge Fenton
He was aware that opposing counsel
- works at Hoge Fenton
- had worked for him
I was the only person of color.
Under oath stated he would not be biased and prejudicial.
He lied under oath and is very racist!
All rulings were in favor of opposing counsel and her client. Awarding opposing counsels client for domestic violence committed in front of her child, abuse of process to commit fraud, hiding assets to commit fraud, perjury to commit fraud, perjury of court order, causing duress (threats of job and immigration risks) to have a settlement agreement signed, changed hearing dates with opposing counsel on custody matters without any notification, aiding in financial destruction where I could not afford counsel, child support assessment without any legal basis or support.


Comment #: CA28423
Releasing dangerous armed repeat criminals right back out on the street to commit more crime.


Comment #: CA26430
Towery ignores evidence of abuse by the dad, assigns joint custody, and assigns visitation according to the dad's interests rather than our child's best interests. Oh, so many tears by oh so many.

And his reputation is horrid. Towery seems to always put fathers' interests ahead of children's interests...including where there is evidence of abuse.


Comment #: CA25772
I don't understand how someone can become a judge with a character like his. He is extremely cruel and definitely don't deserve to be in that position and destroy lives. Since I am an immigrant, I believe he may be hired to torture some of the selected people so may be he is not entirely at fault.


Comment #: CA25207
James Towery was the lawyer for ValleyCare Hospital of Pleasanton a few years ago when the [then] Hospital CEO (MF) hated a certain obstetrician (MB) with such passion that she conspired with the [then] Chief-of-Staff (SW) to strip the hapless doctor of his staff privileges and deprive him of his livelihood. At the time, I (FS) was Chief of the Ob-Gyn Department and mounted a vigorous defense via letters to all and was prepared to defend him in the next meeting of the MEC (Medical Executive Committee) where the “jury” would be the heads of all the hospital departments. When I walked into the board room, I instantly recognized the ambush that had been prepared for me, as the meeting was NOT being chaired by the Vice-Chief of Staff but by Jimmy T himself, a flagrant violation of the medical staff bylaws (most of which I myself had written some years back). Mister T immediately ripped into me and accused me of violating Section 1157 of the California Evidence Code and advised me to stand down and resign from the Chairmanship of the Department, a ludicrous charge as 1157 only exempts medical peer review from discovery and prohibits compelled testimony, meaning it is not metaphysically possible for an individual doctor to violate it. Long familiar with the perfidy of CEO MB, I was prepared for the attack and threw down a copy of 1157 and explained the nature of the code section to the other doctors and in typical lawyer fashion, Towery acted like I hadn’t said anything and came at me again, so I fired back this time a little more aggressively, at which point he turned the meeting back over to the Vice-Chief and left. Not surprisingly, two days letter I received a letter from—yes, Towery—blandly reitierating everything he said in the meeting and demanding I resign from the Chairmanship, so I responded with my own letter telling him to cease and desist or hear from my own attorney. I never heard from Towery again. So Commenter CA11346 who called Towery “morally and ethically bankrupt is right. Epilogue: ValleyCare CEO MB, Chief of Staff SW and, of course, James T have all been ousted from ValleyCare but I am still there, so all you folks who have reason to stand up against bad people like Towery, take heart—sometimes we can win! Oh yeah, as to the Ob Towery was attempting to assassinate, my defense was successful and the doctor went on to retire a few years later.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA19892
James Towery, a longtime trial attorney who served as president of the State Bar in 1995-96. FAILED TO PROSECUTE ERRANT JUDGES.
CJP must do its job and remove Towery, who is clearly not fit to serve the public.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA15898
Absolutely the worst judge I have come across in 20 years. Picks favourites, doesn't follow the law, does everything he can to generate an inequitable, unfair outcome. Seems to think certain petitioners are entitled to "speedy litigation."


Comment #: CA12918
I have experienced something different as most. I actually am happy to have him as my judge. He’s the first judge I’ve had that values fathers. He has given the mother many lectures about how important a father is to the child. He’s not bullied by moms unprofessional attorney. He’s given me everything I’ve asked for. He has given me a relationship with my child after mom tried to keep child away for no reason. I am self represented and I’ve found him fair. He actually reads our filings before court.


Comment #: CA12849
Can not help disputes parties to understand the procedures. Failed to consider children interest at first priority. He should retired immediately for the best interest of USA as a whole.


Comment #: CA12835
J. Towery easily succumbs to hysteria proffered by the father...and without evidence. He is quick to tsk, tsk, tsk the mother while simultaneously not letting mother's attorney have a chance to speak. Towery is lazy and wants to push issues to a custody evaluator, where such is likely not warranted given evidence against the father and our situation. In a situation of selecting an expert, Towery chose a "hometown" expert who was clearly and grossly underqualified for the situation. Towery has yet to acknowledge the mother's clear evidence and father's lack of evidence and only hysterical allegations.


Comment #: CA12752
An frightening example of cronyism and why people have lost faith in the judiciary. An empty bench would have more intellectual and moral capacity and do far less harm.


Comment #: CA12343
Judge should always think about the interest of children being protected as first pripority or prior consideration.
Also, some lawyer abuse the civil procedure and providing false information in some family case without any legal consequences.
Over emphasis on procedure and ignorance of the very important principle that protecting the best interest for children in family case is always ranked first.
Pay particular attention to those lawyer who are unwilling to seek private settlement and often use complicate way to solve simple problem, aim at making more money,

He should zero tolerate to those bad prepared lawyer over the court.

James has a lot of room for further improvement in helping clients with or without lawyer represented.

I am so sorry to give him such low ranking but it is good to remind him perform better in future.

The worst is no more expectation from him.

Thanks a lot

God bless you


Comment #: CA12325
Rating:Not Rated
Before he was a judge (1994/95 I hired James as my attorney in a employment case. After approximately one year into the case I was told to settle for next to nothing or get another attorney. I was surprise since up to this time he assured me we hit the lottery with our case.
Unable to fine a new attorney in time we settled.
I later was asked to return to the company we were up against (new owners investment group purchase) The opposing attorney we were up against Dave Solinger took me aside and told me we had them by the balls (excuse the expression please) but he happened to be in Las Vegas at a lawyers convention and won the case from James Towery in a poker game. He was not kidding and very serious about it. I attempted to find an attorney from San Jose to Santa Rosa to go after him. No one would accept due to his BAR position. I never did regain my company status. I was with that company as a leader for 20 years and terminated over a religious issue.


Comment #: CA11346
How this individual is still allowed to have to title "Honorable" is beyond me! It is KNOWN and has been KNOWN for many years that he is morally and ethically bankrupt!!! He is a predator that has and is destroying the lives of many California residents!!! It's time someone stand up and hold the governor accountable for putting him in the position to destroy good human beings!!! In addition....allowing him to continue his terror on innocent people - it's clear premeditation!!!
No legal codes neeeded...there is right and wrong!!! THIS IS WRONG!!!


Comment #: CA11120
Very conservative judge, he does not like self-represented people which is a mistake giving too much power to incompetent and manipulative lawyers. When respectfully challenge he is willing to consider hence not a 1 for performance.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA10942
This judge uses court staff to break the law. He was formerly at the State Bar and is connected to bad and unethical lawyers and judges. He is very gender biased and a social and political climber. He is on his third wife, who worked for over 30 years. Karen Sinunu Towery helped James Towery bury the bodies as they steal all they can in family court kickbacks to lawyers, custody and real estate experts. He is in bed with criminally indicted Valerie Houghton.


Comment #: CA10502
While some of the rulings that I've seen him make were questionable, I do appreciate that he prepares for each session. He often starts by stating based on his review of the file and the various pleadings, he would tentatively make certain rulings. Every time I have a court session I hope that Judge Grilli is unavailable and that Judge Towery takes over that day.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA10247
I have observed this judge not acting fairly to women and poor people. He was a lawyer and head of the State Bar and he protects certain lawyers and gets them tons of money, on the backs of children and child support.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA10050
Egotistical Judge who himself is 3x divorced. He is crooked and thinks he is smarter than any federal judge who will find his mistakes and fine him.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA9639
Like the hog, the EGO eventually takes over. To be in a position with such an intoxicated EGO, is so wrong on all levels. Shame on those who Judge, especially a Judge who should remember Karma visits everyone eventually..

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA7769
This judge is terrible. He fled the State Bar for misconduct and got planted in family court where he issues unlawful orders and gives kickbacks to other fellow cronies from his legal buddy days in Santa Clara County . The State bar didn't take care of this crook and now he is the problem of all litigants in family court in Santa Clara. Awful.