Hon. Roberta S Hayashi See Rating Details
Superior Court
Santa Clara County
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Attorney Average Rating:   2.2 - 3 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   2.0 - 20 rating(s)
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* Temperament (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
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* Industriousness (1=Not at all industrious,10=Highly industrious)
* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
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What others have said about Hon. Roberta S Hayashi



Comment #: CA56011
I agree with all the negative comments. She picks a side right away, never requires anyone to testify, preferring instead to rely on affidavits without any cross examination, loves to waste time pontificating, is rude to litigants, does not give a darn about the children involved and will rule in an unpredictable and mercurial fashion depending on her mood for the day


Comment #: CA55547
Stay away from this horrible person. Definitely biased [Redacted by Ed.] Abuse of power knowing she has judicial immunity. I've lost faith in our judicial system since I'm baffled on how she was elected to be a judge. I wholeheartedly feel for the MANY people she had wronged including myself. Is there a voice out there that can help us be heard?


Comment #: CA53848
Rating:Not Rated
I am a handicap on powerwheelchair got robbed by Evil Judge at santa clara county California Superior Court. Intimidating and harassing with her favorite council Andrew cook number one perjury attorneys and $$160kran away from trial on 1/27/2020 successfully killing handicapped on powerwheelchair


Comment #: CA53794
Rating:Not Rated
I don't know how she handles criminal or other civil matters. But when it comes to family law, this judge is more counter productive than productive. Judge Hayashi appoints lawyers to represent the children involved in custody matters at a high rate. It has been my experience that these lawyers only create more conflict and run up the bill. If you can avoid this judge, do it before it's too late.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA53787
Rating:Not Rated
Expect your life to be micromanaged if an abusive spouse retains a lawyer and you are a pro per. Unfortunately, Judge Hayashi gives zero weight to unrepresented litigants. It is almost to the point of rubber stamping requests for order by the party who has a lawyer.


Comment #: CA53786
Rating:Not Rated
This judge is completely cruel. One mother was ordered to not take pictures of her young daughter at her graduation. Mother already only gets to see child a few hours a week. Then Judge Hayashi did a favor by allowing grandmother to attend the graduation located at a public school. This is yet another example of the callousness of the overreach within Santa Clara Superior Court. Read more here: https://www.davisvanguard.org/2024/05/family-court-judge-orders-no-photos-for-mom-at-childs-public-elementary-school-graduation-ceremony/


Comment #: CA53320
Rating:Not Rated
Rob handicapped attempted murder took all of belonging bank accounts and properties with her partners Louie/kitsuse law firm Calvin Louie and Christine Louie and Andrew Cook tried to kill handicapped in the court room alone


Comment #: CA53135
This is my third time going back to court because the mother was not following court orders. Mom is supposed to be taking drug tests both random and observed since we went back to court in July. She did not test random or observed for August, September, and October. She took zero in November. December was fine. January one was not observed. February was fine. The judge then decided since even though all tests were negative that she no longer had to test at all!!!!


Comment #: CA52637
She never gave me custody of my child and wouldn’t know good parental character until it hit her husband in the face. She is easy manipulated by the screener Brenda and by uncontrolled tyrannical mothers which is not good leadership on her part as a judge. I will complain about the other judges as well because honestly the entire Family court failed to uphold justice and have degraded our entire state in the past 8 years into chaos; but doesn’t realize it.


Comment #: CA39143
It is an INJUSTICE to have a Judge like this one in the Judicial System of USA or any part of the World. An absolute shame and insult to Justice


Comment #: CA36648
Very bias, and does not follow her own rule

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA32240
Apologies, but is putting the last entry in neglected to enter a rating and entering it here now. If there was a term for self represented litigants which encompasses the qualities of "racist" she would fit neatly into that category. pro-perism? or pro-se-ism. Her own written Court order demonstrates this type of racist inclination against self represented parties.


Comment #: CA32239
Rating:Not Rated
Dealing with this judge is very bizarre. She openly falsifies facts which occurred in the case and completely disregards well-established law. I was previously declared vexatious in 2012, and have had to hire lawyers to pursue any subsequent litigation and I did spend money in good faith pursuing other matters. In the current case, which has been commenced by reputable law firm who fight for consumer rights, without evidence, she says I hire them simply to circumvent prefiling order. After a law firm found being out of Santa Clara County was not to my benefit they substituted themselves of the case so I could find other counsel and continue to pursue the case pro se. I found one incompetent attorney who I had to terminate after he abandoned the case within a few months and then ultimately I found the current counsel. Defendants moved to have the declared vexatious again and for Bond and this judge Hayashi fabricated facts which are not in the record. Hence, it is bizarre and really bad. Judges like this is tearing down our judicial system. She apparently has a hostility against anyone who ever self represents themselves.


Comment #: CA31847
All the 1 star and 2 Comments are true. The system is awful and the poor judgement make by this judges makes it worse. The liar always wins!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA28838
doesn’t read about the case, make decisions base on what she like and support whoever lies good.


Comment #: CA28837
Rating:Not Rated
This Judge only hear one side and support the father that is a liar, drug user who goes by want to pay for child support. She bias and give wrong answer for respondent. no respect for others.


Comment #: CA27177
This Judge is horrible. Rewarded a deadbeat dad almost 50% custody so he could avoid child support. Father paid no child support for almost 3 years, Then when child support case was filed he rushed to court house for custody! This Judge had text submitted to her about Fathers true character - Including refusing to help when his son was sick...sabotaging the daycare AND SHE REWARDS HIM MORE TIME AND REDUCES CHILD SUPPORT FOR THE MOTHER WHO SUPPORTED THE KIDS ON HER OWN FOR 3 YEARS. MOTHER FINALLY GETS CHILD SUPPORT ONLY TO HAVE this JUDGE AWARD FATHER MORE TIME SO HE IS REWARDED FOR HIS BAD BEHAVIOR and his child support reduced. Unbelievable.
Oh Yeah father makes twice as much as the mother!! Was personally present in the court room and watched this Judge "baby" and "gently" talk to this stingy self centered dad. The Judge ignored the mother's hardship and her facts. Definitely biased against mothers and caters to fathers who are cheap and stingy. Shame on her. Beware ladies. Request a different Judge!! Very disappointing.


Comment #: CA25258
Rating:Not Rated
This judge is very extremely knowledgeable and experienced. I really like her alot.


Comment #: CA25257
she’s a wonderful judge.


Comment #: CA25256
This judge is intelligent and sharp. She took time to read our case and it was a very complicated case. My ex wanted to rid me and would do whatever it takes to hurt me. Thankfully, my dv was granted and we are safe. She was kind and clear when talking to respondent council. I saw she listened to my exes counsel. She does an outstanding job as a judge.
I just wish all judges could be just like her.


Comment #: CA22590
Rating:Not Rated
This judge has a lot of flaws. The most glaring one, the most unforgivable and the most dangerous is for a judge to make a mistake, have that pointed out to her, but instead of correcting it, doubles down and just looks for other reasons/excuses however lame, in order to cover up the mistake she made. This is Hayashi in a nutshell.


Comment #: CA22587
This judge is abusive, lazy, doesn't read the documents submitted to the courts resulting in prolonged hearings and litigations. This judge is biased and stupid!

Probation or Pretrial Officer

Comment #: CA20446
Similar to what others have observed, this person is biased, rude, unprofessional, demeaning, inconsistent, does not allow litigants to speak, although the case is about them and their children. She does not follow proper judicial processes, uses evidence not properly documented or files to be used in her decision making. She has absolutely no knowledge experience or training in DV, family law or separated family dynamics, her entire background is based on employment law. She is insensitive to the needs of the parents or children's lives she oversees, she makes unfair, biased and ridiculous rulings outside of her jurisdiction. She scolds and brow beats her litigants, smiling one second then slamming her fist on the bench the next. She prolongs cases focusing on issues not mentioned by either litigant and creates unnecessary turmoil and chaos within already disrupted separated families. She has no business pretending to be a judge especially in such a diverse and progressive county like Santa Clara. The ONLY reason she was elected is because she had NO runner up to compete with her. GET HER OFF THE BENCH! SHE IS RUINING LIVES!!!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA20217
This judge should be removed. Biased and unjust. Definitely lacks understanding of the law. I think she has an attitude problem. Very defensive, makes assumptions and lacks decorum. She is deceivingly calm but actually knows deep inside her that she is unfit to be a judge and hates it!


Comment #: CA20216
I am just one of those people waiting to be called as witness and this judge is very biased and blatantly unjust. She refuses to answer questions of the lawyers and instead will cite cases that she definitely doesn't understand and expects the lawyers to know the cases she cited! She even answers for the respondent! She definitely doesn't know and understand the law! She has no right and doesn't deserve to wear that robe!!! I am not a lawyer but I definitely understand and know the laws better than this judge!!!! This judge is a disgrace!


Comment #: CA14296
she is emotional often having outburst of yelling as an immature toddler.


Comment #: CA14204
I watched her deny a mother scheduled visitation and this Judge cut this mother off when she quoted Feist v. Feist "It has been noted the order makes no provision concerning visitation. [4] In the absence of a provision expressly denying the right of visitation in a custody order a parent deprived of custody is entitled to reasonable visitation as a matter of natural right. The trial court should have included in its decree express provisions governing the exercise of this right. (Exley v. Exley, 101 Cal. App. 2d 831, 839 [226 P.2d 662].)" Then after the Mom proved DV by the father and a violation of a DVTRO, and asked for her child back, the Judge said, and I quote directly as a witness, "IT'S TOO LATE"


Comment #: CA14016
I observed her when a friend was there for a hearing. She seemed cold, rigid, and very insensitive. I have seen excellent judges who are true to their humanity and basic human decency. This judge seemed biased, with her mind already made up.


Comment #: CA14002
I would give her a 0 if possible. She lacks discernment and judgment. She is biased, moody, and not respecting the rules of law. She misplaced comments proving her unilateral thinking. She is nauseatingly unjust.


Comment #: CA13129
Routinely denies due process. Has conducted hearings and made orders where parties have not been served, are not present and did not know there was a trial.
routinely denies custody and visitation to "fit" parents. Operates outside the parameter of the constitution. Quick to anger. insults and denigrates litigants in her courtroom.


Comment #: CA12876
I have sat in her court room for years and witnessed her make orders outside the parameters of the law. Dismiss physical evidence of domestic violence, and base decisions on hearsay. She is quick to anger and berates people in her courtroom.


Comment #: CA10312
This woman should be removed from the bench. She is abusive and disrespectful to litigants and attorneys. She is rude, mean and moody. She does not have the temperament to be a judge. She does not read the pleadings in detail, or does not read them at all but has her mind fixed before the litigants even make arguments. She does not allow you to talk if she does not like you. She does not follow the law. She definitely needs to learn from other judges and needs to act like a judge instead of thinking herself being the god and abuse people in her court room. This is definitely one of the worse judges we have ever had.