Hon. Wendy L Wilcox See Rating Details
Superior Court
Los Angeles County
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* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
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* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Wendy L Wilcox



Comment #: CA55907
Rating:Not Rated
The supervising judges don't do anything about her. They just don't care. Justice system is a joke. It's just about holding a prestigious position and making money. The honor of justice doesn't weigh in in the Los Angeles Court System. And, it caters to wealthy litigants who can afford the charade! Obviously there are no standards in hiring judges any more.


Comment #: CA55905
Horrible. Predetermined her decision without listening to the facts. Prejudiced. Unfair.


Comment #: CA54998
Rating:Not Rated
Pursuant to one of the other comments below, no one I know can believe that a judge can use her discretion to allow a litigant to withhold tax returns and decide to make decisions based on :"speculation" (her term) rather than actual numbers. The whole reasons you pay the big bucks for a forensic accountant is so that actual numbers can inform rulings. When a judge make a decision based on speculation and not on numbers (i.e. tax returns), why is that considered justice? That is not discretion -- that is a violation of a fair and legal justice system. Hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on a forensic accountant to get at the truth was nullified by this judge's decision to base her decisions on speculation (which means NOT based on facts or evidence). A complete trial for nothing. The decision was made beforehand so all the years begging for tax returns or paying lawyers and accountants to ask for tax returns in order to do their job were for naught: a huge waste of the legal system and a huge disservice to the tax paying citizens of this state. It's a true farce. For shame.


Comment #: CA54997
Rating:Not Rated
Pursuant to one of the other comments below, no one I know can believe that a judge can use her discretion to allow a litigant to withhold tax returns and decide to make decisions based on :"speculation" (her term) rather than actual numbers. The whole reasons you pay the big bucks for a forensic accountant is so that actual numbers can inform rulings. When a judge make a decision based on speculation and not on numbers (i.e. tax returns), why is that considered justice? That is not discretion -- that is a violation of a fair and legal justice system. Hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on a forensic accountant to get at the truth was nullified by this judge's decision to base her decisions on speculation (which means NOT based on facts or evidence). A complete trial for nothing. The decision was made beforehand so all the years begging for tax returns or paying lawyers and accountants to ask for tax returns in order to do their job were for naught: a huge waste of the legal system and a huge disservice to the tax paying citizens of this state. It's a true farce. For shame.


Comment #: CA54996
She also decided before hand in my case that she would cut off much-needed support based on untrue testimony (and zero evidence -- including tax returns that would show Net Operating Loss during a hearing. Still, she made me go through a whole trial that was dragged out for a year with day after day of irrelevant testimony that racked up huge bills. Then, she denied all attorney fees while making me pay for the same motions filed over and over. She allowed the other side to harass my elderly family members who were irrelevant to the case and, to add insult to injury, I had to pay for this harassment. Evidence was ignored and: worst of all, to this day I have not seen the other side's tax returns even though her rulings were predicated on taxes. She even predicated child support on tax payments/refunds but did not care one bit that tax returns were withheld. There is NO justice in her courtroom and, since the justice system doesn't care, the only way to undo her ridiculous decisions is to appeal and spend more money you don't have. I guess when Gavin Newsome decides to appoint a judge, they are given free rein to do whatever they want and go rogue. There is no where to turn except for wealthy people who can afford to spend years in court and on appeals. It is truly disgusting. If anyone who has been mistreated by this judge wants to speak, feel free to reach out. Since she has free rein, it might be your only catharsis.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA54994
Rating:Not Rated
She is biased and already makes up her mind even before evidence to the contrary is submitted. She believes narratives over facts. She forced a 5 year old to move away from his biological mother (custody since birth) and siblings in just 3 days (no abuse, drugs, nothing but a loving home and drama with the ex). She has no concern for the children and how her judgement negatively impacts them and then covers her tracks by offering lots of time wasted in court to debate and discuss and ask questions when she's already made up her mind beforehand. If ever there was justice, she should pay for the trauma she caused that child (ripping him away from his mother) and for separating families. The mother went from full physical custody to once a month. One. weekend. a. month. Its an absolute nightmare for the mother and child. And then everyone else just pretends like the child is just fine and dandy with the other parent. I'm so sickened from just typing this out.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA54928
Rating:Not Rated
She does not require tax returns, which show the truth. She just picks one person to believe. No litigant should be able to withhold tax returns and no judge should allow it. It’s absolutely crazy.


Comment #: CA54927
Rating:Not Rated
But how to undo the damage she did in family court? Is there any oversight of this judge? She may be out of family court but the damage she did lives on.


Comment #: CA54926
Wendy Wilcox did not grant me an extension to find an attorney when my exhusband makes 60k a month and came in with two attorneys. He accused me of abuse and parental alienation based on hearsay and had no proof. She believed him and granted him an automatic 50/50 custody and lowered child support based on hearsay and not tax returns. She even threatened to take joint legal custody away from me. She is unethical and there were a lot of attorneys who are glad she is out of family court.


Comment #: CA54520
Rating:Not Rated
Below commenter: Papering a judge feels impossible. They have a lot of power by virtue of their appointment and litigants have very little power even after spending vasts amounts of money for fair outcomes. One really feels quite helpless in the case of such unchecked power.


Comment #: CA54517
Rating:Not Rated
Below writer: I am so sorry for your trauma and heartbreak. Something must be done about what is and has gone on in that courtroom. You are not alone.


Comment #: CA54515
Rating:Not Rated
The worst nightmare that happened to me and my toddler. She gives credits for neglect to the OP, she took child away from me. Made so many mistakes, cost me so much money, tears and pain. She should be removed from the bench. She is changing custody at her whim without explanation even when asked by me as I needed to understand why safe parent had to suffer. At the next hearing, she did not answer my attorney even when he asked for the reason of taking the child away from carrying mother for the record- she just put him and me on mute and was in her usual state - rage.
Paper her asap save yourself some time, money and avoid trauma for yourself and your child.
She will be haunted by the children she removed from the crying loving mothers for the rest off her criminal live.


Comment #: CA53155
Rating:Not Rated
The judge allowed my former spouse to play illegally obtained recordings of our conversations in open court in violation of penal code 632. Even when it was found that it was illegally obtained and it caused me damage and legal expenses to show that, she refused to sanction him. When others and law enforcement asked me what the judge did about it, I said, "nothing." I was then told the only way to seek justice was to incur more legal fees. After being kept in court for a few years for no relevant reasons and with no repercussions for having to respond to endless friviolous motions and illegal recordings and having my family members chased down and harassed, on my small salary, I decided that there is no justice and no remedy for what goes on in Wilcox's courtroom and to just accept that it is a circus where people can do whatever they want with no consequences. If you have any idealism that judges are fair and only rule based on evidence (which is the whole reason for a trial), think again.


Comment #: CA53113
Rating:Not Rated
53112-*Streisand effect...nepo LA family attorney; LA family court nepotism nasty attorney troll desperate and dirty; deflection highlighting nepo attorney troll's multiple posts- including multiple posts on this judge- to deflect from posts om nepo attorney's judge connection-while demanding TRR remove certain posts and certain judges' names--but this highlighted their deception and desperation, even more.-


Comment #: CA53112
Rating:Not Rated
53101-etc. weird timing, considering credible posts written in TRR-LA COUNTY site, while LA family court, abusive nepo troll attorney, in obvious, panicking and attempting to deflect= STREISANEFFECT=bad beta lawyer-LA county family court, abusive nepo troll attorney.


Comment #: CA53111
Rating:Not Rated
53105-53104, 53101--and other posts on other judges in between-seems like weirdo disgruntled, attorney nepo. troll-LASC family court nepotism nasty attorney troll, desperate to write several creepy and long posts, for desperation and deflection of their own conduct and deflection the conduct of their nepotism nasty judge connection and LASC family court cronies, from CCW to Mosk; while litigant's credible posts got attorney troll nervous--look at timing -pattern similar pattern-lengths and lexicons in posts-while posting on various judges -numerous counties, beside LA County.


Comment #: CA53105
Rating:Not Rated
I just want to let the writer of the below review know that there is an inconsistency in your review that you might want to fix so this site remains a credible source for those who really want to fix the system. You said you were a "non-party" to the case but then said you sat in on the case "before ours." If you were indeed a non-party. the case wouldn't have been "yours." So, you might want to fix that inconsistency to make your review more credible. Hope that is helpful.

"I wanted to share my thoughts on Judge Wilcox after our recent court experience. While we didn't get everything we wanted, it was clear that she genuinely cares about what's best for the child. She read through all our papers and held both parents accountable. As a lawyer and non-party to the case, I found the experience both interesting and positive. Additionally, I had the opportunity to sit in on another case before ours, and I felt the same way. Judge Wilcox doesn't fit the stereotype of a robotic judge; she's approachable and seems to really care about the families in her courtroom."


Comment #: CA53104
Rating:Not Rated
This was the coup de grace after this judge had allowed the primary wage earner to repeatedly file the same motions and RFOs over and over. She would sometimes deny them, he would file them again, and this went on and on. However, I would have to pay attorneys (borrowed money) to reply to this silliness as I was told that if I did not reply, the judge might think I was in agreement with the ridiculous motion/RFOs he filed. The only choice I had was to borrow more money and pray that he would be sanctioned for this untenable behavior.

The judge did NOT put a stop to it OR issue sanctions OR require attorney fees to be covered for frivolous or vexatious litigation. She did, however, allow endless expensive declarations to be filed with facts from both attorneys and forensic accountants. It appeared she had no intention of considering the actual facts and numbers in those declarations. She issued a blanket denial. Why did we bother to write them and come to court twice for attorney fees? Why did I bother to pay thousands and thousands to a forensic accountant who traced everything and provided accurate income and expense report? The numbers had no bearing on her decisions. Many of them were not even addressed. It was as if all of the work of my forensic accountant was for no reason. Numbers are black-and-white. There is no gray area. She doesn't care. No one but the most elite can possibly afford to go to court that much and not be taken seriously. Does she realize someone pays for this silliness?

I also had to pay legal fees for my lawyer to sit in on the harassment of my family members (non-parties), who also had to hire lawyers. Wilcox doesn't care. It wasn't her family so who cares?

Days in court were spent with testimony on issues that have no relevance to family law, and a judge who puts someone who has no money to litigate in the position to have no way out.

She refused to send this case to long cause, where Judge Weingart said it belonged, so that it could remain in her courtroom and be spread out for more than a year instead of being handled efficiently and with consecutive days so that I could hold down a job. This forced me to miss work and pay a lot of money to get out of court days when I absolutely could not miss work (because opposing counsel refused to continue on those days so I had to pay my lawyer to appeal to the judge for mercy), court dates were cancelled without valid reasons, no boundaries were set and whoever yelled the loudest, came up with the most ockamamie story and drama to present in the courtroom was given an audience and the rules of court. that are designed to keep people in line and keep things fair and safe and insist that parties provide the financial documents needed to efficiently solve a case --were not followed and in some cases completely ignored so that the rulings were based on “speculation” from interested parties.

.I, and my family members were accused by opposing counsel of a range of crimes ranging from forgery, to computer hacking, to siphoning money (to name a few), to defrauding with no evidence except opposing counsel’s desire to win a case through harassment, intimidation and baseless accusations.

The last I checked, getting a divorce does not make you a criminal or enable others to frame you as someone who deserves (and whose family members deserve) to be endlessly harassed by opposing counsel with no intervention and the code of conduct, which I read thoroughly, specifically prohibits harassment, intimidation, humiliation, etc. Isn’t this a judge’s job to stop?

If anyone who is honest and detailed-oriented and familiar with the codes and family law, reviewed the transcripts,. they would be shocked. However, it costs money to appeal, which leads back to how I started: "If the primary wage earner filed the divorce petition and began the process knowing the other party could not afford a court battle… you can glean from that my point. It is a vicious circle.


Comment #: CA53031
Rating:Not Rated
When Wendy Wilcox's predessesor, Gregory Weingart, heard that opposing counsel wanted two weeks in court for a simple case, he immediately stopped it. Then, much to my bad luck, Wilcox took over. undid what Weingart said and caused a 12-day trial that lasted more than a year and accomplished nothing. Days were spent on irrelevant matters that had nothing to do with the case, opposing counsel was allowed to act in an unprofessional manner, not follow the rules of court and use the courtroom to subject the party to the most demeaning, insulting behavior while not citing any relevant laws. It is so dangerous to have a person like this, who is lazy, dismissive, nonchalant about important matters and does not follow the law, in a position of power. This judge allowed opposing counsel to harass my family for no reason other than to drive up my fees and attempt to impoverish me. They had nothing to do with the case but the judge allowed this crazy behavior to go on for more than a year.I beseech the supervising judge to review the work of this judge. It does not follow the law and the only way to undo the damage she does is to have the money for an expensive appeal. Please supervising judge: do not allow a judge like this to get away with this destruction.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA53028
Rating:Not Rated
If you have been on the receiving end of this type of protracted litigation, feel free to contact me. We can support each other after this trauma! Thanks.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA53027
Rating:Not Rated
To cap off the below narrative, she had my attorneys write super expensive pleadings for attorney fees, had them come back twice and never had any intention of awarding any. That's sadistic!


Comment #: CA53026
Rating:Not Rated
Ha to the below! It was obviously written by someone who manipulated and lied to Wilcox and she believed it and simply got away with insanity! It was probably written by the person who just caused me to spend 1.3 million dollars on a circus of endless and repetitive motions, lying cronies and all the lowest level people in the world of divorce, which is disgusting. Her courtroom is perfect for people who have no conscience, don't know the law and their only skill is ad hominem attacks that the judge allowed to go on for years with no merit or relevance. This judge encouraged dishonest people to file the same motions over and over again and has no thought that someone is paying for it even after she denies it. When one of her litigants went after my elderly mother and gave her a stroke but his lawyer did not know how to file repeated motions, she told them to "start over." it's obvious Wilcox is ok with litigants paying for the other side tormenting their family members. Wouldn't be the case if it was her mother! All of the litigants below who say she favors wealthy litigants are exactly right. With one flick of her manicured fingers, she tries to destroy people. Shame on her. She makes it impossible for your case to be heard by a smart and honorable judge. She must enjoy destroying people. Do not try to "litigate" in her courtroom. It is a circus and not worth your time unless you need drama and incompetence. The other side had no problem paying for this and it went on and on with Wilcox's permission. I've lived in California all my life and am ashamed to have a judge like this onn the bench. Consider yourself lucky when your case ends and you get out of her courtroom, which sucks you up and won't let go. Move on and push her out of your consciences along with the other devious people who are paid by rich litigants to lie and torture. Move on and find decent people and stay away from her courtroom at all costs! It cost me my mom's life savings. What a travesty of justice this "Judge" caused and will continue to cause. There is no oversight of this egomaniac so, if you have to litigate, do anything. you can to get way from her! Love and luck to anyone who was on the receiving end of this woman, who allowed monstrous actions, deception and just doesn't care. Move on and avoid her courtroom at all costs! Better yet, marry a decent person so she can't keep you in court for years paying for irrelevant arguments and speculation that have nothing to do with the law.


Comment #: CA53019
I wanted to share my thoughts on Judge Wilcox after our recent court experience. While we didn't get everything we wanted, it was clear that she genuinely cares about what's best for the child. She read through all our papers and held both parents accountable. As a lawyer and non-party to the case, I found the experience both interesting and positive. Additionally, I had the opportunity to sit in on another case before ours, and I felt the same way. Judge Wilcox doesn't fit the stereotype of a robotic judge; she's approachable and seems to really care about the families in her courtroom.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA52716
This judge should be judged -- and harshly -- for her extreme bias, disregard of the law, abuse of discretion, causing unnecessary protracted litigation resulting in extreme legal fees and general cruelty.


Comment #: CA52250
Maybe this is just a rumor, but there is an urban legend going around that if she says "Please visit the Self Help Center on the 4th floor" three times during your court date, you will be banished there for the rest of your life, unable to escape.

Just an FYI, better safe than sorry.


Comment #: CA52177
Rating:Not Rated
52174- Same MO as freak, failed beta person and beta attorney, LASC family court nepotism nasty troll; who writes offensive posts, to deflect from posts on abusive judge connection and nepotism nasty cronies, from CCW to Mosk, who has practiced for Decades")sometimes "two, or three, or four decades'; but same MO and calls gov. "Newscum".

But, what more can we expect, from a LASC family court, nepotism nasty attorney troll, whose judge connection, or any judge who was appointed by Schwarzenegger?


Comment #: CA52174
The worst judge I’ve encountered by a long shot in two decades of practice. As other reviews mentioned, she sides with abusers and litigants with deep pockets. She’s biased in favor of Attorneys she is friends from practicing law in LA for 26 years, and thinks people can’t make the connection. [Redacted by Ed.] ignores irrefutable evidence, and further abuses abuse victims who enter her court room. Do not walk run out of her court room. Paper her immediately. She’s not a judge she’s a joke and a racist. What more can we expect from someone who was appointed by Newscum.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA52111
Judge Wendy should not be on the bench. She is the worst bench officer I have every appeared before. She doesn't care about children, she doesn't look at evidence, she doesn't do her due dilligence, she doesn't care about facts. She is an egomaniac and litterally ruins people's lives. She should be removed from the bench and disbarred for the conduct I have witnessed in her courtroom. She is an instant peremptory challenge for me. If she cared about anyone other than herself she would get off the family law bench. I can't say enough terrible things about her.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA51998
Wendy L Wilcox sides with abusers! she is doing the same exact thing to my daughter that she did to this poor woman.



Comment #: CA49342
No family law judge should ever make a ruling on a case when they haven’t bothered to read the documents. She referenced opposing party as involved parent. Opposing party and counsels mouth dropped. When petitioners attorney mentioned that same parent missed significant parenting time since the order was in place she looked over at opposing counsel confused. Attorney mentioned she had submitted the actual time report. She stated there had been no substantial change even though the child’s doctor referred them to the social worker, child had been to the hospital more times since the order than his entire life. Other parent has child sleeping on 4 extra overnights to evade child support and judge Wilcox is completely fine putting 100% of the burden on the safe parent in regards to caring for the child. While the child isn’t necessarily at risk for death, and is just being neglected, there’s no way judge Wilcox is protecting any child.


Comment #: CA49259
Rating:Not Rated
This lady should not be a judge instead of a judge she is a joke. She sided with the criminal instead of siding with the person who has a clean record. I hope she gets in big trouble and she is racist and looks like she’s on drugs or going through something. She didn’t even read my case.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA48977
I would like to make other litigants aware of this press release about judge Wilcox: "While working as a lawyer she discovered Pilates and fell in love. Pilates classes became a daily practice. In addition to attending group classes, she trained extensively through private sessions in Los Angeles and New York with her favorite instructors. And while running her own law firm she put in the hours to become a certified Pilates Instructor.
In November 2020, she was appointed by Governor Gavin Newson to be a Los Angeles Superior Court Judge. In her chambers, she has Pilates equipment, so she doesn’t miss a day of training." https://www.einpresswire.com/article/605320706/house-of-core-launches-in-brentwood-village-ca-house-of-core-s-mission-is-to-help-others-look-feel-do-good

Please draw your own conclusions


Comment #: CA48760
Rating:Not Rated
The worst judge ever. She was rolling her eyes every time I would talk and all the facts were there and she dismissed the case and let a criminal be free. She should be fired as a judge. She is a complete joke. Shouldn’t be allowed to make any decisions. She is racist.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA48568
Incompetent in family law matters. Rules based on her own speculations. She does not read any long documents. And, she does not bother to research any CaseLaw and sides with more affluent litigants. She disregards the law. She is very petty and vindicative. And, her rulings are based on the knowledge that she received from the very low ranking law school (which may or may not be accredited at the moment). She appears to be racist and xenophobic.


Comment #: CA47495
Beware, do not enter her court room without a recorder. She is biased and does not follow the law. Ignored evidence and facts and clearly did not read declarations. [Redacted by Ed.] She is [Redacted by Ed.] incredibly condescending. I witnessed 3 other cases with the same demeanor. [Redacted by Ed.] . Awful judge. Hoping her term ends soon.


Comment #: CA47231
Run from her court room! Do Not Step into her court room!
She violates the code of conduct!
Hire a court reporter for your case! Do not enter her court without reporter! You must holder accountable for her lies in court, abuse of power and her ego driven decisions. If you are Hispanic or Black she will treat you different than a white family. Yes, she's a racist! She doesn't care for the well being of your child. She wants to sabotage your family, specially if you are black or Hispanic! Consider this a warning!


Comment #: CA46962
This judge does not follow the law and goes on record with statements that are contrary to the letter and spirit of the law. She repeatedly abuses her discretion at every hearing. Never gets anything done. Sloppy and ignores hard data and facts. Why is she a judge???

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA46760
Judge Wilcox abuses her discretion, doesn't listed to precedent and makes up her own rules. She doesn't consider expert opinions and goes rogue. She is out of control and should not be on the family law bench.


Comment #: CA46728
Wendy Wilcox is a very bad judge. I witnessed a case in which solid irrefutable evidence was brought to prove the opposing side had falsified real estate documents-which is a crime-yet she didn't care. She ruled in favor of the wealthy abuser adding thousands of dollars in fees against the victim. Luckily the whole case was reversed on appeal. No Justice in Wilcox's courtroom.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA45322
Rating:Not Rated
Wendy L Wilcox sides with abusers! she is doing the same exact thing to my daughter that she did to this poor woman.



Comment #: CA42885
This judge has obviously no experience or understanding in domestic abuse, abuse in general and narcissistic personalities. There have been multiple cases in which woman and kids being in abusive environments continued because she sides with the man and is accusatory towards the woman. She is very harsh, absolutely cannot read people, nor has compassion. Easily fooled by manipulative strong personalities.


Comment #: CA39661
Rating:Not Rated
Fair , objective, and direct . She stayed to task and it makes the process better.