Hon. Steven D. Blades See Rating Details
Superior Court
Los Angeles County
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Steven D. Blades



Comment #: CA55991
Rating:Not Rated
I am not at all surprised at his bad reviews. Is he still a judge?


Comment #: CA55066
he’s just an awful judge. may god bestow upon him and his bloodline the same justice he imposed on defendants that entered his courtroom.


Comment #: CA54299
It’s clear that Steven Blades is a crummy judge (and horrible human being). But can someone enlighten me to why his name shows up on the Brady List website under Covina Police Department?

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA52304
Without going into excruciating detail (like some of you here), I’m just going to say Los Angeles Superior Court “judge” Steven D. Blades is a Jerk judge. He has no common sense. Blades is essentially a Tyrannical (and out-of-control) district attorney/prosecutor, dressed in a black robe. He will rubber stamp 99% of what the government and prosecution wants, even if it makes no common sense. If you want the epitome, definition, and personification of government overreach, come into Blades’ dungeon of “justice.” Corrupt government lawyers love him, mostly everyone else does not.


Comment #: CA52149
Judge Blades signed off on a decision about my family 5 years ago. It was the wrong decision I realize now. I read from these comments about how Judge Blades was a police officer. NOT SHOCKING. RED FLAG #1. I’m 22 years old now. My grandparents tell me about how people used to respect cops. But when a cop becomes a horrible Judge like this one, then its acab and ftp, all day, everyday. We have social media now, so we see police officers in their True Blue color. Maybe you’ve experienced oppression from cops. Then you’d know they are no good because they all defend a stupid system. Cops are UnAmerican in every sense of the way because they ruin people’s lives and stand against what would make a country great. When cops become Judges then don’t be surprised when the court system sucks *****. This judge made a really bad call for my family, older and younger brother when I was a teenager. How many other lives has he ruined ever since he became a judge? The one thing learned from Judge Blades is police, Judges and prosecutors are some of the most vile people in society, worse than criminals sometimes. I’m old enough to vote now. When I vote, I never vote for former police and prosecutors. I think more people are seeing the damage and propaganda that police and prosecutors cause to our communities. You can’t just push a heartless system then turn around and blame “the other side” when we start experiencing the effects of an unsustainable approach. This was DECADES in the making. I see a lot of people feel the same way here. There are petitions to RECALL some judges, why not this one????? When my family had a case in Judge Blades courtroom he was in the Pomona one. Why is a right wing nut making decisions for people that live in Los Angeles????? That’s like an Alabama mayor making decisions for people that live in San Francisco or Los Angeles!!!!! Keep sharing thoughts and experiences. That’s the only way we change things for the better


Comment #: CA52007
can’t tell if this judge is straight out of the 1800’s (or 1950’s), but he for sure is no good. he probably had his ancestors judging people during the salem witch trials. i feel sorry for anyone who goes through his courtroom. there is a very slimy feeling listening to him, a very strange presence. who makes all these white guy conservatives judges anyway? is he even qualified in terms of not being completely cold hearted? serious questions nowadays.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA50708
An embarrassment to the judiciary. The perfect example of a prosecutor dressed in a robe. Old people love the idea of former prosecutors and police officers installed as judges. However the younger ones mostly know better. We need people actually committed to serving the “People,” who don’t support mass incarceration, who believe in restorative justice and who sees the dangers in having people labeled criminal records, put in jail, to the point LA County has the largest jail population the the country with the biggest prison population in the world. This is not the kind of throwback judicial officer the future needs. Gave him a good rating for being punctual, but other than that completely worthless and part of the problem ! ! !

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA49292
L judge. My opinion on this judge is he’s garbage. ‘Tough on crime,’ just like former judge Jeff Ferguson (same political party and everything, and we all know what happened to that particular judge). Was hesitant to bring up party affiliation, but Mr. Blades has a history in his support for extremist positions, taking clear shots at certain ‘progressive’ DA’s who won elections by wide margins. Funny thing is his party is only ‘tough on crime’ when it suits them, but when their former president and his staff take steps to overturn elections (and democracy), this same party becomes the ultimate party of crime. In fact, most of the judges that turn criminal, or become embroiled in all kinds of corruption, and I will refrain from naming names, seem to be the same party of this particular judge. That is to say, as it pertains to Blades, never trust a judge that will give lifetime sentences to non violent offenders, but then sometimes give probation and short jail sentences to even violent offenders. Look it up for yourself. This is what this ‘judge’ does. Blades is a political opportunist, the epitome of the why the legal system is broken. We should only hope future judicial officers will be more self aware in how they sentence The People, especially given that this country is the most incarcerated population in the world. F-


Comment #: CA48117
This dude just came to my mind, for various reasons, and decided to Google him. Not surprised with the low reviews. For example, go to any barber shop in the Foothill area and there is someone who knows someone, or someone who knows someone who knows someone, that's been through the Steven Blades courtroom and a whole discussion about how unfair the court system is will take place. There's a reason why lots of kids don't wish to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance anymore. To expand on the other ideas below, Blades is definitely what happens when you let Republicans get their way. As the old generation goes away, the younger generation is left with the ignorant aftermath of the conservative Republican Steven Blades generation, and so we have a bunch of corruption and social issues that will eventually need to be fixed in the future, especially in light of America's mass incarceration and over 100 million Americans having a criminal record. This should be a reminder for future generations that the Republicans are generally either ignorant or evil in nature (sometimes both, I suspect). As for Blades, he could care less. I'm sure he sits in front of the TV, watching Fox News (or Faux Noise as is the more appropriate term), ironically complaining about what the Democrats have done. That is not to say that Democrats are not at fault. The Democrats have a lot to do with the corruption and problems we have now; but if you were to pick the least of both evils, guaranteed the Republicans, especially Republican judges like Blades, are generally the worst of both evils. Someone mentioned that this dude was also transferred to Los Angeles, which is completely insane. Yeah, he did a lot of damage in Pomona, as you can Google some of the Court of Appeal opinions, including reversals and dissents in seeing how soulless Blades is, but to include a freakin' tyrannical Republican in a Los Angeles courtroom is simply tone-deaf of today's changing political realities, despite the Fox News propaganda. But yeah the court system is mostly a huge for-profit scam!


Comment #: CA48044
Rating:Not Rated
wow quotes are now perceived as ‘threatening?’ we have a First Amendment right to criticize our government, even if it means only *hoping* that the perceived injustices suffered under powerful judges like this one, and the standard established by said judge, is perhaps one day experienced by them as well. the only ‘creepers’ on here are Snowflakes trying to make something out of nothing, accusing every person who criticizes the government as a same ‘troll’ i’m not even aware of, and trying to keep people from criticizing our government which is a right under the First Amendment. don’t try to suppress or chill Free Speech. now go back to bootlicking and defacing the flag with that stupid blue stripe.


Comment #: CA47017
Judge Steven David Boomer. Another Schwarzenegger appointee who will never fail to disappoint. There should be a rule that if a Governor can’t drive, and has been the cause of a number of at-fault automobile accidents causing injury, in this case Schwarzenegger himself, that should preclude said Governor from having the judgment to appoint judges that have the power to judge other people. Because quite frankly, if they can’t drive how can we, the people, trust that they are making the proper appointments? Case in point the number of Schwarzenegger judges, who shall remain unnamed, who have been embroiled in scandal. Now Judge Boomer here has never been involved in any publicly known scandals, to my knowledge. But to my knowledge, I know for a fact that Judge Boomer, like mentioned below, will never hesitate to involve himself, as well as insert his conservative Republican agenda, when he sleazily able. He may come across as a decent, or even good guy. But make no mistake about it: even though the sleazy higher powers have decided to put this Henchman in a Los Angeles courtroom, he is never to be trusted based on his past judgments to condemn people. Just look at our “cream of the crop” during the TikTok hearings. If you thought our Congressmen are inept, ignorant, arrogant, and rude, think how bad it is when you put that same type of privileged personality, wrap it in a black robe for what is pretty much life, and give said henchman the power it has. Hence, Judge Boomer.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA46303
The kind of kangaroo judge you’d want enforcing stone aged laws. Blade did a great job oppressing minorities in Pomona. What a brilliant idea to bring this Republican Conservative to Los Angeles to do even more damage to the community.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: CA45112
He initially comes off as someone who you can trust. He just has that trustworthy look and demeanor. But don’t be fooled by appearances as the old adage goes. This guy is a snake. Just Google him and you will see him try to insert himself and his political opinions, slyly, when a judge should keep that bs out of the courtroom. A good judge’s job is to figure out where the best interests of both parties meet. I know personally this judge will not do that, instead caving in to whatever is most politically popular at the moment. This is toxic stuff to the very longterm integrity of the legal system. But what do you expect for someone who was appointed by a governor, Schwarzenegger, who left office with about a 20% approval rating, riddled with corruption and scandals? LOL! Incompetence begets incompetence. What’s also most frustrating about Blades is he will make comments like ‘if I recall correctly,’ yet about an eighth of the time, he is completely wrong in his memory. He sometimes does this to exaggerate things, to strengthen his rationale for the record, which is completely abhorrent, especially when some of the things he says is completely made up. But who is going to dig up the court transcripts from prior, and prove what he said was not accurate, especially when he seems to know which ones people won’t bother to point out (and it won’t make a difference anyway, as doing so will just make you look petty). But the thing about this is this type of calculatedly false ‘recollection,’ when you add them up, should have a compounding effect showing the lack of candor Steven Blades truly has. Not to mention, Blades will make critically wrong assumptions. Playing fortune teller is definitely not Blades’ forte. If this dude was really a cop, then I have got to wonder how many people he’s screwed over with the false recollections, exaggerations, and assumptions? Blades is what happens when someone believes they are better than everyone else, put on a pedestal, and never called out for their deficiencies, yet still installed as judge. Also, someone told me that Blades was a Marine. I thought they were supposed to have courage? I guess we were scammed about all that bs, too. I have to agree with someone who posted before me: these boomers, like Boomer Blades, are really destroying this country. We have an atrocious collection of laws as it is! Time to get some young, bright, smart people on the bench.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: CA43120
Blades is a Banana Republic judge. Any decision that comes out of his courtroom, just know it could have easily gone the other way. That’s how broken the American justice system is.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: CA42335
Many years after having gone through Blades’ “courtroom,” I was hoping to eventually have good things to say about Blades. But no. I live amongst a good mix of “conservative” and “liberal” American citizens; but among the community, and people who have gone through Blades’ courtroom for various civil and criminal matters, he has earned a reputation for his courtroom being not just bureaucratically slow, but Blades himself: A Certified Arrogant Jerkoff. [Redacted by Editor] As for my personal experience, the first Red Flag is that the transcript from his courtroom didn’t match what was actually said in Court. Something the attorneys and people in attendance noted after reading the paperwork as well. Maybe the Court Reporter should focus more on getting the wording right, than wearing unprofessional short skirts. Of course, given how the American government is so corrupt (as we all already know), they would not even provide an audio recording to verify what was said. Shouldn’t be much to ask for, especially nowadays. So the court reporter’s say, likely miswritten with omissions, is the final say, which is pretty stupid! Second, to echo below, what Blades said on the record wasn’t even factually correct. Testament to the incompetence of this “judge.” At least get the facts right, Your Dishonor. [redacted by Ed.] If anything, Blades is Exhibit A to how prosecutors and ex-cops make for crummy judges. Agreed with other comments. I don’t wish bad karma on people, but I do hope for it when it comes to this Dingus!


Comment #: CA41120
Blades was a cop. I think that speaks for itself and the de facto gang that he is (and will always be) a part of. Probably the type of dude to put a desecrated Blue Line flag on his car or (probably) pickup truck, knowing his type. The type of dude who will say “Blue Lives Matter,” before he acknowledges the oath he took to the Constitution. I say this because after reviewing Blades’ record, a lot of the sentences he gives out seem disproportionate, sometimes giving much harsher sentences to non-violent offenders, and letting more violent offenders off easy with much lesser sentences. Steve Blades is the type of guy that built his career and reputation off the backs of the less fortunate, under the guise of “public service” and “justice;” just look at his outrageous and scammish salary and future pension, for example. But if you’re reading this, you probably already know that public service and justice is simply theater, designed to keep a cursed system in power. You can call it White Privilege, White Supremacy, and/or perhaps pure exploitation. The moment when slaves were tricked into ships from Africa to farm the plantations, when America stole Mexico’s land (remember, all of California once belonged to Mexico), and when the Chinese were slaved to work the railroads. It is because of these exploits, that people like Steven Blades was able to build his “career” on. There is nothing extraordinary about a country that built its “successes” from these war crimes (and there are too many to list here). And this type of exploration is exactly why America is (and has always been) a scam!

Court Staff

Comment #: CA37900
LOL the local Facebook page is blowing up with posts about clown judges that have judged good people in our town. Scuba Steve Blades is one of these clowns. Blades was an above average cop with the podunk Covina PD, went to a below average law school, and worked at the second-tier law firm Manning & Kass, Ellrod, Ramirez, Trester. Don’t know how Scuba Steve made it to judge though. By all accounts, he was one of the better judges at Pomona before about 2010 (which doesn’t really say much). But since then, new and better judges have come, Blades, in my opinion is near or at bottom-of-the-barrel, and he is quickly becoming a dinosaur who will eventually retire into the abyss. Like the reviewer below says, hopefully Scuba Steve Blades and his best interests are one day judged by the higher powers. I’m sure a lot of people pray for that day.


Comment #: CA37638
I’ve been a spectator in Blades’ courtroom twice now in the past decade. Being a member of one of the area’s largest congregations, you can imagine from time to time, a few of our congregants find themselves rock bottom. I’m also a lifelong Conservative who believes in law and order. The problem becomes that in the two cases of our congregants that have gone through Blades’ dungeon of judgment, both non-violent and first-time offenders, they get what seem like extreme treatment. Both cases, both entirely different, felt off and wrong. Don’t get me wrong: I believe the law should be strictly followed to a T and jail/prison should be reserved for violent people, murderers, treason, and habitual offenders of extreme financial or extreme property crimes. But sometimes it really doesn’t make sense. Seriously, Blades is the sort of guy that makes people lose all confidence in what is starting to look like an incompetent government full of hypocritical incompetents running the show. We pay taxes for this crap, we should expect more from our public servants. Stop re-electing and stop voting to retain jerk offs like Blades. One congregant who was in the audience with me said that he trusts that the Lord eventually will put Blades in his place. Two congregants, good friends of mine who were also in the audience with me, doesn’t live too far from Blades in the north part of the city. They said that when Blades drives down the street, ol’ Stevie gives the “creep eyes” while behind the wheel. The second time I spectated in support of one of our congregants, I saw Blades more as a clown, with the ego of which trumps all his other qualities, and with the eyes showing of someone between past the end of his midlife crisis and beginning of senility (he’s aged quite a bit since I saw him condemn our last congregant). Anyway, since we’re all paying taxes to fund these circus act performances and public servants, they should just cut the crap and replace the black robe with a clown costume, have Blades put a red clown nose on, and have circus music play anytime the judge walks in. “All rise!” Bailiff… cue the circus music!

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: CA36587
Traditional Boomer “judge,” and former law enforcement officer, who helps keep archaic laws in place. Now, the United States, supposedly the “Land of the Free,” has, both proportionately and in actual numbers (by far), the most incarcerated population over even China, North Korea, and Russia. Think about how screwed up that is for one second. One-third of Americans have some type of criminal record. Blades is the type of person whose solution is to incarcerate, even when it may not even be appropriate. These judges swore an oath to uphold the United States Constitution; but you rarely see these judges stand up and uphold the Constitution when they could. Blades also made untruthful statements, on the record, but because he is a judge his word is Gospel, unfortunately. Most judges, especially nowadays, are pretty much bureaucratic rubber-stampers, in an absolutely broken and corrupt system, who are never held accountable. It’s kind of disgusting, quite frankly, for the “Home of the Brave.” God forbid Steven David Blades ever gets elevated. And if this is the caliber of flawed human beings we have serving in the judiciary, I believe our country is screwed going forward.


Comment #: CA30269
So far this judge has been very biased, performed illegal acts of prohibited ex parte hearing alongside approving of a jury misconduct. I pray that he does the right thing in the near future as he has done enough damage being an unfair and biased judge. He is up for a recusal for a current case and I pray that he recuse himself from it due to his unfairness.