Hon. Graciela L. Freixes See Rating Details
Superior Court
Los Angeles County
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Attorney Average Rating:   4.9 - 19 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   6.0 - 2 rating(s)
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General Rating Criteria

* Temperament (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Scholarship (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Industriousness (1=Not at all industrious,10=Highly industrious)
* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

Criminal Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Pretrial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

Civil Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
Involvement in Settlement Discussions (1=Not at all Involved,10=Very Involved)
General Inclination (1=Pro-defendant, 10=Pro-plaintiff)

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What others have said about Hon. Graciela L. Freixes



Comment #: CA55290
I thought Judge Graciela was wonderfully courteous when I explained to her in the presence of two lawyers why I could not serve as a juror.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA52118
The worst in the country. 170.6 a must. Malpractice to submit to her from either plaintiff or defense side.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA52114
One of the worse judges in the world. Openly favors the interests of large corporations and/or the wealthy. She researches and poses arguments for opposing counsel who does not even need to show up. She refused to enforce her own Judgment just out of hatred and nastiness, after the favored party lost on appeal. She instructed me to file a new lawsuit if I wanted HER settlement agreement and Judgment enforced. She is a disgrace to the appearance of impropriety and justice.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA19458
Tried a 2 week MVA case in Judge Freixes' courtroom. I would happily try another case before her. She was always prepared and punctual. She's friendly and professional and very accommodating to counsel. Be prepared when you appear before her, because she reads your briefs and knows the law.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA11394
Judge Freixes and her staff were a pleasure during a 10-day jury trial. She was polite, accommodating and flexible. She appreciated solid, competent and civil lawyering and was even-handed throughout the trial. I did not detect any defense bent. I would not hesitate to take her again - it is the jurors in Chatsworth that are dangerous.


Comment #: CA7927
I had the misfortune of having my identity stolen by a close family member. I was pulled over for a burnt out tail lamp and after checking me out I was arrested. When I first appeared before her, it was towards the end of the day. Sadly for me she called it a day 15 mins before 430 which meant I was spending the night at county. The next day I saw her she called bs on my claim and almost sent me away until a bailiffs ACTUALLY LOOKED UP THE ORIGINAL TICKET and saw the fingerprint was smudged. She ordered a fingerprint test but not before she had me sign my name a dozen times. I went back to jail as my fingerprints were being examined. The next day I was given my order of release... except she never had it stamped (she must have forgotten while she was chatting with the bailiff about Malibu)so i went back to jail because she was distracted or held contempt at me because I kept insisting on my innocence. I spent another day in lockup until my wife and I called up the courthouse to see about my release. Luckily the clerk knew right away and processed my release. 6 hours later I was home... But wait, I never received my wrongful defendant paperwork from the sheriff so for all intents and purposes I was still a fugitive. I found out after I was denied a job with the justice department (I'm an interpreter). I went back to have this expunged... I almost went back to jail, she started going on about how the responsible party will use my name again and that the only way to catch my brother doing this to me by keeping the warrant open. However, I was given a wrongful defendant slip and sent away with the idle threat that MOST judges aren't as compassionate as her. I applied for another job, this time with the county and again I was denied in spite of my so called paperwork. I returned for a final time and she immediately told me she would not be dismissing my case and REFUSED TO LISTEN TO ME and even went as far as threatening me to hold me in contempt of court. I make less than $40,000 per year because the jobs that will pay 60-70k are out of my reach because in the eyes of the law I'm a criminal. This woman's arrogance has cost me $120000 in lost revenue since this happened to me back in 2009 and not too mention has hurt my career as well as my self esteem and image. I only wonder how many others have felt the sting of her arrogance. If there's a hell, Satan better watch out because she'll take his job and have him sentenced to hard labor at the brimstone quarry on the 7th 8th and 9th levels of hell.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA6765
She could have ruled for a bank in a credit card collection matter, and instead took the high road, did the exact legally correct thing, and ruled in favor of the consumer, in my case I thought she was great.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA5620
Rating:Not Rated
A terror. Makes Hamas look like saints.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA5619
Rating:Not Rated
A terror. Makes Hamas look like saints.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA5460
Rating:Not Rated
A disgrace, complete disaster. 170.6 and run as fast a you can. Will destroy your case whether defense or plaintiff. Absolute worse judge anywhere. Should be in custody.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA5109
The worst judge in the world. No business being a judge. 170.6 required. Completely incompetent.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA4685
This judge heard a complex MSJ, made proper rulings on evidentiary objections, and gave both sides an opportunity to argue. She gave an explanation for her ruling. I wish that all judges took the time that this judge took to understand the issues and give thought to their rulings.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA4669
This judge is the worst catastrophe ever to be inflicted upon humanity.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA4567
This judge is merely an extension of the insurance and defense industries. She is the worst judge in the country, if not the world. She is an absolute defense hack. She comes from the med mal defense industry. She is originally from Communist Cuba, and is stridently anti-Castro. She's a staunch Republican who believes only in big industry and is an extension of big business and defense. She will rule in favor of big business all day long. 170.6 is a must. She is the most unethical judge in the entire country.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA4559
This judge is fair, conscientious and very polite.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA4553
This is the worst judge in all of L.A. County, if not the country. She is stridently defense-oriented, regardless of both the facts and the law. 170.6 all day long! (It would be malpractice not to do so.)

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA4269
At last, a judge who applies the law!

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA4267
I appeared before Judge Freixes on a rather complicated law and motion matter. It was obvious she had read the moving, opposing and reply briefs and had done her homework. She allowed both sides to present their arguments, then made her ruling, explaining the basis for her decision. Very polite and professional. What a pleasure to appear before a judge who had actually read all the papers.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA4222
Comes from med mal defense. The absolute worst judge in all of Los Angeles County. Absolute 170.6.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA3059
one of the worst judges ever appointed..


Comment #: CA3058
Rating:Not Rated
Man-hater. Vicious judge with no mercy. I Petitioned for a case to be expunged that was (misdemeanor) from 1995 and she denied. She is known as the "hanging judge" in the Public defenders words..