Hon. Renee C Reyna See Rating Details
Superior Court
San Mateo County
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Attorney Average Rating:   2.8 - 5 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   3.0 - 12 rating(s)
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* Temperament (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
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* Industriousness (1=Not at all industrious,10=Highly industrious)
* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
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What others have said about Hon. Renee C Reyna


Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA55693
Judge Reyna is overwhelmed, rarely able to track the litigation, generally unprepared. She is intemperate - often losing her temper. She runs months behind schedule.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA55630
Judge Reyna shows an intolerable bias against men. Particularly if there's any wealth involved. It's not clear what the origin of her bias is, but she ruled in favor of the mother in a divorce trial at every single step. She was unable to see that mother had stolen money, lied, repeatedly under oath, And generally acted unethically. She simply wasn't interested. Judge Reyna Who was consistently delayed, rarely had read filings in advance, was rude and thin skinned in her adjudication, and passes almost all document preparation to her junior staff. In all, Judge Reena appears to be entirely unfit for the role. She's been granted. Meanwhile, she spends enormous amounts of time participating in the Filipino Bar Association events. While not covering the basics of her own job.


Comment #: CA55423
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Reyna’s handling of Family Court cases reflects a need for greater attentiveness to the intricacies of family law and the unique circumstances of each case. At times, her decisions seem disconnected from the evidence presented, leading to concerns about her ability to ensure a fair and balanced process.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA55421
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Reyna is pathetic and needs to be removed from her role as a judge.


Comment #: CA55419
Rating:Not Rated
It's important to maintain professionalism and respect when providing feedback, even if you strongly disagree with someone's decisions or actions. Here's a revised version of your statement, focusing on constructive criticism and avoiding personal attacks:


**Review for Judge Reyna**:

I have concerns about Judge Reyna's ability to effectively manage Family Court cases. Her understanding of family law dynamics and application of the law appears inconsistent. In my experience, she often struggles to follow legal principles and demonstrate sound reasoning in her decisions. Additionally, there are concerns about impartiality, as her clerk has engaged in questionable communication with opposing parties, which raises ethical questions.

It's crucial for any judge to remain neutral, listen carefully to all parties, and make decisions based on facts and the law. I hope these concerns are taken seriously and lead to improvements in the administration of justice. [Redacted by Ed.]


Comment #: CA55411
After all my motions were denied, the Judge Reyna not only muted me, cut off me in the hearings, moreover, refused to let me testify the evidence and accused her as a VL.

Any legal experts or the Public organizations can offer the help and support to her? Thank you.


Comment #: CA55347
Judge Reyna had her clerk sent the tentative rulings during the 15-minute recess of the above two hearing dates.
I had suggested to Judge Reyna to post it to the public portal two days before the hearings, so party has time to review or contest during the prior hearing.

Today again, Judge Reyna said to the parties at 11:38 Am to review her tentative rulings of today during the 15 minutes' recess.

Judge Reyna violated the Per San Mateo County Superior Court's local rules. The presiding Judge or executive of the Court should train the Judges properly.
We have too many biases, discretions already. Any good citizens should not be penalized continuously or endlessly.

This case's Petitioner had requested the Court many times to (1) reject Respondent's limited Scope Representation Attorney (2) Respondent can't represent herself
as a pro per. Furthermore. after Petitioner got all he wanted attorney fees, incorrect community property divisions and Respondent's Pension QDRO, and Retirement QDRO, he requested the Court to claim Respondent as a Vexatious Litigant. The Court 's Dex 2024 tentative ruling granted it and failed to follow the proper rules. The Court had denied 99% of my RFO motions. When I provided all the evidence, she tossed away all of them and claimed me as a Vexatious Litigant.

I only worked for the company less than 5 1/2 years, Petitioner has worked for SJSU more than 25 years. Petitioner has refused to provide any of his SJSU retirement statements, accounts and Plans during the last 6 years. But everytime he demanded the Court to order me to pay his attorney fee for these QDRO and the Court had granted many times. The recent one is today's $5,500 attorney fees sanction.

This Court has BIG ISSUES and needs to be cured as soon as possible.


Comment #: CA55345
San Mateo County Family Court has serious issues. My personal experiences from 2018 to present are beyond believable.
Something needs to be corrected and improved. I will ask the public and the legal expert to judge my case.

The Court either ignored all of my evidence and filed documents, or
The Court denied and tossed away all of them.

Furthermore, When I proved the facts, evidence, the Court sanctioned me to pay lots of attorney fees during the last 5 years.
Another party failed many dozens of times of proof of service, the Court always ignored them.
The Court failed to read my evidence and claimed I lacked diligence.

The Court only listened to another party's attorney and took her false statements as A Bible.
The Court muted me during several hearings.

On August 2, 2019 Mandatory Settlement Conference, the Court threatened me at his chamber by saying
"If you don't settle today, you will end up paying Petitioner's attorney fees and you will get nothing out of this divorce".
Surely enough, all the Court further acts proved his words.

This Court needs a lot of attention. I hope One day People can realize what I had said and what painful experiences I have gone through during the last
7 years.

Petitioner has more than 25 Millions in assets ( Several houses in Woodside, San Jose - silver Creeks, Oregons, 5 Time-sharings) and multi-millions of
Investments and Retirement Accounts. While I, the respondent has no jobs for 7 1/2 years, I need to pay him tons of money for his, Lun's and Chung's false financial reports' community property divisions. No Spousal Support was allowed. No forms FL-150, FL-158 and FL-319 provided to ask attorney fees and the Court had granted almost 10 times for attorney fees,. Something is wrong!


Comment #: CA54923
I have the utmost respect and admiration for Judge Reyna. She was very fair and thoughtful in our extended divorce process with custody & financial issues to consider. She did not favor one side, but considered all facts and evidence, and the best interest of the kids above all. She was efficient, which might come off as rude to some, but that's her job. I wish there were more judges like her.


Comment #: CA54668
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Renee Reyna makes completely emotional decisions, instead of relying on facts. She drives her court in the way she wants instead of being incompliant with the law, allow both parties bring their facts. Her ignorance on complaint that other party is lying in the court under oath, should say something.


Comment #: CA54577
Rating:Not Rated
I’ve had an absolutely terrible experience with Judge Reyna, and it’s shocking that someone with such a poor understanding of basic legal principles is allowed to preside over family court cases. She is not only rude, aggressive, and biased, but also demonstrates a complete lack of knowledge and experience necessary for making fair decisions in matters that deeply affect families and children.

If you ever find yourself in her courtroom, I urge you to immediately request a different judge before your case is heard. She is impatient, dismissive, and shows no regard for the individuals and families whose lives she is responsible for impacting. Our children deserve better than a judge who can’t uphold the basic principles of fairness and decency.

I have personally filed a lawsuit against Judge Reyna in the Northern California District Court under Johnson vs. Reyna (Case No. 3:24-cv-01004-TLT). I will not allow her reckless and harmful behavior to continue without accountability. It's unacceptable that such incompetence is tolerated, and I hope my case will pave the way for her removal from the bench. She has no place in the family court system.


Comment #: CA54555
Judge Reyna denied my motions several times per other party's attorney's requests. Judge Reyna failed to quote any California Family Code, CCP or CRC when she denied my case many times. She is biased, lack of family law experience. She should not be in that position.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA54326
Rating:Not Rated
Terrible judge, she needs to be removed from her seat. If you are before this judge make sure you request a new one before you are before her. She’s rude, biased, impatient and doesn’t have the experience or knowledge to be in the family court system. Our children deserve more!

She was given too much power and doesn’t know how to handle it or use it correctly.


Comment #: CA54133
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Reyna consistently and flagrantly disregards due process and the law. She has no regard for federal ADA and HIPPA protections. Her hubris is so great that she doesn't even attempt to disguise her complete lack of judicial impartiality and shirking of her ethical obligations. She is tyrannical and unable to control her narcissistic rage at any hint of what she perceives to be "disobedience" in her courtroom, this "disobedience" being the mere assertion of one's basic civil rights. Judge Reyna has caused irreparable, quantifiable harm to children and families, many of whom have already suffered through domestic violence. She has a pattern of particularly egregious behavior towards women victims of domestic violence and pro se litigants. I doubt the legal action against Reyna mentioned below will be the last. She should be impeached.


Comment #: CA53449
I strongly believe that Judge Rana is [Redacted by Ed.] and has displayed a flagrant disregard for court protocols and family Penal codes in San Mateo County. Her rulings have been tyrannical, and it is evident that her appointment by the Governor was misguided, based solely on her ethnicity rather than her qualifications. I have taken legal action against her in the Northern District of California, Johnson v. Reyna et.al. 3:2024cv01004


Comment #: CA53437
Judge Reyna obviously favors the manipulator/controller side. She granted a legal right to my granddaughter though he is not the biological father, not married to my daughter and did not adopt my granddaughter. This is a case of ex-boyfriend that could not let go of my daughter, so he went after the innocent. child. She listened more to his lawyers and did not give weight to my daughter's side of the story. It was very clear that she already has judgement even before she heard her side. It's frustrating that instead of giving justice to the victim, she handed it to the manipulator. She granted this man 2 overnights with my granddaughter, it's sickening! Now the manipulator still has a grip to my daughter's life instead of starting over, she still has to talk to this man. I really hope there is a way to expose her, and family court judges like her.


Comment #: CA49368
Going through a divorce in this court has proven to be a formidable challenge. It frequently appears that every hired professional endeavors to take advantage of the situation, particularly when one party grapples with mental health issues. The professionals you enlist seem determined to exploit your vulnerability, both financially and emotionally. To be candid, it appears as though they derive satisfaction from this, especially when they gain more from the circumstances. I struggle to fathom the conduct of these individuals. This system is especially disheartening for fathers who genuinely cherish their child and seek to spend time with them, especially those with an untarnished record in every aspect.

What makes matters worse is that the judge appears to understand the situation but refuses to issue reasonable court orders that could curtail this behavior from the paid professionals involved. Simply said the judge takes baby steps to make the unfortunate party give up on their child due to lack of financial resources.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA49014
A Very Rude and Biased Judge. Always Favors to some attorneys. The worst thing is she writes her order before another party to testify or prove the facts. Totally Unbelievable! Many people already feel very bad about San Mateo Superior Court.


Comment #: CA49010
Judge Reyna was very rude when I presented my case. She only listened to another party for a long time. When I proved my evidence, she muted me through Zoom and cut me short immediately. She failed to read my responses and accused me to identify the Prior Judge Dabel's erred rulings. She had written her order before listening my evidence.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA48471
Judge Reyna is new and lack of experience as a family law Judge at San Mateo Superior Court. She shows favor to some attorneys. She cut you short at the hearings if you are a pro per. San Mateo Superior Court should have good family law Judges to handle cases efficiently and fairly.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA47364
I am a lawyer in private practice with more than 20 trials, including multiple family law trials. Judge Reyna is currently assigned to family law, which is an excellent fit for her style and disposition. I've now had two trials in front of Judge Reyna, and in each case her decisions were clear and also well-illustrated. Her temperament is excellent. I think Judge Reyna is destined for a higher court for various reasons, including her temperament and her impressive pedigree-- Stanford for her undergraduate degree and U.C. Davis for law school. The intellect shows, but so does the heart, which in my opinion is in the right place even though I might disagree with certain aspects of the decisions. On that note, her decisions could benefit from somewhat more legal analysis, but I understand judges are perpetually overloaded and the scholarship suffers as a result, especially in family law.


Comment #: CA46271
Honorable Judge Renee C. Reyna is thoughtful, fair and objective. I am one of those unfortunate individuals where my ex will not agree to anything as a result my legal fees are piling up like. I am super grateful my case is assigned to judge Reyna because she sees through the nonsense from the other side and makes objective judgments. Quite a few men that I've spoken to about their divorces said you may not have a chance with family law in San Mateo county. I beg the difference because I told them this judge is modern and fair. Judge Reyna is all about protecting the child!!!!


Comment #: CA43012
Judge Reyna is a well-spoken, prepared, thoughtful, empathetic and decisive judge. She runs her court efficiently and effectively. San Mateo County is lucky to have her.

One thing she could improve on is staying strong after giving orders even when aggressive attorneys make remarks that undermine or complain about them. I watched her change two of her orders in a hearing today after a weaselly opposing counsel expressed his displeaure over them. Over time I believe she will develop more confidence to stick to her decisions after she shares the orders rather than relenting to the squeakiest wheel.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA36299
Rating:Not Rated
So rude for no reason, has no sympathy. Just because you are a judge doesn’t mean you need to be a you know what!!!


Comment #: CA33453
Why there is no negative rating? The commissioner is the worse in the most corrupt county that she would do anything to favor the DA. When the court records are tampered and falsified in the bogus charges, the DA would assign the case to the commissioner Reyna. I was charged with bogus crimes and framed during the pandemic in this county. There is no dignity in this county.