Hon. Marc D. Gross See Rating Details
Superior Court
Los Angeles County
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Attorney Average Rating:   4.3 - 11 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   3.0 - 11 rating(s)
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General Rating Criteria

* Temperament (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Scholarship (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Industriousness (1=Not at all industrious,10=Highly industrious)
* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

Civil Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Involvement in Settlement Discussions (1=Not at all Involved,10=Very Involved)
General Inclination (1=Pro-defendant, 10=Pro-plaintiff)

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What others have said about Hon. Marc D. Gross


Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA55417
Judge Gross was very disappointing as a settlement judge. He completely failed to grasp fundamental principles of accounting at issue in our case. He falls under the rubric of "I can explain it to you but I cannot make you understand." In addition, he was intimidated by our opposition. A good settlement judge pushes both sides equally. It is always the case that each side of a case has strengths and weaknesses. An effective settlement judge "beats up" both sides in an effort to bring them to a reasonable compromise. But Judge Gross's approach was to "report" that the other side rejected our side's position and that was the end of it. If you are offered the "opportunity" to have Judge Gross as your settlement judge, opt for JAMS instead.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA49004
I am an out of county lawyer and found Judge Gross refreshing, candid, with a perfect temperament, and an appropriate sense of humor. He knows tech too, thankfully. Case did not settle but he helped a lot. It will.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA27019
Judge Gross is an example of how to be a good civil judge. He is civil, intellectually astute, he reads the relevant caselaw, he reads briefs and listens carefully to the arguments of counsel, and he isn't afraid to rule on matters before him. Other judges in the S. Monica Courthouse should sit in Judge Gross' courtroom to learn how it is done. Seriously.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA25795
Just purely awful. Forget the fact that it takes nine months to reserve any hearing dates (e.g. motion to strike, motion to compel, demurrer). He does not understand the law, even when it is laid out in front of him. Just lazy and ineffective. He should really just retire and allow for an effective Judge. I sorely miss Judge Rosenberg.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA24859
The worst judge in LA County by far, especially in Santa Monica Courthouse. He is lazy and has no reasoning for some of his rulings. He basically states in Court, I am too busy and I can't hear this motion or that motion. Overall a terrible replacement for Judge Rosenberg.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA19778
He is one of the laziest Judges that I have ever appeared before. Basically because his Court docket is impacted, he doesn't want to do any work and denies motions for no reason.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA13976
Rating:Not Rated
This judge is clearly deficient in his understanding of the breadth of discovery in personal injury cases. His demeanor is unprofessional and he exhibits bias toward male attorneys of his own age.


Comment #: CA13825
I found Hon Marc Gross to be very fair. He truly took the time to get to a resolution in a very heavily litigated 6+ year divorce. I felt comfortable in his court, if one can feel comfortable in a courtroom. There are never any winners in the family law division. There is one exception to that and it is the attorneys. Money, money, money....

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA12986
There are no harder working judges than Judge Gross. He's also a lot smarter than a typical judge, and more experienced with deep civil experience. These crazy low ratings I see here must be a function of the goofy, low practice level too often found in family law, unfortunately. I've been in his court dozens of times. He's great. He's out of the family law lowbrow world and is now a civil judge, in personal injury. He will do the right thing. And work hard to figure it out.


Comment #: CA12299
Rating:Not Rated
Stepanyan the woman who lied about being able to conceive children and then asked her baby s father to enter into a fake marriage cuase she did nt want to be embarrassed in front of her church community having a bastard child Marc gross got tricked by stepanyan sad not intelligent enough to see the truth or he did nt he read the evidence seems like that's what everyone is saying om here sign the online petition to have marc gross removed all I can do is tell the truth mental issue s my azz lies Marc gross needs to be removed


Comment #: CA12037
He continues to be one of the worst judges. He has has been removed to civil claims court and replaced by brand new person Lynn Scaduto, who was us attorney and has ZERO family law experience.


Comment #: CA11272
Rating:Not Rated
Have to agree with the other comments here. Judge Gross would appear to have the background and credentials to serve on the bench, but in practice he is an awful awful judge. His incompetence shows through on his one-sided decisions and refusal to properly consider the law of the law. He doesn't read pleadings, yet feels he has a firm grasp of the case (he doesn't) to make incredibly far reaching judgments. This clown needs to leave the judging to other less-incompetent lawyers.


Comment #: CA11037
Rating:Not Rated
i don't know how to get rid of this guy. He never reads any of the evidence, wants to rush through things, makes terrible one sided orders that cause more conflict. He can't seem to make a decision without asking the attorneys what to do, then he will side with the more expensive or attractive or loudest one who bullies there way to take one parent out of the picture. He has no clue. Doesn't he have children of his own? try putting yourself in the parents shoes, be calm and LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE NOT JUST THE BARKING IN YOUR COURT ROOM.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA10691
The worst family law Judge--HE DOES NOT READ!!!!


Comment #: CA10572
In a short period of time this judge has proven himself to be the most inept judge the family law courts have possibly ever seen. He is not in control of his courtroom; the loudest, most expensive, and demanding attorney is in charge. He has no capacity to understand that people lie in family court! A judge should not be able to change the entire direction of a child's life without evidence to support such a change. He does not understand that therapists and custody evaluators are most often aligned with the money. It's totally lost on this man. Just because the ex wife or ex husband says something happened does not mean that it did. He is a fool to be operating this way, and he's ruining the lives of innocent children. His orders are often completely wrong and always terribly one sided. He doesn't get it, he just doesn't get it, and it's the kids that suffer.


Comment #: CA10332
I have very limited experience with legal matters, but have been plased with Judge Gross thus far. I have been in his court room twice. First was for a custody matter, and he was fair, consistent, and definitely understood the dynamic. Second was for a fee award, and we are awaiting a ruling. Regardless, he seemed to be aware of the situation, wanted time to review all of the pending issues, and then make a ruling.
I have observed him for two full days while waiting, and he appears to be fair, and by the book. He follows the code sections from what I can tell, and it will benefit you to know a bit of legalease before being in front of him.
For those that arent represented by an attorney, he gives more than enough guidance, and refers them to the legal help room quite often. He specifically tells them what needs to be filed, and by what time, etc.
I dont know how judges typically act, but I would have no concerns being in front of him, and having him decide on an order.


Comment #: CA10052
the worst judge in California
a complaint has been filed with the states ca commission of judicial performance


Comment #: CA9940
Rating:Not Rated
The most uncompassionate judge I have ever seen. My 40 years in law and trust in the system went down the sewer after hearing his ruling. Who would rule that a DUI and subsequent DMV hearing would not be relevant to a case involving a 6 year old?? This judge wouldn't even hear the facts, seemed to have no knowledge of the cases at hand (does he not read his pleadings beforehand?) and as an observant in the courtroom, ruled incredibly irresponsibly, particularly in this case involving a minor and a father with an upcoming DMV hearing. He didn't seem to grasp what Common Core is (if he is responsible for the welfare of minor children, shouldn't he understand the current teachings of the school district?), and he was disrespectful, impatient and bored. An embarrassment to the system.


Comment #: CA9939
Awful, flippant, total disregard for true domestic violence. Haughty, his mother would be ashamed of how he treats families and children.


Comment #: CA9748
I wish he could see the chaos and harm he has caused my children by making me a visitor in their lives. These are real families that he is destroying.


Comment #: CA9611
Honestly thought he seemed OK. However he asked me to refile my case emphasizing change of circumstances on a move away case and then flat out denied my request for modification causing me thousands of dollars in legal fees. Just say no in the first place. Unnecessary legal fees directly effects the children by creating a lower quality of life.


Comment #: CA8922
I saw something incredible happen the last couple of times we were there waiting to be called. He's getting it right and looking out for the kids in a couple of cases. Not letting the aggressive blocking angry parent get away with their bs. Maybe he took a class or is reading these comments. This case involved kids who were very much alienated and parroting the aggressor parent refusing to see the other parent. The judge called the aggressor parent out and said you are 100% responsible for getting those kids to visitation, just like you can to school. Any more of this and you will lose custody! Keep going this way sir, you can gain back some positive critiques.


Comment #: CA8819
Judge Gross sets a record for judicial impotence and chronic blindness toward parental alienation. He refuses to understand this very serious form of child abuse. He sides with the money. It all comes down to money, and if your ex has more, you will loose your children. It will happen without evidence, and it will take him less than 5 minutes.


Comment #: CA8195
Rating:Not Rated
What sets Judge Gross apart from other ill equipped and deficient judges is that you will only receive the amount of justice that you can afford in his courtroom. His need to rush through hearings and his refusal to understand parental alienation has obliterated his ability to put the children first. He is lockstep with the loudest and most expensive attorney in the room. He allows witnesses to testify without any advance warning to the opposing party, he includes sealed and confidential reports in his orders. He relies on the testimony of children even though it is proven beyond a doubt that they were coached by the father. He is a disgrace to the judicial system. He rules on allegations rather than evidence. He allows his favorite attorneys to try cases in his courtroom by day, and wines and dines with them at night. This man should be disbarred. He is destroying the lives of innocent children, and he could care less.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA7797
Awful. The apple DOES fall far from the tree with this guy. Easily manipulated by the loudest rudest attorney in the room, not a fan of actual evidence, doesn't read a damn thing. Puts things off, over and over. Prefers to delegate to other judges or so call experts. His clerk is one of the worst. Minute orders always wrong, refuses to correct and she is nasty all of the time. Heard her gossiping about someone's case where they needed an interpreter, calling them "illiterate mexicans." Gross is overwhelmed and in no position to help families especially in complex cases or case involving parental alienation or domestic abuse. He's falls prey to hearsay and grandstanding. He favors the aggressor and has no patience for in pro pers. He is the worst at emergency hearings. He changed custody based on a false allegation by the father and grandmother when neither I nor my client were notified to be present. And when I brought contrary evidence to the bench the next month at the RFO hearing, he was too bull headed to change the order, calling it "status quo." On to appeals we go!


Comment #: CA7756
He needs a family law refresher course. Dude the evidence speaks for itself. Let the kids see BOTH parents EQUALLY. Don't rely on the loudest fool in the room. Or the parent with the most money to spend on attorneys just to get thru your day quicker. You personally are ruining people's lives, wake up man!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA6656
A sweet man (not evil mother or father hater like some downtown), but severely incompetent in any kind of conflicted family law matters, forget about high conflict, you may lose custody of your child just like that. Really should not be in family law, but from his own long line of lawyers and judges, he's trying to fit in and do good by them. Gross never reads paperwork, relies on attorneys to tell him what to do, which is a nightmare for pro per litigants. He gets super overwhelms, often the minute orders are all wrong, chaos in his courtroom. Does not understand domestic abuse, is persuaded by the loudest litigant. Doesn't enforce prior orders, not persuaded at all by the law, just whomever he's sided with, no matter what. Orders he does make are super lame and cause litigants coming back over and over. He's kept children and parents apart for 6 months, refusing to look at evidence and just creating more costly and emotional problems for the kids, siding with the biggest asshole. Has changed custody on emergency hearings based on lies not evidence, and will not go back and change his orders despite piles of evidence, despite the family code that spells out custody may not be changed without evidence. Beware if you have a high conflict or wealthy ex spouse who can afford to fight, you will lose due to this dummy on the bench.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA5332
The judge refused to take any actual evidence into consideration and ruled based on his "gut". This is not the way the judicial system should work.