Hon. Richard L. Fruin, Jr. See Rating Details
Superior Court
Los Angeles County
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Attorney Average Rating:   3.7 - 39 rating(s)
Non-Attorney Average Rating:   4.0 - 7 rating(s)
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* Temperament (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
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* Ability to Handle Complex Litigation (1=Awful,10=Excellent)
* Punctuality (1=Chronically Late,10=Always on Time)
* General Ability to Handle Pre-Trial Matters (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
* General Ability as a Trial Judge (1=Not all Able, 10=Extremely Able)
Flexibility In Scheduling (1=Completely Inflexible,10=Very Flexible)

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* Evenhandedness in Criminal Litigation (1=Demonstrates Bias,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
General Inclination Regarding Bail (1=Pro-Defense,10=Pro-Government)
Involvement in Plea Discussions (1=Not at all Involved, 10=Very Involved)
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General Inclination in Criminal Cases Trial Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)
General Inclination in Criminal Cases Sentencing Stage (1=Pro-prosecution,10=Pro-defense)

Civil Rating Criteria (if applicable)

* Evenhandedness in Civil Litigation (1=Not at all Evenhanded,10=Entirely Evenhanded)
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What others have said about Hon. Richard L. Fruin, Jr.


Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA55565
Fruin used to be mentally alert, but even then he would rule how the powers-that-be told him to rule. What's with all the off shore bank accounts?

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: CA55009
Agree with others that this judge is rude and that his age has rendered him unfit to sit on the bench. I heard a lawyer in a case before mine have to repeatedly remind him of things this judge had said and documents that had been filed of which he had no memory whatsoever. He’s also incredibly disrespectful and I have heard him say on more than one occasion “I don’t care.” It’s just disgraceful.


Comment #: CA53562
Rating:Not Rated
I would rate his performance at a Zero (0) on a scale of 1-10.
His term expires on Jan 4, 2027
He should have been removed from his post and prosecuted shortly after June 2015.
But when my book comes out this summer the public can make their own judgement.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA48998
Rating:Not Rated
170.6 him asap. He is inept, does not know the law and makes such rudimentary mistake and does not acknowledge it. Perhaps, 10 years ago his mind is sharper than it is right now.


Comment #: CA40767
Rating:Not Rated
Excellent and fair judge .he listens and decides who is telling and who is robbing the system. My opponent lawyer Valerie f horn was misleading court and judge saw that and stoped her ; Hurrey !


Comment #: CA37116
I believe that this judge should stay on the bench as long as he can. There are such horrific judges at Stanley Mosk and they are the majority. In all fairness this court house should be shut down, demoed and made into a public park with a massive monument depicting "INJUSTICE." This would be a dream come true.


Comment #: CA36663
Rating:Not Rated
Comment #: CA36662

Worst judge in Los Angeles? Highly debatable statement. There are some highly conflicted, compromised, judges, who abuse positions and relationships they have, with certain equally unethical, compromised lawyers, who fit the bill.

But, some good news, in Los Angeles courtrooms, Jamie Spears has agreed it's time for him to step down as conservator of Britney's estate, according to legal documents. and he wants to work with the court, on an orderly transition. Wow, what a concept, actually doing the right thing, and settling this part of a big mess; maybe certain higly unethical, lawyers, could learn from this, instead of cheating and running to compromised judge connections, working in concert, while engaging in illegal and unethical conduct, to benefit themseves and way beyond, all of the bad optics involved.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA36662
The worst judge that I have come across in my 32 years of practice. Immediate 170.6. He is rude, arrogant, unprepared, demented and cannot remember anything from one minute to the next. He does not read the papers, berates counsel for no reason, and is a complete embarrassment to the bench. Hopefully he will retire soon because he is incompetent and should not be on the bench anymore.


Comment #: CA34794
I think that this judge in particular finds disgust in the many ambulance chasers that frequent his courtroom. The shake down con artist attys. ever present at Stanley Mosk seeking to shake down either the insurance companies or just your average business person trying to make ends meet. Fruin sees thru these lowlifes.


Comment #: CA32024
Rating:Not Rated
Bias judge that rules base on his whims. He said that some injuries do not need to be compensated. He will twist the law to fit his bias sometimes making up facts that do not exist (have a court reporter). He truly gives the judiciary a bad name and is a discredit to jurisprudence.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA29395
Judge Fruin shows that high intelligence and integrity do not necessarily coincide.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA26837
I was a little concerned about this judge based on the comments. While we won (which always makes it easier), I thought he was very fair. He read everything; did his own research (albeit on an issue that wasn't really significant); and gave both sides plenty of time.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA25459
He's certainly smart enough to get it right which raises the issue, why does he get it wrong so often?


Comment #: CA25396
He is under medication with mood swings. Too long on the bench and, it’s his only social interaction with people. If he does not believe your issue should be tried he will slap you down. Only appear with jury trail. I hope someone runs against him.


Comment #: CA17860
Rating:Not Rated
Excellent judge. I was a bit fearful of having a trial in his courtroom but he proved intelligent with great insight. Good courtroom staff too. A pleasure and honor to have my case heard before this honorable judge.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA12680
All around one of the best downtown. Reads and keeps track. Helpful. Evenhanded.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA12571
Rating:Not Rated
Is this judge ever going to let the Target in Hollywood get completed? It's been sitting for years half blt. and an eyesore to the community. This is a very much needed store in the area. I cannot believe the legal manipulations in this matter and the scumbag lawyer is who defending the "stop" construction action. This is so typical of life in Los Angeles Just the pits!

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA11961
Rating:Not Rated
All of you lawyers that commented here are nothing more than JERKS. Calif. parasites that have sucked consumers. You should all get terminally ill and cease from practicing. You have caused a degradation of the justice system. You and the judges- adios.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA11784
This judge is biased, rude and is the antithesis of how a real trial judge should behave and conduct a trial. The entire plaintiff's bar is anxiously waiting for his retirement. The positive ratings are certainly from lawyers that he has improperly helped or on their behalf stuck his fat thumb on the scale of justice. He is basically a disgrace and should be avoided if possible. If you end up in his court, good luck.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA10580
Judge Fruin has previously ruled for and against my clients in cases I've had before him. I've also had one jury trial before him. I'd say he is very fair, knowledgeable and polite. He expects lawyers to come prepared. While I've been disappointed at some of his rulings, I must admit he is excellent.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA9781
This judge is a one trick pony. Keep pressure on the litigants and do not extend trial dates to force settlement. He also does not seem to understand that complex cases often take more than 9 months from the filing of the complaint to prepare for trial. He is very slow to issue rulings taking as much as two to three weeks to rule on matters under submission.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA9738
Rating:Not Rated
Back in the late '70s he represented a medical equipment leasing outfit against our clients, a doctor and his corporation. Although a very able litigator, Fruin was unctuous, smug and supercilious -- so we nick-named him 'Fruin the Prune'.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA9645
Overall, a good judge. He has common sense. Makes fair rulings. Compared to other judges much better.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA8874
Ruled for us and against us. In the rulings against us, I believe he was right. He is smart and treated both sides with respect. Our case settled prior to trial but I would have been comfortable having our case tried before him

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA8604
We won our case in front of judge Fruin but I would never want to appear in front of him again. In my opinion he was unprepared, unorganized, he ran hot and cold, he could turn on you without warning and had an extremely bad judicial temparment. I thought he was also a bit biased based on some of his comments. I would avoid him if at all possible. If he likes you then you won't have a problem he will be favorable to you. I'm guessing the positive reviews below are from people who he liked and therefore all Judge Fruins negative traits worked in their favor.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA8542
Rating:Not Rated
He is a no nonsense judge but I believe that he was wrong about the Target Store in E. Hollywood. This should have gone thru w/out any problems. This is a blighted area just praying for some good stores. I hope that this store gets completed and this area changed around.


Comment #: CA8474
Rating:Not Rated
He knows and follows the law. A straight shooter.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA8196
Brilliant, fair, knowledgeable and a no nonsense judge. Lazy lawyers may not care for him. Be punctual, file documents in a timely manner. Wish all judges could be like him.

Civil Litigation - Govt.

Comment #: CA7643
This judge was a complete disaster. Coming from out of state, we thought he might have more intelligence than our judges. Boy were we wrong. He's a split the baby guy with a healthy dose of incompetence layered on top. I guess the funniest part was being lectured about how he knew all about the rules regarding sanctions, then having him misconstrue that law.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA7581
All the comments about Judge Fruin seem to fit him to a tee. What fair an upstanding judge grants a motion for summary judgment based on an appellate court case when the opposition is based on an overruling Supreme Court case? Maybe some bias in favor of the corporation?


Comment #: CA7332
My company recently concluded nearly 2.5 years of litigation in Judge Fruin' courtroom as a Small Business Plaintiff. After denying every previous effort by Defendants Counsel to have the case dismissed over this period of time, 2 weeks before Jury Selection he granted Defendants Motion for Summary Judgement. I have read many of the other commentaries on Judge Fruin and not only concur, but I honestly cannot understand how this man remains a sitting Judge? Our MSJ hearing was horrifying; he was arrogant, disrespectful, displayed a lack of knowledge and preparation (clearly had not read all the hard evidence), disingenuous and made a self-serving comment: “Well, I have spent a good deal of time looking at the papers, this was Memorial Day Weekend.” If you believe this, I have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn, NY. He should be removed from the bench, recalled or prosecuted for Judicial Misconduct. Judge Fruin does not possess judicial temperament and his behavior toward attorneys, his off the cuff remarks clearly demonstrates a wanton disregard for both Rule of Law and the CA Code of Judicial Ethics.

Court Staff

Comment #: CA7033
Rating:Not Rated
90% of the judges at Stanley Mosk are lazy and cruel. This guy isn't any different than the rest of the bums. Now that you are lawyers, having fun. Too bad you can't change your professions because I am certain you all would. Too many lawyers in Calif. and it's pretty ruff out there making a buck.


Comment #: CA6116
This Judge did not recuse himself in a case with two banks he was heavily invested in. USB and Wells Fargo. He granted a Demurrer for those defendants due to his financial investment


Comment #: CA5971
Agree with majority of negative comments being posted here. This Judge is terrible. He should be removed from the bench. Partial to plaintiffs, does not read arguments - and does not follow the law.


Comment #: CA5045
very logical, clearly understands justice, no BS.
I have been in many courts he has an understanding of the law that I wish all judges had.


Comment #: CA5044
Rating:Not Rated
very logical, clearly understands justice, no BS.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA5043
Fortunately, we still have people like Fruin on the bench. As long as people like him stay on, a wink and a nod is all I need to make sure I win. And that's how I like it. Pro WASP. That's what you need on the bench. I rate him low bc that's the truth. But without him many of us would never win. He will help you strike pleadings, de novo review with a whim, and ignore the other side. My thoughts, all is fair in love and war. And I consider litigation war. With him, you can win by sending out FROGS only. He will handle the rest. Fruin for President.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA4635
In my opinion, he is arrogant and likes to demean attorneys. I have watched as he belittled and disrespected attorneys in open court. I only wish that I could rank him lower. He has a volatile temperament and a short fuse. I would prefer any judge besides Judge Fruin.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA3653
I agree with the comments below that he is mean spirited, rude runs hot and cold and will not think twice about humiliating you in open court. I have nothing nice to say about this judge.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA3073
1. Get on his good side.
2. Know and Mention his background
3. Do not be fooled by his kindness.
4. Once he likes you, he will do anything for you and will go out of his way to shut out OC.
5. If you know this you will realize that you can use him to your advantage.
6. He will bend over backwards to help those he likes.
7. Do not stress about untenable positions, he will help you achieve them.


Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA3023
Fruin was a fairly scholarly judge in the sense of him (or perhaps his staff) researching the issues, however, this fact is weighted against his blatant biases and dishonesty as a judicial officer. I tried a civil rights case before him and I have never, repeat never, witnessed a more nakedly prejudiced and elitist attitude from the bench - ever. He was a corporate attorney and he carries this condescending worldview onto the bench and in his relations with counsel. He detests civil rights attorneys. Fruin acted like a mug little aristocrat and he should have been removed from the bench feet first.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA2819
Senile. Demented. Can't remember from one day to the next. Must be removed.Disaster.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA2704
I have read the other comments, and it does not sound like the same individual. I had a trial with Judge Fruin in 2009, and I thought he was on top of the issues and a pretty darn good trial judge. I was on the winning side of the case, but I felt that he treated both sides fairly. I did not experience rudeness with this judge, and I did not see him acting rudely or inappropriately towards other lawyers when I was in the courtroom.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA2455
very deferential to big firms, no matters the case.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA1908
I agree wholeheartedly with the comments above. Judge Fruin is extremely partial to Plaintiffs. He is a mean spirited, rude, ill tempered, short fused nightmare if you represent the defense. I strongly encourage all defense attorneys to ding him or prepare for a judge that is Plaintiff partial. He does run hot and cold and will humiliate you in open court on the record. I cant say enough negative about this rude ill tempered man.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA1066
A foul, unfriendly, biased and rude individual whose face glows red when he is about to ream the unlucky lawyer, usually plaintiff's lawyer, in front of him. When he is growling during sidebars, he looks remarkably like an angry beaver. Watch out for his breath during sidebars, its as rotten as his personality. I wait for the day that he retires into obscurity.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA96
I agree with the negative assessment of this judge for a plaintiff. The only thing that makes him other than a total idiot is he did not grant summary judgments and was okay during evidence. Plus there are so many bad judges at Central now. He gets weird when you argue the law - challenging you as calling his knowledge into question. He is a former Lawler Felix / Arter & Hadden lawyer.

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Comment #: CA92
Judge Fruin is a plaintiff's nightmare. If you stand as plaintiff before him -- you will not get a fair and impartial hearing on the facts of your case. When reading the other comments about Judge Fruin, I concur that he is totally defense oriented, ill-tempered, unprepared, rude and arrogant, and displays an unbelieveable disregard for the Rule of Law, and the canons of the Code of Judicial Ethics.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA91
Judge Fruin thinks that he is much smarter than any plaintiff's counsel who enters his court. He is very outcome oriented, and remarkably ill-tempered. He issues sanctions against parties pretty easily, and drops nasty comments on the record about counsel. He is entirely defense oriented, and plaintiff's counsel should strike him, or at least appeal at every chance. The best part about the Hill Street courthouse is that when you start taking appeals, the research attorneys begin to notice you and the judges miraculously become more gracious and judicious in their reasoning.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA81
He runs hot and cold. From day to day may reverse himself on a specific issue 3 or more times, even doing so in the course of a single week. He routinely sets OSCs on issues which were never raised by opposing counsel, and requests briefing on remote or marginal issues. He often loses papers, then complains when you provide courtesy copies. He regularly fails to read papers. I have seen him criticize counsel for doing exactly as he ordered, because he forgot what he ordered previously.
He displays a remarkable lack of judicial temperament, a lack of civility and an inability to appreciate his apparent biases. Ding him early and often.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA32
If arrogance and inflexibility were the mark of a good judge, Judge Fruin would be Earl Warren. He loves the power of being a judge, and uses it regularly to abuse litigants and attorneys alike with glee.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA29
Horrible judge and horrible man. Mean-spirited, irrational, and ill-prepared to handle even the simplest of civil disputes.

Civil Litigation - Private

Comment #: CA11
He is bad-tempered, unprepared, rude, and arrogant. He is inconsiderate and enjoys denigrating the attorneys who are unlucky enough to have to appear in front of him.
He consistently misreads the papers in front of him, but is too arrogant to admit when he has made a mistake of fact or law, and covers it by additional rudeness.