Hon. Mark S. Borrell See Rating Details
Superior Court
Ventura County
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Attorney Average Rating:   3.6 - 25 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   4.0 - 9 rating(s)
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* Temperament (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Scholarship (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Industriousness (1=Not at all industrious,10=Highly industrious)
* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

Civil Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Involvement in Settlement Discussions (1=Not at all Involved,10=Very Involved)
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What others have said about Hon. Mark S. Borrell



Comment #: CA55534
Rating:Not Rated
` This Judge is completely bias towards pro se litigants and does not follow the do process rights of the constitution nor the california benches guide for pro se litigants. He also does not understand corporate laws nor HOA laws as this Judge does not follow the law and he perjured himself to get 4 of my other cases that are similar and against same parties. I filed several judicial Complaints about this guys lies and bias.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA55256
Shoots from the hip. Smart guy but rules off of his memory of what the law is, which is frequently wrong. He does not bother to confirm what he thinks is the law, so he gets it wrong and then litigants have to appeal to straighten it out, at significant cost to them. Or, if they cannot afford to appeal, they have to live with Judge Borrell's incorrect decisions. This is because Judge Borrell is lazy and very pompous, and believes he never has to look anything up. This is very sad, because he could be great. But unfortunately, he's an extremely poor judge, due to his own choice to be lazy and pompous, despite his potential. I guess he just loves the power more than the practice of law. :(

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA54982
Incompetent, biased, misogynistic, hates self-represented litigants. He's self-absorbed. Eats up each sides limited time so he can practice law instead of playing in his lane as a judge! He should not be a judge he cannot handle it. He's awful. Do yourself a favor file 170.6. Borrell is inept!

Court Staff

Comment #: CA48557
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Public,

We have recently encouraged several litigants to file 170.6 petitions to disqualify judge Mark Borrell from their cases. You must do this before a first ruling on your case by this judge, no matter how minor. It’s the first thing you must do in his courtroom if you wish to preserve your rights.

Several years ago we participated in a general campaign to recall judge Borrell for gross ethical violations against the citizens of Ventura County. We stand by our convictions that Borrell is not fit for this role and needs to retire.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA45337
Rude, manipulative, disdainful, biased

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA45299
His overweening attitude and malevolence is only outweighed by his disdain for the law.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA45213
Rating:Not Rated
RE: CA45206

My experience has been that Borrell is biased, lacks evenhandedness, and can be rude especially when challenged about it. When a client loses 100% of pre-trial motions, there is a problem. No attorney is THAT bad, and it’s not normal behavior from this judge. The court does not have discretion to play favorites with preferred council, shafting those litigants who can’t pay to play within his inner circle or who have out of town attorneys.

This behavior is not unique to Borrell. Judge Walsh was sanctioned by the CJP for taking “donations” for $1,499 and $1,000 from two attorneys with active cases in his court. If it smells like a bribe, it most often is. The CJP noted that Walsh’s behavior “compromised the public’s trust in the judiciary.”

Borrell is not 10 stars as you claim. He’s pompous and believes he can do no wrong. That is why evenhanded rulings are so important: in case the judge gets it wrong. He’s creating victims with his bias.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA45206
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Ventura County’s Radiant Truth:

I am a private attorney who has been before Judge Borrell on many occasions and am giving my honest opinion. Again, I have never experienced the kind of conduct from Judge Borrell that others complain of. Have you sat in his courtroom and observed him while court is in sesssion ? Don't get me wrong, I am all about "We the People", accountability of judges, and for judicial reform. I have seen good and bad judges in my career and do believe that there needs to be more oversight over the conduct of judges as more often than not they abuse their discretion and do not apply the law. And sadly the Commission on Judicial Performance is not doing its job. Not sure when Judge Borrell is up for re-election but I am hopeful that the citizens of Ventura County will make the right choice, whether it is re-electing Judge Borrell or not.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA45196
Rating:Not Rated
RE: CA45190

Dear “attorney,”

This is the type of post that a judge, or a close associate, would make to deflect from legitimate criticism.

Two of my sources, both also attorneys, have expressed resentment toward Borrell. One even tried to launch a recall campaign against him.

My sources’ comments stem from Borrell’s stated desire to take over as chief judge after Kellegrew’s retirement. With scorn, he said to look at the contenders for the job at the time (Borrell and DeNoce). Judge Young eventually got the appointment.

I’ve received information on abuses by both judge Borrell and DeNoce that put their court’s legitimacy into question. Many litigants have reached out, even one just today.

Don’t believe these obvious attempts to whitewash comments on Borrell. The guy has over 45 negative comments from many people, and I can vouch that some big names are amongst the commenters here. 170.6.

If you have information on Judge Borrell, we would like to hear from you. RadiantTruth@pm.me

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA45190
I am a female civil litigation attorney and have been before Judge Borrell on several occasions. I have never experienced any bias or any form of mis-conduct by Judge Borrell as has been mentioned by the other people commenting on this page. I have found Judge Borrell to always be prepared for hearings and that he applies the law fairly. It is clear that he reads the pleadings filed which is refreshing and is quite the opposite of what I have experienced in other courtrooms throughout Southern California. He is also very efficient in running his courtroom. Judge Borrell has always been courteous to me and I believe that he is an asset to the Ventura County Superior Court.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA45171
this guy’s an egomaniac

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA45150
This guy is an abomination. He is the most misanthropic human being I have ever seen. When he enters the court room like he like he is the Pope and you are a mafia enforcer. He is as cold and ruthless as a roof icicle falling through your brain. He is never timely his rulings are slovenly and incoherent but he demands exact timeliness and flawless writing. He is shallow and his attitude is brash, harsh and stiff. He doesn’t dispense justice but malevolence. When you see the name Borrell start writing your 170.6 form. Darth Vader without the mask

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA44625
He is a smug supercilious prig. He doesn’t practice law he skims a few motions here and there but for the most part he is scheming about how to effect his machinations upon those he has chosen to dismember and provide advice guidance to those he favors. He uses his judicial discretion like a club and he doesn’t even pretend to be even handed. He practices gotcha not justice. He is vindictive and Machiavellian. Worst judge in Sothern California

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: CA43032
I have been practicing law in California for 28 years and Borrell is the worst Judge I have ever encountered. He is mean, ill-tempered, abusive
condescending, rude, biased and a misogynist. If you are a female attorney, don't bother to walk into his courtroom - just file a 170.6. I wish I had. He does not have the temperament or disposition to be a Judge.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA42629
Suffers from “old white male who went to a crappy law school bias.” Bias was apparent right away. Needs to retire. Is rude to counsel and parties. A few would be a coincidence but he had close to 50 and mostly negative. The few positive reviews fail to list ANY specifics of their cases because they are fake.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA42627
Rude, cuts counsel off before finishing a sentence, does not understand legal topics even mildly complex such as corporate entities. Came out with decision before reading briefs. Believed untenable and illogical position of other side. Seems to be trying to pay back for being bullied by being a bully. He does civil war re-enactments so he is a prehistoric version of an incel.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA42607
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Borrell is a sycophant and a menace to our community. He must be opposed as the scoundrel that he is. When the court system proves its illegitimacy, it must be exposed and reputationally punished. Borrell follows the same pattern of conservative judges issuing absurd, biased decisions that harm the citizens of Ventura County. In this judge's mind, the wants of the elite few outweigh the needs of everyone else. The courthouse might as well say "Hall of Injustice" over it's lobby entryway.

Authority must be legitimate or else it shouldn't exist! The courts in Ventura County need to be dismantled and a new system put in place. Our courts are clearly dysfunctional and neither serve the interests of the people nor the greater good.

We will continue our work to expose judge Borrell. If you have information, we want to hear from you. RadiantTruth@pm.me

Very Truly,

Ventura County's Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA42124
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Private,

Another way to publicly share files anonymously is to use https://share.riseup.net/

You can also share text data using https://pad.riseup.net/

Another resource is https://anonfiles.com/

Very Truly,

Ventura County's Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA42123
Rating:Not Rated
RE: CA42100

Sure, I'd be happy to help disseminate the information. Send it whenever you're ready. If anonymity is a concern, feel free to open a Proton Mail account and send it that way.

Very Truly,

Ventura County's Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA42096
Rating:Not Rated
If you have documents or information about DeNoce, Planet, Borrell, or Kellegrew, I would be very interested to see it. I could even host if for you so others can see it as well. Email me at RadiantTruth@pm.me

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA41760
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Public,

We've received another report of this judge not performing in accordance with his duties, issuing unfair, arbitrary, and biased decisions, and ignoring substantial evidence.

Multiple people have come forward against this judge including a prominent politician and her attorney husband. A judge who does nothing wrong wouldn't elicit this type of general response from the public. Judge Borrell needs to re-examine his own behavior and the way he treats members of the public. He is creating victims and tarnishing the reputation of the judiciary.

If you have information on Judge Borrell, we want to hear from you. Email us at RadiantTruth@pm.me.

Very Truly,

Ventura County's Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA41715
Absolutely ignores the facts and sides with whoever he pleases, regardless of how absurd his ruling is.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA40621
My early impression of Judge Hon. Borrell was that I did not want to be in his court room. I have reached a point in my career where I have no desire to deal with ornery judges to sometimes make me feel like I am wasting their time by bringing a lawsuit. It always makes me wonder why those folks become Judges.

Over time, however, my opinion has changed as to Judge Borrell. Judge Borrell is not friendly, but he is courteous. He often does have a very stern/matter of fact demeanor, which might be why some people do not like him. He requires everyone appearing before him to be playing by the rules. If he feels one side is not playing fair, he will let them know and take steps to end the games. He is smart, efficient and fair. I do not believe he carries an obvious biased. My feeling is I am going to get any favors from him, but my belief today is: if I show up ready to go, if I am not abusing the litigation process, then I am going to get a smart judge that is well prepared and ready to make fair decisions in my case. I am certain to be disappointed at times, or disagree, but I have never walked away from Judge Borrell yet feeling as if he was unfair.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA39374
RE: CA39372

This is the type of post written by the judge in question or an associate. Judge Borrell is far from the perfect judge he wants to portray in his post. His rulings are biased and he has treated so many people poorly including victims of crime. I've personally seen him been struck by multiple 170.6's in one day on his docket. This is not a "great judge" for Ventura county, not at all. He needs to retire. Avoid this judge.

Very Truly,

Ventura County's Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA39372
Judge Borrell is non-bias and thoughtful in his rulings. Although may seem like he is communicating in a stern/short manner, which I interpreted as being professional in a setting that is not to be emotional or favored towards one party. From my observation he is very respectable and trust worthy. This is not an easy position and, with this being said, he conducts himself in a manner that is appropriate for the job. He is a great judge for Ventura County.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA38990
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Public,

I just saw another 170.6 against Borrell on the docket, one of several I’ve seen in the last couple weeks. This is proof that these posts matter and are having an effect. The people should 170.6 every corrupt Ventura judge until they start listening to us and taking our demands seriously.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA37674
Very sad & undefendable.


Comment #: CA37130
Rating:Not Rated
I received the following email on 9/15/2021 from a local Ventura attorney:

“If you want any help in your efforts to remove Borrell, I'm here. He's so mean and disrespectful to so many litigants and counsel (not talking about me). And he talks out his ass and is unpredictable. I know you know I'm not afraid to go on the record with stuff like this….??????. I am happy to assist if I can. -CV”

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA37129
I don’t understand why Judge Mark Borrell acted unprofessionally on August 23, 2021. We should not have that kind of a person in our legal system. He also seemed to have trouble being impartial towards every single person he talks to.


Comment #: CA36985
Abusive Conduct towards an elderly person with dementia. Threatening attitude. He needs to be removed for his non-professional behavior.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA36880
I am dismayed and disappointed with Judge Borrell's behavior in a recent court case (8/23/21) and want to advise others to vote to remove him from his position of power. He is an embarrassment to our county and legal system. We depend on our judges to be professional and unbiased, and this judge has proven to be neither. I'm joining with others to make the truth known and see that he is recalled.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA36870
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Mark Borrell was mentioned by Anonymous:



Comment #: CA36861
Demonstrated conduct in court has been abusive, threatening, and unethical. One case involved disrespecting an elderly person with demential in open court. This judge is a threat to the integrity and honor of the judicial system and to the citizens of Ventura County. You need to be recalled immediately!

Court Staff

Comment #: CA36860
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Judge Borrell,

You can’t rule with impunity forever. Eventually the truth comes out.

This recall election is going to be good. We only need 35,000 signatures. You’re f**ked, Mark!

When we promised to relentlessly pursue, we meant it

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth


Comment #: CA36851
Judge Mark S. Borrell threatened an attorney and was abusive and threatening to an elderly man with dementia in open court.
His conduct was a complete overreach of power and he is using the bench as a throne against citizens of this county.


Comment #: CA36850
Shameful use of power when this judge is bound to a standard of ethics and moral/judicial codes.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA36833
Rating:Not Rated
“We have a large group motivated to take on this judge.”

Court Staff

Comment #: CA36828
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Public,

Anonymous Operation Ventura is having real, tangible results! I present the following email, which was sent to us by a prominent California state politician. We have redacted information to protect the candidates. If you have information on Judge Borrell, or any other Ventura judge, we want to hear from you. Email us at RadiantTruth@pm.me


I saw your comments in the Robing room and wanted to reach out. I’m starting a recall of Judge Borrell. Also, starting an organization for judge candidate recruitment and voter guide.

My wife is [redacted] who is a practicing attorney and congressional candidate for 2022 district [x]. I’ve seen firsthand the corruption of Judge Borrell and his jumping to conclusions with no evidence.

If you are supportive of the recall of Judge Borrell or could share with me people with stories about the judge who might be interested as well, please let me know.

Further, we will be looking for recruitment for judges going into the next election. With an endorsement from [redacted], I feel it would be a tremendous benefit in helping them get elected.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,

[redacted], Esq.”

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA36576
Rating:Not Rated
Dear Private,

Your comments exemplify the judicial bias and corruption that attorneys in Ventura County are keenly aware of. Judge Borrell has been on our 170 list for quite a while, as he should be on every attorney’s 170 list.

If you have any information you would like to share, I can be reached at RadiantTruth@pm.me.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA36575
This is one of the worst judges I have ever appeared in front of. He's rude, thinks he knows it all, and chooses a side early on. He has forgotten what it is like to be an attorney. He is disrespectful to attorneys and unfit to be a judge.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA32805
Rating:Not Rated
I wish to add the following context to the prior post regarding eminent domain abuse by SCE against a local Ventura County rancher:

When the ranch property was purchased, an existing SCE easement ran along the property line adjacent to neighboring open space property. SCE had existing electrical lines that had been there for many decades, and SCE would occasionally access these electrical lines using the easement or neighboring open space property.

Despite decades of safely accessing their power lines, SCE unnecessarily demanded that an access road be built through the rancher's property to access the easement. The original contractual language that established the easement SCE wrote decades ago contained no language allowing SCE to build an access road through the rancher's property.

One would think that SCE would have to compensate the property owner for seizing land to build a road through his property. The two road easements forever negatively changed the dynamics of the property and affected the ranch's property value. It was wrongful for Judge Borrell to deny any compensation.

Strikingly, Judge Borrell disallowed the rancher's witnesses from testifying and prevented his attorney from arguing at trial that SCE had been safely accessing their easement using the adjacent open space property as they had done for years. The result was grave injustice, and Judge Borrell certainly denied the rancher a right to a fair trial.

Thank you to Steve for sharing.

Very Truly,

Ventura County's Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA32698
Rating:Not Rated
Judge Borrell sides with big business over the interests of local citizens. He allowed SCE to bully a local rancher into running high voltage power lines through the middle of his ranch, severely depleting the value of his land without any compensation. Judge Borrell also made no real effort to help the parties come to an agreement acceptable to everyone. He simply sided with the more powerful voice, disallowing evidence, and ultimately disenfranchising the rancher of his right to a fair trial. This is a horrific case of eminent domain abuse and should not be tolerated. As Diane Feinstein once wrote, victims “fear that their voices will not be heard.” This case is an example, although dealing with property rights and not sexual assault.

I recommend that any future litigants file a 170.6 against judge Borrell. He will side with those that have greater influence in the community at your expense. Very biased rulings from this judge.

Thank you to Steve for sharing.

Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Court Staff

Comment #: CA32415
Rating:Not Rated
If you have information on judge Borrell, I want to hear from you. Email me.


Very Truly,

Ventura County’s Radiant Truth

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA27937
Judge Borrell permitted the def tenant to have her day in court. Let her go on and on, but cut-off ptf counsel repeatedly. He ruled correctly, however and did know the law.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA25333
Intentionally omitted significant material issues raised in the complaint and issued court order while covered up of opposing counsel misconducts and fraud . Disgusting

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA25150
Judge Borrell provides detailed tentatives and statements of decision, which makes review easy one way or the other for the court of appeal--even if he is wrong. His trial demeanor and rulings are thoughtful, he listens to the proof, and he is decisive. I have had him on two civil matters, and he was fair in what he did.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA14293
This man should not be on the bench. He is an absolute moron. He does not look at any of the evidence nor documentation before making decisions. He should be removed from the bench immediately. He should be jailed and removed of any licenses or titles enabling him to judge others.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA12811
A judge who is very knowledgeable, polite, controls the courtroom, and who follows the law. I don't understand the comments below about him prejudging a case and of not listening even handedly to both sides of an argument; I found the exact opposite. He was meticulously fair. He was also polite, I saw no sign of rudeness. I do see that it would be a mistake to interrupt him when he is speaking, but a good trial lawyer lets the Judge finish and does not interrupt her or him, that would be a pointer that I can offer to another lawyer before Judge Borrell. I would not hesitate to take either side of a real property dispute before this Judge (my firm does real property-civil)

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA12266
Borrel is a the worst judge ever. It is obvious that he is not interested in all the "important facts" about a case. He goes into court with a predetermined ruling. I've seen him in both criminal and civil. In addition he does not understand easement language or easement law. If Ventura County was not short handed on judges he would be nothing more than a clerk. Someone please get him out of the courtroom ASAP!


Comment #: CA11916
Rating:Not Rated
Excellent judge!


Comment #: CA11915
Judge Borrell is very knowledgeable and professional. He is fair and thorough.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA11879
Judge Mark Borrell has no or little knowledge or understanding of easements and property owner’s rights. In my case he chose not to hear all the facts in my case in defending my property rights against SCE Southern California Edison trying to acquire more access through my property. He ended ruling in SCE favor by giving them road easements through my property. From the first day in court he told my defense that he would not allow evidence on how SCE accessed the poles in past years if the evidence involved the neighboring properties (BIG MISTAKE Borrel). This was a major error on his part and in the end he ended up ruling in SCE favor. He never got the full picture that SCE has accessed the poles with better, safer and more direct routes through a large open space property, he chose to cut the testimony short and rule in a way that over burdens my property. Judge Borrel should not be allowed to hear civil cases involving property rights and easements. He may or may not be a good Criminal Court Judge, but sure he really failed in this case!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA11189
Judge Borrell is very smart, but still not as smart as he thinks he is. No one is as smart as he thinks he is. But my main problem with him is that he prejudges the cases. He makes up his mind before hearing any evidence and then bends over backwards to come up with a ruling/opinion that gets the result he predetermined, based on his own motivations; not the law. Plus, he is extremely short-tempered and I have observed him frequently be mean to people (parties and attorneys) from the bench, which has actually embarrassed me as an officer of the court. I hope someone runs against Judge Borrell and wins. He is no bueno for Ventura County.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA9707
This judge pretends he is some kind of expert on whatever subject comes up -- but he is just a dangerous, arrogant ignoramus. He is the epitome of self-aggrandized and will act "as if" he is knowledgeable in whatever effort he can make to harm an accused person -- whether the evidence exonerates them or not. Its sad to see someone like this on the bench.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA4087
Paid close attention to all the arguments and the evidence, and correctly applied the applicable law.