Hon. Pamela M. Parker See Rating Details
Superior Court
San Diego County
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What others have said about Hon. Pamela M. Parker



Comment #: CA56119
Rating:Not Rated
To the wonderful people of california, keep voting for extreme left wing policies and you will continue getting this lunatic femin*zi and family hating degenerate gender confused morons on the bench as your judges who will tear apart your families. Also, I didn't want this comment to go down as requested:

“The crown jewel of her foolishness is the Diana Lovejoy case. And Parker’s name has been meticulously kept from being known eventhough she ruled on her behalf a dozen times. Check out who Diana Lovejoy is on YouTube.”

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA55819
Rating:Not Rated
I thought this comment should be repeated and brought to the top. Don’t let this comment go down. This is the most important comment that defines this judges presence on the bench.

“The crown jewel of her foolishness is the Diana Lovejoy case. And Parker’s name has been meticulously kept from being known eventhough she ruled on her behalf a dozen times. Check out who Diana Lovejoy is on YouTube.”

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA55800
Rating:Not Rated

I meant comment 55756, not 55757

Still laughing though!!!


Comment #: CA55799
Rating:Not Rated

At comment #55757…….LOLLLLLL

is that you Pamela? Or is it some of your incentivized goons?

Literally everything this commentator has said is exactly the opposite. I keep laughing at this commentators sentences. Keep up the comedy gold!!!

Parker is the most unwise and damaging judge on the bench. I don’t know how she became a judge. It seems it’s solely a political appointment than based on merit, talent and skill.

I can’t wait until the damage these idiots do to families comes to fruition in California. Hope you guys are ready!!!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA55756
I recently had the privilege of litigating a case before Judge Parker. We are lucky to have someone with her abilities on the bench. Her approach to seeking the truth is both thorough and fair. It's hard not to respect the way she provides her analysis for reaching a judgment. It's clear and makes sense for anyone to understand. I really got the sense that this is how a judge should be.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA55064
Rating:Not Rated
The crown jewel of her foolishness is the Diana Lovejoy case. And Parker’s name has been meticulously kept from being known eventhough she ruled on her behalf a dozen types. Check out who Diana Lovejoy is on YouTube.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA55058
Rating:Not Rated
This foolish woke judge is having an awful time, specially now that Trump won. You are gonna see her take her anger and hate out on men in her court far worse than before. What a miserable wretch!!!


Comment #: CA55019
Rating:Not Rated
I read comment CA54905 and the commentator did not elaborate on how this Judges Ruling benefits the salary of the judges and the budget of the state. I hope I am right on this, I have researched this in detail nd the commentator is likely referring to Title 4D of the social security act that incentivizes giving the children to the lower income earner parent to maximize child support transfer, of which amount the federal government matches 60% of every dollar that changes hands by giving that fraction to the state government.

for example:

if one parent pays the other parent 1000 dollars a month for child support. The federal government, through the social security act of 1964 Title 4D rulings, gives 600 dollars to the state treasury which then finances the judge's salaries and their retirement. It's institutionalized corruption. This is why the overwhelming majority of judges give custody to the women, who are usually the lower income earners, so they can maximize the federal fund collection to the state. But in terms of Parker, she has taken it beyond rational and reason, she gives overwhelming custody to female criminals even after the females have confessed to several felonies on the stand in her presence and have been caught fabricating evidence to play abuse victim in order to win the battle of divorce.

This doesn't excuse Parker's hate for men. She despises men, but her hate is utilized by the system to destroy men's lives and have the system and the judges profit from it.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA54999
Rating:Not Rated
“When masculine republics change to feminine democracies, the natural progression of feminine democracies lead to tyranny”…..Aristotle

We have abandoned the age of reason and are in the era of feelings. Pamela Parker is a prime example of abandoning hard cold facts in favor of ideology and feeling which are really toxic radical wokism.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA54905
Rating:Not Rated
This woman does not rule in the best interest of the children. She rules based on sociopolitical association and financial benefit of the system which benefits the salaries of the judges. You may ask how?

She is a raging woke liberal that will rule against the white dominant heterosexual male fathers no matter what kind of psychopath the female mother is proven to be. And I’m talking hard evidence of criminal behavior confessed on the stand and 100% irrefutable child abuse and parental alienation.

She actually enjoys hurting men, I have see her smile with an evil smirk thinking her victims can not get back at her. That maybe true, but you can’t deny karmic law. That always finds you. Just look at her overwhelming misery and unhappiness, this is only a part of the karma.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA54655
Rating:Not Rated


Out of more than 2000 judges ranked on the Robing Room, Pamela Parker has BY FAR the most reviews at 331 with 98% being atrociously negative. The next judge is Judge Towery at 143, and the next judge after that comes in at 77. And there are a few in the 50s. Then the rest are between 0 and 20. Goes to show you even Harvard churns out useless damaging graduates from time to time

Think about that for a second!!!

Parker has the most detailed reviews and the highest absolute percentage of negative reviews on this site.

How is this raging pseudo feminist fool tolerated by the people of California.

What the heck is wrong with California???


Comment #: CA54626
Rating:Not Rated
This judge lacks the central quality needed for sound judgement. And that quality is wisdom.

The profound lack of wisdom in her personality and character have caused significant problems in people’s lives. But no one cares because she is bringing in money for the system.

Someone whom she has caused severe problems for will eventually get back at her in a legal and most devastating way. You can not fight the laws of nature by nonsense rulings. Nature will always find you.


Comment #: CA54499
Rating:Not Rated
Have you guys read the daily journal on Parker?

Family court judges almost always rotate out of family court after 3 years. Yet Pamela has stayed in family court for more than 10 years. Mind you, in terms of judicial profession, ask any judge and any lawyer, family court is the bottom of the barrel. Almost all judges start there and climb up the ladder. This is a known fact inside the legal community. Ask lawyers and judges in private and they will tell you this.

Yet Parker is saying on the article “why would I leave family court after 10 years when I’m finally getting comfortable and good at it and I know the lawyers”.

No pamela, you CANT get out of family court. You can’t get out of the bottom of the barrel. Pamela has zero judicial talent and has an awful man hating personality on top of it. That’s the real reason she can’t climb out of family court. She is awful at her job and has destroyed countless lives. People have noticed this and don’t want her ascending in rank in the judicial professions.

Everybody knows she is awful. But it’s politically incorrect at this point in American history to talk against a disturbed raging pseudo-feminist. However, people are getting sick and tired of this woke nonsense and there the pendulum is swinging back. She is only tolerated by the powers that be because makes money for the state and ancillary services through her rulings due to the 1964 social security act. Go read the bottom reviews child support incentivization and you will understand.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA54442
Rating:Not Rated
it seems like the Robing Room Editor keeps removing the most damning information about pamela parker and the Diana Lovejoy case.

This judge is now facing the blowback from all her stupidity. I don't feel a morsel of pity and remorse for this awful man-hating judge. I hope she gets everything she deserves in this lifetime.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA54343
Rating:Not Rated
“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but there is always something to offend a feminist”

[Redacted by Ed.]

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA54188
Rating:Not Rated
the most biased judge against men that you will find in southern California, possibly all of California

I'm almost sure if there is a blowback against these awful raging man-hating judges in family court, she will certainly be the first one to get the comeuppance

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA53360
Rating:Not Rated
Bad judge and bad personality!


Comment #: CA53336
Rating:Not Rated
To everyone who is reading these reviews:

I know who the person is that is mounting a unified campaign to expose Pamela Parker. This person is extremely intelligent, very capable and profoundly knowledgeable in psychology and personality assessment. During her career, Parker was warned multiple times to tone down the man hating agenda during and she laughed it off thinking she is legally immune. Which is correct!! She is legally immune unless she violates people’s civil rights. However, there are many other avenues to return karma to someone other than the law, and those avenues are perfectly legal. I have personal knowledge of person who is leading the campaign against Parker having brought down two other high profile business and legal officials as well.

Pamela apparently ran across someone she shouldn’t have screwed with and that person has asked this very capable person to help and he has accepted.

Everything this person is doing is legal and thus untouchable. Pamela will not be able to stop this person. Even if Pamela resigns, this will not stop, it will get less intense, but it will not stop.


Comment #: CA53297
Rating:Not Rated
Remove judicial immunity from judges and state officials and I guarantee she will be the first person with the most law suits pointed towards her. She will be utterly devastated if judicial immunity is removed. You won’t see her on the bench anymore, instead, she will be one of the many men she made homeless and destitute on the sidewalk of downtown San Diego. Radical toxic irrational and illogical idealogues only abuse citizen when they have judicial immunity. She is an evil morally bankrupt judge.

Doctors gets sued for their screw ups, how come judges don’t? Oh yeah. It’s because it’s LAWYERS that make the laws. And judges were lawyers at one point.

It’s ok though, no one ever gets away from the laws of nature.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA53296
Rating:Not Rated
Why am I not surprised that Parker would take the side of Amber Heard and Angelina Jolie every single time? Parker is clearly and completely void of knowledge about toxic personality disorders.


Comment #: CA53246
Rating:Not Rated
These are some of the most factually damning reviews I have seen on any judge. Seems like the allegations are mostly true. With regards to her actions, if she has destroyed lives unjustly out of ideological misandry, then her own destruction is virtually guaranteed. It will be interesting to see what her fate will be.


Comment #: CA53215
Rating:Not Rated
Alright, I’m gonna try to clear this confusion up for everyone once and for all. You want to know why she sides with women and gives custody to women eventhough the child custody evaluator recommends custody be given to fathers instead of the lazy entitled irresponsible unemployed abusive neglectful mothers? Play close attention. What I am telling you is 100% true and federal law. Please look it up if you doubt me. Ready?

The 1964 federal social security act incentivizes every state in increasing child support payment from the higher income earner to the lower income earner parent. With women being generally lower income earners due to CHOICE OF PROFESSION, or choosing to be housewives, generally the men are the higher income earners. The state collects 60 cents on a dollar from the federal government for every dollar that exchanges from the noncustodian parent to custodian parents. THIS IS FEDERAL LAW, LOOK IT UP!!

So the state government are financially incentivized to promote divorce and collect and transfer child support. A portion of this 60 cents on the dollar goes to the state judges salaries.

Now do you understand why Parker rules in favor of women no matter if they are psychopathic criminals or not? Now do you understand the hypocritical BS statements she makes regarding “best interest of the children”. It’s not the best interest of the child, the accurate statement she should be saying is “best interest of my judicial salary”.

[Redactd by Ed.] The person who brought the law suit was pushed into destruction and suicide by state authorities. His name was Cole Stuart and he was the head of California Coalition for Families and Children. Look it up!!

Understand what’s going on!!!

California family court, specially San Diego, are the most corrupt courts in the nation and function very similar to a legalized organized crimeoperation such as the mafia.

Do deep research and you will see I am telling the truth.

Do not get married or have children in the United States. Federal law is specifically designed to be Anti-family.

[Redactd by Ed.]

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA53163
Rating:Not Rated
This woman is not after justice and family well being. Her true and primary motive is to dismantle men’s lives and destroy young boys future and create miserable ex-wives and future angry daughters. I want everyone who knows this judge to go through her case files and see what has happened to the husbands, wives, sons and daughters. This judge is an intellectual and emotional fraud. Try to do everything you can to recuse her from your case. If she has ruined you and your family, expose her publicly and on a grand scale and continue to report her to commission for judicial review. The commission will not do anything to her, but all the complains will be recorded and the day will come that she will make a huge civil or legal mistake or a personal mistake. Then those complains will all be revisited because they have been recorded. She has already been exposed in the Diana Lovejoy case eventhough the press and others tried meticulously to keep her name out of the saga. However, eventually all truths come to light. No one can escape karma unless they truly repent and make amends. She is not one of those!!!!!


Comment #: CA53159
Rating:Not Rated
I keep coming here every weekend and summarizing everything others say in one sentence, but the RR editor keeps deleting it. I just can not explain her in any other way than the vile words I am using to describe her character. Like it or not, no matter how profane and ugly, what I am saying is 100% true. A lot of people come on this site and give polite descriptions and reasons for why this judge is bad. But I can summarize it in one sentence:

She is a raging Feminazi [Redacted].

sorry, but even though it is profanity, it's true

Court Staff

Comment #: CA53153
Rating:Not Rated
She continuously rules over and over again in favor of full fledged 100% diagnosable female psychopaths. Something is not right with this judge. She is either an imbecile or has the worst pro-female bias across all judges in California. I’m truly astonished at her deranged rulings. Even a less than average intelligent common person is able to pick out these types of female psychopaths in the general population, but Pamela Parker is shockingly unable to do so. She must be removed from the bench. She is truly a menace to society.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA53141
Rating:Not Rated
“Believe women” is Pamela’s religion

That’s why she bough Diana Lovejoy con in her court despite she being convicted of attempted murder on the ex husband later on . That’s why she believes Christine Blasey Ford despite her story changing at least 6 times. She also believed my ex wife eventhough her story changed at least four times and then lo and behold, she was arrested last year for assault and battery of the current husband.

This woman should not be in the bench. Her presence on the bench has nothing to do with skill and talent. Rather it’s purely a political appointment. She is a radical irrational illogical emotional angry bitter hateful pseudo-feminist man-hater. I feel sorry for her friends and family that have to tolerate this delusional low intelligent foolish woman.


Comment #: CA53067
Rules against custody evaluators who ruled in favor of father. Obviously has a preference for females despite evidence of abuse.


Comment #: CA52954
Rating:Not Rated
For all people hurt by this judge, I just heard from couple of very reliable sources that this judge is getting severe blow back from the exposure since summer of 2021 and the blow back is putting her in severe professional, emotional and personal pain and agony. Hence the investigation and attempts to stop the exposure such as pressuring the webmaster down the site “paperpamelaparker” and pathetic requests on this site to “leave Pammy alone, live and let live”. There is really nothing they can do to legally stop this blowback. They can just beg and plead the people involved in this exposure campaign to stop the exposure, Which they won’t until this process is completed.

Acting all tough and angry when hurting men by being an insecure bully and getting glee and reward out of it has consequences. Consequences and accountability is what feminists try to avoid because society usually gives females and man haters a pass. But not this time!!!!! When will these liberal atheist fools realize that “for every action, there is an equal opposite reaction”. I don’t feel like pulling out my small imaginary violin and playing a sad song for her because this is all deservedly so. No one ever gets away from the consequences of their actions unless they truly repent and make amends. I don’t see any changes in Pamela Parker’s destructive rulings. So this karma will continue until the bitter miserable end for her.

People, don’t feel bad for her at all, she deserves every bit of it and there is far more to come.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA52941
Rating:Not Rated
Here is the hilarious part:

She actually thinks she is smart and knows what she is doing……lol

Isn’t that just like a clueless delusional feminist fool!!!


Comment #: CA52877
Rating:Not Rated
I want you all to understand how pathetic this loser of a judge is. After extensive pressure from this incompetent rancid judge and her cronies on the persons who created the website "paperpamelaparker"...Yes, it has been taken down, and the website master has been forced to take down the website. Do you know why? Because the grand exposure of this foolish incompetent judge has created a karmic snowball here. She is so foolish that she thinks she can stop natural laws and metaphysical laws of nature from affecting her. Pamela, when you are incompetent and do not observe morals and, the law, this is what you get. No one ever gets away with conscious acts of mean intentions due to an evil selfish heart. Pamela, do you think because you were successful in taking down the "paperpamelaparker" website, that this is all going to go away? How wrong you are dear. It's now going to get 10 times worse. You are a sorry insecure excuse for a judge. And now almost everyone knows. And I hope it ONLY gets worse for you.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA52841
Rating:Not Rated
Overall a really bad judge. Unfortunate her bad demeanor and rulings are boomeranging back at her and she has started to reap what she has sewn over the last 8 years. I don’t feel sorry for her at all. She made her bed consciously and willfully. Now she has to lay it in. Have fun Pam!!


Comment #: CA52247
Rating:Not Rated
I can't wrap my brain around how and why this judge is not able to identify Cluster B personality disorders in females after presiding over the world famous Diana Lovejoy case. Did she not realize at all how she couldn't identify a covert narcissistic sociopath after having one in front of her for nearly a dozen times? Does her giant ego not enable her to become humbled by understanding her inability to identify a covert female criminal pretending to be a victim? The Diana Lovejoy case was many years ago and TO THIS DAY, she STILL can not identify cluster B personalities disorders that are parading in front of her. This does not point to ignorance as any ignorant person would have been educated by now by shear number of such cases in front of them. There can only be one of two, or both of the following scenarios:

1) she is either very unintelligent and can not figure things out

2) or she is purposely malignant due to some absurd mental conditioning or her own personality disorder

She is an IV league graduate. So that goes against the unintelligent argument. However, I have seen a lot of fools from IV league schools who are phenomenal in book smarts but are completely lacking in common sense. So she could genuinely be unintelligent. On the other hands, people have seen her smile with mischievous glee and mental reward when she destorys men's lives and removes them from the chilren's lives permanently. ON top of that, she is commonly and popularly known to be a raging feminist. So this all points to the malignant personality and/or irrational man-hating mental conditioning by the current environment.

If I had to choose between the two scenarios. I would choose the primary reason as having a malignant personality and disturbing mental condition and the secondary cause being unintelligent and foolish. She is likely both, but more disturbing mindset and malignant personality than unintelligent and foolish.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA52082
Rating:Not Rated
This judge is unable to accurately identify female narcissistic sociopaths due to her rancid radical disturbing version of feminism.

RECUSE HER using CCP 170.6. Or better yet, needs to be permanently removed from the bench.


Comment #: CA49983
Rating:Not Rated
This Harvard Graduate "supervising" judge is INCAPABLE of identifying female criminals. Either that, or she can identify them and she prides herself on empowering female criminals. Parker is truly an awful judge. I dont even know if I can call her a "judge" because she clearly can not identify and "judge" accurately.


Comment #: CA49576
Rating:Not Rated
This foolish angry judge take joy in hurting men and destroying families. She is so clueless about life and natural laws in general and thinks there is no repercussions to her irrational self serving man hating agenda. She is already getting public exposure over the last 15 months. But the brunt of the karma is still pending for her.

"Therefore grant a delay to the unbelievers, give respite to them gently for a while"


Comment #: CA49322
Rating:Not Rated
I still can not figure out where she gets this unnatural vicious disdain and hate for fathers. You can see the glee in her eyes when she makes fathers disappear from their kids lives. This is either an awful personality disorder or evil philosophy she is following. I hope she gets everything she deserves, and not in a good way!!!


Comment #: CA49227
She has had a "talking to" already by authoritative people. This is why she is now ruling in favor of men no matter how abusive the men in her courts are. This is really bad. This is a recipe for a bigger disaster that is awaiting her. She is completely mentally discombobulated at this point. She is now a worse judge than when she was when she was crucifying men. It seems like she never had the talent or temperament to be a judge. It's kind of mystical and inspiring seeing her digging the grave of her own career with her own hands.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA49175
Rating:Not Rated
[EDITOR'S NOTE. We review postings several times per week. If we see an inappropriate comment, we will redact or delete it. You are free to email us any inappropriate comments and we will consider removing them. inappropriate comments include foul or discourteous language, calling a judge a drunk, c-nt, baby-killer, a criminal or corrupt. We always remove those types of comments whomever they concern. We have no bias for or against any particular judge. My after-hours email is uptown996@gmail.com if you become aware of any inappropriate commentary worthy of redaction or deletion. Thank you.

The reason TRR Ed's are not removing the vile words being thrown at Pamela Parker is because, even-though extremely distasteful and nasty, they are actually TRUE. Let me explain something to you. Not only are litigants in front of Parker pissed off at her, he own judicial colleagues who are dealing with the fallout of her awful rulings are pissed off at her. Not only that, the community that is suffering from her rulings are pissed off at her. Why do you think the ugly labels being put on her are not being removed? Because people are getting sick and tired of her stupidity and she is getting a long overdue public shlacking. And the shlacking will only get worse. Just because some words are distasteful and ugly, doesn't mean it's not true. The "truth of the matter", as Parker loves using to dismiss evidence, however ugly, is true. She is getting what she is deserves. You can not fight the laws of nature when they start executing. Stop ranting and raving like a irrational, emotional SJW. Start observing society and nature and realize that NO ONE ever gets away from the laws of nature.


Comment #: CA49145
Rating:Not Rated
Parker is seamlessly fooled by covert female narcissits in her court. Parker is a covert narcissists criminals dream come true. Given her female bias and her inherent disdain for men, it takes very little effort for a female cluster B narco-path to manipulate and con Parker to bring about the desired rulings. Parker is a Harvard graduate, but she is extremely unintelligent and bias judge. DO yourselves a favor and save your money for the appeal. If possible, recuse her using CCP 170.6 to avoid the pain and destruction she will cause in your life.


Comment #: CA49072
Rating:Not Rated
Take a look at this raging man hating judge sitting on the bench. This is the reason no man should ever get married or divorced in california. This type of philosophy and personality is infecting the rest of the United States in addition to the western block of nations. By looking at Pamela Parker, You are seeing first hand why you should never get legally married in America nor the west. Go abroad to non-western nations and get yourself a traditional woman who values the family unit and leave these raging entitled abusive man haters to meddle in misery with their cats and boxed wine.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA49052
Rating:Not Rated
Do these foolish judges think they can judge however they “feel” based on ideology and sexism and think there will be no repercussions? Do the irrational man hating feminists think that there will be no response to their narcissistic and entitled belief system? How could you be so foolish to think there would be no consequences to your actions?

Pamela Parker has been receiving a steady dose of her karma over the past 14 months and it will continue until it completely catches up with her.


Comment #: CA48991
Rating:Not Rated

To #CA48990 and #CA48987

I think you are the same person and likely the person who is assigned to investigate why there is a unified campaign to expose Pamela Parker. Lets me make something clear to you. All you are is a witness to what is happening to Pamela Parker. You will not be able to stop the exposure and the blowback. There is no way you will be able to stop the laws of nature.

Here is something to think about, Chapter 29, verse 4:

"Or do those who do evil deeds think they can outrun us? Evil is what they JUDGE"

There is nothing she can do to stop the blowback she is receiving from all her rancid and awful rulings. And now that she is trying to stop the blowback by ruling in favor of abusive men, this is even far worse than before. It shows she is truly an awful judge that ONLY rules in her own interest. This is now definitive proof that she should be removed from the bench. Whether she is removed or not, this is going to continue until she bears the full brunt of her rancid evil rulings. Her delusional mind of thinking she is untouchable legally has made her completely blind to the laws of nature and laws of physics. She will continue getting what she deserves even after she is removed from the bench in voluntary retirement or forced retirement.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA48990
Rating:Not Rated
Leave Pammy alone? She just destroyed a woman today who was trying to regain her dignity and confidence. A victim of Domestic Violence. Mr. Jim Manning. Disgraceful human being.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA48987
Rating:Not Rated
Boy, you people are a tough crowd. When she rules against a guy, she's a misandrist but when she rules for a fella, she's covering her tracks. Conspiracy theories much?

Life life people. leave Pammy alone!


Comment #: CA48985
Rating:Not Rated

To CA48982

The reason she has just RECENTLY started to rule in favor of men is because she has been put under the microscope for the last 12 months. If she is just ruling in favor of men to repair her image as a former misandrist, then this is even worse. It shows that she is overall an awful judge since she was previously ruling on ideology and self gratification, but now she is ruling for damage control and repair her exposed man-hater image.

This all shows she has no concrete personality and convictions nor does she believe in the law or justice. THis is further prove she should be removed from the bench. I hope that day is near.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA48982
This Judge sides on the side of men and rich men. She has no sympathy for women and domestic violence. Shocked.


Comment #: CA48980
Rating:Not Rated
Unless she violates your civil rights, she is absolutely immune from any of other ill and wrong rulings. All judges know that and hence the abuse of power goes unanswered legally. The problem these judges are facing is they are starting to realize they are not socially and psychologically immune. Parker is finding that out first hand after her atrocious stint on the bench. Some of her colleagues cant stand her, but they will not face her due to political backlash and having their positions jeopardized on the bench. However, none of her colleagues will help her once the social and psychological karma starts manifesting in her. In fact, Parker will be left all alone in the cold with not a single person wanting to be near the nuclear fall-out that she faces, or actually is currently facing.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA48973
Rating:Not Rated
If she is unable to identify a narcissistic sociopath in front of her after nearly a dozen appearances in her court by the criminal personality, then she truly is not fit to sit in the bench. A judge should be able to identify the narco-path in at most 3 sessions of seeing the parties. Having Diana Lovejoy appear in front of her nearly a dozen times with Parker unable to detect who the criminal personality is not only embarrassing, but extremely dangerous for all parties involved. The only way Parker’s ruling can be corrected is if she is somehow found unfit intellectually since the start of her judicial career and all her past cases are reviewed by the coalition for judicial performance and new orders are given to save the afflicted alienated children and recover the lives of the destroyed spouses, specially the men whom she specifically hates with a passion.


Comment #: CA48918
Rating:Not Rated
I can't wait for the day she runs across a very powerful sigma male in her court. Then she will understand the consequences of her actions.


Comment #: CA48788
Rating:Not Rated
I took the liberty to correct the grammer of this poor commentator who is obviously a victim of this atroscious judge

How can a legal system continuously tolerate a extremely bias judge on the bench who is completely unable to identify a criminal psychopath? How can a society continuously praise a radical left wing ideologue that consistently gives full custody to female sociopath while turning a blind eye to the severe damage being done to the children for the sake of an irrational pseudo-feminist irrational ideology. I feel sorry for the the decent people in california, however the overwhelming majority of the population of california deserves the misery they have brought upon themselves by "feeling" they are pursuing justice while they protect and promote psychopathy in females and minorities. California deserves every ill it has brought upon themselves. Pamela Parker is the poster child for worshipping irrational ideology and promotion of psychopathy and criminal behavior in females "just because" they are not men.

sound better?

Here is my two cents. This judge is completely aware that females in divorce can be completely evil and want to destroy their husbands. She actually gets really excited when a female like Diana Lovejoy shows up for a divorce because then Judge Parker has a chance to unleash her sadistic man hating agenda on the poor males that appear in front of her. Parker actually gets a reward and enjoys hurting men. She used to be able to hide her joy of abusing males a few years back, but just like all hypocrites, as they get older, they can not keep the mask on efficiently. She has been seen, including by me, smirking and full of glee, when ruling to destroy men's lives. This woman is full of unaddressed issues and should have never been on the bench.


Comment #: CA48782
Rating:Not Rated
How can a legal system continuously tolerate a severely bias judge on the bench that is completely unable to identify a criminal psychopath? How can a society continuously praise a radical left wing ideologue that consistently gives full custody to a female sociopaths to completely while turning a blind eye to the severe damage being done to the children for the sake of irrational ideology. I feel sorry for the the decent people in california, however the overwhelming majority of the population of california deserves the misery they have brought upon themselves by "feeling" they are pursuing justice while they protect and promote psychopathy in females and minorities. California deserves every ill it has brought upon themselves. Pamela Parker is the poster child for worshipping irrational ideology and promotion of psychopathy and criminal behavior in females "just because" they are females.


Comment #: CA48763
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Pamela Parker

Why not just retire just like Judge Andrew Nicol did immediately after he WILLINGLY screwed up the Johnney Depp case by ruling in favor of that psychopath Amber Heard? Lets not forget dear, your Amber Heard is Diana Lovejoy. But the name of "Judge Pamela Parker" was meticulously removed from all newsreels and newspapers from the Diana Lovejoy case because the forces and the people who appointed you to the bench are embarrassed to let the public know they appointed a hate-hating fool to the bench . Everybody knew Judge Andrew Nicol was personally and thus financially connected to the Sun Newspaper. Andrew Nicol ruled in favor of Amber Heard because Nicol had a conflict of interest since his son, Robert N. Palmer, worked alongside and was connected to Dan Wootton, the journalist of the Sun newspaper that wrote the "wife beater" allegations against Johnny Depp. After he made that ruling, he KNEW he had to retire because the "bias" (remember "bias" Pamela? the same thing you gave a CLE lecture on?) would be found out sooner or later.

Pamela, how are you any different when you are officially connected to radical pro-female groups around San Diego supported financially by the most greedy family law firms in San Diego and have a vested interest to maximize the collection of financial incentive of the 1964 federal social security act that the state collects from the federal government by giving the kids to the lower income earner (which is usually the female)?

How are you any different from Andrew Nicol who basically ruled in favor of the financial interest of the Sun newspaper due to his familial financial and national connection to the Sun? Depp wasn't an American and it wasn't "his" family, was he?

What is the difference between you ruling over and over again in favor of Diana Lovejoy versus Andrew Nicol ruling in favor of Amber Heard. Seems like you both love to rule in favor of abusive psychopaths as long as it's in your ideological and financial interest.

WHere do you get the nerve and how dare you try to sell your taped lecture on "bias" as a CLE? Where do you get the gull?


Comment #: CA48755
Rating:Not Rated
I couldn't stop laughing out loud when I saw Pamela Parker had given a pay-per-view CLE lecture on www.nbi-sems.com regarding "California Family Court Judges Share Top Mistakes Attorneys Make" and furthermore "How to Impress Family Court Judges and Build Your Reputation Featuring Distinguished Judges from San Diego Count"

Are you kidding me? Distinguished judge Sharing how to correct Attorney's mistakes? Is she really that delusional? Doesn't she realize someone has created a website to "paperpamelaparker" and pointed out the Diana Lovejoy story? What alternate reality world is Parker living in? Doesn't she realize she couldn't pick up a single vibe on the sociopathic nature of Diana Lovejoy? Doesn't she realize that she is now notoriously famous in southern california for being mindless man-hater , completely unjust and vitriolically out of touch with reality?

It kind of reminds me of, yet again another paid CLE course, the lecture she gave on addressing the concept of "bias" in court about a year ago. It's absurdly hilarious that she brought herself to give a lecture on "bias" yet she is the MOST bias judge in southern california, and maybe ALL of California!!

I think she [Redacted by Ed.] projecting her own mistakes on perceived "attorney mistakes" and yearning to be "impressed by attorney's" due to her profound personal insecurities.

Her career is turning into a open circus and clown show if she is deciding to give expert advice and lectures on the topics that she is profoundly deficient in.

This is really funny!!!

keep at it Pam, everyone knows you are an awful judge, but you sure are turning out to be an exceptional comedian, making me laugh out loud!!! The comic relief you are providing the aggrieved fathers and husbands is far less than the damage you have done to them. But hey, at least you are making them laugh a little!! That's the only positive thing you have done for families after the pain and destruction you have caused in children's lives. They say laughter is best medicine, so please, continue with you academic (really comedic) lectures, it's the only beneficial service you are doing for society in general in making your victims laugh. But I'm not sure if Diana Lovejoy is laughing or not serving her prison sentence for attempted murder on her poor ex-husband. Remember her? The one you kept ruling in favor of over and over again.


Comment #: CA48751
Rating:Not Rated
To all the disgruntled fathers and husbands on this forum. If it's any consolation, just realize that you don't have to worry about justice regarding this judge. I know her very well. I know her better than she knows herself. She is already profoundly miserable and suffering in mental anguish and agony due to her own personality and agenda. The astonishing part is that she doesn't realize her presence on the bench is the source of her misery. That's like showing up to work where your job is to jab yourself repeatedly with a large cattle prod everyday, day after day after day after . Do you know why? Because she is conscious of HERSELF!!!....that's far worse than professional discipline or removal from the bench. Every minute she spends on the bench, she is raging and in misery. What other punishment can be worse than that? Do you guys really think she being removed from the bench will make her feel worse? NOT AT ALL. If she is removed from the bench, then the magnitude of punishment will be lessened, it's the fathers and husbands that will feel that justice has been served if she is removed, but her removal might then make her have some semblance of peace and reflection and relieve the her suffering. Personally, I want her to continue seeing her on the bench because she is profoundly miserable and angry at her job and she doesn't know why!!! That's far worse than any punishment she could face if she is disciplined or removed from the bench. The punishment of her being on the bench is far worse than being removed and retiring to some place where she will then be relieved from anger, misery and from HERSELF!!! Just remember, it's only people who are hurt that hurt others. So don't worry about justice, because she is consistently and persistently hurting HERSELF.

"what you do to others, you do to yourself"...Eckhard Tolle

"Do onto others as you would like them do onto you"....Bible

"for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction"....Newton

She is delusional if she thinks she can consciously hurt fathers and husbands with a smirk and smile for a fleeting moment of mental and emotional reward and not face the same consequences. It has consisantly come back to her in multiple order of magnitude in form of misery and rage.

Rest assured, she HERSELF is her karma!!!


Comment #: CA48743
Rating:Not Rated
Women are the bedrock of every single society. IF a society starts to hold unaccountable, protect, promote and encourage female sociopathy and criminal activity, that society is doomed.

Have you ever heard of the Paradox of Tolerance? The paradox of tolerance states that if a society is tolerant without limit, its ability to be tolerant is eventually ceased or destroyed by the intolerant. Karl Popper described it as the seemingly self-contradictory idea that in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance.

"tolerance of the intolerant is a sure way to self destruction"......Plato

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA48735
Rating:Not Rated
There are only one of two reason why this judge should not be on the bench:

1) She is unable to detect manipulative narcissistic sociopathic females such as Amber heard due to the lack of intellect.


2) She is actually able to detect the covert narcissistic sociopathic females and actually enjoys hurting the males due to her irrational illogical pseudo-feministic ideology which is a sentinel flaw in her own personality.

Either way, IQ can not be increased, hence she is not fit to preside over family court cases OR she has a personality disorder which also can not be fixed (as per overwhelming psychiatric research) and thus has to be removed from the bench. She should have never been assigned as a judge to family or criminal cases. She simply is not fit to be a judge. Her position is only being solidified because of the money she is bringing into the system from the federal government due to the subsidy of federal funds to state treasury based on the 1964 Social security act that matches contribution of child support payments from the higher income earner to the lower income earner by increasing the subsidy of federal fund transfer to the state treasury. Since men make more money than women, for whatever reason, this is why her adverse personality and low intellect is tolerated, because she is a profitable judge for the state family court system. Family court is a racket, do not get married in America because the system is corrupt and/or judges do not hold malignant females accountable due to the radical left wing ideology. Family court in the European countries are not financially corrupt because they don't have the 1964 social security act which promotes legal racketeering. However, the european countries also don't hold females accountable for their misdeeds. Today's feminists are not called feminists anymore, they are called "hypocrites" because they only want the positive aspects of men's lives without the liabilities. They only want the CEO position with the high pay and Air Conditioning C-suite. You don't see them fighting for complete equality by fighting for forcing women to enlist for selective service or force them to become coal miners or construction worker ditch diggers. This is why no one pays attention to screaming abusive radical left wing feminists anymore. This is why Judge Parker has lost respect because she fits the bill. She is only protected in her job because she makes MONEY for the state.

Whenever something doesn't make sense, the reason is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS money.


Comment #: CA48734
respond to CA48733

It's actually the other way around. She does not hold female abusers accountable and further hurts the male victims, hence the reference to Amber Heard. She is unable to detect the female narcissist/sociopath. What you are saying proves that you are bias, you are referring to female victims. Are you even considering that there are male victims of malignant females? It is general knowledge that females are not held accountable for their misdeeds in western society and specifically in family court. However, Judge Parker has taken it to the most ridiculous levels, she does not hold malignant females for anything AT ALL. Hence she has become famous for not only protecting females psychopaths, she actually promotoes and encourages their evil behavior. To protect her false deranged pseudo-feminist ideology, this judge unleashes her full wrath on the innocent male victim. Such irrational and illogical behavior is becoming the norm of the radical left. You can clearly see it in the past 10 years. It's also becoming prevalent in society as a ploy for the abusers to gaining attention and material success by screaming and yelling "I'm a victim, I'm a victim, I'm a victim" while at the whole time they are the covert abuser. Take a look at Amber Heard and Angelina Jolie and Mel Gibsons gold digging ex-wife Oksana Grigorieva. When males in relationship draw boundaries to stop the female abuse and their exploitations, most females who decide to leave the marriage consult the lawyers BEFORE the divorce who tell them "Here is how you can get win in court, hit him with something, throw something at him, slap him, punch him, and record his reaction towards you, MAKE SURE YOU ARE CAREFUL NOT TO RECORD the incident where you punch him hit him, throw stuff at him, ONLY record his reaction to the trauma that he is suffering to make him look crazy so you can be awarded tons of money". This is what Judge Parker does not understand. A female who does this is a covert narcissistic sociopath and should not be awarded alimony and custody. This type of person will finally get caught because this is a personality pattern and will come up again and again. Look at Amber Heards life and Angelina Jolies life. They have done this multiple times to mulitple people. But society does not hold them accountable for all the damage they do. Even that psychopathic lady from Theranos, Elizabeth Holmes, actually thought and actually said "they dont put pretty girls like me in jail". This is how delusional these Cluster B psychopaths are. Elizabeth Holmes, being a total psychopath, actually was delusional enough to think that there are NEVER any repercussions for females. If she was in Judge Parker's court, her delusions would be accurate. Judge Parker would not hold her accountable for anything because of her ideology and her lack of intellect to detect a malignant female psychopath. You want proof? Look at the Diana Lovejoy case that Parker was presiding over. The only way this type of behavior from females stops is for laws to get passed that will bring severe penalty against females with jail-time and expensive fines for ruining a man's life. Also judges who consistently rule on behalf of these females must be identifies and REMOVED from the bench with full exposure. I hope and pray judge parker is the first judge that will snowball the removal of some of these maliganant man-hating judges.


Comment #: CA48733
Rating:Not Rated
48729-Because some very bad CA judges on this TRR site (some family judges from SD to LASC), demand that their name and posts be removed, so that negative posts and the truth does not exist on this site; while this judge is not afraid to protect female victims of abuse and hold sexist, abusive, male perps. like some of these posters, accountable.


Comment #: CA48729
It seems like this judge has the most reviews out of any judge in California. There is no other judge on this site with near 300 reviews with 97% being negative.
Most of these reviews are repetitive in it's content and message. They can all be summarized in one simple sentence:

"A staunch feminist judge that has zero ability to identify a female sociopath litigant is a menace to the foundation of society"


Comment #: CA48725
The extent of the damage this judge has inflicted to families is logarithmic with respect to her effort and time on the bench. There is no other judge in southern california that is as damaging as her to families and children. She takes the cake in that contest. I'm glad she is finally being thoroughly exposed for the awful destructive judge that she is. God willing, she will somehow be removed from the bench one way or another. Her removal from the bench would just be further prevention of damage to families. But she still has to personally deal with the karma that she has created even in retirement. Forces of nature/god have a mysterious way of getting even with evil and rotten personalities such as her. She makes fun of religion on the bench thus I"m convinced she is not religious, does not believe in classic morals, doesn't believe in heaven or hell or an after-life. But that does not matter, the truth of its existence does not care about her ideology and her belief system. She will certainly taste the smaller punishment of god/nature, if she hasn't already, and the larger punishment awaits her in the afterlife. Chapter 29, verse 4 said "Or do those who do evil deeds think they can outrun Us? Evil is what they judge. Do those who practise evil think that they will get the better of Us? Evil is their judgment!".....Pamela, continue to smirk and laugh at people who believe in the holy books and classical morals. They will have the last laugh eventually, either in this world or the next.


Comment #: CA48633
Rating:Not Rated
She is completely unable to identify the criminals before her. In fact, she is seamlessly conned and fooled by the criminals in her court at the expense of the innocent victims.[Redacted by Ed.] I would say that she could benefit from training in recognizing speech patterns of criminals and the manipulative aspect of their body language and gaze, specifically the facial expression of calm collected charming criminals, who sometime even use Parkers insecurities to their advantage, when using sentence structure with specific tense verbs and description of the own projection. Unfortunately,[Redacted by Ed.] training in identification is absolutely useless as well. When will people understand that you can not place a radical ideologue, whether far left or far right, on the bench as they are incapable of criticizing their own thought processes and beliefs and thus can not determine the truth with certain accuracy. Now imagine being a radical left wing ideologue staunch psuedo-feminist man hater who is also unintelligent, well then you are facing a disaster of consequences in her rulings for families and children. People say she should have never become a judge, I agree with that,[Redacted by Ed.] Kind of reminds me of stupid communists who crashed and burned. I don't see any other way of avoiding her destruction in your life other than recusing her using CCP 170.6 ten days before your first hearing in front of her.


Comment #: CA48590
Rating:Not Rated
Let me clear up for you who this judge is. This is the kind of judge, and probably the only judge, that will rule in favor of Amber heard and decide that Amber Heard is the victim 100% of the time. This is what you are dealing with. Be extremely wary of this judge

Your only hope in avoiding her destruction is to paper her using CCP 170.6 ten days before your first hearing in front of her. If you are a male and your lawyer knows this judge, and even if he/she doesn't know this judge, and if he/she doesn't recuse her using CCP 170.6, you MUST fire your lawyer immediately and request an extension in order to hire a new lawyer that will recuse her immediately using CCP 170.6.

Do not take a chance with this judge if you are a male, you will 100% get destroyed if you allow her to preside over your case specially if your ex-wife who might be a cluster B sociopath/narcissist is hell bent on ruining you. Judge Parker will gleefully destroy your life by allowing your soon to be malignant ex-wife to ruin you.

Look up Diana Lovejoy's case (DN179892) whom Judge Parker presided over. That is a very famous case and has lots video's on youtube. Judge Parker continuously ruled in favor of that very well known sociopath who attempted to murder her husband. It doesn't matter if this judge recognizes or does not recognize a Cluster B sociopath, she will blindly rule on behalf of females no matter what. The peculiar thing was that Judge Parkers name was meticulously and purposely removed by the powers that be from any news reels and journals so she can this judge can avoid accountability in the press and in the legal community. Only a handful of people inside the judicial colleagues community know how awful this judge is but they will not speak out because they will be blackballed by the powers that profit from family court. Other judges are actually afraid of over-ruling judge parker becausee they know she serves interest groups that are very influential in family court CORPORATION. Yes, family court is a profit making racket corporation. The removal of her name from the press was done purposely by people who have an interest in profiting from family court. She is an awful judge. She is not at judge at all. Her only criteria for awarding custody and favorable rulings are if you do not have a Y chromosome.

Do not take any chance on this judge if you are a male. Recuse her using CCP 170.6 immediately. If there are enough preemptive challenges to recuse her are recorded in her career, she will be eventually forced to retire or removed from family court.

There is a web site that is trying to expose this judge named "paperpamelaparker". There is no doubt in my mind that the web site will be full of examples of her ill rulings in the future.


Comment #: CA48571
Rating:Not Rated

I can't disagree with these comments and review. They are brutally true regarding this Judge. What is worse is that there have been comments removed from this site by the commentator that further expose this toxic judge. These "removed" comments are go beyond just exposure and point out the result of her ill rulings [Redacted by Ed.] I wish they were kept up by the editor, but I understand why they are removed. I hope the day comes where is judge faces justice. That will not be in a court of law because she has immunity. [Redacted by Ed.] that can not be manipulated by greedy lawyers and raging pseudo-feminists.


Comment #: CA48500
Rating:Not Rated

This is in response to CA48318

So you are saying that they promoted her and brought her back to the central court house family long cause because she is instrumental for collection of subsidized federal funds to the state treasury due to her rulings? That actually makes sense.

She is an awful judge and a family destroyer but because she is making the state collect more funds from the federal government relative to other judges who actually have a conscious and some semblance of justice and humanity, then she was promoted!!!

what a corrupt awful system, maybe that 2013 RICO case filed at the San Diego Federal court does have merit after all!!!


Comment #: CA48497
Rating:Not Rated
to the robing room Editor

please do not remove the reference to the web site "paperpamelaparker" so this judge can be completely exposed

let justice unfold naturally for all the men and children this judge has destroyed


Comment #: CA48446
Rating:Not Rated
You want to know how bad this judge is? This is not a rant or a lie. I was a litigant in front of this judge. After my ex-wife confessed to multiple federal felonies on the stand while under oath, I reported her to various law enforcement agencies accompanies with the official transcript of the confession. Do you know what Judge Parker did in response? She actually berated and admonished me for reporting serious federal crime on a person who had confessed on the stand. Talk about living in an alternate universe where the criminal is praised and the victim is chastised by a deranged pseudo-feminist judge. At that point, i was convinced i was attending a circus rather than divorce hearing.

I have the court transcript and her ruling chastising me to prove it. If anyone wants it, Give me your email and I'll send it to you. Then you will understand what kind of a judge you are dealing with.

In any rational world and ethical justice system, this judge would have been in an insane asylum being treated with anti-psychotic medications rather than a supervising judge in family court so her mental status can be brought back to reality. People like her are making it very very difficult for normal human beings to advocate for the feminist cause that exists in its current form today.


Comment #: CA48443
Rating:Not Rated
Easily conned by manipulative females and/or narcissistic litigants at the expense of the innocent victims. Routinely grants custody to the unfit parent. Problem is that she knows it too, but she only knows it years down the line when new facts and events emerge. She is really not fit to be a judge and is wholly placed in her position through political means instead of talent and qualifications.


Comment #: CA48390
Rating:Not Rated
Hi All

Research this judge in detail and you will realize she is a radical anti-family feminist. She hides behind the veil of equality, but her sole motive is destruction of families. She is a die hard follower of the most family hating feminists that ever lived. You don’t believe me? See for yourself

Feminist icons have not tried to hide their antipathy for the family unit:
Gloria Steinem described marriage as “an arrangement for one and a half people.”
Andrea Dworkin wrote, “How can anyone love someone who is less than a full person, unless love itself is domination per se?”
Kate Millett wrote, “so long as every female, simply by virtue of her anatomy, is obliged, even forced, to be the sole or primary caretaker of childhood, she is prevented from being a free human being.”
Betty Friedan wrote, “women who ‘adjust’ as housewives, who grow up wanting to be ‘just a housewife,’ are in as much danger as the millions who walked to their own death in the concentration camps… they are suffering a slow death of mind and spirit.”
Linda Gordon said, “the nuclear family must be destroyed… Whatever its ultimate meaning, the break-up of families now is an objectively revolutionary process.”
Robin Morgan said “We can’t destroy the inequities between men and women until we destroy marriage.”
Mary Jo Bane said, “in order to raise children with equality, we must take them away from families and communally raise them.”
Vivian Gornick said, “being a housewife is an illegitimate profession… The choice to serve and be protected and plan towards being a family maker is a choice that shouldn’t be. The heart of radical feminism is to change that.”
Helen Sullinger said, “We must work to destroy [marriage]… The end of the institution of marriage is a necessary condition for the liberation of women. Therefore it is important for us to encourage women to leave their husbands and not to live individually with men… All of history must be rewritten in terms of oppression of women.”


Comment #: CA48342
I was one of the litigants in front of judge parker. This is not a rant or an opinion. So here it goes:

My ex claims domestic violence to get a leg up on the divorce and custody matters. She lied to this this judge that i punched her multiple times in front of the children. This judge believed her despite even my ex lawyer not believing my ex. This is not so difficult to comprehend given this judges history and how she is known to be horrifically bias against males.

But here is where it gets real funny. In the next few hearing, my ex confessed MULTIPLE TIMES that I never hit her and also my children confessed that they have never seen me hit her. So here I am, finally waiting to be vindicated and absolved. What happened next was even more disturbing.

Do you know judge Parker said? She said that my ex was NOW lying about NOT getting hit and my children were manipulated to lie as me not hitting their mother.

I swear to god, THIS IS 100% TRUE. I was shocked at what I was hearing Parker was saying. The only sane conclusion that I could came to was that this judge delusional and psychotic and actually severely mentally impaired to be on the bench. A judge that can not determine confessed facts of reality from delusional hallucinatory fiction is not only unfit to be on the bench. This person genuinely needs mental therapy and anti-psychotic medications to bring them back to earth and the non-quantum dimension.

WHoever wants to see the papers in my divorce, give me an email and I will send it to you. Parker blatantly told me that my ex and my children were lying about NOT being abused and that I definitely abused my ex. That kind of detachment from reality is hallmark of schizophrenia or acute psychotic episode.

Somebody please get this insane judge off the bench!!


Comment #: CA48318
Rating:Not Rated
People don't seem to understand why the kind of personality and ideology that Pamela Parker exhibits is tolerated on the bench. It's not as if the rest of the system does not know Pamela Parker is pro-female, anti-male, misandrist and incapable of identifying the criminal parent.

The overwhelming majority of sociopaths and narcissist can not hold jobs too long or do not reach their highest potential. Thus, they are the lesser income earner in the parental relationship. In addition, women have historically been the lower or no income earner in a marriage not because they cant work as hard as a man, but because they don't gravitate towards jobs that required masculine energy, which naturally, since harder, pay more.

Title 4D of federal social security act of 1964 addresses child support. This federal act incentivizes the collection of child support by the state government by subsidizing the collection with matching contribution from federal funds to the states treasury. What does this mean? That means the executive branch is in bed with the judicial branch and has incentivized the increase in the amount of child support payment that exchanges hands from the higher income earner to the lower income earner. For every dollar that is garnished or collected from the higher income earner and given to the lower income earner, the federal government gives a matching subsidy from federal funds to state treasury. These funds are then used to pay the salary of family court judges. Do you now understand what is going on?

The majority of scientific studies have shown that after the age of 7, the fathers are the more essential and in fact the better parent than the mother. But because the females and sociopaths earn less money, given the Title 4D social security act of 1964, the judges are financially incentivized to award more custody to the lesser income earner because it lines the pockets of the state and ultimately the judges salaries. That's right, the state and it's judges get a larger cut of the federal funds. This is why family court is corrupt and is a racket. And this is what the 2013 RICO case in the San Diego federal court against family court was trying to address, which was conveniently tossed out.

Now since sociopaths in general have lesser income and do not achieve their full potential, earn less money than the normal parent. And also women historically earn less money that the males in the relationship.

So why do you think Judge parker continuously and shamelessly rules in the favor of the Narcissistic Sociopathic Females who try to alienate the child from the father. It comes down to MONEY. She and her black robe gang make more money and they are united like a black malevalent wall. None of them will rule against each other. That is the norm in family court.

These judges know what they are doing is wrong, but they have no conscious and they do it for the money and power. It's an evil system with evil people who benefit from destruction of family unit and weakening of men and future generations. And this is why this country has been going to hell in a handbasket in terms of families and overall morality since 1960's. However, the wreckoning of nature/god is getting closer and closer, if not already here with the problem we are having with destruction of family unit by these degenerate evil greedy people in family court.


Comment #: CA48298
Rating:Not Rated


if what you are saying is true, then this is definitive proof that This judge is horrendously pro-female and unable to identify a sociopath, specially female sociopaths.

this is proof that she has to be removed from the bench. How is she still on the bench?

are the higher ups above Pamela Parker reading any of this? If you are, it's your responsibility to remove her from the bench.

I'm writing this for the third time because the person who has written CA48291 has had his posting removed multiple times proving that Judge Parker is incompetent, blindly pro-female and unable to identify a sociopath, specially a female sociopath.


Comment #: CA48292
Rating:Not Rated
48291-Quite the RANT for someone so self-unaware and much of your hate speech, sexist anti-female, female hating, abusive , sexist post had to be redacted and/or others have had to be redacted/removed; you're unhinged =and an abuser, evidenced by your abusive posts against females and this judge, you're so obsessed with and you're like a creepy twin of the LASC family court, creeper, abusive LASC family court nepotism nasty attorney troll, whose offensive, sexist, racist posts are all over this site .


Comment #: CA48291
Rating:Not Rated
For those new here, there are many rambling comments from clearly offended individuals that, unfortunately, make it easy to dismiss the valid points made on this forum. (I do wish the ranters would stop, you make it worse for the balance of us, who do understand how dangerous Judge Parker it. Make your points with facts and sober analysis, lest they be dismissed.)

The most damning point of Judge Parker is this. Diana Lovejoy was succeeding in her divorce under Judge Parker, and then attempted to murder her husband during the same months as she was regularly seeing Judge Parker. Those are facts, look it up at www.sdcourt.ca.gov under case number DN179892, family court tab.

Here is a video telling the criminal part of the Diana Lovejoy trial:


Again this account misses that Ms. Lovejoy had been successful precisely with Judge Parker. At the 32:30 mark you see the reaction to the guilty verdict. Comments on the Youtube video seem to think its an act.

They misses the main point, namely that Ms. Lovejoy just had her way in Judge Parker's court. Her Court experience was in several sessions in front of [Redacted by Ed.] Leaving that and reentering a more realistic world, was just shocking to her.

Judge Parker is a judicial officer who granted custody to, and oversaw a woman who attempted to murder her husband. [redacted]
Ignore the ranting on this page, and avoid this Judge.


Comment #: CA48258
Rating:Not Rated
to CA48254

AGAIN, if what you are saying is true, then this is definitive proof that This judge is horrendously pro-female and unable to identify a sociopath, specially female sociopaths.

this is proof that she has to be removed from the bench. How is she still on the bench?

are the higher ups above Pamela Parker reading any of this? If you are, it's your responsibility to remove her from the bench.


Comment #: CA48251
Rating:Not Rated
To CA48234

IF what you are saying is true, then this is definitive proof that This judge is horrendously pro-female and unable to identify a sociopath, specially female sociopaths.

this is proof that she has to be removed from the bench.


Comment #: CA48175

to 48171

you talk about waking up? I'm going to tell you who is waking up. Fortunately, the people that are waking up are families and litigants who are in Judge Parker's court. They are waking up and realizing what a toxic destructive, unintelligent, angry judge is presiding or going to preside over their case. And they are recusing her more over and over again. You can not commit immorality and think there will be no repercussions. Those are natural laws. And unfortunately for people like you, people are not paying attention to your hypocritical virtue signaling which is really hateful vitriol at decent honest folks for the sake of a very small mentally deranged entitled narcissistic and sociopathic portion of the population.


Comment #: CA48146
Rating:Not Rated

In response to 48145, 48144, and 48142:

Your posts prove that you are a irrational, raging, mindless, clueless, angry-at-the-world, self entitled pseudo-feminist who has one of the worst cases of the Woke Virus Infection I have ever seen. If I had to bet, I would say you already have some sort of severe entitlement syndrome and multiple divorces where you claimed you were the victim in every single one. You are the type of person who is making this country rot from the inside by playing professional victim all the time and accusing innocent people of abuse. I guarantee that you are perpetually single, and or divorced and POST-WALL with no man who wants to tolerate your insane entitled self serving crappy mood and behavior. You might as well invest in cats, cat food, good health insurance that covers all antidepressants on the market and cheap boxed wine...OH WAIT....you already have all of those...Since you sound so miserable and angry and since misery loves company, why not call Judge Parker and become her best friend. Did I trigger you "Karen"?....OUCH...the brutal painful truth


Comment #: CA48144
Rating:Not Rated
@48412- *care*-- Troll poster, you sound as offensive as the LASC family court, "DI*K* nepotism attorney troll and troll's abusive, feckless, offensive, conflicted-LASC family court, conflicted, compromised, CCW KAREN judge connections of the nepotism attorney troll; attorney troll's insipid, LASC family law dept. conflicted- CCW "KARENS'" CCW family law judge connections; and you troll 2.o seem mightily concerned about what a litigant has posted, just like LASC family court nepotism attorney troll, and I will get more detailed, since you are so concerned that they're pseudo-arguments. And why do you care so much? CURIOUS, indeed.


Comment #: CA48142
Rating:Not Rated
48141---You sound as offensive as the LASC family court, "DI*K* nepotism attorney troll and troll's abusive, feckless, offensive, conflicted-KAREN judge connections, attorney troll's insipid, LASC family law dept. conflicted- CCW 'KARENS'' CCW family law judge connections; and you troll 2.o seem mightily concerned about what a litigant has posted, just like LASC family court nepotism attorney troll, and I will get more detailed since you are so concerned that they're pseudo-arguments. And why do you case so much? CURIOUS indeed.


Comment #: CA48141
Rating:Not Rated
To # 48130:

Is that you “Karen”? Going rogue again with your absurd, deflecting, projecting pseudoarguments?


Comment #: CA48129
Rating:Not Rated
I am going to sum up all these complaints and negative complaints in 2 rational points and state why this judge does not belong on the bench:

1) Since this judge can not decipher who the cluster B personality disorder party in the divorce proceedings is, then she is clearly unintelligent and incompetent in granting custody to the fit parent. This inability to judge is further complicated by her radical female bias which makes it far more difficult to find out which females are the narcissistic and sociopathic mother are that are extremely damaging to children's health and well being. Thus, the lack of intelligence, ignorance and radical pro-female make her not fit to be a judge.


2) Or she actually knows full well who the criminal cluster B party is and is conscious of her unethical radical pro-female bias. This means she does what she does because she enjoys hurting men and children and empowering criminal females in her court. This notion makes her malingering, evil and extremely disturbing which is a definitive reason why she should have NEVER been a judge to begin with. Because this second notion is a personality issue that is not able to be corrected as compared to the first notion.

Whether number one or number 2, she is clearly not fit to be a judge in family court.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA48103
Rating:Not Rated
who put her on the bench? Now that she is exposed thoroughly, she is far more angry and now she also looks anxious all the time now that her personality and ideology has been exposed. Does she even have the appropriate temperament to judge accurately? I have been in front of dozens of judges, I have never seen a judge that is seething at all times like this one. She can't possibly be judging correctly with this horrible temperament. Even her orders have sentence structure and opinions that sound angry and raging. I feel so bad for the people in her court, even for the bailiff and the transcriptionist who have to witness it all the time.


Comment #: CA48026
Rating:Not Rated
I have some unsavory words for this judge. But that doesn't mean it doesn't accurately describe this demonic judge. There is only a couple of words that I can use to accurately describe this judges personality, ideology and character:

"Toxic C*nt"

The C word truly describe an ill tempered fire breathing angry bully female who enjoys hurting people. Imagine you pretend to care for civil rights but in actuality enjoy trampling on civil rights of men and children. As like as this kind of behavior and personalities are tolerated and promoted by our degenerating society in the name of justice, it is unwise to raise a family in this country.

I know it will be deleted, but that doesn't mean this woman is not a "toxic c*nt" which is the equivalent of a male "A**hole". In the real world, a good woman is far more valuable than a good man. But a bad woman is far more damaging than a bad man since women are the foundation of all societies. This "toxic c*nt" of a judge is a menace to society as she is destroying families due to her covert but true feminist ideology which promotes destruction of families. The other commentator is correct about this judge's main purpose in ruining families.

I hope the people who genuinely care about society and the forces that assign and remove judges from the bench wake up and remove this piece of sh*t from the bench and send her to some hellhole away from society.


Comment #: CA48025
Rating:Not Rated
raging Feminazi lunatic who is devoid of common sense, I don't know if she belongs in prison or a sanitarium, I can't believe this kind of behavior and ideology is tolerated on the bench


Comment #: CA48017
Rating:Not Rated
I find it amazing that this judge will call the abuser the abuser even when your wife confessed that she stabbed you in the liver and took pictures of it. Somehow, being stabbed is your fault and you, the male, must be destroyed. There is something wrong with this giant raging misandrist fool. This angry low IQ shrew needs to get a full social and professional shlacking or just retire her mentally impaired demented fool.


Comment #: CA47690
`She lacks common sense. In combination to being blindly pro-female and profound inability to discern and identify toxic personalities, makes her extremely dangerous and damaging judicial officer. But on the other hand, I believe california deserves a judge like this on the bench because of the woke culture they have adopted.


Comment #: CA47501
This judge lives in her own idealistic pseudo-feminist mind. She chooses not to engage with reality and facts. The men in her courtroom have zero chance at getting justice. Your only hope is to recuse her using CCP 170.6 ten days before your first hearing. If you are a male and your lawyer does not move to recuse her before the hearing, fire your lawyer immediately because that lawyer does not have your best interest and your children's best interest in mind.


Comment #: CA47381
She hates fathers and concept of fatherhood. She cant even hide it very well. It's shameful


Comment #: CA47286
If you are a male who is not part of any case she is presiding over and just happen to be in her presence watching her do her "job", take a good look at her, she is the reason you should not get married or be married in California, or better yet, the entire United States. Give these man hater what they never expected, all MEN GO THEIR OWN WAY, save yourself and watch western society collapse because of man-hatism and neo-liberal capitalism.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA47252
Rating:Not Rated
She is widely known in the SD legal community to be the most staunch man hater and the most straunch pro female judge. This is a judge who follows Linda Gordons philosophy of "the nuclear family must be destroyed....whatever it's ultimate meaning, the breakup of families is an objectively revolutionary process"....This is her version of feminism. Have no doubt!! this judge was put on the bench to destroy men, children and families. The most disturbing aspect of her mindset is that she is unable to detect the most blatantly obvious Cluster B Narco-Path Females that present in front of her and thus is unable to adjust her ideological rulings against even the most vile criminals. No one can possibly be this unintelligent not to be able to detect the most obvious psychopathic females that appear in her court. Something is definitely wrong with her and the system in general who appoints someone this malignant to the bench. To the men, your only hope to avoid her carnage and wrath is to recuse her CCP 170.6 10 days before your first hearing in front of her.


Comment #: CA47175
Judge Parker rules on a personal belief system and political ideology rather than fact and law. Belief systems do not belong to legal opinions when proven facts shatter those opinions. Her soul has been infected by the wokism. There are 5 criteria that define irrational and illogical belief systems across all idealistic paradigms.

1) Prioritizes group thinking or the polity over individualism

2) is unable and unwilling to engage with challenges that challenges that belief system

3) curiously and vehemently allergic to counter data and facts that challenge that belief system

4) Easily offended and quick to anger when that belief system is challenged (how many times have you eyewitnessed this when engaging her on the bench, her rage is undeniable)

5) is dangerous to other's well being, and likely to her own self personally and professionally

She is a brainwashed political hack who lacks critical thinking skills and does not consider the best interest of children. If she ruled based on true facts and interest of families, her political position and career interests would be jeopardized. [Redacted by Ed.]


Comment #: CA47143
Been reading these posts for a while. A lot of the reviews are deleted or hidden by the moderator/editor for various reasons. But it's physically and metaphysically impossible to delete or hide Judge Pamela Parker's toxic hatred for men.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA46918
Rating:Not Rated
A raging idealistic pseudo-feminist who is unable to detect a female narcissistic sociopath has no business being a judge in family court. The only place she belongs is alone inside a remote cabin creating and writing unrealistic and obscure legal theories which will not only be refused publication in any reputable legal journals, but instead can actually be used in science fiction and comedy script writing due to its delusional reality. Overall an awful judge and completely out of touch with reality!!


Comment #: CA46819
Rating:Not Rated
Utterly insane crazy man hater judge, completely void of rational thought and logical reasoning in her rulings, I sincerely believe she is lives in her own mind and not in the real world.

There is no way anyone can be this dumb and clueless. There must be something else going on here that is being completely ignored by commission for judicial performance or people who profit from the family court system. I hope the FBI and DOJ somehow get involved in the southern california family courts to decipher what in actual hell is going on and why the system is so corrupted without any accountability. A lot of these judges need to be investigated, held accountable and if there is systemic corruption, ALL OF THEM should go to jail for their legal as well as their moral crimes.


Comment #: CA46774
Rating:Not Rated
Just Another brainwashed stomach churning hypocrite judge "pretend" feminist. Does not hold females accountable for their crimes. This raging pseudo-feminist is the embodiment of evil family court and disintegration of family structure in america.

The primary function of "modern" feminism is to shield women from accountability. Most "fem!nists" like her today don't have a clue what they are fighting for—default response: "women's rights!" or "equal pay!" —but they damned sure will fight for privileges without accountability. What they are really fighting for is femalism, not feminism per say itself and the protections from accountability/reality it provides, not for equality or any other such stated purpose.

She is just a giant hypocrite. And nothing god hates more than a hypocrite. And when exposed, EVERYONE, including god, hates a hypocrite.

I see a bitter and painful end to her career and later years of her life. She deserves every bit of it for being consciously evil and trying to hide it. Too bad for her, she has now gotten completely exposed.


Comment #: CA46647
This clueless judge loves giving full custody to the criminal parents, specially if that parent is the female. She is easily manipulated by narcissistic charm due to her fragile ego and lack of intelligence.


Comment #: CA46477
Rating:Not Rated
to 46472-here we go again!! another angry man hating pseudo feminist who has real problems and offended by facts, who continues to spew nonsense by continuing labeling legitimate facts and complaints as "misogyny, bulllying, abusive, lawyer, egregeous, offensive, troll...bla bla bla bla"....these tricks don't work anymore dear, people have wisened up to insane left wing woke rhetoric shrieks....once you start spewing these cliche words, people immediately realize that you are using the modern tired tactic of demonizing the victim and silencing the real issue at hand, immediately when you go into that tirade rant, you 100% discredit yourself

people have figured out this garbage woke mob rant and tirade, they don't believe this garbage anymore, you need to come up with something more fresh BS, something which will immediately be discredited as well since you lack logic and reason

you wont be able to defend Pamela Parker, she is now 100% exposed for the foolish man-hating impaired judge that she is. And I kind of enjoy seeing her on the bench, because you can clearly see the exposure is effecting her demeanor as her psyche. She is far angrier and miserable than a couple of years ago, even much more in her second stint at the central court house because now she is completely exposed. She left the central court house because she was being exposed, but she is no foolish and ignorant that she stepped back into the central courthouse thinking the heat has abated. However, she has stepped into a firey hell of her own making due to her reputation and deeds.


Comment #: CA46472
Rating:Not Rated
46471-This judge is known to be an excellent judge. You troll seem to light up at abusive conduct, bullying and misogyny against women, who are smarter and more mentally healthy than you and your inappropriate comments and conduct; LASC family law dept., does have some abusive, rogue judges and attorneys, who are highly conflicted, abusive, lawless, like we have witnessed the egregious, abusive attorney troll's conduct on this site and seems to light up the more abusive troll is to opponents, an attorney troll, known to run to judge and attorney ilks and equal abusers, who seem to be protected (even the abusive attorney troll brags about their protections, to do whatever they want, abuse whoever they want, including vulnerable litigant opponents of attorney and their client) , even by TRR Ed's-now that is textbook NEPOTISM, conspiracy to obstruct justice, Homest Services Fraud, Mail and Wire Fraud, and in my opinion, some serious acts of racketeering, witness and victim intimidation, in and out of LASC family law courtrooms. This judge is known for honesty and ethics and just the opposite./

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA46471
Rating:Not Rated
Some of the most sickening and disturbing sites that I have witnessed in her court room is when she looks at the men in the court and rules against them. Her eyes actually light up and she gleefully smiles when she is ruling against the fathers and trampling their rights and destroying their lives. This is the first judge i have seen that enjoys punishing men with glee and smirks. It seems like she gets a reward or kick out of it which is extremely unsettling and concerning. She exhibits a disgusting and disturbing personality. I sincerely believe she needs to have a psychological evaluation and reassessment for judicial temperament and bias.


Comment #: CA46413
Rating:Not Rated
I implore her colleagues to go through her cases from several years ago and then follow up on the families, specially the children of those divorces. You will realize this woman is a clueless and incompetent and should not be in a judicial position. Interview some of the lawyers in her court. The lawyers that represent females are ecstatic and know their client is going to to win. The lawyers that represent males know they have lost the case for their male client even before entering the first hearing.

This man-hating pro-female pseudo-feminist should have never been a judge. She is the equivalent of a nuclear fallout to the future of a family that is divorcing.


Comment #: CA46361
Rating:Not Rated
No surprisingly, she rules in favor of females in her no matter what level of criminal activity proven to have been committed by some of the most psychopathic duplicitous, and entitled women that appear in front of her. Parke is a menace to society and is being completely ignored due to politics.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA46335
Rating:Not Rated
She is a classic case example of toxic political feminine psychopathology. It is forbidden to speak about toxic femininity without a political backlash from the marxist woke left, who have essentially become far more narcissistic and sociopathic than the old generation of ruthless conservatives. The old generation of ruthless conservatives and their version of toxic masculinity was confronted, not by female, but by decent men who chose to empower the women and their rights movement. That's right, IT"S MEN WHO FOUGHT FOR WOMENS" RIGHT, Not women. However, now we have an extreme irrational left and an unadulterated narcissistic political feminine psychopathology which can not be stopped by decent men. In the exact opposite scenario, IT"S ONLY WOMEN WHO ARE ABLE TO DEFEAT toxic femininity. But unfortunately, this will not happen because toxic femininity will perpetuate a generation of confused females and weak males in the west, as it has for the past 40 years. What you are essentially witnessing is the incurable corruption at the core of the western civilization with many nations on the east who have traditional values with their overwhelming patriarchal populations just waiting for the right time to disintegrate the internally decaying western civilization and it's marxist neo-liberal stupidity just like we, the west, did it to them. You reap what you sow.

Please stop writing negative reviews on this judge. You are just wasting your time and effort on this brainwashed raging man hater. She will not change or improve. She is a lost cause. She has probably destroyed her own family, and if she has daughters, they are likely damaged by her foolishness and stupidity far more than her.


Comment #: CA46332
Rating:Not Rated
To all the ladies who have this judge assigned to their case, you are in luck!!!

This is not an exaggeration: you can LITERALLY get away with the murder of your soon to be ex-husbands if the dishonorable Judge Parker is assigned to your case.


Comment #: CA46320
Rating:Not Rated
Devoid of wisdom, which a judge should not be. Lacking common knowledge and specialized knowledge as well. Incompetent and insecure in conduct. Shamelessly bias towards female at the expense of the men and to the detriment of children.

Does she realize that she is an awful judge and her appointment and position is purely a political one and has nothing to do with competence and talent?

When will this angry tyrant be removed from the bench?


Comment #: CA46260
Rating:Not Rated
The most loathsome judge in the family court system. Nothing god hates more in the world than a conniving hypocrite. She is supposed to represent justice in family court, yet she is the main principle for destruction of the entire family unit that presents in front of her. Just another insecure bully under the black robe.


Comment #: CA45284
Rating:Not Rated
This raging man hater has created so many fatherless houses. I hope she is never forgiven by god. By far, the biggest hypocrite sitting on the bench in southern california. The system is set up for her to make money by giving custody to the lower income earner. That's why she gives full custody to the mothers.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA45224
Rating:Not Rated
Very peculiar characteristic about this judge. Judges can routinely get conned by cold calculating psychopaths. That does not mean she is an awful judge. Someone the best judges in the world get conned by extremely competent psychpaths.

But what is extremely disturbing about this judge is when you show her all the facts and prove to her that she can has been by a psychopath, specially a female psychopath, this judge, while then knowing fully that she has been conned, actually gets angry at you for proving to her she was conned and should change her ruling, she then doubles down on her ruling to avoid embarrassment.

This is the most disturbing aspect of her personally and professionally. For this reason, she is not fit to sit on the bench. She does not have the humility and internal mechanism for growth.

She needs to be removed from the bench. She is not only unintelligent, she also has personality issues with security and ego.


Comment #: CA45182

The only value I see in this gender bias and misandrist judge is if she is only allowed to preside over divorce cases where 2 lesbians are divorcing. As her record has shown, when a heterosexual couple of divorcing, the men are demolished 99 percent of the time and the children are demolished 99.9% of the time. And if she happens to preside over a case where a 2 gay male couples are divorcing, you can bet that both men will be demolished 100.0% of the time.

This brainwashed pseudo-feminist judge is everything that is wrong with family court. She has very low intelligence and suffers from chronic anger and misery. It is well documented on sociological studies that the level of genuine personal morals are correlated with peace and happy. Take a look at her angry and miserable face every morning. What does that tell you? Someone with this kind of of anger and miserable existence is not only toxic at work, but is also toxic in their own personal life.

I hope I live long enough to see this atrocious judge either voluntary or involuntary be removed in disgraced from the bench so she can spend the rest of her angry miserable life contemplating the awful duplicitous and hypocritical life she has led. She isn't fooling anyone except her own unintelligent miserable self.


Comment #: CA45144
Zero accountability for misbehaving females in this judge's court. It's is appalling and disgusting.


Comment #: CA45019
Rating:Not Rated
This lady is the quintessential example of woke left. The woke left are hateful people. They are full of hate that weaponize "virtue" to pretend to care about others because they are such hateful nasty people because they need to hide behind the illusion of justice. This judge is a family destroying fool who pretends to care above families and civil rights. The proof is in the results of the rulings, not the ruling itself. Many years after the rulings, the men are destroyed, the children are destroyed and the women she pretends to care about in far worse condition than before the divorce. Make no mistake, this women is a family destroyer.


Comment #: CA45001
Rating:Not Rated
44997 **pOSTS

"This comment is for the site evaluator and editor..."--> If any post will have "THE STREISAND EFFECT" on nitroglycerin, this is one of the top; it will NOT only cause DV victims and family court victims to reply, they will get more information out there, among many other things.

---Can this abuser, make themself look more guilty, like the LASC family court nepotism nasty attorney troll, judge connection and circle, from CCW to Mosk???

==And, we do have the RECEIPTS.

--ABUSER and abusive LASC family court nepotism nasty attorney troll and judge connection, relate with the "innuendo" in victim's posts, because they know them to be true. NOT very smart.


Comment #: CA45000
Rating:Not Rated
44999 "dear"??? Oh, "D*ck", the only person who sounds nervous on here, is you abusive, misogynistic troll and/or the LASC family court, the guilty nervous, nepotism nasty attorney troll and judge connection.

And,----- 1) TRR ed even said they had trouble keeping up with ALL of the DEMANDS for deletion (of posts of litigant victims) -this was after the nepotism nasty attorney troll was abusively and creepily trolling, threatening victim posters.

----2.) We saw the nepotism nasty LASC family court attorney troll's misogynistic, threatening, creepy, stalker, posts against the DV victim poster, and victim of LASC family law courtrooms, rogue judges and attorneys, from CCW to Mosk.

3) It is obvious an abuser and troll, is the creepy one demanding deletion of truthful victim posts, and also same one thanking TRR Ed's for deleting posts, and only amplified what TRR has been doing--)actually throwing TRR EDs under the bus-after all the help they gave nepotism nasty attorney troll and judge connection.)

----4) This poster never even tried to deny how obvious they are and that they have the same MO as LASC family court nepotism attorney troll, and never denied they are obsessed and demand deletion of truthful posts by female victims.


Comment #: CA44999
Rating:Not Rated
No dear

the only nervous person here is Judge Parker because all eyes have been on her in the last couple of years. But if I tell you what "all" eyes are, you might stop writing nonsense. Judge Parker knows what eyes are on her. She doesn't look too confident and arrogant since 6 months ago. Why not ask her why? I'm sure she will tell you. She has had a talking to by certain ticked off individuals!!!


Comment #: CA44992
Rating:Not Rated
This comment is for the site evaluator and editor.

Thank you for keeping the TRUTH on this site and not pressuring to ideology and nonsense innuendo by angry senseless WOKE left wing ideologues who are trying to derail the exposure of this god awful family destroying judge. Thank you for removing nonsense leaving the truth. You are correctly following natural law and truth rather than baseless accusations of misogyny.

As long as we have accurate free speech and facts, I have hope that things will be come better.

I'm not a liberal democrat and I'm not a conservative republican. I think both ideologies, in it's current form, are morally bankrupt.

I'm praying that it has gotten so bad and corrupt in family courts around the country that the federal prosecutors are taking note and will sooner and later start a sweeping RICO investigation and put some of these judges where they belong, in Jail.


Comment #: CA44976
Rating:Not Rated
@ I'm going to give her the best holiday present review she will ever have.

Lawyers in her court and judicial colleagues know her character, personality, ideology, man-hating rage and wrath very well. If you take a couple of dozen of her high conflict cases from 8 years ago, this is what you will see:

1) Innocents Men's lives destroyed
2) Children lives, standard of living and mental health destroyed.
3) The narcissistic sociopathic women who got away with totally destroying their husbands AND the children, NOW 8 years later, given their karma, NOW getting destroyed 8 years later and probably have gotten snagged by the law in other aspects of their lives. These women have now ended up far worse than the husbands in terms. Thus judge Parker has unconsciously hurt these women by not holding them accountable. God forbid the "evil patriarchy" hold the "brave feminists" accountable for ill deeds and deception. That's simply politically unacceptable, huh?

You don't believe me? just take a couple of dozens of her high conflict cases and see what has happened. This judge is profoundly clueless and brainwashed in her ideology and can not determine the lies and deceit of a sociopathic con-artist. She does not realize that she is hurting women the most because she is not holding them accountable for crimes, deception, fraud and perjury.

I am so glad she is getting another 6 years on the bench starting in January. She is now under the microscope and she is too hardwired in her personality and ideology that she is unable to change without causing a massive nervous breakdown in herself and making herself sick.


Comment #: CA44597
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Parker is either embarrassing uninformed and brainwashed or willingly ignorant in her intent


Comment #: CA44449
Rating:Not Rated
I wonder if she has already ruined an innocent sigma males life. Once you unjustly cross one those extremely rare males, then you will understand her version of pseudo-feminism and judicial gangsterism will not help her in federal court.


Comment #: CA43157
Rating:Not Rated

This judge is unable to detect the covert narcissistic sociopathic female. Thus, she is unfit to sit on the bench.

If you are facing a malignant female in your divorce, you must Recuse her using CCP 170.6 ten days before your first hearing. That is your only chance of avoiding destruction.

Simply put, she is an awful judge.


Comment #: CA43111
Rating:Not Rated
Watching her on the bench just boggles the mind at how this woman is allowed to be a judge. She is angry ALL the time. It is a proven scientific and historical fact that anger impacts judgement and decision-making adversely. How can someone who perpetually, continuously, deeply, covertly AND overtly furiously hates and abhors men with fire have the capacity to judge fairly and wisely? After the last few years, she is not making any effort in hiding her anger anymore. The rage is permanently implanted on her facial expression and in her words.

I sincerely believe that her chronic persistent rage has made her mentally impaired and thus she is not fit to be a judge. The only reason she continues to be a judge is because of politics and the current woke culture. In any decent normal court system, this woman would not have been even considered for the bench and would have been quickly identified by a judiciary review and terminated. I'm truly surprised this raging illogical irrational impaired woman is still on the bench.


Comment #: CA42698
Rating:Not Rated
I bet you a million dollars that she hates the book "Sex and culture" by J.D. Unwin M.C. PhD.

Everyone in left spectrum academia hates that book about evolution of feminism in the west and how it destroys families.

Judge Parker has a real problem with science and truth. But her ideology will crumble to pieces if and when she reads that book.


Comment #: CA42674
Rating:Not Rated
A pseudo-feminist pro-female judge who is ignorant of Cluster B disorders and intellectually unable in discover who the criminal vs the victim is worthless and extremely damaging. Her Judicial colleagues and the lawyers in her court have completely figured this out. She was able to hide it for a very short while, but the truth has come tot he surface and now she is facing a horrific backlash. She is on everyone's radar. She has lost respect and is a laughing stock of everyone in the court. The greedy lawyers and sociopath litigants use her with glee and excitement knowing how clueless and unintelligent she is, and it's all to the detriment of the vicim. Truly a sorry excuse for a judge. I hope she gets every bit of karma and damage she has caused to families 10 folds. She is by far the most damaging judge in the evil corrupt san diego family court.


Comment #: CA42658
Rating:Not Rated
Having known her for a few years, I am virtually certain she did not get into Harvard based on intellect and merit. It seems advancement in her education was a politically manipulated saga similar to her placement on the the bench, which was purely a political one rather than merit based and through vetting. When you advance people based on ideology and not merit, you get a system like communism with moron managers running the economic production and destroying society. The reminds me of stupid communists that deem all capitalists as evil similar to irrational feminists that view all males as evil patriarchy oppressors. We all saw what happened to communists that went against the laws of nature, correct? She is facing the same fate. If she had gotten into Harvard based on intellect and merit, she would know that by now.


Comment #: CA42622
Rating:Not Rated
She is the legal version of female bully. In fact, she is the epitome of what they call toxic femininity.


Comment #: CA42615
Rating:Not Rated
I agree with the overwhelming negative posts on this page. However, I have seen this judge reverse her rulings when she realizes she has been wrong. So that is a good thing. The problem is she is not intelligent enough to realize when she has been wrong in the overwhelming majority of times, meaning over 90% of the time. Here is the caveat, she KNOWS she is not smart and easily manipulated and now everybody else knows as well. But because she wants to protect her ego, if you confront her with her error, she will double down and defend her decision even though she knows 100% that she has been conned and manipulative by sociopathic individuals in her court. This shows a lack of humility and lack of growth as a judge and that's the exact reason why she should not be on the bench. She was transferred from San Diego to Del Mar few years ago to be given time to grow to fix these problems and then she was transferred back to San Diego main courthouse. However, due to lack of intellect and fragile ego, this issue is unresolvable. It is best for her and everyone else that she retires.


Comment #: CA42603
Rating:Not Rated
to 42599

sorry to tell you, Parker is neither "good" nor is she "smart", everyone has figured that out by now inside and outside court room, even the governors office that appointed her is now concerned, the rest of the judges in her circle have figured her out and are distancing themselves from her, her rulings by other judges are being circumvented and dismissed, Parker has accrued as awful reputation amongst lawyers and judges as being blindly pro-female

let me explain to you what happens to a judge that is like this, when a judge such as parker misjudges and rules in favor of the abuser, the abuser becomes emboldened and thinks he/she has gotten away with it, the abuser not only repeats the abuse in the next marriage or divorce, the abuser also starts committing non-marital or other crimes which then ends up circling back to the courthouse in other non-family court cases, then the rest of the judges and judges realize that Parker had completely misjudged the family case and will ostricize her and back away from her because it will then affect those judges and lawyers as well, and do you know what that leads to? CONFLICT BETWEEN THE JUDICIAL OFFICERS and finger pointing and blaming which ruins their gangster profile

as the previous poster mentioned, you will not be able to fight the laws of nature, it will catch up with you

this woman is facing a horrific blow back from her stupid and idealistic rulings


Comment #: CA42598
hi everybody

you reap what you sew

this woman's professional position will not protect her from her ill behavior and rulings

she is so arrogant and naive that thinks because she is legally immune from the repercussions of her rulings, that natural law does not pertain to her, maybe it's because she openly makes fun of religion

kind of reminds of pharaoh's arrogance when he did not believe in moral laws of nature until the red sea closed in on him

no one can outrun nature and god, every single person, even the unbelievers like her, will realize the consequences of their actions when karma knocks on their door


Comment #: CA42582
This judge's hardwired ideological make-up prevents her from judging family court cases objectively. In addition, the glaring glee and snickering in her man-hating rulings present a disturbing picture of her actually enjoying and getting a psychological reward of hurting men. It is quite disturbing on par with psychopathic characteristics seen in criminal behavior. Her involvement in radical pro-female left wing organizations around San Diego further cement her hardwired ideology. [redacted by Ed.] What you are left with is families destroyed, specially children and also females that are not help accountable for perjury, crime and misdeeds in the court. [redacted] Judge Pamela Parker is one of the worst judges in California, propped up and promoted [redacted]. She is not going to be removed from the bench unless she quits her job voluntarily. But by exposing her and her behavior and rulings, the people subjected to her abuse and awful rulings can make her professional and personal life extremely unpleasant and unsatisfactory. Please continue posting regarding this judge and completely expose her so she will be put under the microscope.


Comment #: CA42534
I'm a father of 5 boys all in their teens except one in college. If I was the father of 5 boys 50 years ago, I would not object any of my 5 boys from joining the military and protecting this country from psychopaths like Putin. However, seeing what feminism and this dirty version of capitalism is doing to male and fathers, I would object to any of my children to join the military and protect the women and children, specially the feminist females in this country who have demonized men for their own personal interests. I would never want any of my kids to go fight and die for women like Pamela Parker, their families and the rest of the man-hater female judges of family court. Let them sent their daughter to fight a bully tyrant like Putin. I have urged my children to not marry American women and travel to non-western countries to find a bride and settle in those countries. Let these feminists and man-hater live with their decisions, cats and boxed wine. Right now, women are unhappier than ever despite all the economic and social advances and they have no one to blame except themselves. You want an example? take a look at Parker everyday when she is sitting on the bench. She is angry and unhappy EVERY DAY. And she is too clueless to realize why.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA42479
Rating:Not Rated
in response to CA42375

This Judge is hurting feminist cause and feminism by not holding female criminals accountable. She might think she is carrying the flag for the feminist cause, but her rulings are actually contrary to the true feminist cause. She is hurting females by not holding them accountable. Utterly worthless political irrational judge.


Comment #: CA42375
Rating:Not Rated
One of the most, if not the most, pro-female judges in california. Does not hold female criminals accountable for anything.


Comment #: CA42010
Rating:Not Rated
to the histrionic female who is obviously a victim of either domestic violence or victim of a corrupt family court, even though my heart goes out to you, you need to understand that this forum is solely to review judge parker, not some LASC judge or lawyer,

it seems you have never been in front of Judge Parker as a litigant, you simply are defending her because she is being accused of being anti-male,

I'm sorry you have been abused by your ex or family court, but now you are defending an abusive judge and an abusive family court system,

you are now defending the same judges and system and people that immorally hurt you and your life

you need to calm down and think of things logically and rationally, not politically and idealistically

have a good day


Comment #: CA42000
Rating:Not Rated
Hey crazy lady, you are back!!!!!

We missed being entertained by your nonsense


Comment #: CA41991
Rating:Not Rated
To all fathers and husbands, take a very good look at this judge. Next time you vote for a simp governor who assigns man hating judges to the bench who destroy families, don't complain why family court is staggeringly anti-male and anti-father. Let me make something very clear to you. The reason your children are taken away from you and given to the mother is because judges are financially incentivized under the Social security act of 1964 to give the children to the lower income earning parent despite the character and personality flaws of that parent because for every dollar that changes hands from the higher income earner to the lower income earner, the federal government pays the state government a certain amount of money. LOOK IT UP, IT"S FEDERAL LAW. There is a reason this woman's ill behavior is tolerated and promoted by the system and her other judicial colleagues. It's because the money the state collects from the federal government is used to pay salaries of these judges. Show me the financial incentive and i'll show you the outcome. This is why men in the united states have no incentive to go to college and earn money. The rest of them simply don't have children with women in this country and are leaving to have families overseas. This is what happens when you promote one sex over another by liberal left policies who still think Amber Heard is the victim. Pamela Parker is the poster child for destruction of the family unit and the traditional father. Next time you ladies complain about "where have all the good men gone?", it's because they have smartened up, they either don't want children or don't want relations with females in united states (MGTOW) or they left and went overseas to have families. America is destroying it's families and becoming morally bankrupt. And this judge enjoys doing it. It's visibly sickening.


Comment #: CA41881
Rating:Not Rated
I heard someone in the courthouse say Judge Parker is best friends with and thinks exactly like Justice Andrew Nicol in England, the judge that ruled Amber Heard was the victim and Depp was the abuser….lol

Didn’t Nicol immediately retire after the Depp case? Maybe Pam should retire too


Comment #: CA41880
Rating:Not Rated
To all the people who are writing on this board and mentioning that Judge Parker is a man-hater and pro-female, I would appreciate if some of you showed some courage and were more specific in what judge parker has specifically done in your case that would deserve the label of "man-hater".

So I will start with myself. My initials are RB. I am a physician. My ex-wife confessed on the stand under oath that she had falsified my signature on prescriptions. When I reported my ex-wife to the police and the FBI, naturally my ex-wife came back to the court and said that I am trying to ruin her by getting her in legal trouble. Do you know what judge parker did? She admonished me for reporting a federal crime to the police and federal authorities. You don't believe me? my case is all over the internet. Go read it and you will see how judge parker protects female criminals and destroys loving fathers. This woman is a disgrace to the bench.

Scroll down this post, I'm the guy who has exposed the RICO case. I'm the guy who reported this to the FBI.

Judge Parker destroyed my life and my childrens lives by her irrational coercive rulings. My kids are severely damaged psychologically because she gave full custody of my children to someone who confessed to a federal felony on the bench.

Do not hide behind your posts. Come out with explicit details of your cases and expose this tyrant so she can be held accountable.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA41863
Rating:Not Rated
I usually don't write reviews. But I have witnessed something regarding Judge Parker that I can not keep quiet on. I have seen many respondents and petitioners come and go in family court. I can usually pick out the ones with sociopathic traits or personalities. It's not unusual to have litigants that lack empathy. But Judge Parker is the first judge I have witnessed to not only lack empathy, but actually enjoys and gets kick out of hurting men. Is anyone in the circuit courts paying attention to this judges demeanor and personality? If there is one judge that will bring down the entire corrupt San Diego family court system, it's Judge parker because She is clearly the worst of the worst. I dont see any other way of avoiding the destruction of men than recusing this judge on every case via a preemptive challenge. The staff need to report her to the coalition for judicial review in order to closely scrutinize her cases and place a hidden evaluator inside her court room so they can eyewitness her demeanor.


Comment #: CA41659
Rating:Not Rated
Over the past few years, it has become fairly clear that Judge Parker is atrociously pro-female. But I think it goes further than that. It seems that she believes that a loving father, aside from being an ATM, is useless to a child’s life. I hope the coalition for judicial performance audits her cases and realizes the kind of damage this raging pseudo-feminist is doing to families in San Diego county. This judge talks a big talk about child’s best interest, however her actions are not only anti-father, but also anti-family leading to damage to children and hence overall immoral. She is void of wisdom and not intelligent. She must be removed from the bench.


Comment #: CA41603
Rating:Not Rated
probably the worst family court judge in California. She not only enjoys destroying men, but she also ruins children's lives, most of the permanently.

There is a special place for people like this is the afterlife.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA41363
Rating:Not Rated
Unfair judge and nasty personality. I don’t think she is intelligent. There is something wrong with her appointment the the bench. She is clearly anti-family.


Comment #: CA41286
Rating:Not Rated
dear lord!!!

she's back on this board and she is going off the deep end this time. Lots of disturbing Rapid fire postings. She may need some mental health counseling this time.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA41012
Rating:Not Rated
I agree with Judge Parker 100% that women never lie. It's also written somewhere in the bible that women are incapable of lying. Are you detecting the sarcasm? Parker is an irrational illogical democrat far beyond the fringe of the left spectrum. She rules SOLELY POLITICALLY. She does not care about facts or truth. Every ruling is made up in her head based on fantasy and made up facts conjured up in her brain that only sees "evil Patriarchy" and "hate men".

I hope they ship her back to Florida where she came from, where her angry pseudo-femninist nonsense and irrational views will be ignored and mocked for the rest of her life by the rest of the retiree. It's time for someone to get her a gold watch on her and send her packing to Florida where she will be welcomed by her second favorite conservative politician, Governor DeSantis, right behind Trump.

Wouldn't that be the greatest punishment for Parker? To send her to a state where the republican governor is anti-WOKE, anti--SJW, and anti-man hating and anti-abortion.

I can emphatically say that she is the worst family court judge in Southern California.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA40943
Rating:Not Rated
I find it hilarious that she gave a presentation on January 27th, 2022 at the San Diego North County Bar Association on subject of "bias". The hypocrisy within this judge is astonishing. Maybe she should have been in the audience rather than a presenter. As mentioned within these posts and other posts, hands down Judge Parker has the most female bias of any judge in Southern California. The level of her pro-female rulings are shameless and unfathomable even when the females in divorce case are caught and confess to domestic and child abuse, she STILL rules in their favor. Something is very wrong with the mental make up of this judge. For the sake of society, She has to be removed from the bench.


Comment #: CA40872
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Pamela Parker should be papered on every divorce case by every male. To everyone carrying a Y chromosome, your only chance to avoid destruction is to paper her using CCP 170.6.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA40844
Rating:Not Rated
I dont know who is reading these posts. But having worked in family court for decades, I can firmly and confidently say that comment 40843, 40837,40836, 40835 are the tell tale signs of a female toxic femininity, on par with anti-social personality disorder exhibited by males. Female bullies do not often strike back physically, what they do is deregate to savage reputation destruction, manipulation and innuendo which is very difficult to put an end to due to first amendment protection. Whether this person is a victim or not, she is exhibiting "mean girl syndrome" that you typically see in elementary school, which coincidentally Parker exhibits as well. This behavior unchecked on a societal level, has evolved into a "cancel culture" exhibited primarily by anti-social women and non-masculine men. The toxic narcissism is clearly present within these statement.


Comment #: CA40821
Rating:Not Rated
overall a real awful judge, doesn't belong on the bench, it seems like she has a biased lawyer's mentality rather than a neutral judge, she is causing great damage as a judge, I hope she steps away from the bench sooner than later, however, it seems her ego is too large and she is without a conscious to care about the damage she is doing to everyone in her court,

to all the men, dont get married in the USA!!


Comment #: CA40681
Rating:Not Rated
Whoever this person is that is spewing out one word sentences trying to deflect criticism from Judge Parker, you are way too late in trying to "gaslight" and "deflect" and "project" blame off the most awful man hating judge in Southern California. Her time has come, she is getting back what she put out. She will be papered on virtually every case that she presides over unless it's two women that are divorcing each other. Just like all tyrants in history, they are all so arrogant and think they are so insulated that they will never taste the results of their ill deeds. Unfortunately, nature/god always finds a way to get even with the tyrants.

"have you not seen what your lord did with the armies of the elephant? did he not frustrate their scheme? for he sent them flocks of birds, that pelted them with stones of baked clay, leaving them like chewed up straws"....Surah 105, verse 1-5

There will be no armies of birds with baked clay in her case. But there will be massive amounts of complaints to Coalition for judicial performance against her.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA40666
So much nonsense on this Judge posted here. How can a newcomer get the proper advice?

The only thing which matters is what posters:
CA40265, CA40365 & CA40265 have all pointed out. Men must recuse her ("paper her" as it is called).

This Judge will rule against any and every man in a custody matter, violate his due process rights, and snicker while doing it. Most biased (by far) of over 100 judges I've seen.

Please refrain from continuing to post the nonsense, so that well meaning newcomers hear the message.


Comment #: CA40650
Rating:Not Rated
"believe all women".....isn't that Judge Parker's motto?

when will someone remove this man-hater off the bench?


Comment #: CA40558
Rating:Not Rated
this comment is directed towards 40549 and 40549

It's very odd how you have no legal connection to Pamela Parker and you keep coming on this forum and accusing other posters of misogyny and abuse. You don't know anything about these other posters. You continue to refer to some unrelated Los Angeles judge and continue stating incessantly that you are a vicim. To the untrained eye and someone who doesn't realize what you are all about, it seems like you are just an angry feminist. But someone who has training in psychology and psychiatry can see beyond just your words. I'm going to clear this up on this forum so everyone will understand what you are doing. I believe you are attention seeking where you are not supposed to be seeking attention, which is very odd. You don't even belong on this forum. The techniques you are using in your posts are cliche and quite similar to personalities of your type. The list is very long, but I'll only give you a list of 10 things you are doing, ready?

1) Projection
2) Deflection
3) Attempts at artificially creating chaos
4) Lack of shame or guilt in false accusations
5) creating doubts by false statements
6) outright lying
7) Low impulse control in your posts
8) seeking attention at all cost, narcissistic
9) manipulating emotions of people reading this post
10) not believing that the rules of the forum apply to you

You are completely disingenuous. Since you have never been in front of judge parker, then you really don't belong here, yet you continue to propagate your top 10 on every other comment. This leads me to believe that you have some sort of a skin in this game.

You are either Judge Parker herself or someone who has some sort of an incentive to derail the focus off judge Parker. I'm going to go out of a limb and say you might even be a hired troll by someone who does not want Judge Parker exposed.

Unfortunately for you, you are not succeeding. I for one know how to deal with impulsive individuals and individuals that will seek reward despite all risks. In fact, your presence here is doing the exact opposite of helping judge parker. You are hurting her. What you dont realize is that the people on this board are using your innate impulsivity and inherent aggression tone to further expose the incompetence and the bias man hating attitude of judge parker.

So keep writing, we love having you here.


Comment #: CA40544
I love seeing false accusers being held accountable at last. AH doesn't have the money to put up the bond and lawyer fees for the appeal. This is all posturing for attention just like a typical narcissist. No matter how many muffins she sells, she will not have enough money for the 10.35 million bond and lawyer fees. Her announcement in appealing the case is disingenuous. It's time true abuse victims started holding the people who accuse them accountable. The judges and prosecutors need to pay attention as well. If they continue to following the political agenda rather than a the law, they will be removed from the bench and disbarred. Whoever 40492 is, you are out of touch with reality. The tide has turned against "believe all women". It's time to "believe actual victims". How would you like it if people started saying "believe all men'?. I don't think you would like it. But then again, you don't like anything since you are miserable and likely either related to Judge Parker or judge parker herself.


Comment #: CA40493
Rating:Not Rated
I second that motion. However, I'll buy Judge Parker "muffins" for the rest of her life if she voluntarily retires.


Comment #: CA40492
to the raging commentator who keeps spewing nonsense regarding LASC family attorney, I believe that you are a domestic violence survivor, I feel your pain and I hope you can get help to remedy your PTSD. But again, this forum is to comment on Judge Parker and not some LASC lawyer or judge. Aside from that, I promised myself that I will buy "muffins" for everyone in the household for a month if JD wins. That's now 90 muffins that I had to buy from Costco. I am wiling to send you and man-hating judge Parker muffins for a month if you give me your address.


Comment #: CA40455
This message is to all the male divorcing parties who are scheduled to appear in front of Judge Pamela Parker. If you are a male, you must move to recuse her using CCP 170.6 to disqualify judge parker. You must do it 10 days prior to appearing in front of her before your first hearing. To all the males, you have zero change of getting justice in front of Judge Parker. If the men do not disqualify her, they will lose. You can ask about her reputation from any other person who has been in her court. They will corroborate the issue at hand. Recuse her and avoid the disaster that will surely occur in your life if she remains the judge in your case.


Comment #: CA40422
Rating:Not Rated
In 2016/2017, my ex-wife accused me of beating her without any evidence, it was basically my word against her word. And judge Parker believed her. From 2018 onward, my ex-wife has stated 3 times on court record that I never beat her, and that I only pushed her. During the height of the #metoo movement, men were getting destroyed on just simple accusations. I lost everything I had just because of an accusation. I was a business owner from 2013 to 2017. I had 8 female employees and one male employee. I make business decisions based on risks vs rewards, assets vs liabilities. During my divorce case and during that particular climate, since I was concerned about the risk of false accusations, despite zero complaints and zero animosity from my female employees, I fired every single one of them to avert the risk and closed down the business. My male employee had quit and moved away to the east coast. So I only had female employees at that time. All my female employees either liked me or were neutral. I did not have any female employees that disliked me. But As a result of what Judge Parker did to me and as a result of a the left wing "cancel" mob and that particular #metoo climate, I made a calculated business decision and I fired every single one of them. Amongst the 8 female employees, as a result of me firing them and closing down the business, the financial stress let to 3 of them getting divorced, several bankruptcies and one of them became an alcoholic. My actions were not done due to misogyny, it was simply a business decision considering what Parker did to me and the risks in the environment at that time. This is what happens when you "believe all women". Judge Parker had a direct hand in my decisions of firing everyone because of what was done to me, my newly falsely label of "wife beater/woman beater" and how any other woman could now accuse me and be immediately believed because I was falsely accused of domestic violence and that was now recorded on court proceedings. I would like to say to judge parker "Pamela, you forced me to make a business decision to fire every single employee, all were women, and your decision to believe the false accusations, let to several divorces, broken families, bankruptcies and one of my female ex-employees becoming an alcoholic. I had no choice due to the risk. Kudos to Judge Parker, what a champion feminist who is actually collaterally ruining innocent women's lives by believing deceitful false accusation sociopathic women in court. She is a foolish and short sighted judge.


Comment #: CA40365
She has no idea what's in store for her. There is an endless supply of CCP 170.6 headed her way. I would like to take this time to say "Judge Parker, welcome back to the San Diego Central court house Judge".


Comment #: CA40311
Rating:Not Rated
-responding to 40292

You have not and never been a litigant/respondent/petitioner in Parker's court. A troll is a person who makes excessive remarks in order to make maximum disruption to the argument at hand. This post is for opinions, praise and criticism of Judge Parker by people who have been subject to her rulings or affected by her rulings.You are trying to cause disruption to this post by bringing about completely unrelated subjects not remotely connected to Judge Parker Do you know what that means? it means you are the only troll on this board who is trying to cause disruption to direct reviews of Judge Parker. But then again, no one can have an argument with an irrational person like you. Calling someone a troll is just the projection of your own true personality. I'm not sure you realize this, but You are the troll dear.


Comment #: CA40308
Rating:Not Rated
The poster is referring to AH because AH has ASPD. He/she is trying to show Parker on a public spectacle how a sociopath behaves in court. Only the most hardcore man-haters have taken AH side. [Redacted by Ed.] Regular feminists and victims of domestic abuse, whether make or female, are all berating AH. JD has his own problems. But AH woman is truly evil and should be locked up permanently as her condition is incurable. After this trial is over, you will never see her again. She will go and hide in a house until she dies in what is called a “schizoid” transformation once a narco-path is exposed. Do your research and you will understand. The problem with Parker is that she blindly pro-female and she just doesn’t have the intellect or the knowledge to sniff out the sociopath in her court.


Comment #: CA40297
Rating:Not Rated
40292- why are you even on this board? you are not even a respondent/petitioner in Parkers court. Your case was in LA. Parker has only worked in San Diego County. Either you are judge parker herself or family or friend. You are blindly making opinions on her without even being exposed to her rulings. You got of remind me of AH family and friends. Do you know what a "flying monkey" is?


Comment #: CA40265
Judge Parker has been reassigned to family court long cause hearings.

To all male litigants. If your attorney does not act to recuse Judge Parker from your case, sue that attorney for malpractice.

She has been around long enough that any competent attorneys should know she is hopelessly biased. Removing the Judge won't happen. But papering her should be done exactly half the time.


Comment #: CA40217
Rating:Not Rated
You are all mistaken. This judge CAN identify the female psychopath. But she loves hurting men. So nothing pleases her more than when she realizes the female petitioner or respondent is a psychopath. Because then she and the female psychopath gang up on the male to cause maximum damage. Make no mistake, she is not a judge, she is the executioner for the female psychopath divorcees carnage. And that is the truth.


Comment #: CA40168
Rating:Not Rated
Kill? are you out of your mind?

we are not savages, they just need to be identified, held accountable and disciplined, if they cant rule fairly, then removed from the bench permanently

we are here to hold judges accountable socially and publicly since they have complete judicial immunity unless they violate your civil rights

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA40153
Rating:Not Rated
Here we go again, false accusations of abuse with this lady with everyone under the sun, has nothing on the poster except capped texr, now I know she is playing professional victim all the time, using logic and rational with this lady is useless, what’s the next type of horrific abuse you are going to claim mam? Breathing too loud? Or yawning and stretching too much in your presence ? Is that abusive too? This is why no one takes your claims seriously anymore


Comment #: CA40146
Rating:Not Rated
the poster is not berating females, the poster is calling out Pamela parker for having a female bias and not knowledgable of the demeanor of Cluster B personalities in court. At no point is the poster saying Judge Parker is bad judge because she is female. I don't understand the uncalled for ranting and raving of presumption that the poster is ani-female. And the poster is not saying that Parker is hurting females, although she is hurting families for being staunchly pro-female, the poster is saying AH is hurting the voice of actual female domestic survivor because AH is a complete fraud and a con. Why don't you look at the phrases she is saying on the stand that google them and see where she is getting them. She is getting them directly, down to the letter, from dialogues and monologues of other movies quotes. AH is pathological liar and her stories and sentence are adopted from other people and famous movies. LOOK IT UP!!. .AH has no identity of her own, this woman is clearly mentally ill and is a poster child for Psychopaths Cluster B's, doesn't matter if it's a male or female. Pay attention and maybe you will learn something rather than scream and yell like a reactive emotional illogical irrational SJW. Calling out fraud upon the court by AH will HELP the future feminist struggles for equality and the true victims of domestic violence. If AH is somehow not punished for her deception and fraud, due to the high profile matter of this case, it will severely hurt the women's cause and credibility and genuine plight of domestic violence survivors. And you don't know who is making those statements, he/she might be psychiatrist. If AH would have just been quite, she would be found at fault, but not fined 50 million, but I'm almost 100% positive the jury will convict her because of who she is, not if there was defamation or not, because she is a true psychopath and it's transparent.


Comment #: CA40134
Rating:Not Rated
Watching this AH trial, I now understand the kind of damage she is doing to the actual victims of domestic violence. She is a complete con and a fraud who is playing victim and projecting her abusive behavior on JD. I hope judge Parker is watching the trial. Maybe, just maybe, she will understand how Cluster B's behave and operate in court. Then again, like the previous poster stated, judge Parker is just not smart enough to understand it and she is hardwired to be pro-female and anti-male no matter how psychopathic the females in her court may be. Psychopaths make up 1.2% of the population (the split between male vs female is 60/40, meaning 0.5% of the psychopaths in society are female) and cause 37.2% of damage to society. If a judge can not identify, hold accountable and punish a psychopath, then that judge has no business being on the bench. For example, AH single handedly has destroyed 3 giant movie franchises and cost the industry 100's of million of dollars in addition of 100's of people who would have been employed making these movies, who will now need to be looking for other gigs. This is how human, economic and societal carnage is measured due to one single psychopath like AH. I believe if Judge Parker had an ounce of humanity and consciousness, she would resign from the bench due to her incompetence and bias.


Comment #: CA40118
Rating:Not Rated
watching this JD vs AH trial on this TV. Why does this psychologist that doesn't believe men can be victims of domestic violence consistently remind me of Pamela Parker. [redacted by Ed.]

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA40056
Rating:Not Rated
There was a RICO case against family court filed in federal court in 2015. But since the perpetrators were the judges and lawyers, it was very convenient for them to throw it out. They don’t want themselves held accountable.

The RICO investigation case in the other poster is different the one filed in 2015. This directly involves damage to federal funds and corporate municipal bonds. I can not post them as it’s still being investigated.

But if families want to fix family court, they should come together and refile the RICO case in federal court with all the evidence that they possess. You can actually put all of these lawyers and judges in jail if you can connect the dots and prove the case. It’s doable, I’m willing to participate in such case. Anything public and legal policy starts in California permeates throughout the country within 10 years. If we can succeed, we can fix the filthy family court in this country and secure the future if our children.


Comment #: CA40036
Rating:Not Rated
I am going to clear this for everyone once and for all. I actually have the certified court transcript for what I'm about to tell you. So if you want it, request it and I'll send it to you. In Spring of 2017, while I was testifying on the stand in my divorce case, I said "my ex-wife suffers from cluster B personality disorder"....Judge parker interrupted my testimony, turned to her left and gazed down and asked me "what is a cluster B personality disorder?"...I was shocked. I looked to the right and up to her face and looked in her eyes and this is what I wanted to say, which I didn't "you don't know what a cluster B disorder is? and you are also a wifely known pro-female judge. And they made you a judge in a family court? I have zero chance of getting justice". I knew at that moment that all was lost in my case as there was no way she was fit to preside over my case. There was no way I was going to get justice.

if you want the certified transcript, I'll send it to whoever requests it.

The other poster is absolutely correct, she does not belong on the bench.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA39977
Rating:Not Rated
RE: CA39976

Dear Victim,

I’ve read your documents and I’d like to offer my apology. I was skeptical initially, but seeing the evidence, it is clear that Judge Parker engaged in dismissive conduct toward you and your case that probably is rooted in mental health discrimination and stigma. Many people struggle with mental health, but that is not a reason for a judge to automatically dismiss serious claims, especially when clearly supported by the evidence. This judge truly wronged you, and I’m sorry for doubting your story.

This is actually a good RICO case, and I hope the ongoing investigation provides you the relief and justice you need to find closure in this horrible situation your abuser put you in.

Readers, this is a genuine case of fraud on the court and the judge put her head in the sand hoping the victim would just take the loss.

To the victim, you may want to save this post and repost it later to counter the editor’s censorship if it should happen. TRR editor is pro-judge and will likely remove this post. Don’t let them.

I have withheld details from this post due to the ongoing FBI investigation. Good luck to you, sir.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA39976
Rating:Not Rated
I just sent you many documents. Let’s see what you do with them!!!

Court Staff

Comment #: CA39973
Rating:Not Rated
RE: CA39972

Dear [Redacted],

Please email me the docs. I don’t respond by phone because I’m maintaining anonymity.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA39972
Rating:Not Rated
I just emailed you and gave you my contact info. Thanks for calling me a liar because I have been busy the last few days. Now that you know who I am, since you called me a liar, you owe it to me to pursue justice when I provide you with the documents.


Comment #: CA39959
Rating:Not Rated
to CA39907

these posts are to expose a single individual, judge Pamela Parker. The comments and opinions stated on this page is towards a judge, not towards all women. We all have mothers and sisters that we love. Judge Parker's shortcoming are due to her female bias and ignorance, not because she is female. Judge Parker is NOT a feminist. She is pro-female no matter what criminal activity that female has been involved in. That is where the problem lies. You seem to not be able to separate the admonition of her professional conduct agaisnt her being a female judge. The flaw is her professional conduct, not her sex.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA39900
Rating:Not Rated
RE: CA39895

Dear Other,

Sure send me what you have. You can contact me at RadiantTruth@pm.me.

Very Truly,

Ventura County's Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA39898
Rating:Not Rated
I would be content and be at peace for her to stay on the bench if she becomes a true feminist that believes in equality and takes professional classes and accrues knowsledge on how cluster B persons operate in court until she can successfully detect them. But there are two problems with that

1) she is 70 years ago and hardwaired idiologically to hate men. You will not change a 70 year old set personality and though process

2) No matter how many classes she takes and how many experts she consults regarding cluster B's, she simply doesn't have the raw intellect needed to decipher and recognize the cluster B person in her courtroom. Despite what the screaming poster says about intelligent women, Parker is clearly not intelligent at all. That doesn't mean women are not intelligent. Women are as intelligent as men and THAT HAS BEEN PROVEN scientifically despite the rants of many misogynists in society. It's Parker that is the problem. She is not one of the intelligent ones, she is not smart. Even other female lawyers in her court know that fact. Parker does not belong on the bench and her assignment to the bench was purely a political one and not merit and intelligence based. That's the hard bitter truth.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA39896
Rating:Not Rated
If you are willing to help me get started in proceedings to expose and remove this judge, I’m all in. If you can somehow in touch with me, I will show you to what extent her mistakes have caused destruction 3500 miles away from California which has affected 100s of thousands of lives. If you only knew the damage she has caused to an entire county by emboldening and empowering a full fledged psychopath.

Do you dare me and double down? I’ll show you with hard proof that this woman does not belong on the bench.


Comment #: CA39895
Rating:Not Rated
You want proof? How do I get into contact with you? I will show you my personal case and how Parker was completely conned by a psychopath. But when she realized she was conned. She did not reverse her decision and doubled down on her decision because it was extremely embarrassing to her and her fragile ego. I have hard proof of all this. I know if other makes whose lives have been shattered by this foolish man destroyer. There are enough of us out there to remove this raging pseudo feminist off the bench.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA39891
Rating:Not Rated
RE: CA39890

Dear Other,

You say that this judge automatically believes all women, but perhaps this judge simply realizes that most accused are actually guilty. No one goes to court because they want to pull a fast one, especially victims of abuse and domestic violence. These are people fighting for their lives.

I call your bluff and double down. Anyone who has been victimized by this judge I call you to action: Send me physical proof of domestic violence ignored by this judge. You can send medical records recording physical injury as a result of abuse, such as broken bones, bruising, genital mutilation by the perpetrator, etc. To the "disbelieving" poster, I have seen all of these in my work with the Ventura courts. The Ventura court routinely disbelieves real survivors, for example one rape survivor I'm working with had bruising documented by two independent doctors: planned parenthood and the victim's regular physician. This victim was still ruled against. It's sick and pervasive, systemic bias, discrimination, and stigma against real victims.

Perhaps this judge is helping the community by listening to survivors instead of corrupt attorneys who lie for their client.

Very Truly,

Ventura County's Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA39889
Rating:Not Rated
RE: CA39888

Dear Other,

Please don’t minimize the experiences of real victims of legal abuse. Court can often be a perpetrator’s playground where judges are manipulating into acting on biases and stigma to hurt survivors. Stop gaslighting victims of abuse. This woman has suffered enough and doesn’t need your dismissive, victim blaming attitude. It’s not helping anyone.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA39338
What's with all the whining and complaining? Why are all you men who have been ruined by this woman just keep whining and complaining instead of taking legal action against her? it seems like it's dozens if not hundreds of men out there that have been burned by this man-hating fool of judge. She has full immunity and zero legal repercussions with regards to her rulings. You guys are all wasting your breath, energy and time by complaining here.

You want to know how you can hold her accountable? this is how you do it...

her six year term is almost up, find a candidate to run against her. Then, during the campaign, every single man who has been burned by her and whose rights violated and trampled can bring out the documents showing her misdeeds. Give those documents to the candidate that's running against her so that candidate can use it against her. But, if you pool your resources together (it will only take few hundred dollars each) you can PUBLICIZE THESE DOCUMENTS ON A GRAND SCALE within the court system, journals, San Diego News Papers and San Diego TV stations and her cherished man-hating organizations she is involved in outside her job. YOU MUST MAKE IT GRAND AND IN YOUR FACE.

Here are the two scenarios that will occur afterwards. Either she will lose her bench seat and that will be the end of her career. Or she will win and IT WILL BE FAR WORSE FOR HER. Do you know why it will be worse? Because from then on, the entire San Diego county and every man, woman, lawyer and judge will know what she is because she has been exposed in a "GIANT IN YOUR FACE" on a grand public scale. Personally, I hope she wins her election after she is exposed on a grand scale, because the fall out to her afterwards on the bench will be far worse than if she loses her seat

That's how you get a rid of a bad judge. Not by bad reviews on-line. You expose them publicly on a grand scale. Trust me, the governor will take notice and so will the Commission for Judicial Performance. Even if she win, her professional life will become so miserable that she will be forced to quit.

To the moderator on this board who decides to take down comments, I have said absolutely nothing illegal or defamatory in this comment. Please leave this comment be and don't take it down.


Comment #: CA39272
Rating:Not Rated
this foolish woman will only understood the damage she is doing to men if she had it done to her own children. But she only has daughters. Hopefully, her daughters will have boys and she will see first hand and feel first hand how her grandsons will be ostracized and abused by the man hating philosophy adopted by other man haters in society. Only then will she "feel" the damage she is causing to other boys, men and fathers. Karma is ruthless. Sooner or later, it comes for you in one way or another. Men are opting out of society and schools. Lets see if you will need men when some tyrant like Putin attacks this country. At that point, men will not fight for women and a society that does not value them. You dont believe me? read history and you will see it has happened multiple times. Women are the foundation of society and if men do not believe in the foundation of their society, they will simply not defend it.


Comment #: CA39249
Rating:Not Rated
seething, fire breathing, raging, miserable man hater

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA39196
Rating:Not Rated
To the men out there, this lady has been put on the bench to destroy ON PURPOSE. Make no mistake about it, this woman has been brainwashed and handpicked to be a judge to destroy families and the family unit. Do not confront her, simply just recuse her. If everyone continues to recuse her, they will eventually remove. It has already started and she is gathering a horrendous reputation. And after your divorce, I urge all the men to NEVER get married, EVER.


Comment #: CA39144
Judge Parker, you ruined my life. Linda Alexander played you to get her restraining order from you so she could ruin my chances of getting my child back home. And you fell for it. I don't care about her, I never came close to her and never would. She is harassing ME and seeking me out every way possible. He got me evicted, she tampered with my monitor, my doctor, and fcs. She is constantly looking for my address, I'm not even displaying my work addressand got a po box, just so she can't find ME. And you go and do this to my kid. He lives in a urine soaked home with goat feces everywhere. I know, I sent an inspector there. So, she got her restraining order from you so o look worse than living in a toilet. I can't believe you, you just helped shove a kid further into that shithole environment. You were my most respected judge in vista. Now, you are the woman who ruined my son's future. Shame on you


Comment #: CA39097
she is an unfolding live continuous daily disaster

it has become crystal clear that this judges intellect and position is not congruent with her true and accurate qualifications and credentials. Things just do not make sense. She continuous to make the same mistakes over and over again due to one of two reasons. It's either an idealistic fallacy that is preventing her from judging correctly or it's an engrained personality issue she has that is being ignored due to political reasons. I wonder how the repercussions of her existence on the bench are unfolding in the lives of the people affected by his misjudgment.


Comment #: CA39037
Unable to detect the covert narcissist, specially if the petitioner/respondent is a female narcissist. This notion makes this woman is extremely dangerous due to her lack of intelligence and intuition to determine who the criminal is.


Comment #: CA38838
Rating:Not Rated
This board sheds bright light on who Pamela Parker really is. She is no judge. She is hypnotized unaware goon and a tool for female narcissists and sociopaths in her court. This pre-programmed clueless woman was appointed by a system that has been financially incentivized to hate men. However, system or no system, it doesn't matter. No one can escape the laws of nature. At last, the laws of nature will unfold as they should. She will get hers if she is not already.


Comment #: CA38781
Rating:Not Rated
Very bad judge, her ideals and personality are not fit for being a judge, continues to do damage through poor judgement day in and day out. Even though down the line, she 100% knows that she made a mistake, she can not bring herself to change her rulings and admit that she was wrong. That's the truly disturbing aspect of her behavior. This is not going to end up well for her. She must be an extremely miserable, self-hating and self-loathing person. Something is wrong with her mental foundation.


Comment #: CA38647
Rating:Not Rated
There was no need for her to go to college and Harvard law school to arrive at such mental composition to be a judge. Any uneducated teenager can rule on cases exactly like her. Even my own 13 year old can look at a birth certificate of the respondent/petitioner and rule in a favor for the person who is registered as the female sex.
She is a joke. Now I understand why everyone in San Diego was laughing at her and they had to transfer her to Del Mar.


Comment #: CA38536
Rating:Not Rated
fed pen?...funny you should say that

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA38512
Rating:Not Rated
It seems clear hat this "one word sentence" commentator is Parker herself. Her own deeds are circling back to her at last. This post is solely for exposure of incompetent and unprofessional judges. Parker is indeed an incompetent unprofessional judge who doesn't belong on the bench. If you need to be certain that these posts are not just the opinions of male in her court, please talk to the female lawyers that routinely appear in her court. The female lawyers, doesn't matter if they represent the males or females in her court, will say the exact thing as Pamela being incompetent and unprofessional and not befitting as seat on the bench


Comment #: CA38488
Rating:Not Rated
Yes, but she is not claiming to be a victim. She is defending a man hating ignorant foolish judge. No one is downplaying if she is a victim or not. But what she is doing is irrationally dismissing the true male victim of Pamela Parker’s court. The commentator, who seems to be a female, has likely never been to Pamela Parker’s court. Why is she even writing on this post? There is a reason for that. It’s because this “single word” commentator is likely Pamela Parker herself who is checking out this site and responding. And she projects her own rancid behavior on others while describing herself. She is upset that she has finally been exposed is getting the karmic response of her misdeeds.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA38471
Rating:Not Rated
Dear “Other,”

Victims of violence all have different ways of expressing their trauma. We need to be tolerant and trauma aware.

Corruption in our courts is very real. Please do not disparage this woman’s experience as somehow less valid or “real.” The fact that she is still here posting about the legal abuse she experienced despite several abusive trolls and TRR censorship speaks volumes and is a strong indicator of truth. We need to take victims seriously.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA38470
Rating:Not Rated
this is a response

to comment CA38457

the female respondent is exactly what's wrong with the system, the "victim" role playing by abusive women who routinely disparage men and abuse men with no accountablity and having big brother government backing them

enjoy your cats and bottles of wine lady while bing single and lonely, you did this to yourself


Comment #: CA38415
Rating:Not Rated
how did she become a judge? she can not possibly be a judge in a system that follows logic and rational. She has none of the qualities that your prototypical judge has. She has below average intellect, giant ego, extremely poor temperament, raging demeanor, and has the most female bias there has ever been in a judge in southern California. Something is very very wrong here. Either it's a systemic problem that has led to this raging fool be allowed to remain on the bench. Or she has sequentially fallen through every loop hole to get to her position. There is no other judge in southern California that is as damaging as her to families and specially children. What is more surprising is that she has been exposed for the last 3 years and she STILL is on the bench. More than anything, she promotes and encourages abuse by females in her court which ultimately boomerangs back squarely back to the abusive females later on down the line. She might think she is fighting for the feminist cause, but her mental makeup is absolutely destructive to the well being of all females in the short and long run. You can not let a female narcissist or sociopath continue hurting everything and everyone in sight and think that you are advocating for them. Disregarding abuse by the females and not holding female criminals ultimately leads to the demise of the females and is harmful to the well being of women in general. There is no doubt in mind that this raging man hater thinks Amber Heard is the victim even though the entire world sees that Amber heard is a full blown narco-path.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA38332
Rating:Not Rated
this woman ruined my three boys by awarding custody to my sociopath ex-wife. They are now in foster home because she was finally caught abusing and neglecting the children after 8 separate reports to child protective services. I am in the process of getting custody of my kids and have a long road of fixing all the damage she has caused in them. To the morons who automatically side with the women in divorce, just realize that 40% of all sociopaths are women. But foolish man hating judges in family court automatically blame the ills of the divorce squarely on men. I hope Parker is removed from the bench in disgrace. Pamela, I know you have zero empathy for men. Guess what, people who are finding out who you are also have zero empathy for you. "the universe never fails"

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA38029
Rating:Not Rated
Saber rattling raging man hater who is delusional in thinking that she is pursuing equaliy seeking feminism and justice. But she is nothing more than a tool for the corrupt immoral greedy neo-liberal capitalist system instilled for the past 50 years, she is beyond lost and completely unaware that she is merely a tool for the unjust corrupt and greedy system. She is just not smart enough to realize it. She never was smart. She doesn't even know it. That's the only redeeming excuse. The problem is her giant ego and inflated sense of self esteem has deluded her in her importance and false sense of justice. She is just a brainwashed tool for the people who benefit from her. I wonder if she will ever realize. My guess is NO!!!


Comment #: CA38010
Rating:Not Rated
the fundamental problem is that she is letting her angry feminist mind affect her judgement on the bench, if she resolves that aspect of her personality, she then would be a great judge, the problem is that she is almost 70, it's too late to change decades of hard wiring, you can rewire yourself at 17, but not at 70, best course of action is for her to resign or be removed from the bench


Comment #: CA37793
Rating:Not Rated

And, you know this , how? Be careful of glass houses, because they can shatter and your anti-woman hate speech, is very abusive and perhaps that is why you might get the after-taste, of the abusive, BS that spews out of your mouth.


Comment #: CA37658
Rating:Not Rated
I own a private business. I am the sole owner and I have more than a couple of dozen employees. I went through divorce in Parker's court and I saw how she did not hold women accountable for anything. My ex-wife was able to lie, cheat and steal and I showed proof after proof to Parker and she didn't do a darn thing to stop her or admonish her. Later on, I find out she also presides over business cases and in those cases as well, women are not held accountable for any fraud or criminal activities. I was able to save my business from being completely destroyed even though this woman was allowing and actually enjoying my ex-wife trying to destroy me and my business. However, I made the majority of the business unreachable in the divorce from her and Parkers claws. My ex still got what was owned to her based on our agreement, but nothing more.

After this eye opening experience, I have started not to hire anyone as a W2. I changed the business structure to only hire 1099 independent contractor and I try not to hire women because they can accuse you of anything and commit any crimes and they are not AT ALL held accountable in the court of law. It's just not worth it.

Parkers actions and rulings are actually hurting women in the long run. She doesn't realize that she and the other judges like her are destroying women's independence and freedom.

A lot of guys I see at the business gathering are denying women employment because it's just not worth the risk. Businessmen assess a business based on assets and liablilities. Even if the woman employee is honest and hard working, if things end up in court, since the system is bias, the woman automatically wins.

Look around you, it's because like Parker and the system who are destroying women in general. She is a short sighted fool.

Women don't become plumbers and electricians who can easily be 1099 and do very well. Women usually are not business owners and are usually W2 employees. Thus if you limit W2 employees, its easy to LEGALLY sideline the liability and mitigate the risk. This is happening all around the country. The stupid #metoo movement accelerated the loss of women's employment status. Wait a few more months, it's about to get far worse.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA37600
Rating:Not Rated
I kept telling this clueless ignorant judge that my ex-wife is a narcissistic sociopath and I begged her to take the kids away from her and put them in a foster home until my ex can undergo a thorough 730 evaluation. What does thisjudge do? She calls me bitter and vindictive towards a “good mother” who has been victimized by the abusive husband eventhough my ex finally admitted that I didn’t hit her. Parker Gives my ex full legal and physical custody.

Fast forward 3 years. Child protective services forcibly removes the children from the mothers house 3 weeks ago and levies 3 charges of child endangerment and abuse against her. Now my kids are in foster home and severely damaged and alienated from me.

I sincerely believe that this judge knew my ex had serious psychological problems, but god forbid the woman/mother should be the problem. That would have destroyed this judges entire man hating mental construction and her assertion of the evil patriarchy. It would have destroyed her ideals and her beliefs.

I hope this evil judge pays for her rotten and Vile rulings personally and professionally.

She knows who I am.

Pamela , Why don’t you just write a letter and apologize and then resign. Everyone knows what a terrible judge and a rotten personality you are. You are completely exposed now for the terrible judge that you are. Governor Brown appointed you purely based on political agenda.

To all the men, if your ex wife to be is a lying evil narcissistic sociopath, you MUST recuse Parker otherwise she will destroy you and your kids and also allow your ex wife to destroy herself.

Karma is a B. It will catch up with her. It has already started. Just ask the other judges and lawyers. They will tell you.


Comment #: CA37542
Rating:Not Rated

What an adorable, small, insecure and over-compensating male and troll, who is disgruntled, threatened and jealous, over smart women he can't control and a female judge , who actually does her job, while some are known to play up and play for crooked, lying, manipulative male colleagues.

And, the RR leaves this up, but is at the beck and call for LASC family lawyer, creep, threatening, stalker, anti-female, female abuser, LASC lawyer troll, and this disgruntled, dishonest, D*ck LA family lawyer, more dangerous than a peeping Tom, who is in bed with certain judges from CCW to Mosk.


Comment #: CA37541
Rating:Not Rated
In the Merriam Webster dictionary, the definition of feminism, copied and pasted, is:

"Essential Meaning of feminism

1: the belief that men and women should have equal rights and opportunities
2: organized activity in support of women's rights and interests"

It seems like Pamela has disregarded number 1 and is only focusing on number 2.

A self proclaimed feminist who only focuses on number 2 is really a pseudo-feminist who is actually a bias man-hater. Go ahead and screen and review her cases and it will become crystal clear to you. I am number one and not number 2, but she is PURELY number 2.

They must remove this man-hater from the bench. She is doing a disservice to women and she doesn't realize how badly she is hurting women and that's because she has no common sense and understanding. Sooner or later she will find herself in federal court or in some other legal trouble where she is not immune as a result of her rulings and her behavior. It wont be because of her in-court rulings that will land her in hot water. It will because of her behavior and activities outside court.

Pamela, I am being sincere in my advice, DO YOURSELF A FAVOR and resign!!! it's to your best interest if you only knew, however, since your have no common sense and understanding, I don't believe you will heed my advice and will come to that conclusion the hardest way possible.


Comment #: CA37328
Rating:Not Rated

who is the person who wrote the last 2reviews within an hour apart? bunch of nonsense pointing fingers at others while trying to deflect and PROJECT their own ills on others. Is that you Pamela?


Comment #: CA37314
Rating:Not Rated

TRUTH! Post 37308, along with other posts, is a creep, and seems like a creep lawyer, with mommy issues and women issues, and writes highly offensive, unlawful, anti-female, sexist, anti-women-hate speech posts, exactly just like the creepy, sleazebag, stalker, threatening, LA family lawyer- troll, who is in bed with a certain crooked judge...and the "year after year"-gave this disgruntled, creep troll lawyer, away--while implicating theirself and circle...

---And, ***"year after year" gave the creep lawyer..while also making it a creepy, stalker, personal attack...

... .." her angry eyes and mouth. It seems she has poison and acid in her blood..." --sounds exactly, like the, guilty, woman hating, LA lawyer troll (or copy cat), along with anti-female-gender-hate speech and language, who also seems to idolize Trump and the way he inappropriately spoke about Megan Kelly and his mistreatment of some other females....


Comment #: CA37312
Rating:Not Rated
Comment #: CA37308
--> 9/26/2021 **4:04:12 AM; the psycho was up in the middle of the night, writing the psycho post on Judge Parkerm and is exactly like the creep,
threatening, stalker, LASC family lawyer,troll.

..**4:04:12 AM; the psycho was up in the middle of the night, writing the psycho post on Judge Parker... and is exactly like the creepy, threatening, mentally unbalanced, LASC family lawyer, troll, who is in bed with a judge and writes, psycho posts--against opponents, the truth and to deflect from truthful posts aboutnhis wrongdoings , with the judge he is in bed with and their LASC family law cabal and LASC family lawyer troll, who is in bed with an equally disrepute judge and cabal, targets opponents and other judges, to distract from the truth, truthful posts--look at the eeerily creepy similarites, and the timing of when these posts are written and posted....

...LASC family law dept. has such a group of disrepute, judges and the creepy, cheating, lying, crooked lawyers they are in bed with, who are not very bright, not clever, lawful, or erhical, these family law judges and lawyers... and the victims of these type of abusive. troll judges and lawyers, will continue to call them out; and call out their lawlessness and harm and truth to power.


Comment #: CA37308
Rating:Not Rated
I know this might look bad and I would usually feel bad about feeling this way with other people, but when it comes to this judge, I don’t feel bad at all about the following since age such a horrible person and a worse judge. So here it goes:

I keep smiling and laughing when I see her miserable and angry. She is angrier and more miserable year after year. And My smile gets bigger and laughters louder year after year. Look at her face and her angry eyes and mouth. It seems she has poison and acid in her blood. Does she realize that she is causing the misery all by herself? She might think she is respected. But that’s only said to her face. Everyone makes fun of this old woman behind her back and she is the butt of so many jokes. The people I feel sorry for are her husband and children. They have to put up with this miserable wretch. Must be absolute hell. But she deserves every bit of it.


Comment #: CA37017
raging insecure bully


Comment #: CA36795
Rating:Not Rated
The single biggest hypocrite sitting on a bench in Southern California. But her time as come and after 5 years, she is now being exposed for who she is really is. It seems her sole purpose is to hurt men and destroy families. She is by far the most savage fool presiding over family court cases. I will have no empathy or care for her when the laws of the universe or msn get even with her. She is your typical insecure bully who will suffer the consequences of her actions, either in this world or the next. I can only imagine how terribly miserable her personal life is. She deserves every bit of it. She is too delusional and has a reprobate mind to even think for a second why she is such a miserable angry wretch. It seems as if god has sealed her hearing, seeing and her heart due to all her evil rulings and she continues to eviscerate her own soul. Her misery and anger is purely her own doing. I feel not a morsel of empathy for this evil bully. She deserves the crappy life that she has.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA36689
Rating:Not Rated
How was she appointed as a judicial officer? She is terrible!!!!


Comment #: CA36608
Rating:Not Rated
Even if women commit multiple serious crimes, Parker will not hold them accountable whatsoever. She is bias and extremely damaging. Unfit to preside over family court where women are the abusers or criminal cases where women are the criminals. She should have the humility to admit her flawed bias and resign. If not, then she should be removed forcefully in a public embarrassment and made an example out of for all other judges to adjust their political and cowardly rulings. I don't believe Parker can change as you can not teach an old dog new tricks. She is beyond salvation and she should be removed.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA36495
Rating:Not Rated
This is in response to comment # CA36452

Every single one of those statements are false. Not only are they false, the true statements are the exact opposite of what those comments are. Here is why:

1) Judge Parker does not level the playing field. She is extremely pro-female and will rig the table for the males to fail and lose in court. This has been proven throughout many of her cases over and over again. She is really acting like the council for the female respondents and petitioners. Even female lawyers who represent male clients can confirm that.

2) She does not protect children. She ruins children by giving custody to the abusive Cluster B spouse as she can not determine who the sociopath or the narcissist is. She is void of any knowledge of malignant personality disorders.

3) The people on this board are the victims of her rulings. They are not the bullies. The only bully here is Judge Parker.

4) Judge parker is unprofessional and has unfit temperament on the bench, completely clueless in cluster B disorders and disgustingly pseudo-feministicic (not even true feminist).

5) Judge parker does indeed "embroil" herself with corrupt attorneys, but she does it unknowing and unconsciously, she doesn't realized that the Family Law firm have figured her out and are using her to make tons of money. Judge parker is indeed part of this extremely dirty game, but it's likely being done unknowingly. The proof is in her activities outside court. I can not prove that she is knowingly corrupt so I will not make that statement. But I wouldn't be surprised if she is knowing corrupt and in cahoots with other family law firms and judges.

I don't think her career will end well. She is already being exposed amongst her peers and other attorneys as who she is. She has created a lot of enemies and one of these enemies is going to have the political means and the power to remove her from the bench in disgrace. It's only matter of time


Comment #: CA36452
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Parker will always try to level the Plainfield, which means, in many instances protecting the rights and due process of the most vulnerable part. If women and kids are more vulnerable, she will level the Plainfield for them. The hate I see here is from people that probably are bulLies. Judge Parker is very professional, knowledgeable, and doesn't embroid herself with attorneys. The legal system is facing the problem with embroilment and corrupt attorneys that suck the money from clients with the cooperation of many judges. Judge Parker is not a part of any of this dirt game. She probably doesn't care if many hate her just because she is clean and she is on the side of justice and law.


Comment #: CA36266
Rating:Not Rated
has personality issues that were likely caused from damage to her in her early years, angry and improper temperament unfit and inappropriate for the bench, it seems like she got to her post politically rather then by merit and proper character, should have never become a judge, now everyone is getting damaged because of incorrect appointment to the bench, just a bad judge and bad personality


Comment #: CA36168
Rating:Not Rated
This judge is extremely dangerous. She is a terrible judge of character and is unable to determine accurately who the victim is and who the abuser is. She lacks the fund of knowledge in how sociopaths/narcissists operate within a court. Many families, including children have been destroyed by this judge as she routinely gives custody of the children to the abusing spouse as she is unable to identify the abusers “projection” on the victim. She is not intelligent. She is irrational and emotional. The primary emotion that she displays on the bench is anger and rage. It is present in her face the minute she walks to the courtroom in the morning. You can see the misery and anger in her face . Unwise and clueless.


Comment #: CA36105
Rating:Not Rated
After a while, it became clear that this judge enjoys hurting men. She tries to hide it and she does a very good job at it, but from time to time, you see the glee in her eye when she realizes the she has succeeded in hurting men. It is extremely disturbing. Something is very wrong with this woman. I dont believe she is just a man hater, she actually gets a kick out of hurting men and seeing them in pain. The best way to get revenge on this woman is after she has hurt you, work on yourself and because even healthier and stronger. This will make her even more angry and will cause tremendous damage to her ego since she will realize her attempts at destroying you or crippling you was futile. Regardless, you becoming stronger and healthier is your revenge against her. But she will also get hers from the universe as well. This world has natural laws. She will get hers if she hasn't already. She has already been exposed in the legal circles and she already developed a reputation as having a rotten character and personality. Her colleagues are starting to discard her.


Comment #: CA35900
Rating:Not Rated
Ladies, if Pamela Parker is assigned to your divorce case, it's your lucky day because in Parker's court, women are not responsible for anything and are not held accountable for anything at all. Even if you ladies commit multiple felonies, Pamela Parker will look the other way. So ladies, just sit back and relax and do whatever you want as you will not be held accountable any of your misdeeds whatsoever.

I thought feminism was about equality. It seems not to be the case in this hypocrites court.

Dont worry though, her time will come.


Comment #: CA35530
Rating:Not Rated
Does this ruthless man destroying fool think that just because she is legally immune from her immoral wrongdoings while on the bench, that karma will not catch up with her in one way or another? She has no common sense.

When I look at her on the bunch, I see a miserable angry old woman who continuously makes herself more miserable by being a terrible judge and worse, a terrible person. But this is just the beginning of her punishment. This woman has no common sense, no street smarts and surprisingly, no book smarts either. She has a sad and painful life ahead of her for what she has done to so many families.

I am an old man, I have lived long on this blue planet and I have witnessed what happens to people who continuously partake in immorality. I hope I live long enough to see how karma will get even with her.


Comment #: CA35427
Rating:Not Rated
The most man hating and bias judge in Southern California. If you are a male, prepare to get torn apart in her court. I find it astonishing that she is still a judge given that virtually everyone know what a destructive bitter miserable self hating man hating moron she is.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA35334
Rating:Not Rated
The judicial oath of office in California includes upholding of the constitution of the United States and constitution of state of California. The profound hypocrisy in this woman’s taking the oath of office is bubbling up to the surface and and appearing in plane view of everyone to see. She has virtually no respect for the civil rights of men or children. She is the exact opposite of who claims to be She is not fighting for civil rights as she claims. She is stepping on men’s civil rights and destroying fathers and husband. People are taking notice. Her days in the bench are numbered.


Comment #: CA35153
Rating:Not Rated
Unable to detect the covert narcissist. Completely lost.


Comment #: CA34835
Rating:Not Rated
I must say, I'm not surprised by the comments on this board. My case was one the first she presided over when she became a judge. She is very predictable and easily manipulated. My ex-wife noticed this and started to manipulate her and she kept winning and winning. I realized my only chance at getting any justice is go against my convictions and manipulate her as well. After a 4 year court battle, I was finally able to secure 50/50 custody. Being easily manipulated is the de facto characteristic of a tool, someone who has no analytical and critical thinking skills of real world facts. Does she realize, even for a split second, that she is a tool for the ruling class of this country? She is the product of social engineering carried out by the owners of this country since the 1960's. She has no clue that they own her soul. She is dancing on a string held by all those big shots. Yet she believes she is freeing and liberating women. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Frankly, I believe she has the mental maturity of a 15 year old teenage girl which no boy wanted to talk to. I Believe her personality deficits were engrained and promoted from that particular age through her significant insecurities and anger at the world. Why are these judges not psychologically assessed before being considered for the bench?


Comment #: CA34782
Rating:Not Rated
She is an pretentious abusive bully hiding behind a black robe while at the same time pretending to be a righteous and just judge. People are starting to see her for who she is. Her colleagues are seeing it. But most of all, the judges she is supervising are seeing it from close range.


Comment #: CA34675
Rating:Not Rated
What a pathetic site!!! She genuinely believes she is smarter than everyone else in the courtroom. And this notion is the exact principle that is being used by criminals in her courtroom to dupe her. She is easily conned at the expense of the innocent parties. She is clearly not intelligent enough to have been vetted by other judges and appointed by a judicial panel. I feel sorry for Californians as man hating fools like this continue to be promoted even though it's clear as daylight that she is not fit to be a judge. Whats worse, is that her behavior is detrimental to females in the long AND short run. Her style of feminism is mostly detrimental to females, but I don't think she realizes it. But then again, we elected Trump, so I am not really that surprised.


Comment #: CA34619
Rating:Not Rated
I’m hearing things at the north county court house. There is a lot of chatter and gossip about her around the legal community. I hope the men she destroyed take her to federal court over and over again. But first, many many many complaints to the coalition for judicial performance must be filed. Even though the complains will be completely dismissed, they will definitely be recorded in her file. Once there are enough complaints in her file, it will raise red flags even though they will not be fruitful. However, if after filing many complaints against her, she is then sued in federal court for civil rights violations, then those complaints might be revisited and looked into more seriously. The black robes gang in San Diego watch out for each other at the expense of the petitioner and the respondent. They are no different than the blue wall of cops who are a gang who protect their rotten apples as well. BUT, when a federal civil rights case comes down on a police officer, the rest of the cops let that officer hang out to dry. If you want her black robed crew to abandon her, take her to federal court on civil rights charges. Even if all the civil rights suits are losers, the other judges will pull away from her and she will be exposed and unprotected by her black robed gangster. After a while, one of these civil rights cases will stick and then her career will spiral down since more and more federal civil rights cases will be filed and they will continue sticking with increased rate. That’s how you can end her tyranny and judicial abuse.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA34617
Rating:Not Rated
If Derek Chauvin were a judge his record would be indistinguishable from Pamela Parker's. She kneels on the necks of men and can justify that behavior in her own mind.


Comment #: CA34608
Rating:Not Rated
Mean spirited, spiteful, and most very unfair


Comment #: CA34547
Rating:Not Rated
I am convinced that this judge enjoys hurting men. Many judges in family court are man haters. But what separates this sick judge from the other man hating judges is her enjoyment of hurting men. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. I don’t know how she will get her comeuppance. But it will be interesting to see it.


Comment #: CA34396
Rating:Not Rated
Given her families history of civil rights activism, I find it hilariously ironic and shockingly hypocritical that she takes pleasure in eviscerating mens civil rights on a routine basis. Seems like the folks on this board are right about her being a two faced hypocrite. I don't know what the following article implies, but it is strongly pointing to a disturbing female bias. The article about her was published on 3/16/2021. You can look it up online. It's an article written by Elijah Gaglio on SDCBA BLAWG401. It's too big to copy and paste. So just look it up yourselves.

Hypocrisy is unforgivable. Hopefully she will be exposed for who she really is, a man hating hypocrite.


Comment #: CA34199
Rating:Not Rated
I like seeing her angry and raging on the bench. It goes to show there is final judgement for her ill behavior and immoral and vile rulings. She is a miserable angry wretch because of who she is and what she does.

The wonderful thing about her existence is that she is 4 feet above everyone in plain view facing everyone in the courtroom. We have a good front row seat with a good visual of seeing her miserable demeanor and self-hate every morning at 8:30 am.

God is putting her in plain view for everyone to see what a miserable person. That's good enough for me.


Comment #: CA34141
Rating:Not Rated
Pamela Parker is by far the most bias judge sitting on the bench in southern California. I have no idea how she continues to get away with her blatant anti-man rulings. Lawyers who represent men in front of her, hate her guts. But the same lawyers, when representing women, love her immensely. It's almost comical. It seems as if Parkers personal experiences has led her to become a very bitter man hating angry woman and/or she has been indoctrinated to hate men through whatever education she has received through her school and her professional life. She is the poster child for the raging toxic SJW who has failed in her personal or professional life and is taking it out on anyone and everyone in her path. I don't see any other way of stopping this woman other than taking her to federal court or having someone run against her in the 6 year election mark. She has made enough enemies in the legal circles and in the regular public to make her removal a real possibility.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA33666
Rating:Not Rated
If you have information on Judge Parker, I want to hear from you. Email me. RadiantTruth@pm.me.

Very Truly,

Ventura County's Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA33635
Rating:Not Rated
This man-hater does not think men can be abused by women. When you walk into her court, if you are a male, you are automatically guilty and she will step on your civil rights with seething rage. It's only a matter of time before her victims take her to federal court and give her a taste of her own medicine. She is so clueless and egotistical that she things she is immune from repercussions of her ill behavior. No one is immune from Karma. She will find out sooner or later.


Comment #: CA33473
Rating:Not Rated
The only word that comes to mind while describing this judge is :



Comment #: CA33367
This judge is the epitome of hypocrisy. While she says she is looking out for the best interest of the children, she actually is not. Her primary goal, either consciously or subconsciously , in being a judge is to utterly destroy families.


Comment #: CA33123
Rating:Not Rated
responding to CA33122:

"protects women and victims of domestic violence"......thanks for confirming that she is despicably pro-female.....
people who are on her side are admitting she is pro-female. Feminism is based on equal opportunity. Feminism is not pro-female. Parker is not a feminist. Parker is a unjust and bias. She doesn't belong on the bench.


Comment #: CA33085
Rating:Not Rated
Could Judge Parker have been the person who came up with the #METOO movements "believe women"?

Really? Believe ALL of them? My puny male brain didn't realize women are incapable of lying and manipulation. How wrong I have been all these years thinking that women are also human. Apparently, according to Judge parker, it has now been proven to me that women are these pure heavenly angels and also I am just finding out that I, a male, am responsible for all the evil in the world. Oh boy!!! Boy, I must have been living under a rock. Thank god I'm enlightened now.

If Pamela parker presides over the Amber Heard vs Johnny Depp trial in United states, who do you think will be found credible?....take a wild guess....Amber

Parker doesn't have the ability to decipher who the female sociopath is in her court. Why is this angry man hater still on the bench?

Pamela, Do us all a favor and resign.


Comment #: CA32849
This woman is an insecure raging man-hating tyrant bully who thinks she cant be held legally responsible due to judicial immunity. Most people think that judges are completely immune. But that's not the case at all.In 1984, the United States supreme court has ruled that State judges can be sued and held liable for legal fees if they violate the petitioner/respondent civil rights. For civil rights violations, Judges can absolutely get nailed, exposed and eventually removed due to political pressure and bad reputation.

She can absolutely be held legally liable for her atrocious tyrannical rulings. The men on this forum and the ones reading this forum should come together and pool all their complaints and file all theirs lawsuits against her in federal court. She needs to be removed from the bench. She is not fit to be a judge due to her gender bias and ineptitude.

There is a four year statute of limitation on Civil right violation. If you file a civil rights lawsuit against her while she is presiding on your case, she might retaliate against you or have the black robed gavel wielding judicial gang retaliate against you. So here is my advice, wait until your divorce is completed no matter how much pain and destruction she causes you, then file against her in federal court. If there are dozens of filings against her, no matter how much the system tries to protect her, a couple out of those dozens will get through and she will eventually be held accountable.

To all the men, don't let these man hating insecure judges violate your civil rights. Band together and take down these tyrants from their thrones. They need to understand that no one is above the law.


Comment #: CA32739
Rating:Not Rated
you gotta be kidding? right?

to comment CA32710

I have seen with my own eyes females in her court who confessing to felonies under oath while on the stand, and she completely dismisses the confession of that person just because they are female. If the coalition for judicial performance audit 50 random sample of her cases, once they see how Parker rules based on complete nonsense, they will ask her to resign.

So I ask you, how can someone "actually do her job fairly" if she dismisses the blatant confession of felonies under oath from females and yet crucifies men without any evidence.

She does follow fact alright. The only facts she follows is her "opinion" when she labels someone "not credible" without any evidence just to rule againt them. Once she labels someone not credible. Then it becomes "demeanor based fact" which is absolute nonsense. It's willy nilly judging just because a witness might have a twitch in his eye or runny nose. And take a wild guess which gender the "not credible" individual is 99% of the time?...any clue?.....MALE

Let me guess, CA32710, you are a female family law attorney, right?


Comment #: CA32674
Rating:Not Rated
Under federal law, judges can not invoke immunity if they have violated the petitioner/respondent or plaintiff/defendant civil rights.

Thus, if she has committed civil right violations, she can be sued and held liable for damanges.

If you guys are sure she has continuously violated multitude of people's civil rights, then she can be sued, held liable and potentially removed from the bench in disgrace.


Comment #: CA32659
Rating:Not Rated
All parties in her courtroom can clearly see the seething fury within her bias rulings . This judicial officer does not have the peace of mind or the mental clarity to make sound judgements and rulings between divorcing parties.

She does not seem to know and/or care that many people are realizing her inherent negative demeanor and female bias.

She seems to be suffering from "female entitlement syndrome" just as the females she continues to be ruling in favor of.

I can only speculate that she is profoundly miserable and disappointed in her personal and/or professional life.


Comment #: CA32604
Judge Parker is very active as a bulwark feminist in the San Diego Legal and Social community. But her female equality advocacy does not translate in what whatsoever shape or from inside her courtroom. There is no equality under HER law in the courtroom. She is overtly pro-female and overtly anti-male. Judge Parker has deep-seated resentment and bitterness towards males which makes her a very dangerous judge if the female in the divorce is covert criminal that is not easily detectable. Almost all judges are able to discern the female abuser/bully. But Pamela Parker can't. She is simply incapable of identifying the female bully or abuser. At times, her female bias can be catastrophic for the children involved.


Comment #: CA32553
Rating:Not Rated

Fair enough. Aside from recusing her, is there a permanent legal remedy in order to stop this judge from hurting men? Are there any official procedures that can be pursued to remove her from the bench once and for all?

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA32522
Rating:Not Rated
It is a shame this board is so full of ranting, because it will tend to undermine the credibility of a very valid point. This judge is biased against men.

I have litigated in front of 50 judicial officers in San Diego and Santa Clara Counties since 2007. This judge stands by herself as the most biased judicial officer I have ever seen.

With my own eyes I have seen her eviscerate the civil rights of men. This isn't merely someone who rules against men in close calls. This is rather someone skilled at violating civil rights. She makes decisions in ex parte hearings with only the wife present, giving full credence to any statement. I recall one situation where she, during a recorded hearing, ruled in favor of the man in a discovery dispute. Then in an ex parte, on a totally unrelated matter, reversed the ruling because there was no reporter present.

I say another case where the woman and men both had pleadings the day of the hearing (objections, motions in limine) she simply refused to allow her clerk to file the man's pleadings, while filing the women's.

There are obviously some scorned individuals on this site, but don't let that distract form the fact, that if you are a man move to recuse this judge. This is a biased judge who should be recused.


Comment #: CA32479
Rating:Not Rated
I see far more negative reviews than positive reviews on this board regarding Judge Pamela Parker. Does anyone know how to stop this judge from ruining lives? It has to be completely legal and through stablished and ethical channels. Does anyone know how to stop this woman from devastating families? I'm all ears


Comment #: CA32421
Rating:Not Rated
sucked as a family court judge, now is a civil court judge and sucks even more, save your money for appeals, she is worthless


Comment #: CA32400
Dear Men

Take heed of all the comments on this room. Make no mistake about it, this judge has a radical female bias and a very harsh mean streak towards men. If you are a relatively dominant male, she will go out of her way to rule against you in the most savage and unfair way. Your only chance to avoid the carnage she will inflict upon you is to recuse her 10 days before the start of your first hearing.


Comment #: CA32383
There is no doubt about it, she is pro-female and anti-male. Unfortunately, in the long run, her pro-female agenda ends up hurting the female far more than the male. She just doesn't see it or realize it or she would have ruled justly to protect women. It's comical.


Comment #: CA32382
Rating:Not Rated
does anyone have any idea who this spiteful misogynist is that is writing all these hateful comments about judge Parker?


Comment #: CA32379
which other judges? please let us know so we can find out who this insecure little man is that is writing all these sexist, racist and misogynistic comments.


Comment #: CA32376
I keep wondering how and why she was appointed a judge. It's not as if people didn't know her agenda and her female bias. Is this a systematic problem or is it this judge in particular?

Her female bias is publicly apparent in her rulings and her pro-female extra-curricular activities. Everyone in the courthouse, including all the lawyers and judges, know what a destructive hateful woman this judge is. Apparently she is legally immune. But something will give sooner or later no matter how immune she thinks she is. This kind of reputation destroys someone in their social and personal circles. And even-though it might not ruin someone professionally, it eventually manifests itself as a resignation or a nervous breakdown and/or illness. I am just flabbergasted how she is completely delusional to the consequences of her actions and rulings. Kind of reminds me of our president who is now getting what he deserves.

There is something very troubling about her temperament and her bias. There are ramifications to her behavior. I just don't know how it will manifest itself. Anyhow, we are all watching her.


Comment #: CA32352
I once saw a case before judge parker where a woman took the couple's child to a foreign county only to be stopped by the police, though a court order prevented the child be removed from the state. The judge would not even allow the father to argue the relevance of that act. Police wanted to arrest her, but the judge refused to hear it. Again, this wasn't a case of her ruling against him. This was the case of the judge denying him even the right to be heard. She denied him an evidentiary hearing. She went so far as denying him the ability to even have a court reporter in the room.

The is some ranting on this board, but make no mistake. This individual is biased.

If you are a man and your attorney does not move to recuse this judge, sue that attorney for malpractice.


Comment #: CA32194
to comment 32177

rhyme is a correspondence of sound between words or ending of words, it need not be a perfect rhyme. Another category of rhyme is "slant" rhyme, as in not straight or ^crooked^ with words that have similar or identical sounds. A slant rhyme is also called a "half-rhyme", "near-rhyme", "off-rhyme"

does "truth" have all these forms and "rhymes"?

The men on this board will start taking Women's and Gender studies classes when their rights are not trampled by an insecure angry old judge who was placed on the bench due to only political reasons and not merit

regarding women's suffrage, are you this naive to think that your vote or anyone's vote actually matters? Voting is meaningless

the hissy-fit being thrown by stating "offensive, misogynistic, sexist, racist"....bla bla bla is just another attempt to play PROFESSIONAL VICTIM by a raging bully female judge


Comment #: CA32175
“Pamela” rhymes with “Kamala”

Figure out the rest yourselves


Comment #: CA32129
in court, when a lawyer does not agree with the opposing side nonsense, they yell out "objection"

however, to comment CA32110, I will yell out "PROjection"

who is the one that's rattled? Can it be the one that's writing CA32110?

who is the one that's guilty? Could it be the one that's writing "guilty much"?

who is the one that needs directions on shampoo? could it be the one that shows up at 8:30 in the morning on the bench with terrible hair?

Judge Parker, after 5 years, you are FINALLY being exposed.

Happy retirement


Comment #: CA32110
over the past few days, there were several posts by a single participant accusing other judges and lawyers of conspiring in gang bullying Pamela Parker. This individual kept tossing out quotes from the "Bane Act". It was likely Pamela Parker herself who was posting those. The site moderator removed them all. Knowing and hearing what is going on in North County courthouse, I can safely say there are many judges and lawyers that are talking behind Pamela Parkers back and making fun of her new found fame. In addition, there has been a flurry of "automatic recusal without cause" against Pamela Parker in the last few months. But is this chatter false gossip or is it based on facts? are these "automatic recusals" justified based on Pamela Parkers history? the answer to both those questions is UNEQUIVOCAL YES.


Comment #: CA32091
Rating:Not Rated
Well well, isn’t that surprising?

When you call out someone’s nonsense by pointing out facts, then suddenly it seems as if they are projecting their own misdeeds on others

Hey Judge Parker, You wanna know who is violating the Bane act? Walk over to the bathroom mirror and look in it. Your “honor”, you ARE the reason they came up with the Bane act, to put a stop to people like you

Maybe Pam should report herself to for violating the Bane act.

There is only one child here that needs pampers. It’s the girl who has remained an emotionally stunted 4 year old and throws tantrums every time she doesn’t like what she hears. Sorry, can’t ride daddy’s legacy to victory on this one.

Becoming a judge was her biggest downfall.


Comment #: CA32090
Is “lawyers club of San Diego” privately funded, state funded or federally funded?

Is “ the 6 year election mark” for a judge campaign finance privately funded, state funded or federally funded?

Is the state funds that pay for judges salaries subsidized federally or privately by the title 4D of social security act? Does the federal government incentivize funds for state government by screwing men out of their fatherhood by giving the kids to the “usually” less earning mother despite the malicious behavior of females in court that they are not held accountable for?

The Bane act quotes don’t mean anything when Judical branch is in bed with the executive branch.

You talk about justice?....shame on you


Comment #: CA32088
are you referring to Bane from Batman, the Dark Knight rises? Bane and his act was awesome

Bane: "do you feel in charge"?
Daggett "I paid you a small fortune"
Bane: "and this gives you power over me?"
Daggett "what is this?"
Bane "your money and infrastructure has been important, until now"
Daggett: "what are you?"
Bane: "I'm Gotham's reckoning. Here to end the borrowed time you all have been living on."
Daggett: "you're pure evil"

Is that the Bane act you are referring to? I love this Bane act, it's a great scene


Comment #: CA32082
here is a suggestion

last night on SNL, the host gave a monologue about people just like her, she should watch it and listen to it

the guy was slaying on SNL

comedians and feminists are natural enemies like lions and hyenas, do you know who they call the "king of the jungle"? the male lion (comedian) who dominates the sisterhood of hyenas (feminists)

nature will always unfold as it should, the feminist movement will go down in history just like communism

parker is fighting a losing battle, nature is the only opponent undefeated, thus....she is a loser


Comment #: CA32037
Even if you show this judge a live film of the murderer stabbing or shooting the victim, she can not determine who the murderer is. Even if the suspect is standing there with horns and a pitch fork, she can not distinguish the evil sociopath standing in front of her. In fact, most of the time, she rules against the victim and for the blatantly clear criminal in her court. How the heck did she become a judge? It wont be long until she is exposed to be a complete fool and a greatly incompetent and damaging judge. She must be taken off the bench as soon as possible. I can say, with relative certainly, that her Judgement IQ is near zero. I find it mind boggling that she has virtually no insight and judgement in who the criminal is. Thus, in addition to being an overt man hater, she is also virtually incapable of determining who the sociopath or psychopath is her court.


Comment #: CA31456
Rating:Not Rated
Utterly void of any aptitude in determining who is the victim and who is the criminal. Yet another cretin judge who is sitting on a bench where she doesn't belong.


Comment #: CA31454
She has a truck load of bad karma heading her way for consciously and malignantly destroying families. The universe has its own laws and it doesn’t care much for the laws of men. But she, like many other egotistical buffoons, don’t realize it. So Pamela, continue making fun of the Bible because it will be your victims that will be laughing at you at last and best when the laws of nature give back to you what you have dished out. There is no statute of limitation on karma. Unlike judges who have legal immunity, no one is immune from karma.


Comment #: CA31437
This is hilarious. This woman was removed from family court because she was exposed for being a man hating tyrant. But it’s gotten even worse. She has been transferred to criminal court where she will be exposed in having zero knowledge of criminal psychopathology in addition to her inability and ineptitude in discerning who the psychopath or the sociopath is. This is a disaster waiting to happen. She only lasted 6 years in family court before everyone found out of her hatred of men which resulted in her being transferred to a far smaller courthouse in Vista northern district. It will take far less than 6 years for people to realize that she is far worse as a criminal court judge and profoundly incompetent in her new role. I give her 3 years max before she is completely exposed as a terrible criminal court judge, and this time she won’t be discretely transferred to another branch, she will be outright retired due to ridicule and political pressure. It was a terrible mistake for her to leave environmental law. She basically committed career suicide by becoming a judge. Again, it’s just ridiculous and hilarious.


Comment #: CA31416
this lady should not preside in any case where a man is suing/divorcing a woman, or a woman is suing/divorcing a man. If there is a male vs female conflict in her court, the female will come out on top 97% of the time.

The only cases she should be presiding on are the ones when a same sex marriage is in the process of divorce. Then again, if two lesbians are divorcing in her court, both women will win. And if two gay males are divorcing in her court, both males will lose.

I believe the only way you will see a semblance of justice in her court is when two hermaphrodites are divorcing. But then again, both parties will win AND lose at the same time.

Which brings me to the final scenario...how would she rule in a case where a female or a male is in the process of a sex change and undergoing a sex change reassignment surgery or treatment and the process of gender reassignment is only 50% complete?

Maybe we can confuse her by changing all names of females and males in her court to "Avery, Riley, Jordan or Parker" and also not allow pronouns to be used in her courtroom. Men should have the option of dressing as drag queens and women as vice versa. That would be an excellent experiment is this woman's circus....sorry, I meant to say court.


Comment #: CA31296
Here is a little secret. Parker has known all along that she was very very very weak judge. She projects an image of capacity, superiority and strength and is fairly convincing. However, time reveals all. Her colleagues are figuring out that she is actually no intelligent at all and she has personality problems as well.


Comment #: CA30881
Atrocious personality. She is extremely destructive to children. Continuously favors the mother/wives in non-malignant divorces. However, she also disproportionally favors the mother/wives that have clear sociopathic personality traits or personality. Either she has a blind bias towards females or she is consciously malignant and enjoys hurting the men and the children. She enjoys seeing men squirm and be in pain on the stand in her court. I have actually seen her smile and get excited when men express painful emotions. It seems she gets mentally rewarded and gets her high from hurting the men. It's disgusting, sadistic and truly heinous. Unfortunately, she is legally immune as a judge. However, there is a way to remove her from the bunch. It takes about 300k to remove a judge from the bench by financing another candidate to run against her at the 6 year election mark. There have been hundreds of men who have been tortured and hurt by this immoral woman. If each of them contribute 1 to 2 thousand dollars each, she can be removed from the bench and forever retired to her personal misery and loneliness due to her selfish and destructive character. The men should come together as a unit and forcefully retire her.


Comment #: CA30565
Nice try Missy. Better luck next time Pam.


Comment #: CA30550
Dear angry men

Let me shed light in how far this rabbit hole goes. Parker and multiple other female family court judges are members of the “lawyers club of San Diego” which is an organization that promotes the advancement of women in the legal field. The official slogan is “advancement of women in the legal field”. The slogan does NOT say to promote equality in the legal field, rather emphasizes advancement of women in the legal field than emphasizing equality. So, we clearly know that these judges are pro female and anti male.

But the truly heinous part of this set up is that the lawyers club of San Diego is heavily financed and sponsored by the most greedy family law firms in San Diego. Are you following this? Connecting the dots? The family law firms that destroy men financially are sponsoring the club that is pro female. Surprised yet? But there is more.

Given that these judges are elected every 6 years by non-restrictive public financing, meaning it can even be the man destroying family lawyers in their courts who donate to their election campaign, then the system is rigged against men. The system is designed for men to lose. Are you guys still following me?

There is a huge backlash coming and the authorities are starting to take notice. The feds are observing the LA county family court. Also, very soon the RICO case against San Diego family court system might come back to life and this time it will succeed.

Marriage is racket and the laws in the system are heavily stacked against men. If you want to get married legally, you must have your family outside United States.

If you want to have children in the United States, it’s ok to have relationships and have children. But never legally marry women and never live under the same roof and never pay for the woman’s lifestyle. If they want true equality, they can go get a job and their own maintenance. Split custody from the beginning 50/50.

If true feminist laws are enacted, then the laws will force women to be garbage collectors and sewer treatment plant cleaners just like men. Those jobs will be split 50/50 by force of law as well. But you don’t see the feminists fighting for those jobs, do you? You don’t see females fighting over jobs in a coal mine digging a hole to the center of the earth while risking being buried under a mountain of rocks.

As the previous reviewer said, once you mention legally forcing females to take 50% of those jobs, then Parker along with all those hardcore man hating female judges will remain perfectly silent.

Whoever is maintaining this site, if you have any dignity and humanity, you will leave this comment be and not remove it. I doubt you do, but prove me wrong.

So judge Parker, I want to see you put your money where your mouth is. I want you to start lobbying with the full fury of your anger to legally force women to take 50% of the garbage collector jobs and coal miner digger jobs. And while you are at it, maybe you should fight ferociously so make exotic dancers and make adult entertainers get the same pay as females.


Comment #: CA30542
She is eerily similar to Cathy Newman who is a British journalist and reporter. The fathers and husbands have no chance in her court. There is No way she would have been appointed as judge if her true man hating nature was discovered earlier.


Comment #: CA30119
Rating:Not Rated
In Pamela Parkers court, the wives and mothers are entitled to get the authority that men have had throughout the ages, the privileges of what women have always had though out the ages, and the irresponsibility and lack of accountability that children have had throughout the ages.

Parker is an embarrassment to true feminists. Simply put, she is just a bad person.


Comment #: CA29957
I am guessing her life didn't turn out as she expected/wanted. When she was young, I'm sure everybody around told her she was the smartest, sharpest and strongest. And that she cant possibly do anything wrong. She was the princess who was expected to grow up to be a queen. However, that was just her parents and friends telling her that. In reality, she is of average intelligence with a nasty attitude. Which makes her overall worth far less than average.

Bitter, petty, an embarrassment and a failure.


Comment #: CA29794
Rating:Not Rated
Quack -psycho "psychiatrist"--all conjecture and this is not a normal comment, of a "psychiatrist." As they say, many psychiatrists are more F'd up than the patients--this comment proved the theory..

It is completely irresponsible, for a male- "grandfather" psychiatrist", to diagnose a person, they have never treated and well as a creepy male, discussing a
female judge is "depressed"

In my Opinion,this is slandar and defamation. The origin of the comment , CA29792 should be subpoenaed.


Comment #: CA29792
Rating:Not Rated
I am the grandfather of one of the her male victims. I am also a psychiatrist. Nothing new to see here. She is just another one of the profoundly immoral family law judges in California. She is legally untouchable because she had legal immunity. But she is not immune to natural law. Natural law supersedes all other laws. She is already profoundly miserable due to her conscious choice of being a bad person. However, she has no common sense and thus doesn't realize why she is a miserable wretch. This is only the beginning. Once psychological unhappiness from personality issues settles in, if you follow their health status, then physical and social ills start in such people. Women like this usually develop fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome in addition to severe depression and unpredictable fits of rage. I hope she lives a very very very long time on earth because the physical, psychological and social karma she is accruing will be all handed to her by nature.


Comment #: CA29751
Easily outsmarted. She is every intelligent criminals dream come true.


Comment #: CA29480
To all the Gentlemen:

-if you want to win, then flattery is the key to controlling Judge parker insecure ego
- if you want to lose, then trigger the covert furious feminist

To all the ladies:
- if you want to win, just nod and smile
- if you want to lose, tell Parker that you like to be dominated and told what to do by a big strong alpha male, also tell her that you are just a girl and that you just wanna go out to the yard and play jump rope

Judge Parker is a just a big joke


Comment #: CA29428
Sadistic social bully hiding behind a black robe. Unfair.


Comment #: CA29351
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Parker should know if you choose to adopt the feminist philosophy and you end up a bitter angry woman, she should not take out her rage of women who choose the traditional feminine roles and men who choose traditional masculine rolls. Those are her ideals and her ideals only. They do not belong in her court room, they belong only in her personal. If she can’t come to terms with her bitterness and angry feminist, she should retire and go be bitter at home where no one can be a victim of her bitter anger. She should stop projecting her bitter anger on masculine men and feminine women. She has wasted her life, she wants to ruin other people’s lives, families and children. Truly evil and disgusting.

She has no business being in the bench. It’s pathetic and sad.


Comment #: CA29347
Unjust, unethical and immoral


Comment #: CA29253
delusion is defined as the following in the dictionary:

A delusion is a firm and fixed belief based on inadequate grounds not amenable to rational argument or evidence to contrary, not in sync with regional, cultural and educational background. As a pathology, it is distinct from a belief based on false or incomplete information, confabulation, dogma, illusion, or some other misleading effects of perception.

Now you tell me, is Parker delusional? The answer is an emphatic YES


Comment #: CA29186
Rating:Not Rated
Not a judge. She is a misplaced spectator. Her life was stolen from her early in childhood. It’s sad and unfortunate. Maybe retirement will bring her peace.


Comment #: CA29129
Rating:Not Rated
Instead of pursuing justice and preventing crime, this judge loves to create brand new criminals by giving to custody of children to the abusive criminal spouse. The words "menace to society" are absolutely perfect in describing her judicial career.


Comment #: CA29119
I feel sorry for Pamela Parker. She will NEVER EVER be as good as a judge as her father was. It must be soul crushing to be a feminist warrior but never be able to get out of the paternal shadow. Honestly, I think this is why she is so angry. Deep inside, she knows she is a loser as compared to her dad.

I guarantee you that when she lays down her head on the pillow at night to go to sleep, the anger starts to boil to the surface and causes her further insomnia. People like her with this kind of psychiatric baggage do not get good night sleep. You want proof? Look at her when she comes to the bench at 8:30 am. She is suffering from insomnia and is bitter and irritable.

She is a lost cause at this point in her life. To all the young women that are career minded and are trying hard to succeed at their jobs, take a look at her. Make sure you don’t end up like her by being pathologically envious of men, miserable, full of poison, and full of hate.


Comment #: CA29108
Rating:Not Rated
What I’m about to tell you is extremely important. This judge is incapable of determining who the cluster B narcissist, sociopath or psychopath is amongst the divorcing party. She is very easily duped by the cluster B party at the very beginning of the trial and will continue hurting you with negative ruling after ruling while under the spell and charm of the cluster B party. The psychos in her courtroom have figured out that she is very susceptible to flattery and can turn her into advocate on their behalf. If your soon to be ex-wife or ex-husband has cluster B personality, either ask for a representative of judicial coalition performance or an auditor to be present in the court anonymously or make sure you transcribe every court session and record all documents. Take those documents and give them to a court auditor or coalition for judicial performance. This woman should have never been a judge. At the current moment, people in her court room are noticing this, but her demeanor and ruling MUST be reported to the coalition for judicial performance in order to stop this insecure low intelligent judge who has massive inferiority complex with respect to male judges. If all divorcing parties report her over and over again, she will finally be removed. She is the most incompetent judge in the San Diego court system and her appointment was solely a political one, not one based in talent or merit. She must be disabled legally on a permanent basis.


Comment #: CA29073
Unpleasant, bitter and mean. She gets off on hurting and torturing men. When you walk into her courtroom, you can actually feel her toxic energy and the mean spirit. Her behavior is not solely relegated to her professional performance, It is part of her deep seeded personality. She is just a toxic miserable person. Without exception, people with this type of personality end up miserable and lonely as they age. They might or might not have a good job and social status, but their own families and friends start marginalizing them and cutting them off. I do not feel bad about her at all, because she is doing the same thing to other families in her court. She knows what she is doing is wrong, but she does it anyway because it “feels” good. When the karma bus hits them, then they understand it deeply rather than just knowing it as before. But by then, it’s too late, they will have to suffer the consequences of their actions.


Comment #: CA28821
Rating:Not Rated

You might not realize it from the way it looks. But even though Judge Parker is wearing a black robe and sitting 3 feet above everyone, she is actually not the judge on the case. After a while, it becomes fairly obvious that she is the opposing lawyer for your soon to be ex-wife. Judge Parker will interpret and manipulate the law any which way possible to hurt you and award the soon to be ex-wife and/or mother. Judge parker has been indoctrinated to hate anything that has testosterone.

She is nasty and spiteful misandrist.


Comment #: CA28745
Rating:Not Rated
She tries so hard to hide the fact that she hates men but everyone in the courtroom clearly sees it. No one has the guts to call her out on it openly in court. Her behavior is now hardwired into her brain at the age of 60. The implications are as follows:

Now that she is supervising criminal cases, it means she is going to convict innocent men and set free criminal women. And do you do know what will result in? her rulings on men will get reversed on appeals And the criminal females who have been set free will become emboldened and commit bigger crimes. Once these females go in front of another judge, their previous legal files will be reviewed and other judges will see that Parker is clearly bias and incompetent.

Her promotion has just accelerated her demise. She and her incompetence have become more visible in the legal community.


Comment #: CA28744
Rating:Not Rated
she suffers from two characteristics that is a recipe for disaster. She is both Ignorant and conceited. The combination of these two traits leads make her delusional. She lives in her mind, not in reality.


Comment #: CA28635
Rating:Not Rated
Are you kidding me? Is this clueless woman now an assistant supervising judge in criminal cases?

This woman can’t determine who the criminal is if you showed her a picture of Ted Bundy stabbing someone in addition to a written and oral confession of Ted Bundy standing in front of her. She has virtually zero knowledge iof cluster B personality disorder and criminal psychopathology.

The criminals in her court have the best chance of getting of the hook out of any other judges court in San Diego. If you are a female criminal, then you have twice as good of a chance as getting off scott-free in front of her. Parker seems to have a deep seeded belief that women can’t possibly be criminals. You don’t believe me? Go review her cases in central courthouse. It will be crystal clear to you.

Who came up with the brilliant idea to appoint her to criminal court?

I remember representing clients in front of her. And everytime the bailiffs would walk out of hersession, they would hang their heads low and shake them in disgust.


Comment #: CA28633
Rating:Not Rated
She has taken her misandrous behavior and rulings to an obscenely never before seen savage levels. To all the males in her court, no matter what you do or say, no matter how blatantly innocent you are, it will be of no value in protecting you against this judges sadistic and deliberately cruel nature. She is a bad judge and a worse human being.

You must automatically recuse her “without cause” 10 days before your first hearing. You can do it without a lawyer. It’s a very easily legal maneuver.

I’m disgusted that such a person is allowed to be a judge.


Comment #: CA28533
she looks miserable and beat up, it seems like she is not happy with her own life and is taking it out on anyone and everyone in the court room

being a miserable angry lawyer is oftentimes acceptable and the legal system has a place for those kinds of lawyers, but being a judge with those qualities is not acceptable and not conducive to appropriate justice

I believe she is a housewife misplaced to be a judge, something went wrong in her childhood, maybe being was neglected and/o was spoiled

I don't think anyone will remove her from the bench, but it doesn't matter, bringing that kind of personality to the bench is self sabotaging and self destructive to her own professional and personal life

the ire of the people at the end of her injustice is really not needed, her conduct is far more destructive to herself than the objections of the victims in her court


Comment #: CA28425
Sorry excuse for a judge. She is terrible


Comment #: CA28143
Rating:Not Rated
After representing several men in front of this judge and how this man destroyer savagely tore apart my completely innocent clients and destroyed their lives because of her toxic feminist ideology, for the first time in my life, I am voting for a Republican governor and a republican president, even if it's Trump. The pendulum against men has gone too far and now innocent men are being hurt. I am ashamed I voted for Governor Brown who appointed this toxic judge. The METOO movement has backfired.

The world owes an apology to Johnny Depp. Amber Heard should be behind bars.


Comment #: CA28114
Rating:Not Rated
Lacking the aptitude and the knowledge to accurately identify the criminal abuser vs the victim of domestic abuse. It makes this judge extremely dangerous. Lacks basic fund of knowledge in psychology needed to qualify as a family court judicial officer. Not fit to preside over cases involving a cluster B party petitioner or respondent. Unfit to preside over emotionally charged family cases due to her own ill and angry temperament. It is unwise to have such individual preside over criminal or family cases. I find it absurd how someone like her can become a judge without a fundamental political flaw in the selection process. If she had any conscious, she would step down from the bench. It is imperative that she is removed from the bench.


Comment #: CA28004
Who is the commentator that is upset at the negative reviews? Is that you Judge Parker? Could it be Pamela Parker? Why so sensitive now?

Did you really think that you can forever hide your man hating ideology? Did you really think you can continue hurting men and not face the consequences of your actions? Are you so clueless to think you, eventhough legally immune, are also publicly immune to the results of your actions? Unfortunately, it’s too late to correct your behavior and avoid the fallout from your ill tempered rulings ? It is obvious there is finally backlash to you professionally and personally.

I have noticed that the lawyers in your judicial court are recusing you with greater frequency. It won’t be long until you are forced to quit.

It’s called “reaping what you sow”, which coincidentally , is a sentence from a book you mock and ridicule publicly while sitting on the bench.


Comment #: CA27958
I cant believe how incompetent and foolish this judge is. She took my ex-wife's side despite significant amount of evidence of fraud, deception and criminal behavior. She continued chastising me and rewarding her. In turn, my ex-wife became emboldened and arrogant and thought she was untouchable. She continued her criminal activity until she was caught by other legal and state authorities. if this pro-female low IQ judge hadn't emboldened her, maybe my ex-wife wouldn't have destroyed herself. However, now I have full custody because my ex-wife got nailed. Thus, I have to say to Judge Parker:

"thank you""

Court Staff

Comment #: CA26225
This judge is nearly 60 years old and has no idea what she is doing. If she does know what she is doing, then she has no morals or ethics, which is far worse than just being ignorant. Either she does know what she is doing and she is intentionally destroying families out of evil intent. Or she is a complete ignorant tool who is destroying families and does not realize it due to some liberal nonsense she has indoctrinated in the past. I agree with the reviewer that she is a little bit of both. She is a toxic family hating fool who not only destroys men, she also destroys children. If you pay attention to the divorce outcomes that she presided over and what happened to the man, woman and children of those divorces, they are doing far worse than the compared to the other divorces that other judges preside over. I don't care that she was a Harvard graduate. She is an absolutely atrocious, destructive and damaging judge, specifically to children. She routinely gives custody of the children to the unfit parent. She lives in her own ideological feminist mind, social justice warrior mentality, however, the truth and the outcome of her decisions are far more devastating. It reminds me of communists who witnesses the destruction of soviet union, but are still communists, they are delusional and live in a fantasy land.
She is seeing the result of the ruling and how it is devastating the mother, father and children, yet she is still doing it. That is the definition of being delusional


Comment #: CA25817
she is not pro-female, she is anti-male

she enjoys hurting and destroying men, she does not have any agenda of empowering women, her primary agenda is to tear men down,

she is a tool, she just doesn't know it, and probably never will


Comment #: CA25018
sorry excuse for a judge,

needs to quit being a judge and get some mental health counseling for herself, she should stop projecting her own anger problems, bitterness and loathing on the respondent and the petitioner, she need some anger management classes herself and maybe a psychological evaluation for suspected personality disorder

she has created a lot of enemies in the legal field and it will sooner for later bite her on the "you know what", she is low IQ pompous ignorant fool

need to get off the bench, she is just terrible


Comment #: CA24770
Judge Parker was recently assigned to an assistant supervising judge in North County. Her position basically involves supervising a mix of Family cases and Criminal cases.

I am truly baffled how a judge who is clearly a raging man hating pseudo-feminist can be assigned to supervise Family Court cases AND shocked how a judge who has no knowledge of Cluster B personality disorders and has zero aptitude in figuring out who the narcissist or the sociopath can be assigned to a supervise criminal court cases.

Can someone explain that to me?


Comment #: CA24651
Vicious man hater.


Comment #: CA24357
what a great answer below, i have no doubt it was from a woman

with that logic, I suggest we remove all judges from the bench and replace them with statisticians

parker does not follow evidence or law....parker follows an ideology that only exists in her own mind, not in the real world

Parker is a well known staunch feminist in the san Diego legal community and in the family court system.

Go around the central court house, no judge wants to emulate her, Parker is the butt of jokes in the judicial circles, I have no doubt that she was a phenomenal environmental lawyer, but she is a terrible family judge and she will be removed in disgrace sooner or later, I am willing to bet on it, there is a lot of chatter in the legal community of san diego regarding her demeanor and her rulings, the lawyers of husbands and fathers are realizing who she is and they are filing automatic motion for recusal without cause before even going in front of her, Parker has been exposed for who she is, she cant hide it anymore....the cat is out of the bag


Comment #: CA24150
Parkers hatred of men has made her into a blind fool. I wonder how many criminal mothers have been awarded sole custody by this raging incompetent miserable pseudo-feminist fool. Not only should she be recused from every family court case, she must be removed from the bench indefinitely due to lack of proper judicial temperament.


Comment #: CA23553
The book on Judge Parker is very simple. If you are a man and your attorney does not issue a peremptory challenge against Judge Parker (CCP 170.6), sue that attorney for malpractice.


Comment #: CA23454
dear lord, this is horrific. I just read these reviews for the first time.

I'm a male victim of this judge. I have been the CEO of several successful companies. So I would say I am fairly capable and intelligent. During the trial, I kept asking myself "what the heck is going on?".I was starting to think I might be the problem. I kept re-evaluating myself and analyzing everything that had happened between me and my ex-wife. And this judge's rulings were not making sense at all. At first I thought it was the laws that are heavily stacked against me and men in general. But the more I evaluate it and rationalize it, it's not the laws that are the problem. It's this judge in particular that is the problem.

reading these reviews are making it very clear. I am now very upset. I dont know what to do about this, it's been over 2 years since my case has been completed with severe damage to my parenthood and my reputation. Does anyone know how to help me?


Comment #: CA23425
slowly, but surely, Parker is being exposed for who she really is....an angry man hating bully with pathological envy of mens strength and intelligence

happy retirement

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA23336
Very happy to have her for female clients. Recuse her as a matter of course for male clients.


Comment #: CA21937
Miserable radical pro-female judge with a fragile ego and deep seeded inferiority complex with relation to male counterparts. Has mediocre intelligence and less than average skill as a judge.

To all the males who are going through divorce in front of her, if you are at least 10 days or more before having your first hearing in front of her, you can file for an "automatic recusal without cause" to remove her from your case. If this is done over and over again and consistently with all male petitioners/respondents, it will create a putrid reputation for her and the higher ups in the state will take notice of it. She will either quit or be removed. To the fathers and the husbands, all of you have to consistently recuse her 10 days before your first hearing. It's very easy to do and you do not need to show cause. It's a legal maneuver that is easy to do. Her man-hating days on the bench are numbered.


Comment #: CA21311
Awful judge. I sat through a morning session where she made three straight "findings" that ex parte notice had been made by woman - with no man present. A month later, a get an "emergency" order from an ex parte where I wasn't given notice.

There is no judge in San Diego County with more than 20 ratings on here (mid 2019) that have nearly as low a rating. This person should not be a judge. Numerous complaints to the coalition of judicial performance are in order for her.


Comment #: CA21309
Been before around 30 judges. This one the worse by a large, large margin. This harms children. She prevented me from placing my son - who had been through so much family court litigation he had become a drug addict, a twice expelled student, and a convicted felon by age 15. Judge Parker saw fit to award custody to his mother. She did so by telephone with the juvenile court judge without ever hearing from the litigants. The boy then proceeded to reoffend. She not only harmed him, creating for sure a lifelong criminal, she harms all of those in society. This individual should not be a judge. Her bitterness, obvious self esteem issues, and marginal intelligence are irretrivable.


Comment #: CA20685
What bizzaro world does this woman preside over? I feel like I'm in an episode of the twilight zone when I'm in front of her. I kept showing her HARD EVIDENCE from DEPOSITIONS DONE on parties involved WHERE THEY ADMITTED to their deeds and crimes. I kept showing Parker BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT evidence that my ex-wife is trying to undermine my career through deception and fraud and consistantly disregarding court orders. . But continued to call me "not credible"..."illogical"..."irrational" and kept saying "this doesn't make sense, why would your ex wife want your career destroyed since she want s child support?".....Maybe, JUST MAYBE, it's because JUDGE PARKER DOESN"T KNOW JACK SQUAT ABOUT CLUSTER B's......I am seriously thinking that parker is delusional to the realities of the facts that are put in front of her. A family court judge who is completely clueless in Cluster B personality disorders DOES NOT BELONG IN ANY FAMILY OR CRIMINAL COURT.....she should go back to environmental law....or better yet just retire


Comment #: CA19894
Rating:Not Rated
Rabidly anti-Male and rancidly incompetent. There is no doubt in my mind that she is a staunch miserable feminist and trying to make men miserable. Unfortunately the universe doesnt work that way, she is just making herself more angry, bitter and miserable by being willfully malignant. She doesnt realize that her happiness resides in quitting her job as a judge and focusing on introspection. It's sad to see how she has become exponentially miserable on the bench over the past 4 years. I have witnessed it and actually see the changes for the worst in her in the past few years. I dont feel sorry for her, she is doing in to herself by her man hating agenda. Karma


Comment #: CA19718
Very weak judge. She is easily fooled by crafty wives/mothers more so than lying fathers/husband From my observation, she does not have a feminine bias. I believe she focuses on men because deep down inside she knows the men are the ones that will challenge her authority in court more so than the women. That may very well be true, but many of the women who challenge her authority in court are unchecked because her focus is on the men. If the couple divorcing are somewhat intelligent and educated, they can easily manipulate her and play her. I am referring to both the petitioner and the respondent. She doesnt realize that she is dancing like a puppet without strings being manipulated by the parties getting divorced. Despite her prestigious degree, I don't believe it reflects her intelligence because I dont believe she has the raw intellect to realize that she is being manipulated. What's sad is that I dont believe she will ever see it or realize it. I wholeheartedly believe that she should be removed from the bench. She is just too incompetent.


Comment #: CA19574
its is clear that this Judge abhors men. She has raging anger towards men underneath the civil facade and the smily mask. However, she is also intolerant of lazy wives/mothers. She usually crucifies men, but at the same time also tells the wives/mothers to go get a job. Since she takes pleasure in destroying me, she has no option to tell the women to go get jobs. Otherwise she would have to answer to someone higher up such as the California Judiciary review board. By ordering the women to go get jobs, she is really just covering her own behind.


Comment #: CA19486
foolish and clueless


Comment #: CA19261
The overarching and the fundamental problem with Parker is her inability to let her ego and her reputation to take an shameful insult. This woman is not stupid at all. However, due to her female bias, she is easily fooled at the beginning of a case. Further down the line in the case, when there is not a just a couple of pieces of evidence, but a truck load of beyond-a-reasonable-doubt evidence showing the wives/mothers are being conniving manipulative criminals, then Parker, WHILE KNOWING VERY WELL THAT SHE HAS BEEN WRONG ALL ALONG, will not reverse her own decision unless it's ridiculously obvious to the common person because it will be a shameful insult to her ego for being an incompetent fool and will make her a source of mockery by the other judges and other court staff noticing that she just cant judge correctly and accurately. I read the comments saying "how did she become a judge?"...it's very simple, she is not a judge at all, she was never a judge and she can never be a judge, she just acts like one on the bench

If she had any humility, she would admit she is wrong and not fit for the job and resign from her job instead of continuously misjudging and ruinning families in hopes of one day she might "get the hang of" or "LEARN" to be a judge. Unfortunately, she just doesn't have what it takes to be a judge. Parker's father was a SUPER STAR judge. He was a magnificent judge. It seems like the "judge genes" were all on the Y chromosome and Pamela didn't receive that natural gift that her father had and had polished throughout his career.. Maybe that's why she hates everything that carries a Y chromosome because she is envious of men.


Comment #: CA18979
Absolutely Awful. I didn't realize they let fools graduate from Harvard. Parker rules based on ideology, not facts or laws. If you show her a ton of facts and evidence, if it doesn't merge with her ideology, she will use every "rules of evidence" nonsense to throw out the evidence. If you are able to submit the evidence, she attaches some nonsense to it as "not for the truth of the matter". She will admit evidence even if it's hearsay only if it aligns with her ideology. Anything that does not align with her pro-female, anti-male ideology will be resisted the utmost degree. Furthermore, even if you are able to sumbit HARDCORE EVIDENCE, she doesn't consider it whatsoever. I dont know what has happened in her personal life, but she is profoundly anti-male. One thing I can tell you is that if you have a very good lawyer and you can rattle her, then parker will back off. The raging bull on the bench turns into a pussy cat and starts acting "girlish". I have seen it happen multiple times. If you have a good lawyer who knows the law and can call her out on it, she will back off. Parker is insecure with low self esteem like your average bully. Let the bullhead rage and have your lawyers watch her make multiple mistakes, THEN CALL HER OUT ON HER MULTIPLE PITFALLS ALL OF A SUDDEN. She will put put her tail between her legs and back off. After that, you have won the case. This is how you win in front of parker. The universal recipe works with all bullies in all domains.

Remember, in Parker's court, if you are a male respondent or petitioner, you are not going against the opposing side. YOUR REAL LEGAL BATTLE IS AGAINST PARKER, not the person you are divorcing. keep that in mind and you are ahead of the game.

Lastly, to the people who say Parker is blind in figuring out who the cluster B narcissist is, you are wrong, she is not blind. Cluster B's are bullies. Bullies dont fight each other, bullies band together to go after a target. Thus, guess why she takes the Cluster B narcissist side? any idea?.....I rest my case

Court Staff

Comment #: CA18764
The people who work at the family court routinely laugh at her gross incompetence during lunchtime gathering.. Her performance is routinely subject of mockery and "comic relief" by the everyone in the family court building. The day will come when this judge will be forced to resign or be removed from the bench in disgrace. I doubt if she will make it past the 6 year election mark. Her behavior and demeanor on the bench is like a spoiled neglected 4 year old who throws tantrums at anything and everything she doesn't like. How did this woman become a judge?

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA18605
Rating:Not Rated
WOW. The only reason Parker is not in jail is because she has immunity as a judge. Some of the things she does and the rulings she hands out are downright criminal and she would surely be in jail if she wasn't a judge. IT"S UNBELIEVABLE. I hope the California Judiciary board is monitoring her. There is no way this woman was appointed to the bench by evaluation and voting through a judiciary panel, SHE WOULD HAVE NEVER MADE IT. I can only assume her appointment to the bench was a political one and entirely done by the governor.


Comment #: CA18399
Judge Parker is a fair Judge. She was able to see both sides and take into a ton of consideration on our wants as parents and the children(s) needs. She listened to both sides equally. Both of us had lawyers. Judge Parker does not lean in one direction of favoritism on male and or female. She knows when someone is lying and will question you when she knows. She does not like hesaid/shesaid situations. She likes facts. So if you are going before Judge Parker make sure you have all your documents together and a priority of the most important issues you want to cover first. I liked Judge Parker even though it didn't all come out in my favor. Due to the massive amount of consideration of the children she had put into her ruling I was happy with the way it turned out. Sad to see her go. Oh if you have a medical condition that effects your ability to show emotions physical or mental provide her a document of this. Either it being a hard time producing tears, paralysis in the face and so forth. She is very understand when she knows of this ahead of time.


Comment #: CA18336
Pay attention to her behavior, her smirk and her angry words. If you remove the black robe she is wearing, the only thing that is exposed is a raging man hating bully who has an inferiority complex, likely because her father was a much more accomplished judge than she will ever be. She is so shamelessly and malignantly pro-female that even true equality seeking feminist would cringe at her behavior and demeanor.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA17642
Rating:Not Rated
it's interesting how some say Judge parker protects "females and victims", as you see, it was not said "females THAT ARE victims", I have been to court in front of this judge multiple times, she is clearly pro-female even if the female has committed egregious offenses against the husband/father. Judge parker does not only protects females. Judge parker routinely takes the side of the female despite overwhelming evidence that the female is the criminal. She simply does not like men/fathers and is at the least very incompetent and at the most malignant. Personally, I think it's a combination of both malingering and incompetence. . Dont be fooled by these positive reviews on her. Go to court and see how she tears apart innocent husband and loving fathers. She is not fit to be a judge in family court.


Comment #: CA14543
Rating:Not Rated
This judge seems angry all the time like a toxic feminist. She pretends that she has the child best interest in mind, but in reality, her mind is only made up on man hating ideology. Dont be fooled by her fancy background, she can easily be fooled due to her over inflated ego.


Comment #: CA12718
This judge seemed to be impatient, and was not open to listen to me. She gave 50% custody to the father, even if I brought evidence of his abuse. Well, that same father sexually molested our kid right after getting custody. I can't live with the pain since then. This judge destroyed mine and my kid's lives. She simply doesn't understand abuse, or identify abusers. Children suffer because of unprepared judges like her. If you are divorcing or on a custody battle against a toxic/cluster B personality parent - she won't do anything on your favor. I hope one day reads that. Horrible professional, destroying lives! Please leave this career because you have done enough damage.


Comment #: CA12242
Rating:Not Rated


Comment #: CA12241
Rating:Not Rated
My only income was alimony. I have had Parkinson's disease for 13 years. My ex retired from a $150,000 + salary. Judge Parker ruled that my alimony be reduced to $500 per month. She said I should sell my home. $500 pays for my medical & dental. Apparently she has no idea of the cost of living.


Comment #: CA11974
This judge destroyed my children's future and didn't follow the law in any way. We had solid proof showing my Ex-wife and her family was constantly telling lies and she laughed it off. She was not a fair or resonable judge by any means. Worst judge I have ever had an experience with. If you get assigned to her do whatever you can to get a different judge.


Comment #: CA11941
She is absolutely horrible.
Unfortunately I have been involved in the SD family court process since late 2012 and Judge Parker is the WORST judge I have experienced! She rules by the seat of her pants and does not seem to know or care about court rules! Judge Miller was taking over for Judge Parker recently and she was GREAT ...fare, just and worked at fining happy medium in her rulings and keep needs of children front and center. I pray that Judge Miller permanently takes over for Judge Parker!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA11819
Worst judge I have ever seen. She reverses decisions, doesn't hold people accountable to not showing up to court, takes sides without any evidence, is scared to take action, heavily against people in recovery. Completely unfair and has ruined the past multiple years of my life!!! Wish I had other judge who saw completely through my ex in 10 minutes.


Comment #: CA11607
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Pamela Parker saw right through the lies of the petitioner in my case. She is the first person to ever hold the petitioner accountable for her actions and I felt vindicated after hearing her rule in my favor today. Judge Parker is very intuitive and she has great instincts. She knew I was a good dad to my kids in spite of what petitioner and her attorney said about me, and I am eternally grateful to her for that. For anyone else who has their case heard by Judge Parker, all I can tell you is that if you are one hundred percent truthful then you should come out on the winning side.


Comment #: CA10874
Judge Pamela Parker does not know family law. She also can't see through an abusive man, doesn't take domestic violence seriously and couldn't care less about the best interest of children in a shared custody situation. She should get educated about narcissistic personality disorder, and cluster B personality disorder in general. She gave 50% custody to my abusive ex, right after he was back from deployment. Our kid was 3, and she disconsidered my requests for a gradual adjustment period. My child suffers until today... anxiety and abandonment issues. I begged for her to consider the Domestic violence history, she didn't care. Right after 1 month of shared custody my little girl told me her father was sexually abusing her, by touching her privates. For the love of God, why this judge didn't listen to a mother in need??? Why disconsidered all the signs??? I can't tell how much I dislike this judge. Because of her I share custody with a pedophile. Please judge Pamela Parker, be more attentive and prepared. Shared custody situation when a parent is unfit is traumatic for the children!!!! Shame on you!!! Go do something else. You ruined mine and my daughter's life.


Comment #: CA10585
Judge Pamela Parker, allowed a Plantiff to make a fool out of her, as the Respondent told Judge Parker that the Plantiff was Perjuring himself, and taking documents out of the file, any yet Judge Parker, as educated , as experienced as she is, and a mother, she allowed criminal actions to take place. Shame on you Judge Parker? YOU FAILED!!!!!!!!


Comment #: CA10116
I believe she was fair. I was very honest and my ex tried every tactic to embarrass and discredit me for my dvro. She properly weighed facts and thankfully saw through his facade.


Comment #: CA10005
After over two years in a custody trial in her courtroom, I can say I am very familiar with this judge. I have been dealing with a narcissist ex for 6 years in court, and this is the first judge who rightly and completely exacted justice for the children in my case. With laser beam precision, she saw through all of my ex's lies and behavior and ruled as the judges in family court are supposed to do, in the best interest of the children! It isn't about a parent "winning", it's about the kids. I have never witnessed a judge in family court so deeply committed to their job, and so thoughtful in their ruling. I consider it a great loss that she will be leaving Vista court in January.


Comment #: CA9978
This Judge has really let down and disappointed me and my young children. I presented CPS records of all of my children stating that their father hits them, a letter and medical files stating that my daughter is afraid of her father and that she needs anti anxiety medication. I also provided my daughters direct statements of escalated abuse in a forensic interview. My daughter can't even sleep in her own bed, she's too afraid. This judge stated that she doesn't believe that my children are being abused by their father. HOW MANY TIMES DOES A CHILD HAVE TO BE HURT BEFORE SHE CONSIDERS IT TO BE ABUSE!? She seemed to be unhappy with ME for bringing this case to court. My narcissist ex charmed and fooled her and his case was dismissed. My ex looked at me and smirked after she gave her judgement. How can one protect their children and stop the cycle of abuse when a judge allows it to happen? I'm disgusted.


Comment #: CA9759
I CONCUR! This Judge knows little about Family Law/ Court. Has to look everything up - but she was Appellate & Environmental Lawyer in family court? To be Harvard law she made procedural mistake SEVERAL times in my case and has gotten upset to the point she has made decisions and comments that fall under the Definition of Misconduct. She is getting out of Family Court but she is doing SERIOUS damage while she is there, its SAD for the children while do we need to be the proving grounds for Judges like this. Don't sit and take it, go thru the process of Recusing her so it can bring this issues to more light. Obvious if you have a lawyer that is going in front of multiple times a week they will be hesitate to do so because it may effect them and other cases but don't her damage your family any more than needed. The party in your case is already an adversary you don't need the Judge to be also.


Comment #: CA7945
This judge does not know anything about family law. She is willing to risk placing a child back in the home of a criminal who hits and abuses a child. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE IS SERIOUS. She is not taking this matter seriously.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA7230
She has a definitive pro-female bias


Comment #: CA7018
During our Divorce case / Trial, I told and showed proof to Judge Parker, that, my Ex LIED about anything and everything that came out of his mouth. Judge Parker allowed my Ex to play her as a Fool, not only should my ex, be Ashamed of himself, of how he Lied over and over, he wasted the Judicial systems time and resources, but Judge Parker, should be embarrassed, that my ex, made her look like the biggest Fool ever. My ex, and his sister, were waiting in the court room lobby, boasting about how easy, that was, to get over on Judge Parker.


Comment #: CA6155
I really liked Judge Parker. She seemed fair and willing to give the litigants time to present their side. She also has a very keen BS meter and often used it to admonish people who were getting out of control in the courtroom. I love how she would put my husband's ex-wife in her place when the ex-wife would get histrionic and start telling lies that anyone could see through. I went to observe her before she heard my husband's case, and I was very very impressed with how she showed compassion and insight into people's situations, and really tried to bring about the most fair and compassionate result. She is a much better judge than Judge Huguenor, who was, quite frankly, a disaster, as she was incompetent, old and tired and obviously didn't care about the best interests of the children or the parties. She would just rubber stamp whatever the female litigant would demand, without any discernment, anything to get the people out of the courtroom. My husband is still trying to recover from the damage that Judge Huguenor brought not only to his relationships with his children, but also to his finances. He will NEVER get back the years that Judge Huguenor, through her incompetence and laziness, took away from him and his children. Judge Parker is a breath of fresh air by comparison; bright, compassionate, truly committed to bringing about the best and most fair result. I am sorry to see her go.


Comment #: CA5626
New Judge. Doesn't seem to know what she is doing. Easily falls prey to Narcissist's charm at the peril of innocent parties. Needs to be better educated or go back to the PTA.