Hon. Harvey A. Silberman See Rating Details
Superior Court
Los Angeles County
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What others have said about Hon. Harvey A. Silberman


Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA55266
Silberman was supposed to finish his term in January 2027. Yet despite his stated love for public service (http://www.metnews.com/articles/2008/judi041508.htm), Silberman retired in mid-2024. Hmmm!


Comment #: CA54279
Rating:Not Rated
By a MetNews Staff Writer

Harvey A. Silberman, who won a seat on the Los Angeles Superior Court through a 2008 election contest and took office Jan. 5, 2009—but was barred from sitting for more than two years while a felony bribery charge was pending against him—is retiring.
He was exonerated by a jury on Aug. 1, 2011.
His last day on the bench in the Pasadena courthouse will be July 16. After using earned vacation days, he will officially retire Sept. 2.
Silberman, then a court commissioner, was elected to a judgeship in 2008 over then-Deputy District Attorney Serena Murillo (who gained election in 2014 and remains on the bench). The indictment of Silbermann and his campaign consultants, Evelyn Jerome Alexander and Alan Randall Steinberg, was unsealed on July 8, 2009, disqualifying him from judicial duties, though he continued to draw a salary.
He was accused of offering Murillo an $80,000 bribe to drop her bid for the seat Silberman had staked out. Alexander and Steinberg pled no contest to a misdemeanor conspiracy and testified against their former client.
In 2012 the Pasadena Bar Association named him family law judge of the year and in 2015, the San Fernando Valley Bar Association named him judge of the year.
Silberman’s law degree is from USC.
The judge did not respond to a request for comment on his reflections and plans.

Copyright 2024, Metropolitan News Company


Comment #: CA54012
This judge is a joke and should be removed. Constantly threatens to remove my child from me for no reason. I think it's all about power and control. He also continues to force to attend co-parenting sessions with my abuser. YOU CANNOT COPARENT WITH A NARCISSIST.


Comment #: CA52909
Judge Silberman has so many strikes against him it's hard to know where to start. He has was indicted by a grand jury on conspiracy charges and election bribery. He plead no contest. How is a man like this allowed to make lawful decisions regarding the constituents of Pasadena? Moreover he has taken the away the rights of fathers to participate in the diagnosis and decision making of their 5 year old children's "gender transition" and a father's rights to visitation with their children unless the father get vaccinated. He passes judgement before having all the facts or doing his research. LA County deserves better and more honest Judges. Work with us to remove Judge Silberman through the California Commission.


Comment #: CA51993
Judge Silberman has integrity and is thorough and prudent with his legal decisions. He could see through my ex's lies regarding the RO she was requesting, and called her out on them. The case was thrown out. I am so grateful there are honorable people like Judge Silberman who do the right thing and know the damage an untruthful person can cause. Thank you Judge Silberman.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA48283
He refuses to make the hard decisions, and kicks the can down the road, but has no problem ranting and raving and then kicks the issues to outside arbitration. He's all smoke! Does not enforce sanctions He focuses his time on trivial matters. Harvey is a joke.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA46289
Based on my experience, Silberman's decisions are rather positively disposed toward certain attorneys' clients. This reasonably raises significant questions about his impartiality.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA45578
This judge should not be hearing DVPA matters, he refuses to apply the actual law (unless it lets him dismiss the petition) and interferes in witness examination to ask entirely inappropriate and humiliating questions of domestic violence petitioners that would get a lawyer reprimanded and perhaps sanctioned in some courtrooms.

Biased in favor men and respondents as though he just emerged from a rerun of Father Knows Best.

Clearly is over his job, and permits his Clerks to conduct his court for him in every aspect he can.

Needs to be retired before he discredits the DVPA process and harms the local citizens who foolishly file in Pasadena instead of Downtown.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA45291
Rating:Not Rated
Wow, I guess the presumption of innocence and constitutional right to a fair trial and the return of a verdict beyond a reasonable doubt only applies to certain folk.

But if you are a judge in LA end merely accused of wrongdoing, you waive all consitutional rights and we burn you at the stake.

I'd hate to have you on my jury --- or to have the tables turned and you seeking these constitutional protections.

I'm assuming he would be lauded as a champion of justice if he ruled in your favor in whatever, I'm sure, family matter you had before him.

So transparent! The truth really radiates out of you!! LOL

Court Staff

Comment #: CA45281
Rating:Not Rated
RE: CA45277

Dear Editor,

"The above information is false."

The fact that Judge Silberman was even ACCUSED and PROSECUTED is significant. Wrongful acquittals happen in court, especially considering the gamesmanship and nepotism that many judges enjoy to protect themselves from the court process. Saying that the accusation is false simply because a court ruled that way is misleading. Courts don't get to decide what is true or not. That right is reserved for the people.

I believe Judge Silberman is guilty.

Very Truly,

Ventura County's Radiant Truth

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA45277
Ballotpedia’s blurb that “Silberman was indicted by a grand jury and pleaded no contest to misdemeanor conspiracy charges” is partially incorrect. While it is correct that Silberman was indicted, it is incorrect that he entered into a no contest plea. It was Silberman’s two campaign advisors who entered into plea agreements and testified against Silberman.(See Metropolitan News-Enterprise, http://www.metnews.com/articles/2011/silb080211.htm)

Silberman and his campaign advisors were accused of felony charges of bribe solicitation and election bribery. When indicted, Silberman claimed innocence, did not enter into a plea, and blamed his campaign advisors for orchestrating the entire scheme.

Although Silberman never took the stand in his own defense, the jury sided with Silberman, so he was acquitted while his campaign advisors were convicted.

Silberman blamed this debacle on his “naiveté” and posited that he should have been “better educated” about the election process. (See Metropolitan News-Enterprise, http://www.metnews.com/articles/2011/silb080211.htm)

Fast forward a decade and a half, and Silberman is once again being accused of an ethical lapse: misuse of his judicial authority and promoting his friend’s business interests.

If this accusation correct, who is Silberman going to blame this time around? Is he going to claim that his “naiveté” got the better of him once again? Or is he going to blame someone else, perhaps his clerk, or his bailiff, or even his friend?

What Silberman is being accused of is rather serious (Comment # CA45203). If proven correct, Silberman should be suspended, or at the very least publicly reprimanded.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA45271
The accusation that Silberman was illegally promoting his friend’s business interests (Comment # CA45203) has to be proven, there are some red flags in his past that raise questions whether he will be able to honestly and straightforwardly address this issue.

For example, while campaigning for a judgeship, supposedly for his love of civic service, Silberman had pulled some stunts to weasel out of jury service (Link: http://www.metnews.com/articles/2008/judi041508.htm )

And according to Ballotpedia, in 2009, Silberman was indicted by a grand jury and pleaded no contest to misdemeanor conspiracy charges (Link: https://ballotpedia.org/Harvey_A._Silberman)

[EDITOR'S NOTE: The above information is false. The judge was acquitted of all charges on August 2, 2011. See LA Times.

Of course for his part, Silberman would like us to believe that all these were simple misunderstandings, exploited by his ill-intentioned enemies. In short, either Silberman has been rather unlucky in the past, or more plausibly, where there's smoke there's fire.

Given Silberman’s past escapades, one cannot but wonder that the accusation Silberman was colluding with his friend and promoting the friend’s business demonstrates a pattern of fast and loose conduct on Silberman’s part. Silberman has an obligation to address this accusation openly and candidly, but I am not counting on it.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA45228
Rating:Not Rated
I've got no problem wiht judges recommending programs for litigants to take. If you know a good service provider and they always perform, why not push the people into that program. Litigant surmises the judge is getting some secret payments, but that's just a smear, with no support at all. I nearly universally hear Judge Silberman is a great judge, by counsel and litigants alike, so one just b/c a litigant lost, dosent give them the right to smear a thoughtful, honorable, expert and devoted jurist. Sour grapes. No evidence of anything here.


Comment #: CA45203
While appearing in judge Silberman’s courtroom as a litigant, I was specifically instructed by Silberman to take, and pay for, a training class conducted by one Albert Gibbs.

When I took Albert Gibbs’s class I found out that most, if not all, attendees were referred to him by the same judge, Harvey Silberman. At the time, I thought Gibbs had somehow managed to obtain a sole-source contract and had become the monopoly provider of such training classes.

Later, to my great astonishment, I learned that besides Albert Gibbs, there were several other providers of such classes. The Superior Court had publicly available and periodically updated lists of similar class providers. Moreover, these lists came with a prominently displayed “not meant as an endorsement or recommendation of any individual or organization” stipulation.

Thus, Harvey Silberman was deliberately ignoring the lists’ warning and explicitly mandating that litigants attend Gibbs’s particular class – and enriching Gibbs in the process.

Essentially, litigants appearing in Silberman’s courtroom were deprived of the right to decide on their own which particular program from the list they wished to attend.

A quick online search reveals that Silberman and Gibbs knew each other: they both served on the board of an organization called Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC-CA).

To sum it all up, this much is indisputable: 1) Silberman knew Gibbs and vice versa; 2) Silberman specifically ordered litigants appearing in his courtroom to take Gibbs’s class; 3) Litigants had no choice but to comply with Silberman’s order; 4) Besides Gibbs, there were other class providers; 5) Silberman was not informing litigants and was depriving them of these other choices; 6) Gibbs was monetarily benefiting from this arrangement.

The question that arises is the following: were Silberman’s actions ethical and within the bounds of proper judicial conduct? The answer to that is very straightforward and unambiguous: such actions are inappropriate and are considered a flagrant violation of judicial ethics.

According to Cannon 2 of the California Code of Judicial Ethics, “a judge must avoid lending the prestige of judicial office for the advancement of the private interests of the judge or others.”

Cannon 2 also notes that judges, while identifying themselves as judges, should not even recommend someone’s services on social media sites. In complete contrast to and absolute mockery of Cannon 2, Silberman, through the coercive powers of his judicial authority, was depriving litigants of other choices and forcing them to purchase his friend’s services.

When judge Silberman forced litigants to specifically take Albert Gibbs’s class, he ran roughshod over the letter and spirit of the Code of Judicial Ethics.

Silberman had a captive market and was feeding those hapless parents to Gibbs’s money-making enterprise. The public is left wondering whether anyone else, besides Gibbs, has profited off of this scheme.

Silberman’s actions smack of favoritism, fraud, and corruption. As a public official sworn to administer justice, Silberman has a moral and ethical obligation to address the above-described ethical misconduct allegations with honesty, transparency and true accountability.


Comment #: CA42805
An egotistical maniac, to put it bluntly. The man is so in love with his power and abuses it to the detriment of families and children. As stated, repeatedly, in other reviews here, he does not look at the evidence, does not inquire to both sides of the story, makes his mind up about the ruling before he even calls the case, and insists on prolonging litigation indefinitely. The man is a tyrant and should be thrown out of family court. If your case is assigned to Judge Silberman in Dept. L, do anything you can to have that case transferred to a different judge...our children deserve better.


Comment #: CA40813
[Redacted by Ed.] Definitely will side with women (makes it obvious). He will purposely drag on your case and force you to make a bad settlement with your ex wife. His intent is for you to avoid trail where he'll be forced to apply the law. Want's you to stay in the gray area to empower a dishonest attorney to extort you, he plays the game well..... This man will financially destroy you, your only chance is to hire an aggressive Pasadena lawyer, it's your only chance to survive this man. [Redacted] Your finances and children at the mercy of this man...... Amazing. There's really no law in his courtroom. He just makes it up as he goes......


Comment #: CA40363
Judge Silberman does not actually want to be a judge. He doesn't take the time to review and thoughtfully weigh the evidence. His ineptitude has caused irreparable damage to our child and our family. My faith in the legal system has been completely demolished by this man. He makes the presumption (and clearly states this) that both parties are equally at fault despite not looking at the evidence. He orders high conflict couples to use Our Family Wizard but doesn't take the time to actually look at the correspondence submitted into evidence. In my case, he has magnified the damage to my daughter that she is already experiencing at the hands of her abusive mother. He doesn't care about the law and he doesn't care about the human beings (especially the children) in his courtroom. He is as bad as they come.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA40068
Throughout the years I have come across a few decent and principled Family Court judges. Silberman unfortunately is not one of them.


Comment #: CA38905
Definitely a judge that is following within the guidelines of “DIVORCE CORP” you can see it on YOUTUBE
You cannot trust any of these attorneys or judges smoke and mirrors


Comment #: CA38836
Rating:Not Rated
Talking to yourself again, Clarice?



Comment #: CA38825
Hon. Harvey A. Silberman is 10 STAR Judge, of the Family Court. Our family will vote for him again for an additional term as a Family Court Judge. His expertise, knowledge and compassion for families are admirable. Sincerely, Lucy Akop and Family!


Comment #: CA37302
[redacted by Ed.] In 2019, January, my ex-husband would not carry through our "mediated divorce" so I had to bring a lawyer in to force my ex to comply. My lawyer, right away, this settlement is void. My ex filed no "disclosures or discovery." We are in front of this Judge and my ex-attorney, Michele Gibson, a liar also, claims "yes he did, the court got a copy last week." My attorney was on the computer showing no disclosure. Judge Silverman accused me of trying to re-do the settlement to get more money. ??? No, nothing was even mine from a bad mediator. Michele Gibson,esq blatant lie had my ex gloating and I was attacked. Well, the truth came out a few days ok. My ex was hiding his pension and also was self-representing and filing summons and court appearances I had no idea about. I just found out he got a 'Non-contested' divorce judgement. I wasn't showing up to unknown court dates. I got pennies in our divorce to be a decent person and my ex sold our home, hid all his retirement accounts and Silverman should have made my ex produce his disclosure. I have the proof now my ex did not. This judge seems to think he is like a god to be worshiped. I'm asking for a change of venue as I address the lies of my ex. I already do not see my children and thanks to Silberman, made my life worse. He made me look like a woman trying to get more and he embarrassment me. Silverman did not know the 20 years of abuse I have suffered and wouldn't even be courteous to me or my lawyer. My ex-husband was gloating so much, he won not having the agreement voided, now I know by accident.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA36116
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Parent,

Judicial misconduct and corruption in our courts is a serious problem, especially in family law where litigation is personal and abuse is rampant.

If you have evidence of misconduct, such as audio recording proving embroilment by this judge, I can offer a powerful media for exposing misconduct.

I advocate for victims of legal abuse and fight against judicial corruption. You can see my prior work on YouTube at Anonymous Ventura County.

I wish to help. Email me at RadiantTruth@pm.me.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA34716
My experience also in Silberman's courtroom could've easily become a "Divorce Corp" episode (see Comment #: CA33063). Being able to separate the proverbial chaff from the wheat is a prerequisite for any ethical judge. Silberman did not fit that bill and struck me as someone incapable of making sharp and principled decisions. Whether his conduct was due to bias, laziness or some other motive remains to be seen. The mere thought that this fakakta can randomly play nasty games with people's lives sends shivers down my spine


Comment #: CA33250
This judge single-handedly destroyed my life, and throughout my divorce, he thought it was funny. He turned my divorce into a circus. He backtracked on so many decisions that I lost count.

He did not look at the evidence that my lawyers submitted. He believes what he is told.

Today, my eight-year-old daughter is being abused daily, and he can't be bothered to hear about it.

My ex-wife was in contempt of court on seven different violations, and he did nothing about it. When I tried to address my concerns, he would get mad at me.

You do not want this man to preside over your divorce. If you can change judges, then do it. He will destroy your life and turn your understanding of the legal system upside down.

He doesn't deserve to be a judge. It is horrifying that someone like him determines the fate of so many innocent people.

What court doesn't consider evidence? Think about that for a moment and imagine how I felt when my attorneys presented him with evidence, and he didn't look at any of it.


Comment #: CA33063
I have been trying to get joint custody of our son for 8 YEARS NOW. It feels like everytime I attend court to see Judge Harvey Silberman he has some kind of excuse " my dog ate my homework excuse" not to grant me my request. As of today I'm still at visitations. I have asked Silberman why I'm not granted my request , and he fails not to give me a straight answer. There has been no conflict with my co-parent, I'm not considered to be an unfit father, infact Silberman stated to my co-parent back in 2017 that her resentment towards me is very noticeable and her animosity has to stop, which still continues today. I came to a conclusion that Judge Harvey Silberman is either BIASED OR following the guidelines of "DIVORCE CORP" which you can follow on you tube. Please HELP


Comment #: CA32578
Silberman puts up as good of a benign facade as I have ever seen. The proverbial underdog and the quirky oddball has become a judge because he cares about the plight of children! (Could there be any other reason? Of course not!)

After observing Silberman during my trial, and peeling away the layers, I have come to the conclusion that very little about him is authentic. First and foremost, he is an opportunist, and a maniacal one at that. He is a preening poseur [redacted by Ed.]

[Redacted by Ed.]


Comment #: CA32176
Does not read briefs and is slow to make decision. Will kick the decisions down the road. Rants and raves but is ineffective.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA31179
Displays consistent bias toward certain attorneys. His willingness to go many extra miles for them is quite obscene. A truly murine character.


Comment #: CA30922
Rating:Not Rated
Should have 170.6-ed this jerk and avoided his kangaroo courtroom . Came across as someone who had devoted a hell of a lot more time on his coiffure than on reading or understanding my case. A totally unmitigated 24-karat douche!


Comment #: CA30857
This "judge" should be called out for being so patently partial toward his favorite attorneys. It appears he has decided against re-election, and all this funny business is part and parcel of his post-judgeship pursuits.


Comment #: CA30767
Silberman is a neurotic megalomaniac with a god complex. He pulled a swithcheroo,totally contradicted his initial directive and conveniently managed to ignore the incontrovertible evidence placed right in front of his eyes. As far as I am concerned, he was biased, capricious and underhanded. A truly moral and ethical eunuch.


Comment #: CA30766
Silberman is a neurotic megalomaniac with a god complex. He pulled a swithcheroo,totally contradicted his initial directive and conveniently managed to ignore the incontrovertible evidence placed right in front of his eyes. As far as I am concerned, he was biased, capricious and underhanded. A truly moral and ethical eunuch.


Comment #: CA30132
Judge Harvey Silberman handled our divorce case for almost 2 yrs. He is a very compassionate, fair, and smart. I never had a lawyer, I always go to the court prepared, I did my homework because Judge Silberman wants proofs & evidences. He is a great psychologist! He knows when you lie, (which my ex husband was always caught lying) and he would be furious and sarcastic. He would sometimes bombard you with questions & unknowingly he just wants to find out of your telling the truth. He never wants “lies” in his courtroom. He has a photographic memory. Whether you have no lawyer or you have a lawyer you should be prepared when facing Judge Harvey Silberman.


Comment #: CA28479
If you are a straight man, run away. Now. Do not file in this court. My ex-wife has repeatedly and blatantly violated his orders. He refuses to impose sanctions. She submitted blatantly forged documents to the court. He did nothing. A psychiatrist found my ex has signs of mental illness. He refused to change the custody arrangement. He has, verbatim, said he will not sanction her. Every professional we have dealt with has testified that I should have primary custody, yet he ignores them. My lawyer says she has never seem another judge like him and refuses to file any more cases with him. She would rather roll the dice downtown than deal with his arrogance and irrationality.

Speaking of arrogance, be prepared to pay for it out of pocket. He loves to hear himself talk. Every minute he talks, you are paying your lawyer. He once talked so much we had to enxtend a hearing, causing me to have to pay an expert a half-day fee ($1500) so he could finish 10 extra minutes of cross examination.

And that's in addition to his shouting, name calling and general bullying.

Run. Just run.


Comment #: CA24935
I pray that God bless Honorable Judge Silberman with the strength he needs to get through each day

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA23860
I found him to be self-absorbed and easily swayed by the opposing attorney’s underhanded tactics. I seriously question his judgment and professionalism for tolerating such antics.


Comment #: CA21583
Rating:Not Rated
My dissolution of marriage ended after 2 years (2015) in court. And up to now 2019, I still have issues regarding Spousal support. I find Judge Harvey Silberman a very smart, fair and compassionate judge. I never had lawyer but I was always prepared and do my “homework” every time I’m in court. For me is a “psychologist” too, he knows when you lie and once he discovers you’re lying on his courtroom he is furious and becomes sarcastic. Never be in court unprepared. He is a kind of judge that wants
proofs and evidences.


Comment #: CA20132
This judge is extremely biased and does not like fathers no matter the circumstances. He favors mothers more in court (I myself a mother). Observing the way he handles cases is just disgraceful. He contradicts himself quite a bit and tends to ignore major issues brought up in court in family law. I would hire an attorney if you are faced with this judge.


Comment #: CA19120
Rating:Not Rated
Harvey should be removed from the Bench. He has no business being a judge. What a travesty to the judicial system.


Comment #: CA18400
I have read the comments about this judge and find them to be inconsistent with my interactions with Judge Silberman. I find him to be smart, compassionate and fair. I am lawyer so I have been before him previously. I was very impressed one time when we were in chambers, opposing counsel and I were arguing a point when Judge Silberman interjected with a third point of view, the children and their interests. If you go in to his department with unreasonable expectations you will not be happy with him. But if you see both sides and have reasonable expectations, you will be grateful he was your Judge.


Comment #: CA13696
Rating:Not Rated
Straight fathers beware. Comments below are good. The Honorable Silberman favors people against straight men. Hire a Pasadena lawyer. You have no hope if do not. I'm an accountant. This was as big mistake I made. He always talks and doesn't stop. He talks for no reason. He doesn't stop when a soapbox is near. My ex steals the kids for two months out of town. I got laughed at. My brother the lawyer came one day. He told me I was screwed after court. My brother had never seen a judge like him. Straight or gay. Men run away from. Do not walk. Run away. Good luck dads. You're going to need a lot of luck. When does the Judge retire?

Court Staff

Comment #: CA13446
Without a doubt the worst judge I've ever encountered. He's bitter, he's short with people, he's an East Coast snob (but yet comes from no money) and he truly hates men. And he hates fathers even more. He has absolutely zero desire to help fathers. Zero. Then there's the favoritism. Judge Silverman would throw a father off a 10 story building if he got in the way of Judge Silberman's desire for approval from female lawyers and litigants. Truly a disgrace to the bench. Can there be any surprise that he was not just indicted but indicted for bribery when he ran for judge?

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA9029
Judge Silberman is very good. He knows the law and appears to genuinely care about the families that appear before him.