Hon. Gregory W. Pollack See Rating Details
Superior Court
San Diego County
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Attorney Average Rating:   3.2 - 34 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   2.0 - 17 rating(s)
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* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

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* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Gregory W. Pollack



Comment #: CA55562
Pollack engaged in the sex trafficking of a minor J0onah Rief and awarded custody to a sexual predator Brian Sullivan in a sham with CPS. Jonah was sent into the world of international sex trafficking. Judge So put Jonah mother Tammi Rief on trial for trying to save her son. So sentence Tammi to 3 years.


Comment #: CA55561
Pollack engaged in the sex trafficking of a minor J0onah Rief and awarded custody to a sexual predator Brian Sullivan in a sham with CPS. Jonah was sent into the world of international sex trafficking. Judge So put Jonah mother Tammi Rief on trial for trying to save her son. So sentence Tammi to 3 years.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: CA55545
Judge Pollack rates himself to try to get the number up. He has been doing this for years.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: CA55544
Judge Pollack rates himself to try to get the number up. He has been doing this for years.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: CA55543
Judge Pollack rates himself to try to get the number up. He has been doing this for years.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: CA55529
oh my god what he did to the Sussman, the Rief's and Crystal Harris it appears to me that Howard Shore should not be the only judge in this court with an indictment by the Grand Jury. This judge must be made an example of too. He is not above the law. I urge everyone who is concerned to write to the Grand Jury.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA55499
Rating:Not Rated
I cannot describe to you the utter devastation this mentally ill fraud placed upon my family all because of the Celebrity Factor and the adverse press it gave his firm. He was so jealous the the little bit of fame I had he destroyed my son and myself., He knew damn well that their never was any threat made by me or my son to the nut across the street. he cased Michael's death and my devastation. he is not walking away clean. Not bad enough he caused Michael to die but then he forged orders in the case that caused Michael to die to get me imprisoned. Such jealousy over the Celebrity Factor with Paul Pfingst. That one article just set him off. He is the arrogant criminal nut job He will strike again to another woman. He got to be stopped.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA55486
pollack is just waiting to see if the cell door closes on him for his fraudulent orders and what he did to two innocent people. Do not think your in the clear because like Shore your dirty duty catches up with you. just a psychopath. completely without any morals a criminal that he is

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA55474
[Redacted by Ed.]. He should be indicted by the grand jury. Mandatory retirement like Shore would be good also. why does he even have a court room he does not know the law. [Redacted by Ed.]

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA55391
pollack is extremely unbalanced. [Redacted by Ed.] try to get his adversary in jail. [Redacted by Ed.]. His decision are like a first year student wrote them and received a f for them .It is all going to catch up to him just wait. A truly despicable human being. Ellen divorced him because of body odor stench.


Comment #: CA54204
I'm shocked at the reviews. I had only a brief appearance before this Judge and lost (on technical grounds), but my impression was that he stood for truth and justice based on his comments in court.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA53988
This was absolutely the worst impersonation of a judge I. Have ever seen. Literally hamstrings a man who asked his landlord if she knew the civil code. I did not know cracker jack prizes could appoint a person to such an important position when they lack any knowledge of legal proceedings. It's a shame that pollocks grasp on reality is ever going to be increasingly fragile. Thing. May the truth shall be needed, just not there.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA53987
Rating:Not Rated
As a landlord one should be familiar with the CCC sec.1942. When this was brought up the plaintiffs tiff had the judge and witness lambbaste him. He ayed tag team with the witness. I am appealing and am looking forward to having the appellate court reviewing all the constitutio Al violations.a person should not be hu.iliated for bringing g up the law in a courtroo..


Comment #: CA53984
He allowed the witnesses to yell at the plaintiff. Gave false instructions. Ignored the pictures. Allowed hearsay evidence. Led the witness to change his testimony. Chated with the defendant and would not allow me to question her more than a couple minutes. Told me to take defendants trash instead of my own property. In spite of seeing 30 cords of wood said there was only 3 cord. Knowing the defendants kept getting caught up in their lies he would direct them until he heard what made the plaintiffs looked bad. The Plaintiffs were not on any drugs but he took false stories with no documentation as real. Knowing that they lied he ruled completely in their favor. I opted for a bench trial for the simple reason that I felt this judge cared about the truth not some road runner cartoon where he would laugh at the coyote blowing up by using acme products. I am appealing my case. Even if I did not win a monetary co.pensation for what I lost, the judge could have at least reprimanded them for doing that to someone who was supposed to be family. Even though I was thrown out at 13 years old. And my father was a violent alcoholic.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA51966
I have been in civil litigation practice in San Diego County for over 34 years. I never had the opportunity to appear before Judge Pollack until 2022-2023. I found him to be conscientious, fair, patient, and personable. It was a pleasure to appear before him.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA49064
If you are unfortunate enough to have your case assigned to this joke of a judge … paper him!
Worst judge on the bench !

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA47603
This judge is personally biased against anything COVID related in that he allowed educators to harm and humiliate a child because he thought the child was an "asymptomatic" carrier. He actually took judicial notice of what would be required to be medical testimony when an objection was made. He called any doctor that would be on the stand to testify about asymptomatic carriers a "quack." The case is about the bane act, negligence and IIED and the first amendment. Whether someone is an asymptomatic carrier is not even relevant.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: CA40649
Judge Pollack is the most balanced judge on the bench. He treats everyone in his courtroom respectfully and fairly. He is vey smart and has the perfect judicial temperament. As a female attorney, I have always been treated fairly and he has always makes the right decision, even when it has not been in my favor. Unbiased, kind, incredibly smart, court of appeal material.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA37024
This man-boy hates women and sides with domestic abusers. It's about time that he had his "Me Too" moment and has his panties pulled down in public.


Comment #: CA35216
Acts as a punitive Lawyer, show-off for his prior lawyer buddies. lacks the qualities to be an impartial Judge. Breach of his Oath taken as a judge.
Ego supersedes all justice in his decisions, to anxious to show-off inf ront of his prior attorney buddies, not fit to be a judge, prejudice, racist, stereotypical.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA33982
what a sociopath. Bus in a convicted rapist to tease the victim. Hates women, I will see that he is removed from the bench. Or dateline again. [Redacted by Ed.]

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA31412
Smart enough, hard-working enough, but has a mean streak, an ego out of proportion to his talent, and a capability for humiliating in court the lawyer with whom he disagrees. Jekyll-and-Hyde tendencies. Can be pleasant and courteous then turn condescending and arrogant. Proud of himself. Perhaps the robe has made him forget humility. But then he would not be the first to fall victim to that phenomenon.


Comment #: CA30593
Rating:Not Rated
This is a really violent sex offender from court. He resorts to violence behind closed doors to cover sexual impropriety and violence directed towards women. I believe he is incredibly unsafe for women in court because he uses sexual manipulation towards those he perpetrates to remain quiet and stay in the dark. He inflicts violence to the extreme.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA29989
he and kenenth so are very corrupt. how can he be a judge ? he is so dishonest and unlawful he should be in prison with Kenneth so.


Comment #: CA29664
Rating:Not Rated
This man is incredibly dangerous and I am scared he will take my life. He terrorizes his victims and has sex with nearly every female attorney who walks into his court while they are on the stand.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA27601
He's so much fun, isn't he?

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA27510
I've had cases before Judge Pollack on the plaintiffs' side and defense side, and I have always found him to be very fair. I don't feel as if he favors either side. He usually always read the papers, knows what's happening, takes time during the hearing to get things right, and is even tempered. I'm also a female writing this review and have never found him to be biased against women. I'm always very happy when I get assigned to Judge Pollack because of how friendly and thorough he is.


Comment #: CA20208
Worst judge in the county .
170.6 him every time . Consider yourself warned.
Rules off the cuff . Biased . Doesn’t rule by the law. Hates women .


Comment #: CA20199
Terrible judge . An abomination to the legal profession.


Comment #: CA18940
He's an arrogant nutjob - rules however he wishes without consideration to the law. Bias against women BIG TIME. Favors certain crooked attorneys. Got transferred from Vista Court to downtown San Diego Court for wrongdoing. WRITES HIS OWN REVIEWS in response to our reviews. Hi Pollack! Have fun responding to this evaluation!


Comment #: CA18914
only one word that can described this "judge" depraved.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA18719
This judge violates state labor laws by not providing staff with required breaks. How stupid is that, subjecting the San Diego Superior Court to fines and penalties if caught.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA17614
do not want to ask about self defense in a gun shop do you? unfortunately we have to find against Pollack for being the dishonest judge and lawyer he has always been. for the good of the sdpd? lets swear them in. Lets call them first then swear them in as they always are so truthful as is the border patrol. Lets subpoena them and take an extra DAY. Its always the woman's fault.'we always had a great time particularly in santa barbara with you me and my son remember that. Thanks to you and Judge so and Deddeh I do not have a son anymore


Comment #: CA17516
engaged in Willful Suppression.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA16935
I know that all my evaluation of Pollack have been gutted but I am glad the other are equally as true. I have absolute proof that Pollack changed one of his order on a case which is a felony. Maybe this site does not believe in the first amendment or Pollack may be removing them because they are too true. I urge you all If you will not look at my case to look at the crystal Harris appeal where this judge ordered a rape victim to pay her rapist alimony once her got out of prison and that there be immediate unification between the father and the boys even though the boys were victim in part to the rapes but also beaten by their father and abused as well. The order was overturned and made new law. There is only 1 worse judge so and several in close competition. A two day restraining order for a purpose.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA16396
He loves to "butter up" the jury which distracts from the seriousness of a trial where a client has waited years for justice. He is clearly defense oriented from his background. His legal knowledge is limited and he gutted 90% of my evidence improperly. Recent case decisions have strongly changed his ability to do it again, but now its too late. I would paper him if not for getting Judges Tailor or Trapp next. Beware.


Comment #: CA15304
Here's the truth - brilliant in many ways, yet tragically crazy. Is truly exceptional, but falls short because he all too often GOES WAY TO FAR! THE LAW IS THE LAW - pure and simple! Cannot rule outside of the law EVER, while laying claim to "profound service to humanity". Back to the drawing board, wizard. His own worst enemy is the bottom line, here.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA14472
This judge is a clown.
Go to the circus clown!
Your circus doesn't belong in a courtroom.
In a courtroom , a real judge is supposed to actually rule on the law.
How this idiot got on the bench is beyond me .

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA13096
Been before Judge Pollack several times. He is thoughtful and competent, will hear the arguments from both sides, is flexible with his rulings and willing to consider modifications to his tentatives when rational arguments are made. I agree with the commenter below that he is very bright and spots the weaknesses in opposing party's arguments and raises them himself (even when this was used against me). Make sure you are moving your case forward.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA12602
Fair, competent, and give attorneys an opportunity to address the issues before him. I would also emphasize that he is very bright; he spots the primary weaknesses in the opposing parties arguments without you having to raise them before him.


Comment #: CA12268
Judge Gregory W. Pollack = CONTRA LEGEM!


Comment #: CA12199
I'm confident the only way the very few rated this judge highly is because it was the judge himself doing the rating. This judge should have never been appointed to the bench. He is bias against women, makes absolute prejudicial comments and rulings from the bench, and definitely does not follow case or statute law. Judge for yourself - go sit in his courtroom for a half day. You'll come out shaking your head in disbelief.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA12198
Judge Pollack is a fair judge. He listens to argument and rules decisively. However, he is not afraid to change his mind if it is the right thing to do. He will let you try your case in the spirit of truth, justice and the American Way. Whether you are a plaintiff or a defendant he will give you a fair shake.


Comment #: CA11853
Full of bluster, shall we say? On all levels - without a doubt! He can make you laugh - however, he's lucky to have the day job here. He also can irritate you period - and, it's obviously because he's trying to. I know you must be wondering, "But, does he do law well?" The answer is that he does - but only if he chooses to - it's a straight gamble whether he will or he won't. Perfectly capable of an elaborate, ridiculous, calculating BS show. Appears to not even care whether he will be turned over in the end or not. Does real law ONLY if he chooses to - and all the while, makes sure that you understand that he is doing whatever it is that he is doing, with open eyes. Bright, fun, confounding, and, unfortunately, UNFIT for the wise impartial mediation and enforcement of the law that a judge is supposed to be. I wish you good luck here - it may work out for you - the odds are just as likely that it won't, though.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA11732
I was in front of Judge Pollock numerous times. Each and every time, he was bias towards women, and made decisions in favor of attorneys he knew. I have witnessed him make up laws as he goes along; not care if a favored plaintiff is caught lying over and over again; and was caught leaving notes in family law file cases he wanted to keep months after he was transferred out of Family Law court to Criminal Law court! He was then transferred out of North County court to downtown San Diego, after being caught doing this.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA11729
I have been in front of Judge Pollack for Law and Motion. He helped the parties craft a practical outcome, and was fair about his deliberations. In fact, while I didn't get exactly what I wanted, I left feeling (and thereafter told my client) -- the judge's approach was fair and pragmatic. Pollack is willing to listen to the parties at length before rendering a decision. My dealings with Judge Pollack are positive.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA11491
This man is not truly qualified to be a judge. Shows blatant bias on a regular basis - Lies openly, regularly, and with a seeming attitude of "and what are you going to do about it then". He looks to find a way to irritate, rules entirely outside of the law whenever he chooses, and generally appears to be the JV team who just should never have made the cut. NOT A GOOD AND DECENT JUDGE! He should retire or be removed.


Comment #: CA11428
Rating:Not Rated
Mr. God Complex - I thought it was just supposed to be doctors??? THE LAW IS THE LAW! Yes - that is whether you like that or not - if you can believe it. It would be more than outstanding for you and everyone who's case is decided by your honorable self, if you agreed with this SIMPLE TRUTH!


Comment #: CA11420
Rating:Not Rated
Thoroughly outraged and disgusted to have been subjected to this judge! Know this - do not wonder if it's true - he is so entirely FOS! Straight creep here, people! 170.6!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA11116
Rating:Not Rated
Brutal - bellicose, and just plain bad Kabuki theater here! Very little - if any legitimate law occurring. EXIT STAGE LEFT PLEASE!


Comment #: CA11076
Rating:Not Rated
Just the worse, pure and simple! Shocking, really, that it gets this bad. San Diego's deep embarrassment!


Comment #: CA11065
Rating:Not Rated
People who can't support the legal conclusions they come to should either make appropriate legal conclusions or admit that they cannot support the ones that they choose to make. Hiding behind 10 second technicalities is truly lame! Yes, 2+2 still equals 4. Just ridiculously lame - period!


Comment #: CA11063
In the Crystal Harris v. Harris and Feeney v. Feeney cases: This judge proved he does NOT like women, favors certain expert witnesses and other court whores and attorneys, even when they are caught blatantly lying and violating the law, and definitely does NOT know the laws or follow the law. Complain to Presiding Court Judge David Danielson about him.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA11061
Rating:Not Rated
Folks - this is the rudest, most biased judge you will ever experience! Makes sport of being rude - demeaning - embarrassing, and trying his level best to irritate the litigants and/or their attorneys in his courtroom. I guess it's because the "your honor" thing is required. Sick, sick' sick - depraved truly! 170.6 period here!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA10646
Awful, Awful, and awful. And yes, he is 100 percent biased against woman.


Comment #: CA10645
Judge Pollack, is the most Biased, unfair judge there is. He ruled against my mom and brother in a restraining order. Even though he knew her and should of recused himself in the first place. This judge is rude, unfair, and is a monster. He should be removed from bench for unethical practices. He will be sued. He is biased against women, etc and is unfair. He should of never been elected a judge. He is the worst judge in Sd, CA.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA10561
Abuse of Discretion under color of law, failure to recuse, bias with malice and forethought... All fact based and as plain as day.


Comment #: CA10057
This Judge shows favoritism towards certain attorneys and expert witnesses, makes bad rulings, ignores court protocol, allows witnesses to lie, and dislikes women. He was moved out of Vista Court an hour drive away to Downtown San Diego Court after he was caught holding on to family law court cases after being sent to criminal court cases. He was overturned by the appeals court for misconduct on cases, and has been a big contributor to abusive fathers with money getting custody of children under the false allegations of "Parental Alienation" by the mothers; usually after the father had abused / molested the children and the mother filed a report.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA10055
Reversed himself during trial on several motions in limine that he had previously granted with no real explanation as to why. Watching him rule on a motion or objection is like watching him play a ping-pong match with himself. Bad rulings and poor trial management resulted in him granting a motion for new trial after a jury verdict went bad for plaintiff.


Comment #: CA5130
Judge Pollack is incompetent and bias.