Hon. Michael R. Powell See Rating Details
Superior Court
Los Angeles County
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What others have said about Hon. Michael R. Powell


Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA55593
First and foremost, our deepest condolences for the gentleman that lost his son.

The totally of the circumstances tied to Judge Michael Powell's sadistic conduct on the bench clearly indicates that he is perverting the course of justice through his reckless disregard for the truth.

We have a Judicial Code of Ethics, a Judicial Conduct Handbook, Rules of Professional Conduct, and a U.S. Constitution that Judge Powell thumbs his nose at on a regular basis without any repercussion, demonstrating how truly broken the Family Court system is, along with a Commission on Judicial Performance and a BAR Association that blatantly turn a blind eye to the horrific conduct of unethical lackey judges such as Michael Powell and the sadistic attorneys that have him in their pockets, so to speak.

I would respectfully urge all victims of judge Michael Powell to write to their elected Senatorial and Congressional representatives with not only a detailed letter of complaint, but also with proposed remedies such as mandated statements of decision, mandated in court appearances, and mandated video recording for all proceedings, along with the formation of a Commission by the people for the people to hold unethical judicial officers, court appointed "professionals", attorneys, and perjuring "witnesses" and litigants accountable with serious consequences for their misconduct. Until we all make enough noise to spark well needed and grossly overdue reforms, this form of "child trafficking" will undoubtedly continue since judges like Michael Powell seemingly have no shame or fear of being held accountable for their dirty deeds.

Hats off to the few good and courageous judges out there that follow the law without any personal bias or unsupported assumptions and actually promote the best interests of children and hold dishonest attorneys and litigants accountable for their misconduct.


Comment #: CA55399
[Redacted by Ed.]

Judge Powell blatantly violated Family Code 3111 for a custody evaluation because it would certainly have exposed not only his heinous acts, but also those of his court appointed minor's counsel, Fredrico Edward Navarro, who has left a trail of destruction with numerous other children, by acting as a proxy for unethical attorneys and their equality unethical clients to cover up their improprieties. Yet, judge Michael Powell refuses to admit any evidence that would expose this. [Redacted by Ed.]

It should be made perfectly clear that Michael Powell [Redacted by Ed.] to this day he has not justified his ruling, nor has he made any effort to correct the atrocious acts he has committed against my family and me. Also, as noted on this site by over 100 complaints against this disgrace to the judiciary, my family and I are far from being the only victims of this monster that hides behind his immunity to prosecution and his sick band of unethical attorneys he happily serves.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA55389
Rating:Not Rated
I am so sorry for your devastating loss!
I sent you an email and hope you will join our group that is dedicated to bringing Judge Michael Powell to justice for the crimes he has committed against your son and countless other children. Powell belongs in prison for the rest of his life, as do so many other judges in Los Angeles County and beyond.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA55387
I won't spend this or anymore Christmases with my son because of Michael Powell. My ex-wife engaged in parental alienation and made my son believe I had abandoned him and didn't live him anymore. She was enabled by Powell and the horrible commissioner Glenda Veasey to prevent me from even contacting my son for 5 years. Powell denied my request to have my son evaluated by a psychiatrist on an irrational sua sponte hearsay objection. My ex ghosted my then-17-year-old son, so that he had to graduate without any family. My abandoned and lonely son killed himself on November 6 because Michael Powell did not care at all about the welfare of my son.


Comment #: CA55322
Calling All Victims of Judge Michael Powell:
Join Our Taskforce for Justice!

To all those whose lives have been impacted by Judge Michael Powell,

Like you, I am a victim of Judge Powell. Over the years, I have met six other individuals whose lives have been utterly destroyed by his actions. Each of us has experienced unimaginable harm, and for some—like my close friend of five years, a black mother of two—the treatment has been especially egregious, even criminal.

This isn’t just about us. Judge Powell’s continued presence on the bench represents an ongoing threat to families and communities. A recall would likely only expedite his career as a private judge, allowing him to continue causing harm with fewer restrictions. We cannot let this happen.

That’s why I am forming a Taskforce—a collective of victims united in our fight for justice and accountability. Together, we will:

Work to remove Judge Powell from our cases.
Fight to reunite our families and bring our children back where they belong.
Pursue legal action to hold Judge Powell accountable for his abuses of power.
If you are a victim of Judge Powell’s rulings and are ready to take a stand, I urge you to join our Taskforce. Together, we can amplify our voices, share resources, and take collective action to bring him to justice.

You are not alone in this fight. Let’s unite, support one another, and ensure that no one else suffers under his rulings. If you are interested in joining, or even just learning more about our efforts, please reach out to me directly.

Let’s turn our pain into power and demand the justice we deserve.

In solidarity,


Comment #: CA55320
Rating:Not Rated
I’ve watched this wolf in judicial robes over the years and while I know there are many citizens of LA County having problems with him, he reserves his most nasty work for Black women, including attorneys. He talks down to them all, including Black female attorneys. He works really hard to paint Black mothers into the record using tried and true tropes like “angry,” “erratic,” and “hysterical,” amongs’t others charged language. He becomes combative with Black female attorneys like he’s carrying a grudge. Who knows, maybe it comes from his public defender days. He is clearly insecure and wounded and projecting his trauma onto others through the judicial process. The problem is that as a judge, he is causing irreparable harm to LA County families and there’s very little recourse. I hope that they can get him out through the recall, but it has to be organized by someone with the capacity to do the work, like that Stanford Law professor. Powell is abusive, sexist and most likely, racist. He is not fit.


Comment #: CA55243
Hi everyone,

I reached out to as many of you as I could tonight, and would like to host a weekly zoom meeting Thursdays at 6pm? to compare notes about this psychopath. There must be thousands of victims out there, but for now if we can get a group of us together, we can figure out his playbook, how he operates, and coordinate our efforts to bring Judge Michael Powell to justice.
Hope to hear from you soon!


Comment #: CA55242
I know another case where Judge Powell destroyed a woman's life, and then when Powell was removed and Weinberger came in, he put the final nail in the coffin in her case.

At a hearing that was supposed to be about removing the case to department 2 for a long cause trial, Weinberger announced that he was hearing the trial right then and there even though Dept 22 is a short cause trial courtroom.

My friend was unable to call any witnesses or submit any evidence. In a few short minutes, a case that had been dragged out by Judge Powell for over 5 years, where the mother of two was deemed the putative spouse at the beginning of the case, by Judge Lawrence P. Riff, Weinberger ordered that she was not the putative spouse, and the case was "dismissed" - or it should have been, since the petitioner was kicked out of her own case, instead Weinberger went on to order the respondent to empty the home that Powell deemed his sole and separate property, even though it was clearly community property.

Sick thing is, Judge Powell never actually made an order that the property belonged to the respondent, instead he issued a bogus protective order against mom, sua sponte which was then used to throw a mother and her two minor children (respondent is the father) out on the street where they had to live in a homeless shelter for more than a year before the bogus 10 minute surprise "trial" was finally heard by Weinberger. He knew the respondent had thrown his wife and kids out onto the street using a bogus protective order a year earlier, and despite being married for 20 years, he ordered that mom get zero community property, and that she must remain in a homeless shelter.
These kids were teenagers, and this was the only home they have ever known.

I have the video of this horrible incident.

If anyone else has experienced civil rights violations and been abused by Judge Powell, please click on "Send email to this poster on the bottom right hand of my comment", and reach out to me.



Comment #: CA54490
i would give the dishonorable Michael R. Powell a zero rating, if an option.

He destroyed our lives before Weinberger put the nails in our coffin.

They are both monsters that should be behind bars for the abuse they’ve orchestrated in their court rooms.

If there is anyone who has been victimized by these 2 soulless males in robes; please reach out to me. Robyn Ross Reporting at gmail or on insta or tiktok.


Comment #: CA53828
Everyone on here who has has problems with Clerk [Redacted by Ed.] - she is the psychopath clerk who allowed completely forged documents into the record.. in order to kidnap a child from another country using a bogus "TRO". Please contact me if you have had issues with [Redacted by Ed.], and post your experiences here. I really need to connect with others. This TRO was apparently issued out of Judge Powells court room dept 22 on January 17, 2023 the filed stamp says:

[Redacted by Ed.], Executive Officer/Clerk of the Court…
and underneath it shows the signature and name of Deputy [Redacted by Ed.].

On January 17, 2023 the [Redacted by Ed.] stamps were GONE, because she retired and as on January 1, 2023 the new executive officer/clerk of the court became [Redacted by Ed.] .

It's insane, even the case cover sheet has this file stamp.. but [Redacted by Ed.] is in dept 22 with Powell.. she is not at the clerks office filing window..

And it's a TRO which can only be issued out of the restraining order court - dept 8 on the 2nd floor of Stanley Mosk Courthouse if I'm not mistaken - not the 5th floor in dept 22.

There are so many red flags - I really need to connect with people who have orders issued from dept 22 since January 1, 2023 - to compare - there is no much wrong with these documents.. the clerks certificate, with the seal shows a one loop squiggle - no name of the deputy - and the clerk's certificate seal is illegible -

please contact me - I'm trying to prove that my ex paid off this [Redacted by Ed.] - or did the forgery himself (even more likely) and then find out who still filed these counterfeit documents into the court record!


Comment #: CA53795
Rating:Not Rated
Hon Michael R. Powell is amazing. He sees everybody through. Smart, fair, and truly honorable. Thank you, your honor.
I will pray for you and your family. Wishing you great health!


Comment #: CA53675
Rating:Not Rated
***This Wednesday, May 15, at 9:30am, participate in the LA County Board of Supervisors Special Meeting to share your thoughts on LA County’s 24-25 recommended budget.

In-person: 500 West Temple Street, Room 383, Los Angeles, CA 90012

Over-the-Phone: Call 1 (877) 226-8163

***Este miércoles, 15 de mayo, a las 9:30 a.m., participe en la Reunión Especial de la Junta de Supervisores del Condado de Los Ángeles para compartir sus opiniones sobre el presupuesto recomendado del Condado de Los Ángeles 24-25.

En persona: 500 West Temple Street, Sala 383, Los Angeles, California 90012 ---->

53669-The JCP and the Bar are jokes, that identify as oversite yada yada; judge (JCP) -attorney(Bar) "oversite", , yada, yada, yada. However, if you want it on the record, you can even file complaints at different agencies and/or **including the **Bar, **JCP, file com plaints with your state reps, etc. ; even if the judge or attorney is "retired", semi-retired, etc. etc.; or has committed unlawful, egregious violations, such as the LASC family court nepotism nasty attorney troll and judge connection and/or those judges and attorney trolls who post threatening, hate speech against litigants, colleagues, those who have engaged in fraud, perjury, crimes though nepotism etc etc. Do these crappy nepo lawyers thing their client would take their side, if called to testify in a proceeding????"

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA53669
The following is merely information, not legal advice:

If anyone has a valid complaint to make against any judicial officer, including but not limited to Judge Michael Powell, you may do so through California's Committee on Judicial Performance: https://cjp.ca.gov/online-complaint-form/

If you have lawful grounds to (attempt to) recall a judge in Los Angeles, including but not limited to Judge Michael Powell, here is information on the procedures that must be followed: https://www.lavote.gov/docs/rrcc/documents/guide-to-recall.pdf

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA53652
Mikey Baby, I miss our late night chats.

How many signatures are we tracking for on that petition?

Love ya, miss ya. <3


Comment #: CA53345
Judge Michael R. Powell, who now moved from Department 22 to 42 at Stanley Mosk Courthouse, is like a Spineless Demonic Worm that devours all that is good and just. This scumbag will actually "gaslight" you rather than admit he didn't read the case files or admit that he's wrong and correct his mistakes. Instead, this heinous vindictive coward will retaliate against you with a multitude of false statements and inappropriate tone if you correct his lies and contradictions. So lazy and or incompetent to do his own work, he uses unethical attorneys false and or misleading arguments rather than using sound and substantial evidence to make rulings and will even allow his arrogant and rude clerk Josefina Trejo to tell him what to do. Seemingly this cowardly hypocritical monster that hides behind his cloak of immunity against prosecution, likes to hurt other people to make himself feel powerful, but just actually shows how weak of an individual he truly is. This disturbed individual will not only unjustly rob you of your children, he will attempt to also rob you of your dignity through his use of "projection" and other emotional abuse tactics such as gaslighting.


Comment #: CA52897
Rating:Not Rated
Where is the petition to have Judge Powell recalled? Is there a website where I can download the petition to recall Judge Powell and start getting this Judge recalled?

Please, this Judge must be removed from the bench.

The way Judges get better positions like an Appellate Court Judgeship is by the amount of cases tried and completed. Judge Powell takes pride in having closed and completed several cases. The numbers of cases that he has resolved is what gets him a better position as Judge in LASC or any other possible Judge position.

Judge Powell is closing cases quickly so that he can get a better position. It does not matter to Judge Powell if his cases are just or fair. He just wants to rack up his numbers so he can get a better Judge position.

We must get Judge Powell recalled so that the only possible place he can go is to Traffic Court where he belongs.


Comment #: CA52355
He acts in complete disregard of the law, is hateful and abusive, and worst renders decisions that destroy the lives of vulnerable people like the elderly. [Redacted by Ed.] All the evidence you need is in my court transcript case no. 23STRO01308


Comment #: CA52254
I'm a concerned activist - how can I sign the recall?

I am deeply involved with Family Court anti-corruption groups and can ensure we garner the requisite # of signatures. Please contact me.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA52146
Rating:Not Rated
Hi, for the recall we need 700k signatures. So I am working with an expert in how to garner enough signatures and we will likely be implementing that shortly. I hear 22 Judge is a fair trier of fact.


Comment #: CA52073
Rating:Not Rated
Has anyone been in front of the new Judge in Dept 22? Is William Weinberger a good judge or is he just like Judge Powell?

Also, how is the recall petition on Judge Powell going? Please advise.


Comment #: CA49571
Everyone please file your complaints against Powell with the Commission on Judicial Performance. Do it Now. Don't wait.

And if you have an unethical attorney working with opposing counsel who is equally unethical and in bed with Powell - file your complaints against Powell with the State Bar of California.

The complaint I filed against former Attorney Anat Resnik in 2018 is being reopened by Chief Trial Counsel who has prosecuted her three times already, and a slap on the wrist every time. My case is so egregious I'm hoping this investigation will ultimately result in her disbarment. File your complaints.. The more people complaint, the more the the State Bar and Commission on Judicial Performance see a pattern of practice and behavior. But it takes well written complaints to do get their attention. Good luck everyone!


Comment #: CA49570
Rating:Not Rated
Comment #: CA49432 Thank you for your response to my question on Judge Weinberger. After having had my children taken from me you have given my hope.

Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU!


Comment #: CA49432
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Weinberger is great. Yes, he will listen he is fair and he knows the law.


Comment #: CA49430
Any word on Powell's replacement Judge Willaim Weinberger? Has anyone been infront of this judge and is he fair?


Comment #: CA49192
Rating:Not Rated
Is there a good reason why the Presiding Judge in Family Law continues to have this abhorent person as a judge in family law making lifelong detrimental and absolutely incorrect, legally unsound decisions? Does he know the law at all or does he just make it up as he goes? Turning a blind eye to the errors and mistakes this judiial officer makes especially in this field, where children and parents are affected, for life, is irresponsible, if not criminal. Why is this permitted? What can we do to stop the damage? This individual Powell, believes he is God and abuses his power and discretion, daily. He needs to go. He really is a bad seed and should not be in the position he is in. Please file Judicial Complaints, appeal your horrendous orders made by this loser, and sign the petition that is being circulated to get this absolute cancer out of the family law system. He enjoys hurting kids and mothers.


Comment #: CA49088
Im just here for the comments...popcorn in hand. Normally I wouldnt enjoy watching a grown man get publicly spanked but Im down for it. Youve all wiped the floor with Powell and Im just here LMAO…well deserved


Comment #: CA49087
Rating:Not Rated
Wow. This man is [redacted by Ed.] an embarrassment to the bench. Honestly, no one even understands a word you are saying #CA49081 (Michael Powell). Spend your time learning the law so you can make decisions fairly and without bias. Get off of this page that is meant for reviews of judges, not for [redacted by Ed.] judges to further abuse their victims. [redacted by Ed.] LA! Get this nutcase off the bench!


Comment #: CA49081
Rating:Not Rated
49079-Now mental case, (failed, dishonest beta attorney), nepotism attorney troll, (is identifying as 'court staff')-while (protesting way too much_ acting like Judge Powell is the troll (when we know it is an abusive, creepy, dishonest, crooked attorney-deflecting for their judge connections-while writing offensive posts on this site). Yes, we all witnessed the crooked perv. attorney troll's threats and verbal sexual assaults- (against the credible victim litigant) while (attorney)implausibly denying they're the attorney troll (adding CAPS in improper parts of words) - and troll seems like a low functioning autistic attorney--, when (court staff) is way smarter, more honest and mature; attorney troll seems to be fairly triggered by litigants' posts' about abuses by certain conflicted judges, in LASC family law courtrooms, while ironically, attorney troll is doing the same and is more abusive than any judge and abusive as their abusive male clients and cohorts- as attorney attorney troll keeps pushing down the litigants' factual, truthful, posts'-by writing creepy, offensive posts' on this judge- to deflect from posts on judge connections..


Comment #: CA49080
Judge Powell's decisions have already taken their toll. First on the families that did not have to suffer the fate that Judge Powell imposed simply because of his bias and hatred of Women. Secondly, Judge Powell has been removed from Dept 22 and relocated to Dept 42. It must be every case in Dept 22 is screaming of Judge Powell's unjust decisions. And why is it that these severe decisions are directed to mostly Women? Lastly, just having a petition to recall a sitting judge is the ultimate indictment. How does he face his peers who are also here looking at Judge Powell but also themselves. It must be so embarrassing for him.

Time for the next career. Justice is something that NOT everybody gets. Particularly Judge Powell.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA49079
No one:
Literaly no one:
Judge Michael R Powell: eVeRyOnE wHo DoEsN’t LiKe Me iS a NePoTiSm TrOlL aTtOrNeY

This is narcissism in action people. The man is so obsessed with himself. He can’t resist but to act like a petulant child and fight with real victims and witnesses to his abuse. This is unethical. His admittance to “finding out” the people who would *gasp* dare leave reviews about their own lived experience is twisted. Just like his unfair and illegal judgements against women. Pride comes before a fall, Powell, and its not the alleged “nepotism attorney” that you have fabricated in your head. It is the women of LA county that are sick of your sadistic and twisted abuse of power that will take you down off your high horse.


Comment #: CA49076
Rating:Not Rated
49071-Litigant made it clear, they were not sticking up for Judge Powell; but the trolls offensive posts are attempting to distract from litigant/victims' credible posts', about abuses in LASC family law courtrooms and abusive males being protected, when they hire abusive, dishonest, connected attorneys'-while many victims of domestic abuse are being abused in LASC family law courtrooms.

____Litigant admonished LA family court "nepotism troll attorney", who abuses and mocks, victims who speak out against abuses in LASC family law dept. This abusive LASC family court, nepotism nasty attorney troll, is connected to certain judges and attorneys, obsesses over this site, demands deletion of posts, of victims who speak out against injustices, writes offensive posts (often in all 'CAPS') to take away from factual posts by victims (victims' of judges, in the abusive, attorney troll's cabal), such as mom (who my heart goes out to) (an intelligent, credible mom/litigant) who speaks about, son kidnapped across International borders, and has had to deal with all the judges *transferred, "retired", "moved around"- from dept. 22, dept 2, CCW to Mosk, (Gould-Saltman, Byrd, Trent Lewis, Tamara Hall, Lawrence Riff, etc.) while litigants (their children) and victims are being severely harmed, enduring injustices,in LASC family law courtrooms----also by other backroom dealing, conflicted, self-serving judges (some who have personal and financial relationships with attorneys.)

--The "nepotism attorney troll", is so creepy and even verbally threatened and sexually assaulted a litigant on this site, that Ventura's Radiant Truth (court advocate and watchdog) spoke up and admonished troll and said, that they had to be "involved in the case" because obviously litigant was too credible and spoke truth to power, about abuses in the LASC family law dept. The attorney troll demands deletion on same set of judges and brags they are "protected and can "do whatever they want"-in LASC family law courtrooms.<---___Talk about guilty idiot, LA family court , abusive, dishonest "nepotism troll, attorney" incriminating self and judge/attorney cabal, who work in common purpose, making a federal case, out of all of their violations in LASC family law courtrooms'......

--The pervert, guilty, LASC family court, nepotism attorney troll, perverts the facts, and the litigant's credible, posts, about abuses in LASC family law courtrooms (by some judges and their attorney bed-buddies) have gotten under the skin - of the attorney troll and cohorts , because victims' speak the truth) and abuses intrastate abuses, interstate abuses, and abuses across international borders, against litigant victims', by some LASC family judges, attorneys' and their abusive ex. and client of abusive attorneys'. (Look at pattern/timing of deleted, pushed down posts' --etc.- Watch for deletions, tomorrow morning (after holiday weekend) while seems LA family court (attorney troll) has TRR Ed's on speed dial.

---The creepy, (LA family court, abusive nepotism attorney troll, is unraveled) by smart and truthful litigants, such as mom, who talks about sone being kidnapped, across international borders.


Comment #: CA49071
I'm so happy to know that people are speaking out against POWELL

Here's the video of what happened to a mom who has been dealing with Judge POWELL since he slithered into Dept 22.


I have filed so many complaints against this psychopath so he retaliated against me by assisting my ex husband with the international kidnapping of my son from Canada - using a bogus family law restraining order.

Here's the first episode of a series I am doing to tell my story as well. Judge Powell is deranged, sadistic and must be brought to JUSTICE.


I love how he's now posting on this site and pretending to be a DV victim, sticking up for POWELL against a "disgruntled" family law attorney and uses the word admonish… is he drunk and high when he's posting this shit?. Does he really think his victims can't see right through his bizarre rants and repeat of the same words in each comment - its as if he's hired someone from another country through fiverr and pays them 3 bucks an hour to repeatedly respond to this thread —— or he's actually spending the time doing it himself at work as someone else mentioned in another post.

Hi Michael. WE ALL KNOW IT'S YOU. And all eyes are on you and what you are doing to your victims in court.

You have destroyed too many lives, taken everything so we have nothing to lose and are exposing you just as an act of citizenry at this point because the cruelty and madness has to stop.

You need to be exposed so that justice for victims can finally be served. I dream that one day Stanley Mosk will finally be shut down, demolished and a memorial set up for the countless lives you and so many of your cohorts have destroyed all these years [Redacted by Ed.].


Comment #: CA49067
Rating:Not Rated
Posts by "Civil litigator" below, are rambling and same style of disgruntled "nepotism troll attorney." The litigant has admonished these offensive posts.
Timing of posts and defections are also suspect and attorney troll, often does not use "CAPS" (at the beginning of sentences), since they were called out by victims, that attorney troll, (uses way too many all "CAPS" words.)

"Civil Attorney" started these offensive posts, in mid-July and I am certain Judge Powell likely noticed this and his though about cases around that time (and disgruntle, abusive, dishonest attorney (s) involved in cases.

The litigant has admonished these offensive posts and told attorney troll. they are (offensive and inappropriate.)
Very strange that the "Civil Litigator" alleges and rants about "mental illness" of this judge, when it is obvious the attorney poster is mentally ill and (not right in the head) and needs extensive therapy. And what type of person and attorney makes light of mental illness and this judge's alleged, "mental illness" that the attorney mocked? The attorney should be disbarred.
The timing, deflection and pushing down of posts on some LASC family judges, when writing offensive posts on this judge, is also suspect.


Comment #: CA49062
I’m so happy that someone has mentioned the case of Apphia Noel. I am a long time friend of Apphia’s. She and her two boys have been utterly ravaged and abused by Judge Michael R Powell and this system. My friend who is an amazing wife, mom, and business woman (previous professional ballet dancer) is now hunted by not just her husband, who told her he would kill her, but by the law for “kidnapping” her children when she fled to save their lives after Powell refused to protect them. This is after her husband had almost killed their son by holding a pillow over his head to suffocate him…not to mention the drawings he had done of clear sexual abuse and the testimony of his child evaluator who told of horrible physical assaults by his dad. California, and particularly LA, with all of their self righteous claims to fight for women, is a breading ground for sexual, physical, and emotional abuse. When my dear friend Apphia had to tell an entire courtroom of the details of her rape (there were many), Judge Michael R Powell suggested this was just a “fetish” thing and utterly disregarded it. LA has gone so far off the deep end. Do we now live in a place that acts like the oppressive regimes of the middle east? How many women and children need to present their testimony of abuse, rape, and death threats to the courts to be believed against one man? And no investigation was ever done?? I am disgusted and appalled by this court and in particular by Judge Michael R Powell who join in the abuse of women and children…they even seem to enjoy it.

To all women, especially those with children in California, it’s time to flee to another state.


Comment #: CA49061
Rating:Not Rated
Hey Mr. Powell:

Because I know you read these reviews just thought I would let you know that we (a pretty significant legislative investigative body) have just prepared and are issuing a FOIA request for all cases you have made orders, involving children, Domestic Violence requests, and an ultimate change or grant in custody solely to a father, in order to prove what we suspect is your patterns, and choice of administering justice, for whatever sick reasons you have, we do not care, because we will just display it for all of LA County and California to see. Whatever psychological issues you may have, although apparent, do not matter. What matters is your sheer disregard for law and the lives you intentionally #&*%$ with which are children and their parents. You are sick Powell, you really are. I personally have seen you in action, and I can say, there is something deep-rooted in you which cannot be fixed with therapy or appellate reversals, not matter how many. You are damaging. You are a disgrace to the judiciary and you need to get out. If not on your own accord (you are way too arrogant) then you will be thrown out. As a picture of your patterns emerge and come together, there is no doubt, you will be ousted - without pride.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA49059
Rating:Not Rated
Yet one more case where disgusting Powell gets to grant a restraining order against a mother, and then change custody, as he has done many other times. Sicko. Seriously sick.

Case Number: 21STFL05326

Filing Courthouse: Stanley Mosk Courthouse
Filing Date: 05/12/2021
Case Type: Dissolution w/ Minor Children (General Jurisdiction)
Status: Statistical Disposition 04/24/2023

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: CA49057
Rating:Not Rated

Please watch this, Judge Powell is a monster who needs to be stopped. Please go read about Jesse jr. This judge is a cancer in this system. Please help remove him.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA49027
Rating:Not Rated
The Notice of Intent to Circulate Petition is out for signatures. We like have more than enough but if anyone else wants to sign please let me know at inlovewithpaul@gmail.com. This guy has to go. He is dangerous to family law or any law for that matter. Stand up and help us get the petition to garner enough attention for an election so he can lose and be tossed.


Comment #: CA48944
Judge Powell is on this page harassing litigants who are whistleblowers to his abusive behavior. His best argument to why this is ok? They must be "LASC family court "nepotism attorney troll[s]”" and he knows this because they often use words like “i”. (See Comment #: CA48888). Judge Powell, you are making yourself a laughing stock. To everyone else on this page - please participate in the recall mentioned by Commenter #: CA48911. Judge Powell is dangerous to women and children! Let’s get him off the bench!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA48929
Rating:Not Rated
This individual is a cencer in this already broken system. He is dangerous, the orders he makes are dilatory, dangerous, damaging and downright err. He needs to be reversed a few more times because three times has not taught him a lesson yet. Get this vermon off the bench! How in the heck can the presiding judge make this moron a long cause judicial officer, where he wields this power to hurt children and families. He is sick as hell.


Comment #: CA48911
Rating:Not Rated
Intent to Recall Judge Michael R. Powell available for mass signatures. Please email inlovewithpaul@gmail.com to sign.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA48891
Rating:Not Rated
All he had on his Court calendar today was a "conference" in the morning. One matter. A short one. He has had all day to peruse this site and respond to posts. That is for sure Powell below.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA48890
Rating:Not Rated
email inlovewithpaul@gmail.com to sign the Notice of Intent to Circulate Petitioner to Recall this "judge" I use that word loosely. Stop burying my posts, Powell.


Comment #: CA48888
Rating:Not Rated
Many post are obvious and very likely posted by a false flag disgruntled attorney and not a "litigant"; while the LASC nepotism nasty attorney troll is obsessed and with repeating the word, "nepotism"-so they can mock it and mock victims' - and LASC family court "nepotism attorney troll", often uses "i" and words such as "rant", "rave" and these offensive posts started in mid July, by an obvious disgruntles "insider attorney"- and all of their false flag posts. The litigant has admonished these improper, inappropriate posts and litigant sticks to the facts. The nepotism nasty attorney troll narcissist and cronies, try to destroy their victims' lives with lies, because they know theirs, can be destroyed with the truth.


Comment #: CA48887
every time the judge posts he inspires all of his victims to band together. i thank you judge for exposing yourself on this paltform please keep it up!! the whole world can easily see it is you or one of your nasty nepotism side kicks. i laugh every time you rant and rave on here like a mentally disturbed, paranoid old man.


Comment #: CA48881
Rating:Not Rated
Email inlovewithpaul@gmail.com to get a copy of the intent to circulate recall petition which is the first step in recalling Michael Powell.


Comment #: CA48880
Rating:Not Rated
Please request the recall of Jule Powell petition from inlovewithpaul@gmail.com:

Mel Graves. Thank you. Let's get this filed with the LA County election office as soon as possible to get the recall going.


Comment #: CA48879
Rating:Not Rated
Please advise, quickly if you want to sign the Petition to Recall Michael R. Powell. Email me. Fast. I will send a signature page over and it will help to get five or six signatures or fill a page. We only need 40 for the intent to circulate.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA48878
Rating:Not Rated
Mikey Baby, I missed you. Listen, I know you're OBSESSED with me. Normally I don't lean that way but for you doll, maybe I'll make an exception. Next time I see you walking the halls I may just give a little wink.

Now to more important things...

May I direct the classroom to Comment #CA48872 (My SWEETHEART Lil' Mikey)

Judge Michael R Powell openly admits to not only monitoring the reviews about him on this website, but to actively searching out the aLl CaPs JeAlOuS nEpOtIsM nAsTy AtToRnEy tRoLlS who dare post negative reviews about him.

What do you intend to do with this information, Mike? I can’t think of anything pleasant.

I would like to personally thank you, Michael, for making your bias and [Redacted by Ed.] perfectly clear for everyone to see. (Even smooth brained individuals like yourself could understand).

With all my love,


Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA48877
Rating:Not Rated
Comment #: CA48872 - sick. Judge Powell literally has been eviscerated on this site by victims and if your post is correct, then Judge Powell is violating his ethical duties and the Judicial Canons to be impartial and unbiased, yet what you are saying is, he knows who is posting about him, and making rulings against those individuals based on their expressions (1st Amendment) on this site. That makes him unfit to be a judge. Anyways, the all caps seems to be indicating that there is a Recall Petition being circulated. I suppose it will not be sent to you, Judge Powell.


Comment #: CA48872
Rating:Not Rated
48866-A disgruntled attorney, is likely writing many of the negative, "ALL Caps"- (many caps) posts on this Judge; and this judge probably noticed that many started in mid July (many deleted by TRR Ed's)--so the judge has probably guessed which attorney (and their cohorts) are writing some very offensive posts on this judge and which attorney uses unethical tactics and files fraudulent paperwork and makes false statements about the opposing side.


Comment #: CA48866
Rating:Not Rated
NOTICE OF INTENT TO CIRCULATE PETITION TO RECALL POWELL IS READY FOR SIGNATURES. We need 50 to start this thing guys. All of Powell's victims please contact me so that I may send you the initial recall documentation for signatures. Please get others to sign it ASAP. This is our first step. Colored ink please and all on the same document. Let's do this! We are strong and resilient and say no more to judicial abuse.


Comment #: CA48859
Everyone following this train wreck of a judge should see this police body cam video of a child he had taken from his mother who was fleeing death threats and abuse. Powell chose not to believe or protect the then 9 year old boy or his mother who both attested to horrendous abuse. In this video he tells police how his father hurt him and his brother and said he was going to kill his mom.


This sweet boy’s child evaluator who Judge Powell said “speaks as the child” told the court of abuse including suffocation, being held by his feet and having his head slammed again and again into his headboard, etc. His mother told the story of pulling her drunk husband off of her son while he held him down with a pillow over his face. This mother produced horrific drawings she had found by her son that clearly depict naked men with dripping body parts and who appear to be wearing s*x straps. She believed her son was being sexually exploited by their father who she had witnessed watching child p*rn and was sleeping in their son’s bed every night.

LASC and Powell…you are twisted. You side with parties with high rolling attorneys $$$ rather than believe children who attest to suffocation, physical assault, and beg for protection from their abuser because the child is “too well spoken”.

[Redacted by Ed.]

This boys life and that of his little brother and mother are all in serious danger.


Comment #: CA48850
Rating:Not Rated
The Family Law Division implemented the following changes to courtroom operations effective May 1, 2023:

Judge Michael R. Powell is now assigned to Department 42 of the Stanley Mosk Courthouse, 111 N. Hill St., Los Angeles. All matters previously assigned to Department 42 will be reassigned to Judge Powell for all purposes.
Judge William E. Weinberger is now assigned to Department 22 of the Stanley Mosk Courthouse. All matters previously assigned to Department 22 will be assigned to Judge Weinberger for all purposes.

All matters currently calendared shall remain scheduled on the dates and times previously set unless otherwise notified. Counsel and parties are instructed to indicate the assigned judicial officer and department on the first page of all documents filed with the clerk to ensure proper departmental assignment, calendaring of hearings, and document


Comment #: CA48849
Rating:Not Rated
I was just served with an RFO but it doesn't have Powell as the Judge. It has william e weinberger as judge in dept 22. What does this mean? Has Powell been removed from family court?


Comment #: CA48833
Who is the lawyer that had multiple judgements by Powell reversed? I want to hire them.


Comment #: CA48831
Aside from posting the continuing failures and INJUST decisions judge Powell is making. Can someone post the cases that Powell has been overturned by the appellate court.


Comment #: CA48829
Judge Powell court ordered my client’s businesses/rental properties to be given to her abusive husband. A family court Judge has no legal right to give someone’s businesses/property away to another party who has no involvement or stake in them. Her husband had a stable, high paying job and my client’s rental businesses were her sole form of income. This order left my client destitute, with zero income and stripped her of her ability to pay her lawyers or defend herself in court against her abuser. The LA courts allow abusers to rule lawlessly.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA48805
Judge Michael Powell is a misogynist who seems to enjoy dominating women from the bench.

Powell had a woman describe her rape in detail to his entire courtroom including her rapist and strangers. He then pointed out that she was shaking and visibly distressed - he took this opportunity to question whether she was medicated (she was a successful business woman with no history of substance abuse) rather than show any compassion for her distress. He then denied her request for a restraining order because he just didn’t believe her. Here is just one quote from Judge Powell to the victim:

"We still haven't gotten to the point of how you get into the bed and your clothes are taken off, and apparently he has anal sex with you against your will”

She was made to describe her rape down to the positions she was forced into (even though she had already provided written testimony)…he then took a break and went to his office…

I’ve never heard of or seen this kind of violation from the bench. Utterly despicable.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA48776
Rating:Not Rated
Mike, it’s awkward for all of us when you refer to yourself in the third person.


Comment #: CA48771
Rating:Not Rated
48608- Was properly and professionally, written, by a credible, LASC family court litigant, who is actually not happy with many of Judge Powell's rulings, but has kept it professional, stuck to the facts, law, et al and has admonished, offensive, threatening, abusive posts', by the LASC family court nepotism nasty attorney troll and attorney troll's cronies, who are all over this site and over defensive, abusive, to litigants writing about these very abuses; while attorney troll's also deflect from posts on their judge connections and also demand removal of posts and/or removal of certain judges' names; while the litigant displays the knowledge, facts, legal and professional skills and behavior that these nepotism nasty failed , lying, crooked, attorney trolls' lack. ----->

"48608-->48607 And, I doubt this judge has made light of rape and can't and would not have ability to throw mothers' in jail; 48605 seems to be a hyperbolic post by an abusive, disgruntled LASC family court attorney troll and/or jealous colleague. Rape and Domestic Violence are serious; but the post is very extreme and this judge is not a criminal court judge, not a cop, not a DA/prosecutor and/or on jury and he does not randomly throw mothers' in jail; having said this many do have issues with Judge Powell, but this post likely by an abuser and/or abusive disgruntled attorney, and/or abusive jealous colleague accused him of things that are extreme."


Comment #: CA48770
Rating:Not Rated
It seems 48764, 48769, Is a inadequate, all 'CAPS", false flag, nepotism nasty attorney, who is trying to insult and butter up Judge Powell at the same time, and seems that Judge Powell recently --did not give the crooked nepotism nasty attorney troll and attorney troll's client and cronies, everything they wanted, by cheating and lying, because these posts started out of nowhere and Judge Powell should think about which inadequate, crooked, lying , pouting attorney, and their cronies, he had involved in a recent case. And, many of the LASC family court nepotism nasty attorney troll's offensive posts, start out as "I am a woman", but obviously it seems that there are a connected crooked, male and female, cheating, lying failed, crooked attorney trolls' (and would be too obvious to say, "I am an attorney who has practiced for over "____"30 years". Apparently, they are still "practicing' and not doing a very good job; terrible, inadequate, unethical LASC family court nepotism nasty attorney trolls'.

There is a pattern on here.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA48764
Rating:Not Rated
Hey Judge, did you have ai write that or do it yourself?


Comment #: CA48750
I think he is great. He saw right through a vexatious litigant and the lies, he was honest and blunt with both sides -treating both fairly. What matters is he saw right through the bs and actually did the right thing. He is knowledgeable and knows how to identify crocodile tears in order to protect people from bogus R/O's. I am a woman and he helped prevent a revengeful ex from trying to ruin my life and harass me for years to come. He had harsh words for me at times and at times the other side, but that is okay, we do not realize how much nonsense happens when emotions are involved. Overall, he gets it, he does not let meritless claims prevail and for that I THANK YOU JUDGE POWELL. THIS IS MY EXPERIENCE AND OPINION.


Comment #: CA48742
Rating:Not Rated
Better yet please post the petition here so all of us can download it and have it signed. Thank you who ever you are.

Send me an email inlovewithpaul@gmail.com in order to be notified about the petition to recall Judge Powell and how to sign it."

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA48645
Rating:Not Rated
These obsessive, aggressive responses to real complaints against Judge Powell seem oddly paranoid and really make no sense.

This forum is for REVIEWS of judges - not a place to contradict the accounts of victims and their aids or to harass them for sharing their stories.

Comment #CA41616 (who I like to refer to as Little Mikey) asks if I, and I quote: "don't want Judge Powell to figure out who you are [I am].

Is this a veiled threat? Is the dishonorable Judge Powell indeed monitoring this page to try to find out the identity of those positing negative reviews against him? Is this ethical? Does this not show the quality of character of the infamous Judge Powell?

In regards to the case I have referred, I have named no names nor violated the identity of the victims. Thousands of people have heard the story of this family. I'll let my colleagues and friends familiar with this judge and horrific case know about this website and their ability to share their own stories.



Comment #: CA48625
I'll ask the same questions: Where is the petition to have Judge Powell removed from the bench and is it true Judge Powell is trying to get himself transferred to criminal court?



Comment #: CA48616
Rating:Not Rated
48612 Fast response and why were you so defensive and quick at responding to post on this judge and a San Diego judge around the same time, with same MO as LASC family court attorney troll? Seem to have same MO as LASC family court attorney troll and are trying to deflect and distract and don't want Judge Powell to figure out who you are troll attorney and/or judge colleague.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA48615
Rating:Not Rated
Final thing Mike. Three and a half hours of brooding between posts? That one stung, huh? Sometimes the truth hurts. I've listed myself as an honorary Criminal Defense Lawyer now, thank you for the vote of confidence!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA48612
Rating:Not Rated
That was a quick response. I am neither an attorney nor a "jealous" colleague but an advocate who has been witness to real abuse by Judge Powell. Maybe I'm speaking with the narcissistic Judge Powell himself who would be so arrogant to believe that only a jealous colleague or "creepy troll" could raise such a complaint. Why are you so quick and desperate to defend a judge with a 1 star rating and review after review after review of horrible abuses of power? Why would a good judge have so many disgruntled lawyers willing to come after him? This judge is abusive and dangerous, FACT (those caps help to accentuate the text nicely, don't you think?) I do thank you for the compliment of your assumption of me holding a law degree though sir!


Comment #: CA48608
Rating:Not Rated
48607 And, I doubt this judge has made light of rape and can't and would not have ability to throw mothers' in jail; 48605 seems to be a hyperbolic post by an abusive, disgruntled LASC family court attorney troll and/or jealous colleague. Rape and Domestic Violence are serious; but the post is very extreme and this judge is not a criminal court judge, not a cop, not a DA/prosecutor and/or on jury and he does not randomly throw mothers' in jail; having said this many do have issues with Judge Powell, but this post likely by an abuser and/or abusive disgruntled attorney, and/or abusive jealous colleague accused him of things that are extreme.


Comment #: CA48607
Rating:Not Rated
48605-Very Smollesque post, same MO as the LASC family court attorney creep troll, who is connected to certain judges, who seems to be disgruntled attorney, and loves all "CAPS" like the attorney troll who uses same language and always uses 3-4 exclamation points; and Judge Powell should look at attorney/attorneys' and/or colleagues, who have tried to play him. Not defending this judge and/or any judge who makes light of rape, abuse, domestic violence and lawlessly protects a client of attorney, who engages in these reprehensible acts, but post is too similar and too on the nose, of that of LASC family creepy, abusive attorney troll and attorney troll's judge and attorney connections.


Comment #: CA48605
Judge Powell is making judgements that put women and children in REAL danger, placing them into the hands of violent physical and sexual abusers. Judge Powell ignores the testimony of abused CHILDREN who share horror stories of suffocation and physical abuse by fathers. He ignores drawings of sexual abuse done by children. He calls himself "The Court" and states he knows better than court appointed child evaluators who testify to the child's abuse. He demands women testify in great detail to their own rape in front of their abuser and a room of strangers, despite them having given written testimony about their rapes to the court. He then throws mothers into jail when they flee their continued abuse after he failed to protect them. THIS JUDGE IS DANGEROUS TO WOMEN AND CHILDREN!!!


Comment #: CA48077
Rating:Not Rated
Where is the petition to remove this Judge from the bench?


Comment #: CA47716
Rating:Not Rated
This message is to the commenter who loses it every time I post about another example of misconduct by Judge Powell:

Your reactions are over the top and if you will notice this forum is deleting most of them because you are incoherent and appear to be trying to discredit me to protect your buddy Powell in hopes people don’t believe me.

I can’t seem to find your own personal comment as to why you think Powell is so great and it’s interesting that you appear to be really mad at several attorneys who have put Powell in his place and have had his rulings overturned repeatedly.

Who are you? Either you are Judge Powell himself or your are a sycophant trying to curry favour with Powell.

I just don’t understand why you are so emotional and repeat the same nonsensical non-arguments over and over.

Look, I hate to break it to you. Powell is a master manipulator and he is abusing his authority on the bench and causing minor children to be thrown out onto the street.. with nothing but the clothes they were wearing that day, and their school bags.

Judge Powell ordered this to happen to this hard working mom who has always paid her bills and took care of two special needs children - yeah forgot to mention that.. she did all this as a single mom with no involvement from the father whatsoever.

Your friend Powell is a very bad judge. He doesn’t belong on the bench and you are going to have to come to terms with that sooner or later.

I have the video of these children and mother being thrown out of their home by the father and his gutless attorney Marvin E Vallejo.

You are not one of Powells victims. He has never issued orders to kidnap your children, throw you out of your home, steal your home force you and your children into a homeless shelter and made you lose everything you have..

Judge Powell literally issued orders to take 80k from a sealed trust to pay attorney fees for one side, from the money that was in trust for the self represented litigant.

This forum is for victims who have experienced unlawful orders. Your rants are not going to change the fact that Your buddy Powell has destroyed peoples lives.

The amount of suffering because of his unlawful rulings is incalculable. I am one of his victims. He retaliated against me because I filed complaints and submitted open records requests for his digital communications between his clerk and an attorney.

Powell issued orders that were used to
Kidnap my son from Canada 3 months ago. There is nothing you can say to victims to convince them they deserved the punishment and suffering due to his unlawful rulings.

I suggest you rethink your friendship with Powell and stop trying to convince his victims that Powell is a great guy. He’s not.

Powell doesn’t have a single redeeming quality. He’s a dangerous personality and belongs in federal prison as far as I’m concerned.

I didn’t realize I could scroll down and list myself as litigant. Sorry for that confusion.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA47704
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Powell issued a bogus DVRO against a mom, on his own motion - no notice or opportunity to be heard.. to TRO first.. no hearing.. he just turned to his clerk Josefina Trejo and asked her to draw one up. This was then used by the abuser for the sole purpose of unlawfully evicting mom and two minor children from the only home they have ever known. Have you ever heard of minor children being thrown out of their home where they live with mom, dad has not bothered to contact them in years despite a stipulated agreement allowing for that. A father using Judge Powell to obtain orders to throw his own children out on the street? Never to be able to retrieve any order their personal belongings? They have been living in a homeless shelter with their mom who is trying to fight for her home that Powell is allowing her abuser to steal and sell right from under her. The abuser has his own million dollar property and the parties split up years ago.
Even though Judge Riff deemed her the putative spouse, Powell unlawfully vacated the order that had already been in place for 2.5 years.

If you have a similar story about abuse of authority deliberate harm to children and their sole caregiver, please file your complaints with the CJP asap.

Powell is sadistic and the reason why absolute immunity for judges needs to be abolished.

I bet there are thousands of victims.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA47688
Rating:Not Rated
To the attorney who dislikes Judge Powell, and wants to be a judge, please do it and replace Powell!

You have my vote!

Judge Powell has no prior experience in family law, and only 40 hours of training. He was a public defender. I bet he even worked with Judge Hall when she was a [redacted] prosecutor.. can anyone look that up and post it?
One last thing:
Good evening Judge. For someone who doesn’t get the alerts you sure check this page often, huh.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA47665
Rating:Not Rated
Oh and I get alerts. No sure why you don’t. I bet it’s because you never signed up for alerts. Am I right? Or maybe they don’t want you to get alerts for some reason.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA47664
Rating:Not Rated
To the commenter who thinks I’m an attorney.. with insider information and likes to use all caps.
Did you even read my post? Your comments are so defensive and don’t make much sense.
You sound a bit off and are trying to claim I’m a scumbag attorney, yet you can’t articulate why or how you have come to this conclusion. Why would a scumbag attorney be asking people to file their complaints? For the record, I’m a self represented litigant and I’ve filed a lot of complaints against Powell and an investigation is underway. I’m hoping that if I post about some of the dead giveaways that court orders are problematic.. wrong file stamp, no clerks signature or stamp on the FILED copy, that others will check their documents and look for similarities and contact me. Things like . obvious signs of white out used to change dates on documents, back dating forward dating documents, clerk waiting weeks to actually put something in the mail after it’s been filed.. these things show a pattern of practice and that’s what investigators need to hold corrupt judges and clerks accountable for their deliberate wrongdoing.
Not sure why you are so cynical and paranoid. I make you look like you are a Powell sympathizer.


Comment #: CA47653
Rating:Not Rated
47646-Yes, how does 'Civil litigator' poster have so much "insider information", that they should NOT have about Judicial Council and complaints against Judge Powell, sounds like this attorney has "insider connections"-just like LASC family court creepy, cheating, lying, nepotism nasty attorney troll has with certain family law judge connection, and so do the judge/attorney malfeasant cronies, working in common purpose.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA47646
Don’t forget to sign up for alerts so you get notified when someone else submits a comment about Judge Powell.
Please if you have complaints submit them to the Commission on Judicial Performance there are multiple complaints lodged against him that are under investigation right now. EVERYONE MUST COME FORWARD.. every complaint counts and will help get him removed from the bench.

[Redacted by Ed.] Judge Powell has a [Redacted by Ed.]habit of issuing [Redacted by Ed.] DV restraining orders using the same family law case number ( this is illegal he has no authority to issue TRO’s you have to go to DV COURTROOM and a legit DV CASE will be a completely separate case number.) [Redacted by Ed.]

Powell recently issued orders using his clerk [Redacted by Ed.]’s stamp, but it’s an old invalid stamp because it lists [Redacted by Ed.] as the executive clerk even though [Redacted by Ed.] RETIRED and there has been a brand new replacement.. Also it appears Powell is signing orders where the clerks signature is supposed to be, and conveniently not stamping the clerks name underneath so it’s impossible to tell what clerk signed it.. if any of these things happened.. or something else.. like his clerk backdating or forward dating court orders, FILE THE COMPLAINT immediately. Please. You should also send your complaint to theJudicial integrity division of the Los Angeles DA’s office and follow up - if everyone wronged filed complaints and followed up and called up the CJP and requested a review from San Francisco when letters come back with bogus cookie cutter response letters.. Justice would be served in no time.
Don’t give up.. never stop fighting against judicial corruption. Don’t let our kids inherit this horrific court system. Corrupt judges must be brought to Justice.


Comment #: CA47254
This judge contradicts himself from one ruling to another. Does not read what is in front of him. Seems to side with fathers even when they are criminals and domestic violators.

Powell must be removed.


Comment #: CA47161
Rating:Not Rated
Petition to recall is almost complete as well as a notice to the presiding judge of Los Angeles Eric Taylor, that he needs to get this judge off the bench, especially in Family Law.


Comment #: CA46266
Rating:Not Rated
Have you guys noticed how many appellate reversals this judge has on just one case alone? Look up Brubaker v. Strum in google and read the opinions. First, he denied a renewal of a restraining order making significant errors in applying the law (which he did very incorrectly of course), then he was reversed in ordering fees, and recently on the same case, he was reversed ordering sanctions against a lawyer just trying to get support arrearages for his client! This judge is ROGUE and needs to be taken off the bunch, ASAP. 2nd Dist. COA B307887, B317694. These are published opinions and show just how reckless and unknowledgeable this man is.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA45256
Absolutely would love to sign this.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA45236
Rating:Not Rated
I would love to sign that petition and advocate for it.


Comment #: CA45223
Please keep an eye out, and get ready to sign a Petition to Recall Judge Powell, currently in the works. He should not be on the bench let alone in family law where he has wreaked absolute havoc. Does not follow the law because he does not know the law and simply makes it up as he goes, and has likely sanctioned lawyers and parties improperly really affecting the integrity of the profession and people's lives. We need you to sign the forthcoming Petition so that the system works and so that he can be removed from this position as swiftly as possible.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA42749
This judge needs to go. By any means necessary. I've never been one to wish ill will on people, but this guy is a narcissist to his core and his decisions harshly change families for the worst. People like him are why we have the second amendment to fight against tyranny. PM me if you want his home address.


Comment #: CA41598
Rating:Not Rated
This judge does not know anything about family court and allows coercive control, money, and power from abusive parents. Also this guy can’t seem to make up his mind. One day he’s coming up with one decision, then the next court date decides he was talking to himself and says it wasn’t his final decision. One day he said he wasn’t going to use a report and the next court date says he is going to use. It caused so much confusion and he didn’t do anything about it. He’s allowing modern day slavery on family court and has no idea what he’s doing. Please get rid of him ASAP


Comment #: CA40891
What bias looks like in family court:

I heard Judge Powell lecture a mother who had a valid DVRO about how children are subject to irreparable damage if they don’t have a father in their life. He went on and on reciting statements that really had no bearing on the issues of the case (when there’s a DVRO on file), but he often needs to talk down to women in his courtrooms. What he should have addressed is the continued violations by the abuser who literally made the most inane excuse for violating the DVRO and how HIS efforts are undermining his privilege to be a loving and protective influence in his children’s lives. Instead, he followed the Thomas Trent Lewis playbook of blaming/shaming mothers and making them responsible for controlling and abusive men who have little to no self awareness and are opposed to authority and boundaries. Michael Powell needs to get educated about the real cause of suffering for many children: unhealthy, controlling and abusive parents. One healthy parent can raise a healthy, whole, self-actualized human being. And also, if he’s lecturing to women who are forced to seek protection orders from male-patterned violence how do his views about fathers factor into cases where there’s a same sex relationship or a widow or a mother who had in vitro. His personal biases and baseless, uneducated opinions about child development should not factor in, but they do. LASC has some of the least erudite judges on the bench to be as large a county as it is. He needs to go review the http://www.leadershipcouncil.org/1/pas/1.html, although I’m certain after observing him that he is far too lazy, self-important and arrogant to recognize he needs an understanding of child development.


Comment #: CA39207
He is never prepared. He doesn't read anything. He has allowed the other party to continue to get away with not providing proof of income and to lie about their income even though so much proof of fraud has been shown. My case has gone on for over 3 yrs because of this judge. He is biased in his rulings. If you have him, pray hard.


Comment #: CA37132
Horrible. Does not know family law whatsoever. Needs to go to a different department. I have witnessed this judge take adverse positions against one party all the way down the line with complete disregard of the Family Code. Too arrogant to work in this field. GET OUT! Judge Riff needs to reassign this schmoe asap.


Comment #: CA37030
The worst judge I have ever observed in 31 years as a practicing attorney. He must be paid off no one can consistently rule against one party as much as he did.


Comment #: CA36574
Rating:Not Rated
I guess you don't care about your judicial assistant, Josefina Trejo. You are going to make me file a declaration in which I make it abundantly clear on the record that she engaged in fraud by dating her "Certificate of Notice" 4 days before she actually mailed it. Also, I actually got a serious response from the CJP. They're coming to get you.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA36480
Rating:Not Rated
Hey Mikey,

If you want to continue to oppose my effort to have you disqualified, I will have to make big deal about how your clerk, [redacted] signed s certificate saying she was mailing something on the 22nd, but which wasn't postmarked until the 26th, meaning your clerk is as honest as you. She has about as much business being a court clerk as you do being a judge, [redacted]

Oscar Lima India November

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA36193
Since he's a judge, he is not licensed by the State Bar. For someone to practice law in this state without being actively licensed by the Bar is a misdemeanor, punishable by a year in jail and/or a $1,000 fine. Giving "legal advice and counsel" is part the of the case law definition of "practice law". With the foregoing in mind, Judge Powell actually put this into the Minute Order of our last hearing:

He advised petitioner that her request “to declare the Respondent a vexatious litigant” “must be filed as a separate Request for Order describing in detail the requirements of California Code of Civil Procedure §391.”

He told my ex-wife which statute to use and how to apply it. Any reasonable person would consider that LEGAL ADVICE. He should now be known as "Misdemeanor Mikey" Powell.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA36009
He was no familiar with the case.
He did not read documents, He did not care.
He did not let people speak.
Kids are on his hands and he just want to get rid of the people. That doesn't make justice.
Your honor make HONOR to you title and serve kids. Kids need you. Ready ALL documents, that would change a kid/parent life.
This MAN arrived to court room completely unprepared and hadn’t read any of the statements submitted. He already had the decision without listen the parties.


You are helping to destroy kids life. What are you doing with you job position? Quit


Comment #: CA35975
Rating:Not Rated
Only a person completely untrained in the law could say that a declaration which the declarant ACKNOWLEDGED MAKING could be a hearsay statement. Law students are trained in all the exceptions and exemptions from the hearsay rule. An acknowledged declaration is exemption to the hearsay rule. Either Judge Powell is devoid of this very very basic legal knowledge, or, more likely, Judge Powell once again was too lazy to read the pleadings and was therefore oblivious to the fact that the declaration had been acknowledged.

A Judge who actually understood DUE PROCESS would have given the parties a chance to point out how asinine it is to say that an acknowledged declaration is not hearsay, but Mikey Powell either doesn't, or, more likely, Mikey doesn't give a rat's ass about real DUE PROCESS, and only gives the mere semblance. Judge Michael Powell is completely unfit to be a judge. Judge Michael Powell is an absolutely horrible person. I wish someone would teach him about justice (if you know what I mean).


Comment #: CA35967
Powell is an old geyser. He already predetermines cases before it starts and is completely unprepared and obviously hadn’t read any of the statements submitted. He openly mocked his mind was made up before a lunch recess and continued afterwards with issuing a DVRO after hearing my ex and her friend, with no other corroborating evidence other than hearsay. Despite numerous witness and factual evidence to the contrary, my case was never heard. He made his ruling insinuating he already knows the type of person I am. And destroyed a child’s home forever.


Comment #: CA35862
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Powell is unfit for the job of family court judge, which is unfortunate because by all accounts his public defender background should make him better than most. The problem with him is that he is completely uneducated about children and child development. He strikes me as someone who either has no children of his own or left the child-rearing to his wife. He is very apathetic and cavalier about his responsibilities and obligations to see to the “best interest of the child.” I just hope his ignorance and the fact that no one is more impressed with him than he is with himself doesn’t get a child harmed one day.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA35361
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Litigant,

The other “court staff” poster was not me. Also, I am a genuine whistleblower with a YouTube channel putting certain judges, politicians, and police officers on full blast. I really am trying to help people.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA35354
I’m listening to the rest of the proceedings in front of Judge Powell at the Stanley Mosk Courthouse in Los Angeles County and the echo has disappeared tsk tsk.
Now I’m listening to him coach an attorney on how to examine a witness. And literally telling the attorney how to phrase the questions.
Judge Powell is being really lax with attorney and literally telling her to strike certain testimony.. and said “let me help you out counselor.. just ask her xyz. “.
I can barely stand it. This attorney is a complete moron and he’s telling her how to ask the questions!! I never got this much legal advice when I was representing myself!!
He is so rude to the mother on the stand but when opposing counsel flounders and can’t phrase a single question.. he’s explaining the fucking rules of evidence and the hearsay rule to this attorney. How did this attorney pass the bar? !!!
Why is Judge Powell on the bench?!
Now he is accepting video evidence and saying it’s important, even though the reason for it hasn’t been stated he’s going to admit the evidence. He’s literally arguing opposing counsels case for her. It’s unbelievable.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA32846
Again Judge Powell was unprepared during session and did not read the pleadings!
He is absolutely lacking of judical experience and tends to continue cases to avoid (his job) making a ruling - -

ultimately a huge waste of time. If you are unfortunate to get this guy it is better to settle out ASAP since lazy Powell tends to wing it while forgetting his previous rulings. With such an undisciplined application of law there will be no justice for both parties


Comment #: CA31534
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Powell seemed to have come out of nowhwhere, with what many believed , with very little experience , minimal knowlege of family law and was assigned to dept. 22. which has many highly conflicted cases. His main purpose seemed to be to cover forthe highly irregular conduct, of, some of his predessors and buddies.

Some family law division judges, who "retired", began working as "neutrals", at Signature Resolution, while this group of family law judges, are in a division of the company, now named, "Signature Family Law" - "Signature Resolution Family Law." They also have a flagship, private courtroom, in Century City, for Judge Pro Tems.


Comment #: CA31528
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Michael Powell is just another family court, political hack, whose main goal seems to be, to cover, acting as a mouthpiece, for his fellow, political hack, bench warmer, back-scratching judge buddies-all the way to the very top; as well as his favored, fee chasing, ambulance chasing, shyster lawyer buddies, who know where all the bodies are buried, as evidenced, by dirty , bloody, calloused hands, souls and moral compasses.

Judge Powell very inappropriately, also seems to allow his clerk, to run his courtroom,, even during hearings, while openly tellling him what to do -beside the rogue colleagues, who also run his courtroom, in appearences of pre-determined rulings, after strong appearances of ex parte communications. He does not seem smart enough to fake it, or hide this. He can't even fake,having a scintila of knowlege of family law, or ethics.


Comment #: CA31362
Rating:Not Rated
"Civil Litigation - Private #: CA31153....Judge Michael Powell believes he is God's Gift to the Bench. He believes he knows all. He oozes arrogance... forms opinions against litigants in his courtroom and their Constitutional rights are thereafter negated. ..."

.......^In my opinion, Michael Powell ,was brought in, to be a Lawrence Riff and Trent Lewis, sycophant (as well as a sycophant, for judge colleagues and the lawyers, they are i bed with).....to cover for their sins and secrets.

.....Michael Powell, does not know, what he is doing, he speaks and makes facial expressions, as if he is dumfounded and completely confused.'

--- He also had a pre-determined opinion, before he entered the courtroom-and spoke in a way, as if he had already spoken to Trent Lewis, before the hearing.

........Michael Powell, is a clueless, bully, who mocked domestic violence and the material misrepresentation, of my ex. and his his attorneys that I brought to his attention. Powell also ignored that there were numerous Title 18 predicate acts committed, by my ex. and his attorneys' including Mail Fraud 18 USC (SEC 1341) -among other predicate acts.

.........He acted like such ad dumb**, that when I said that I needed a "disinterested judge"-he responded by saying, "Do I look disinterested?" --implying that he had much interest in the case--**wrong answer.

----After the hearing, even other people came up to me and mocked Powell and came to the same conclusion as I had made.

......Michael Powell makes crazy statements, denies due process, makes Highly unconstitutional rulings, in his highly unconstitutional hearings..w/pre-determined rulings [Redacted by Ed.]

-------If Powell wants to continue to improperly legislate from the bench--then he should go into politics.

[Redacted by Ed.]

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA31153
Judge Michael Powell believes he is God's Gift to the Bench. He believes he knows all. He oozes arrogance. [Redacted by Ed.]he forms opinions against litigants in his courtroom and their Constitutional rights are thereafter negated.

After the Evil Glenda Sleazy Veasey in Torrance Courthouse's Dept. J was instructed to recuse herself from my case, we were ultimately transferred to this putz.

During our first hearing, he made it clear that he had pre-judged the matter before it ever came before him, [Redacted] During that first hearing, instead of focusing on a minor contention that my ex-wife had violated federal law, he mockingly demanded I name the federal statute making her act a federal crime before declaring their isn't such a statute - as though the arrogant jerk has memorized the United States Code. The statute is 18 USC § 1725.

At our second hearing, before granting a motion to overturn one of Sleazy Veasey's Unconstitutional Orders, acknowledging that Sleazy Veasey had violated Due Process, Mr. Powell decided to rant at me for his biased perceptions of alleged wrongdoing I was never allowed to defend myself against.

We live under a tyranny of Black-Robed Royalty.