Hon. Alan K Cassidy See Rating Details
Superior Court
Stanislaus County
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Attorney Average Rating:   1.6 - 4 rating(s)
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General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

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What others have said about Hon. Alan K Cassidy


Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA55292
Rating:Not Rated
This guy is completely off his rocker. One day he hates women, next day he hates men, next day he hates news, next day he hates people with brown hair. This geriatric guy totally has a God complex. Very crooked. Destroys families. Abuses children by enabling abusers. Whack job


Comment #: CA55091
It is shameful that Judge Cassidy wears the robe of a judge. I think the state needs to investigate him and review all his cases.

Everyone of us should get together and file a class action suit and take this up with the county and state.

Just because he's a judge he's not above the law and must be held accountable for his bias, open hatred for women, anti family outlook, not acknowledging lawyers who are not in his "click", rejecting false documents and allowing them to stay as fact, and all the other horrible actions that have resulted in children being placed in harmful situations.

He needs a mental health assessment and it needs to happen sooner rather than later and he needs to be placed on leave until all complaints have been investigated and his mental health assessment has been completed.


Comment #: CA55007
Going in front of this judge, Alan K. Cassidy, and his mediator, Caleb BUrrell, was EXTREMELY traumatic. They gang up on you and rip you to shreds verbally. The judge doesn't follow any sort of rules whatsoever. . . He granted my abusive ex husband full physical custody after he filed a false ex parte on me over one sentence of gossip he made up. They took my happy babu. It's been torture living like this.
My ex took our son out of county, which he was not supposed to, abandoned him at a half brothers house in Manteca, CA. There's about 4 ex cons that live there with very recent crimes on their background checks. They wouldn't let me see my son. My ex was in the hospital with all sorts of things, even tuberculosis, our son could've got it. My ex was too weak to go to the grocery store so they didn't have any food. My son lost A LOT of weight, he looked terrible, exhausted, sad, scared. I guess he had been hoarding food in his bed because he was hungry. I filed an ex parte explaining all this and cassidy denied it. ? How the hell you gonna grant an ex parte over hearsay, a rumor from one guy. . .I had turned in actual evidence, recordings, everything but apparently he's THAT sexist. I'm not the only one. He's all over YouTube doing the same thing, tearing babies away from their mother's.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA54895
He should definitely retire ASAP


Comment #: CA54894
The judge is very sexist, and "old school", where the law says women and children were the husbands property. In this county it appears to be a 'good ole' boys club's, that goes for ALL the lawyers out there too. Cassidy always takes my narcissistic abusive ex husbands word as facts even if it's just my ex's made up gossip. Ignores real child abuse,domestic abuse,and actual science based evidence. I guess he let an officer off the hook during a pedophilia case. Badjudges.com I believe it was. . .. .keep in mind that Stanislaus county has a reputation of "human" trafficking AKA child sex trafficking, its all over the local news, AND they were one of the county prisons that released a bunch of violent prisoners. I hate the court out there, they are so freaking backwards it's unbelievable.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA54356
Rating:Not Rated
For the self help center and the public defenders office to express the same options and concerns validates my concerns. This is an individual whose clearly is using his power

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA54183
As bias as anyone can get. My ex wife had seven months to get my name off of her mortgage loan, it takes three weeks as the max time. She had seven months and didn't do a single thing to get my name off the loan. On the seventh month I remove my name from the home insurance... Seven months after. Judge Cassidy, said because I remove my name from homeowners insurance one month after her six month deadline... Because of this she was not able to remove my name from the mortgage loan... Lol, something I did on April 2024 prevented me ex from getting my name off the mortgage loan in the PREVIOUS semen months... How does this make any sense? I had evidence and correspondence from US Bank showing she did nothing in the first five months to get my name off... But he was pissed and refused to even let me talk... That's his system, broken system....


Comment #: CA53176
Rating:Not Rated
This Judge is completely biased, ignorant, too hasty in judging without looking at the evidence or the written documents. He sides with sides with men 95% of the time on family court cases. He display his Hatred towards women by ripping custody away from perfectly capable mothers and drags cases out to just to break down the women to make them break down emotionally or financially. He clearly displays his hatred for people with emotional disabilities caused by the men in the first place and ignores the signs of abusive behavior of the fathers. He doesn't care if the Man is a Registered Sex Offender or has a criminal record. He will award custody to the father no matter what the circumstances without looking at any evidence that contradicts the fathers statements in claims or what the mother or other party is trying to plea for their child safety and health. Cassidy also meets with the Plaintiff in Ex Parte communication often and outside the courtroom in his chambers and is often seen by others with the father and children in his courtroom without the other parties. The Father has admitted to having Ex Parte communication without me present with the judge and it's documented on the docket. This judge is has ruined my life financially and relationship wise with my child and my child's life with regards to their safety and mental health. Currently there are other children that have been emotionally abused and worse by the father as well since this judge has awarded custody to the father and this judge continues to hurt families as I see in these comments and have witnessed in the courtroom and have experienced first hand. This judge should not be on the bench. I suggest you get a different judge immediately if you are assigned this judge.


Comment #: CA50717
He comes off biased and ignorant, definitely not the characteristics a judge should have. He has favorites when it comes to attorneys and the attorneys he favors use that to their advantage.
Judge didn't seem interested at all in my side of the story and gave me a horrific ruling for monthly child support. Has me paying way more than the guidelines suggest (38%). With no special needs or circumstances attached. When I tried to voice my concern, he was only waiting for me to finish talking. I was better off staying home that day. He seemed to be driven by something that had nothing to do with me. It was over before it started. These are real people trying to make a living in a real world. You're not looking at a criminal on trial You're looking at a father who needs to maintain stability to consistently provide support but you took that away in 2016. And my life has been upside down since. You were the last line of defense and you could care less. Shame on you. And I hope more people come forward with how they've been mistreated by you as well. If you see him on your sheet for the court date. REQUEST A DIFFERENT JUDGE IMMEDIATELY.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA49188
This judge is very bias if this judge is assigned to you you should immediately ask for a different family law judge. I agree with the other comment he will completely ignore evidence once he decided who he likes and doesn't like he is not concerned with the best interest of the child at all and it is very apparent in his rulings


Comment #: CA46928
request a new judge if Cassidy is appointed to your family law case. he is extremely biased, has a bad temper, and ignores any and all evidence brought into court.