Hon. James G. Bertoli See Rating Details
Superior Court
Sonoma County
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Attorney Average Rating:   2.6 - 9 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   1.0 - 20 rating(s)
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* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

Civil Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Involvement in Settlement Discussions (1=Not at all Involved,10=Very Involved)
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What others have said about Hon. James G. Bertoli


Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA55661
Rating:Not Rated
My experience with the family court judge was profoundly disappointing and disheartening. I entered the courtroom hoping for a fair and just resolution, but I left feeling betrayed by the very system that is supposed to uphold justice and equity. The judge's decisions appeared to be biased, which cast a shadow over the entire proceeding. It felt as though the judge had preconceived notions, and despite presenting solid evidence and arguments, my concerns were summarily dismissed.

One of the most troubling aspects was the judge's demeanor. There was a noticeable lack of professionalism and respect. The judge frequently interrupted, disregarded key points, and even made condescending remarks. This behavior not only added to the stress and emotional toll of an already difficult situation but also made me question the judge's impartiality and commitment to fairness.

The entire experience left me feeling voiceless and helpless. It's a terrible feeling to believe that the system, which should protect and serve its people, is flawed and unfair. I sincerely hope that future cases are handled with greater impartiality, transparency, and respect for all parties involved. Every individual deserves to have their case heard and judged without bias, and every judge should strive to uphold the highest standards of justice and integrity.

This experience has left a lasting impact on me, and I can only hope that it serves as a wake-up call for the judicial system to address these issues and ensure that such experiences are not repeated.


Comment #: CA55239
James G. Bertoli destroyed the lives of myself and my adult children. I filed for divorce when our youngest children turned 18 years old. I was a battered wife for over 20 years. My husband was also a felon. I had numerous epos that were granted to me previously that were provided to bertoli. When I filed for a restraining order against my husband it was denied by Bertoli. He had domestic battery charges that the district attorneys office chose not to follow through with. But somehow Bertoli chose to grant a restraining order for my abusive husband against me. I had never abused my husband but there were stacks of sheriff reports stating the abuse I experienced daily. He has certain attorneys that he caters to. He took my life. Because of Bertoli I lost our home that my husband and I purchased together in the year 2000. I lost everything. Even things that I brought into our marriage of 20 years I lost. There were court dates that I didn't show up for because I was never notified about the court dates. I am now divorced and losing the home that I live in due to my lively hood being taken. This is a very bad man. I am so grateful he cannot destroy any more lives. This is the short version of him taking my life.


Comment #: CA55057
Rating:Not Rated
This judge was just disciplined for his behavior in public. How do you think he acts with pure immunity in a courtroom? This is in fact not justified. I pledge Bertoli to federal prison!


Comment #: CA54688
Rating:Not Rated
The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing!

Just remember every lawyer you call will say the exact same thing no matter what and that’s. “Going rate for my service is 400 an hour and a 50k deposit minimum” this system has 100% failed and for a fact is no longer working because of people like Noel Jim James Bertoli.


Comment #: CA54670
This piece of garbage is just unbelievable. He rose from hell and got a job to ruin lives . He obviously has no life and is just so damn egotistical and self righteous he doesn't need to go over any facts or documents or even see and hear your testimony to decide your fate. I can not believe this guy has gotten away with this for so long and be alive. He has ruined my life and my wife's and our grandsons with no regard. My wife struggles every day knowing her grandson is being abused and neglected . How can we as people stop this tyranny and get all his cases overturned? I will tell you how. We people who have been wronged by his evil faulty decisions all need to band together and force this as a class action suit and hold him accountable in front of the supreme court . Not county but state and federal level . This is a crime against humanity and should be held accountable for abusing his power and ruining lives. It's no fn joke! Only good thing about this piece of crap is he's gone in a few months. Saving hundreds of people from hell. I am writing this today and I'm going to contact every single person I cAn to all stand together and tell our story to a higher court and be heard and get some justice . No one man should have this power and blatantly get away with this ever. So everyone can email me and build a list so we can get justice now. coopthreefiveone351@gmail.com don't just accept this anymore we need to fight because it's so important. Please let's all do it together.


Comment #: CA54438
This man blatently, discriminates; abuse judicial power; perverts and obstructs justice; misrepresnts facts and laws; if confronted he retalates, acting under color of law.


Comment #: CA54381
[Redacted by Ed.] He misrepresents facts of the case and the laws, he grossly abuses power, and he schedules hearing against those he wants to retaliate, at the last one so he can intimidate, and threaten when no one is arround to witness. That happened to me. There is more horrible things he has done to me.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA54380
This "judge" is biased, neglectful, and harmful. He disregards notices, and valid complaints of issue, not only within a case, but of the courts own conduct and/or malfeasance. He silences through yelling and interrupting, valid concerns or pressing issues involving court or family law related faults, or misconduct, including but not limited to, conflict of interest, abuse, expert opinion, and more. [Redacted by Ed.] He has made decisions regarding custody or otherwise after yelling at, without reason and unexplained, parties, that are biased, inflammatory, and defamatory, prior to making any custody desicion; reflective and evidence of his biased and cruel and abusive and abuse supporting nature. He has the habit of going off on long winded diatribes that are irrelevant to the case or subject at hand about sports (especially baseball) metaphors and how the case would go just swell if they fit within the asinine and infantile framework of his sports sportsball metaphor. He extends the decision and opinion and actions of the court (even while reserving and ultimately relying on his formed bias, corrupt or other) by extorting parent(s) to pay court affiliated "professionals" to engage in services wherein more the parent(s) and child(ren) are subjected to more bias, idiocy, lack of professionalism, and complete objective perception delusional nonsense. All the while they protect themselves from these [Redacted by Ed.] acts by enforcing that the interactions and conduct of them and the court cannot be recorded.
I struggle daily with the mental burden of attempting to rationalize or accept that this behavior, conduct, and actions are legal, and beyond reproach, and they have now positioned themselves to be.
I fear for my child, and everyone in the future who has to contend with, such as this is,[Redacted by Ed.] illegitimate, and deleterious "court".
He retires in a few months, but the system and the judges, new or not, seem to have continued this conduct, been federally punished, and continued anyways, for decades.
God help us, and save the children.


Comment #: CA54203
The worst most unprofessional judge i have ever seen. He is bias and does not follow the rules of the law. He puts children in the wrong hands of abusive fathers. He is rude, doesnt even read court doccuments thst he has received. He needs to be removed for the sake of the children.


Comment #: CA54202
The worst most unprofessional judge i have ever seen. He is bias and does not follow the rules of the law. He puts children in the wrong hands of abusive fathers. He is rude, doesnt even read court doccuments thst he has received. He needs to be removed for the sake of the children.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA53685
Judge James G. Bertoli's recent handling of civil and family law matters is troubling and suggests a significant decline in his ability to interpret the law accurately. This raises concerns about the possibility of dementia or another degenerative condition affecting his memory. In a straightforward case involving a federal act, his interpretation diverged significantly from that of other judges in different jurisdictions. Rather than following established judicial bench guides, mandatory procedures, state laws, and federal acts, Judge Bertoli issued an absurd order that deviated from accepted legal norms, casting doubt on his competence and impartiality. This decision turned his courtroom into a kangaroo court and raised questions about his ability to make rational orders. Fortunately, justices of sounder minds in the District Court of Appeals swiftly intervened, issuing a stay of proceedings and commanding the superior court to retract its void ab initio order.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA53151
This man Judge James Bertolli should NOT be serving the people. He is a disgrace to Sonoma County. the county should be ashamed to have this man serving as a judge. he destroyed my life. 33 years married and he award my ex husband with 90% of our assets. sold home for 1.8 mill we cleared 1.4 and Bertolli gave my ex 1,2 mill and 150K to me. never want to hear or see my evidences. Took my restraining order away cause he said I seemed like a strong and angry women. Talked and joked around about sports in court room with my ex husband and lawyer. look angry at me all the time from the very first time i went to his court room. He, my lawyer and ex husband put me on the streets. Please Sonoma County women be aware of this man and the County of Sonoma. Horrible experience that destroy my life. 33 years of hard work to builded our assets, and it took him no time to ripped me everything off from me. NOW I AM ANOTHER HOMELESS PERSON IN SONOMA COUNTY. Thanks to him. I am still hope the others that suffered injustice from this man will come forward and together we can fight for JUSTICE!!!

Cathy A


Comment #: CA52735
This man should not be a family court judge. He ruined the relationship I have with my children by giving an emergency custody order to my ex abuser who also hurt my child. He denied children's counsel when I requested it for my children. He made inappropriate comments and even admitted under oath as he laughed out loud and clapped his hands together that he didn't even read my declaration. He favors certain lawyers and will put your children in great danger but not being a honorable judge. He is not following the law and needs to leave the family court house because he is damaging the lives of so many people but most importantly putting children in danger but not making the proper rulings to where children should be. Sonoma county family court is corrupt in every way possible and needs to be investigated immediately. The things that are happening are truly unimaginable and something needs to be done.


Comment #: CA51971
Bertoli needs to be disrobed. He violates canons almost on a daily basis. Anyone can observe on zoom at 1:30pm PST, courtroom 22. I have seen so many parents become victims to this mans mood swings, narcissistic behaviors and ego driven rulings. It's like he's gone mad and there is no end in sight.I hope he keeps getting his covid shots so he can be g.o.n.e.


Comment #: CA48787
Rating:Not Rated
MOTHERS BEWARE! James G Bertoli is pure EVIL. He belittled be in front of everyone. I pleaded with him that my ex was a horrible person. He called me honey and told me word for word to toughen up. As an abused woman that’s the last words I wanted to hear. This man is a man who has lead nothing but a privileged life. I barely make rent and yet [Redacted by Ed.] Claims to be a normal person yet makes 350k a year clearing in the top 5% of California. He pretends to be the smartest person in the room yet he’s never cared for a CHILD in his weak pathetic life. He makes up false statements about his life experience. [Redacted by Ed.]

This king must feel great walking past the tent city to his front door court room 22 he is a pathetic man and is perfect for such a dark homeless drug infested place.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA46401
Rating:Not Rated
I am a chinese father. After this man view me he call ping pong children being bounce around very offensive I think he ruke against me for being chinese.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA46400
Rating:Not Rated
OMG Bertoli is so scary and needs to be arrested for the eternal damage he is doing to children and family's. We protested in front of the sonoma family court because of this evil man. How is he still allowed to make rulings in family court further proves the corruption and failure of our family courts here in CA.


Comment #: CA45143
If filing a lawsuit against Bertoli and im looking for litigants, and attorneys, who have had dealing with Bertoli.

If you have a story, I want to hear it. If all of us who have been wronged stand together and speak up, we can hold this man accountable and ensure he doesn't hurt anymore families.

Please email me at aptu7071@gmail.com

Thank you


Comment #: CA44553
Continued bias in rulings. Accepting frivolous complaints. Denies expert testimony under oath from police as well as licensed counselors. Grants restraining order without proof. Denies fathers and grandparents rights to be involved in their childrens /grandchildrens life. Recuse him before you are stuck with him. How can he continue to be re elected? Wake up California


Comment #: CA42901
The man does not read litigants declarations. He hands out restraining orders like left over candy for trick or treaters at the end of halloween. He offers no protection to the accused, even after perjury is discovered. He violates due process and parental rights with no regard for the harm he's inficted on parent child relationships.


Comment #: CA39876
Rating:Not Rated
I’m so speechless this judge is beyond biased. He sided with my ex who in fact was the abuser awarded them full custody. Btw my ex was arrested for domestic violence and I still lost custody! [Redacted by Ed.]


Comment #: CA39826
I am A Mexican-American father. My wife and I were on the same page with child custody. We are good parents. But Bertoli took both our children away because of us both having a DUI from over 10 years ago. This Judge is racist!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA39811
Rating:Not Rated
All fathers be aware Bertoli will purposely ruin you just based on the fact that he can’t have kids and you can! If you are reading this in time please save yourself from this severely biased judge and the second you find out he is your judge recuse him. (CCP §170.6(a)) The worst family judge in existence.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA39734
I have seen him go hard on men, men who seem to be presenting valid points, like he is biased. At the same time, he occasionally sides with an abuser soI don't know if he plays favorites with certain legal counsel or what.


Comment #: CA39733
This Judge is very temperamental, if he is in a bad mood he takes it out on the people he is there to serve. It is hit or miss with him.


Comment #: CA39516
Rating:Not Rated
We need James G Bertoli to be removed as a family court Judge ASA! Something must be done to further prevent this judge from destroying honest good parents. For the sake of the children us Sonoma County people must get this man removed.


Comment #: CA39392
Best Judge ever! Here is the best advise I can give you if you ever have to appear in front of James Bertoli. First off he knows everything so don't argue. So here is how I can guarantee you to win him and your case over. All you have to do is say your partner was a abusive alcoholic. Here is the key to win full custody and remove your ex from your life. Make sure you claim your ex is a racist! 100% instant win. With little to no proof as long as you are a decent actor this judge will be eating out of your hand. Thank me later.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA39351
Sonoma county family court houses worse judge! He put his opinion first ignored all the evidence. Was rude and insulting to all the witnesses. Adolpf (James)Bertoli needs to be removed asap. We cannot allow this judge to be in power any longer!


Comment #: CA38663
I have never witnessed a more arrogant, self centered, thinks he knows everything Judge in my life. He has no wife and no children but is picking his favorite lawyer (Terre Law Firm) and going with whatever they want. He threatens clients and makes the attorneys do all the work so he doesn’t have to!
He’s perfect for the worst State in the USA!


Comment #: CA36622
Bertoli seems biased against low income women, and definitely favors litigants with lawyers he knows and likes. Very arrogant, assumes he knows whats best and you are stupid if you try to represent yourself. Should not be in Family Law.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA35629
He's by and large, a lazy judge. While he can be personable, he doesn't care much about the law because he figures he knows what's best for the parties. This is very dangerous because family law judges have considerable discretion and their rulings are next to impossible to challenge on appeal. He also has his favorites who regularly appear before him; not a good idea to be on the other side of one of these.


Comment #: CA35337
I can’t even begin to describe the arrogance of this man. He doesn’t belong in Family Court! He has been married 3 times and has no children. He hates fathers and does not have his staff up to par. He is unethical and needs to be removed.


Comment #: CA26120
Rating:Not Rated
This judge went way out of his way to not honor a plea deal I had taken with another judge in 2006. He was absolutely hell bent on trying to incarcerate me for some reason even though there was zero evidence against me for the case. I simply took a deal so I wouldn't lose my job and he singlehandedly destroyed my faith in the judicial system with his hardcore attitude and lack of understanding for certain situations. He blatantly ignored the conditions that a previous judge had set that convinced me to take the deal. I thoroughly hope he has changed his ways.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA25083
Why is he preforming music for a Fundraiser (9/19 Kunde Winery) for a victim who was awarded $10million dollars by the State of California?
Very suspicious!


Comment #: CA25082
He is definitely biased especially against low income Mothers, especially those without an Attorney.
He has no children.
He plays in a Country parody band and awards And favors his fans.
He covered on eye when speaking to me.
He is strange, unprofessional and does not recuse himself when involved personally.
He sentenced me years ago for a minor domestic/civil act, but dismissed the other party innocent who strangled me.
He was in Criminal is now in Family Law.
I am going to the District Attorney and suing him.

Something is very strange and creepy about this man.
Awarded full physical and full legal to every Father in the Courtroom, with no reasoning as to why a Mother is not given any rights.
He is denying my children Healthcare.
Denied me an Emergency Protective Order.
I have complained about him to Superior.


Comment #: CA14898
Ask for a different judge.


Comment #: CA11268
He is discriminatory, rude, arrogant, abusive, he violates his Oath of office, aids the abusers, alienates kids from parents solely to help put kids into Kids for Ca$h programs run by his BAR Buddies, he threatens people constantly. Disgrace to his profession. Also, People should be asking if hes married who was Lynette Harris and why was she murdered?

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA9829
Arrogant, thinks he smartest one in the room,
Thinks he knows what's best
Lacks common sense
Does what he wants
Doesn't follow the law

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA4147
He is very likeable guy. He runs a relaxed courtroom. He is well-meaning. He is also practical and results-oriented. Unfortunately, he doesn't necessarily follow the law. He is an effective settlement judge.

He's in love with all things baseball.