Hon. Timothy Martella See Rating Details
Superior Court
Los Angeles County
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* Temperament (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Scholarship (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Industriousness (1=Not at all industrious,10=Highly industrious)
* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

Civil Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Involvement in Settlement Discussions (1=Not at all Involved,10=Very Involved)
General Inclination (1=Pro-defendant, 10=Pro-plaintiff)

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What others have said about Hon. Timothy Martella



Comment #: CA55386
Timothy Martella is the best Superior Court Judge in Los Angeles and anyone who thinks otherwise is irrational and not credible.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA55339
Rating:Not Rated
Timothy Martella needs to be removed, he is an unprofessional, grumpy, rude and lazy man who doesn’t bother to look at evidence or to enforce the law. I lost all faith in the justice system because of this clown.


Comment #: CA55248
Rating:Not Rated
[Redacted by Ed]. How can we get him removed from the bench? I am retired and will give every second of my free time to help getmhi f I r this get him removed


Comment #: CA55247
Judge martella n e ver had me sworn in And didn't listen to a word I said. I never got a chance to complete a thought. He shut me down ruling against me instantly. [Redacted by Ed]. shouldn't be anywhere near a bench or allowed to wear a black robe ever. Who can I write to and complain about his poor performance as a family law judge


Comment #: CA54968
[Redacted by Ed.] He needs to be SUED for the horrific, flagrant Civil Rights violations he commits from the bench, as well as his other disgusting decisions that he renders [Redacted by Ed.] needs to be removed. [Redacted by Ed.] blatant disregard for the rights of litigants to Due Process, their Civil Rights and legal procedures and protections. He completely ignores current law, and makes it up as he goes along, [Redacted by Ed.] HE NEEDS TO BE SUED. Someone else already stated in their horrible review of this unhinged man that someone will probably end up seriously injured or killed [Redacted by Ed.] man's renderings, and he is absolutely correct. I was nearly killed because of something that this pathetic excuse for a judge did to me with his [Redacted by Ed.] DECISIONS against innocent people, [Redacted by Ed.] This guy needs to be sued and then to go to JAIL.


Comment #: CA52828
There is no Honor in creating your own law and denying any parties Justice. This man refuses to weigh all of the evidence, and take into account what the law states. His demeanor shows that he has no regard for the truth. Your rights will not only be violated in his court room, but they will continue to be violated after you leave. He made sure of that in our case and many others that day. Bring all your evidence and documentation. Just be ready to demand he sees it. He saw none of ours. Even when we had it on our hands at the ready for his beck and call. It is his thrown that he sits atop where he will act like you are wasting the courts time. He forgets who he works for. To seems to be either one of the most incompetent people in power around, or his pockets are padded to preserve the violations of others. Either way there are is injustice in his court room, and the unlawful continue to win. Even after the CA DOJ tries to reinforce the laws this Judge still acts like they do not exist.



Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA49339
Rating:Not Rated
I have handled hundreds of restraining order cases. In my case before the judge, I presented overwhelming and uncontradicted evidence of a serious, gruesome death threat. The judge ignored it, wouldn't let me do a close to underscore it, and dismissed because he divined that the other side was no longer upset. If we had time to appeal,we'd likely win.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA47741
This guy was a "default" judge. No one ran against him and he got a seat. What a shame. He doesn't have a single good rating. he is really horrible. Two people stated he didn't read briefs and that is correct. He just lies about it. Boorish man and inept. Time to go home, Martella!


Comment #: CA46994
Showed up an hour and a half late, frequently mixed up facts and dates in all cases, did not seem to give a fig when corrected on this by either counsels or litigants.

In a particularly egregious example he made cruel comments of wild speculation on a litigant's past of physical abuse as being fabricated, when in fact the abuser had been documented as admitting to it and did not dispute that it had occurred---in submitted court documents he evidently did not look through.

He frequently confused timelines in every case and justified his decisions on his weak and confused grasp of events.

Incompetent, tardy, sloppy, cruel, inattentive, zero shred of integrity. It is difficult for me to believe that someone like this is allowed to have such power over the fates of people.


Comment #: CA46986
Rating:Not Rated
Awful experience. He was unprepared and did not read the moving papers- it was evident from the questions he asked. He was seen scrolling through his computer in an attempt to read the pleadings while witness was on the stand. He asked repeat questions when the testimony had already been given. He did not have a command of the facts. Short-tempered and rude. Did not allow for cross-examination. Did not allow for a fair hearing. This man does not deserve the privilege of sitting on the bench. I fear that his poor decision making will result in the death or serious injury of an innocent person. He should be removed immediately.


Comment #: CA43062
He's biased and racist. He had decided the case before it even started. He looked up legal documents for the plaintiff during court, yet when the defendant asked for the same courtesy, it was denied. He told a victim of sexual assault that she hadn't been raped, despite there being proof to the contrary.


Comment #: CA42206
In my opinion this man displays little virtue, heart, and care as a judge. He takes matters into his own hands instead of following the process as he is suppose too. When you as a plaintiff have followed the court process faithfully and spent your hard earned money filing and the defendant doesn't even show up for a required examination hearing twice and there is a court order for a bench warrant to be released and he does not follow procedure and makes his own rules and exceptions asking the plaintiff if they can meet the next day excusing the bad behavior of the defendent without the required punishment for insulting the court by not showing up and making excuses, this is totally wrong and poorly handled and shows a lack of respect for the court process, the law, the plaintiff, and previous rulings. I can see I'm not the only person who senses corruption in reading other reviews. I dont know how this person goes to sleep at night treating good people so poorly who are just seeking only for justice and their wrongs to be made right. Please retire and get out of the court system. You are bringing in a toxic attitude and nonchalance into the court room instead of following the law, being just, and doing what you are suppose to do. When I had to fly half way across the country twice to get some serious information and answers and left with nothing because you hindered, rushed me, not allowing me the time I wanted, and were quick to dismiss me and then tell me you are removing the case from the docket when I'm just trying to get answers, especially when I asked for another hearing in 90 days and you deny it like I have done something wrong, you should be ashamed of yourself. Is this nothing but a game to you? You are obstructing my examination efforts, wasting my hard earned money by denying me my right to examine someone properly. You didn't even allow me to collect the defendants own personal cash according to CCPs 699.040, 482.080, and 708.205 which by law I am entitled too with a Turnover Order. You treated me as if I did something wrong and you could clearly see I was in distress just trying to get information to collect on my judgment. Yes I know I have to collect. I didn't ask you too. You hindered me and confounded the entire process. I pray this is investigated.


Comment #: CA40023
After being repeatedly harassed by a crank and seeking a Restraining Order the person in question was told by this sorry excuse for a human being that they were not permitted to file future TROs, giving the crank carte blanche to continue escalating his behavior. It's time for this Australopithecine judge to take his pension.


Comment #: CA35695
Makes an outright decision in the courtroom without hearing one side or looking at that party's evidence. In more than one encounter, rules against the law, even when civil codes are provided as proof and, overrules another judges decision, causing the litigant to have to spend more money on an appeal just to have a different judge dismiss. Misconduct at it's ultimate disgrace.