Hon. Joshua D. Wayser See Rating Details
Superior Court
Los Angeles County
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Attorney Average Rating:   6.7 - 6 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   2.0 - 13 rating(s)
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* Temperament (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
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* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
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What others have said about Hon. Joshua D. Wayser


Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA55832
I had an elder abuse restraining order in front of this judge. He's one of the best judges on the bench. Insightful. Strong scholarship. Treats litigants fairly. I recommended him to the appellate bench.


Comment #: CA55340
Joshua Wayser’s tenure as a judge has raised significant concerns about judicial ethics, impartiality, and adherence to legal principles. While the judiciary is a cornerstone of fairness and justice, Wayser’s actions in several cases highlight troubling deviations from these standards.

1. Violations of Judicial Impartiality
One of the most egregious critiques of Wayser involves his alleged actions of acting as both judge and prosecutor in certain cases. This dual role not only violates the fundamental separation of judicial and prosecutorial functions but undermines the fairness of the legal process. Litigants have an inherent right to impartial adjudication, and when a judge introduces their own allegations, they betray the trust placed in the judiciary.

2. Denial of Evidence
Reports have surfaced that Wayser has denied litigants the opportunity to present evidence critical to their cases. Such actions directly contravene due process rights and reflect a concerning disregard for the foundational principles of justice. The denial of evidence tilts the scales of justice, leaving parties unable to present their full case and effectively silencing their voices.

3. Overturned Rulings
Wayser’s judicial decisions have reportedly been overturned by higher courts on several occasions. These reversals are a testament to the flaws in his approach and highlight a lack of adherence to established legal standards. An overturned ruling reflects not just a mistake but a failure to respect the procedural and substantive fairness expected of a judge.

4. Public Identity [Redacted by Ed.] The judiciary must avoid even the appearance of bias or ideological influence. A judge’s role is to serve all litigants fairly, regardless of their identity or beliefs. By aligning himself so publicly with a specific identity, Wayser risks alienating litigants who may perceive him as partial or unfit to adjudicate their cases without prejudice.

5. Erosion of Trust
Wayser’s conduct has contributed to an erosion of trust in the legal system. Litigants who experience biased rulings or procedural misconduct often leave courtrooms feeling disenfranchised and hopeless. The ripple effects of such actions harm not only the individuals involved but also the broader public’s faith in the judiciary.

Recommendations for Accountability
Judges like Joshua Wayser must be held to the highest ethical standards. To restore public trust and ensure fairness, the judiciary must implement:

Mandatory Oversight: Routine evaluations of judicial behavior and rulings to identify and address misconduct.
Transparency: Public disclosure of judicial performance metrics and any disciplinary actions.
Education: Ongoing training for judges to reinforce ethical principles and impartiality.
Joshua Wayser’s conduct, as documented, reflects a troubling pattern of judicial overreach, bias, and ethical breaches. While he may view his role as one of advocacy or representation, his primary duty is to uphold the principles of impartiality, fairness, and justice. Litigants deserve better than a judge who appears more interested in serving ideological goals than ensuring a fair trial for all.


Comment #: CA54369
Limited evidence. Had no DV training. Lacked the ability to consider complicated case evidence and over simplified issues regarding children and abuse.


Comment #: CA47169
He was kind to me on the stand ...but in chambers he called me a beauty queen and typical Manhattan Beach wife. I am no such thing. My terrible lawyer knew I was out of money to litigate so he didn't tell me what Judge Wayser said until after trial. How terrible on both parts. My x husband ( of 22 years and two children ) cut me off after I filed for divorce. He would NOT go to therapy as he was having an affair. I had no choice but to file and then he turned off all sources of money to care for our two children. My Mom of 78 years old, at the time, had to fly here to Los Angeles from Baltimore so she could open a bank account for the girls and I .
I am NOT a former beauty queen or a typical MB wife. I am me.
I put MYSELF thru college with Music scholarships and competing for MISS AMERICA , which is a SCHLOARSHIP pageant!!!! I won Miss Maryland went to Miss America , Made the top 10 and received more scholarship money for college and masters.
I went on to sell over 5 million records as a Nashville country recording artist..on Curb Records. I raised both girls pretty much alone as he was verbally abusive and could be violent. He left when my youngest was 11.
Judge Wayser is a mysogygist and it broke my heart and damaged me talking about me that way.
He ruled on things that made no sense...He just hated me obviously .
Get another judge if you are a woman. He seems so kind but he is quite terrible in his judgements.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA45210
Rating:Not Rated
I wasted millions defending my self in family law court against dirty lawyers Gary fishbein, Azita mozbat randi aksaki and fahi takesh hallin for what my global business man ex accused me of in court to not pay what is due to me as we both worked. Joshua Wayser is a criminal as he literally had me in three fake trials ignoring my true witnesses authentic public sec.gov exhibits/bank accounts original/ taxes as he retires pay for play in private judging with his peers that had hurt my case Roy Paul,Colin Leiss and Gary Roberts all fraud in our systems and lawyers are threatened to lose their bar card of they do not pay for pay by big global business men. Clerks and court reporters are a part of their scam play for pay as checks are written to their political views and private judging at 1200 an hour to get the outcome these big businesses want. all criminal acts ....


Comment #: CA43029
Joshua Wayser proclaims to be a LGTBQ judge despite that the State of California Codes of Judicial Ethics outlines that judges are to avoid handing out judgements based on sexual orientation. But Joshua Wayser doesn't care about judicial ethics. During his tenure he has acted as prosecutor when he brought his own allegations against a father in a familylaw matter - Joshua's prosecutorial venture as judge further caused the verdict to be overturned on appeal. furthermore it is not unlikely to see Joshua Wayser denying litigants (predominantly heterosexual males) the opportunity to display their evidence, ordering the record to be altered if the facts elicited are not in favor of Joshua's preferred party or engaging in outright injudicious commentary not relevant to the case before the court or simply to reach a decision not based on facts.. In my case Joshua utilized something reminiscent of folklore. As a litigant, I was left with the impression that Joshua Wayser exuded a tremendous hatred towards me while extending favoritism towards the other party. In this article - https://journals.librarypublishing.arizona.edu/appellate/article/id/2948/ - Joshua reveals that his conduct is based on what he refers to as his "LGTBQ perspective".. Rather, an ethical perspective would be more useful if Joshua Wayser is to provide a service that doesn't tarnish the integrity, solemnity and dignity of the court system.


Comment #: CA42402
This Judge's ruling is highly questionable - even at this early state of seeking a protection order. There is an accountability factor this Judge is missing... [Redacted by Ed.]


Comment #: CA39168
This judge is a hot mess. He failed to disclose a major conflict of interest with opposing counsel, and was publishing political screeds online about how the court systemically discriminates against LGBTQ litigants (https://journals.librarypublishing.arizona.edu/appellate/article/2948/galley/3041/download/), even describing himself as a "LGBTQ Judge", while he was the judge on my case where my ex identified as a lesbian. He wasn't even remotely fair. Judge Wayser gleefully put me through 5 years of custody evaluations (3 of them) because he believed everything my lying ex said, which was clearly fabricated, and anyone with half a brain could have determined that. Then he begrudgingly admitted in the final custody hearing that I had exceeded the court's expectations as a father. After repeatedly admonishing me on the court record, "I didn't think you could do it.", He effectively terminated my custodial rights to my daughter by allowing my ex to schedule my daughter for whatever she wanted on every single one of my 50/50 "custodial days" (shared custody in name only), including holidays, and I was court ordered to comply with my ex's plans made on my custodial time. So I ended up being a slave to my disordered ex to have any involvement with my daughter, which predictably ended our father/daughter relationship within a month. Then Judge Wayser had the gall to admonish me in the final custody hearing, "Quit while you're ahead" (how is this "ahead"???). He didn't even try to hide his bias toward me over 5 years because I'm not part of his in-group (LGBTQ) like him, and my ex, and his buddy opposing counsel. I spent over $600k in attorneys fees fighting for the right to be a father to my children. I never had a chance in front of this judge. I'm still trying to unwind the damage Joshua Wayser inflicted on my kids.

I would have posted this years ago but Joshua Wayser is a bully and clearly a vindictive person, so I waited until he wasn't our judge anymore to post the truth about his conduct.

170.6 this judge immediately. As for me, I'm making a complaint to the CJP about Joshua Wayser's conduct and violations of my kids' and my rights. Joshua Wayser should be removed from the bench.


Comment #: CA36829
Joshua Wayser was the judge in a family court matter i was involved in and his behavior left me puzzled. I have never been to court before and expected that a judge would be interested in facts and inherently unbiased. Well.. Joshua was neither. He mainly comes across as an activist who is more busy talking about himself being gay and having adopted a bunch of children.and in his twisted world that somehow qualifies him to lecture litigants on the ins and outs of the issue brought before the court. He constantly rubs his eyes in some theatrical display of deep thought and deliberation but then proceed to venture into a folkloric thesis or invented facts creating an impossible environment to litigate in. More egregiously, I came to learn that he had ordered the court reporter to delete certain facts elicited during trial..i guess they didn’t align with Joshua Wayser’s desired outcome for the case. In summary, be scared…and i mean very scared if Joshua Wayser ends up presiding over your case. The degree of incompetence and lack of integrity is simply of a magnitude that i have never seen in my life.. It is quite frankly embarrassing.


Comment #: CA36822
Joshua Wayser is corrupt. I was involved in a dispute pertaining to a restraining order and Joshua Wayser did everything possible to facilitate the order despite that the female party presented no evidence to justify the need for an order. In his decision he relied on folklore, invented facts, his own allegations, he then denied me the opportunity to display my evidence and further when I received the record for my appeal, vital information elicited during trial to support my defense had been edited out per Joshua Wayser’s instructions.
As far as I am concerned, Joshua Wayser is a reincarnation of Roland Freisler..at least his adjudication style appears more than comparable.


Comment #: CA36167
This incompetent man had the audacity to tell me that I should have shown Laura A. Seigel the illegal proof of service papers sign illegal by the other side! I have a recoding of the actual supposed! server and she states that she did not sign nor deliver any papers to my address! This chump! decides not to go against the system nor her collogue that's exactly what he told me ! so this proof that I have will forever exist because this sheep! decided not to correct and incorrect corruption which was started by Laura A Seigel! If I would have know what was going on! and knew the system when I first encountered Laura A Siegel and showed the proof of perjury that was filed with he court, I wondered if she would have corrected that wrong! Joshua Wayser had the opportunity to correct this wrong because I had copies of the proof of service paper and a recording and he refused to do anything about it because he said he trusted the work of Laura A Siegel! this how I know that the system is corrupt!! This I will know Joshua Wayser you will pay for your sins, your position, and your abuse of power! you had the opportunity to correct this wrong and you decided to dismiss me! and not grant me what I needed to be granted!!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA34670
Decent judge. Couple things: very hard to hear him as he is extremely soft spoken, and he does tend to advise pro pers during hearings.


Comment #: CA32832
Rating:Not Rated
I have to laugh when I read comments about this guy "hating" women.

I'm a man who dated a crazy woman for a few months, obviously didn't know she was crazy when I started dating her. I broke up with her after a few months and what ensued afterwards, for a period of close to 2 years, was utter hell.

This woman vandalized my car multiple times, moved 2 miles down the street from me, followed me around my neighborhood, would randomly show up at places I was at in my neighborhood. I had police reports filed on me for things I hadn't done, etc.

So, even though I didn't want to, I filed for a TRO on her which was fully granted by the court. I did this because she wouldn't leave me alone. I figured since I got the restraining order fully approved, the hearing itself would be easy.

Well, this insane woman shows up with her own attorney and "entourage" of family members and a few omega male type guys she strings along to do her bidding.

So, at the hearing, I have a TRO fully approved on her and she has one she tried to file on me a few weeks later that got fully denied. The hearing was full of lies. She fake cried. Her fmaily members called me dangerous. She admitted in court to putting stuff on my car. She admitted to moving down the street from me after we broke up. I had plenty of evidence that this woman was off her rocker, insane.

However, Wayser rulled against me. He slapped with a 4 year order. He called me a stalker in court. I had been dealing with this idiot woman for close to 2 years at this point and was absoltuely mind blown when this judge ruled in her favor.

This idiot, Wayser, has no business sitting on the bench. This guy got royally worked over by a sociopathic woman and she got away with this. Even when I had the TRO on her, she was still doing drive bys of my place. Wayser said he didn't believe me because of how insnae her alleged behavior was.

Wayer probably went home that night and slept well figuering he had done the right thing. Little does he know he enabled a very dangerous person to perpetute more abuse. I hope hell is hot enough for Wayser when he eventually ends up there.


Comment #: CA31427
This Judge is biased and does not like women. Does not care about the children involved. He flip flops. He does not run the court professionally. I don’t know if he is on something. But he barely pays attention and keeps repeating himself. He kept rubbing his hair and looking down at his desk like he hated his job and did not want to be there. He asked weird irrelevant questions to my case. Flip flopped on his verdict. And based his restraining order verdict on one single day of phone calls made in attempt to get my son from his father. I showed up with actual phone logs from my phone company at&t. The petitioner showed up with a screen shot of his phone and deleted numbers in between to make it look like I was harassing him. I didn’t know trying to get your own son back by a manipulative sociopath that uses your child as a pawn and actually does nothing to care for the child would constitute a restraining order that is now on my record. Great. Thanks so that helps me find jobs. I have no criminal history but petitioner has 3 criminal records. This judge also based his decision because he thought (from his perspective as a man) that my declaration had too much emotion in it. So those were his reasons to give me a restraining order and to rip my son apart from me. My son is 3 years old and I have paid and done everything for him. He gave sole custody to petitioner who lied under oath. I told the truth. So I guess I suggest if you get stuck with this judge you just lie and I hope your a man. Because he doesn’t care that a 3 year old needs his mother. [Redacted by Ed.] I feel that hurt me to have a judge who allowed lies, who did not look at the evidence and the fact the petitioner has with-held my child against a court order twice, did not care about the discrepancies in the petitioners claim. The fact that they didn’t submit phone records from the phone company is disturbing. I can make it look like anyone called me back to back with a screen shot of my Apple phone. He also sides with high power and attorneys with money. No matter how honest and all the evidence I had that made the petitioners claim null and void. Judge Wasyer has completely destroyed my life now and my 3 year old son by giving him sole custody to a sex addict that has sex with random couples on Craigslist. So if my son ever gets molested at his father’s house I will solely blame you and hold you accountable. It’s too bad because at first you seemed like a nice and fair person. But he’s not. He doesn’t give a crap about the children. Gave my son to a sexual predator.


Comment #: CA28639
Rating:Not Rated
This judge should be an automatic 170.6. He does not follow the law and instead likes to remind everyone on record how much discretion and power he has. He makes decisions based on his immediate assessment of litigants, often as you know in family court, from perjured documents and allegation instead of evidence. He rules from a point of view and not statutory or case authority - and then flip flops on his decisions. He appears biased against women generally and is so focused on his personal belief that he is some kind of savior of children that the courtroom becomes kangaroo court at its highest level. The end result is fractured families worse off than when they came in and litigants in debt with their attorneys rolling in the dough. Wayser talks a big game about moving things forward but does the opposite as his decisions result in motions to reconsider, appeals (google him and check the record) and a tremendous miscarriage of justice - especially for the kids he repeatedly spouts off on the record as being their to protect. His legal knowledge in family law is woeful and his ego is too big for the courtroom. He needs to stop acting like a poorly trained social worker relating everything to his own adopted kids with special needs and behave like a judge. Last, I sat in on multiple cases of his with special needs kids - don’t expect understanding there because if your kid isn’t severe expect his own personal comparison to dwarf your own situation in his mind.


Comment #: CA26253
I was going through a terrible custody battle with my ex. He saw through the lies that she said on the stand and even questioned her about it! Unfortunately, he moved out of Family Court after he completed most of my case and made the necessary court orders. I think he moved on because of the caseload and job level stress was too high for him. I wanted to thank the judge for being such a wonderful kind hearted person and I hope that many more judges will follow in kind!


Comment #: CA25919
This judge is partial and biased towards the Culver City Police Department, based on his own admission that they have a good reputation in his eyes and he enjoys going to the City. He signed a restraining order upon their request which clearly lacked legal standing to be issued, and bans the defendants access to the entire city of Culver City. He is a judge that ignored legislation and what he is actually supposed to do, and instead does what he feels like. He is also on the internet as a public figure for his homosexuality and jewish status within his religous institution. this is not the type of person that should be a Judge

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA24014
Terrible judge. Behaves as if every case in front of him is an inconvenience by constantly sighing, rubbing his eyes and face, and turning away during evidence. Speaks so softly that there are multiple times that no one in the room has any idea what he is saying. Changes his mind constantly, and improperly gives legal advise to pro per litigants. Automatic 170.6


Comment #: CA18813
Rating:Not Rated
One thing is very clear. This judge hates women. Doesn't matter the race. He has pent up anger towards all women. If you can avoid this man, do it.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA16059
Judge Wayser comes to the bench prepared. He reads everything and really knows the law. He also has a wonderful way of seeing through games and misrepresentations. Wonderful Judge.


Comment #: CA14416
He flip flops on a decision several times. When a video of someone striking another is staring at him in the face, he sides with the striker. Not a fair judge

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA14100
Rating:Not Rated
This Judge Does not know or apply the law. 170.6 him immediately. Get him off the bench! Mom's beware.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA13789
Excellent Judge Wayser, does not buy into manipulations, delays, or nonsense. He knows the law, and how to bring misbehaving litigants into alignment. He looks to the law and the facts makes equitable and reasonable decisions based on law and facts rather than muckraking, and hyperbole. Courteous, not easily deceived, and efficient. In family law litigants need to move forward rather than being enabled to waste court time and money on needless hearings over legal non-issues or on issues of diminutive value. Judge Wayser manages to rise above the contention, andcut through the non-value added drama. He delivers clear judgments that in the heat of the moment may not make sense to unrealistic litigants that are with or without representation. However, his no nonsense approach tends to bring an end to bad or manipulative behavior, and unrealistic expectations which aids litigants to resolving their divorce or custody issues. Divorce and /or custody should not be a means to continue to punish each other, prove yourself "right." Bravo Judge for helping litigants away from the use of your court as a means to continue playing out the issues that plagued their relationships.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA13209
Does not know the law. Not open to being educated on the law. His mind is made up when he takes the bench. For child support, ignored father's large monthly deposits in bank account and instead believed testimony that father is unemployed. If all you have is a sob story, this is your judge. If you need someone to look at the facts and evidence and apply the law, then 170.6 this judge.