Hon. Annemarie G. Pace See Rating Details
Superior Court
San Bernardino County
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Attorney Average Rating:   4.2 - 5 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   1.0 - 8 rating(s)
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* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
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General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Annemarie G. Pace



Comment #: CA56081
When I was a child, this judge ordered for me to be taken from my family, my home and my school because someone made a false allegation about my mom. I told CPS and everyone that it was not true. My mom was a very loving mom who never even yelled at me let alone hit me. This judge still ordered me to live with my dad's mom even though she read the report where I stated that grandma is abusive, drinks every day and didn't even like me. When we went back to court I told the judge I was being abused and begged to live back with my mom. She laughed and said, "well that's not going to happen" and sent me back to my abusers. My mom was in the courtroom begging and crying and she told my mom to "shut the hell up unless you want to be arrested." My mom never did anything wrong to me or anyone. She was the best mom. She ended her life because of this judge. I will never forgive this evil, heartless, soulless devil of a judge. I will never forget the way she slightly smiled at the sight of my mom's agony and the way she sat as though she felt proud of herself noticing the fear and dread on my face as she ordered me back to my abusers. It wasn't until I became older that I realized this judge is a sick woman. She enjoys the suffering of others and I'm in shock that she has managed to fly under the radar and remain a judge. I guess judges get away with everything. God help us.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA55355
Please contact me 9097518692 time for a strike get this horrible wicked soul of the judgement stand please contact me we need to stand up for the safety of all these children who don't have a voice let's go on strike send me a txt if there is enough of us standing up for what's right and stop this ponzi scheme she and CPS child PREDATOR SERVICE our children need a voice let's do this get her in prison for the life's she ruined don't let this continue happening to our children open your eyes they are sexually being abused and mistreated and killed in the hands of CPS who will be held accountable for the trauma our kids are going through there's no ratings that do this judge justice it don't go below 1.


Comment #: CA55354
Worst judge ever [Redated by Ed.] don't uphold the constitutional rights she is extorting runs court fraudulent for personal gains forces a lawyer on you kicks you out of court for no reason
Holds ex party court with out contacting the person when u go unexpectedly to court you find out you have while ex party court is happening she gets surprised to see you and tell you you need to leave the court for being disruptive in court
[Redacted by Ed.]


Comment #: CA54320
Rating:Not Rated
This is a terrible judge. She dishonors her oath every day and violates our right to due process. She knows it and she does not care. She accepts anything cps tells her and when you try to submit proof that they are lying, she turns a blind eye to it. She expects innocent parents to admit to the lies being told about them by cps even when they have proof of the truth. If you try to defend yourself, she says you are just hostile or lacking insight. It's as though she enjoys destroying families and causing children a lifetime of pain and trauma. [Redacted by Ed.] It is not right that there is no oversight over these judges. If there were, this judge would no longer be a judge. [Redacted] Either way, for the sake of our children, she needs to be held accountable. Why is there no way of stopping this injustice? It's a disgrace!


Comment #: CA46814
There is NOTHING honorable about this woman. She accused me of shoving my niece in her court, which even my niece told everyone I didn't shove her, THEN presided over the hearing for the accusations and removed my niece and nephews from our home, split them up, and placed them in separate homes...


Comment #: CA46787
There's nothing honorable about Judge Pace. She is a disgrace. She is making decisions for our children's lives and all she's worried about is speeding through her cases because, as stated by her, she "wants to be out of here before noon." She is a miserable person and is taking her own misery out on innocent families. She should be ashamed of herself but she's not because she is a narcissist.


Comment #: CA46331
Everyone needs to report Judge Annemarie Pace to the judicial board. She is destroying good families [redacted by Ed.] She is cold and heartless. Not only should she not be a judge, [redacted] . Report her and keep reporting [redacted]

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA39648
She makes decisions without referring to facts or laws. She thinks she's too good for her own courtroom and should be derobed.


Comment #: CA38561
Judge pace has to be the worst judge In the state of California it's not the whole country. This judge does not even allow you to speak at your own trial never once and the cheaters I've dealt with her has she even looked at my file and seen anything in regards to my situation she just listens to what the worker says and agrees with her she has not put in her own opinion once and once it is the disgrace to our county state and our country to have someone like this representing. If this is what our country is becoming I'd be saying I'm sad to be an American but luckily I know She is just A Horrible judge and it's very unfortunate for this county that's already in such desperate repair Our governor as I've just written to him really needs to analyze her Professional qualities to be able to sit In the chair that she does . He needs to retire her or just buy her. He needs to understand how she's hurting our Faith in democracy


Comment #: CA34880
This judge don't read any of her case and don't care what you have to say she believes only lies even when you try showing her the evidence proving you are telling the truth she will threaten to have you arrested she is a cold hearted evil woman she don't care about protecting kids I tried to show her pic of my then 11 month old daughter with a black eye and bruises all over her body caused from the foster family and her response was well idk what she looked like before so I'm not accepting that evidence then my new born son had a big bruise on the back of his head face arms and legs and again she did not she had the nerve to say that the bruises were self inflicted she need to be arrested and get serious help

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA10948
Pace dragged my CPS case on for 3 years violating ICWA & civil rights throughout the case, and covering up the agency's deploarable incompetence, she should be thrown in jail for child trafficking


Comment #: CA9512
She only cares about money, not family's. My children begged to come home. They want to be with there parents. She said we lost our kids because of time. We did everything and CFS refused services to help reunifying our family and extend time to adopt my kids out.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA53
A real judge! A credit to the otherwise disgraceful San Bernardino bench.