Hon. Blaine K. Bowman See Rating Details
Superior Court
San Diego County
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Attorney Average Rating:   3.4 - 8 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   1.0 - 3 rating(s)
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* Temperament (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Scholarship (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Industriousness (1=Not at all industrious,10=Highly industrious)
* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

Civil Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Involvement in Settlement Discussions (1=Not at all Involved,10=Very Involved)
General Inclination (1=Pro-defendant, 10=Pro-plaintiff)

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What others have said about Hon. Blaine K. Bowman



Comment #: CA55310
The judge is a disgrace to all judges. He doesn’t follow the rules of civil procedure.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA54966
Judge Blaine Bowman is a terrible judge. He writes false things in his orders to help the side he wants to win, he is not smart, and he hurts the Court's reputation.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA54327
Judge Bowman K. Blaine Judicial Officer's Administration Pie Chart is Color Coded Red Green Yellow & Blue.
Red is 15% Judicial pie slice but most dangerous as it often eclipse Green 48% (Clerk & Staff + U-Law-Volunteers), 18% actual Law or 22% civil & criminal and 12% yellow pie slice oral/Arguments (If it gets to that or else it will be assumed by both sides filings). Give or take a margin of 2% to 4% on personality indifferences "Plaintiff's vs Defendants.
So what WHAT you say in response to this Judge it can determine the shortened to long-term out come of your case even at trial.
To round it off Judge Blaine K. Bowman in himself as a Judicial Officer is irreplaceable. DIFFICULT TO REPLICATE.
Almost impossible to DeCODE his analytical improbabilities vs probabilities.
The end game is DO NOT TRUST THIS JUDGE. Keep your head down. Be honest. And if you loose a first you'll be sure to win the next time in any court civil or criminal.
If you loose a 2nd. Quit advocating because you are legally unprogrammable.

See case results "Foster vs Gildred" ; Here Judge Bowman K. Blaine is set to uphold as Example Stratege'e' to influence consequential Prose filings as in the Poor Person Status to the point of Possible' Future in California.
A case doesn't necessarily need to be heard. Even by live testimony under oath if filing as Plaintiff in Prose as a poor person with relief granted "In Full" by the Superior Court.
The President is set.
Hon. Blaine K. Bowman is discreet to evaluate the lengthy process of litigation overall and by example "Foster vs Gildred" have created a cinder BLOCK to civil matters constructed purely on the basis of adequate Legal representation vs Prose filings particularly in the poor person status GRANTED by the Court "In Full".
Blaine's decision in Foster vs Gildred will mark a significant milestone in his career and would supplement many similar civil matters in the future.

1:18PM NYC

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA53620
Judge Blaine Bowman is definitely incompetent! A bad dude. How did this guy become a judge? For starters, he ignores the facts and law to get the result he wants.


Comment #: CA51460
Blaine Bowman is an incompetent judge. He does not have the integrity needed for a judge. He ruins it for good and decent people. He may act friendly. However, behind that façade is a pompous, arrogant, small-minded bully who thinks he should be the center of attention. He will not follow the law if it doesn’t fit his agenda. BEFORE there is evidence in a case, he decides who he wants to win. After that, he will knee-cap the side he wants to lose with wrong and even irrational orders. He will include untrue statements in his orders to try to support his agenda. I do not believe that he can care that his orders affect lives because he is a narcissist. This message is not due to a bad result. Far from it. ... San Diego has some excellent judges; Bowman is not one of them. Except for the facts, this is opinion. I wrote this to try to help others. Vote him out.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA42554
This judge treats the side he doesn't like as a criminal. He spews vengeful words and is mean tempered.
He was ruling on a case about a fence between neighbors and stated it was like a criminal case when actually it was a civil case.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA41726
He has such a nasty nasty attitude it was really ugly and sad that I had to take this case to court to begin with money was stolen from me my bank accounts were closed and he didn’t give a shit didn’t care in fact he was allowing the other side to gang presidents on me and every time I presented something that was legitimate to him he would not except it it was not good enough and it showed no sort of legal validity to him he didn’t care about my life it was in fact funny to him the struggle that I was undergoing everything I said to him he dismissed it talk down to me and he has a very bullying nature about him doesn’t wanna hear your side of the story you can explain to him entirely your point of you he world disengage from it ignore you and fill in the blanks with what he sees fit even though it’s wrong and has nothing to do with your case this is what you’re going to get or else he needs to be removed from the bench permanently his time as a judge has come to an end because he is not bias he is prejudiced towards certain individuals and he has his mind made up how he’s going to rule everyone the same over and over and over again and it’s harassing and bullying not helping he’s racist and a bully and he hates women unless you are the Coke using skanky kind of come in there in high heels and short skirts oh you’re going to get everything a few of those were ahead of me and their cases went smooth when I got up there I was the old black lady and he let me have it unreal he needs to be removed from the bench

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA41620
I really like Judge Bowman. I'm a 20 year litigator and I think he's fair and reasonable. I would highly recommend him over any other civil Judge in North County

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA41238
Every case tried he tried to get done as soon as possible. Did not change from any of the tentative rulings. He leaves all decisions to his Law Clerk. He doesn't rule on the law. The tentative ruling came back with made-up background facts that biased the decision. when he had the background case from the prior Judge of 3 years, he wrote his own which was completely made up. This shows a lack of knowledge about the case. The Judge made a judgment from only reading one side of the story. The defendant raised her hand and tried to correct the facts of the case but the judge would not hear from a woman? This confirms he confirmed his own made-up mind only listening to one side and silencing any rightful dissent. You really don't want this Judge as your Judge and especially if it's on a Friday, you mise well accept a tentative ruling or bring a court reported

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA40077
Rating:Not Rated
To add to my other two comments, the way this judge treated me leaves me do doubt that he has ruled against individuals purely as an exertion of his power and his prejudices. It's one thing to hear about that happening to someone else, and another thing to have it happen to me, personally. He fabricated his justifications in his summation before his verdict, as I sat there shocked at what he said, and I had no opportunity as he maniacally gave his ruling. The opposing party had lied, but that was easy to see, and was pointed out well by me. However, the judge had it in for me because I had criticized the judge with good cause, so the judge added to the other parties lies with more lies and ruled against me. That shows that this judge is very sadistic and sick psychologically, and this is a public issue that affects many people, since this judge is in a position of power in a governmental capacity. He should be censured and removed immediately.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA40073
Rating:Not Rated
Also, be sure to get a court reporter to transcribe everything. He can't stand if you appear virtually, and that will prejudice him against you. It's very disturbing to know that he is a professor of criminal law, and his bullying attitude will teach anyone who won't submit to him that systemic prejudice/abuses are very real and lives are ruined, in 2022, by an egotistical tyrant who doesn't have a basis in his soul to know right from wrong, so he is a loose cannon against anyone who gets in his way with any perceived slight of his "mightiness".

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA40069
Rating:Not Rated
He's a bully, biased, and vengeful. Avoid at all costs by doing a CCP 170.6 removal of him, or take the time to file a CCP 170.1 removal of him from the case if you have already used your first removal on another judge. He is a really sick guy who will exert his power against you at all costs.
Being honest and decent won't matter to him if you cross him by not allowing him to bully you, which he does to everyone. He has no real basis in any decency or justice. He will debase and degrade you, and you will definitely understand what it is like to be the victim of undue prejudice if you deal with him. He should be removed completely for the sake of public decency.


Comment #: CA36582
Rating:Not Rated
Did not even read about my case for a Motion of Pleadings Hearing. Had information incorrect in the Tentative ruling. The case background was completely wrong. Seemed more concerned with getting to the next case. Spend 7-10 minutes on a 3 year case motion.


Comment #: CA32164
Hon. Bowman falsely accused me of being the reason my child doesn't want to go with their father, and did not read my declaration to fully grasp my concerns. I have followed and obeyed court orders yet Hon. Bowman was biased and prejudice towards me and I am being punished by receiving a sanction when I am in a financial hardship and not receiving child support. There are some bad apple moms who lie and falsely use CWS to gain custody, but I have been honest and would never lie or speak negatively to my child about their father to get more custody. Every future hearing with Hon. Bowman will go in the fathers favor, which is an injustice. I never expected to be treated like a liar and bad mother but that is Hon. Bowman's perception of me. I am alienated when my child is with their father. I have been the parent to ask the father if he wants more time. Hon. Bowman had not basis or evidence for saying I was speaking negatively to my child about his father. Being penalized with a sanction to punish me for future litigations and being threatened to have custody of my child taken away is a harsh way to punish a good mother who is only concerned about the welfare of my child. This discourages any victim of rape like myself, from coming forward and shows that it's ok to punish the victim instead of the rapist. It also shows rapists how to get away with rape, get custody of your child if a woman gets pregnant, and how to have your victim pay your attorney fees. This would make most victims terrified about coming forward, and even consider abortion as their only choice if they are impregnated by rape. It takes away hope from innocent victims and shows them in the Courts eyes, they are worse than the rapists. I tried to explain that I am not receiving child support or daycare and am in a financial hardship but Hon. Bowman did not let me explain. I don't believe the Judge will listen or read any future complaints or concerns if they are brought up. I have been harassed and antagonized by the child’s father, but instead Hon. Bowman accused me of harassing him and being a threat to his custody. Myself and child are suffering financially. My child is traumatized and I'm the one being punished and lied on. A few bad apples doesn't mean all women are liars and bad moms trying to keep the father out a child’s lives. I genuinely want to do the best for my child which is being honest about my concerns. I give up and have no hope for receiving justice and fairness. Everyone who knows my story can't believe what is happening to me and can't understand why me and my child are being punished so harshly.