Hon. Lawrence P. Riff See Rating Details
Superior Court
Los Angeles County
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Attorney Average Rating:   3.8 - 9 rating(s)
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* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
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* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

Civil Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Involvement in Settlement Discussions (1=Not at all Involved,10=Very Involved)
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What others have said about Hon. Lawrence P. Riff


Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA55817
The judicial officers at Stanley Most are involved in organized crime. We can take them down on a RICO CHARGE. We just have to band together. I know it's hard. They take advantage of the our personal pain. THIS IS ORGANIZED CRIME! WE HAVE TO STOPPED THEM. A YOUNG MAN COMMITTED SUICED BECAUSE OF THESE JUDGED. Please email me DoYouSeeMe2019@gmail.com I don't check the email daily so if I am delayed in responded please don't think I am ignoring you. This is what I am dedicating the rest of my life to. Google Judge Sarah Heidel is a Racist. If you are white don't be turned off. Racism is a function of lack of values. This judges harm people for many reason. I think they are in bed with specific lawyers. [redacted by Ed.]They are evil. We have TO STOP THE EVIL! IT IS OUR CIVIL DUTY. PLEASE LET BAND TOGETHER.


Comment #: CA55275
Rating:Not Rated
My son Joseph Olin committed suicide on November 6, 2024 because the Los Angeles County Superior Court Family Court division, specifically Judge Lawrence Riff (Supervising Judge before he was fired from that position), Commissioner Glenda Veasey, and Judge Michael Powell enabled my ex-wife to completely alienate my son from me, "legally" and emotionally. Though I have never ever been even been accused of abusing Joseph in any way, because of the bias of because of the aforementioned judicial officers, my joint custody of Joe was stripped from me and his mom used a bogus DVRO protecting ONLY HER, NOT HIM, to block me from having any contact with Joeseph for the last 6 years. I filed more than one motion to have Joseph's mental health evaluated by a professional and both times my requests were denied. The second denial was by Judge Michael Powell, when he denied to enter into evidence a sworn statement by my ex in which she'd stated she and my son lived in daily fear of me on a sua sponte hearsay motion. I have PTSD and Major Depressive Disorder (Severe) because of what my ex, Riff, Veasey, and Powell did to me.
Today, 11/26/24, my ex emailed me to tell me Joseph committed suicide and that she was telling me because the mortuary needed my assent to cremating my beautiful boy. He died 20 days ago and I wasn't told until today.
His blood is on their hands.
So many families and people have been destroyed by bad judges. I and my son are but two.
Jeffrey Jason Olin, Esq. (SBN 298826)


Comment #: CA54130
Rating:Not Rated
----113 degrees outside and this judge Lawrence Riff, outrageously ruled to a vulnerable, older, unrepresented female that "loss of property and homelessness, is NOT exigent circumstances of irreparable harm", according to befuddled, inappropriate, Larry Riff as he protected the other highly represented side and documented abuser, just so it seems Riff could be 'loved and adored by them" that's the way he outrageously acted-ignoring facts, case law, and cacourts.gov)- their nepo. attorneys', ghost attorney and their judge connection and colleague of Riff.


Comment #: CA53917
Rating:Not Rated
53916-- *beside* substantial evidence to the contrary.


Comment #: CA53916
Rating:Not Rated
Remember when Larry Riff, headed a "Family law in the age of the Internet", 'forum' and euphemism for "they're telling on us-and posting it"-Remember???? Hope that family attorneys who attended did not have to "Find" billing hours, as Trent Lewis was alleged to have improperly said to lawyers, during a Family law dept. "town hall". Remember when Larry Riff outrageously said, "Homelessness and loss of property", were not exigent circumstances of irreparable harm??? I do. When these are the exact examples given on CAcourt.gov site. Remember when Larry Riff believed BS of lying attorneys', bedside substantial evidence to the contrary , in the record???? And, a colleague and creepy lawyer connection, who put him in an awkward position.


Comment #: CA53802
Rating:Not Rated
53800: *public servant

When the nepotism nasty attorney family court troll says that they're "all protected and they protect each other, and they're protected by management"; (Riff used to be "management" -now "former management" in this poorly run department-where they "protect each other" and harm the most vulnerable; when troll makes dumb statements like this; remember former Public servant Trump, was found guilty on all counts in hush money trial.


Comment #: CA52913
Rating:Not Rated
IMO, "judge' Lawrence Riff, caused much damage to the most vulnerable litigant, in appearances of impropriety, appearing to kiss a**es of some abusive colleagues, with some abusive LASC family court judge/attorney "nepotism nasty abusive, self-serving" colleagues' and serious appearances' of currying favor, out of their abuses of position, self-interests, causing serious damage to vulnerable opponent, of some LASC family court, "nepotism nasty attorneys' and their abusive judge connection.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA52905
Rating:Not Rated
Key words that Judge Larry Riff, possibly can't even comprehend *"STATE of EMERGENCY, on HOMELESSNESS"-", while many believe Judge Riff can't even comprehend the rule of law, that he is a laughing stalk to many, and can't comprehend the serious damages and risks, his recklessness has placed these vulnerable litigants in, with serious appearances of impropriety and wanting to kiss the a**es of some very abusive, conflicted colleagues' and attorneys', to seek their approval, no matter how egregious and wrong.


Comment #: CA52851
Rating:Not Rated
During these cold, rain storms, economy, increased crime rates, etc ; remember that it was "Judge" Lawrence Riff who had previously repeated, and outrageously opined, in open court-court papers, to certain vulnerable litigants, that" LOSS of PROPERTY and HOMELESSESS are 'NOT' Bona Fide, circumstances of irreparable harm; while adding to the continued harm against the vulnerable litigant.
___ Just think about Victims' of Crimes (including Domestic Violence) and victims' of those who protect the perps- the one's who are supposed to help the victims), and also think of 'Judge' Lawrence Riff, during these cold, rain storms, economy, increased crime rates, etc. said that "HOMELESSESS and LOSS of PROPERTY" are NOT harmful (to a vulnerable litigant) ; remember that it was "Judge" Lawrence Riff who had previously repeated, and outrageously opined, in open court, to certain vulnerable litigants, that" LOSS of PROPERTY and HOMELESSESS are 'NOT' Bona Fide, circumstances of irreparable harm... WTF??? Seriously???Really?
Makes one wonder what complicit colleagues' and/or attorneys' told 'Judge' Lawrence Riff, to say this ("HOMELESSESS and LOSS of PROPERTY are 'NOT' Bona Fide, circumstances of Irreparable Harm")-said this in court opinion), and wonder what law clerks and other court staff, some other colleagues' are saying about "judge" Lawrence Riff and what they are saying about some very shameful judge/attorney colleagues of Lawrence Riff.


Comment #: CA51970
Rating:Not Rated
California Penal Code 118 PC describes perjury as knowingly providing false testimony while under oath, which is a felony offense punishable by up to four years in jail. Thankfully, Rosemarie P. Hernandez is really good at her job, as shown by a recently obtained 2nd transcript from a particular date in September 2021.


Comment #: CA51647
Rating:Not Rated
Liarry (the added "I" is on purpose) Riff is such a narcissist. Liarry recently wrote a letter to a dead judge's wife in which Liarry basically called himself a "hero" for having been a family destruction court judge. Funny thing is that Liarry was too good at destroying families so he got FIRED from being a family destruction court judge by the presiding judge. Liarry, you are no "hero" [Redacted by Ed.].

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA48020
Rating:Not Rated
Sadly he was appointed by the odious Gov Jerry Brown in 2015 and was re-elected in 2022 with no ballot because of the pandemic so he’s on the bench until 2029. Does anyone know how to start a recall?


Comment #: CA48002
He needs to be removed! He’s putting lives at risk with reinstating $0 bail!!!


Comment #: CA47780
Rating:Not Rated
Outraged by his zero bail reinstatement! Children, women and the most disadvantaged are the ones who will pay the most. This is essentially rewarding criminals. Disgusted beyond words, can only hope his judgment affects him so he understands the depth of this horrible decision.


Comment #: CA40429
Judge Riff needs to be removed from the bench. I saw that his term ends in 2023.. Does anyone know when he will up for reelection? It's next year, right? He needs to be removed from the bench.

Please, everyone one here.. file your complaints against Judge Riff with the Presiding Judge and CJP. I know you all think it's not worth your time, but it is. I literally want to rent a billboard with his face on it and say something like Recall Judge Lawrence P. Riff. He kidnaps children and robs people of their property and due process under color of law. If any attorney out there wants to go for his seat, I will personally get you the signatures you need to get on the ballot and force Riff on the ballot so he can be voted out.


Comment #: CA39355
Rating:Not Rated
Re: comment CA39354

Just because someone is a litigant does not mean they cannot be a lawyer. Your nonsensical ramblings are what is most distracting on the RR. Yes it is personal - I just filed a lawsuit in which Larry is one of the defendants.

I called Riff's courtroom this morning and confirmed that he was removed as Family Division Supervising Judge circa Thanksgiving 2021. I told his judicial assistant to give him my congratulations on his demotion. Riff is running for reelection this year. Let us thwart him, shall we?

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA38057
Rating:Not Rated
How is it that the presiding judge could enter a final judgment in a divorce case one without even and looking at single evident nor allowing for due process and I hope you guys all are sitting down because this is probably going to go down as one of the most famous case One professor will teach about injustice and abuse of discretionary power and more
judge award wife the entire community property state which include five properties ranging from the lowest add 800,000 to the most expensive at 7 million completely to wife stripping husband from everything now here's a punch the mortgage on the properties was pinned on the poor husband So wife not only get to sell the properties in enjoy pure profit because her husband will have to pay all Loans on the properties to make things even worse he topped it off with ruling on stuff that he made a written order in the past that's nothing that was brought up during a domestic violence hearing which no one was awarded is not to be brought up during the final divorce trial do you think he honored that part he did only for one side but for the other side he allowed free range for example a small basic $1200 bill all of a sudden became $25,000 bill without any evidence Honorable Judge not so honorable said you know what why not let's award that as well now let's get to support how about I'm not even going to go there summary the entire ( 100%)community property ? which is roughly net worth after selling everything let's say at a lower price value 8 1/2 million dollars now I understand that honorable judge have power but I ask what is worst living in countries of rules and laws And democracy and and receiving such unrealistic and most definitely unfair and unexplained as well settlement is A very big red light would know what to think I do know that people get disappointed in our system from time to time I also know that you cant walk to court and expect to come out happy all the time it will be downfalls they're not always right but this is a new level this is a complete if anyone wants more information look up my email I'll send you the case there's whole lot more painful and worse actions were taken again for no apparent reason for a very respectful person well conducted also judge make sure he took over the case over just about two years ago I did not allow anyone else on the case but him and only him he's words I do so because I can so basically one person is celebrating and the other person is contemplating where to put the bullet in his own head or in his chest or just jump off a bridge might as well because you just completely completely ruined a normal average every day hard-working person now can anybody try to even say why would anyone do something like this without anything terminating without any violations just because he wants to end this because he can or because he understand very well from the financial disclosure that the party that suffered this I don't even know how to call it unfair is an understatement settlement cannot even afford an appeal all I have to say I still trust our system I still think this is one of the greatest country in the world to be living in but I also must say that this is just something that far beyond my understanding


Comment #: CA31406
Rating:Not Rated
There are 91 comments concerning Los Angles County Judge Riff. Until we revise the capabilities of our database, this site will no longer accept comments concerning Judge L. Riff.


Comment #: CA31212
Rating:Not Rated
- -This comment is applicable to Judge Riff and all those he supervises.

- - Judges, lawyers and their well to do clents, in the LA county, Family Law Divsison, can't continue to take everything they want, at a great expense to others -who are private citizens and at no cost to themselves

--Justice is grounded in assumptions, of doctrines having to do with fairness, equity, honor, virtue, the constitution and established law; while protecting both the individual and society. -

- - The driving impetus, of certain family law judges, lawyers and (their well- to -do, white, male client) -- appears to be, achieving their own personal and financial justice, because they feel entitled......

--- [Redacted by Editor]

---[Redacted by Editor]

--[Redacted by Editor]

.... --[Redacted by Editor]

--Justice is about "righting the wrongs" - in standards of fairness and equity, in which most reasonable, members of society, would agree; while also holding the morally corrupt and/or criminally culpable, accountable [Redacted by Editor]

---Proceedings are designed to dispense, to individuals, precisely what is deserved;----- that a trusted, non-self-interested, disinterested, impartial, outsider, intervene and follow the constitution and established law,if there is ever to be justice, resolution in matters, which should be fairly be settled....... and not to have the case corruptly and fraudulently, protracted, ad infinitum.

[Redacted by Ed.]


Comment #: CA31138
Rating:Not Rated

At least RR monitors are only partially redacting, instead of bleaching the comment.

I would argue, that the sentence that they redacted, was also a very innocuous statement, while also being protected 1st Amendment protected. However, since the "editor" is arguably one of the owners of this
site, which is private, it is also their right, to partially redact the comment. I actually find it amusing.

It is just very curious,that there are numerous the inflammatory comments , which they have chosen, broadly, to leave up, on several different judges, spanning in numerous counties, throughout the US and Puerto Rico. It would seem, someone has requested the comment be removed. It always seems to be focused on the same circle of LA county family law judges. Curious indeed.


Comment #: CA30829
Rating:Not Rated
File your complaints against Riff with every imaginable agency. It’s the only way the feds will investigate and find enough to prosecute him.


Comment #: CA29921
Rating:Not Rated

Also research -- **Monell v. Department of Social Services of the City of New York and how it relates to 42 USC (SEC 1983.)

A Monell Claim is a claim against the government entity that employed the individuals who committed alleged civil rights violations.

In summary, the holding allows individuals to sue public entities (other than the state) for civil and constitutional rights violations under federal law (42 U.S.C. Section 1983).

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA29308
Thanks to this demon in a skin suit, I don’t know if my own dog whom I rescued from a street corner and loved dearly, is dead or alive. If you’re a woman, or a person of color, avoid him at all costs: he will not treat you like a human being, because he doesn’t think of you as one. God is watching you, Riff, even if court authorities aren’t.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA28210
I think that whomever runs this board should be more vigilant about clearing the rambling comments from what is obviously one very disturbed person. Judge Riff is incredibly biased and not good at his job per most of the reviews here, but those reviews are largely obscured because of the rambling and repeated comments. Perhaps that person is yet another Riff victim driven to instability, but it doesn't excuse the state of this page. Please remove those comments and block their server so that people looking for real advice can read the more measured and balanced reviews indicating that this is a judge to avoid.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA27776
I find Hon. Riff extremely unaware and lacking emotional intelligence in regards to domestic violence situations. If there is an Ex-parte where a child is being subjected to violence on an intimate partner's part, he denies it. He does not protect children.

I have seen this mainly if the offending party uses language such as "she is trying to deny father's rights and keep me from my child" with these types of statements, Hon. Riff immediately ignores all evidence of abuse.

In 2020 there is not room for this type of emotional insensitivity.

He needs to veer on the cautious side but I do not find that in any of the cases I've represented for either Father or Mother, he has made a reasonable decision.


Comment #: CA27406
This judge did not seem to want to hear testimony from a well-credentialed professional woman who had dealt with the same type of forgery from the defendant-husband in the case as the wife had - this is critical evidence to determine who was lying (he was). Is it because the witness was a female? This is the type of evidence a judge should dream of, to make his job easy, and yet, it seemed like he didn't want to hear it. Something is wrong with this picture.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA27341
Molasses. Bring a good book and don't plan anything else that day. The stress isn't worth it. Otherwise, very thorough. Handles the most complex matter first, then the "pick a new date" last.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA26886
Rating:Not Rated
Someone should review the transcripts from his court room. The findings would be surprising. Although it would be even more surprising if anything was done about it.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA26552


Comment #: CA26551
Highly Qualified and absolutely honest and fair judge.


Comment #: CA26069
He is too passive. He allowed my husband to just state his income , no proof. He claim he makes 6,000 a month but he makes 20,000. He messed up my spousal


Comment #: CA25866
Rating:Not Rated
Cessation of or reduction in the extraction of ground water, to permit the replenishment of such ground water by the use of water from an alternate nontributary source, is hereby declared to be a reasonable beneficial use of the ground water to the extent and in the amount that water from such alternate source is applied to beneficial use, not exceeding, however, the amount of such reduction. No lapse, reduction or loss of any right in ground water, shall occur under such conditions. Any such user of water from an alternate source who seeks the benefit of this Section 1005.2 with respect to the use of such water occurring prior to the effective date of this section, shall file with the board, within ninety (90) days from said effective date, a statement of the amounts of reduction in the extraction of ground water as the result of water from said alternate source having been so applied to reasonable beneficial use prior to said effective date to permit the replenishment of such ground water and said amounts shall be segregated and shown for each water year (November 1st to October 31st) during which such use occurred prior to the effective date of this section. Any such user of water from an alternate source who seeks the benefit of this Section 1005.2 with respect to the use of such water occurring subsequent to the effective date of this section, shall file with the board, on or before December 31st of each calendar year, a statement of the amount of reduction in the extraction of ground water as the result of water from said alternate source having been so applied to reasonable beneficial use during the next preceding water year (November 1st to October 31st) to permit the replenishment of such ground water.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA24710
I used to be judgmental about people who committed crimes until I sat before Judge Riff. Now I fully understand how a sane person can be driven to do something terrible. He is a dangerous person to have on the bench. He is a small man who plainly displays his issues with women in every awkward interaction. If you look like him, then congrats: you've won your case.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA24587
This judge is a nightmre. he literally winked at me then smiled on my very first day at trial in his courtroom. It was sexist and gross, but I chose to ignore it. He then proceeded to cut the trial time allotted to my case literally in half, and "strongly urged" us to not call any witnesses, even though mine waited outside for two days. Who would call witnesses when the person deciding your case strongly urges you not to due to his personal time constraints? He then proceeded to dismantle my entire life, and also made basic mistakes transposing things my ex-spouse said and assigning them to me...then based his judgment on those erroneaously assigned quotes. Again: a nightmare. I might be the only woman in California married for 10 years to a man making more than $200k/year, who left a courtroom with $0 in alimony. I will likely have to file for bankruptcy just to be able to pay for my medication for chronic illnesses. He took away even more than that, but I won't go into more detail. He's sick.


Comment #: CA24127
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Riff denies victims of domestic violence and child abduction their civil rights in his court room. He aids and abets abusers and allows them to railroad and abuse their victims further with legal abuse and complete denial of a fair trial.

Judge Riff was a toxic tort Attorney who protected toxic chemical companies from lawsuits. He hates victims and is very sadistic in family court.

He knows absolutely nothing about family law and yet he is already the presiding judge of the family law division that has jurisdiction over 10 million residents of LA county!
He even believes his rein of terror extends beyond state and international borders.

No child anywhere in California, the USA or the world is safe with this child trafficker and psychopathic abuser on the bench.

He must be removed immediately and his victims must be compensated for his flagrant abuse of their civil rights in violation of state, federal and international law.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA17544
Highly professional, evenhandedness judge, who listen carefully both parties