Hon. Thomas J Lo See Rating Details
Superior Court
Orange County
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* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Thomas J Lo



Comment #: CA56151
Thomas Lo is the worst example of a fair and just judge there could be. No concern for hearing or even reviewing submitted evidence, clear and evident prejudice and racism, complete disregard for the children's well being, and poor to non-existent understanding of the law. He needs to be removed immediately as he destroys family and family. He is a malignant cancer that needs to be excised from the judicial system and held accountable for his unlawful actions. It is inconceivable how he obtained this position with his laughable educational and professional background. If your case is assigned to him you need to submit for a new judge immediately!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA55567
Thomas Lo knows that starting 2024 the school mandated reporters has no time limitations, yet, knowing of false mandated reports he allowed his counselor to lie in his court. Based on false statements two children got taken away from their mother and were put into a senior house where the father if the children takes advantage of his own mother, father of the children lives in his mom's house, never pays rent but takes trips to Las Vegas with his girlfriend while both children and an old woman stays home eating cookies for several days.
[Redacted by Ed.].

One day, when my son will be adult he will sue this judge and his crame partner, I live for that day.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA55442
These are my observations as an attorney who has reviewed the cases and findings of Judge Thomas J. Lo.

1.Judge Lo’s knowledge of family law and domestic violence protections is limited and often in error.
2.Lo often disregards and refuses to enforce prior rulings, treating already litigated and ruled-upon matters as if the prior judges were less qualified then himself.
3.Lo often disregards state laws, particularly with respect to protections for domestic violence victims, frequently placing domestic violence victims and the general public in grave danger of serious bodily injury or death.
4.Lo has a huge ego and everyone knows not to cross him or they will be punished.
5.Lo appears to have a strong misogynistic bigotry, treating female litigants as second-class citizens without any rights.
6.Lo regularly caters to male abusers, giving them full custody of children they have abused to the exclusion of protective mothers.
7.Lo often allows husbands to retain marital property as well as their wife’s separate property while paying no support, sometimes resulting in homelessness for the wives.
8.Lo’s rulings often result in denial of medical treatment for seriously physically ill and injured women, risking an early death for female litigants who come before him.
9.Lo refuses to follow CFC 2030 and even the playing field for indigent women who are up against well-funded men.

Because of Lo’s known strong prejudices against female litigants, any attorney representing a female in Judge Lo’s courtroom should immediately file a 170.6 to avoid the risk of a malpractice lawsuit.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA55337
Judge Lo resents females in general and being in a position of holding power in his hands he is punishing females by taking away children from mothers.
I am a math major student who raised my twin boys alone till they turn 12, father didn't not pay any child support while me and my son's were living in homeless shelters. Me being in high division of math classes and teaching calculus level classes I know what kind of math level is giving in public schools (it is sad to tell but the level of math teachers is below average), so I was preparing my sons to be competitive on an Asian level math. My boys was doing extra math problems every day starting from age of 4. Obviously by the age of 12 one of my twin boys started cutting the corners: he told at his elementary school that me (his mom) was giving him math for 11th grade which he was solving for 15 hours a day. The ridiculous things is that a school counselor had never spoke with a twin brother and never asked how come mom gives the same problems to solve while one brother is done in 8 minutes and another "is solving 11th grade math for 15 hours". Instead, the Sonora (Costa Mesa) elementary school counselor Mr B made several calls to a child protective services, and they sent me a woman to talk. I guess she didn't like when I answered her "I will not let my son to lie and manipulate me", what did she do? She called my ex husband and advised him running to the court. And here we go! The famous Thomas Lo, the person who resents females, the judge who takes away children from their mothers. Thomas Lo took away custody from me, from mother who raised both boys from the very start, me who lived for my boys, the judge Lo took custody from me because "you, as a mother were screaming on your boys", and he gave a custody to a father who were spending 6 hours per week with the kids.
Thomas Lo ordered me to pay $1500 to Barbara Fritz without even looking at my income, he was too good to know that me and boys are surviving on $200 per month left after paying the rent, Thomas Lo committed the crime by making the order for me to pay to Bar ara Fritz that amount so she can talk to the kids. What Barbara did? She sold my children!!! She ignored four of my emails, two voice messages and one printed statement left under the closed door at her office, why? Because I left a message saying I can't pay her, but I am begging her to think about my children. What she did? She took $3000 from my ex husband and told in court that I failed to answer her trying to contact me. She lied in the court. I have photo of my statement under her door, I have four sent emails which she ignored, yet she lied. She committed double crime: she sold my children to my ex husband who is not used to be a full time patent and she lied in the court. The judge Lo knows about her lyings, more, he supports Barbara Fritz it is because of his orders she makes money by selling children.
The judge Lo repeatedly (four times) were advising me to hire the attorney, why? Because his mental ability makes him desire to creat situations when parents go into a deep debts spending money on a crowd of jobless atterneys.

Now my children share one couch inside the old mobile home, my ex husband is never home, my children are hungry because an 87 y.o. grandma can't walk and cook. My ex husband bought TV screens and gave to each child a cell phone, now my children are watching YouTube as soon as they are out from school to the moment when father comes home at very late time.
Obviously kids grades are lowering


Comment #: CA55334
I have never encountered a worse - extremely biased judge! He has preconceived notions before even going before him. He does not care about the kids- does not even care about facts and evidence- he just makes a decision without taking anything else into consideration.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA55271
the worst.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA55267
Rating:Not Rated
I do can relate to most of the reviews below! He does not think even a bit about kids. Who ever he liked for any reasons that one is the winner automatically. It’s sad and heartbreaking. There should be some independent person present during this judges trials/hearings. Some evaluation has to be done.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA55263
He really needs to look in the mirror and judge himself! How could he let kids go on in disgruntle household. All my kids asked for was 50/50 and this judge doesn't care. He only cares what the other parent is yelling and fighting about that is non even related to our kids. He is a horrible human being. He treats me like a criminal and I don't even have any record, even my driving record is clean. I don't drink or do drugs and treats me like I'm some criminal.


Comment #: CA55262
This judge is horrible! He pre-judges without looking at all the evidence on BOTH SIDES. He only looks at the petitioner and everything after that is mute to his ears and eyes. He does not care for the children! He has kept my divorce case going over 2 years now. My kids are struggling with the other parent. They are literally screaming for help. But this judge ignores me and the kids. It has been a horrible experience with this judge. Even my attorney said this judge has it out for me. What happened to being un-bias, non judgmental, review ALL evidences on BOTH SIDES! He is NOT BE A JUDGE EVER! He doesn't care for anyone. He definitely has a power trip! Thinks he can tell anyone what to do without reasons. He should not practice any law!


Comment #: CA55251
Rating:Not Rated
This is a judge for men. He overturns prior orders in support of the wives, allows us to keep their money and he'll continues any attempt from wives to regain their funds for years, allowing us to throw them out of their homes and terminate their medical care. I highly recommend Lo to all guys who have to deal with witches who don't deserve a penny


Comment #: CA52894
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Lo is by far the worst judge. It saddens me to know that the man I voted to be our governor appointed a human of this type. I am currently working 80 hours to pay my wife’s lawyer and the judge told me to borrow money and get creative with my finances. This does not help, as my soon to be ex-wife doesn’t even have a job. Back note, Lo hasn’t signed divorce papers and it’s been 6 months. What is he doing? Reprimanding hard working folks for not working more than 80 hours? Telling a white male to “borrow money” is about as racist of a thing anyone can say. Thanks, but no thanks Lo. Governor Newsom, I hereby request that you recall this judge from his perch. Thank you - Gavin for President!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA52822
Thomas j lo is a terrible judge!!! he is very racist and doesn't do what is best for the child!! he definitely is on a power trip like the last comment states!! he is rude and disrespectful and thinks he can talk to you anyway without a problem!! if you have this judge good luck because he's horrible and doesn't deserve to handle cases criminal or family matter because he does not care he doesn't let you present evidence and will take your word without showing proof I can go on and on about how horrible he is!!! he definitely should be equal to a 170.6 DISQUALIFICATION !!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA52713
Terrible. In a major power trip. Someone needs to remove him as a judge. His name should equal a 170.6!


Comment #: CA51406
I was very hopeful that I would have a positive experience with this judge; however, he failed to review my evidence and admonished me for making a request that would be within my professional wheelhouse. I assume only in an attempt to put me down as he clearly favors the other side. I was in court in an attempt to collect past due money owed to me and he decided to punish me through sanctions which caused extreme hardship on me and he refused to review the sanctions and listen to why there were any motions that filed. It seems like a good judge gone bad. But I hear that Family Court will do that.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA46985
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Thomas is the nicest Judge I have come across in my 34 years of life. He truly takes the time to view everything from every possible angle and provide the best outcome for the children. You can tell he really cares about how this is going to effect them. Child custody takes a toll on children and it's nice to finally see someone that really wants the children to be happy and the best for them. He is so polite and truly spends quality time trying to piece every piece together. I'm glad to know it's more than just a paycheck. I really hope he stays apart of the public serving families and creating healthy family cycles. If you get the opportunity to have him thank your lucky stars ??

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA46710
Rating:Not Rated